Sonic Comic Covers Are The BEST - Game Grumps

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I don't care who you are, that's a pretty good episode.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/outadoc 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

Dan confirmed for Furry.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/BlueThunderBomb 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

Shit which one do I watch

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/robomechabotatron 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

We need to keep 2 Reddit threads. Mods. Please don't delete 😊

Hello meme historians

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/snoosh00 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

Holy shit someone introduce Dan to these great comic characters. There's some great jerking material.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/U_Flame 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

My god I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I think I broke a bone.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Chibicow 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

Holy fuck I was not prepared for Sonic LIVE.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2018 🗫︎ replies
hey I'm grump, I'm not so grump, and we're the game grumps Flicking the bean is such a funny term to me. So just imagine it's just like this aggressive like (flicking bean grunt) Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's a flick ehg aehg There's nothing good about it. I prefer petting the bunny (little girl giggles) Hey, welcome hello there it's it's uh, it's game grumps time It's Darren Branson and me and Manuel Van de Ville Biff Jerky ha Biff Jerky ha ha ha ha ha ha What a fucking awesome name that is Biff jerky Biff jerky, I'm gonna I'm gonna Next time we have to create a character Remind me, big, you should make him look really scrawny to oh of course Just like a real little real wimpy. Yeah, he's like Tony's not buff at all. He's just jerk. Wait a second There are extras. Yeah, you can read comics. Oh My god, oh there covers. Oh, come on That'd be amazing. If you could read the whole fuck. oh my god mmm stay away you creature You know what I like about this cover what's that, not too busy ha ha ha ha ha just kinda, just the right amount of detail, y'know? he he he he he Jesus right. When is this from Oh fffffffffffuuurrrrrteeee Early 90s, right maybe late 80s, it's not even a good enough scan for it to like Show of the details here 92 would be my guess. July! Perfect. That's tehehe Yeah, that settles everything. I don't know. God that's crazy looking. How do I switch to the next one? oh wai wai wait Yeah, I Arin cut to the end. I need to see the evolution Look at oh you want to see like the last cover? Yeah yeah yeah All right, whoa jeez that ran a long time 139 whoa, oh wow yeah throwin all this They grew up colors and shit bewninudewnew (mouth guitar) Fucking please let's do the very last cover. Yeah, let's see. Let's see how they're all dead. Just graveyards you! YOOOUUUU!!! (Arin laughing at his own joke (also Dan) Wow, what like who's this? That's Amy, that's not Amy. That's totally Amy. That is not Amy, she's pink Yeah, but that's not Amy. Coz oh is that knuckles right there? I don't know. Maybe that's Amy because sPlOoSh. Who's this guy? I don't fucking. INFUEGO! Yeah, that's crazy. And then there's knuckles like can you guys move please? I love that return to Angel Island part two of four Its the last issue (many ha ha's) oh boy oh Sorry to anyone out there (damn!) who's dying to see the how that two dollars and nineteen cents, yeah Oh, those were the good old days. Wait, wait, wait, wait, Wait, let's see how much the first one was eight cents it was One dollar and 25 cents 125. Yeah, you got a whole story for a dollar 25. Yup Fucking inflation! Now That's something beautiful. It's gorgeous. Wait, so what's what's at the end of this other series (gasp) what? What the hell's going on here sonic blast. He looks weird there. Sonic in your fa a ha ha ha woah woah woah! (the funny men laugh at the funny face) HEY KIDS! I have had Nightmares all, almost exactly like this It's like he interrupted the kid he's like grabbing his arm, he's like don't It's so real. You'll think you're part of the adventure. You're coming with me. Oh my god! The last game cartridge here. There's ga are there more like that. That's like the beginning of Captain N I thought I told you to clean your room bshhhhhhh (mouth laser) You get sucked into the TV yikes that was insane that was really crazy Oh damn, what's her name again princess Sally its right there, Sally. Yeah, she's uh I don't want to hear any of that Dan fff uh Confirmed as furry shit either. That's that's hot no matter w I don't care if you're into, that's just hot (funny man Arin laughs uncontrollably) (funny man dan joins in) (I agree) I just wanna open like some like furry art, you're just like look I don't want you saying it's like a furry like jacking off another furry I don't want any of this Dan is furry shit, but look at this. Yeah, come on. I don't care who you are. That's hot mmmmm That kind of looks like um, like even Robotnik think so he's like yeaaahhhhhh It kind of feels like if you put your hand between their two faces you would see those two eyes as one face Y'know what I mean, here let me show you. oh yes (Arin laughs like a girl) They got a big ass wide face. Yeah, there's a there's a Pink Floyd album called the division bell number three of three issue mini series Oh god with like two half faces like that and if you put your finger in the middle It looked like one face looking at you. It's very weird. oh wow, yeah very trippy, who the hell was like, this is what we're doing What what the fuck Sonic!? ha ha ha, Jesus Christ gahoooowww (Sonic noise) Listen I'm sorry everyone who wanted to see some gameplay. But like, we kind of got sidetracked here. Uhm (Dans laughing looks strange) what is that fucking M.Bison (Arin laughs) As Eggman they call me... Doctor Robotnik (Arin makes weird sounds) Yes! YES! they just like draw the cover and they were like, hey, um, you drew two Sonic's, uh that's whatever just print it We're, print it who gives a shit it's too late. Look at this hands. Who's this? I don't know, I'm sorry. Why am I in this I messed up your order I messed up your order (laughing) jee Whoa, ha ha! They have a completely different artist for every fucking, it it sure looks like oh man oh god they're ba-ack (even more uncontrollable laughter) Sonic kids! They're bachk I I think this is just gonna be the whole episode, I it might have to be It's just so, who's the walrus? Oh look he's playing he's playing Sonic Adventure on his Dreamcast, I don't remember a walrus (Sally's Holding A Chun-Li Doll) uhegh (walrus noise) I'm Doopee the walrus, who's the tiny guy tiny guy thst tails is like holding what the fuck I think it's like a dah OH! (wheeze) I don't know! I don't know either Jesus it's it's giant 48 pages. Yeah. Yeah Well, that's two and one was it how expensive was it? Let's find out it waaaaassssss two twenty nine wow dude for a giant 48 page supersonic special, that's a fucking steal. I don't care who you are Yeah, especially when they're ba-ack Whoa, dude, oh my god guest starring Sabrina the Teenage Witch. ohhh man fucking yes, please. You think they got into some high jinks. Of course they did. It's fucking crossover chaos (Arin does the HA HA's) He's shredding on that fucking guitar, that's how he winks ahahahaha They just color his eye blue! oh my god! there's no eye lid HAHAHAHA It's just his it's just his iris Smooshing into another shape and then his eye turns blue He's got a he's got like one of those fish, you know, like the fish have like the (slurp noise) like the lizards Yes, that little eyelid that flies over also again to Sonics Why is this happening? Well, yeah, I mean he's clearly the more important character in this crossover chaos, could this be another thing like I'm here, I'm here, excuse me im also in this Who's the fucking anime guy the anime guy this guy hidden under Amy Oh, I think it's like a portrait on Sabrina's wall why am I here. Oh, yes it is. Yes. It is. Good job. I think it's a girl. Oh my god Whoa. All right who is this, hold on, who is this Minx right here. I'll be right back. ha ha ha ha ha hold on lemme just take a picture with my phone (laughing followed by cries of pain) KILL ME (clapping, knee slapping or dick slapping) I think that's to call Jesus, oh my god, that's her foot. I thought she had a large red nutsack (Arins laugh not sounds like some kind of bird) Yeah look at my nutsack! Her leg is like going into this pipe. Yeah. No wonder I didn't fucking, I didn't that didn't register correctly at first Hey whose comic is this anyway? he ha! woah! God another giant 48 pages, did they just like forget to write something and yeah, it feels that way doesn't it? Maybe that's where the barcode was Oh gotcha. Yeah This is a pretty standard. Hey kids. Hold on. Let me turn my head Zonic here what to present you a Sonic & Knuckles story, that will be sure to leave you beside yourself This is Zonic. Oh my God They just scrubbed the deviant-art barrel for that one They really did What should we name this alternate universe sonic? Oh, man I dunno. Oh wait, I do know! Wait, just a gosh. Darn second. woah dude, blur hand titty-fucking Christ there been ninety six Giant pages in the last two issues alone tails does not look okay He has like a five o'clock shadow. (Arin the silly boy laughs again) (low moans and groans) Ah this is the best thing we've ever done on this fucking show Are you kidding me? WOAH, OH MY GOD (also clapping and laughter) oOOoOoHhHHh HA x10 ah I can see forever! (more laughing) ohh My oh boy! God Look at Robotnik (loud nrrrrr) He's all teeth that looks like one of the fucking frames from one of the Halo Reach cartoons I made oh my god Where they're like deformed and disgusting. Yeah. Look at Sonic's hands Wow, eww you wanna eat my sausages I got five of 'em. Oh my god, this is so weird, ooh, ooh baby. What the fuck is that thing? I don't know. Oh, it's such a nightmare Hahaha, I could probably jerk off to it. I'm the one who drew all the comics I'm the video game boy. I'm the one who wins when did I say that? That was in stick fight and its the funniest fucking thing I've ever heard Ok these which ones knuckles mouth. Oh god... hahahaha I Mean No matter what. I say, I feel like I'll be wrong. I think it's the top one. I don't know dude, you think and then you look at it and you're like, um? Yeah, the other ones definitely more where a mouth would be or maybe there's no mouth and it's just kind of like cheek dimples Yeah, yeah, he's just chewing on some fucking tobacco. Could I get a little more uvula on Sonic please? ahhhh God damn all they needed was like some action lines surrounding it yeah, I feel like it just needs to be a boxer in there like fuh-pider fuh-pider fuh-pider fuh-pider Oh Tails That's beautiful she's is Christ I was I was just gonna say everything else is so nice and then you get to Tails and you're like, uhhh what is going on, we couldn't does he have to bow ties on I don't think he has a single bowtie on, what's the green situation? I think that's whatever is behind him Oh, you're probably right closers skinny-ass shoulders, that's just his fucking chicken neck haha oh god, uh yEAh Look at golden sonic, who's rabbit girl? Oh, that's um, What the fuck her name, with the fucking bionic legs? Yeah. She's got a she's got like a country accent. She's like, hey y'all really? Yeah, I think her name's just bunny. Dude she is like she's like the Robocop of the Sonic universe She got blown apart. I remember I had a crush on her more than I had a crush on Sally. Is that right? no! hahahaha She's cute. Can't lie. I don't I don't like cartoon animals What is like okay, what I liked it so so much earlier than it was ever called furry Stuff I just thought I AM TOTALLY INTO FURRIES Sonic. What, I mean, Sonic, I just called you sonic, its okay (laughter) Dan, yes, explain to me what's going on here? Well, I'll tell you Arin That's Hal 9000 from 2001 a Space Odyssey. like what is happening here I don't fucking know is that an eye? I think it's an eye. It can also be a mouth. I think the blue thing is a nose and it's like a robo mustache You see what I'm saying I do but but I ahhh What am I looking? Oh, yeah, maybe maybe yeah, maybe that's his nose the blue thing the blue bulb is the nose, yeah it's just got a big fucking Chester Ray Arthington mustache (?) hahaha This is this is the true Lord of the Rings third book. Yeah. Yeah, actually I remember this, if you if you really want to read the true story that the Tolkien exclusive, yep This is what you want, oh they're ba-ack again. Oh, this is the beginning I think we skipped, yeah, this is yeah we're way back we've been here Wow. Well, that was an episode. Oh, yeah, we went we went on a journey Jesus fucking christ. Sorry we promise we'll play this game, but man, it's just oh god I just can't do this anymore This is this is so good. Thank you for joining us on this unexpected adventure. Thank you to whoever sent this too us my god Sonic the Hedgehog firsts, what does that mean? I don't know that was the woah woah! We got real comics in here, oh this is from the beginning look how doofy he is, and not edgy That's that's not the edgy Sonic I've come to know and love Wowll (he said wow and well at the same time) Robotnik follower her by using her, what, we got a kill her! he could take over her body at any moment hahaha, I like this panel of Sonic right here bop! (More of Arins uncontrollable laughing as well as slapping) I told you once I told you a thousand times my hand farts with a pop. Are we mice or men? Neither (laaaauuuuuggghhhhhiinnnggggg) My point is that, what the fuck I know I know anyway, what's up with that? What's up with the (wheeze) he ran out of room writing zoom? So he just wrote Zoo and then stuck the M on after the feet. Where? Oh shit yeah! Look at that Fuck that's where's feet are shit. I gotta say you didn't really put much effort into the feet either You just drew a Cinnabon and then a starburst around it, they're just gonna put these out like every week. Yeah, there's forty-eight giant pages, you gotta fucking you gotta give some credit. Yeah. You're probably right hahahaha All right, all right actual next time on game grumps, yeah, I'm having too much fun right now, this is pretty amazing. ugh Boy, oh, alright see ya Bwang, Bwang! (chuckle) Y'all can call me bunny y'all can call me buns Just don't call me bugs or call me late when it's time to defeat Robotnik. Oh my god, really and what can you do? Well, geez (this took way too long)
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 2,404,709
Rating: 4.9624162 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, sonic comics, sonic comic covers, sonic, sonic the hedgehog, one off
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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