Let Women Come To You

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hi I'm coach Cory Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of today's newsletter is going to be let women come to you I talk about this subject actually quite a bit because it's one of the biggest things that guys screw up with women because with typically going on with a guy that's basically the way I used to be acting needy acting an insecure being unsure how much to call how much to pursue how much to back off and it's really difficult because what happens is like when you really want a woman you're really into her you got this like a little devil on your shoulder it's telling you all go ahead call her do this do that and inside you're getting all these conflicting feelings and so it makes it a hundred times harder when you're really emotionally into a woman and you're not sure what to do and I had a one of the women I wrote about in my book I was having a this is back down but I probably like 12 years ago I was having a conversation with her mother one time and she said to me she said Cory you need to let her feelings develop for you you need to let her come to you as a matter of fact this particular girlfriend a short time later maybe Helen maybe a month later who knows we were on a date one time and I was trying to force things into relationship boyfriend-girlfriend because I figured any of him a date in long enough it should be there and not that I was asking her to be there but I was just pushing things along to that point and she said to me she said Cory because women help you when they like you she said let me come to you at my own pace because what happens and I'm going to put a on it if you're watching this video on my website I'm gonna put a link to this article that I found about a year ago it's a study that was done and women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear and what I teach guys the best thing that you can do is if you want to keep a woman chasing you and pursuing you because that's the best place for her to be anything about it if she's chasing you and blow up your phone and trying to make - trying to get ahold of you so you can see each other again I mean if she's chasing you she can't be getting rid of you at the same time and I know sometimes obviously a lot of the topics I talk about anything about sex relationships is a very politically charged topic and when I when I teach more women some women read my articles and stuff and they see where I say that you should let a woman do 70 to 80 percent of the pursuing their first reaction so well that's manipulative well here's a deal for basically the past 15 years myself my friends close family members and literally thousands of guys that I personally coach guys that have read my book over the years they apply this stuff and they apply in the ways that I that I learned to apply it it just simply works and what a lot of women don't understand is they simply don't understand the things that they emotionally respond to and so the politically correct answer as well everything should be 50/50 the men should be doing 50% of pursuing and the women should be doing 50% of the pre of the pursuing and it should be even well here's here's what I found when a guy does that there's not much sexual polarity or chemistry in the relationship and the woman is just not going to be as into him because you remember women are emotional beings feminine energy is all about opening up and receiving love and for a woman just like my friend the girlfriend I was telling you about when her mother told me I basically need to give her daughter space so she can develop her feelings because remember women are emotional beings feminine energy is about opening up and receiving love and so you got to give a woman the space and the freedom and the time to feel her feelings for you to contemplate to think about you to talk about you with her girlfriends and to wonder what you're up to and what you're doing when she's not around especially if she perceives you as being a catch what it's going to cause her to do is think you know what I don't want to lose this guy to another woman because he's a catch and obviously if I like him there's probably say obviously let her a lot of other girls that are out for him and it causes her to chase to text you or to call you or to send an email to call you up and say hey I was thinking about you when you want to see how you were doing you should take those opportunities when a woman contacts you and use them as an opportunity to set your next definite date and if you want to have an intimate sexual mature adult relationship with a woman do things that her lover would do don't make movie dates don't go on launch dates basically don't do things that the friends would do do do the types of things that her lover would do I like to describe a date as simply a romantic fun-filled and mysterious evening or opportunity for sex to happen I mean if you're going and hanging out during our lunch hour I mean there's not that going to be romantic about it and if you do that every week or every time you see here then you're going to become her male girlfriend and obviously that's not desired the key is are you entering you're out and you want to make a definite date so if a woman contacts you and you try to set a definite day with her and she's will give me a call she gives you like some call back to verify nonsense where she says well give me a call before you come pick me up but that kind of [ __ ] when a woman says that there's about a 99 percent chance that when you actually call it a verify you're going to get her voicemail and you're never going to get hold of her that's how she basically left herself away to make a date with you even though she really didn't want to go out with you but she doesn't have to reject you to your face or on the phone she can just basically blow you off and ignore you and so when a woman won't make definite plans just say you know what it sounds like your schedules kind of up in the air so why don't we want to just give me a call or text me when your schedules a little more definite or you got a little bit more more time and she really wants to see you should go no I definitely want to see you and just say alright just say I really want to see you too but I only got a few nights open this week and I got lots of my friends and buddies that want to hang out and see me and you know so I don't want to make plans with you if you're not if I'm not going to know until a couple hours before whether we have a date or not I'd rather just pass and make plans with somebody else and other friends or make plans with somebody I know who's going to want to see me I mean think about it if you're a catch and you only got maybe 1 or 2 open nights a week because you're busy professional you're going to make plans four or five days in advance and then wait till two hours before you go to pick this girl up you call it verify she's all you know my parakeet died or my girlfriend you know she's going through a really hard time and I need to be there for and now you got a hole in your evening guys that are busier than we think hey she doesn't sound very excited to see me and I got these two other girls that are blowing up my phone basically telling me how they want to come over and [ __ ] my brains out that's a really hard decision to make so you know I guy that the catch doesn't have time to worry about nonsense like that and so it's always best to let women come to you remember I say this over and over and over and over again because it's so critically important the phone texting email just like if you're in sales that's for setting appointments not for giving out information or having a phone ship with somebody because if you're talking to her on the phone and she's learned everything about you what's the point of getting together she already knows what's going on in your life there's there's nothing you haven't been mysterious about anything there's nothing to discover about you there's really no reason to go on a date because you're a known quantity she knows that she can call you and have you anytime she wants that she's probably going to be dating other guys that really aren't paying much attention to her because it's just what women emotion respond to they want a guy that will give her the space so she can feel safe and comfortable and come to you at her own pace and I got an email here from a guy that basically he broke up with an ex-girlfriend a body I said about a year ago and he wants to know if let me just repeat it to you he says about a year ago my ex and I broke up and went our separate ways after she found a new boyfriend that's a red flag there I mean bottom line she dumped you for another guy and now you want to know about getting back together with her I mean she walked all over me before and you're basically ready to take more of her abuse I walked away for ten months and after a class we had together she came and sat down next to me and we ended up talking for a good thirty minutes and caught up and laughed and joked around etc over the last three months she would always text me in our class and be really flirty and playful and I would do the same thing back but she would never commit to actually going out with me I would say you're probably being too dramatic trying to get back together instead of just going out and hanging out but keep mine this girl is not good relationship material she's not good girlfriend material have an opening relationship with her have a friends-with-benefits relationship with her but you don't want to check like this is your girlfriend and besides you've already trained her that's okay to walk all over you now I find out yesterday she's dating a new guy he lives in Scotland we live in Wisconsin he's not really around a whole lot I would assume so that gives me an advantage because I'm physically closer and so he's basically I wrote an article about how to get an ex back but the thing is that's like right after you've broken up not basically a year later after she's long since moved on and I mean she left you for another guy and she was sleeping with him and now she's dating somebody else so she's probably seeing with that guy and there may be two or three other dudes that were in there so she doesn't have she's not emotionally invested in you and yeah I mean it's possible the fact that if she's texting you that she probably she probably still finds you attractive was probably not some feelings but the fact is you're too easy or too available you're not getting to the point in making a definite date and so next you just don't do anything wait to hear from her when she does text you you know text back and forth two or three times just BS what about whatever and say One Nights are you free this week and say question mark letter and say I'm a free Tuesday Wednesday it's like great why don't we meet up at Houston's at one two three Oak Street for a Drake make definite plans but if she won't make definite plans and just say shoot me a text if you change your mind just leave it up in the air just like that and every time she calls you or text you you try to set a definite date if she won't then you walk away that's what you do you shouldn't do any calling any pursuing any oh I'm just trying to get in touch with her because of this thing in class or I want to know about a homework assignment [ __ ] that walk away from the girl if you hear from her make a definite date if she won't make a definite date and then just say cook say text me when your schedules tighter or text me when when you if you change your mind or whatever and just leave at that so if you find this message of value you can show your appreciation by going down to the Wiggio toolbar which is at the bottom of your screen if you're watching this video on my website and click the Pay Pal donate button and donate any amount that you feel is equal to 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Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 698,332
Rating: 4.8612142 out of 5
Keywords: Let, Women, Come, To, You
Id: 3D6ru4OpY4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2011
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