Curious George 🐵George The Grocer 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies | Videos For Kids

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[Music] all he needed was to get a job and start earning money but mr glass didn't need a window washer [Music] today chef pisghetti didn't need a dish dryer [Music] it was one of those days when nobody needed a monkey's help [Music] i only wish i could get an employee with four hands [Music] an employee with four hands here was someone who really needed a monkey the grocer would be so happy with monkey help george would probably earn that whole oven in one day [Music] hey do you work here perfect i need to choose bananas could you help me [Music] they need to be super sweet i'm baking a banana cream pie for my mom george knew one sure way to find the sweetest tasting bananas these bananas belonged under the counter not on top how about the bunch behind you [Music] not the bananas in front of you the ones [Music] behind [Music] oh thanks this is the best service i've ever had in any store can you please grab me some grapesicles from behind the glass [Music] you don't like grapesicles how about lemon can you grab me some lemon sickles instead the lemon sickles are above the grapesicles ah you don't like lemon sickles well we are running out of sickles cherry sickles fine can you grab the cherry sickles they're above the lemon sickles thanks honey [Applause] [Music] oh i guess my pyramid wasn't so perfect what do you have there it's the diagram for our new window display it's going to have a tree colorful balls and other fun stuff oh i can't wait to see it me too but i can't set it up till my son gets back i'd better put the diagram in a safe place look it was here a second ago [Music] the grocer didn't have to wait for his son george would set up that window display for him first he looked for a tree he found one behind the boxes and colorful balls [Music] and above the balls he found some stringy fun stuff oh hi george i whatever you're paying that monkey he deserves double i've never had such helpful service me neither have you been working here all day helping customers and this [Music] hey dad this window display you came up with is pulling in customers the store's crowded [Music] it is i guess this is our first annual christmas in july sale built by our employee of the month george [Music] [Laughter] guess city kid wouldn't have seen cross-country skis before it's the most fun way to travel on deep snow ah i've got an old pair of skis you can have want to come with me [Laughter] [Music] this was fun george took the skiing like like a monkey to skiing [Music] george had a great view up here he could see houses and farms and there was his house [Music] and then he thought he'd better head home right now because the man was making the last of the cocoa and no one can resist the drink me now power of cocoa not even the man with the yellow hat [Music] i wonder what that could be i'm gonna go take a quick look around you wait here [Music] this wasn't good he was getting even further from home [Music] hey george down here i couldn't find what made that sound i'm heading home now have fun at least it was all downhill from here he figured he'd be home in seconds [Applause] [Music] there had to be a way to get that ski [Music] well one ski was better than none [Music] about the only thing that kept him going was the joyous hope of coco [Applause] now george could see what made that sound a cold lost pig george was almost at the top the pig was way over there he didn't even know if he could help we can't just leave him here [Music] hmm [Music] george wondered how a pig got lost all the way up here and more importantly howie was going to get it down what they needed was a sled [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i'd know that squeal anywhere it's little mike he got out last night before it snowed he's never even seen snow before must have been completely mystified by it [Music] now george realized he had to get the feeder far from the tree trunk so jumpy couldn't jump to it [Music] no squirrel could jump from the tree trunk all the way over here [Music] problem solved [Music] dropping straight down seemed dangerous [Music] then jumpy discovered he had another choice george wanted to stay here and watch happy birds eat [Music] jumpy was at home in trees so george needed to move the feeder away from trees [Music] but where [Music] [Applause] [Music] haha [Music] hmm [Music] there was only one way to stop this squirrel george stood guard making sure the birds got their food this worked didn't move from that spot till the feeder was empty [Music] [Applause] huh [Music] no squirrel could eat this much what was he doing with it all [Music] hmm hmm jumpy wasn't eating the food but why was he bringing it here [Music] that's the bull bill always filled with squirrel food of course bill wasn't around to fill it so jumpy was doing it [Music] so george brought over plenty of food and jumpy left the bird feeder alone [Music] there had to be plenty of food because jumpy wasn't the only one dining [Music] even with no bunnies to feed it turned out to be a pretty nice weekend in the country though this food was definitely for the birds all righty who bid me a dollar for this amazingly yellow traffic cone i will and look at our dollar who's gonna be two who's gonna be two seven never in his whole life had george heard a man talk as fast as mr diddy and soul to the fellow with the big yellow hat for ten dollars yes those were george's mittens or they would be his mittens if george bid on them all righty let's start the bidding at a dollar who'll get a dollar for these mittens me hmm okay we have one dollar anyone else [Music] all right we got two how about three three three somebody give me to the monkey in the middle [Music] [Applause] did you bid for those mittens all by yourself [Music] well you are one smart little monkey but i knew that popcorn okay george sign here [Music] that will be 100 dollars may i see that george a hundred dollars is a lot of money how to explain this so that's the money you have and this is how much money you need but more or less [Music] wow that's a lot george was remembering how hard he worked to earn one dollar he had to wash mike the pig twice to make enough money to pay for the mittens george would have to wash mike 100 times at least that was a lot of pig i know we'll tell mrs nguyen you made a mistake and thought the mittens were only one dollar mrs winn is nice she wouldn't make you pay a hundred dollars if she knew you made a mistake but one dollar is a lot less than 100 the library wouldn't be able to buy as many books [Music] so we should auction the mittens again and mr glass can buy them for 101 oh good idea marco i am always thinking okay so the bidding will start at 100 george [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] why isn't mr glass bidding here let me try uh did you notice these mittens have elephants [Music] and they're red and there are two of them right one for each hand or foot [Music] he's still not beating hmm ah mr glass isn't there oh time was running out if george didn't get these mittens sold a hundred pigs were going to be very clean i look for mr glass you keep trying to sell the mittens [Music] look they're not just mittens they're earmuffs [Music] mr glass do you still want those red mittens oh absolutely i love those mittens they're unique great because george doesn't have a hundred dollars so he put them up for auction again so you could buy them and the library could get 101. only now there's only one minute of bidding time left one minute how are we gonna get to the auction in one minute um right there are two of them and the wool is from a very nice sheep named carmen let's face it no one's gonna buy those mittens stop those mittens i'll pay a hundred and one dollars sold [Music] this was great the library had a hundred and one dollars and george didn't have to wash a hundred pigs [Music] still he would miss his mittens don't worry george i'll need you another pair of mittens with giraffes right outside it was the best game of cat tries to catch a plane ever [Music] until [Music] this wasn't here before it must be what they made from those bones [Music] gnocchi wanted that plane [Music] george wanted to help gnocchi get down but he couldn't reach here just because it came apart doesn't mean it's ruined george but maybe it mattered which bone went where hmm all right let's see my skeleton but but we just ordered dessert hmm dessert of course of course this memory of mine but i'm anxious to know how you've handled my precious bones george's skeleton didn't look as good as that other one even though they looked almost the same [Music] before if they look the same he could figure out where the bones belonged by using the other one as a guide [Music] so am i forgetting anything or is it now time to see how you've taken care of my baby it's time [Music] oh i'm nervous you have nothing to be nervous about whatsoever [Music] george had one side of the skeleton finished when he noticed [Music] both sides look the same except opposite he could finish by matching the remaining bones to what he'd already done [Music] gnocchi wished this bone game would end so they could play something cats were good at i'll admit i'm worried no one else but i has ever handled those bones before today only our best people have been involved oh boy [Music] your best people are a monkey and a cat [Music] george well this isn't the skull we put on it it seems george was switching them i don't know why i do the monkey's right the monkey's right that old skull never looked right i think george has correctly matched the cranial structure huh now i wish i'd loaned this out years ago i want george to check all my future work [Music] and that went on record as the first scientific discovery made by a monkey [Music] assisted by a cat from an italian [Music] restaurant i forgot this bag of marbles for mr zubell is the doorman here yet first a dog's in charge then a monkey next it'll be an elephant sign here please weirdest day ever george started delivering the bag right away he was a great door monkey things had to be going better for george hundley jr was a fast eater good thing george got some leaves from the tree but hundley jr didn't like the tree leaves he only liked the leaves from the flowers hundley understood he only liked one kind of dog food he and hundley jr were exactly alike and then something strange happened hundley jr dangled down off a stick and stopped moving maybe hundley jr needed more food hundley had to get more leaves from the flowers fast when hundley got to the lobby he couldn't believe his eyes nothing was wrong george couldn't believe his eyes either hundley was dirty and smelled like trash [Music] hundley needed that food but george didn't want a dirty dog in his clean lobby [Music] it was hundley versus monkey hundley who would win oh my flowers ms klopotsnick that's who aren't today oh dear there's milkweed in this bouquet i'm allergic to milkweed well at least the lobby smelled better now when hundley got back hundley jr was in a tiny sleeping bag oh where did he get that hundley would just wait until his friend woke up he was sure it wouldn't be long ah oh okay there's trash all over the floor george is in the lobby and you're watching a stick i'm taking your temperature hundley [Music] days and days went by but hundley jr stayed wrapped up in the hard little bag hundley tried to get hundley junior to come out and play nope hundley tried to get hundley jr to come out and sing nope meanwhile george kept watching the lobby in the mornings while the doorman was at his class he did a good job [Music] most of the time two weeks later the doorman was back to work in the morning why george but hundley jr was still sleeping george knew how to wake him up it looked like their friend would sleep forever [Music] but then the sleeping bag opened and out came a butterfly where did hundley jr go [Music] it was empty but that must mean the butterfly was hundley jr no wonder he'd been so sleepy it took a lot of work to grow wings their little friend had grown up puppies turned into dogs baby monkeys turned into bigger monkeys and caterpillars turned into butterflies hundley was happy his friend was awake but he was a little sad too because hundley jr didn't want to live inside anymore it was a beautiful day a perfect day for flying they'd miss their friend but he was ready to leave and go see the world thanks to them hundley was proud he'd been a great caterpillar daddy hey lobby monkey [Music] but he'd also learned his job could be done by a monkey [Music] hundley still did it better though oh [Music] i can't even make my first delivery how am i gonna finish my whole route in time hey if you're not delivering papers wanna pull me around in the snow i've never used a toboggan before but so far it's great thanks for thinking of it george [Music] good morning thanks boys hang on gotta steer around this curve [Music] how do you steer [Music] hey you boys all right [Music] um don't know much about toboggans i'm not much on snow sports i guess i spend too much time playing with my trains maybe there's something else you could use in here instead [Music] george [Music] then george realized you can steer by leaning [Music] george you're a genius why didn't i think to lean that's how we can steer the toboggan [Music] oh you better keep the blanket you might need it [Music] hang on george here comes the lake street curve clean george lean harder than you've ever leaned in your life [Applause] [Music] only two papers left golden [Music] they weren't going anywhere they had run out of hill [Music] and then george realized great idea george we can turn this blanket into a sail and we can zoom over the flats if only he had a couple of poles [Music] from the recycling bins take anything you want [Music] once their sail was sail shaped they needed to attach it to the poles attaching it to the mast and boom was a breeze with their sail in place they'd soon be moving quickly but their mast blew past what if we let the boom out so the sail catches the wind here you go mr torsten didn't have to go around the lake they could go across it [Music] good idea george [Music] you do the honors [Music] not bad for a city kid [Music] she's a real beaut couldn't have done it without you [Music] partner because when it came to paper delivery it was always smooth sailing with bill you want to listen to the opera now uh george why is there a duster on your [Music] head [Music] oh i get it since betsy missed the opera you want to act it out for her [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this was going to be harder than he thought george had enough trouble playing one part how was he going to play them all [Music] and then george realized he had the whole cast right at his fingertips now they just needed costumes [Music] finger puppets worked great the actors could come on and go off in a flash but hansel and gretel were the same size as their parents george needed something bigger for the adults [Music] no wonder none of my socks match [Music] the smiley sock could be the sandman the oven mitts could be mother and father now what did i do with those myths but he still needed a witch and a dew fairy [Music] maybe this could be the witch now where was he going to find a dew fairy huh she would have to be magical and pretty and sweet and [Music] george knew just the girl for the job once the puppets were done george needed to create the sets [Music] but george couldn't work puppets and sets at the same time [Music] his sets had to be easy to move [Music] george taped the pictures he had drawn onto the paper roll george's opera was ready to roll george wants to know if we can come over he has a surprise for betsy [Music] hey what is this shh the show's about to start show the comment dance with me is that handsome [Music] let's hold the mountain back again [Music] here comes my favorite part fairy it's me i'm the dew fairy [Music] oh be careful it was so fantastic i even forgot to itch still sorry you missed the opera no i'm sure george's was much better it does make me wonder though oh how do you feel about ballet huh [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 5,463,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: -o3iKTe9Gdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 29sec (2489 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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