Curious George 🐵Monkey Fever 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies | Videos for Kids

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running errands did he give you a note as usual [Music] george must have accidentally mailed the note how could he get what the man with the yellow hat needed now he had to demonstrate what was wrong with the man with the yellow hat [Music] you need something for a blowfish sniffles big sneeze finger in the nose runny nose a cold you need something for a cold the man with the yellow sleep cap took the medicine and went back to sleep [Music] and he slept a long time [Music] ooh you sound worse than i thought now i know you're working hard on those changes but we need to change the changes [Music] yes turn the charts counterclockwise turn the odd numbers even and replace 26 with 19 five and two we need it done by 8am okay [Music] and remember you'll feel better if you feed a cold and starve a fever [Music] to make sure his friend got really well george would feed that cold plenty huh george wondered what he'd put in his mouth was he already feeding his cold oh this is a thermometer it helps to tell if i have a fever uh-huh yeah norbel is 98.6 degrees i have a very slight fever of 99.2 degrees [Music] george had to starve a fever [Music] oh well i guess i'll figure it out what i feel better hi george know anyone who wants a kitten is somebody sick oh sorry when my best friend's cat fluzzy was acting sick we all had to be quiet just like that fluzzy stayed in bed a long time the man with the yellow hat was in bed a long time [Music] and fuzzy didn't act like her normal playful self the man wasn't acting like his normal playful self he must have exactly the same thing fuzzy had but flessy wasn't really sick after laying in bed a whole day she had six kittens kittens he wasn't sick the man with the yellow hat was going to have kittens if you know anyone who wants a kitten send them to me [Music] george had to get the apartment ready for kittens by morning george had the place ready hello hi it's professor wiseman it turns out your report's perfect we don't need any of those changes oh changes i'll make sure you get a bonus for doing all that difficult extra work while you were so ill i didn't do anything oh you're so modest thanks again changes oh boy milk george [Music] why are you meowing did did i miss something [Music] george was very happy the men with the yellow hat got healthy without having kittens [Music] uh oh sounds like you caught my cold come on get to bed [Music] that sounded like a chicken in trouble george could see those six chicks needed to be rescued [Music] george took two because it seemed safest that left four on the island [Music] unfortunately the chicks enjoyed being rescued by george too much to do it just once so now he had six chicks to rescue again [Music] huh they didn't need a rescue fairy what they needed was a way to cross back and forth for fun [Music] they needed a bridge [Music] he couldn't think of any way to make a branch longer [Music] he could make this longer [Music] but could chicks walk on it [Music] now he just had to repeat the same pattern until it was long enough am i the first one here are you making cocktail wieners yep [Music] no toothpicks it's not a proper party if you don't pick up small food with toothpicks i know bill george will be back any minute with plenty of toothpicks george had made a bridge but was it long enough now all the chicks had to do was walk across [Music] the bridge wasn't chick-safe yet [Music] what could he do to make it safer [Music] that bridge had sides made from triangle shapes [Music] um [Music] george suggested they cross one at a time in case the bridge wasn't strong enough to hold them all [Music] but the bridge was plenty strong oh it even held a whole head [Music] a job well done george could now rush home with the marshmallows toothpicks and cards maybe not straight home [Music] [Applause] that must be some party if you need more marshmallows toothpicks and cards already [Music] now it's officially a party all righty we're going to play goldfish [Music] [Laughter] [Music] mama come see what the chickens built they are geniuses we better start looking at colleges and that's how the rankin's college fund for gifted chickens got its start [Music] george didn't know there was an even bigger bin for recycling if he could find enough recycling to fill it the doorman would win the contest for sure the next morning george went hunting for more recycling [Music] i think we're in good shape to win this contest hundley i think that would be wonderful you do the more buildings where tenants recycle the better and maybe you could start some reuse programs like we have wanna see sure [Music] we reuse everything we can think of shopping bags magazines we never throw out packing peanuts it's so organized anything to make the planet a little neater [Music] [Music] you really have collected a lot have i uh i mean i have nobody got their newspapers this morning weird [Music] there you are we have a food thief in the building i got a grocery delivery and someone took half of it what [Music] someone took my paint pails how can i mix paint with no pails where are the wiki pizza coupons they're always on the front table huh [Music] my shampoo my pals i need my pants i don't understand [Music] what pizza coupons hmm [Music] oh boy george those things are unused did you take them just to win the recycling contest no i don't understand i don't know how they got here recycling is about saving the planet not winning a shiny trophy oh of course i don't know how these extra papers and containers got here [Music] i think i know where the extra recycling came from uh george you recycle things after you use them [Music] people need to read their papers and eat their food first then they go in the recycling bin [Music] why thank you george since some of our recycling was uh unfairly obtained i think the best thing is for us to share oh that is so sweet [Music] after you're done you can come and polish my trophy we may have tied this year but next year will be another story oh yes our building will win outright oh really yes we've already ordered larger bins for every floor really [Music] that's not recycling george a big duck would make a terrific photo [Music] a giant duck with a snake's tail would make an even better picture [Music] but a huge snake with duck feet would be the most incredible photo of all [Music] the strange tracks suddenly stopped [Music] did the duck-footed snake fly away [Music] or maybe it was because nothing could leave tracks in hard stone [Music] you can't leave tracks in water [Music] but you can make tracks with water george remembered he'd seen big tracks like these in a book there they were tracks a duck-billed dinosaur george got a photo of jumpy by leaving out food couldn't he do the same with a dinosaur what prize photo that would be he didn't have any dinosaur food but maybe they would like fruits and vegetables george was thinking about something bigger than a fawn much bigger [Music] [Applause] [Music] those tracks couldn't possibly belong to a meat-eating dinosaur could they [Music] could that be the dinosaur oh [Music] george decided to warn the man with the yellow hat that a hungry dinosaur might be visiting the dinosaur had returned from the water and the tracks were headed towards bill's house [Music] hiya george did you see the farm yeah i guess those do look like dinosaur tracks [Music] yep my new boots were hurting my feet so i put these on to walk to the lake i told you i was going swimming remember [Music] hey now i know what it's like to walk in a dinosaur's footsteps [Music] with no hungry dinosaurs around george still needed that special photo for natureweek it sounded like jumpy was hungry again [Music] but george had enough pictures of that squirrel [Music] ah [Music] for such big animals those deer left pretty small tracks hey deer tracks wow you used fruits and vegetables to lure the deer to our house so you could take photos [Music] look at these wonderful deer how did you manage to capture such amazing photos george oh you know george he just used his imagination isn't that right [Music] they found each other at last time to go home [Music] but where was home george realized that finding someone works better if you're not lost too hundley worried what if he never found his way back [Music] oh hundley what'll i do without hundley hunley and george weren't just lost [Music] they were lost at night george tried to remember the noisy stuff he'd passed [Music] here they were lost at night and all this monkey could do was whatever that was then hundley had an idea they might not be able to see their way home but maybe they could hear their way home [Music] he tried to remember what he'd heard [Music] [Music] now it was up to hundley's powerful dog ears that wasn't the right sound so the musician couldn't be in that direction that was either the wrong sound or the musician got his tongue caught in his trumpet [Music] hundley knew they were getting closer because the sound was growing louder and louder but then it grows softer and softer [Music] hundley tried to figure out how to explain they'd pass the sound but there are some things a dog just can't explain to a monkey [Music] hmm [Music] and so by working together as a team george remembering what they had heard and hundley using his sensitive powerful dog ears hundley and george found their way back to the alley behind their home [Music] [Music] they were home thanks to teamwork hundley couldn't remember why he ever thought george was troubled rug's all clean sir you should see the dirt i picked up this barrel probably has the filthiest water in the world george really wanted to see the filthiest water in the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] and he sure got a lot of wiggle power look at all those segments worms bodies are divided into little sections called segments which are like muscles that help them to brew in the soil [Music] so what are you gonna do with your new worm george you want to race fast freddy freddie the proper way to have a challenge race is on neutral territory not in any racer's home yard on your mark get set go worms [Music] what's george's worm's name oh okay go freddy go here comes freddy [Music] the winner is george's worm by a segment [Music] george had the perfect place to keep his pet worms um that could work except worms need to dig and i don't think they can dig through your sheets george [Music] garden soil excellent choice [Music] coffee grounds will make the soil rich and airy oh hey george huh big worm race at lake wanna sink lake bring your racer bet you got beat mr wiggly [Music] worm fever had spread throughout the countryside [Music] they make my soil better and that makes better veggies in my garden since all you cheering worm races scare the fish at the lake i'm going fishing in the river don't forget your lunch dear come on guys it's time for the championship race [Music] we are ready when you are george [Music] oh no mr quinn took your worms instead of his lunch [Music] [Music] catfish well hey is that my lunch box oh then this must be your worm farm good timing i must say and the new worm racing champ is uh uh you know george's worm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with the championship won george felt his worms deserve to retire to the garden and help the roses grow [Music] worm racing isn't the only sport in town you'll find a new hobby [Music] hey george ready for the frog hopping race [Music] do the tadpoles like the lettuce i boiled for him now remember i want you to watch them closely for me they do some amazing things as they grow [Laughter] [Music] the tadpole's bowl was small george thought they deserved to stretch their whatever a tadpole stretches and decided to let them enjoy a quick swim in the lagoon while he went to get their lunch [Laughter] [Music] george look my caterpillar is in its pupa stage i bet kids like you never see that in the city huh [Music] hey have my tadpoles done anything amazing yet [Music] just how big is this fish you're after george well you might as well be hunting for tadpoles they go try this one [Applause] except that they couldn't help him find his tadpoles now this was a strange creature it looked like a tadpole sort of swam like a tadpole kind of but it had legs almost no tail not like a tadpole hey george my tadpoles aren't giving you any problems are they oh good bring them over sometime for a visit okay [Music] george couldn't believe it that odd little creature was one of his tadpoles and he let it go [Music] bill said the tadpoles would grow up in amazing ways but how much would they grow in a whole month and then to what george we've been looking all over for you you got like 800 pounds of boiled lettuce now george really had to get back to the lake but it was weeks before he could go [Laughter] luckily george didn't see any signs of jumbo tadpoles [Music] but he couldn't find his friends either these loud frogs probably scared the tadpoles away [Music] it was time for george to tell bill he'd lost the tadpoles hey george [Music] that was a good idea to release my tadpoles into their natural habitat how'd you like watching them grow into frogs pretty neat huh [Music] uh-huh just like my caterpillar changed into a butterfly see [Music] the tadpoles were right here all the time they had just been well growing up smile george long george thought the frogs were even more fun than the tadpoles [Music] well most of the time [Music] come on in guys thanks for letting hundley spend the night while i'm gone [Music] and this is a list of everything hunley needs and when he needs it [Music] oh that's quite a list bye-bye bye we'll make sure he has a good time hundley was used to keeping everything in its proper place to make him feel welcome george decided they should play with hundley's toys [Music] so while i do laundry would you like to feed hundley george according to the list it's time [Music] the cup had to be filled to the top line with dry food hundley didn't want it above or below the line but exactly right [Music] add one half cup of water [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] and to chew his food thoroughly waiting for hundley to chew wasn't george's idea of fun george couldn't wait to find out what was next on the list [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hundley didn't seem to like the monster show [Music] maybe that number was his favorite channel [Music] george was sure hundley would enjoy the monster show more than poodle groomers [Music] it's bedtime for monkeys [Music] oh dachshunds too [Music] hmm just to make sure hundley wasn't trying to tell him something important george checked the list [Music] hundley didn't want to play he always slept with squeaky mouse squeaky mouse helped hundley sleep and kept nightmares away hundley was very happy to have a friend like george who would get out of bed to kick squeaky mouse off the [Music] balcony woof [Music] hmm [Music] hundley knew george was having a bad dream and he didn't have his own squeaky mouse [Music] hello hundley how you doing boy was he any trouble not at all right george [Music] hundley says thank you dogs and monkeys don't always understand each other but sometimes a squeaky mouse can tell you who your real friends are [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 3,103,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: o77acBitHl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 29sec (2489 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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