Curious George 🐡 George Goes Exploring 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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george explained that he was the owner of this body and toots in the germets would have to go go why should we go we like it here i'm making you feel sick oh well in that case i'll be on my way i i'll just do it [Music] i fool you i'm never leaving but you are [Music] [Music] george knew he wouldn't feel better until he got rid of toots but where did he go [Music] the lungs [Music] georginoki agreed to try his lungs first [Music] it looked kind of wet was this the lungs or was it the stomach maybe they made a wrong turn somewhere [Music] gotta run [Music] [Music] now this looked more like a lung when the walls moved out air came in when the walls moved in air rushed out george was watching himself breathe [Music] this was george's chance so where should we go next uh the throat hey maybe the ears [Music] [Applause] [Music] george couldn't believe how hard it was to get rid of one measly germ [Music] [Music] hey hey what are you doing let me go george didn't have a feather but he did have 20 fingers this george and gnocchi had done it toots was gone [Music] you're awake how do you feel george felt great he could even smell again for an important call i have the most amazing exciting thing to tell you can you come over oh right we're in bed okay then meet me at the clubhouse tomorrow right away and don't forget bye [Music] the next morning george raced to the clubhouse hey hiya george are you ready to hear this are you ready it's kind of unbelievable and i don't think you'll even believe it so are you ready [Music] okay i am going to kindergarten [Music] huh kindergarten is where you go when you're big and you need to learn stuff like how to write your name in eight plus two ah and i want you to come with me to get all my school tools so can you come can you come [Music] it was a good thing george went shopping with allie because she needed a monkey's eye [Music] okay which backpack the lion the witch or the warthog [Music] yeah that's the one i wanted too because it holds the most stuff see in kindergarten you need exactly three rulers and a cowboy belt and binoculars and pipe cleaners wow kindergarten sure sounded like fun where else would you need three rulers in a cowboy belt guess what these are two for one oh would you like a backpack george [Music] the next day george wondered how allie was doing at kindergarten [Music] kindergarten was great and guess what i told my teacher i was best friends with a monkey and she said you could come to school with me tomorrow [Music] yeah you'll be our official guest monkey [Music] here's your lunch huh your snack and just for luck a brand new yellow pencil [Music] wow a school tool have fun be a good little guest monkey george discovered that just going to school was exciting first there was waiting for the bus [Music] then there was being on the bus and then there was getting off the bus [Music] this is it george kindergarten [Music] hi allie and you must be george all right class time to take your seats now we're not gonna create any more work for professor wiseman right [Music] okay come on come on come on come on come on [Music] feed the ducks youtube fun relaxation ducks okay here i go [Laughter] george carefully no problem we're still feeding them right it's fun huh right ducks [Music] but your hat is waddling away [Music] oh my hat [Music] we can solve this problem you shouldn't i i should okay how aha we can use the kite string to fish the hat out of the water i just need a hook [Music] perfect choice okay wanna toss it george [Music] hmm we need more weight okay try again [Music] see that branch we can use it to lift the hat we can [Music] [Music] fantastic [Applause] oh thank you thank you oh this wasn't what i planned all you did was solve problems for us please accept my apology apology for what i had a very relaxing day huh relaxing exactly hands-on problem-solving not like work where i just answer questions and shuffle paper ah well then you're welcome well see ya oh okay ah wow who knew relaxing could be so exhausting [Music] come on george i think it's time for a nap george knew he had to keep gnocchi away from that spaghetti strand he had an idea how to do it [Music] now george had an accurate way to measure the building this tape measure could measure anything [Music] this was going great 10 feet 15 feet 20 feet oh the tape measure was only 20 feet long but the building was more than 20 feet tall but how much more [Music] now how was george gonna measure the building if only he had something longer than that tape of course george had a spaghetti strand 30 feet long [Music] hey aren't you jenny the world record book lady you are correct oh i've been a fan of yours for years well thank you i'm here looking for i know what you're looking for jeff pisghetti's is this way [Music] there's just gettys restaurant and here's chef pisghetti's strand of spaghetti i have got to get a picture of this george could see that the spaghetti wasn't touching the ground which meant it was a little bit shorter than the building [Music] how could he measure the difference [Music] when george held the strand at the top of his head it reached the ground that meant the building was exactly one spaghetti strand and one george tall [Music] oh yes oh this is going to be spectacular love this stevie why you don't come back anymore you're jenny the world record book lady and you must be chef pascari yes yes and up there on the roof is that your monkey friend giorgio displaying your super long spaghetti strand here's the photograph i just took of it wow does that set a world record jenny oh i'm afraid not here's the picture i took of alfonso dimitri displaying his strand of cooked spaghetti from the leaning tower of pisa no no now i'm never gonna get in the world record the book you most certainly will you have the second longest strand of cooked spaghetti three stories tall son of diggers oh three stories i gotta call a nettie and tell her the building next door is a three stories tall [Music] so gnocchi finally got to play with the spaghetti and chef pisghetti broke a second record world's longest cat toy george always liked to visit the man with the yellow hat's old neighborhood and that used to be the bookstore and look that's where i saw my very first movie [Music] oh this used to be a great old theater maybe some days someone will fix it up [Music] hey what's going on progress that's what where do you see the unique self-cleaning parking structure i planned for this site but this old theater is full of memories you can't tear it down tear down this theater you're not serious look at the beautiful lobby this bijou is what inspired me to become a doorman in the first place but it's tired and run down it's a hopeless broken old theater george didn't think it looked hopeless he'd seen the man with the yellow hat fix things up before why couldn't he fix up an old movie theater too [Music] us hmm you're right george if we don't do it who will how about it mr glass let us put on a special screening we'll show you that this theater is worth preserving i don't want to go out to a movie with one of these why bother [Applause] but a movie is always more fun on the big screen it can be a truly unique event unique hmm hi you're a monkey aren't you uh-huh okay it's a deal wait if you clean up this place and put on a unique one-of-a-kind show i'll save the theater mr glass i promise we'll knock your socks off [Music] ah maybe this is hopeless well let's see it with the lights on [Music] see it just needs a little tlc tender lobby care you know it'll take some work but i bet we can put on a good show cleaning up a movie theater was a major production thanks [Music] we've never played for a movie before [Music] here it is isle of dinosaurs one of mr glass's favorite movies [Music] hey great work you two i can't believe this is the same theater wow george could run toy trains and count to ten how tough could this be [Music] huh could you repeat that what did he say number seven number eight anybody understand that i don't understand him but i trust him [Music] fast work station master we're all in order [Music] [Laughter] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i'm station master we're sort of out of order again [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] station master you did say reverse didn't you [Music] real trains were even easier than toy trains for a smart monkey [Music] all he had to do was simply move the number 5 train first [Music] george was a great train master the five moved into position followed by eight seven nine and six [Music] then six seven nine eight and five then seven five six eight nine six nine seven five eight five six eight nine seven seven five six eight nine five six eight nine seven eight seven nine five six five six five seven five six eight nine and then 356 [Music] is it just me did that sound like a monkey this wasn't like his toy trains anymore george needed help flint was right outside comparing jelly sandwiches unaware that a little monkey needed him george didn't know why that warning bell wasn't going off see if the whole sandwiches are equal the halves must be too right [Music] thanks for holding down the floor george i'll take it from here [Music] that was the craziest train ride ever you wouldn't believe it george [Music] george still wanted to be a station master but only in his own home where he could eat a one-piece sandwich cutting sandwiches in half only leads to trouble [Music] george couldn't recall ever seeing the man with the yellow hat looking like this [Music] he was usually calm cool and wearing a yellow hat oh here he comes hello good morning come on in ready as promised [Music] ah it was worth living without it for three long days [Music] i'd rather carry it myself george you're not gonna wear your hat no i want to keep it perfect till tonight we're going to the opening of the new planetarium dome [Music] [Music] thanks let's get home before anything happens to my perfect clean hat [Music] [Applause] [Music] whew well we made it safely [Music] okay now george when i get back we're going right to the planetarium so take a bath [Music] there'll be photographers there i want you to look clean and fluffy george was going to take a bath just like he was told [Music] oh yeah [Music] it sure was a perfect hat who could resist trying it on [Music] george wanted compass to see him in the yellow hat it'd only take a second [Applause] [Music] george saw the hat fly this way but it disappeared [Laughter] [Music] the hat was back home and still perfect almost george removed the piece of branch as carefully as any surgeon working on any yellow hat could okay there was just a tiny thread there no problem maybe he needed to pull harder or maybe it had to be cut off [Music] [Music] george had forgotten that the last time he used his safety scissors was to cut his strawberry jam and banana sandwich [Music] it was only a small smudge all he had to do was clean it off [Music] this stiff brush got the grill sparkling like new every time and the grill got dirtier than that [Laughter] [Music] he may have scrubbed too hard the apartment building where george lived was a very orderly place and that's how hundley liked it they're here to clean your carpets [Music] people came and people [Music] went the elevator arrived [Music] and people came down the stairs everything in hundley's lobby was orderly and neat [Music] well almost everything we can't go back into the apartment until the carpet is dry george so you stay here in the lobby while i run my errands all right okay oh owen in case you get hungry i won't be long [Music] hundley didn't think george should be eating a sloppy apple in the lobby [Music] george decided it would probably be better to eat his apples someplace else hundley had never been through this door before [Music] but he was pretty sure it was against the rules to be out here [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hundley didn't think george would ever get in that way [Music] so he'd find a better [Music] all way move it along at least there was one thing hundley knew for certain home was this way or maybe that way [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hundley was getting worried he could just imagine the terrible things that that sloppy monkey was doing to his lobby when hundley found his building it was even worse than he imagined [Music] but then hundley saw that it wasn't his street at all oh but that meant he had no idea where he was [Music] lots more coming stick around come on guys let's go [Music] there was the rankin silo the river brought them back home they weren't lost all they had to do was stop [Music] it was a long way to run but when they got to that silo they knew they'd be completely lost it was the wrong silo they were now even more lost than the lost chicks [Music] george couldn't even find the river nothing looked familiar but there was the duck rock again a landmark george had an idea they saw the big duck rock and what else did they pass on the river [Music] the big trees the boat [Music] and rankin silo the sun set behind the renkins silo suddenly they didn't feel so lost they ran to that rock but when they got there it didn't look like the big duck rock [Music] but as george walked around he discovered it was the big duck rock [Music] the big trees [Music] they had found the next landmark [Music] and there was the boat another landmark if he followed the river all the way he would find the silo with the sun right behind it but george realized that if he took the river all the way around it would take too long [Music] they could just take a shortcut and follow the sun [Music] this couldn't be easier okay it would have been easier if they could see where they were going they had to walk towards the sun but how could they find it now [Music] it was that way [Music] the chicks recognize those friendly monkey feet [Music] ah we'll never find those chicks in the dark george [Music] didn't i tell you to stay at the duck pen oh you brought him home you're a hero monkey [Music] george how did you do it [Music] after a day lost in the country what could be more relaxing than going home to the city [Music] did you see a raft at the river [Music] bill made it for us next weekend we take a relaxing raft trip won't that be fun [Music] you ever thrown a surprise party for mr quint before well it's the only way to give him a party because they're such a big family exactly i'm watching for mr quinn's boat no sign of him oh you don't have to watch yet bill he won't be back for at least two hours [Music] it's not my birthday george i'm not supposed to get surprised he's home early no what do we do take him to your house and keep him there till party time [Music] not yet george well hey there young fellas ooh looks like you sprung a leak bad luck today huh ah not all bad got to see part of the river i never saw before the bottom well i got to change my soggy socks don't i mean come to our house we want to build a fish pond and need expert advice about fish uh well sure well let me just get some dry clothes here dry clothes go help him all right mother if you say so huh no quit can resist fish crackers they may come in handy okay i have fun [Music] so george and the man with the yellow hat kept mr quint busy with lots of questions what do you think well if you make a pond that big you can have almost any size fish as george was about to ask exactly how many whales he could have mr quint's brother flint quint showed up hi george it's mr quint's brother the train station master hi clint happy birthday hey flynn happy birthday oh didn't you know the quints were born together so flint can't know about the party either okay the quints were twins now george had two people to yell surprise at it couldn't get any better you know i said you needed help so i came right over well this here's fish business not trained so you can weigh anchor i'll meet you back at my house don't go we want to know about running a train around the pond we're planning i'll be right back hello oh it's mrs quint disaster the bakery truck broke down so they can't deliver the birthday cake don't worry i can go pick it up oh thank you it's mr piscato's bakery over in franklin square you can't run tracks across the pond it'll scare the fish well then we'll just have to tunnel guys could you monkey sit for me while i run an errand uh sure we'll just figure out the pond while you're gone it's your job to keep the quints here so the surprise isn't wrecked okay [Music] george knew this would be easy because the quint brothers would probably argue about the pond for hours well we've got it all worked out the perfect pond and train so we'll monkey set you at my house where we could draw up plans [Music] george had to keep the quints here it was important the surprise [Music] fish crackers oh oh oh well um we could have fish crackers here and then go to my house that's a good idea [Music] eating this many crackers would keep the quince here a long time [Music] somehow this didn't look fair [Music] fish food could arrive by train at ten o'clock and three o'clock those look delicious [Music] my brother's wife requests that i proceed here to provide back up hey clint happy birthday hey flint happy birthday hey wint happy birthday didn't you know george all those quints were born together course i'm the oldest by two minutes the quints were triplets now george had three people to yell surprise at even better fish crackers reel in your hooks we were here first [Music] george was going to need another plate to keep three whole quints here [Music] nice but where's the police boat [Music] hey i've got juice at home that goes great with fish crackers let's eat these at my house [Music] george [Music] well that's the same juice okay we'll stay here so we don't have to wait for fish crackers fish crackers oh [Music] [Music] george had to admit he had no juice happy birthday boys happy birthday [Music] george meet our sister sprint quint the track star she won three olympic gold medals oh pasha that was long ago [Music] count em three the quints were quadruplets now george had four people to yell surprise at this was the best hmm so i hear you need help putting a jogging track around the pump are those fish crackers [Music] but before he even tried to split 12 crackers onto five plates another quint showed up flint plant went sprint happy birthday happy birthday [Music] george meet our sister mint quint she prints money for the government want samples of my latest work [Music] so i hear you need help figuring out the cost of a pond [Music] five oh yeah that's right this is all of us we're quintuplets [Music] [Music] i wonder what this belongs to oh george i found your lost boat in the freezer you know george if you were a little more careful with your toys you wouldn't lose so many of them [Music] [Laughter] almost ready to go to the park [Music] hey aren't you glad we found your boat george george [Music] charkie wanted to play in the mud too wow [Music] hey george what do you say we go home and grab some lunch maybe you should try and clean up a little bit before we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] we could be here all day doing this you can clean up at home george [Music] okay george lunches george you have to get cleaned up before you can eat just take a quick bath i'll wait [Music] there were only two things that could get george to take a bath bubbles and and springy the frog george wondered where he could be george george what is taking so long [Music] [Laughter] you can clean your room later after you clean yourself and after we lunch [Music] hop in [Music] oh i get it you want to be launched like a new ship huh all right here we go into the sea [Music] you're tickling me look i know you took a bath already this morning but you're muddy george no hey look at all the fun bubbles [Music] you see [Music] there was no way george could take a bath without springy who had to be around here somewhere george oh and there was no way george was going to admit he lost another toy [Music] who had to be here somewhere [Music] george [Music] george george aren't you gonna take a bath are you gonna take a bath tonight you don't know tomorrow ever [Music] oh well i can't have a muddy monkey messing up the apartment [Music] okay george forget about giving yourself a bath how about we give your truck a bath huh [Music] you don't mind if i wash my car while you wash your truck do you [Music] george loved making bubbles anywhere he didn't need a tub a bucket of water and a little soap work too they were so light and shining and filled with air [Music] but making bubbles reminded him of springy [Music] there all clean good job [Applause] [Music] hi guys oh you're looking good george well at least the right half of you is i guess someone's due for half a bath i wish but george won't take a bath anymore i don't get it and maybe george feels he's getting too old for a bath of course that's it ah my little monkey is growing up [Music] now i know exactly what to do come on george we're going in oh thanks professor wiseman you're a genius well yeah i understand your problem with baths now george and i agree it's time for you to start taking showers [Music] turn on the water george and see what happens [Music] george george [Music] okay won't take baths won't take showers [Music] i need to take a walk and not think about any problems for a while [Music] but sometimes not thinking about something is harder than you think [Music] bubbles maybe somehow springy was nearby [Music] hi betsy hi steve hello betsy made pretty good bubbles but she was no plastic frog hey george we're washing dogs to make money want to help yeah george why don't you help there's soap and water and bubbles and soap great george can help me make bubbles to attract dirty customers [Music] george figured the triangle bubble maker was broken but a square bubble would be just as good [Music] [Music] they fooled me the first time i tried them too it doesn't matter what shape bubble maker you use they'll always turn out round [Music] all this bubble making made george miss springy even more [Music] sharky you're more mud than dog hey george would you help me could you wash charkie's ball [Music] don't be shy about getting some of that clean water on yourself [Music] of course the park the mud sharky oh no no no you're getting dirtier george slow down okay i'll meet you back home oh [Music] wow you beat me home uh why were we racing george you're taking a bath [Music] okay then enjoy i um wow i wonder what that was all about
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 2,338,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 35sec (3515 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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