Making Her Want You Again

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of today's newsletter is going to be making her want you again well I love this topic because this is such a [ __ ] powerful thing for a guy to get when it finally clicks with him because there's a delicate balance between being direct and making a move on your girl and also hanging back being mysterious so she can sit around and basically wonder where she stands with you and when you look at what you see on TV when you see in the movies they always show that the guy is always chasing and running after the [ __ ] girl and writing love letters and almost [ __ ] [ __ ] and that it works and then most guys are I mean when you think about it when you watch thousands of television programs and movies from the time you're a child till the time you grow up now you can't help but become emotionally anchored and conditioned just because of the way the movies and the TV shows are edited with the music and the soundtrack and it just like they hit you like without like you know shocking emotional thing and there's an emotional soundtrack to goes along with it that causes you to feel and elicit a certain type of emotion internally and you literally become anchored emotionally to thinking and being and showing up in ways that are completely fucked-up and dysfunctional and they may work in the world of make-believe but they don't even come close to working in real life and what's so beautiful about this is like once a guy gets this he realizes I really don't have to do jack [ __ ] to make this girl want me I take her out I show her a great time make sure she's doing most of the talking by asking questions have creating an opportunity for sex to happen and then in between our next date before I get to the point where I'm ready to call her for another date usually she's calling me and blowing up my phone or saying things like oh I had a great time the other night I've been thinking about you and and so when you see those things you just sit and make the next date and I get an email here from guy who found out about my work recently he's only watched a few videos apparently and he was basically having problems with his girlfriend and he came to realize after watching a few videos that he basically been acting like the woman in the relationship and so she was kind of ignoring his text she was you know when he call it go did she let it go to voicemail sometimes she would just not even respond to his text because what he did is what most guys do is they call they leave a message they don't hear from her they can't wait so they call again and what happens is you never give the girl a chance to miss you or to think about you or wonder where she stands because you're always [ __ ] blowing up her phone and telling her so she never gets the time in the space to feel her emotions for you and feel what she feels for you because you're always in her face are blowing up her phone with messages and stuff and basically acting like a woman and so he says hey Cory I made a PayPal donation to you on your site and I will definitely make more because number one I'm taking up your valuable time and number two the info is awesome you are dead-on right I'd like to say well I might not always be right but I'm never wrong this is so badass that I have to let you know just how three or four videos got me started along the right path of being the one that is chased instead of chasing in a relationship and if you read article I came around with the name is just basically when it comes to women and how they interact with men you can look at how little girls are with their fathers and you think of it this way you think of masculine energy or man as being like the mountain and you think of a woman kind of like mother nature she's like the wind basically and what happened what does mother nature do to the mountain you know some days it's beaten down and sunny and it's beautiful out and it's calm there might be a nice breeze and then other days it might be tornadoes or hail or wind or snow or sleet or just really crappy crummy weather but at the end of the day the mountains just [ __ ] there it's always there it doesn't [ __ ] move you don't see the mountain running after the wind and women are completely like that and so you mean the wind disappears and then sometimes it comes back later just like a cat and that's the beauty of it it's about being the rock if you watch little girls and how they interact with their fathers when they need love and reassurance they go sit in daddy's lap and they tell them all about their problems and you just sits there any listen Stewart uh-huh mmm really Wow what else honey and she just keeps talking and when she feels I bet she's like okay thanks Danny I feel a lot better now I love you and then she hops up off his lap and goes run around the house or chasing her friends outside or do whatever she's doing and a little while later she'll come back in sit in his lap and say Danny this boy said this to me and I don't know what it means and she'll ask for his advice and so what's so cool about that is when you understand that is that this is in a way basically how they act when they become adults is they Wanderley it's like they want the mountain it's like you be her rock be her Mountain you don't see the [ __ ] mountain chasing after the wind do you you don't see the mountain chasing mother nature of course on the miles just [ __ ] there it's always there it never goes anywhere it's just there and that's the way you that's the analogy that you should approach it with it's just so cool to see that you understand that dynamic and it just really makes things effortless and easy you can go about your life focus on your purpose and when your girl hasn't heard about you she's been shopping all day or thinking about you and and just how awesome last night was or what you know the what you did that morning and then so she's thinking about it she's feeling her emotions she hasn't heard from you and you're busy at work you're just taking care of your purpose your shout slaying the dragon so to speak and then she's texting I was at the mall and I was telling my girlfriend so-and-so how awesome you are and what a great boyfriend or what a great husband you are what a great lover you are in blah blah blah then you just say oh thanks for sharing that baby he's like what time you coming over here me up so you can get round two tonight and just set the next date set the next appointment because it's just like the little girl going to her daddy but obviously when she becomes an adult she goes to her and much the same way it's like when she wants to see him she calls him she initiates texts and calls and things of that nature and so he says I sent you a message earlier today about how I fell into the insecure [ __ ] role in my relationship and how I pretty much drove her away with constant texts and calls and just like I said chasing women will guarantee rejection always every single [ __ ] time why because you're basically acting like a woman when you blow a woman's phone up I was supposed to have a talk over the phone today and I was sure I had totally [ __ ] this relationship up and we were going to break up so this is what happened I watched some of your videos and decided not to be the chick anymore good for you I deleted my girl's info for my phone and did not text her call she actually texted me later at 6 ish and said you must be mad at me because I did not hear from you today and I replied not at all mad good very we being aloof kind of just oh you're being silly honey and I would say one thing I would say is this got your little in danger of becoming a cold dick or cold fish and obviously your girl it's let's read a little further he says I replied after he said he was not at all mad he says I got another text around 10:30 p.m. saying night-night I love you a lot and it was thinking about us today that's awesome it's like because she's wondering where she stands and you gave her some space she could actually think about you and feel her emotions for a change instead of just seeing all the you know texts and [ __ ] blowing up her phone and when she says that she says I haven't heard from you all day and I've been thinking about you and I really like the fact that I'm wondering where where I stand with you and it's causing my interest level to go up my emotions to bubble and I just had to share that with you and when I get a text like that from a girl I said oh baby that's sweet you need to get your little ass over here and spoon with me tonight and we'll see what pops up so it says he says well I did not text her back or call usually I would text her all day and try to say good night that's a bad way to go so good for you for changing your lately I was getting almost no response to her text and usually voicemails when I called her but today she texted me without having to nag her ma what a novel concept focus on being a man and taking care of your [ __ ] in your own life and your girl will miss you and she'll contact you when she misses you which she did I'm fully ready to walk away and mean it and I would say this is not necessary the strategy that the article I wrote the best strategy to get an ex back that is the only you the only time you walk away is when a girl breaks up with you or she changes the terms of your relationship and says I just want to be friends when she does I was like hey I'm not interested in that but I'd love to see I'd love to hang out give me a call I mean change your mind and that's when you do up in this case this is your girlfriend here and she's texting you how she loves you and she's you know how she was thinking about us so that means that she's thinking about becoming closer pulling you in a little bit he said I would like to continue the relationship if possible but I know I need to reverse roles first and make her wonder where she stands what do you think I would say you don't want to start ignoring her and being a [ __ ] [ __ ] because I struggle with that if you read my book which obviously that you haven't yet but once you read it you'll understand it it took me about a year and a half this one particular girlfriend I was dating to figure out the fine line and the balance between being mysterious and distant and also making a move and pulling her in closer and sometimes I was too cold and distant and it made things go sideways and sometimes I chase too much which also made it go sideways and it was just back and forth back and forth until I learned that balance but it really made me strong as [ __ ] inside internally emotionally just because I was totally completely head over heels in love with this girl and she loved me too eventually I got her to fall completely head over heels in love with me she want to get married she says I hope we get engaged soon ababa the whole nine yards but it was a [ __ ] and let me tell you he's like because there wasn't anybody out there that could help me and who understood what I was going through internally and telling me exactly what to do what move to make but eventually figured it out and so that's why I can read stuff like this I can tell exactly where you're going wrong and I would say you're going a little bit you know if you keep going the way you're going you're going to turn into an [ __ ] on a cold fish and she's not going to like that and that's not a good way to go either so you got to read my book you can't just watch a few videos or in a few articles and just like cherry-pick information because these articles and these videos are me answering questions that guys are having other your challenges that running in that they're running into when they're applying what I teach and so you got to learn the baseline knowledge of materials so download my book from Amazon Commons only $0.99 you can download to any electronic advice self cell phone PC Mac whatever you got tablet you can download it and read it there so you learn the baseline material but this is the thing you got to understand is that when a woman contacts you like she's being all sweet and so basically what happens is once she starts to miss you she'll start calling you and she'll start talking about her feelings and stuff like that and when you see that as an opportunity it's it's kind of like she's coming to the mountain so to speak and she's unsure of herself and so when she does that you just say well get your ass over here I want to take you to dinner like let's go to dinner Friday night or it's like what are you free this week I want to take you out to dinner let her respond or you sit you know in this particular case because you feel like you've been a weak [ __ ] with her basically just invite her over say when are you free this week let her tell you the day just say dinner my place 8:00 p.m. Thursday where something looking really hot and bring a bottle of wine or whatever it is you guys like to drink and then you take care of the food and figure out something to cook that you or that something that you can cook together because you know when you're interacting the kitchen it gives her a reason to touch you and be close to you and then you know I know from my own experience usually what happens when I start cooking dinner with my girlfriends we usually have sex before we even get the cooking dinner and then so we'll have sex after dinner and then after we get cleaned up and we're laying in bed at night and we start cuddling and spooning you know usually something pops up and then you know we start having sex again and maybe at 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning it just it all depends on how much you love each other and how much time you spend on each other but the key to remember is that when she contacts you it's just like the little girl reaching out to her daddy want to know do you still love me daddy do you still care about me and so she's insecure and it's like and so your response is kind of just like what you said here when you when she says though you must be mad at me like not at all it's like oh you're kind of being silly honey it's like oh don't be so silly of course I love you of course I adore you get your little [ __ ] ass over here and we'll play hide the salami or you know what I got something for you and it's big and it's round and it's got a head on it and it's not a quarter so if you find this message of value you can show your appreciation by going down to the bottom of your screen if you're watching this video my website can click the Pay Pal donate button and donate any amount that you feel is equal to the value of the information in this video at the very least please share this page with all your friends and family by clicking any one of the social networks sharing buttons which are also located in will be a toolbar at the bottom of your screen if you have a question you want to ask me or there's a topic you want me to cover in a future video newsletter click the contact me tab on the left-hand side of your screen and send me one or two paragraphs maximum detail on your situation your questions your challenges and you just got to give me several days to get back to you with a response because I got a boatload of email from the Internet and I also get plenty of it from my paying phone coaching customers I obviously got to concentrate on their emails first but be patient and I will get back to you and if you want to talk to me right away so I can help you with a challenge or a specific situation you're having the quickest way to get me to help you is a book a paid phone coaching session by clicking the products tab at the top of your screen and just follow the instructions you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 1,075,740
Rating: 4.8306823 out of 5
Keywords: Making, Her, Want, You, Again
Id: eq-fgHzXJH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2012
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