Curious George 🐵Surprise Quints 🐵Kids Cartoon 🐵Kids Movies 🐵Videos for Kids

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[Music] when Mrs Quint asked for help setting up a surprise party for Mr quint's birthday [Music] George was almost ready [Music] he practiced yelling surprise until he was really good at it but he wanted to be the best so he kept practicing you ever thrown a surprise party for Mr Quint before well it's the only way to give him a party because you're such a big family exactly I'm watching for Mr quint's boat no sign of him oh you don't have to watch yet Bill he won't be back for at least two hours oh didn't you know the Quints were born together so Flint can't know about the party either okay the Quints were twins now George had two people to yell surprise at it couldn't get any better Eli said you needed help so I came right over well this is fish business not trained so you can weigh anchor I'll meet you back at my house we want to know about running a train around the pond we're planning I'll be right back [Music] my brother's wife requested I proceed here to provide back up hey Clint happy birthday hey friend Happy Birthday hey wind happy birthday [Music] judge meet our sister Sprint quiet the track star she won three Olympic gold medals [Music] that was long ago [Music] count them three the Quince were quadruplets now George had four people to yell surprise at this was the best so I hear you need help putting a jogging track around a pot are those fish crackers oh hahaha but before he even tried to split 12 crackers onto five plates another Quint showed up plant plant went Sprint happy birthday [Music] meet our sister mint Quint she prints money for the government want samples are my latest work [Music] so I hear you need help figuring out the cost of a pond [Music] five oh yeah that's right this is all of us we're quintuplets [Music] you want any help with those crackers and juice George awesome [Music] how could one little monkey keep five Quints here without juice George everything's ready you did a great job oh [Music] no juice well let's go to my house [Music] yeah we'll have crackers and juice as we drop our plans for your pond and train with a police boat and jogging track and it won't be hard to pay for [Music] [Music] look more fish crackers fish crackers [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] so what do you think very impressive I'm glad you liked it George oh we should go the rocket presentation is starting soon are you coming with us George or do you want to stay here and watch the clock well if it's okay with Professor Wiseman it's okay with me now if you want to see the little people play again move the minute hand once around to 12. have fun how long does it take to build a clock like that oh about three years no that reminds me huh I'll be right back George be a good little monkey exactly George wanted to see the little people again [Music] that looked like George's friend compass the almost homing pigeon because when all the other homing pigeons homed in on the statue they almost made it [Applause] [Music] it was Compass all right George was happy to see his friend the pigeon he couldn't fix the men at hand and that's what made the little people play [Music] laughs George remembered there was another way into the clock the back [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome when you take something apart it's a good idea to pay attention to what went where could George find out how a clock's Parts go together [Music] the library of course [Music] he hopes studying the big clock foreign exactly what to do with the little clock [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh George was glad that noise had stopped [Music] [Applause] who's those are these okay and this goes there now you see [Music] Oh What a Beautiful clock did you make it [Laughter] I know everything about clocks but not one thing about understanding monkey [Music] George how did this heavy metal toolbox get so [Music] [Music] how'd you enjoy the show George aren't all the different breeds fascinating would you like to see the winners up close [Music] George got a big surprise because when he actually looked at the big ones and the small ones [Music] and the crazily hairy ones [Music] he thought the dog show was great have you ever seen so many Unforgettable dogs before okay well it looks like you had fun I hope he wasn't too much trouble he was no trouble at all wow that's great to hear gotta run see you tomorrow thanks so much bye-bye so you like the dog show huh [Music] George wanted to tell the man about all the unforgettable dogs he saw [Laughter] only remembered three it's okay you can tell me later oh would you do me a big favor and mail these letters foreign I made a sandwich if you're hungry and when I'm done I want to hear about all the dogs George was afraid he wouldn't be able to tell the man more because no matter how hard he tried he could only remember three [Music] there was only one solution foreign [Laughter] [Music] but no matter how many times George looked at those dogs he couldn't remember more than three there was obviously no way a monkey could remember them all attention could I see the owners of the winners over here please briskley brisk Clippers clear [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] there were three big three small and three hairy dogs George I'm home oh wrongly [Music] foreign [Music] George there are like 20 dogs in here George remembered all the dogs so where did these three and three and three nine dogs come from [Music] I'm just so happy they're all back in all safe well everyone's back where they belong [Music] stop the car hundley's in there [Applause] welcome to Georgia how is your friend Capello di Alexander [Music] a special meal for famous restaurant critic salitasio when she likes a place business booms so it's very important that everything will be perfect she has the day look at the taste you said there'd be fresh bread I don't see any bread here [Music] I'll taste is delicate better voice not so much [Music] this hard stuff was spaghetti didn't smell like anything new Emma [Music] George wanted to replace his broken piece hmm he'd seen the chef put the rest of it in the pot wouldn't smell like much and the steam coming out was hot George had to be careful [Music] it had changed maybe maybe it wasn't just donut makers maybe all kitchens were magic here was a pot that turned crisp things into floppy things hmm what else could it turned floppy [Music] a soft floppy egg that'd be funny [Music] oh good candidate for flopification [Applause] foreign [Music] if sugar were soft and floppy instead of grainy [Music] you could chew it all day like gum [Music] he put some sugar in the fluffification pot it disappeared well this made no sense at all ah George was pretty sure the brown thing was a potato weird green vegetable bats [Music] oh [Music] George knew the chef would be happy with all the fun extra things he'd turned floppy [Music] who turned my plain pasta into crowded spoon soup [Music] somehow flopification didn't work on spoons I don't like this at all but it smells good she was right the longer that stuff stayed in the flopifying pot the better it smelled do you know there's a cat and a monkey in your kitchen hey the monkey he made this dude quite good but you said you don't like it if you made it it's no good but for a monkey what oh what's his recipe well um never mind I got it maybe kitchens aren't Magic Maybe Cooks cookie how you can lose so many balls huh [Music] any day that starts out just smelling and ends with a cookie is a pretty great day mmm this was a Saturday that cried out for something special you know what this morning's crying out for huh Donuts [Music] I have to get dressed I can't go out like this [Music] all right all right I'm going [Music] you don't know impatient until you've been a monkey waiting for a donut how about eggs with those donuts count the eggs and write down how many we have [Music] um ready so how many eggs do we have hahaha hmm there are no eggs well why didn't you write zero oh you don't know I thought I was teaching you everything and I forgot nothing oh zero alone means no eggs none at all but zero with other numbers makes the mean a lot more see if we write a zero after one that's ten [Music] write another zero that's a hundred that's a thousand ten thousand hey nice zeros you've got it whoa I'll go in here and buy eggs while you get the donuts okay one dozen donuts please we'll meet back home and be a good little monkey [Music] really hungry but his order only had a measly one on it huh Danny remembered what the Man with the Yellow Hat had told him about zeros [Music] George chalky good to see ya oh is that an order for your friend with the yellow hair 100 dozen and our biggest order ever oh he must be having a giant donut party [Music] [Laughter] [Music] George realized what his zeros had done but try explaining that to a dog [Music] George could only think of one solution to a problem this big laughs [Music] George realized he couldn't go home because then those donut people would know where he lived [Music] so in the end George headed home with one dozen donuts there's no monkey [Music] we lost him hahaha oh [Laughter] man [Music] oh what are we gonna do with them all ah so in the end George got one dozen donuts like he was supposed to the hard-working firefighters thought everything was perfect how many left George [Music] laughs thanks for helping me with the nature week exhibit George we'd like to see the tracks of all the animals that live around here the swim mask s oh I'm gonna go jump in the lake to conduct the nature weak fish survey bye [Music] George wished his photos were more exciting but there weren't many exciting animals around here hey George ah what you doing wow I see you've got almost every local animal that's at that Fawn I've seen in the Hills a foreign is a baby deer bet you don't see too many of them in the city huh a fawn was just a special unusual animal George was looking for come on I'll show you where to find it George still hadn't seen the Fawn or learned what its tracks looked like oh these were the biggest tracks George had seen so far something extra large must have left them they looked like big duck tracks big duck would make a terrific photo yeah [Music] this was like the long track the garter snake made [Music] giant duck with a snake's tail would make an even better picture [Music] but a huge snake with duck feet would be the most incredible photo of all [Music] maybe it swam back home George remembered he'd seen big tracks like these in a book there they were dinosaur tracks duck build dinosaur [Music] the tracks were headed towards Bill's house [Music] hiya George did you see the phone foreign yeah I guess those do look like dinosaur tracks [Music] yep my new boots were hurting my feet so I put these on to walk to the lake I told you I was going swimming remember huh hey now I know what it's like to walk in a dinosaur's footsteps [Music] with no hungry dinosaurs around George still needed that special photo for nature week it sounded like jumpy was hungry again [Music] but George had enough pictures of that squirrel foreign [Music] for such big animals those deer left pretty small tracks hey deer tracks wow you used fruits and vegetables to lure the deer to our house so you could take photos laughs [Music] look at these wonderful deer how did you manage to capture such amazing photos George oh you know George he just used his imagination isn't that right [Music] George was conducting an important experiment testing the bounce factor of the living room furniture [Music] couch made a different sound that wasn't the couch it sounded big it sounded heavy and it came from up there huh [Laughter] [Music] you must have heard our new neighbor walking around he moved in last week huh what George had heard seemed heavier than footsteps what are you doing [Music] George you must have heard our neighbor walking that's all it could be it's not like he's got some wild animal up there [Music] the man with a yellow hat lived with George so why couldn't the new neighbor live with an animal but what kind [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] of course the new neighbor had brought home an elephant [Music] The Man with the Yellow Hat had to hear this thank you George you you dreamed about an elephant [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] um no more nature books before you go to sleep George they're obviously giving you strange dreams [Music] yes hi there we're your downstairs neighbors and oh so nice to meet you [Music] George what's he doing I think he's looking for your elephant my what foreign oh we heard some loud sounds um very loud sounds fairy loves oh I I am so sorry sometimes I get carried away working on my art I am an artist I do murals I mix my paint here [Music] [Applause] then I use these rubber stamps I made oh foreign [Music] here's one of my completed works [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh we also heard something like a bag of rocks dropping do you use rocks in your work no oh that was a bag of groceries it fell off the counter huh hmm [Music] what on Earth is that sounds like an elephant finger painting huh it does [Music] [Applause] [Music] monkeys love mornings [Music] especially mornings with waffles in them [Music] good morning well life is so much better now since you and I your friends we laugh and play sometimes all day yeah the good times never end when I'm down you cheer me up you take away the Blues so on this day I wanna say something special just to you won't you be my Valentine my Valentine no monkey shines cause it's for real and true won't you be my Valentine my Valentine no monkeys [Music] best friends ow [Music] yeah never touch a hot waffle iron right always wait a while until it's cool oops almost forgot Happy Valentine's Day George [Music] oh I love Valentine's Day it's when we get to show all our friends how much we care about them George wanted to show the man how much he cared about him too don't worry about the dishes I can take care of them [Music] George would make the man the best Valentine's Day card ever [Music] it took longer than he thought but he wanted his Valentine's card to be really special [Music] but the man had said Valentine's Day was for showing all your friends that you cared about them George had a lot of friends [Music] and he wanted to make a card for every single one [Music] but even using hands and feet it took a long time foreign [Music] by the time he finished drawing cards for all his friends it'd probably be summer again [Music] he needed a faster way to make cards so he could surprise all his friends today [Music] ah [Music] he'd have to hurry to get all his cards done on time [Music] his cards look good but they needed a personal touch [Music] wow what a day [Music] wow did you make this George [Music] it's amazing won't you be my Valentine my Valentine's Day no monkey shines [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 1,372,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: FxSaybApHHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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