Curious George 🐡 George's New Mittens 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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some important events happen just once a year New Year's Eve the first day of school and of course the annual corn roast and attic auction at endless Park Elementary this is really good yum taste get your fresh roasted corn ER gracias [Music] this must be what they're going to sell at the auction George was excited he had one whole dollar to spend on whatever he wanted should he buy this strange old horn with a handle or how about these red mittens with elephants [Music] yeah those are nice George well you can't buy them you have to bid on them [Music] let's go inside and I'll explain at an auction a person called the auctioneer holds up things for sale and people bid on them now a bid is the amount of money someone is willing to spend you can bid as many times as you want is that why you have a paddle to make a bid yes thanks for coming to our annual corn roast and attic auction to raise money for our school library and now please welcome our Auctioneer Mr Conrad DT Howdy Folks hope you're ready for some exciting auction action so the first item up is uh yeah I don't know what it is oh that would make a great mute for my tuba alrighty who bit me a dollar for this amazingly yellow traffic cone I will and look at a dollar who's gonna be two who's gonna be two all right say two take two all right three three three seven three three three three three two four three four four down score four four fifty five five five four six six seven to six never in his whole life had George heard a man talk as fast as Mr Diddy here hold this while I pay for my cone [Music] those were George's mittens or they would be his mittens if George bid on them alrighty [Music] anyone else [Music] all right we got two how about three three somebody give me fours all right sir come on yeah just so you know price is No Object I want those very unique mittens for my month auction elbow gets me every time soul to the monkey in the middle [Music] [Applause] okay coffee and corn that will be thirteen dollars [Music] did you bid for those mittens all by yourself [Music] well you are one smart little monkey but I knew that popcorn okay George sign here that would be one hundred dollars uh may I see that pair of mittens bought by monkey price one hundred dollars excuse me I I need to speak with my monkey George a hundred dollars is a lot of money how to explain this [Music] hmm Let's Pretend This kernel of popcorn is a dollar so that's the money you have and this is how much money you need but more or less [Music] monkeys don't get Chickenpox I wish I were a monkey but little girls do which is why George was going to the Opera instead of Betsy um you guys are so lucky ah no we're not operas are boring ugh don't pay any attention to him George Hansel and Gretel is wonderful it's magical listen oh isn't that pretty yeah pretty high oh this is my favorite part of my favorite Opera it's where the Dual fairy helps Hansel and Gretel oh isn't she beautiful I only do this Opera every few years and I have to miss it [Music] oh we're all gonna miss it if we don't hurry have fun [Music] sorry it's my monkey's first opera [Applause] draw the come and dance with me both my hands I offer thee right foot first and Back Again George thought the boy and girl must be Hansel and Gretel I would dance but don't know how when to jump or when to Bow show me what I ought to do so that's why me dance like you with your foot you tap tap tap with your hands you clap clap clap right foot first left about him back again the Opera was everything Betsy had said it would be Hansel and Gretel danced and played in a magical forest there was a sandman who lived in a tree [Music] sleep [Music] and to do Fairy Who woke them up then they found a house you could eat but the house belonged to a scary witch who wanted to eat them [Music] watch the magic head eyes but Hansel and Gretel outsmarted the witch spell was broken and all the gingerbread men turned back into kids [Music] oh it was incredible George liked it so much he got the music wow I just wish I could have gone with you crummy chicken pox oh [Music] ah here this will keep your head dry hey George you look like you could be in Betsy's opera did he huh [Applause] sure did in fact he could be all the people in Betsy's Opera he could do the Opera for Betsy all by himself the first thing George needed were costumes [Music] next he needed the music uh what's going on you want to listen to the Opera now uh George why is there a duster on your head [Music] oh I get it since Betsy missed the Opera you want to act it out for her come and dance with me both my hands I offer thee right foot first left foot [Music] this was going to be harder than he thought when you're a little monkey in a big city it helps to know where you're going so Steve and George made a map with lots of landmarks landmarks are important because they tell you where you are like this is my house and this is the dinosaur Bush and here's the statue of the old guy with a beard the statue of the old guy with a beard and glasses Red Rock oh look giant ants [Music] they're not really giant huh they just look giant because they're so close to this teeny tiny camera see oh yeah hey where'd you get that Professor Wiseman she's coming to get it in an hour I forgot I have dance class ah we can wait for her right George you won't lose it will you like I'd lose it I'm not some little kid Betsy yeah right well thanks [Music] that is so cool [Music] hey watch this deep from the heart of darkness comes something truly terrifying Hoagie the giant hamster oh no my two-sided marker ah I can't see it I know let's get Hoagie to find it oh yeah okay Hoagie find the marker boy hey I've been looking for that [Music] George couldn't believe all the stuff under Aunt Margaret's couch [Music] stairs ah [Music] what's the matter George hey that looks like the alley outside [Music] Hoagies escaped and he's got Professor weissman's camera [Music] bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle [Music] ah how am I gonna find a little bitty hamster out there oh okay good thinking we can look at the computer and figure out where Hoagie is [Music] looks like he's near the dinosaur Bush see it's right here on the map [Music] okay we have to split up someone has to watch the computer so we know where Hoagie goes we can use my walkie-talkies to communicate [Music] I'll tell you what landmarks I see here and you can find them on the map and grab hoagie so the dino bush is here [Music] to get to the dino bush the first thing George had to do was turn left down the alley but instead of finding a street huh George found a park he had done something wrong he started at Aunt Margaret's here the park was at the top of the alley George wanted to be at the street at the bottom of the alley [Music] he turned right instead of left if you're hurrying on a hamster hunt [Music] you need a quick way to tell right from left and then George realized the walkie-talkie ear was left and the non-walkie-talkie ear was right [Music] he was at the intersection below Aunt Margaret's the dino Bush was on the next corner on his left walkie-talkie ear left if he had turned the way he was supposed to turn the dino Bush would be up ahead [Music] and it was it's hard for a monkey to nap when he's looking forward to the next basil know-it-all mystery and George was foreign did you nap at all well you think you'll be able to stay awake for the big basil know-it-all movie tonight basil was George's favorite detective hey [Music] know it all movie as part of his Monday Munchen mystery night hey what movie is on the menu tonight the basket of the hounder wheels [Music] oh that sounds like our kind of movie doesn't it hunly Hundley was partial to doctor on his toes Basil's extremely neat assistant [Music] huh say George do you think you'll be able to solve the case in the movie before basil does George hoped so he wanted to be a great detective and solve a mystery too foreign [Music] my cookbook she is missing oh where's the last place you saw it go to hand out the menus noise I'm back she's a vanish and without it you're ruined nah but dessert sure is I don't know how to make the topping for my blueberry surprise without it it has to be around here somewhere [Music] well the cookbook doesn't seem to be anywhere here [Music] George realized he had his very own Mystery the case of the missing cookbook the first thing to do was look for Clues [Music] George wished he had his official basil know-it-all magnifying glass [Music] oh what do I do keep looking I'll start the movie maybe you'll find your cookbook before it's over The Mystery of the missing cookbook really had George stumped ah maybe the detective movie would help him learn how to solve his case [Music] foreign [Music] I've called you because my most precious book has gone missing huh oh George was in luck the movie was about a missing book too foreign but he was wishing he'd taken his nap missing eh oh definitely sorry no matter this vase of water will do see the rounded sides combined with the water make things big just like my magnifying glass marvelous maybe George could use a vase to inspect his own crime scene a lot rainy days were great for vegetables and pigs tractors [Music] I'm gonna need a tow truck oh I wish we had something fun to do huh George [Music] we toss is way off since I sprained my thumb ah some wrestling injury I really miss it sorry about your paper it's okay hey that's something fun to do we could get the paper down first we have to build an elevator and ah oh whoa crazy huh an artist next town over made a giant sculpture of his dog hey that would be fun let's do that let's make a ginormous sculpture I wish I could make a ginormous sculpture but I've got this bum thumb oh you can supervise cool so what should we make hmm huh [Music] suddenly George saw the perfect thing [Applause] [Music] my thumb oh yeah my thumb great idea it's easy it's still and it's a great thumb but how are we supposed to make it if we can't see it oh [Music] I guess we could sculpt my left thumb but my right thumb looks better I know follow me whoa having a supreme thumb also makes it hard to start you can use these pictures here's me and my thumb and a fishing tournament last year This Is Us eating watermelon and here we are showing my mom how much we like her spaghetti good times now that they knew what to sculpt they needed something to sculpt with fortunately George had some clay [Music] unfortunately he didn't have enough hey just checking to see how my thumb is [Music] you call that a ginormous sculpture oh you got work to do a ginormous sculpture needs a ginormous amount of clay oh that's all you've got huh maybe we can we do something else to make our sculpture lunch time anyone for peanut butter sandwiches here the models stick to the cardboard instead of your feet I already knew that [Music] nope can't eat I've got to clean up and call a tow truck [Music] whenever we use has to be soft and squishable like clay hey peanut butter is squishable do you have any more my grandparents make their own wow [Music] the peanut butter was too sticky [Music] [Music] I guess we need something else they needed something squishable like clay but not stickable like peanut butter [Music] and then George saw something that might help his sculpture take shape George thought Professor wiseman's beach house was great this time it was even greater because George had brought your bow the friendliest robot ever [Music] [Music] is great yes yorubo's next job was to help George and the Man with the Yellow Hat pack a lunch for the beach laughs I don't know not look out oh sorry George I'm listening to an audiobook the slimy sea monster from the sea it's great and scary [Music] George didn't understand how something could be great and scary thanks [Music] now are you ready for a long hike to the beach [Music] I hope we don't run into any slimy sea monsters ooh George couldn't think of a better way to spend the day than exploring the beach with your bow [Music] two albums in here say George you want to go swimming sorry urbo robots can't swim could you read the manual again please well George if your bow was made of plastic like your bucket or wood like this chair he could go in the water but yorbo is made of metal which rusts when it gets wet and rust is very bad for metal because it does this last monkey and as a rotten turnip [Music] I guess a storm is coming correction the storm is here quick George let's get inside made it away okay [Music] George thought it would be fun to sit inside a cozy house and watch a storm with the man end your bow George you can't go outside when there's thunder and lightning [Music] oh yorbo is out there don't worry he'll get wet but we'll clean and dry him before he has time to rest as soon as the storm quiets down we'll go get him [Music] hey how about a game of tic-tac-toe [Music] George usually really enjoyed tic-tac-toe but this time he couldn't get his mind off your bow foreign [Music] wow the storm really did a number on the beach don't worry George you're both a tough little robot we'll find him under the seaweed could be okay [Music] but yorbo wasn't under that seaweed or any of the seaweed okay George thought it was a great day for the county fair and sheep competition oh I'm so excited George Grandpa's in the Sheepdog competition [Music] he's not even a sheepdog let's hurry it's almost time for the final round it was hard for George and Ally to hurry at a spring fair there were tractors to play on prize-winning turnips to admire [Applause] [Music] there was even a barber shop for sheep laughs don't worry George the Sheep's hair will grow back besides now that summer's coming the Sheep wants to get rid of that heavy coat [Music] George figured all that sheep hair was being taken to a trash can but the farmer had other plans [Music] a sheep's hair is called wool and after you wash it you comb it out [Music] ah and diet [Music] then spin it into Yarns and use it to make things like sweaters socks and blankets so people help sheep stay cool in the summer and sheep help people stay warm in the [Music] morning George had been saving his allowance for months and now he knew what he wanted to spend it on you want to buy a scarf you won't need it till next winter George are you sure final contestants for The Sheep party Mr rankins and his dog ball whoops we're gonna be late come on nice scarf George [Music] hi Grandpa hi bow ready [Music] who's winning Usher the Sheep well it's up to Beau to hurt the Sheep around those barrels and into that it depend Bo knows what to do because of your grandpa's whistling now those whistles are actually commands for Bo to follow head toward the sheep and then get them closer together [Music] pan before two minutes are up they won [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign thanks for the fun day Mr yellow pants it's too bad you didn't get a scarf though I bet I know what color you'd like maybe next time hey I have to finish some errands George I won't be long [Music] no no no you have to pull it hard and fast that's the only way to fix it like this [Music] ah well if that doesn't work then you have to pull it more slowly oops it's wrecked all right George wondered if there was some way to knit the scarf back together [Music] oh yeah let's go find my grandma she can fix all kinds of stuff George was excited because he was going to see his very first baseball game Marco's team the cubby Bears versus the tiger babies hey George throw me the ball [Applause] whoa [Music] I just wish I could bat as well as I catch I still have never hit a home run you'll do it someday Marco and in the meantime you're still our favorite shortstop come on George I'll introduce you to the coach have a good game hey coach this is my friend George put her there kid ah if I'm going to get good at batting I need more practice would you mind pitching hey who's running this outfit nah it's a good idea what about you kid you want to warm up with the team [Music] [Music] okay okay Marco keep your eyes on the ball [Music] nice glove work kid [Music] whoa you're some Runner warm-up shower guys it's time to play ball [Music] hello Baseball fans looks to be an exciting contest of Bears versus babies says our score keeper has a boo-boo and can't make it George could be scorekeeper kid you have to hang a new number each time a team scores a run then what are you waiting for go keep score [Music] play ball this must be the scoreboard and these must be the numbers apply and that's our first out three strikes out number two [Music] and it's a sharp single towards second base and that's the third out now the Cubbies are off to bat by the third inning George had discovered that sometimes scorekeepers have a lot of free time come on hit a home run you can do it ah the pitcher winds up Marco strikes a solid single to right field and he's safe at first base [Applause] oh my God [Music] no a strong hit down the right field line and the right fielder is having a little trouble finding the ball run run go will Marco be able to score from first base [Music] to Marco's Sensational slide time to put up a number foreign [Music] folks I gotta clean my glasses because I did not see five runs being scored hey George that's the wrong number [Music] kid [Music] uh George you're really good at Hanging numbers but now they have to go in the right order what did that mean in order it was an exciting day to be a door dog because he and the doorman were expecting a very exciting delivery [Music] didn't you sleep last night oh me neither I was too excited about our big delivery oh [Music] boy are we glad to see you when the doorman set a big delivery he meant a big delivery [Music] what's in this thing my western town a whole town in a box aha it's for my train set I wish I could set it up right now but I'm on duty yeah we'll set it up We Love Trains hey thanks okay oh yeah Hundley and the doorman had built the most amazing train set ever there was a future town a farm town and even a mountain town the Westin Town goes right there relax Hundley George and his friends will be very careful sure absolutely it's okay fella if you're worried why don't you stay here and keep an eye on them you can nap when they're done bro Hundley would not rest until the last piece of track had been laid Oh but before Hundley knew it West was done [Music] uh oh the track is missing a pin see [Music] there it is oh excuse me sorry the pin was lost don't worry we'll find it Not only was the pin lost but the apartment was a wreck I wish there was a quick way to sift through all this dirt [Music] hey good idea George we can make sifters with our fingers but sifting is a slow business and boring it made a sleepy dog even sleepier ah I feel like a minor in some old western movie oh my darling Oh My Darling Oh My Darling little pen first we had you then we lost you wish we'd see you once again first we had you and we lost you wish we'd see you once again [Music] morning Deputy big day today with the train tracks joining up bro I wrote a little song all about it would you like to hear it it goes something like this [Music] Prairieville was neat and clean had the best Sheriff you've ever seen his Deputy was on the ball no he was just inches tall [Music] Prairie View way out yonder further still Prairieville Prairieville stuck out in nowhereville but all that's about to change when the tracks join across the range when tracks join across the range on Sunny snowy days [Music] George usually got up bright and early [Music] stay he discovered that Bill had gotten up even brighter and earlier [Music] snow blocks I'm building a house out of snow although the correct term is Igloo yep I'm trying to earn my Sprout badge in Winter camping and to do that I have to build an igloo and sleep in it overnight suddenly that was exactly what George wanted to do build an igloo and sleep in it just like Bill you want to help me and sleep in the igloo too [Music] why not let's get started [Music] George that's not the proper technique guess I better show you city kids probably don't know much about non-mortar Construction [Music] see the first thing you do is Mark a circle in the snow that's your foundation then you take the biggest blocks and fit them together like this oh Bill showed George how to build up the igloo walls block by block making sure that the top layer overlap the bottom [Music] yep and when we're all done we can just smooth out the inside [Music] as they built it up the igloo started to look like a volleyball cut in half see we keep shaping these blocks and put them all the way around until there's just a small hole left in the center [Music] and we fill that with a large block called the Keystone you have to cram it in so it'll hold the walls in place [Music] now I'll just make a few air holes and once we fill all these cracks of snow it'll stay pretty warm yep we're done foreign let's go check it out George was so excited he had never been in an igloo before the inside of the igloo was smaller than George thought yeah he had wanted a funny glue one that was big enough for a bed and a tuba and his friends sort of like his room only better [Music] you want to build your own Igloo sure I wish I could help you but I gotta fill up these cracks and then do my chores [Music] so George started on his second Igloo of the day with help from The Man with the Yellow Cap but this time he built it wider [Music] and taller and brought in some furniture [Music] wow good window hmm are you sure you want to spend the night in here George guess it's time to make the cocoa hey George how's it whoa this is huge you put a bed in here and a sofa wow the only thing is it might get cold at night the bigger the igloo the colder it gets George wasn't worried he figured he'd just wear his coat to bed when the Man with the Yellow Hat told George he was bringing home a wondrous animal called a chameleon George decided to surprise it with a gift hi George [Music] that's terrific it looks just like Jade take a look [Music] yeah Professor Wiseman and I rescued her when she lost her jungle home yeah she's uh there see huh look she's changing color chameleons can do that see she's usually green like her jungle surroundings and that's why we named her Jade but under the sun's Rays she got warmer and that made her change color watch [Music] chameleons change color when the temperature changes [Music] and sometimes when their mood changes too anyway today Jade will get a new home at the zoo that is if I can convince Dr chroma that she's the kind of rare chameleon he's been looking for [Music] yep I've already prepared my speech no I just need to pick up some posters hey do you want to feed Jade while I'm gone [Music] great her food's on the table uh just dropping a few pieces and she'll do the rest thanks George bye-bye [Music] up [Music] Jade had an amazing tongue George wondered if he could get his tongue to work like that [Music] ah huh George had left the cage open [Music] Jade was God God [Music] huh [Music] come on [Music] there was no way for George to get to Jade he'd have to find a way to get Jade to come to him introducing [Music] squeaky what chameleon could resist [Music] nothing brought out the puppy and Hundley like a squeaky toy the squeaks were coming from George's apartment [Music] George hoped that squeaky would lure Jade back to her cage all he could do now was wait quietly [Music] it's just a little rain I'll get you an umbrella [Music] I know let's check the Attic [Applause] [Music] I knew I had an umbrella foreign [Music] George thought that cart was wonderful it would be perfect for carrying stuff huh I really should get rid of some of this [Music] you want that oh sure [Music] my first yellow hat now that's a keeper [Music] George loved his new cart now all he needed was something to put in it it was too small for a cow [Music] could hold a ton of coconuts but there were no coconut trees around that's what George could put in it interesting sticks [Music] by the time George got out of the woods he had quite a collection [Music] ah hiya George hey you want to try some delicious made out of apples that I pick myself apple cider [Music] do you want a whole bottle [Music] that'll be 350 please why don't you and Ali make a trade that's what we used to do when we were kids foreign [Music] I like it but I don't want to trade for a stick oh I like the cards though George wasn't sure he wanted to give up his new cart but then again that cider was delicious [Music] now just remember kids once you make a trade it's for Keeps we know yay and it squeaks too here you go George the next morning George had finished all the cider and was missing his cart there were so many fun things he could be doing no like playing hide and seek or carrying a pet fish around but the cart was gone unless he could trade it back for something Ali would like [Music] it [Music] was George's first spring day back in the country and already he was starring in a movie hiya Mr rankins yeah hi Bill George okay George you go in first and see if there are any baby ducks running around [Music] I'll follow with my camcorder this will make a great scene for my science project about baby animals [Music] bringing you baby ducks live from the rankins bar [Music] hey [Music] we're in luck the ducklings haven't hatched yet they're still inside their eggs [Music] good George look you and me and other mammals come into the world as babies but birds ducks for example come as eggs oh yep dumplings babies will hatch from these eggs as long as she sits on them to keep them warm Sprouts on her George it doesn't sit on them they'll get cold and never hatch oh my battery died I'll have to get another one don't let the eggs hatch without me okay [Music] where was dumpling going she was supposed to be keeping her eggs warm foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the eggs were still warm but if dumpling didn't come back soon [Music] George decided that if dumpling wasn't going to sit on her eggs he'd have to do it carefully [Music] well sitting on a nest hatching eggs is actually pretty boring foreign thanks for loaning me a battery sir no problem I think that's great you're filming a duck hatching no this I've got to get on tape Phil here bringing you up first a city kid sitting on a nest of duck eggs George why are you sitting on a nest of duck eggs [Music] it looks like he's trying to keep dumplings eggs warm huh [Music] wow I don't believe it a duck is hatching right before my fairy eye on camera Mr and Mrs rankins you don't want to miss this your ducks are hatching we'll be right there [Music] boring super boring [Music] Mega boring [Music] now for the paint [Music] now geez that billboard is kind of high uh George how about you paint in all supervised from here okay [Music] don't forget the picture [Music] when George got close to the billboard he could see things he couldn't see from far away like the fact that the billboard wasn't just one big sheet of paper but six sheets glued together [Music] that's it start from the center neatness counts I'm here for you buddy hey George are you done [Music] uh George [Music] did you paint the picture on the billboard the same size as this oh that explains it you painted too small I'll show you [Music] so George resolved to paint big he'd cover every last inch of that billboard wow [Music] oh hi George how'd you do huh it looks like you painted only part of the picture did you run out of room George wondered how he could get a small picture onto a big billboard then he noticed something [Music] the full marks on the picture were just like the rectangles on the billboard oh [Music] I get it match the rectangles here with the rectangles there that'll work here I'll make it easier six rectangles paint one at a time and you're good to go this time George was sure he'd get it right [Music] what Church come down [Music] foreign you're painting the rectangles out of order [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 2,395,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: F15MoLgETf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 3sec (3903 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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