Can I Beat Spore as a Pacifist Carnivore?

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cyabon 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello for today's challenge i'm going to play spore as a pacifist carnivore a creature that hates what it is and just wants to make friends but needs to keep eating other people to survive i got this idea from a reddit post about the weirdest sport challenges you can try imagine that every waking moment of your life you wish to devour the ones you most loved but a strict rule of self-discipline were the only thing preventing you from eating friends and family i decided to name my species not the carnivore but the kind of war mary had possibilities unfold before us how will we evolve how will we be peaceful and eat meat at the same time so many questions so starting in the least likely of places it all starts at chapter one the cell stage born out of a soup of congealing amino acids our humble protagonist traces back its unlikely origins our initial advances at befriendment are unwanted other species flee in outright terror attempts to eat kelp are unsuccessful and borderline futile we're not even physically capable of digesting vegemite or other veggie matter it's a lost cause to us even other carnivores fear us and run away we eat only discarded meat left there only by the outcomes of their violent quarrels but the kind of war endures and even thrives undeterred the kind of war involves a smaller mouth and larger cuter eyes to help other species feel more relaxed and less intimidated by its remarkable jowls unfortunately for our little fellow even other carnivores are still repulsed by the sight of it but the bitter life of a single cell making its sigma male grind up the evolutionary tree is one of constant competition how will we adapt to eat meat while respecting the personal boundaries of other species violence is abhorrent but meat is delicious hard work pays off through constant bulking off the scraps of meat without hurting anyone we manage to scale the next rung on the evolutionary ladder we still reject violence but we grow a new set of flagella rendering us faster and more motile with two more flagella we can both avoid predators and obtain the meat that we need darting hither and they're out of the way of fights it's not long before we find our evolutionary niche once we have that down there will be no more competition if we hide behind larger creatures out of whose way we can dark quickly we can play scavengers turning and speeding away from snatching moths and into the little meat that they have left behind nibbling only at decayed corpses is it shameful yes but you have to start somewhere we also stare at vegetarians although they look delicious it would be wrong to hurt them therefore we usually just follow around predators we develop thrusters rendering us even more motile and even if we can't save our fellow brethren we can still eat them so we zoom from cannibalistic feast to pacifist friendship darting into free food every which way darwin would be proud we develop a symbiotic relationship with the electric butt-sapping herbivorous species and whether they are preyed upon or deter their oppressors the carnivorous blue cells it's a win-win for the kind of war for it requires no violence on our part and it always ensures a meal yes through our motility we manage to scale up in the evolutionary cycle each and every generation makes such great sacrifices eating bit by bit continuously reproducing evolution after all is nature's version of the so-called american dream for whatever that moniker is worth move from one horrible life situation into one slightly less horrible life situation for the sake of the next generation survival and prosperity thus we navigate the primordial soup the only carnivorous species that never took a single life and its way up the evolutionary tree and after so many generations the kind of war moves on to land meat by meat part by part it's all for the greater good and as we develop minds we ascend and the genetic revolution is ready to boldly take its first steps onto land chapter two the creature stage ah the creature stage admittedly i don't hate this stage as much as i said before the kind of war leaves the soup behind and uses its brand new legs to establish a nest laying eggs to young baby kind of wars that now sprout their own legs fun activities like discovering fossils await meeting friends and befriending friends through song but making friends isn't easy and involves constant starvation and as much as the kind of war enjoys making friends it would also enjoy eating those friends therefore the life of a kind war is constant suffering stifling the need to eat in order to abide by its high moral principles most of us die of starvation only shortly after we've reproduced at this point in time an attempt in earnest is made to eat fruit the attempt results in vomit but this is no deterrent for the kind of war more starvation and mating thus the kind of war lives like the mayfly the tragic creature of our own world whose fate it is to live an alarming five minutes a precious short five minutes but a full life of altruism and self-sacrifice it is nonetheless and is enough for evolution to take place most kind of wars reach sexual maturity only five minutes after they're born after which time they make friends and dance by the end of the day the male mates with another female of the kind shortly before dying of starvation next to the body of their offspring the next generation of kind of words destined to live out the same life as their parents we evolve mustaches and legs and the lifespans begin to last just a little bit longer but the starvation continues nonetheless we simply ignore the starvation and any who do kill others are ostracized from our pacts but despite its happy social disposition the kind of war's internal mind state is stoic almost beyond belief and no matter how much it is harassed by other weaker less evolved species no matter how easy it would be with our evolved hands and feet to rip out the flesh of the other delicious looking species and devour them we turn not to violence but instead run away and tank the blows from our persecutors some people may tell you that spore is a kid's game ah contraire this game is realistic and scientific but it is true that it would take you perhaps a half hour of doing nothing in order to starve to death during the creature stage you'd have to be really really bad to mess up this part so for the most part in the creature stage it doesn't really make a difference whether you're a carnivore or an herbivore or an omnivore when you can just decide not to eat it all and that's a perfectly valid option we didn't eat we didn't defend ourselves and yet somehow through perseverance we survived these are just a few of the shameful anecdotes of the myriad humiliations necessitated by our climb up the evolutionary ladder we grew to love danger we enjoyed being hit while we danced for others we were dancing for our fallen comrades at this point in time the kind of war evolves the largest brain breaking out of the frame i thought i would never see the day we encounter an advanced civilization of worm people we evolve back our mustaches which we had to get rid of in order to do the socializing and we dance enough now we get the brain that breaks out of the frame oh frabjous day calucolade so many sacrifices so many lives lost we have surrounded so many obstacles to get to this day chapter 3 the tribal stage billions and millions of years in the making no more dying to predators now we are the masters of nature epigenetic revolution unfolds and the kind of war begins shaping its own culture in a peaceful way we eat eggs because eggs aren't people don't question it or else subsistence for our species requires animal products but not the meat itself that would be war-like so we resort to goading nearby animals into domestication leading them back to our base with promises of treats they are surprisingly completely fine with us kidnapping their families they lack critical thinking and they go back to dancing our food source is now secured you see while we're pacifist we're also utilitarian to build the foundation of our peaceful civilization that's just the way it's going to be every other effort of our species is focused on friend making impressing others with our didgeridoo playing spectacular fireworks and it's all underpinned by a robust egg production our mustaches grow bushier manlier and more gregarious even enemies who t-pose into our base aggressively are thwarted and pacified by our generous gifts here we see chieftain cult chasing down an errant eggnapper when their tribe comes aggressively with torches we give them presents to stop them from torching us time after time the kind of war demonstrates its agreeable nature and even uncultured violent pigs like the thai thugs are won over by our gracious hospitality and decorum all past woes are forgotten when they hear our song and melt and rapture with our harmonious polyphony one by one the tribes of our planet have to admit that we are pretty chill to be around and it's not long before they are the ones sending presents to us all of this is of course cause for more celebration and dancing at which the kind of ore improves thus domestication of local animals catalyzed an epigenetic and cultural revolution but our struggles were of course not yet over no not even close to it goddamn giant birds kept devouring our tribe members while we serenaded them in song a stick in the sand giant birds are no joke but nothing could stop us on our kind crusade of friend making we exited that era renewed and bristling with purpose of all the tribes we visited nothing but ten out of tens perfect score for none would stand in the way of our plan great things were on the way in this fashion our species from its humble origins took the world by storm and became the planet's most advanced race both culturally and economically giant burbs worms or whatever the unpredictable planet might hurl at us we used it all to become faster and more resilient the weak were devoured and the alpha kind of war became the basis of the species we know today what lay in store next for our species chapter 4 the civilization stage at some point in time kind of wars discover the school of art deco build the skyscraper and agree to enact policies supporting green global energy usage then they invent tesla something out of dr seuss all decisions are unanimous since we have evolved out of disagreement and we share the same blockchain ledger call it a common cultural memory there is an entity of the kind of or what that entity is it does not fall to our lot to ask we can merely observe what took place next in our planet's history as the kind of war evolved dissenting factions composed of cadres of cultural elites rose up and created their own city-states subverting and terrorizing the dominant peaceful ideology that allowed the kind of war to subsist upon a diet of eggs rather than the meat of others our dietary revolution was at stake these factions waged war a woeful return to the cannibalistic mania that had characterized since undocumented animals of the kind of wars evolution efforts were made to brainwash persuade the rebelling factions to forfeit their warlike causes one by one the planet's cities fell in line whether that's by the use of orwellian dystopian brain drain friendship saucers or simple diplomacy is anyone's guess what we do know is that in this game if you give anyone enough sporebucks you can prevent them from being upset with you if you're actively at war with them and blockading one of their cities money talks and it prevents retaliation and resent not bombs but melodious radio waves of classical music one by one the free nations of man fell how could they be trusted with power if they were warlike we continued paying everyone off while simultaneously declaring war on them this along with complimenting them was after all the only way to prevent them from fighting back while we appropriated their cities through the entirety of the conflict we did not kill a single enemy or even damage any of their property we didn't even build turrets in self-defense because that would not be the passivist way our crusade concludes with the pacifist version of nuclear war a melody that so fills the rest of the world with rapture that all conflict is forgotten and our species can once again be united under a common bond of absolute obedience don't question it it was all absolutely necessary chapter 5 the space stage after accomplishing the great feat of unifying an entire species behind the common goal of peace at any cost even free will advances in converting egg matter into not only food but also rocket fuel allow the kind of war to fashion fleets of starships so advanced in their appearance that even teslas would look primitive and flintstonian by comparison we spend the next thousand years exploring the cosmos meeting other hideous species and paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars to like us whenever they don't like us enough we buy a happy ray this actually exists and we beam them with it to kingdom come dubbed a friendly tool we use this to coerce the rest of the universe into a favorable disposition with our species having established trade routes and ensured the prosperity of all kind of wars to come the only thing left to do is cheese the ghost save ship exploit to peacefully get past the grox undetected and make a pilgrimage to the center of the universe what's at the center of the universe that's for me to know and you to find out as always i'm ambiguous amphibian a major thanks to my patrons who've always been intensely kind cannibalistic and carnivorous to me until we meet again
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 1,338,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spore, electronic arts, galactic adventures, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, let's play spore, spore challenge, spore gameplay, spore ea, spore game, spore ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian spore, spore 2022, spore gameplay ep 1, spore pacifist carnivore, spore pacifist run, spore pacifist, spore pacifism, spore carnivore, spore carnivore run, spore kindivore, spore pacifist carnivore run, spore challenge run, spore pacifism run, spore let's play
Id: aoK_Q69cWn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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