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hello hello and hey welcome to crusader kings 3 the game where we reimagine history the way it was meant to be played out today we're going to embark upon something extremely painful according to my family history my ancestors originated from a small town right about here but you see the problem with my family was that every generation had about 13 kids so i have to imagine that it was extremely difficult to be a child in any one of these families because they always expected the children to die why else would you have so many children i imagine that the parents wanted them to fight like fight it out for each other but we're going to begin here in mayo and we're going to play as my great grandfather that looks something similar to me everyone in my family is named robert so i guess we'll go with that i'm not telling you my last name because this is the internet it doesn't matter because i'm lying i picked this family crest because it looks like a guy going with a mustache now like i said i have to imagine that my grandfather had it very difficult so we're going to begin with him as a boy right zero years old now we'll make him a little bit older because he might not survive if we do the things i'm going to do with him let's start with him as a you know a young man but fully developed so he don't he doesn't die now being an altruistic man he must have studied but unfortunately he was plagued with all of the negative traits now whether you agree or disagree with all of these things being negative there's just things that make him into a general [ __ ] so we're also going to make him ill pneumonia lovers pox leper one-eyed one-legged disfigured in firm drunkard gout ridden consumption cancer typhus smallpox scarred and blind hideous imbecile feeble clubfooted hunchbacked lisping stuttering dwarf inbred weak dull spindly scaly albino wheezing bleed or sterile bastard cannibal and let's make it about adulterer fornicator murderer just everything bad hashish uh rakish reclusive irritable flagelland prop proplicate contrite and a comfort eater my god that's a lot of traits i'm a little worried about this man we can't really even see him anymore okay so i took away cancer and disfigured so that he could survive just a little bit longer i don't want him to die immediately right that wouldn't be any fun okay with all of that we're looking great oh it's horrible i don't even think the skin color makes a difference because he's just red from all of the rashes we'll give him medium body fat so that he could survive a bit longer oh why did this happen my god it's awful to look at this is you know if we make his head a bit bigger it spreads out the rash and it makes it look a little bit more manageable you can't see the eyes so it doesn't matter you know what we're just going to give him a very long hairstyle it's all in everyone loves a good head of hair and this doesn't seem to be effective long flowing hair and we'll give him a massive beard just to cover up as much of his face as possible no you know what we did that for our last character no hair at all i think that fits the spirit of the challenge all right and so begins the life of robert it doesn't matter because i'm lying obviously it has nothing at all and starts off without marriage he's gonna have to find a wife all right let's begin there he is petty king robert it doesn't matter because i'm lying of connect all right we're going to keep time paused because i'm already dying so it's going to be a very short life of robert it doesn't matter because i'm lying so really the goal of his life is just going to be to have an heir that doesn't have so many of these problems right because it's like it's ending it's just all of the things that he is if we could get him to come back from this though that would be great we're gonna start off with a good learning lifestyle he's gonna have to learn to become whole of body because otherwise he's gonna die immediately let's see if we can give him a few more months of life we're going to get him to wash his hands first great the lesson of 2020 will up his fertility and give him a massive health boost he needs that okay this has made him just uh slightly better despite the fact that he has great pox feeble inbred spindly wheezing bl bleeder ill leper infirm drunkard gout ridden consumption type is smallpox blind weak and flagellant now he can have up to four spouses let's start see if we can get one you know everyone hates me oh my god this is awful does anyone slightly less hate me opinion of me no everyone hates me equally well at least that makes the decision that much easier he's also incestuous so he'll he loves everyone we're gonna try for emmer emmer lots of bad inheritable trades you actually can't even scroll to the end here emma will actually get 400 prestige it's great that i have this title because otherwise i would have nothing going with for me she'll accept for a five this is 25 i'm marrying an older woman all right that's great because oh my god it's horrible to look at send proposal now i'm gonna speed down time to one the lowest speed all right let's turn back on time and see if my spouse accepts my message it's terrible that all of my counselors hate me we might actually be better off with no one rather than a spy master right now because currently everyone hates me it's really only a matter of time before someone takes my life it's more just a matter can i find a spouse and have a child before i die or am killed i am a gladly accept your hand in marriage may god grant us long life and have many children my serene husband a serene what a nice adjective to describe all right there she is my petty queen now i'm going to die probably in a couple of days therefore i'm going to take everyone as my wife ben lagan kathan and uh ben moomin yep ben moomin come on over here get some lovin all right there we are here come in the spouse is one and uh why would she hate me for all of these things and a two and a three now we can't consecrate my sacred bloodline yet because well you know probably the most important thing is just to keep me alive a little longer now we've done almost all that we can to uh to up the fertility and make sure that i can get an error but let's actually try to survive now first off i should probably search for a physician because although everyone hates me they do have to do their jobs we'll look for some candidates now everything is getting worse by the second i don't want to give you the impression that this isn't improving this is just more watching someone die slowly i'm not endorsed by my bishop i have very few nights but none of my knights like me can we possibly do this with oh i'm dead alive is what i meant to say ignore my four different wives and different appearance i decided to take off the traits that would kill me immediately and make it impossible for me to have an heir and look how happy he is again most of the traits uh will kill me i've tried to pick ones that are mostly genetic and not some sort of disease but it turns out that having just enough bad traits can actually kill you i don't really know what he's dying of in particular right now but we can we can get a health buff from stubborn iron constitution and the medicine focus perhaps my court uh physician will be able to help me too let's get that back again can anyone help keep me alive here uh an event we finally got an event now both potential court physicians hate me but i'm picking ekrad because she's trusting and there's literally no one with any medical skill near me all right thank you great um you're gonna help my consumption all right it's gonna increase my stress but um that shouldn't go over this stress level maybe she can help me a disastrous mistreatment it's okay i'm now in addition to being all the things i am i'm disfigured i'm going to kill her okay now i need to sway my wife because um i can't do anything to it [ __ ] okay third time's the charm okay what about all the traits except the ones that are going to kill me immediately ah that's much better what i'm dying again all just from being kind of sad and a possessed lunatic who's feeble wheezing blind in a flagellant oh no i won't have any of this there we go i've taken the health uh thing and now i'm perfectly healthy again i just have poor health i'm ailing yes but i won't let genetics tell the story all right i'm gonna have four wives again and we'll see what we pass on to whoever is my unfortunate child now it doesn't matter as long as i have an heir who's someone that doesn't have all of the things that i have would be great again the goal of this playthrough isn't to conquer any land no everyone will be very upset if i conquer any land pass it on to the next generation like my own forefathers we have alliances with all kinds of people particularly uh this earl over in ulster who's who might be somewhat helpful we'll immediately search for a physician again now i don't honestly know whether to keep my uh court a spymaster i have a lot of things that he doesn't like me for firstly i'm going to try to sway my spymaster so that schemes don't go well against me and wowzers we actually did find a physician this time named bebe we'll take her she might actually manage to keep me alive will sway my spymaster would love it if you liked me a little bit more but i gained 53 stress which is now critical because i'm shy i think i'm a comfort eater too though i could just gain some weight now to free my mind i can also go to confession nice public confession this would lose some stress uh people would be very upset because they would hear my confession in those days they used to have public confession i believe so you'd have to tell everyone what you did that was catholicism um but it doesn't matter because everyone already hates me as much as possible so i just want to end the stress you know feel better that's great ah now i suppose if i want to have a child i need to romance my wife i could also try converting her to witchcraft you know i think i'll do one of each of these things with each of my wives let's uh no i'm going to keep gaining stress from this okay so i'm just stuck sitting here oh great okay my wife is having a child all right let's just find out how the child is okay great job honey i can stop being myself very soon now sadly we're actually losing piety every month um and it's also going down so i gotta figure out what's going on there i think it's because i'm an adulterer and a murderer and this character has this dark past too hey we could clean that up with the son or daughter whoever it is i have the opportunity to save someone's life someone is losing too much blood and i'm the only one who can save them all right i'm going to try to save them and become a hero before i probably die and yes possibly gelgius knee rodon will become my yes has become my friend great i have one friend in my life that's my literally my only relationship and my only friend unfortunately has a very negative opinion of me is it possible i could make her no yeah a raid a scheme is rising up against me i can't even tell if i'm being paranoid or if they're trying to kill me all right tell me tell me what's going on god we can't even fend off raiders because i'm just such a basket case oh everything's fine oh i'm having a second child okay great now i have like a i have a pretty decent chance at having an air now ying i have a child now the nice flattering name adult mode oh no my courtiers have been captured too my counselor died god it really it's not just limited to you your entire kingdom is just ass whenever uh yep you're in charge of the money oh i'm dead no oh well i did make it out as my heir and all that she has is she's an albino imbecile who stutters we know all of that already when she's zero how can we even know all of that my brother who's in jail as an infant is who is he in jail with oh he had captured in the raid but what is the brother the brother is only homely and stupid i wish i could have had him he wait a minute he wasn't even born yet when they raided all right let's see how long we can get around this looks like it's going to go really well why does everyone still hate me oh because i'm albino and they hated my father so much that it gets passed down many many generations but now some of the people at the bottom don't actually hate me the daughter quite as much how could they hate a baby so much okay well fortunately we can we can get some people who don't quit hate us quite so much it doesn't really even matter how good they are at anything as long as they don't hate me okay my mother doesn't hate me okay mother gets to be my spy master okay we're going to have to arrange a marriage for myself when i'm still zero there's not really much telling what's going to happen so i'll wait a little bit longer i'm going to stay single for a bit longer i think i've got some time and i'm going to ransom my half brother because i i don't want to be stuck like this all right he's the brother now i'm gonna have my mother teach me as much as possible because my god father really messed me up but you know what we we didn't inherit all of the traits of the father okay me and my brother are getting educated now let's see if we could have her live to at least be like five then maybe something good will happen we're very vulnerable right now as an infant and i can marry off my mother to uh we need some irish allies we're gonna go we're gonna go ahead right here okay great good mom got married again and i turned one i don't really know how to describe this play-through it kind of feels like it's like trying to save a man from falling off of a building but you're standing on the ground and you have to catch him and he's 20 stories up suddenly you spot an infant the infant is lighter you might be able to cushion the fall better that's how i went about this dynasty so father passed and now let's just try to direct the course of this nation so that maybe my grandchildren you know maybe once petty queen adult mode has an heir that would be i will feel happy then i'm bossy all right four years of age five seven oh no my brother count raymond roger has brought forward on it would have known eight nine i've realized i'm homosexual time to propose marriage oh this guy will actually accept a matrilineal marriage neato my brother looks like a meme time to find him an older woman how about this hail nine year old that way although the children will be stupid and homely they'll also be hail looks good great now all we need are some heirs give me the heirs and are okay people don't hate me quite as much anymore finally 16 we are married and i'm having a child my brother got married and i have a son okey dokey all right what is he like uh wheezing well what is the lesson here um babies are bad children have no place in this world and uh if you start out bad marry into a rich family well i hope you learned something i honestly thought we'd be able to do more and not die in the first month with a uh all negative character but it's interesting to see how the line continues usually it just kind of gets diluted as you go but you know even if it looks really bad like it did for uh where's my yeah this was the guy i mean even if you look like that at 27 there's still a chance for your dynasty for your line but that's all for now i'm gonna just go on with this awful dynasty how many how many ck3 playthroughs is this now you get the picture we're gonna be doing just stupid things in the game for a while i rather enjoy this for now many thanks to viewers like you a major thanks as always to my patrons they are the lifeblood that courses through these generations and i'm very grateful thank you more to come so stay tuned i'm ambiguous amphibian fairly well
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 786,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crusader kings 3, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ck3, crusader kings iii, ck2, ckii, crusader kings experience, crusader kings 3 experience, crusader kings, crusader kings 3 gameplay, crusader kings 3 let's play, crusader kings 3 funny, crusader kings funny, crusader kings 3 guide, let's play crusader kings 3, crusader kings 3 northern lords, crusader kings 3 game, all negative traits, ck3 all negative traits, crusader kings 3 all negative traits
Id: PBlXF9WMko0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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