Curious George 🐡 George the Gymnast 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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[Music] wow George's friend Ally really flipped for flips even when she wasn't doing the flipping did you see that yeah the annual gymtastic tournament was right up Ally's alley next year that's gonna be me oh here comes another one the gymtastic tournament was for gymnasts of all ages there were girl gymnasts and boy gymnasts and foreign gymnast [Music] up is that bundle a dynamite George on the floor mat well uh I mean the balance beam [Music] well I guess I mean the uneven parallel bars or do I ah I mean George on the the Rings yeah yeah I give up [Music] [Applause] [Music] you huh he didn't mean to disrupt things you are a natural born gymnast you've got to come to my gymnastics class you teach gymnastics oh me too really do you know how strong your arms have to be to do gymnastics imagine how far a guy could throw a newspaper oh oh yeah fantastic see you at the community center tomorrow for an introduction to the class three o'clock [Music] oh I bet we'll be tumbling in no time [Music] oh look at all this gym equipment [Music] but before you can tumble you have to stretch stretching is one of the three s's of gymnastics oh stretching s number one [Music] and stretch and stretch [Music] I got it I guess stretched muscles are more bendy [Music] and walking on a balance beam was tricky too oops find a spot to focus on if you stare at something still huh it helps you be still too oh I'm doing it I'm doing it [Music] so when do we start with these puppies go ahead give it a try [Music] Rings take a lot of strength we'll work our way up to it and you can practice with a bench until your back arms and chest are strong enough to pull you up [Music] uh this is a good time to talk about our other two s's safety and supervision you should always have someone spotting you [Music] know when someone spots you they're there to catch you make sure you don't get hurt [Music] running can be so much fun [Music] make running fun it just might work [Music] you want to show me something George okay let's go [Music] oh is this a ferris wheel aha okay I've never been on one of these before what an amazing view hey look there's the museum I can see my window it looks so small from here the professor had so much fun on the ferris wheel that George took her to all his favorite places laughs [Music] [Applause] [Music] the day the professor outran him George knew she was ready for the race oh I never knew running would make me feel this good I have so much energy now thank you George for the ferris wheel for the balloons for teaching me that running is fun good evening Professor oh hi everyone I'm running in that race tomorrow will you be there well we wouldn't miss it for the world [Music] oh on race day George couldn't believe how many people showed up okay I'm ready oh no I forgot my water thanks [Music] so you really think I can do this go Professor Wiseman go Professor Wiseman sis Boombah Runners take your marks [Music] the race was on [Music] the professors seemed to be doing everything right she ran at a steady pace and there she was drinking water so far so good [Music] George wanted to see the professor cross the finish line so he made sure to get a good spot do you see her I don't see her she looks tired oh no something's wrong maybe she got a charlie horse huh that's a cramp in your leg George and they can be very painful [Music] hi there I thought it'd be fun if my personal trainer finished the race with me huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I did it I actually ran a race [Music] I got a medal for finishing and the race was a huge success we raised enough money for our trip to omam oh that's terrific and I found out who those Anonymous donors were apparently they thought I needed to work a little less and have fun a little more that's right because all work and no play is a crummy way to spend your day [Laughter] to thank you for helping me learn that lesson I want you to have my medals [Music] we should use the wagon wheels [Music] oh yeah we should use the whole wagon [Music] the handle is sort of like a steering wheel foreign [Music] if you want to ride in a race maybe your wheels shouldn't write off without you George needed a way to keep the two car parts together [Music] just how to do it [Music] first he put the steering handle through the hole in the bottom of the boat [Music] then he nailed the boat to the wagon [Music] we did it the car was almost ready [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey kids aren't you entering the Derby race it starts in 10 minutes oh no but we're missing a car park and we don't know where to find it well I'd offer to help you but um we know we know no help allowed well if you see anything you need you're welcome to it thanks Grandpa [Music] did he say break foreign [Music] had their break no it looks okay we can test it on the way to the race [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah the Racer's ready on your mark [Applause] that's sad hey guys you made it go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the gracious that's my tire and that's my wagon oh go George that's my buggy [Applause] [Music] a while George and Bill were neck and neck come on faster thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now let's meet the winner farmer rinkins wagon it was a rather unusual entry but it meant all the rules and our runners-up George and Dally and Bill [Music] [Applause] [Music] mm-hmm if only he had some way to quietly find the kitchen in the dark he couldn't see or hear his way maybe George could taste his way [Music] George don't eat off the floor use a sponge [Music] foreign [Music] other senses were there want some honey in your oatmeal maybe touch if George felt honey with his feet he'd know he was going the wrong way oh he was so excited about his path he could hardly wait until he couldn't fall asleep to try it out [Music] the honey was working he was finding his way by touch [Music] trouble is once you step in honey it sticks to your feet [Music] and before you know it it feels like it's everywhere [Music] George what are you do oh oh [Music] George needed to feel his way with something less messy maybe something soft [Music] they're going for a ride George [Music] 's soft path had to work why because the man's race was tomorrow and he needed to get some sleep oh I'm okay Georgia's stuffed animals would tell him where the furniture was but he needed more soft things to lead him to the kitchen oh [Music] George sure hoped his path worked [Music] sorry so late I kept falling asleep big race tomorrow gotta go to bed early right after something ah George didn't even have to wait until bedtime to try his soft path out [Music] foreign [Music] he'd made it to the kitchen and he didn't wake the man [Music] in fact he used his path many many times because he was so excited about the man's race tomorrow he was the one who couldn't sleep [Music] the next morning George was there to cheer on the man as he swam [Music] the road [Music] and ran his way to the finish line oh did you see that Joe yeah George all that walking around made a monkey very sleepy [Music] to Hundley nothing beat being a wiener dog on a sunny day it was so much more dignified than being a sweaty tired looking man back from the marathon already yeah [Music] and you want a trophy 17th Place congratulations [Music] steady now push that button uh let's put it there next to my cow pasture Sprint trophy [Music] trophies make it hard to forget things you've done because you have to keep cleaning them [Music] yeah I got that for climbing and mapping what they now call Yellow Hat Mountain [Music] you'll win trophies someday a trophy is a reward for doing something well so maybe best at being a good little monkey hahaha George figured there wasn't much chance of that but maybe for something else someday [Music] oh hi Giorgio Giorgio oh see you know I've got no help today huh could you [Music] all done thank you so much [Music] my new dessert the ice cream gnocchi for you Giorgio consider it the helpful monkey award my thank you for a job well done this plate of ice cream was Georgia's first trophy a trophy is a reward for doing something well [Music] [Music] [Music] turkey [Music] turkey where are you there you are [Music] who would have done this it's just mean to melt a guy's helpful monkey award Georgia what did you do leave your ice cream gnocchi in the Sun foreign [Music] maybe I can still use it for something [Music] this time don't leave it in the sun where it'll melt [Music] George now knew he had to keep his trophy out of the Sun laughs [Music] hi George [Music] can we have a little tiny bit of ice cream [Music] that oh just how big is this fish you're after George well you might as well be hunting for tadpoles hey go try this one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] George knew nothing about water beetles except that they couldn't help him find his tadpoles now this was a strange creature it looked like a tadpole sort of swam like a tadpole kind of but it had legs almost no tail not like a tadpole huh hey George my tadpoles aren't giving you any problems are they good bring them over some time for a visit okay George knew that someday he'd have to tell Bill he'd lost the tadpoles and he knew he might never see his little friends again back in the city George tried to take his mind off the tadpoles it wasn't easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] ah oh [Music] George couldn't believe it that odd little creature was one of his tadpoles and he let it go [Music] [Laughter] but George we just visited the lake we'll go back next month oh yeah [Music] Bill said the tadpoles would grow up in amazing ways but how much would they grow in a whole month and into what George we've been looking all over for you the pounds of boiled lettuce now George really had to get back to the lake but it was weeks before he could go [Laughter] luckily George didn't see any signs of jumbo tadpoles [Music] but he couldn't find his friends either these loud frogs probably scared the tadpoles away [Music] it was time for George to tell Bill he'd lost the tadpoles hey George [Music] that was a good idea to release my tadpoles into their natural habitat how'd you like watching them grow into frogs pretty neat huh [Music] uh-huh just like my caterpillar changed into a butterfly see [Music] the tadpoles were right here all the time they had just been well growing up smile George before long George thought the frogs were even more fun than the tadpoles [Music] well most of the time [Music] I'll be home later remember no bothering the new neighbor who is not an elephant [Music] the new neighbor wasn't an elephant he had an elephant George felt very misunderstood [Music] elephant must have gone out too [Music] well that thing would never fit inside the apartment [Music] chainsaw and mabels [Music] so many things made similar sounds how could George figure out what he'd been hearing upstairs for George to be certain he had to go right to the source [Music] that sort of sounded like his neighbor but not really the Man with the Yellow Hat was right George hadn't heard an elephant but then what had heard that was the sound [Music] so the upstairs neighbor has a Galapagos tortoise that's been wrapping gifts and making juice [Music] thank you George I'm gonna say this one more time there is no way [Music] yes [Music] hi there we're your downstairs neighbors and oh so nice to meet you [Music] what's he doing I think he's looking for your elephant my what foreign oh we heard some loud sounds um very loud sounds very loud oh I I am so sorry sometimes I get carried away working on my art I am an artist I do murals I mix my paint here [Music] [Applause] then I use these rubber stamps I made yeah foreign [Music] here's one of my completed works [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh we also heard something like a bag of rocks dropping do you use rocks in your work no oh that was a bag of groceries it fell off the counter huh [Music] what on Earth is that sounds like an elephant finger painting it does [Music] [Applause] George thought he'd probably need better bait too [Music] well first he'd need bait [Music] George had been eating a carrot when he saw the eel maybe eels like carrots too or other favorite monkey Foods [Music] unless George could figure out what an eel ate bill was going to take it home for sure [Music] if you move fast George could get that eel's picture [Music] George I've got something wow it's heavy oh I won I get to take the eel home ah it's just an old bicycle tire in her tube [Music] no I have to replace this hook I'll be right back you're not gonna have time to beat me [Music] here was George's chance to get the eel first so Bill couldn't take it home [Music] Out Of Reach and George was out of breath this looked bad soon bill would be back with his new hook [Music] a hook was just what George needed [Music] thank you [Music] now if only he could get the water to sit still [Music] thank you foreign [Music] wow it looks like a big one don't worry I'll help you George didn't want Bill to get the eel but he didn't want the eel to remain trapped either George this is what happened fishing gear [Music] [Applause] oh it's just an old cage hey the eels in that cage and you're the one who hooked him [Music] okay you won but George we have to help Daddy will get back to its home where it belongs well that's why I wanted to catch it to take it home to the ocean [Music] oh yeah [Applause] being a city kid you don't know this but eels travel from fresh water to the ocean to spawn bon voyage Mr real that's the proper way to say goodbye to someone headed out on the ocean [Music] all the fishermen came back with tails that day Mr quint's tale of how he freed a whale George's tale of how he and Bill freed that eel [Music] the apartment building where George lived was a very orderly place and that's how Hundley liked it they're here to clean your carpets [Music] people came people went [Music] the elevator arrived [Music] and people came down the stairs everything in unley's lobby was orderly and neat foreign [Music] you can't go back into the apartment until the carpet is dry George so you stay here in the lobby while I run my errands alright okay oh Owen in case you get hungry I won't be long [Music] [Music] what homily didn't think George should be eating a sloppy Apple in the lobby oh [Music] George decided it would probably be better to eat his apples someplace else Hundley had never been through this door before [Music] but he was pretty sure it was against the rules to be out here [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] Hunley didn't think George would ever get in that way so he'd find a better way [Music] all right move it along at least there was one thing Hundley knew for certain home was this way or maybe that way [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] was getting worried he could just imagine the terrible things that that sloppy monkey was doing to his Lobby when Hundley found his building it was even worse than he imagined [Music] but then Hundley saw that it wasn't his street at all but that meant he had no idea where he was [Music] lots more coming stick around come on guys let's go the day started with a wham wham wham lots of people heard it but only one was so curious he had to go see what it was [Music] [Music] wow pretty impressive construction site huh George [Music] that's what it'll look like when they're all done my hat stop my hat anybody [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] boxes looked important metal on the outside tasty Sandwich inside with all this great equipment to see George didn't want to waste time on food foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] Machinery is more fun when it's nice and loud [Music] now you see there it goes again why is my building groaning and quaking I think the ground under the foundation is Shifting but I can't figure out where or why I want this place to be safe we'll have to shut the site down until we find the problem [Music] George George get down that's not a playground [Music] hey Bonnie this your monkey [Music] and is this your cat you no but I am I I know her oh not good cat well looks like lunch is on me [Music] the next morning The Man with the Yellow Hat was doing a little constructing of his own good morning George what'll it be for breakfast waffles or pancakes [Music] sorry George but there are no blueberries we'll just find something else fun to put on top or you could go down to the store and buy blueberries okay George this is a 10. so be very careful [Music] George suddenly realized something was missing no wham wham wham maybe they were done oh the building was built the blueberries would have to wait [Music] the building wasn't done but no one was working today maybe this was a perfect time to look around without distracting anybody [Music] how would he pay for the blueberries George was definitely going to give Compass blueberries for his help gnocchi had never seen George look so worried yeah George showed her the problem but cats think every wiggling finger is a game they can't help it [Music] maybe he didn't need a new yellow hat maybe all he needed was something like a yellow hat thank you [Music] Hundley tried not to wonder what George was up to he really tried [Music] [Music] what would make a good hat [Music] same color perfect [Music] wanted to see what George was up to and now he couldn't see anything at all foreign good color too floppy [Music] not floppy but too pointy perfect [Music] if he wanted to be the man with the drippy yellow bag hat [Music] The Man with the Yellow ice cream stick pyramid [Music] The Man with the Yellow blow-up hat George realized that no hat he made could ever be the man's yellow hat [Music] but the hole didn't look so bad when there was yellow paper inside that was it he didn't need a new hat he needed to patch the hole [Music] the paper looked good but something made of more Hattie material would look better [Music] thank you something like a yellow sock [Music] s up George did Hundley drop by for a shower or is one of our towels running away from home George where's my hat gnocchi don't touch my clean hat it has to be perfect for tonight [Music] George why does my hat have a tail and a hole [Laughter] [Music] George couldn't believe he didn't think of that you see it looks great all right we've got to go did you take a bath [Music] fixed hat fresh suit clean monkey I feel like there's something we forgot to do [Music] [Applause] George thought it was nice of Huntley to notice what a rush he was in [Music] all right [Music] hey George couldn't wait to show off his unmelted trophy [Music] the Yellow Hat was gone so the man wasn't home George figured he'd impress compass pigeons like interesting things [Music] George forgot that pigeons like to land on interesting things [Music] the ice cream took on a whole new shape it just kept changing you dropped it oh you can't throw up ice cream it's platters that's your plate from before it re-frows I give you a nice new one now remember no sun no dropping just get it home fast he's got even more ice cream [Music] [Music] another plate curious [Music] now there was no sun to melt it all George had to do was wait for the Man with the Yellow Hat to come home [Music] a Lobby Leaf luckily George had time to clean it off so it would be perfect When the Man with the Yellow Hat saw it [Music] luckily for Curious Hundley George wanted to show off his trophy [Music] it makes sense there was no sun he didn't drop it you ran water on it oh that's gonna make it melt too yeah right but this is the last one no sun no dropping and no washing it [Music] [Applause] hey how much ice cream can one monkey eat alone I think he's gonna share this time [Music] you're sure eating a lot of ice cream George wait up oh it's a party [Music] be a good neighbor monkey share you've already had so much let's get them [Music] we got him he's he's right there [Music] trophies you got that as a trophy well let me get a picture [Music] maybe George can't help himself maybe monkeys just naturally hoard ice cream [Music] oh boy it just looks great when George got his first trophy everybody was a winner [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 1,313,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: 5UPw4kbXz1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 44sec (3524 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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