WORST Voice Acting in a Video Game - Michigan: Report from Heck 1

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I know that they typically like to keep the game volume low, but given that the terrible voice acting is part of the games charm, I hope they turn it up in the future parts.

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/Sanhen 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/robomechabotatron 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Grumps playing a weird, finnicky horror game with awful voice acting?

And it's going to be a series?

Hell yes.

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/SwizzleDeeDoo 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Slower, less intense

Also, I really love "Please, help me! I'm stuck in the center building on the observation deck, and something's coming for me!"


👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Backupusername 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Nothing quite like convulsing violently in place, lunging forward like a defensive lineman and knocking someone clear across the room.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/DonCreech 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

game: fog from Lake Michigan is rolling into chicago

Arin: Why are they talking about chicago when this game takes place in michigan?

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/tesla_dyne 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm so fucking excited, this game is infamous to those who know bad voice acting in video games. Can't wait to watch this!!!

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/j_abbs 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

The game seems like a fever dream. The characters speak like they had a stroke or learning English. The dialogue seems off too but being that it was localized in Europe, then I can understand that. I guess the voice actors were just random people who spoke English.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/BobtheFiveHalf 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

I really don't know why these titles bother me so much but they do.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/REDS4ND 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey I'm not suger hello hello what is this Aaron it's a scary game it does look scary it's real spooky see the way the camera shooting around the lamp that's not normal Wow look at there's all these places who characters and that would have been the scariest thing of all giving me a real fright okay oh no someone's someone pilled someone kills notice held Oh as in like the way babies say spilled oops app Hilde story changes depending on your morality oh yeah well you got to be a good person this is Michigan report from hell why are we still playing scary games well you're gonna find that it's not very scary oh well okay this is um this is a game that was only released in Europe really um well in Japan too but never in America oh well Japan is part of Europe basically right so it's a game where you play as a reporter hence report from hell oh I say and it notoriously has terrible voice actor oh sweet so I'm really excited for us to dive right in remember to use the left anal Oh 9 stick I bought that from Adam and Eve Hey oh boy this is first day of speaking really taking their time but don't go getting any funny ideas about her yeah thanks for all this backstory yeah I heard that dude you're engaged in a conversation with only me right now oops you hear that I don't think that's how you supposed to deliver that line boy I will move near Briscoe okay okay first can I talk to Pamela don't refer to her as a box that's it very inappropriate yeah what the heck try focusing on the box oh here we go you box what the hell is that did your heart explode because of the box was too exciting what is happening I don't know whoa what the oh dude I'm sorry I don't know what I did okay everything's fine I guess all right all right and we're filming we're filming and just an ordinary box what's up Brisco ya scared yet did you not like scream ear there's some scoops right over there the ice cream place get ahead just pointing the camera things will never get you a scoop you know you really go car you talking about put your hands under there really get a scoop yeah sticks go get scoops too slow to the left to and fro there are spots called focus points hidden throughout the city move around now to try and some of these points it's my Pamela will you give me the time of day did I love this spooky pause menu sound did you just pause how traumatizing if you focus on the reporter and lock on to her you can move along with her keeping the camera steady on her um I'm locked onto you the focus hidden points in this explain that controls oh boy alright where's the focus points okay good luck finding them dick what the hey what is this is this a gun whoa do I shoot the gun the reporter will make her her fire her gun at the monster what but how do I focus what monster don't see a monster I'm talking about a monster I see his Brisco if hey girl alright so now I'm locked onto her nope this is like a hole oh I have to hold it this game is really good gotcha cheap cheap Wow look at will check the subjects that I can do a Hitchcock Paul [Laughter] [Music] Gregory barf what was that oh what's this stuff on the ground got a focus what and oh my god and and so what there's stuff on the ground oh I see you found the trash all right what about this they've only got 10 minutes and 40 seconds left of tape there it is the other thing reporters act of their own free will Wow your job as a cameraman is to follow the movements of the reporter okay uh-huh markers show where the reporter will move to next oh all right well okay let's see where we're gonna move to Pamela Patricia one of those two I think they want me to see the books all the books first okay now we're all the books at anymore Trapper Keepers behind here oh you know what I think I can go over this gun and pick it up now that I've figured out how to do things okay you have to hold it to lock on okay or maybe it just doesn't care okay thing I guess look at this talk to Brisco again okay or maybe I'll do this again wait his heart's beating really fast no put me on wild goose chase you should never use the technique of ramming I'd rather not Briscoe you've got it yeah yeah you nervous I will take it easy all right shut up man I see try ramming into Brisco not too hard though good Ram yeah any more at Briscoe I'm back huh hi you are will you give me the time of day [Music] hmm thank you did they sedate these people no I haven't read these lines [Music] we've got to move like she's talking to a child you know I have to focus on her but is that the only right yeah what [Music] okay okay Oh boo-ki scary up shoot nine decisions no yeah no problem what sure what are you really will you give me the time of day yeah I can only focus on her crotch that's so weird you do you want someone to get a scoop on you yeah I guess no we've had this awesome heart-to-heart what a beautiful day out it is just a soupy green fog foggy and gray and disgusting Zach a TV team like 8:20 plays it twice as hard an unusually dense fog covers the southwestern area of Lake Michigan centering on Chicago if you say so the federal government has advised evacuation of cities in the area including Chicago what why are they making such a big deal about Chicago when this game takes place in Michigan yeah I don't know there's no official word yet on the fogs cause maybe they just didn't know Chicago is not in Michigan oh my god that can't be right I would love it if it was news reporter Pamela Martel okay Pam or Ella tell sound engineers jean-philippe risk oh wait it's giving me fake credits for the seam yeah it's pretty great others sound engineer pants gently that's me and you began shooting with the ability okay my will when we wake up wake up time for a scoop don't give me that good evening everyone this is Pamela Martel we report tonight on a strange phenomena over here I mean what the hey someone screamed she cried for scoops Aaron I'm just keeping my eye out for the triangle there's a scoop is this Ambo I don't know oh no the zombies can't get her say it's a zombie she's a zombie you think so my concern Aaron show the scoop I'm not the one who's sorry oh oh goodness Oh what the hey oh no we got away I'm not the enemy here get out of Martel what made her think that she was safe she was like 10 min oh oh oh dear she didn't have time to give me the time of day safe yeah we've accomplished a lot sure yeah all right save wow this is going great so really making headway so terrible and she got her head eaten away I don't know she got generally munched well more like Pamela munched hell am i right well done Aaron Pamela no more tell let's check that sack a TV team log dear diary Pamela Martel got eaten today possible survivor is it Pam did you know was there anything you could have done to save her I don't think so okay filling in for Pamela Martel news reporter and Anderson oh cool okay she gonna die too probably yep and Jean Philippe Brisco Brisco steady at sound engineer search hotel but didn't find ah thanks yeah thanks for completely deleting that from the game way to show not tell ya an apple what was I like passed out or I guess so oh I've been snacking on fruit for hours Oh should I like these controls just suck can you imagine how scary that scene would have been incapable hands [Music] the fruit is starting to rot the fruit is starting to rot that's what happens we played Beals record backwards there's a blood stain here it must have been a really gruesome incident well good thing I was passed out yeah didn't didn't have to see anything hi I'm Anderson that's my reporter oh I can actually focus on her head hmm hello Anne yes okay yes let's definitely give up oh dang yeah I guess so looks like nothing happened in this hotel god this is reminiscent of that Zelda CDI game where like later we found out that they just found people around the office to do the voice acting Oh Linc you must save Cora die yeah yeah stop callin stop callin yeah I'm sure Brisco has the numbers of this hotel room this is a huge hotel what the hell I'll get it Shep chick yeah why are you calling a random hotel oh now I'm hopefully on her butt again yes this is your mom yeah um yes your mom can you turn down the minor-key scratching on the keyboard it's remind me your mother's I mean my name's the foster pods are dead okay we're going to die there right now how'd they send another reporter into this no they just got him on in cages all right Ann you're up thank God by the way can you teach me some acting lessons because you sounded fairly convincing she said yes quickly to the observation deck we have to save that dead girl let's go time to start my shitty run cycle yeah well you really stopped here first yeah you're really hurrying it up huh one to beam Scottie so go so go she's in the process of hurrying my god does she really have to hit every purple yeah that's where they're going next how's the point let's go I don't know I don't know we have to like touch her and then keep going oh I think I do really yeah I think I gotta like give her like permission to move to the next ya thing and it's a really nice hotel room yeah aegis you've picked a strange way to move about your hotel could you go um could you go um hello oh sorry I had to activate her I say go through X button which this one yeah yeah he's the best ah you sounded livid why a guy that Frisco I really wish it wasn't centering on her but the whole time so you have some respect dude it's kind of like kind of sounds like have you ever watched the red letter media is where they look at Neil Breen movies no he's like he's a person who doesn't have a strong grip on reality I think right and he talks a little bit like that say what do you want how can I help you what a guy that Briscoe ooh he really cheese's me off elevator cool you should always take an elevator in a crisis that's the first thing they teach you get in I don't want to be looking Isaac here I know I'm trying to but that's where that the point is oh the e on the Left indicates erotic points what the hey the s on the right indicates suspense points oh is that do you want erotic scoops Aaron oh I want to follow my news reporter but I don't want to be locked onto her booty the whole time I don't know but huh she's getting away to the next put look into her legs just kind of swing it out to the right oh really this is lag yeah that's awesome excuse me what are you doing this is crazy oh my god no no are you a zombie yeah uh-huh couldn't have said it better myself I like going insane yeah oh my [Music] I really focus on her feet you sound like an idiot you just gave me what's called Briscoe fever could you sound sad for us Aaron you're a voice actor take take some [ __ ] notes sounds like Laura you know yeah of course you had a chance to say goodbye while she was getting eaten by the monster we were the best of friends [Music] is it I thought it was about reporting are you sure cuz before she died she was like what the hell is that she knew they're gonna be giant monsters in the eater hole she knew it yeah sure you can a lot of mouth flaps for ji an she's not right something in the same person would say yeah why don't you just leave really go for a cup of coffee it'll defatted Lee oh he's supposed to be drunk okay hit fine Briscoe some water yeah right he's like Patrick from house party but even dumber wait so they're just like this game is just a movie that you're the camera for more or less it feels that way let's stop here you have my permission see this circle is you have my permission to keep going just my imagination breaking my swing to this side now I can lock onto her head okay please don't follow so close woo yeah no [ __ ] everybody died and um what am I like supposed to get set up for the shot hello I gotta talk to her just my imagination was I guess I imagine the soda I don't think anybody will care now that they're dead so did sue oh my god this is interminable a huge spotted spider well you've got to ram an to save her ram her Erin are you RAM incorrectly oh my god hey [Music] this game is a [ __ ] abomination this is insulting I just want to walk onto your head dude jeez what is this from like 2001 maybe oh my god it's bottled waters on the ground that spider could be anywhere you'd better RAM me again didn't do it or like what get the [ __ ] water Ram the bottle up to her Aaron all right oh my god did you knock her out oh my god Aaron get the water yes it actually worked it got her out of the way so that I could get the water yeah you got it I'll give you a head start alright I'm locked on alright this is riveting you mean to tell me this didn't come out in America what's the name of this game again Michigan report from hell Michigan report from hell reviews found somewhat thanks good just shove it in your mouth just shove it right in there oh my god Wow oh he's completely sober now you got it man geez well okay just the first two first review I found out of 10 graphics three out of ten sound one out of ten gameplay two out of ten hey Tori atmosphere one out of ten ahh even though why did did he just float backwards I don't know under recommendations it says if you already own a copy burn it holy crap I will animate those in post oh the games already out well we'll let the lets players animate them in post oh my god are they like still here yikes what is gonna do something mmm Neela help I can't Ram her wow what is going on I don't know where the monsters go there they are I got that I have to capture them I gotta shoot them fire yeah fire what oh oh she shoot someone you lock on nice oh my god okay man I am getting rock-hard oh my post mates is here dammit hold on one sec yeah you got it I'll keep rolling it's it's it's a worthy pause what a school great I'll be right outside thank you you go on ahead Dan dealing with some very important [ __ ] in here right now man of God all right I'll be back I'll be back I could use it don't worry wait I came in pot wait what the hell's going on Wow alright Dan's going down and I'm I want to pause it oh my god Zach a TV team log - did I like skip it or what on the way into the center building in the news man hey it's a news van it's one of ours let's join up with them good idea okay was that out of sync or more details later it's telling the story in two different ways wait am i Sam I skipping these scenes wait what the hell I don't want to be skipping them ah geez you can't pause it you can only skip Pamela but give me a hand is it Pamela oh it is Pamela she's back I guess she's all covered in goo dude I tried to pause it but every time you try to pause it it just like skips it just like skips the entire say oh no she's barfing oh darn oh yeah what's her child that's very strange name it yeah mazelTov Campbell are you okay Wow scary but I know you've got rammed and now you're covered in goo Brisco this can't be easy for you to watch oh she's coming at you look at that can you imagine how creepy that would be if this was well-executed oh boy oh boy no you should we save yeah sure yeah okay yes suspense I think I think you said it's 1805 too many suspense game alright well hey you know what you want to do another episode of this I'm not sure really yeah let's do it all right hell yeah this is astonishing yeah yeah alright next time I get gross will play this more okay see you later bye yeah
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 904,568
Rating: 4.9425821 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, michigan report, michigan report from hell, bad voice acting
Id: ZdHPkd0iCLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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