We are literally IN THIS GAME!!! - House Party: PART 1

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I love that they ragdoll when they hit the ground.

Out of the hot air balloon.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 76 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Backupusername πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Aaannndddd immediately they encounter their arch-nemesBBRRAAOOOWWWRRRRRR

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 138 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EekGames_Erasmus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy shit, I can feel the guys getting second hand embrassment from hearing themselves in the game... This is a surreal experience.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 110 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AlwaysDragons πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

We're glad their revisit to House Party resulted in immediate Frank confrontations

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 161 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Eek-Games πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

"We may have a Level 69 Goof on our hands."

I think I found my new favorite phrase.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 125 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SuperIdiocracy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dan said his character will not flirt or anything with the girls there out of respect for his IRL girlfriend, Ashley. But does that mean he will or will not get a BJ from Frank? We must know.

Edit: I should have specified, I guess. This was fun speculation for a joke. I do not want spoilers. Please don’t post spoilers here. That’s not very considerate to lovelies that want to experience the game through the grumps’ play through.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 79 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wiikendwarrior84 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

KATHERINE: Gaem Geramps...did I say that right?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 81 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/skyyn3t πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like how they joked about the 75% looking like 15% as I'm pretty sure that's the same font they used for numbering episodes in thumbnails in the Barry era and people had the same issue back then too.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ColinFilm πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

"This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them!"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 47 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Viper114 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey I'm not suger tinkle berries tink what um certain episodes like what I started the season well I wrote that down in my phone because it must have been something I thought of late at night and was connected to a really funny joke so I wrote so I wrote that down to remind myself to tell it to you on a grumps episode yeah but I completely forgot the joke connected to it so now I just I just have tanco berries or that's why you got to do the voice recorder thing and then then say the big fart chamber was it's just get it right fart chamber and my notes and then I was gonna be like oh yeah I remember I made this whole bit about fart chamber but no you recorded that entire thing and it's a masterpiece yeah no it's legendary you got a record see you next time you remember what tinkle berries is you got to record it I probably will never remember in any case welcome to house party you've caught us on a wild day because Aaron it's its day whatever maybe 40 of the Backstreet Boys world tour and it could be 20 every 80 Aaron's going insane yeah I am I've been waking up every day gradually more and more eager to jump into traffic but there's nobody driving around anymore I I've had a couple of days like that but for me it's it's not it's not linear like that like I'll um I'll have maybe 10 15 days that are totally fine and then one morning I'll wake up but it's like I have to pass out it's really weird started playing piano okay it's just it's just a did there it is now gotten a glimpse into my home life yeah but um in the meantime while all this was going on the good people over at eat games put us in house party that's right finally in house party after all this build-up we're here and we're playing it we're in this version it's been a couple years since we've played this and I can already tell from this loading screen that uh man they've they've made some improvements yeah there's a lot more like ambient I mean let's just let's just get into it man look at these character models look way more up into like human beings yeah there's there's just there's a lot there's a lot more and there's just so much more content like the characters are always talking to each other and it's a fleshed out party Brown there's all these little events that happen without your interaction this one how this party's been going on for like three years now yeah well you know oh wow the house oh god yeah I got turned down cuz I turned it up because it was apparently lower on the title screen than I see thought it was there's a party about is this place tonight you've been invited by your buddy Derek sure he's the only person you know but as you walk in the front door of Madison's house you see lots of people worth getting familiar with and hey just your luck this place is packed with plenty of sexy partygoers like us maybe okay we actually have a look now I don't remember having a look what do you mean didn't do we have a character model and yeah I think so oh okay well I looked in the mirror and I was like I don't recognize this guy anyway maybe you should just how you should see just how familiar you can get with somebody tonight he'll why stop at one this town's not big on monogamy anyway what town would that be the town of I'm going to say Cleveland Hartington yeah see there's us hello I'm that's what you mean Yeah right I thought you meant we don't we have character models as in you and me like as human beings oh no oh god oh god the stereo okay so long yeah okay so this house is anything do you remember I remember it very well it's just it's like going into your friend's house after like they went from like their college dorm to becoming an adult and everything's so much nicer and more setups well oh good job - he already caught you with I didn't know you already caught me with alcohol no you're just stunned didn't catch me with alcohol you caught me with the jammer Madison was all pissed off that I was stealing the jammer from her garage really you just got here I know well I mean have you been playing this in your off time what no it's Randa the the party loads random like all the locations are random so I'm used to all the locations are random all the locations of the character or random sometimes you are losing it sometimes Katherine's in the kitchen when you start the game sometimes she's outside someone's in the kid Madison was right there Madison was right here but now she's not so she can't see me anymore I say so if I just go in here and make no that's Rachel I'll reach listen Carrie why is it so loud oh thank you because the it's close to the thing and they didn't factor in the I'm just understandable they had a very normal thing that happens so much more realized oh yeah dude I mean it's fantastic I love it alright I got a I got a go and find sister what else do I have to get the SD card that's right where Bridget would be hello Bridget I don't care but she's so high okay well no I don't need her don't say it like that who is that who's that African why do you always in rooms that I'm stealing stuff in no you know what I'm gonna lock you in what do you mean she ran outside oh wait she wants to come back now wait hold on yeah oh no no no don't is she going to tell Frank yeah [Applause] yeah that's a nice glowy oh god Aaron there's no way out of this he'll never to fight back whoa oh really yeah oh dang take it yeah take it Frank looks younger oh yeah did you stun him I thought I could kill Frank I thought you wanted to make out with them well I don't know maybe I do yeah but like you don't know that I'm just saying killing him is counterproductive right I mean you're right when you're right well he was chasing me what do you expect what is happening I accidentally closed it okay because instead of press escape sit let's go back what's hustle cat what is hustle cat did we tell us okay all right it's on your computer yeah I don't remember do you John the warning it's like [ __ ] this is confusing I'd like to read that sometime oh it's good it's good stuff Oh Patrick he hasn't changed a bit yeah I love his dance moves it's kind of like mine can you turn the music in the game down a little bit probably you know that that might be a good thing there's a lot of settings once you load it up oh Lord oh rebus it's that [ __ ] bootleg combat [ __ ] getting into a fight isn't always the end if you can't win sometimes you can escape or outlast your attacker well that's good advice that's interesting to know that you knock Frank out it's good advice for life okay this time I can't mess up it Amy it's that girl you love oh yeah she's great what did she say that made me fall in love with her there's like Hilarion oh god she's so cute yeah adorable music here we go turn on the music they're perfect Oh much nicer see now Catherine's here okay okay Rachel Madison okay it's going on with Rachel she's just like Blair Witch in it she's got [ __ ] in her mind wait is someone else in here who's talking Sookie wow that's very relaxing everyone just like talking over each other it's like my worst nightmare let me just uh [Laughter] all right is Madison in here nobody's in here okay great take the camera hey [ __ ] oh you're dead [ __ ] hey alright alright alright so for anyone I assume most people who watch us have seen our house party playthroughs yeah but for anyone who doesn't know we've we've gone through a lot of experiences with all the people in this house yeah you might actually have a brain hiding in there somewhere yes you're right I do is everything okay boyfriend who would ever be a dick to you that's actually kind of sweet she felt the same way Aaron have you done this before well yeah I mean I had to figure out how to make us appear in the game oh it's like it's like a whole thing you got to do right so while this is going on I'll just before you not Harley's and hotties on highways more like Schwinns and sweaty crotches on sidewalks that line took a long time to deliver yeah less gas emissions more ass excretion by that's your only choice yeah sweat planet it's an editable demise by a few measly minutes that's the spirit Kathryn yeah preach sister 20:41 anyway and on Mars I won't have to call anybody my spandex daddy Patrick very inconspicuous no I really love your boyfriend Yeah right ass crack we got in a huge fight I put on normal people clothes and I took a rideshare over here nice sweet and the fight wasn't the worst part this is a two-part bummer but yeah thanks too fast to bum what's part two something to drink I'd be glad to share more okay so now I have to get something to drink for Kathryn so difficult though because it's a dry party because of this lunatic yeah how's it going geez man that's how you that's your opening line I think um did they change his how's it going dude [ __ ] will get drunk at parties no I think we iterated it by saying it $1,000 has a contact my contribution helps make this world better what do you think about Kathryn yeah you would okay great what if she wants alcohol yeah of course yeah don't worry about it no man your principles okay what is the deal with that one what's wrong with that one this one's great she's like oh my god that wiener it's that small it looks like looks like Bjork in a horror movie we'll take what else what it's gonna look at okay all right Kathryn Frank likes you I think Frank has a crush on you what do you even got the head swivel okay what kind of drinks okay okay okay what's up eyeliner why is it yeah yeah he's got like beautiful eyelash Frank's got a little eyeliner happening okay I'm not hating open oh yeah so this is like the ambient stuff that's happening Patrick in and Rachel we're dating oh man bro oh damn damn Rachel whoa yeah whoa Jesus Wow he moved the wrong way when she slapped him [ __ ] that was intense look like they need a moment to chill that wine bottle just very pricey I dropped his wine bottle right in front of Frank okay Rachel you should probably talk to her she seems like she's in a good mood empty bottle want to save it first try to remember this is the place where you die a lot yeah yeah yeah okay hey that vodka ball is completely empty mind if I take it what are you talking about okay I took the take the empty vodka bottle what are you the bottle police [Music] what do I do to get all from sit here and [ __ ] I might have to look it up yeah look it up I'll I'll finish what I was saying in the meantime Oh actually I think I can inspect the rum I think that's what I have to do okay yeah so for anyone who okay they're having a seizure so like yes so what happened was we thanks to our lovely wonderful fans we want to contest that the makers of this game we're doing can we turn down the audio slightly I can't talk over other people yeah and you know what I'll just go over here where nobody is I've learned that about myself the something that makes me extremely uncomfortable is when more than like two conversations are going on around me and like my brain is like like jumping around from concentrating on each one it's just oh man I don't know why it gives me the heebie-jeebies but yeah so they're the makers of this game did a contest to see who who would like to be a part of the game and they program you into the game and have you record some lines and stuff like that and we won thanks to our fans which was awesome so we're in this game now and the other winner was a youtuber named Letty does stuff so she's in there too and it's just really cool I'm very very happy that that that worked out well and the guys were super cool and patient with our ridiculous schedule which admittedly has calmed down slightly during the Backstreet Boys tour and now we get to play this so it's very surreal it feels like this has been a long time in the making yeah and it's it's super I've played just a smidge of us so I know a little bit about what's gonna happen right so well we also know a little bit because we recorded the lines yes so well you know I mean I'm just waiting for somebody to try something okay cool so I have to know that he's guarding the alcohol and then talk to Cathy okay thanks guarding all the alcohol he's being his typical douchebag self tonight if you can come up with a way around him let me know how about if I can oh thank you Kevin oh yeah and sometimes when Aaron plays this game he speaks his golem and it becomes way funny I've been chatting it up with Katherine when we put in a good word for you I pretty much know I got zero chance with her but she seems to like you if you could take a topless pic for me maybe I'll look the other way if you snag some of this alcohol sounds like a deal I'm in yes great guy great guy that Frank all right yes so Frank says I can grab some booze if I get a topless pic of you party with all of these people around and the selfing service in this house is spotty at best I have way too many important just yeah every sentence she says gives me a fresh panic attack all right I'm gonna turn on the cell phone jammer what the [ __ ] no get no get go upstairs into the bedroom Oh hard to make sure nobody's in the bedroom right this way madam where'd you go I don't care about your toe stubbing I don't care I don't care stop it that sounded like a riveting conversation I know she stubbed her toe it's so upsetting hey is your cell phone reception like over here is it really bad Aaron please feels like your reception is like really bad way though I know yes the bedroom the bedroom will be a great place with no cell phone reception I remember that just chill in the unsign I like that I don't know you talk about I think she's going upstairs oh oh yes yes yes hopefully no one went in the bedroom while you were gone I swear to God if somebody's in here Oh victory is mine okay great now I know I just have to unlock the door really fast okay then creepy about that okay now yes Oh rubbery I got put the SD card in the in you should turn this cellphone jammer off oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you got it turn off well she can't get out the door that's the point yikes locked the store sucks any open damn oh boy take off ok great super-dee-duper yes okay right it's censored wow they changed the censor bars yeah two mosaics right and then take photo Kabul done kaboom yay wow she's really into it you get the impression you get the idea alright you're good woah no that's okay let's take a break for now great and I'll unlock the door for you okay you are no longer my prisoner goodbye this first sucks I can bend it back on give camera she's walking down the stairs this escalator stuff it's not even moving it doesn't even move I can't get any move egde alright one free pass okay okay so the rum yes you want to run oh I'm done now to Catherine for the drink egde oh now that that door is open you don't even want what is the Stockholm Syndrome blurry memory but I want to be spend exit and be able to drink away the fun I could have had tonight what since you've shown you can take direction pretty well I put your probability of making as satisfying a [ __ ] puppet at about 75% oh cool I thought that was 15% so much more person I need boy it is so weird to hear her talk about the grumps oh no I know gotta finish the story that sounds juicy okay but before you say it like I'm sure I've told people our audience this before but my worst nightmare that I used to have when I was younger was that I'd be watching porn on the computer and all of a sudden like the people engaged in the pornographic acts would like stop having sex and like turn and look at me directly that's a little bit like what hearing these characters talk about the game drums feels like are you enjoying this Daniel until you join me in drinking to my soon to be single status all right okay I say I have to drink with her okay take a look at the room my turn glug-glug yes this is my favorite content on the Internet they're having a live show tonight did you hear and there's a there's no blame in this at all I totally get it but did you hear the way she said game grumps it was almost as if the actress had never heard of us in her life have you ever heard of the game grumps like looking at the director serious call me crazy but woman think you'd be at their live show instead of here we're gonna pop in and say hi to everyone here before making a graceful gtfo and bike over to the actual we wanted to go to but then you saw strictly balls in spandex spandex and now he's gone AWOL both of our tickets Richard I'm stuck here waiting for the game grumps lives oh my god this is so fun million middle finger emojis to my boyfriend and why don't you ride your greasy Gooch over to the game grumps lunch we're playing now and never yeah we're playing now in nowhere it's the price you pay for ditching your spandex daddies are dropping into their live show via hot-air balloon they're studying the wind patterns for the night it looks like they'll be floating right over this very house on the way as they leave my ass behind yeah me just leave me with this booze I'm gonna go have a hardcore wallow for ever oh my god down the underpass what war movies that show the battlefield but it's like the next day and those bodies have just been cooking in the Sun and you know just because of how the human body works sorry I still need time to fester over this on my own find me in a bit okay so she needs to get she needs let the alcohol hit her a little bit before we can start scheming to get the game rooms to come to the office right the the party because we're gonna float overhead in a hot-air balloon yeah yeah that's pretty much it boy that's that's something else I love it you hear all this you get all that Patrick oh you got your wine bag hey buddy who is this that's not let is it no Leah [Music] gonna get more drunk did you drink away your sadness with me well if you want to see the grump so bad then how about we do something about it oh my way up to the roof and watch from the air vents but I probably wouldn't have a signal in the air vents no Rebecca that one may be getting the best of you because you're not making a lot of sense sorry sorry I just so happen to have a cell phone signal jammer in a party where you were having really bad reception yeah but only when I was standing next to you Jam Jam Jam you up I said jam jam jam you up alright I believe that's a reference that I don't understand this crackerjack still pays for a cable house huh I'm impressed I thought I was gonna have to build one out of the tech and Patrick's not so well-hidden briefcase Shirley Madison picked up this gadget to screw with Ashley if only you knew how significant this jammer has been for you in their lifetime Who am I kidding you're not gonna understand a word I haven't understood a word in the last like five sentences should now be able to reach the altitude of the drums hot-air balloon today oh it's almost time they'll be coming our way oh my god the computer so I can work my magic you get outside and turn this thing on remember not to wander around too much hey guys thank you for this extremely plausible scenario yeah I'm gonna jam them up so hard for you Kathryn so hard [Laughter] oh my god and [ __ ] Masek she's talking to me from upstairs I came out here too early okay yeah all right we're up and running time to jam those grumps okay does even switched on okay okay okay oh yeah there's the hot air balloon turn on Oh God okay great got it so you just have a brief amount of time there's a brief window it's like two minutes Wow yeah we literally have to wait here for two minutes while we get closer I freaking love it is anybody seeing this [ __ ] yeah flamingos are you impressed hey man look at him just strutting is like I'm I'm over here now yeah hey great to see you buddy isn't that Derek's voice is it hey buddy glad you can make it just a fair bit of warning my friends are little should I say eccentric I wonder if they did record some of them yeah minds think that might be the case I mean they sound like the same voice actors just I remember it's being so different like I swear they redid the how's it going dude line because it I mean we say it's so specifically when he says it he's like a lot he's like how's it gone dude like it's like on throw yeah yeah so I remember that's exact like that's why we kept repeating it because it was so stupid how is it gone though and then after he was coming after it's like how's it going throat how's it going with his fists in the air stop smiling at me dude it's weird I'm getting close I almost threw up on my mouth yeah it seemed like it it's nice yeah oh we're so close oh my god it's funny cuz you can like hear us talking can you really yeah once we get a little closer I like this billboard peaced p.m. sleep little war I love it Wow look at that mountain can I see that one more time oh yeah that looks like here yeah looks like a real-ass that looks like um the mountains out in Glendale Oh Oh looks like coming down um do they ever say where this is supposed to be taking place you know I don't know I mean they implied like around these parts you whatever and it's like around what parts yeah this does not look like a California home no it doesn't it looks like suburban Eastern East Coast yeah [Music] it's a real [ __ ] hot air balloon just gotta stay put and keep on jamming oh yeah we're gonna we're gonna crash right into the party could be Oregon now that's good B yeah I mean that's where they're based out of I think North Carolina yeah that makes sense it would be in Oregon yeah well yes it does appear that a hot-air balloon is crashing into this party I love it oh my god I can see my I can see my hair yeah we're Wow that is us the star bomb Oh God shake it off dude yeah there we are so weird crank this [ __ ] yeah that should have been planned so much better hey Aaron hey Chet we're supposed to talk to a chat after we made landfall look I don't mean to be a dick but there was definitely supposed to be some kind of large cushion to catch our fall out of that balloon Wow not yet now it's like a 20-foot drop chats cookie knees Chet take it easy with the chat accusations about Chet a minute Aaron this doesn't look like BJ scooters tabletop gaming and buffet [ __ ] man I think we goofed our airdrop we may have a level 69 goof on our hands yeah you're a dude yeah you're it for a different kind of BJ at this place fellows are we sure maybe BJ scooters is like a hip trendy backyard gastropub with a like a house party theme like the game house party damn these clicking if I can't even think straight man oh look my knees actually clicking old Oh bro you got clicky clicky a sneeze yeah hey hey Rachel how's it going what's going on that tub yep I will say the guys gave us lines to read but they also said we could ad-lib and have fun as long as we kept the basic stuff yeah and we pretty much did everything we did all their yeah yeah we did just about every suggestion yeah there's some funny lines I did turn down they offered to very kindly because the first time we played this through years ago I I mentioned that I thought Rachel was super cute a super cute character she's she lounges in the back and they they had written a scene where Rachel and I flirt but I thought that'd be disrespectful to Ashley no I mean real lives are real-life girlfriend Ashley in this game everyone's disrespectful to Ashley in this game but that that's it everything else we were like this is funny and fun yeah and I and I and I wish I were this handsome guys guess you guys are hanging with us gotta get Brent on the phone Vernon or Bobby herb Oh God Erin our phones are still in the balloon oh and it's completely taken off with that yes that is what I wanted that's exactly what I wanted damn those things they don't have engines they don't have wings should work it's a basket in the sky Wow I really went for yeah just kick back fellows maybe meet some people specifically the blonde women people you not yet give us your phone we're already really late for game groups live and as lovely as lovelyz are they will eat each other if they have to wait much longer for realsies you should have seen the carnage in Minneapolis yeah we haven't forgotten Minneapolis that was a bad day all right P y'all welcome eating of the people well you may have a problem on your hands cuz I don't have a cell phone phone what are you exclusively of MySpace and a I M user for all forms of communication yes the game comes live okay please can you do that for us and if we seem like idiots because we're laughing at [ __ ] that we said it's only because what yeah what and your fingers smoking an invisible cigarette it's it's because we recorded these lines a while ago and we've come at least me I've completely forgotten oh yes do you remember any of it no it was a fever dream yeah I remember the hot air balloon but that's about it yeah I guess I'll see what I can we believe in you buddy but just in case you [ __ ] this up we're gonna head inside and see what we can find really builds my confidence buddy great if Katherine figured out how to get them here oh there she is it's Compu bra copy bra who is that uh well or it could be computer I think the jammer didn't just [ __ ] with the groves the river the gazebo hello that's Patrick's briefcase there's a briefcase they're stealing it's just out of reach well I can't get that maybe I'll just turn the unit turn this off all right where'd they go Oh God well first of all they we've lost us they dropped something from the balloon oh my god is that sweet star bomb merchants add it to your inventory star bombs ah inspect a lot of this has written in different language I can deduce these star bombs are either one totally okay to eat or to guarantee death by diarrhea if even man I've had a good education just like Taco Bell oh dude death by diarrhea where do we go I don't know great questions did you want to do this next time on game rose now that we've had but a taste yes awesome where the [ __ ] where the hell are we oh man did we get back on the balloon no this is a flew away I'll find us next time okay bye man this is so surreal yeah I know
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 2,266,655
Rating: 4.9697952 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, house party, house party game, house party eek, house party gameplay, house party walkthrough, house party game grumps, house party lets play, house party steam, house party simulator, dating simulator, hosue party, dating game, drama simulator, house party game eek, house party games with friends, dating simulator game, house party game update 2020, house party steam patch
Id: _GoYaHC_sCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 34sec (2194 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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