Bluey Season 2 Full Episodes | Bluey

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Bingo calm it down a bit mate oh banana dad is there going to be thunder in the movie maybe oh you sure you're ready for movies blue you're a bit of a sensitive kid McKenzie seen it yeah but you're not McKenzie I know but I'm ready just checking come on let's go get some tickets Hey where's Bingo banana bingo go sorry this episode of blue is called movies one adult and two kids to chunky chimp thanks and a giant popcorn and a small popcorn a uh $54 please chunky chimp do I have to pay for the four-year-old she's not really going to watch it uh yeah you still have to pay can you ask him if there's any scary bits oh yeah hey are there any scary bits in this um there's a big thunderstorm bit at the end that might be scary for for some kids oh I think I might be some kids look we can leave whenever you want just say the word thanks Dad okay three tickets and a popcorn and another popcorn Bingo stay with me mate oh open your eyes blue is the thunderstorm fit on yet the movie hasn't started yet oh these are trailers for other movies this summer prepare to be out of your comfort zone you sit here go oh swingy chair maybe just sit forward a bit okay tell me when the trailers are over wa Bingo careful oh it's finished experience pure loud dark okay now the movie started this is boring shh is this the storm bit nah it's just some monkeys in a tree hey troubles look what I invented we can use it to explore the ground lands oh chunky you and your inventions Binga sit still why can't you just be like the rest of us why do you have to be so different I don't [Music] know I wish I wasn't different oh man the songs I wish I'm a popcorn one Popcorn Please sure Bingo don't touch that Dad am I different like chunky is huh uh yeah well um no Bingo no mate I think I am different I'm the only one of my friends who doesn't watch movies I wish I wasn't different look mate I'm pretty sure that by the end of the movie everyone will like that the monkey was different don't spill them Bingo don't spill them well I'm not going to be different anymore I'm ready for movies just like everyone else the ground lands aren't for chimps Tree World Is Where We Belong but my heart belongs to the groundland I don't care can I sit over there no mate we're sitting here but want to go down there no you have to stay here with me but I want to explore Dad look I'm watching well done blue [Music] H what Bingo where's that kid you can find the magic Pine gold chunky you just have to be yourself be myself yeah be yourself oh be [Music] yourself I need a toilet man oh no mate don't touch the dny brush dad why does chuba doba Tell chunky to be yourself uh well you know fish Bingo you got to flush come on am I just being yourself look it's just monkey singing songs mate don't think too hard about it well I understand what just be yourself cuz I'm ready for movies oh no it's a thunderstorm dad I want to go now okay no worries Bingo we got to go H bingo where are you bingo bingo where have you gone I found the magic Pine con Bingo L help me with your sister you block her up but I can't see come back here you little pickle sorry sorry sorry everyone stop running away Louie open your eyes but the scary bits are it's just a monkey in the rain L open your eyes and help me I can't do it I'm not ready I should have just stayed in the trees like everyone else but you didn't huh you rode off to save the village because there's no one else quite like you now fly chunky w wo he made it gotcha nice one blue okay let's get you out of here oh Dad look the storm is over oh yeah nice one can we stay what really um yeah okay we're staying a I don't want to stay I know mate but it's important for bluee so what do I do you know what Bing just be [Music] yourself now all everything's fineing in the trees all [Music] be okay just one last bit of washing to hang out and then all my washing is hung out now to relaxx yeah oh no the wind's blowing my washing off the line I have to get it back Mrs H oh sorry pom pom it's a long way down for you isn't it yes Mrs Hans are a small breed there you go now to get my washing back come back here pillow this is it [Music] I can't do it maybe it's best if I don't play washing well I'm still an Enthusiast I go along you know have a go at it oh poor pom pom well she's a bit small for this game there's nothing wrong with being small honey hey BL let's play seesaw yeah this episode of blue is called seesaw [Music] oh I hope they bring him back to season 4 yeah they do haven't you seen the [Music] trailer this is mine hey get off yeah get off we were on that not anymore come on Bingo help [Music] me a massage right thank you yeah a little lower oh that's the spot graub his arm oh yeah t oh that feels good get off you big blue meanie n I've got an idea come on Bingo we'll see saw him off oh yeah come on we're not heavy enough yeah I'm pretty huge hey Chloe come up here and help us d okay we're going to more heavy you off now Big Daddy I'm so scared okay sit down Chloe we're still not heavy enough he must weigh the same as a hipop that's it I'm call her mom oh yeah R to your mama mom she'll sort you up mate hello Mom Dad s on our sea won't get off oh boohoo what here you are my darling oh thank you my precious what are you doing don't feed him you're making him even more heavy so feeling have fun children this is outrageous the grownup won't help us well then we need more kids spin Coco we need your help what is it Bluey we're trying to get my dad off the seaa oh but we're not heavy enough oh and he keeps eating sausages oh is your frizzy hair very heavy um yeah good come on I brought car hoay it's working Coco's fzy hair is working hoay ah it stopped we're still not heavy enough I'm sorry it's not your fault Coco it's his we need another kid get we need you I'm playing on that come on oh we going to fix you up mate we've got a sausage do L look what he's got oh Rodney my darling it's so smooth it's a pet rock what he says picked it up from over there well don't worry Snickers is heavier than a pet rock aren't you I think so come on Snickers okay we're going to do it we're going to do it oh Rodney look you can have your own pet rock what his pet rock has a pet rock this is outrageous get off our SE yeah why would I get off my seesaw what are we going to do we've run out of kids oh no we haven't and how's your dad going P he's just we're going to see him next week I'm coming come here need I'm here p get off here quick okay goodness me I'm up yeah that's it that's it here I come it's working that's it pong pong keep going hey what's going [Music] on come here [Music] you that was close come on pom pom climb back up okay almost dead R is a small but Hy breed come on come on looking got stop it you can do it pom [Music] pom I did it help I don't like it up here take that you big meanie y this is our seaa I demand you let me down this instant oh okay we'll get off ready ready wait hang on get [Music] him here comes Mrs spider I'm free oh you cheeky fly can never go being the spider Binger sure pom pom you're too small to be the spider I'm not yeah no she's not Pomeranians are a small but Hardy breed Uncle R's here hi Uncle R where is he how you doing bluee I'm Bingo really yeah that's blue oh yeah cuz he's blue I'm a girl oh yeah yeah I knew that are you putting us to bed tonight Uncle r you bet hooray not hooray blue isn't sure about baby s put Downs Uncle rad don't worry bluee who better to do a babysitter put down than your uncle rad hello brisy hey girls this is Uncle rad hi hi frisky have you met Bandit's brother Radley before um yeah didn't you fall in the pool at the wedding probably frisky is Blue's faite godmother sorry frisky Uncle rad got in touch last minute and said he'd babysit you must have got my message oh no I didn't get it that's fine um I'll just go no not go both babysit oh well as long as it's okay with Uncle rad fine by me hoay this episode of Bluey is called double babysitter now bluee tell me why you're not keen on babysitter put Downs well I had one before I didn't like it a why not it was just too different well your Fairy Godmother and I will make this exactly the same as a mom and dad put down I don't know you as well as Mom and Dad oh yeah good point well you just need to get to know us better I know why don't we play 20 Questions yeah wait what's 20 Questions well you ask us questions about ourselves and we answer them it's easy go why don't you have a wife well well how do you know I don't do you have a wife well no so why don't you have a wife uh per turn how many friends have you got oh um three that's not many why have you only got three friends well um back to him why do we only see you at Christmas cuz I work on an oil rig is that why you don't have a wife oh maybe what's an oil rig why is your hair so pretty I'm a milk shampoo do you want to have children yes welle BOS be the daddy um no BOS and I aren't friends anymore who's BOS no one next question Bosco is her true love not anymore but true love is forever well uh it's true love not forever it is I mean I thought it was uh let's play in the backyard yeah can you play the exact same games as Mom and Dad okay what do they play chicken rat chicken what come here and go away come and go where now you don't need the same games blue you need torch [Music] Mouse torch Mouse is fun but I don't want to do anything else is different please what about this this is weird yeah but before you know it you get used to it do me oh boy I'll give it a crack hello upside down Bingo hi Bingo you've gotten heavy come and sit by the campfire I'm trying how about a St and then the prince knocked the dragon out with a big Prince punch boom princess I have rescued you now we shall marry and the princess replied no thanks what she didn't like the look of him why not well his hair was a bit messy and he was a bit too musly you know what I mean kids hang on I Prince punched the drag and take you back to my castle and we get married that's business hey I didn't ask to be rescued you'd rather stay here with the stinky Dragon I'm getting used to him okay I'll wake him up wait no yeah didn't think so oh princes are all the same she thought no we're not there's good princes and bad princes my lady everyone knows that which one was this Prince he's good he rescued the princess only because he likes Prince punching dragons tomorrow he'll be off in search of another Princess man this princess is hard to rescue well while the prince figures it all out she grabs a nice book and lives happily ever after the end what that is not the end in Mom and Dad's stories they get married in the end uh princess okay fine for the sake of the children they get married the end I'll take it night night bingo did you have a good frisky you won't watch TV after I fall asleep will you oh uh no we don't have to you promise oh hang on was your last babysitter put down with Nana yes and let me guess you woke up and the TV was too loud yes Mom can't hear very well so she turns it up loud she was watching something scary that's why you don't like babysitter put Downs isn't it yes look you just had a bad one kid this one will be different we promise but how can I know for sure it won't happen again you can't but you have to give it a go anyway or you'll be stuck in a tower with the stinky Dragon forever okay I'll give it a go that's my [Music] girl it's the other shampoo I like the shampoo is great but the conditioner I don't rate the conditioner nah me neither but you know you can't get around with open follicles mom am I better at than monkey bars and bingo well you are 2 years older than her bluee am I better than Judo you're about the same as Judo I'm not Judo can't do skit ball or backwards W well she'll get there one day but am I better than her on this day BL just run your own race what does that mean come here have I told you the story of when you took your first steps oh no well it all started when you were a [Music] baby come on Blue roll over roll over you learned to roll over really early SP it she rolled over she rolled over she's not meant to do that for ages a that's my girl hang on where was I you weren't born yet sweetheart ooh that was invisible were you proud of me for rolling over so soon yes a little too proud I think I may have turned into a bit of a showof oh I've never heard of a baby rolling over that early I know she's just special but then one day at Mother's group it is very early to roll over oh you're so clever blue she's sitting she's sitting oh you know you're sitting all by yourself oh goodness that's very early to be sitting oh well you know it's not a race but it was a race a baby race this episode of L is called Baby race I don't know what got into me but I was determined I'd get you walking before judo's mom I mean Judo there you go Steady B it she's sitting good girl but after a lot of practice eventually you set up Lou you're sitting you oh goodness I just can't keep track of [Music] her should I crawl before me as well J beat you again and just what did you do about this well I tried my best this thing how do you come on Lou craw the mama you can do it you can do it did I do [Music] it not exactly why I rolling I don't know kid you didn't come with instructions the doctor said there was nothing to worry about some babies just roll before they crawl but I wasn't having that 99 balls the thing on the wall aha it's fun to crawl oh how good is crawling it's better than rolling my knees did I do it did blue it craw not exactly come on Blue you can do it Cru to [Music] me yeah bum Shuffle bum Shuffle bum Shuffle you were a bum shuffler woohoo go BL meanwhile Judo was pulling herself up on furniture which is the step right before walking and I just bum shuffling around you are definitely not winning the baby race the doctor said there was nothing to worry about some babies just bum Shuffle before they crawl but I wasn't having that see feels good doesn't it feels like you want a crawl ride didy CW yes [Music] backwards beep beep beep the doctor said there was nothing to worry about but n wasn't having that let's stop mucking around eh a bit of olive oil on those knees will do the trick but how is olive oil going to help goodness mom what are you doing if she can't crawl she'll have to walk this isn't legal anymore I'll sprinkle some grip down too oh where'd that go youran is old school none of it mattered though Judo had won the baby race ow biscuits are you upset with me I lost the baby race no sweetie look we were all learning to do things for the first time I just felt like I was doing everything wrong aren't you going to Mother's grrip yeah cute Happ like he was born in us but then one day Coco's mom came to see me hi Chile Bella oh hello I'm so sorry the house is a mess we chatted for a while and then she showed me a photo are these all your children yep I thought Coco was your first no I've got eight kids wait no n I had no idea wow you must have learned a thing or two I have and there's something you need to know what you're doing [Music] great are I happy tears mom yeah happy tears honey and then on I decided to run my own race W wins well done Judo you clever girl so did blue ever learn to walk yes honey in the kitchen [Music] actually why did I decide to walk in the kitchen I don't know sweetie maybe you just saw something you wanted ooh dinosaur it mouth opens and shuts dad can I have one of these and if you pay for it yourself but I haven't got any money then you can't have it but I want it well that's commonly called bad luck no that's not fair it's pretty fair get it off get it off ice cream hi kids dad ice cream keep walking a can't we have an ice cream nope no one's having ice cream why not cuz you have one yesterday kid it's too much sugar a no fair it's fairly Fair well why does muffin get an ice cream muffin's not getting an ice cream I got an ice cream see thanks mate look kids muffin gets an ice cream cuz she got a dinosaur stuck on her head it was a v waack door a no fair it's totally fair maybe muffin will give you a lick of HSE yeah that's not going to happen mate can I have a lick please muffin Dad okay okay you going to have an ice cream y ice cre this episode of blue is called ice cream look they got mango this is the happiest day ever on my life our Fair's here muffin see you later girls bye bye hey kids Uncle stripe and muffin is saying goodbye oh bye muffin bye uncle strawberry see you mate now you have to finish that before we get on the fairy Muffy right do you know what you want yes I like mango please okay okay one mango please and extra big size extra small size thanks a no fair highly Fair Lou what about you I can't decide I want either mango like Bingo or strawberry can I add two flavors no a no fair very fair okay I'll get strawberry please in a cone I can always have a look at bingos $6 please thank you what flavor are you getting Dad I'm not getting one got to stay in shape it's just coming up it's taking a [Music] while ready oh go and give us a double chocolate and a cup extra large H I've got a problem everyone happy it always nice Dad yeah it's chocolate bingo Can I have look at your mango here we go okay but only if I can have a look of yours sure ah not a Big Lick I wasn't going to take a big lick you were your tongue was all the way out now it wasn't it was it was like this no it was only out this far no it was out this far it wasn't it was out this far it has to be out this far okay okay that's okay hang on if I like first and you like second you could just take a bigger lick than me H blue no I won't you will you lick first I'll lick second but then you'll just take a bigger lick I won't I promise you will okay kids come on sort it out we can't both lick seconds what are we going to do I know let's look at the same time oh yeah good idea Bingo okay you ready yes so we both take the same size luk okay okay me how big your tongue is out okay that's [Music] okay yeah oh go no your T too far big not that much oh oh oh kids what are you doing no that's too much turnue back in turnue back in not too [Music] big no oh not too much get out of it my ice cream it's melted mine too they're both melted dad our ice cream's melted it's a hot day kid you had them out in the sun the sun melts ice creams but that's not fair it's about as Fair as it gets actually can you buy us another one zero chance oh why not cuz it's not my fault they melted you took too long to eat them so we get nothing well you get a valuable life lesson I don't want a valuable life lesson I just want an ice cream oh oh oh all right I tell you what you kids can have mine really yeah go on yeah thanks Dad let's take turns you go first have as much as you want thanks Bluey is it good yeah your turn I only took a little bit thanks Bingo well done girls m it's even better than mango yeah it's chocolate I'm sorry you don't get an ice cream Dad it's all good kid I'm fine well it's actually your job to give us your ice cream oh is it now and why is that cuz you're the Big Daddy man fair enough
Channel: Bluey - Official Channel
Views: 22,569,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bluey, Bluey Disney Junior, Bandit, Bingo, Dog, Pups, Puppy, Australian, Blue Heeler, Wackadoo, disney, disney jr, disney junior, Chilli, bluey disney jr, bluey full episodes, bluey clips, bluey disney junior, bluey australia, bluey and bingo, bluey season 1, bluey season 2, ludo studio, bluey season 3, Bluey Season 2 Full Episodes
Id: I1C-498pVPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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