Curious George 🐵 George Sees the Light 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies | Videos For Kids

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[Music] George noticed that people seem to like red a lot because they all stop to look at it people who like red didn't like green when the light turned green everybody drove away and when it came to yellow so far people only liked it enough to slow down and look a little bit the lights were always changing people didn't get much time to enjoy their favorite colors George made a special green side because someone who liked green was bound to show up a yellow side for those who might prefer yellow and a red side which George predicted would be the most popular [Music] didn't understand why they were unhappy if they didn't like it why didn't they just drive past the red light [Music] thanks wind oh did you do this but now George you're from the city you must see traffic lights every day don't you know how they work George only paid attention to the lights that told him when to walk those other lights were for drivers and he didn't drive well you're young and you are a monkey but you should try to be more curious about important things well it's simple green means the car should go yellow means slow down red means cars have to stop [Music] the light was out but that wasn't so bad it wasn't even there yesterday except that yesterday jumpy had his branch bridge to cross the road on then George thought of something he could do to help since George now understood how a traffic light worked he was ready to be one [Music] with George in charge that traffic light worked better than before at least it was better for squirrels [Music] [Music] [Music] well George squirrel chicken and chicks too I am going to see that this situation is resolved that's my job it turned out they put that light up on the wrong corner it was meant to go up in the middle of town went Quint and Clint Clint put up a temporary squirrel bridge until the tree branches could grow back [Music] and George decided to look at the traffic lights back in the city maybe some of them needed a monkey though shorts were a gift from my grandma George wasn't thinking about funny shorts now he needed a new soccer ball and if a lemonade stand worked for the boy with the yellow hat it could work for George [Music] hey George who's the real scorcher huh oh you want a lemon crate sure go right ahead [Music] George now had his very own lemonade stand this was pretty easy oh wow is it ever hot hey is that lemonade thanks but I can't drink all that don't you have any cups thanks still a lot how about ha ha there that's a good amount George never knew you can make one cup of lemonade into two delicious let me give you a little something what a great business George wondered why everyone didn't have a lemonade stand here ya go Thanks [Music] George I saw the same lemonade how would you like it if I came to your house and did monkey stuff before you could get to it unfortunately some people didn't want competition some people were just too busy [Music] hey we have a present for you a brand-new soccer ball [Music] well you guys are fantastic let's go play soccer and some people had soccer cars George was ready to quit but he decided to try one last location there you are charkie I've been looking for you all morning hi George oh is this your lemonade stand are you making much money you have to charge money George now George realized with the man with the yellow hat meant he earned money and bought a ball a nicety truck sprung a leak at the zoo and the elephants drank it all aye aye that was on its way to the construction site now those poor workers have nothing to drink are you thinking what I'm thinking [Music] thanks monkey [Music] Wow we made a lot of money today George we sold every last drop of your lemonade but it wasn't George's lemonade I am really looking forward to coming home and having ice-cold lemonade he had to replace it before the thirsty man with the yellow hat came home George where did all the lemonade go did you take our lemonade out for a walk oh yeah I noticed our soccer ball was flat so I got a new one it worked George ran a lemonade stand and got a soccer ball and the man with the yellow hat learned how to make lemonade come out of George's nose [Music] yeah how'd you like to sail a ship like that humbly the neatest ship to ever set sail was the SS dignified its commander was world-renowned captain Hundley no other captain was as smart as orderly or at his weddin OHS no one knew how to ride the breezes like captain Hundley the greatest sailor in the history of wind but all was not smooth sailing a new crewman came aboard during a stop in the dry tortugas new first mate George was a sloppy monkey with a jelly sandwich he put that monkey in the brig and kept his ship dignified the wind was so strong the Pirates were upon the dignified before captain Hundley could give orders the Pirates were led by yellow hat the pirate he's famous you know hi how are you we're uh taking over your ship because well you know that's that's what Pirates do and that come on out and have fun with us George snuck down with something to cheer up sad captain Hundley that flag always reminded the bald captain how dignified his ship was George wanted to hang it up where captain Hundley could enjoy it [Music] [Music] where is that good little monkey George are you down here all my goodness I mean our wake up I'll put on my vest we're filling with water sinking weeping we gotta get back to our own ship [Music] the intrepid captain Hundley instantly took control of the situation the winds out of the Northwest at 30 knots captain [Music] [Applause] captain Hundley used the wind perfectly and they set sail George [Applause] [Music] what's up boy have a scary dream that was the strangest dream any dachshund ever had after thinking about sinking Hundley thought that maybe if his boat wasn't weighed down with water maybe it would still float and it did so George hadn't ruined his boat he just sunk it hey that sounds fun doesn't it George hey Hundley your good pal George is gonna come out on the boat with us today at least Hundley knew what to expect so he was prepared George couldn't believe his eyes he'd never seen such interesting stuff in one room before I'm sorry but you'll have to play with that later right now it's circle time that's right so today let's share some of our favorite movements Allie would you like to start oh yes my favorite movement is a forward backbend walkover handstand [Music] that was lovely George what kind of movements do you like to make careful George not so [Music] ah it's alright George I know it was an accident we'll fix it later all that morning George tried to learn the rules of kindergarten here's the castle here's the moat here's where the horses live this is wonderful except we don't stand on the sand table and we don't pull the plug on the water table either at lunchtime Georgia discovered something kindergarten is harder than it looks you're a monkey George you're just not used to kindergarten George wanted to be a monkey who was good at kindergarten what could he do George had an idea instead of drawing a castle why not build one a castle for mrs. gold to live in the bookshelves the water not a problem but sand in a carpet that's a problem George wants to know if he can build a castle instead of draw one oh sure sure I'll be right there let me tell you about carpets first you got your shags it's not easy building a castle but George found a way [Music] bookshelves and blocks for balls and a curtain for the roof and every Castle needed a window [Music] [Applause] [Music] George's school tool made a great construction level at last the castle was ready all it needed was a tree yes well thank you that was most informative I'm sure it will look oh it was George's idea but we helped when you said a castle you meant a castle I hope this is wonderful it's amazing what you can do when you use your imagination and work together and have a monkey to help you it was good being a guest monkey but it was also good being a plain old regular monkey on his way home [Music] thank you goodbye George George I can't pay you for things I usually do myself that's why I wouldn't let you brush my teeth but here's a 20 cent advance on next week's allowance five ten fifteen twenty six how could George earn more money there's always work for a good pasta detangler biggies heavier than ever but he wasn't full yet how else could George earn money oh poor George oh he's trying to earn money to buy a boat but nobody seems to appreciate his music I think I can make everybody happy if these are quarter George each one is the same as 25 pennies 25 50 75 100 pennies a and that equals one dollar I know how to get your money out let's go to my house [Music] with Piggy's help George had saved his money now his big dream was about to come true here you go George this is a kind of piggy you have to break open it's so you won't be tempted to spend your savings [Music] okay we'll think of another way okay go George maybe if we put piggy in the closedrier the coins would shake out [Music] but it may break it - well charkie solved the how to open pinkie problem [Music] well it's eight dollars exactly you have enough for your boat plus three dollars left over George had his boat [Music] but he was gonna Miss Piggy oh the piggy bank that's $1 and you have three any idea what you'll save for this time George [Music] [Music] and one last hurdle pedigreed boots perfection Thank You Hundley dismissed George thought he should probably practice the course with charkie hmm what was distracting charkie a tennis ball sorry George but you can't practice now I have to clear the field for outdoor ballet class George was going to have to find some other way to practice the course you need paper sure George had decided to draw the course so he could make another one just like it the obstacles looked kind of familiar the a-frame looked like a triangle George could draw that with three straight lines the seesaw was like a smaller triangle with the line on top now all George needed to do was build the course I think I'll take the stairs [Music] finally wondered what George was doing to his roof George and Hundley tried follow the leader they tried called dog nose oh how did obedience training go George Wow I bet she'd do anything for one of these biscuits what charkie really do anything the next morning charkie did everything perfectly thanks to George and the biscuits hi George I'm back from the concert house Turkey doing jihad you did it who says you can't teach a new dog old tricks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're next Turkey 40 seconds excellent and now our final student this should be interesting five seconds the dog biscuits were all gone what was George going to do a tennis ball maybe that would work oh that's my puppy [Music] three four five seconds I don't believe it only two more obstacles to go nothing could go wrong now oh no pigeons George couldn't compete with pigeons do you think okay I have no choice but to award you this diploma you are now officially obedient fifty nine point nine seconds [Music] your techniques were rather unusual George but perfectly acceptable good work [Music] that's my charkie so obedient hmm how could anyone think otherwise [Music] okay that takes care of the main course hmm I'll put the oven on high to speed things up next please come up with something festive to break the ice after dinner oh boy it means professor Wiseman wants us to entertain the guests is that smoke smoke [Music] that was our dinner okay we can handle this I'll just go to chef pisghetti's and buy another dinner while I'm gone can you try to make the desserts you see it's this snow on a mountain thing with blueberries and coconut George got right to work making the desserts first he scooped blueberries into a ball then he sprinkled coconut on top [Music] perfect now all George had to do was make a lot more would it be great if there was a vending machine that could make dessert now for the test it worked and George figured if it worked for blueberries it should also work for coconut changers creation worked like a vending machine but it didn't look like one George finished his machine by making a serving slot for the bowls [Music] [Applause] everything looked great but who would turn the wheels even after a great pisghetti meal the two groups were still poles apart we've got to get both boots to relax and mingle maybe the after-dinner entertainment will help oops oh yeah I forgot all about that sorry right at dessert yes George we're ready may I have everyone's attention please I want to thank professor chilla de winter and professor Dewey freeze them I represent the North Pole of course the one on top of the world mm-hmm it all depends on how you hold the map yes well thank you for joining us tonight and may I just say what is that is that a vending machine Georgia's special dessert started with a special coin Yogi's love of toys was exactly what the George o matic needed thank you oh why this is snow on a mountain my mommy used to make that what do you mean you forgot the entertainment this is perfect [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it's like the Arctic in here I'd say more like the Antarctic ow frostbite an icicle snow is snow right right butter they're happy - well George thanks to you operations snow go is go going George as for George he was busy perfecting his plans for the next George o matic [Music] thanks for the fun day mr. yellow pants it's too bad you didn't get a scarf though I bet I know what color you'd like maybe next time hey I have to finish some errands George I won't be long no no you have to pull it hard and fast it's the only way to fix it like this [Music] it's wrecked all right George wondered if there was some way to knit the scarf back together grandma are you home grandma oh yeah let's try the chicken coop [Music] never leave yarn around we're a jumpy squirrel can find it yarn makes a very soft nest whoops it escaped well when you find it just give a holler [Music] oh it's gone George completely forever gone no yarn meant no scarf George knew or Z to get more yarn George would like some wool please I'm afraid you'll have to wait till next year I got him all shorn at the fair hmm maybe some other animal grew here that George could turn into yarn but Leslie's hair was much too short the pigs had hardly any hair chickens have feathers instead of hair Oh No the sheep was escaping Bo didn't seem to understand monkey but he did understand this now what was the whistle for help runaway sheep George didn't know so he guessed [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] now George wondered how to whistle come back George was suddenly wishing he'd paid more attention at the sheepdog competition he could think of to get Bo to turn the ship around none of them was right been a slow day - you were saying never mind this sheep ended up at George's house [Music] but hi George anything interesting happen while I was gone George [Music] [Applause] don't worry mr. Rankin's yes we have your sheep and they're all saved George did you get those sheep away from the tuba boy am i grateful that storm blew a bunch of trees down in the past year if George hadn't found shelter for the Sheep they might have gotten hurt hey hear that George you're a hero monkey we went to a friend's to get a thank-you gift Allie knew just what you wanted wool and lots of it we can dye it any color you want [Music] I'll teach you how to knit you'll have a new scarf in no time and that was how George not only made a new scarf for himself but also one for the man with the yellow hat long scarf [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 17,052,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: laufBmMlxHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 20sec (2600 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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