Curious George 🐡 The Best School Ever 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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[Music] do do oh I have to tell you George I am pretty excited I've never been to a clown school before oh just just okay here we are just have to find a parking space oh look there's one right in front ah it's okay there's still room for us [Music] wow pepeo Loco is popular why don't you go in and save some seats for us while I park the car the show is on the ninth floor ah [Music] [Applause] laughs [Music] this was the best school ever [Music] and that was the funniest messenger ever [Music] ah the elevator left without him decided he should take the stairs the messenger clown dropped his bag and his hat and nose maybe the messenger clown was going to Pepe a Loco's show too George could give them back to him [Music] yes huh sorry [Music] the stairwell doors didn't have numbers but George could still find the ninth floor because George could count huh one two three [Music] George had forgotten what number he was on maybe someone inside could help a messenger thank goodness you're here why aren't you in uniform [Music] company rules all clown School employees must be in clown uniform at all times now Pepe Loco the world's greatest clown we'll be here in 15 minutes to perform his amazing show but he'll need this oh it's part of the greatest clown Gadget ever but it's top secret Pepe mailed all the pots to different offices so no one would know what it was I need you to pick them up and deliver them to Pepe George was excited to help Pepe if he moved fast he could pick up all the parts and still make the show the next Gadget pot you need to pick up is on the fifth floor this will help you remember hurry Pepe a loco will be here in 14 and a half minutes [Music] oh [Music] the elevators are tricky take the stairs to five you're on the third floor now [Music] but how do you get from three to five George was super good at counting from one to ten but counting from the middle was hard [Music] and then George realized he could go down to the first floor then count his way back up to five [Music] okay uh-huh okay this was one when you live in a city there's always excitement in the air monkeys love flying things so when George heard Professor Wiseman had a plane that looked like a bird to follow other birds he wanted to be sure to have a front row seat for the big launch laughs [Music] after all some of George's best friends were Birds you guys realize the launch isn't until later right yes well what are you gonna do for the next hour oh I can keep them busy how'd you like to help me with birds final trial flight [Music] okay have fun I'll see you in an hour okay [Music] it's for bird investigation and Recovery device why see up there birds migrate North to nest and suffer but along the way many birds get lost and we don't know why [Music] bird will track the migration and help us locate lost birds that is so cool we'll reunite them with their flock and try to fix whatever made them get lost in the first place Bird's first mission follow a flock of Rusty blackbirds passing over this afternoon oh but first you're going to help me with the last test flight now here's how the remote control works to launch bird first push the green button to start the engine push the joystick up to make bird go up move the joystick left to make bird go left then push the yellow switch up to activate the automatic pilot so that our computer can talk to bird and bird can talk back to our computer then our computer can fly the plane [Music] gentlemen prepare for takeoff [Music] I'm going to push the third on [Music] oh dear I must be doing something wrong hello Einstein this is Wiseman bird isn't initiating properly did you hit the on button well of course I'm a scientist I do what the directions say maybe some of the wires came loose during the transport Roger stand by for inspection how odd oh all this for me William Marco and George can you take the remote yeah [Music] sounds like all systems are gold or maybe not [Music] it shouldn't be able to do that scrub Mission scrub Mission how'd you start the engine ah George didn't know normally if you hit off things didn't turn on George push the joystick up and fly bird over the banner but instead of going up bird went down that's an even better idea push the joystick down and bring bird in for a landing [Music] instead of going down bird went up not up George down down down he is pushing down down down it's going to crash into the tree foreign [Music] Farmers like Mr rankins were preparing for the livestock competition at the state fair and George was helping I have high hopes for you Ulysses I think you're going to win a blue ribbon this year but Grandpa your animals always win blue ribbons Ali was right every animal did have a blue ribbon every animal except Howie the hog [Music] how he wanted a ribbon more than anything but somehow it never happened ah I've entered Howie a couple of times he always starts out eager don't you but I guess he doesn't want the ribbon bad enough to train for it do you Howie foreign he's so disappointed when he loses I don't have the heart to train him again [Music] you're right George maybe we could train Holly Grandpa here's a rule book good luck washing a pig was easy [Music] Howie likes mud once they got the Kinks worked out and the Second Step was a breeze almost [Music] well how's it going look Grandpa we got Howie washed and brushed oh that's the easy part well good luck with the third step looks like we walked Hallie for 30 minutes I'm poking with a stick [Music] no wonder how he didn't like training George but Grandpa why do we have to pull Cali well if there's another way to get a hog to exercise for half an hour I'm all ears hmm there had to be another way [Music] it's hard to think when there's a pig snap tickling your ear [Music] how he's following your Apple there was a way to get a hog to move without a stick it was called an apple [Music] training Hogs with treats was easy unless your hog was higher than your treat hmm [Music] George knew how to get the treat taller [Music] hey [Music] Howie's gonna win that blue ribbon for sure huh [Music] how he wanted to win that blue ribbon all right but exercising made him really hot [Music] and the mud was so cool Oh How He Stopped exercising again maybe he gets too hot and he needs another bag [Music] oh good idea let's pull Howie off it's too hot outside for Howie to exercise oh I know Grandma's living room is nice and cool how he can exercise there there was trouble at professors Al Einstein and Tony pizza's Space Center and they hope they could help the space rover needs to roam Mars taking pictures and Gathering Rock samples see there but the control will stick it works at first but we have trouble whenever it reaches the the sleeping monkey how I didn't notice him go how can we communicate with him there's only one way and it's through that door George [Music] the Mars yard is supposed to be exactly like Mars there are no monkeys sleeping on Mars George knew the man was right because he'd been learning all about Mars he'd learn things like Mars is called the red planet [Music] contains red iron foreign George was so excited about seeing the Mars rover launch he couldn't sleep at all last night I'm afraid there's not going to be a launch if we don't solve this problem it's stuck again well but why are you chewing gum oh how impolite of me anybody want some spinach and broccoli flavor oh yum [Music] now you know there's no gum chewing and Mission Control Einstein sorry Pizza [Music] may go through this every day since he discovered that new flavor comes loud in here we must figure out what is causing the Rover's controls to stick or cancel the launch well since Mars is very different than Earth is it possible the controls wouldn't stick there [Music] you're wondering about Martian gravity Mars has lower gravity than earth does you'd be three times stronger there oh yeah oh ah [Music] hmm if the pull of Earth's gravity is causing the sticking it might not stick in Mars low gravity that's true but what if it does still stick George wanted to help but he was tired when the Rover Stakes we can get it going again by giving it a good push if only we could send someone to Mars to push it nothing puts a monkey to sleep like a lot of grown-ups talking wake up George oh it's time to go [Music] George had slept through his whole visit oh hey you don't want to go [Music] if he doesn't want to go to Mars we can't make him [Music] it's time to go to Mars but if you don't want to go [Music] foreign ready to be the first monkey on Mars it's an important Mission George if the Rover sticks your job is to give it a good push [Music] yep we're going to Mars together [Music] yeah three two one lift off we're going to Mars [Music] it was Marco's grandmother's birthday and Marco was planning a big surprise dinner he had an assistant to help out unfortunately his assistant was a monkey don't worry George it's just a Masa we have more SI Masa you know corn meal that's what I use to make Marco's famous tortillas see there's lots of uh oh thought we had more [Music] if there was one thing George knew how to do it was to fix things this was the first time he'd broken food but he knew where food came from the store [Music] Masa oh I am so sorry I just sold my last bag oh but I promised my grandmother I'd make tortillas for her birthday she was so excited plus it's the only thing I know how to make [Music] hang on I think you're in luck the delivery man is here hey it's okay [Music] Uncle Enrique it's grandma's birthday you're abuela's birthday muy Fantastico you're going to make your famous tortillas of course of course ah only huh only we're out of Masa oh no no Masa not tortillas but it turns out you're in luck you have Masa on your truck do I have Masa come on do I have Masa ah no actually I don't [Music] but I know where you'll get some yay we'll have your Masa in um momentum you're not going to believe this Warehouse that's where packaged food in the store comes from ah trucks like mine get food from warehouses like this and deliver to grocery stores all over the city boys prepare to be amazed it's one of the biggest warehouses in the city it has everything if they don't have Masa nobody does don't got it what sorry you're telling me that in this whole entire Warehouse there isn't one bag of Masa not one I've had calls all week still waiting on a shipment unless we had a pallet that came down one bag short last week I think maybe it fell off up there all the way up there if anyone was an expert on up there it is hey lucky one of us is a monkey [Music] the warehouse manager was right there was one bag of Masa left Marco's birthday surprise was saved [Music] George you did it wait George don't try to climb down with a bag in your hands just toss it yeah toss it to me just toss it down I'll catch it just toss it I'm ready let her rip [Music] what [Music] oh so sorry I was talking to I can't see [Music] no no [Music] when George came to the country he loved to visit the rankins farm [Music] and his favorite thing at the farm was Mr Rankin's big red tractor [Music] Good morning George driving the tractor eh well why don't you come meet my new tractor his name's Ulysses [Music] foreign [Music] he's my brand new ox [Music] oh he's friendly I called him a tractor because he does what a tractor does fouls my fields he doesn't need gas oil or a mechanic and just watch him plow get up hers here he can be sort of stubborn here we go atta boy Ulysses [Music] oh Ulysses two more rows and this Field's done oh [Music] careful George that feels chock full of poison ivy and that stuff will really make you itch see the leaves that's how you can tell there's an old saying leaves of three let them be [Music] I'd love to plant something there the dirt is Rich and sweet but I'm way too allergic to poison ivy oh I adore hi Grandpa hi Ulysses oh hey George you want to meet our new kids [Music] see these are our kids [Music] kid is what you call a baby goat oh oh look at that they chewed right through the latch this one Susie and this is Sammy oh or maybe this is Susie ah I got it mixed up Sammy got named before Ali found out they were both she goats Sammy is short for Samantha come on George they're really fun to cuddle with ah they're fun all right but they will butt you if you don't look out George and they chew on everything [Music] see what I mean [Music] thanks George they'll be good milk goats when they're grown but I've got to plow that field now with the latch chewed who knows what kind of trouble they'll get into while Ulysses and I are working [Music] George had a great idea yeah yeah Grandpa we'll keep him out of trouble okay if you think you can handle them good luck [Music] come here come here Subway George wasn't sure they could handle the goats after all foreign [Music] get out of my flowers sakes put down that begonia [Music] you're very cute but I can't have you eating my flowers the n Avenue Animal Shelter scavenger hunt is about to begin boys I tell you team piscotti is going to do very very well today maybe we won't win but we're gonna raise a lot of money for a good cause who says we ah well we're pretty good but we're never going to beat my cousin you have a cousin Chef piscetti oh that's right guys he's the greatest even when we were little I thought I knew all about making the mud pies [Music] until I saw cousin nilguiness I'll never be as clever as he is there he is come on come come nice to see you you look great how you doing well food but I'm afraid we're going to lose to you come on where's your confidence and with a team like this how can you not win scavengers are you ready here we go see you at the end of the race winner you're each being handed the list of shapes some are easy some are hard and worth more points Whoever has the most points at the end wins the golden rectangle you have one hour ready on your mark get set hunt oh I'm too nervous you read 100 diamonds pick two easy ones up here they're more our speed and and we can get more done in the hour four white rectangles it's worth four points but you have to have all four oh you heard follow him maybe I am clever well hi George [Music] okay now three stars let's go look [Music] for the black circles five squares so that's 16 points 37 minutes left what else Marco we can get eight points if we find a large octagon octagon something with the eight sides hmm [Music] signs were octagons hmm [Music] ah [Music] wow what is that [Music] one two three four five six seven eight octagon eight more points good work Giorgio hmm oh boy what's left 12 egg-shaped things oh my what is shaped like an egg oh please get dinos [Music] eggs that perfectly egg-shaped how is it going 36 points I I don't want to jinx her but I think maybe we're gonna win this one then I'll cook your pizza so you can celebrate 12 points for a blue ring let's go and he was even more excited when that friend was one of his favorite people in the whole world whoa uh let me guess great Aunt Sylvia's here [Music] oh my favorite nephews so uh how have you been Aunt Sylvia oh fine I just got back from the Galapagos Islands now you know how those Dolphins love to race was it fun yeah you bet I won oh and I have presents for both of you now I know how you love your mystery novels oh thanks and for George [Music] well now go ahead and open it it's a front loader I drove the real thing when I worked in construction and this one's the perfect size for a monkey what do you say George could just imagine all the things he could do with his new front loader it would be great for making mud pies [Music] is it in winter and summer [Music] this was one of the best toys George had ever seen [Music] now he just needed something to pick up [Music] George's new front loader wasn't doing a very good job of front loading [Music] what's wrong with it oh it's just one problem that's easy to solve we'll just trade it in for another one [Music] excuse me there seems to be a problem with this toy and we'd like to exchange it for a new one hahaha oh I am so sorry folks but everybody's bringing this one back it looks like this toy is just defective [Music] looks like we'll just have to go to the source of the problem hmm let's see here made by din Woody Delights oh that's just across the city well then let's just pay them a visit maybe they can fix the problem I have some fossils to sort think you two can handle it of course you run along George and I will take care of this right George [Music] Douglas dinwoody welcome to my factory we've never had a monkey visit us before now what can I do for you well you see we have a problem with one of your toys problem what do you mean it's it's not the bubble blower that blows backward bubbles is it [Music] or the remote control car that only goes in a circle hahaha oh dizzy because those were supposed to be taken off the shelves months ago [Music] no actually I bought this for George but it won't pick anything up I see well if it's a defective toy we'll have to issue a recall come with me for George it was the perfect kind of day to go to a fair George okay you've got your sunglasses your water bottle uh-huh I can't think of anything else we need it's [Music] it's Hallie what's with all the stuff it's my school fear survival kit everything I need to have the best Fair Day Ever wow I got water suntan lotion mustard ketchup chair tissues this is to hold my lemonade and what's in the backpack why are you bringing an empty backpack you never know what'll happen at a fair one day I brought home a pet pig [Music] what should we do first um let's see uh there's a craft table over there I see face painting oh wow look at that bear we'll be here all weekend let's go foreign [Music] I named him on the walkover step right up to Mr quint's Duck game wow well hello there hi Mr Quint wow how do we play it well you knocked down all seven Ducks and the bear is yours well what are we waiting for ah have fun George get ready to count [Music] how many successful tosses was easy for George because Ally didn't have any I'm just getting warmed up let me try that again [Music] how can this be so hard [Music] oh well I guess I better give someone else a chance now you can come back later you know we'll be here all weekend how could something that looks so easy be so hard George knew why Ali did not knock down the Ducks she needed practice [Music] [Applause] first George would build a practice game for Ali he just needed some ducks but he only had one rubber duck where could he get seven ducks that looked alike foreign there must be something he could use to make some ducks one two three four five six seven ducks [Music] and then George filled some bags with rice for Ally to throw [Music] George knew that anyone could get better with practice all right but I'm telling you if I throw this there's no way I'm gonna knock down a cardboard hey did I do that [Music] maybe I should quit while I'm ahead okay [Music] oh missed again okay [Music] hey I think I got the hang of it [Music] it was a special day in the country because tonight everyone was coming to the rankins barn for a Hoedown [Music] hey George George wasn't sure what a hoedown was but getting ready for one sure was fun [Music] there we go I tell you what you kids don't know what you're in for they'll be he ride square dancing oh and best of all there'll be real live bluegrass music what's bluegrass oh Lightning Fast foot stopping music that'll make you wanna jig oh it's a hoot huh George do you hear that [Music] say hello to the Uptown bluegrass band everyone this is George and Ally look at all those fun bluegrass instruments George like the banjo ah the fiddle the stand-up Bass and the mandolin [Music] and don't forget old bow best guitar in the world of all the instruments the guitar was George's favorite it looked like the most fun to play oh [Music] my God I can't thank you enough for coming to play it all down well couldn't let my old friend down thanks [Music] you like a bow well thanks I made it myself that's a talent it was easy anyone can make a guitar all you need are the right parts speaking of guitars are you gonna play with us tonight sure I I'd love to or didn't you know your friend plays a meme bluegrass guitar oh yep here take a strum on Old bow oh old ball I I can't and besides there's still so much to be done and you know my guitar is back home and great hold Down's at five o'clock sharp oh two hours from now say maybe you can help me think of lyrics for that song we were just playing oh okay [Music] you got it oh Mr yellow pants's guitar isn't all shiny like the pretty Bluegrass one Ally was right the guitar didn't glimmer or shine in fact it was Dusty [Music] oh I know let's give it a bath grandma says there's nothing like a bath to make you bright and shiny [Music] George couldn't wait to see the man's guitar All Bright and shiny oh but instead the bath made it lumpy and peely George needed another guitar for the man to play at the hoedown and fast and then he remembered anyone can make a guitar you just need the right parts George would make a new one great idea George we'll make a new and improved guitar first they needed some kind of box with a hole in it [Music] they found lots of boxes [Music] but some of them were flimsy and none of them had holes Italian chefs have a word for perfectly cooked spaghetti Al Dente which means not too hard and not too soft tonight Chef biscetti's pasta was not Al Dente it was clocked did I hear her did she come back [Music] I think something's bothering chef pisketti [Music] I cannot concentrate on my cooking because my beloved has abandoned me Maddie the accordion ah here we go again [Music] no more happy times what her play had a pesto now gnocchi only stays for breakfast and then poof we don't see her till bedtime why what did I do oh she used to play in the alley all the day oh look here she is on an old canvas drop cloth that someone threw out the way she clauded I think she was afraid of it oh and the old cardboard boxes those were always getting in her way oh those old carpets she like them but they always made her first so dirty and there she is waiting by the old wooden door oh she scratched and scratched and screwed wanting to do to go so I got I got with the cat daughter hey she can't mess this one up it's metal and I cleaned the garbage out of the outlet to make it neat for hell but the next day she's a vamos [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you think gnocchi likes burritos better than Bolognese gnocchi would never do that no well maybe no ah I cannot take it anymore I must know where she's eating these burritos why not follow her me follow a gnocchi oh the scampering the leaping ah the chef was right you had to be a cat to follow a cat or a monkey [Laughter] you will follow my gnocchi if gnocchi was eating burritos George would find out but early the next morning instead of going to a burrito place [Music] gnocchi went to a boat but why wouldn't Yoki go to a boat [Music] George was determined to find out [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] maybe there were burritos in those bags [Music] show the chef George loved to travel [Music] this time was even better because he was traveling with his friend Marco [Music] here we are [Music] hey George [Music] buenos dias Marco hola Professor Wiseman all ready for a weekend in the sun yeah okay all set since you paddled out I'll paddle back hmm wear the paddles don't need them we're walking huh the Raptors for the boys and the luggage but bottom uh it's low tide plus we're standing on a sandbar it's a big pile of sand only underwater the tide brought it in you remember the tide George the moon pulls on the ocean and makes the water come in and go out [Music] wait until you see the tidal pool the tide makes those too sounds fun George and Marco were Amazed by the tidal pools what do you guys think look at all this it had fish starfish and anemones and clams [Music] [Applause] hey if you dig deep enough maybe you'll find buried treasure very treasure ah rumor has it the early explorers buried some around here somewhere but no one's ever found it hey I bet we could find it [Music] but finding buried treasure was harder than they thought oh the problem with looking for buried treasure on the beaches there's too much Beach ah you know what we should do we should make our own buried treasure [Music] luckily monkeys always have lots of treasure with them [Music] treasure we can use the Box my mommy put the toothpaste and stuff in but [Music] [Laughter] I haven't put in any treasure [Music] silver wolf my uncle made it in honor of our band Lobos de Plata it's my favorite thing ever [Music] now we need a way to remember where it's buried huh [Music] good idea we could measure from the pier huh [Music] the treasure is five Giant George steps away from the post with the Rope on it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a dolphin it was deep winter a time when the whole world seems snowy and cold here we are [Music] but this year was the snowiest and coldest ever come on [Music] it was so cold the jumpy squirrel had decided to move indoors the house had everything it was warm it was quiet and thanks to jumpy it had lots of nuts [Music] it is cold in here let's turn up the heat [Music] the man and the monkey were back jumpy had to get out fast foreign [Applause] [Music] ER was he out than he wanted back in luckily jumpy had a lot of in and Outdoors [Music] now he just needed to sneak past the monkey but monkeys have very sharp ears [Music] dude [Music] oh no [Music] well I'll be we're gonna have to fix that girl hi George huh [Music] we can't leave holes in the house all the heat will get out no jumpy needs to stay outside there's more food for him out here he'll be happier in his own home [Music] George wasn't so sure about that and neither was jumpy way too cold his door was sealed shut [Music] but jumpy still had another squirrel door upstairs [Music] what was that uh-huh yep your friend jumpy has been very busy oh no wonder the house is so drafty okay [Music] we have got to insulate this house hell insulate it means keep the warm air in and the cold air out [Music] okay cold ready or not here we come first the man sealed around the windows [Music] holes and keep cold air out you want to try [Music] it was a great day to fly a kite with a friend kite flying friends are forever whoa even if good weather isn't [Music] come on hey come back here [Music] all right [Music] [Music] I think we need a new kite hahaha Bill and George took their piggy banks to the store to buy a new kite let's get that one George [Music] that is the kite We Gotta Buy [Music] wow okay let's see what we've got [Music] that's two three I hope we have enough 350 5 785 86 87 we need more no no oh don't have enough money George [Music] you know you could put the kite on layaway you give us part of the money now and we'll save the kite for you until you have the rest [Music] how long would you like us to hold it well we'll have to find some jobs and earn the money today's Friday which gives us all weekend um we can come back for the kite first thing on Monday Monday it is oh come on George let's get to work [Music] hello Mr Quint this is Bill from Bill and George's excellent job service where every job we do is excellent George and I were wondering if you had any um jobs you'd like done this weekend you do great thank you yes we'll be there right on time we got another one hi Mrs Wilkins this is Bill from Bill and George's excellent job service where every job we do is excellent okay and then after we pull the weeds we'll go over here and walk the dogs then over here and mow the lawn then to the lake and paint the shed then to the farm and pick apples then we rake more leaves clean a garage wash the windows stack some cans what's the matter [Music] oh you're right it is kind of confusing ha ha and it's a lot to do [Music] I got it everything organized will make a schedule huh a schedule I use them all the time to keep myself A1 perfectly organized [Music] we'll put each job on a card then we'll put all the cards in order from the closest job to the one that's farthest away [Music] that way minimize our travel time and maximize our work time [Music] of course we should also figure out how much time we can spend at each job if we want to finish by Monday [Music] so after we pull the weeds we'll have exactly 20 minutes to walk the dogs 25 minutes to mow the lawn etc etc which leaves us 45 minutes to pick apples at the rankins then on Monday morning we get our kite but only if we finish all our jobs so we have to stick to this schedule [Music] George loved going to Maples department store [Music] I know there's a lot you like to do here but let's not stay too long okay I just need to buy some shoelaces George did have a lot of stuff he liked to do at Mabel's in the TV Department he liked to see how many monkeys he could become over at gift wrap he liked to help the lady tie up packages and he really liked to ride the escalator always remembering to hold on to the rails [Music] George over here what do you think huh yeah I like them too oh and thanks for checking in Place George love best was the kids Department [Music] [Laughter] [Music] George saw something he'd never seen before ah where did the train come from and where did it go George had to find out [Music] foreign so that's where it came from that little lamp on the table [Music] George found that when the train moved across his hand it got a lot smaller [Music] so he thought he'd try an experiment sure enough when the lamp was close to the screen the train got smaller but as the lamp got further away the train got bigger that's really something huh you want to see how it works see how the train has been cut out of the lampshade now the light shines through it and if you don't like trains we've got ponies or race cars aardvarks now that George knew how the lampshade worked he couldn't wait to get home and make one meanwhile the men with the Yellow Hat was waiting to pay for his new clothes sorry George I still have to pay but it shouldn't take too long I hope [Music] only seven people ahead of me [Music] five more people and then it's my turn [Music] three more to go I'll be out in the jiffy [Music] listen why don't you go home and I'll meet you there [Music] let's make your purchases now I'm trying okay George couldn't wait for his light picture to move across his own room but wait how did it move Maple's department store is now closed please make your way to the exit [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 1,853,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: d-9TlojNK2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 5sec (4325 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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