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hello and welcome to crusader kings 3 the game where you can rewrite history the way it was supposed to be today we're starting fresh now what is the point of ck3 well you make up your own story so here's the story we're going to create a new religion yes a new religion and take over the papacy okay so the year is 1066 and we're the holy roman emperor but we're not going to be this guy we're going to create someone new you know that might work no no okay of course we're going to make ourselves completely overpowered because if you want to convert the whole world to a religion which that's what we're going to be doing in the end you need to be extremely overpowered okay name okay the venerable aim the pope not you of the holy roman empire and for our crest for our crest we'll pick a lion but then for our realm we'll pick this eagle thing just to confuse people two different animals we could make them this or either either one of these really works we've already made him really strong too so i don't know why i picture the antipope as being really thin he's thin because he's virtuous because he's not gluttonous get it he's also chased temperate compassionate forgiving honest patient zealous content gregarious and humble and he's also a master he has many degrees in philosophy he hasn't used them he's been trying to avoid the working world for as long as possible and now instead of entering the working world this character's he's declaring himself the head of faith of his own made-up faith because he's learned so much in all of his philosophy classes all right he's beautiful g absolute genius um hercule yes that too i mean if you want to convert the entire world to a new religion you'll you'll see why it's important later on but um yeah we're going to need to make him pretty op miracle worker okay renowned yeah we don't want him to die to some disease that would be bad he's also extremely athletic he does nothing but push-ups every day in his morning routine the holy war absolutely and will up his fertility you'll see why later okay but as all good antipopes are he is a drunkard all right so we've made the essential antipope now let's make him look the way he's i rather like the way he looks right now how do we make a drunkard look better okay he's going to be it's as tall as possible the the true leader of any new religion needs to just be an egomaniac very big head big wide neck wide ass nick i'm a little concerned it doesn't even appear as if his facial hair is attached to his face it could just be of like a fake beard and we're gonna have him keep that beard you know deep light blue eyes giant nose there we are perfect all the better to smell you with this guy's gonna have great breathing you should go do some yoga or something yeah it's all in the nose all in the nose okay if you want to be the pope you need to look like the pulpit obviously that necessitates very like venerable old hair there we are and long good nice long flowing pope hair like other or we could just do bald no i think you see he looks more like santa claus now but but don't don't question it okay all right this is the antipope pope even the pope not you he's 25 years old all right that's fine yes that's great all right eam the pope not you we can't even see what ear it is because his crown is blocking the earth it happens to be 1066. okay let's begin now what do we know about even the pope not you well he is a tragic hero because he followed his conscience was a law-abiding catholic to begin with but then he decided no i don't agree with this and he decided to create his own religion or ultimately that's what's going to happen uh king of the holy roman empire so lots of to really too much power on one man um we're gonna start obviously by finding him a 17 year old wife there we are don't this is how they would do it back then um okay great um awesome you long live the kaiser great guy all right great i have a wife now my god it's like it's like being the wife of shaq all right now we're going straight for all of the theology theology meaning the study of god and we're gonna go straight down this tree we're just going to try to become theologian as fast as po i think we already are because we made ourselves extremely overpowered now i have no air but don't don't worry about that okay now first off we need to change our house motto currently is by truth and fortune much better would be don't question it all right so now that we are supremely in power we can endeavor our new religion nominate successor it doesn't really matter because everything after i'm dead won't matter because i won't be here strengthen bloodline i don't care as long as i'm here i'll be around okay now the pope um the pope can give me money currently i'm just regular catholic but we're still have yet to create our own religion so it's fine we're just going to get a lot of gold from him you'll see what we'll do with him later thank you for the money pope okay now we can also declare war on the pope because we have a claim to his land however we have claims to the areas north and south of rome so what we're going to go do right now is take our council we have eudis scarpanoi i don't know how to say that okay well either way it doesn't change what he's doing he's going to fabricate a claim on room a pretty tough task so he's got 20 months for that that's fine i'll allow it now we need to apply uh appoint better officials because everyone here is bad okay you have to go okay good and the others actually seem fine i'll leave them in place okay so while we're fabricating a claim on rome i'm going to be gaining piety every month eventually when we're faithful enough we can create our own religion okay i've had a son and since nothing matters after me i mean the entire world is going to be in shambles reminder just inherit later all right it will be a great son remind it prince reminder disinherit later of the holy roman empire of the house not you don't question it all right we've uh great we've gained weight for a few years now we're no longer malnourished we have that on our head i'm healthy again it's time to create a religion so currently we're catholics this means pope alexander ii is our head of faith however i'm going to be the new head of faith because you see even the pope not you is a tragic hero he truly believes in his conscience he truly believes that he is to be the the even better than the current catholic pope okay a tragic hero think tragic hero okay but maybe we can make his dream a reality by converting the entire world to a better version of catholicism as ordained by his conscience okay so let's help let's try to mold the best version of this new christian faith better catholicism okay and this will be enhanced catholic this will be the new adjective single follower me many followers yes oh this is the name for them um you know we'll call them karen and karen's that won't make everything confusing later okay motto please stop complaining it's very distracting to jesus um yolo are we supposed to stand or kneel now please remember to put up the pews at the end of mass all right so now we need to pick some traits for this religion obviously communion because we have to get everybody together the idea is to create as many of these better catholicism better catholics as possible so we need to ensure as much breeding and stewardship as possible okay so divor no divorce you have to stay together um everyone's allowed to have as many significant others as possible legitimate or illegitimate we just want to have as many kids that they can you know give us more bastards have as many as you need totally unrestricted on marriage you don't even need to be married it's fine free love free love i say okay great we have our claim on rome deviancy totally fine with that female adultery accepted you know as long as the children are all of our religion and you don't use any you know no family planning obviously because we just want to have as many kids as possible okay we're just going to put all of our values right out in the open we're not going to walk around them we're not going to beat around the bush kinsland sometimes you got to do it if somebody's really getting carried away so it's fine witchcraft totally fine with me even encouraged and i'm going to be the head of the faith okay anybody can be a priest let all of the priests marry because we need more kids if possible and great we've made all the things that i already am into our virtues so i'm by definition the greatest better catholic of all time we'll just make it this upside down cross no one will notice the difference and that's it we'll need 4075 uh to create this new religion uh it would be more we got to make sure we do it fast because uh the fervor is going down but you know we know what's ahead of us we know the work we've got to do all right well i've saved up for a few years and i think i'm ready we now have more money in piety than we could ever know what to do with okay now we face a moral dilemma so currently alexander ii age 52 the gracious paragon he is the bishop of rome i.e the pope look at his big necklace what we want is a good clean chism we don't want to get into all of that stuff that martin luther you know all the wars no because our way is righteous conscience has led us to this decision to create better catholicism so um i'm right and he's wrong now in my lifestyle with the theological focus i've now got profit and it's going to cost me 50 percent less to create a new religion i also have a lot of knights to help my piety increase more i'm now known for my dedication to my faith and so we're gonna do all of this cleanly at once okay first off we're going to create the new faith everything that we said before i'm the head of faith that's the most important part uh you could have as many uh essos as you need except i changed my mind i need to be allowed to divorce my wives if they can if they're infertile so because that's the whole point of this religion is just more people that practice this religion until we outnumber everyone else and they're peer pressured into joining us so it must be approved but it must be approved by me so i'm in control okay all children are equally legitimate don't kill your family and i think that's it all right i think we're ready new religion better beliefs can never be changed once it's been created well then we'll just create a yet another new religion if we have to catholic clergy have lost their way and can no longer be trusted to go yes to remedy this i have gathered a select group of priests together to discuss the future of our faith impassioned priests are already talking about launching crusades to spread their new faith across the world and are promoting his aceticism among their followers claiming that materialistic pursuits block no just keep having kids karen's eagerly await the prophesied arrival of their pope a great leader who will rally all of the faithful behind them and usher enhanced new a new enhanced catholic golden age okay so we gotta get this done fast whoops look like we lost the ability to use serp the title of rome regardless we can still declare war on the pope okay great duke layoff wine of kent has converted to better catholicism very disillusioned with catholicism welcome aboard great okay if we want to create this faith title we also too need to control more holy sites from originally from catholicism so we're going to go ahead and you know what's coming next great they're all turning to better catholicism obviously it's much better we just moved the rally point for all of our armies to right next to rome okay great they're falling like dominoes this obviously yes even the guy with the eye patch oh my god he's not even in our realm and he thinks it's a great idea it's working it's working it's the greatest scat religion religion is what i meant to say we've ever had oh god they're all doing it now it's like it's like fidget spinners even the french are converting to better catholicism great we stole all the search keywords and tags from original catholicism okay now we're gonna take all of this uh we're gonna conquer rome all right now we just declare war uh mainly i want rome so yes let's have that okay that's great we're gonna raise all of our armies right next to rome and then just charge right in we'll also just hire a bunch of mercenaries because why not right great everybody join in it's like affiliate marketing but for a new religion okay let's go annihilate all of the roman armies great they're all fleeing across the ocean we've annihilated them through completely uh dishonest means here we go they're assaulting stop interrupting me with the birth of more of my children okay oh we have another son barrard more like belongs in the trash i'm just gonna name him squidward all right off to rome we go hooray glory is widely known and we're taking over rome oh smashing smack i mean assaulting the capital okay this is a very long assault rome is very powerful city but we're just about there folks we've just about done it okay peasant uprising oh we have a lot of peasants to fight one moment we're about to destroy rome hang on okay every single city in our realm is under siege it's just gonna be a little while we need to hire more mercenaries we will hire all of the mercy uh we don't have any money left okay um all right let's call all of my allies to war with me they were vastly outnumbered by these peasants okay need some help duke william okay great we've got some help against these peasants no down with catholicism up with better catholicism great we've taken over rome and we have the rest of uh rome good that's ours now we can focus on the peasants all right now we've uh we've taken over rome that's our other holy site we needed that now we didn't need to just take back our entire homeland from peasants briefly great we've good we're crushing the peasants now okay oh fantastic we've taken him prisoner oh thank god that was awful i was worried we'd lose better catholicism after all of that okay now we can get back to the big plan i have three kids somehow oh crap one of them actually got a normal name squidward squidward and reminder disinherit later and bowel to win well that's just that's that's not a great name oh that's great there can be peace again and now we also have rome so what happened to okay the pope is still he's still around but we'll take him out later well really like we're in control of rome now so this is the main this was our main takeaway all right now we can create a head of faith title because we have two holy sites uh you know rome along with uh cologne i'm trying to remember what is in cologne all karen's okay so we karen's control everything when controlled by better catholicism the following effects apply our control okay so it's great to be here now we're going to create the head of faith title and i oh i'm the head of faith there it is okay though the righteousness of our faith was never in doubt the period of time we have been forced to endure without a spiritual leader has been trying indeed it has at long last this ordeal is over however as i have finally convinced the clergy who even is the clergy of this new religion to accept me as the one true pope there we go now i'm the anti-pope with the faithful finally unified behind me i will lead better catholicism into a new global golden age glory to god don't question it okay now um oh we need some more concubines all right now we gotta just get to having as many kids as possible because that's the entire message of this religion have a lot of people so that we can get more we gotta grow baby now we just add on more to our whole uh pious pious uh enterprise apparently we lost theologians so we'll work on getting that back i mean i have to be a theologian i created an entire religion right my wife just oh she's very pregnant wow better go get more i will raise my son oh we don't have much control at all anywhere oh well let's start uh let's start at that we better do something about that soon it'll take 10 years okay all right let's see what the whole world has decided to be so there's still quite a lot of catholics there's some uh conversion to better catholicism going on here enhanced catholic it shows on the map so that's in the kind of brownish color the white is the catholic okay we're going to start converting the world now who cares what else happens as long as we spread the faith right because i'm the head of the faith so we could then declare holy ware or arbitrarily on someone else to get more land first off let's convert rome to better catholicism okay okay that'll take a few years um oh we may not have that much time let's just hope that people convert they'll obviously see that it's much better we also should probably get rid of the current pope so that they so there won't be any more of the old one all right well now that we've established this wonderful new religion um we actually have a hundred percent fervor because everyone's excited that we just created it so we should be able to start our own holy war launch a crusade so now we need to get the rest of these lands so we're just going to declare another war and we'll call it a holy war and despite the fact that it's probably gonna be bad for our fame i don't care we're in this for religion right so all right let's raise the armies all right i have a fourth son because there's a lot of sons uh please stop fighting with the others okay that is my son's name right now we just take down the pope's other armies my son is developing into some sort of nefarious fiend some sort of uh some sort of scandal they got nothing and we got their pope anti-pope anti-pope anti-pope anti-vote okay well done well done time to enforce those demands i'd like it all yes great so we have all of the catholic titles and now they've been usurped by uh enhanced catholic people and now the pope is hiding in the obscure i mean other illegitimate pope not me is hiding in the city of sowana oh wait nopes it's uh urbatello i'm probably saying that wrong declare war on him yet again i don't know how to play this game race all of the armies yet again and win again everyone is ashamed of me because i break truces in three seconds but you do what you got to do you know this guy's a foreign caterer i knew that you know uh my child i didn't even know that my wife was pregnant again so that was just bad luck all right and uh we have more catholics trying to fight us all right we're going to rally the troops again and then hire more mercenaries because we're gonna have another holy war to fight and colin duke william again he's helped me out a lot okay great i get the help i need again great we beat the pope for the third time everyone go back to ravioli for some dinner great okay whoops it's civoli not ravioli oh for god's sake yet another holy war no they're seeing through i am now reminded why i started as the most militarily powerful oh my god what happened to that child oh well it's baldwin i mean we didn't even give him a great name anyway i'm sure it'll work itself out look we killing these peas great wait i don't want to end up playing as him we have to kill this son oh he recovered all right fine well str strong lad that's how i raised him we're being attacked by france again so this isn't great we've got great duke william is just going to lend us even more help we really need this guy oh wow we really kill these peasants jesus oh well baldwin's dead welcome back to my original son great we got the peasants they're done now we just got to get the french and here go the french wow we really beat the french great job okay let's go back to escargo and fight them in there wowzers wowzers great job my people great job my people what happened to my army okay we have to join william the conqueror no matter he helped i think he helped us a lot didn't he help us yes he's helped us quite a lot he's now become a king apparently he was a duke stuck as a duke for a while good for you william okay this son was meant to be we will name him after me he's also even the pope and we've captured their capital and now we just hire more mercenaries because we're running out of money and it's getting very expensive to have a heretical religion we're unfortunately losing to france but you know as as long as we get to keep that holy site right yeah our holy sites up here in cologne they aren't going to take cologne and we've also got rome oh no oh reminder disinherit later died well it's all right you know i had we'll lose the county we'll we'll take it we'll take the hit please stop fighting with the others if the holy roman empire is my new heir okay great what a he has my nose he even has my nose he has that characteristic bulge on the nose even better as our kingdoms burn all right you do you we'll you can have that part of our uh we didn't need this county anyway at least we managed to quell the peasant uprising and send them over to england great now we can have people pay us to get piety so our religion is i have a daughter okay great needed some variety well at least we're now making money by being the head of faith it's a great way to make money as a head of your own religion you know we we set out to accomplish what i wanted to we conquered rome now we have two holy sites so we could declare ourselves as head of faith sure we lost a little bit of land to france but you know it's it's always two steps forward one step back and um i mean so many more adventures we could have now there's jerusalem unfortunately they're too far away to interact with and we also lost all of our honor by rapidly trying to oust uh pope alexander ii uh who's still around he's still around he's alive and kicking age 65 he just lives somewhere else uh but that that is the life of um that is the life of i'm the pope not you head of better christianity the only thing we didn't do was get more concubines but that's because no one's available to serve in the court right now and we got focused on all those wars but klingenberg stands great and we have our own religion now and it will be passed on to my son please stop fighting with the others as soon as i die and he's also inherited most of my amazing traits genius handsome beckoned uh pure-blooded herculean bossy this guy's gonna be an not as great as his father though never as great as his father and yet we have another all right well that's that's it for now folks the catholic peasants will always keep trying to rise up against you but you know just convert them to better catholicism all right i hope you enjoyed this let me know if you if you're enjoying uh ck3 i really like this game just it's it's not it's not what i normally play but it's a lot of fun um and if you have any other challenge ideas there's a lot to this game i'd really like to explore so here's to you special thanks to viewers like you and an even more special thanks to my patrons they always remember to put up the pews i'm ambiguous amphibian and i'll see you in the next video goodbye for now
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 651,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crusader kings 3, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ck3, crusader kings iii, ck2, ckii, crusader kings experience, crusader kings pope, crusader kings 3 experience, crusader kings, crusader kings 3 gameplay, crusader kings 3 let's play, crusader kings 3 funny, crusader kings funny, antipope, anti pope, anti pope experience, crusader kings 3 guide, let's play crusader kings 3, crusader kings 3 northern lords, crusader kings 3 game, crusader kings 3 pope
Id: JOhrmTcu_4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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