Women NEED To Wonder About You!

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of today's newsletter is going to be women need to wonder about you well it's counterintuitive I know a lot of guys that find out about my work really struggle with this concept because it just makes absolutely no sense I mean because that's guys we're visual creatures and a bottom line is when we see a drop-dead gorgeous sexy woman walk into the room or we see her on TV or we see her walking by and the mall or wherever it happens to be or we encounter and meet her and start talking to her I mean honestly we're thinking about sticking something in her I'm that's just guys are pigs I know it's shocking to some women to hear an admission like that but it's true we're visual creatures and so as long as she's hot and she's sexy and she seems fun we're in we're sold but when it comes to women women take a lot longer and when I might teach guys it's like the thing they have a hard time getting their head around is they feel like they got to do something to make her want him more the counterintuitive thing is and the reality is is that women need time and space away from you where they're not talking to you so they can wonder about you so they can wonder when you're going to call next so I can wonder where they stand with you so they can talk to their girlfriends and tell them about the date the last date that you went on and try to strategize and try to figure figure you out figure when you're going to call next and just the very nature the fact that you give them a few days or a little bit of space to do that that's the time just like I like to say it's like baking a cake in the oven you got to put the cake in the oven you got to let it bake for a while until I mean I had I had a woman that I dated many years ago and not only her but her mother and and both of them she and her mother were [ __ ] gorgeous and they both told me they said Cory you have to give her the space and the time for her feelings to develop don't try to force things that's what a lot of guys do is because we just literally are been brainwashed by seeing tens of thousands of TV programs and movies where it's just [ __ ] beat into your head that you've got to be a stalker and chase women and eventually after some period of time they throw in the towel and realize that you're the love of their life and they only want to be with you and when you're conditioned to think like well I just got to try I've got to achieve I've got to pursue and I'll get what I want guys have a real hard time because they've been taught since they were little boys that that's how men and women interact with one another it works great in the world of reality or I say dream world and make-believe but in reality when you do that stuff in real life you get you get treated like a stalker and you get rejected like a stalker would get rejected and so you don't get the desired outcome like I said that's one one concept that guys really have a hard time with is because I like I got to do something I got to do something got to do something to make her like me and the reality is is that you really just have to [ __ ] back off and do nothing go about your life focus on your goal your goals focus on your career focus on your business focus on your purpose and once a week call our to invite her out for a date and over the course of two or three weeks of doing that once you start dating and if she liked you at least it for interest I was in the 50s to start off with and you did more things right than wrong on your dates then you see by the second third week maybe the fourth week she's going to be in you know if you usually take three or four days to get back to her a caller for the terrains and next date after two days have gone by she may not want to wait so she's going to text you a call you tell you she was thinking about you or that or what a great time she had the last time you were together to facilitate you asking her out for another date and so I got a an email here from a guy who he got dumped by his girlfriend because he was chasing her I was being possessive he was acting needy and so she gave him the let's just be friends speech and so he walked away told her that hey I'm not interested friendship but give me coffee change your mind well the past eleven days nine out of the past eleven days she's texted I'm her Skyped him initiated some form of contact and since he had asked her out twice previously over the course of a couple weeks and both times all busy a can and she didn't offer any other day to get together it just showed that she wasn't interested what I teach and what I learned was that you don't ask any more you don't bring it up and you don't ask her out for another date unless or until she brings it up because one of two things are going to happen when you use this approach either she'll bring up getting together or she'll stop calling you in this particular guy's case he's gotten to the point where he's feeling a little insecure and he's getting tired of the fact it's been almost two weeks now and she's contacted him nine times but she hasn't brought up getting together and so he's basically wanting to reiterate things to her to try to force something to happen which would be a [ __ ] mistake because he's got her where he wants her where she's frustrated with the fact that he's unavailable and he's busy and this is what what it takes it takes her wondering might lose it is the reason he doesn't want to talk to me or he's cutting our conversation short because maybe he's seeing somebody else and that's the effect it has er coz he never gave her the space to wonder about him or wonder where she stood on because he was constantly [ __ ] calling or texting her blowing up her phone basically acting like a needy little woman is how he was acting that's why she's treating him this way and so he says hi he says hi Cory me again your advice and knowledge on making people improve themselves a second and none you are a true I mean humanitarian thank you so to review I started seeing this girl nine months ago I made tons of mistakes neediness possessiveness etc she gave me the let's just be friends speech to which I gave her the getting your ex back speech I then asked for two dates over the course of a few weeks and got rejected both times I truly walked away because her actions demonstrated low interest and I would say good job good for you for having the balls to do that because obvious what you were doing chasing her wasn't working so you made two attempts at setting definite dates at both times she said no and so therefore you don't ask anymore until she brings it up why because unless she brings it up it means she doesn't want to see you commonsense now out of the past eleven days she has initiated contact with me nine times I keep politely telling her that I'm busy and then it's nice talking to her and for her to keep in touch I keep the conversation to a maximum of five to 15 minutes by always asking a few questions the other day she got nasty because she was trying to push me to converse more with her and I didn't play a ball I then sent her a text along the lines of how to make her submit to you which is basically in a nice way saying don't talk to me that way so once again I tell her that I'm busy keep in touch by the other day I turned my Skype to invisible and I kind of felt she came online looking for me because she knows when I finished work but she thought I wasn't online I would say you're you're grasping at straws dude you're trying to make something out of nothing and you can't assume that it's always about you and part of your problem is that you don't have any other chicks in your life so you're totally fixated on this one girl because I told you to go out and start dating other women and not to sit around and [ __ ] wait on this girl but you haven't listened to me and so that's why you're suffering and you're just sitting here obsessing over this girl and it's causing you to not think clearly that's when you [ __ ] up and you make mistakes I was thinking of telling her that I adore her and love her and I'm sorry for the hurt blah blah but dude you're not having any any enthusiasm and having physical contact with me I would rather spend my time with other girls that love seeing me and being with me if for when you do change your mind about seeing me then give me a call I'd love to see you and I'd say why you already did this she turned you down twice it's so what this tells me is basically you've gotten to the point where you're needy and you're insecure in you're feeling weak and you want to try to force something to happen why because things aren't happening quick enough for you but you're ignoring the simple fact that she's not brought up getting together with you that's what you need to wait for because until she brings it up it means she's not ready to see you and you don't want to go on a date and spin money on a girl who's really not going to happen you're not gonna have a good time with because she's not really into it and so one of two things is going to happen she's either going to throw in the towel and ask you to do something or bring it up or she's going to stop calling you either way you'll get her or you get somebody better he says quite frankly it's getting really boring having to say the same thing over and over again as always your advice is very much appreciated and again I would say [ __ ] you're you're weak and you're needy you're thinking incorrectly you're fearful and so therefore you want to go back to the old way of chasing her which is what got you rejected in the first place what's the definition of insanity it's doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result so you just got to stick to your guns it's been you're about eleven days in here and she's contacted you nine times usually it takes two to three weeks somewhere in that period of you not bringing anything up and given you're doing the same thing it's like I did the same thing when I was learning it and it's hard and you want it because she's calling you you want to just ask her out but bottom lines when you did that in the past it didn't work and so when she gets to the point where her interest level is high enough to where she really wants to see you then she'll bring it up but until she brings up her interest level is not high enough and you don't want to go out with a girl unless she has high interest within you so if you find this message of value you could show your appreciation by going down to the web you toolbar which is at the bottom of your screen if you're watching this video on my website click the PayPal donate button and don't eat any amount that you feel is equal to the value of the information in this video at the very least please share this page with all your friends and family by clicking any one of the social 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Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 933,505
Rating: 4.8792334 out of 5
Keywords: Women, NEED, To, Wonder, About, You
Id: T8vfwB9hJAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2012
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