How to Make Money in Crusader Kings 3 (Income & Economy Guide)

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One thing a lot of people have been asking me for is a guide on how to make money, so I wanted to get that out to people that might be struggling with it. This video essentially breaks down some of the chief ways to make money:

  • Maximizing your domain holdings (control, development, & buildings)
  • Vassal Taxes
  • Military Conquest
  • Asking the Pope (if you can)
  • Blackmailing
  • Selling hooks via Golden Obligations
  • Military Expenditure

If you have a pretty solid bead on all of those things then no need to watch the video as you're all set! :)

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/TheItalian567 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

If you have a stewardship focus, all prisoners that are ransomable can be ransomed for 300 gold if the receiver has that much.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/KianBenjamin 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

why every crusader kings tutorial needs to be a 30min session ? but anyway it was good.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Krahar 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

Developing domain is the safe way to build funding, but if you gotta pump those numbers up, with a little setup, you too can rob your bishops blind.

Excommunication Payday

Alternatively, substitute the excommunication step with abduct if you have the lifestyle talent for it. Dangerous if you fail (one attempt on a cooldown), but doesn't require piety or pope-compatibility.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ambrux 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
outside of gathering territory money is one of the largest driving factors in all of crusader kings 3. without it you cannot make more buildings you can't pay for your soldiers you most certainly cannot create more titles and expand your legacy throughout the years across all the many rules to come from your house but how do you control your income and boost your economy in this video today we're going to cover just that i'm going to go over your personal domain and how it is the most important factor in increasing your income the taxes contributed by your vassals and how to improve them also less direct resources such as military conquest and some other tips then i'll conclude the video talking about military expenditure and how it can be a sort of secret drain on your income take a look at the timeline to find the chapters on each section if you'd like to jump to a specific point in the video or just want to use it as an easy reference and as always if you decide to pick up the game after watching this please feel free to use my link in the description you'll simply receive a steam key that you'll go ahead and place directly into steam but i also get a lovely commission and as of the creation of this video there is still a 12 discount but let's get started with boosting your income in crusader kings 3. so welcome back to the lovely land of sicily we're going to initially start out here by talking about your monthly income and you can find that by hovering over the little money icon in the top portion of the screen and from here you're going to get a breakout of all of your different income sources so you've got your personal domain those are the holdings that your character has himself like it says a ruler's domain is the collection of all holdings that they personally own then you've got your vassal taxes church holdings and any perk related bonuses such as greedy in this case and then the total amount that you get from there and after that you also get your monthly expenses such as unraised bennett arms but we'll save that for the end of the video so what's important about this screen here is that you can get a nice real quick breakout of what's going on with just your domain with the taxes so on so forth so just by hovering over each underlying value here you get exactly what's coming out of um each respective category so talking about domain initially like i've said before you want to try and maintain the max of your domain holdings that's up here in the corner you can see right now we're at four of six so keeping as many as possible is a great way to well drive up your income because the big difference between a domain you hold and the domain of vassal holds is that a vassal is going to give you the percentage of income based off of their feudal contract which will go into it a bit but your personal domain you get the full monty man you get all that income right up front in your face so this is determined by the development control and the buildings in your domain so let's go ahead and press f2 bring up our realm then click over to domain and this will show us all of those four of six domains that we currently have and the duchies that they correspond to so in the duchy of salerno we have well our capital salerno it highlights it right there on the map for us then in the duchy of sicily we have got aggregato syracusa and palermo all of the uh constituent parts now a really cool feature that i think that not a lot of us really use is this little button so i'm going to click down here in this little plus button then i'm going to click to development so this is going to show me in my kingdom or across the whole map really for that matter the development level of every single location and the more i guess the brighter that the color is the more developed it is so take a look at solaire now the development is 19. you can see right there as i hover over it uh bernie slayer now there go holder u development 19 terrain farmlands so on and so forth if i were to hover over roma i get development 32. now why this is so important is let me go back to normal let me go down to salerno and let me just select salerno the actual holding itself if you take a look at these two portions you see control and development while hovering over development you can see that the higher development increases the levies taxes and supply limit gained from a county so just to kind of break this down again the levy's number is going to increase and your tax number is going to increase just simply from that number alone so development is very important and you don't want to necessarily increase development in lands that your vassals hold until you're very satisfied with the development in your own personal domains remember like i said these are your domains these the lands you personally control so you get all of the taxes and levies that are generated by those domains so we can see here that the county of salerno and the county of palermo both have 19 development which is awesome they also both have 100 control because why not i'm a tyrannical sicilian king but on top of that you also want to look at the buildings here and oh before we go to the buildings let me talk about control because that's also important because your control if i hover over this gives us more income and more levies see right here it says no current effects but if control drops below 100 levies and taxes in the county will be reduced and we can get an example of that here if i click over here to lonziano take a look at this 35 reduction in taxes and i mean that's 64 control i mean that's still pretty controlled you know that's like a like a like a d on control average but still my point is even if this is not at 100 or this is not at a a pretty low control point you're still taking a huge hit to both your levies and your taxes so your your ultimate concern if you jump over to council and i were to go to press increase control and county i want to make sure that the domains that i hold have 100 control because then like i've said before i'm getting the most levies and taxes from those lands once my domain which is salerno here and these these three right here are at 100 i'm good to increase the control in my vassals territories thus increasing the amount of income that they can get and thus increasing the contribution amount we'll go over that again in a second we talk about taxes so using increased control is a very very strong way to increase your taxes and also increase development by the steward now you would think why would i just always have him on collect taxes collect taxes is a very good one but increasing development control can also help out with your with your construction time and increase the growth in those individual domains that you've got so increasing development is crucial maintaining 100 control is very important those two things combined will maximize your income in a holding now in addition to that you want to make sure that you have the proper buildings in a holding now if we uh let me just click um no i'll go down here to palermo this will probably give me some more options looks like i've already built everything out in these locations here we go we'll click a new building here and we have plenty to choose from right and taking a look at this little field tells us that it's going to be giving us more taxes in this specific holding now a holding would be one of these tabs so in gregenti if i make the farm fields i will get .5 tax that increases this number right here in this specific holding it is not dutchy wide and we'll go through some some buildings that do do that so by increasing those the tax income from using these individual buildings is a great way to really maintain or capitalize on counties with high development takes palermo for example i have tried to maximize as many high income or tax building things as possible with a small harbor here with the mansions the regimental clerk clearings it was kind of already built there so i'm sticking with it but you also can make a dutchy building and a duchy building will have a lot of different bonuses it depends on what you're looking for but we're going to go look at for all intents and purposes in this video which is to increase your money the tax offices we're going to click preview on this so what this does is all your holdings in the duchy that's important it's not just simply all the holdings in the county or just one holding it's all these holdings in this duchy will get their holding taxes increased by ten percent and as you progress this up to fifteen percent and then to twenty percent the double-edged sword here though of buildings is that they take a lot of money to create and they take a good amount of time to actually give you a return on investment so buildings while a priority it is not the top priority just simply increasing development and control is way more beneficial than actually getting your forcing buildings out especially in the early campaign when you're probably looking to gobble up as much land as possible before your enemies get into some pretty dis pretty disgusting alliances so hopefully this covers your domain and gives you an idea of how just simply the lands that your character holds can really increase your income well let's talk a little bit more about taxes coming back to our monthly income tooltip we can see the vassal taxes now of course these are just the taxes that your vassals are contributing to you based off of their feudal contract so again we'll press f2 go to realms and we can see all of our vassals now there are some situations where you have republics or certain vassalages that you can't actually influence i wouldn't worry about those you can't really do anything with them anyway let them kind of be as they will now for all feudal vassals and this will be different if you have a clan or a tribal government system i'm just approaching this from the feudal system right now unfortunately you have your feudal contract there we go so the feudal contract is huge right you it allows you to get more taxes and more levies but the big thing here is you can never jump more than one slot at a time let's say let's take a look at extortionate so the current level normal taxes in the proposed level are not adjacent so you can't go from high to low and you can't go from low to high or massive in this case whatever you want to do you're not allowed to do that so you only can do one bump at a time so if you have someone who has used a hook against you and pushed their levees down to low it's going to take some time to bring to build that up but there's some ways that you can really move around this so let's take a look here at your feudal taxes um let's see yeah this guy's this guy's good is our normal right now and he's got a pretty positive opinion of me you know what let's look at william of fossia he's got an even better opinion on me well i can bump my fuel taxes up to high this is a 3.7 increase on the amount of current taxes that he's at with normal and we'll go over how this affects things and i can also increase his feudal level levies now this says this is an act of tyranny causing your subjects to lose 40 opinion of you unless you got a hook boom use that hook and you won't have to worry about it but you can also see that since i'm increasing two things it still says this is an act of tyranny so you can give something right a war declaration sanctioned this allows war declaration sanctioned allows it so that william can do wars on his own because of my current crown authority so you can if you have someone with a very high opinion of you you can use these things to kind of offset increasing their taxes or levies outside of just simply a hook let's say i didn't have a hook and i didn't want to change their levies so i'm just doing from normal to high taxes well i'm not going to become a tyrant because i'm giving him the ability to declare war on his own without going through me so you can really use this to your advantage in modifying your feudal contracts and really getting the best out of all of your vassals especially the ones that like you you probably don't want to do this if they don't really like you and on top of it this is cool because this guy can go and expand my lands for me thus giving me more holdings more territory and him himself more holdings and more territory to thus increase his taxes but before we press modify we're going to hover over this bar right here now this shows me his total taxable income if i hover over that integer it says okay just as domain is 2.1 and the contribution of that is 7 but because i'm not his rightful liege i'm losing 75 of those taxes it's pretty huge so he's only giving me 0.1 a month it's pretty abysmal now if i modify this you can see the new tax level will be 11 contribution and i'll get 0.2 that 11 though is still getting cut down by 0.75 it's pretty rough i'm going to press modify and that will go through so what you should be doing when you first start your campaign is looking through this menu and looking for this icon because not being the rightful liege of a vassal makes it very difficult to maintain both levies and income from taxes because of this rifle leech he wants me to be the duke of benevento which is this location here so as soon as i get the title of duchy or duke of benevento then he'll say oh well okay yeah you're my rightful liege i'll remove that penalty you can have the full amount of taxes as generated by our feudal contract so your the most important thing the biggest takeaway from this section that you should know is this right here the total amount let me let me look at a bigger load here i think duke abelard is a good one the total amount of taxable income as based off of their domain and the vassal's taxes the amount of contribution and thus the amount that that's giving me and you want to make sure their contribution amount is unhindered by things such as not a rightful liege as you saw how much that that reduces things so again a real quick recap happy hooked vassals that you put on a high tax level will thus increase their taxes and you want to again make sure there is no impediment to their contribution so that covers vassal taxes on a high level let's quickly go over the church taxes real fast we can do that here so we've got church holdings and the biggest thing here is that our doctrines from catholicism allow that to happen we've got theocratic this makes it so that essentially the temple holdings are leased out to their holder's realm priest who then serves them as a theocratic basel and thus gives them money if i hover over church holdings it says in face with the lay clergy doctrine there are no church holdings and temples can be directly held by secular rule rulers without penalties so you won't be getting an income source is what that's basically saying to you so church holdings you can't really do a whole ton with you can make more temples well not temples but churches i guess in blank holdings i can press construct new holding and i can make a temple if i so wish but for the most part you can't necessarily affect this and i don't think for making money it's as important as for something to affect i think you should be working more on your personal domain as your top priority followed by your vassals increasing their opinion and getting a better feudal contract with each one of them but now that we've talked about that let's go into combat a little bit and how war can actually make you a lot of money if you do it right so for this example we've jumped back to a different portion of our save to talk about war and war is pretty important and it depends upon which era you're fighting in are you in 867 are you on 1066 are you tribal and can you just simply go out and raid um it just really depends on your government type but for all intents and purposes what you really want to look at when it comes to war is the holdings and the amount of loot you can get so by attacking this location i will get loot from it and when i get that loot i can well it's just going to go up across the board as i jump from location to location so in this situation this scenario these are two locations that i am personally at war with i started these wars i had these claims so i'm going to town on these uh these respective individuals to well get that loot and get these locations but you can also use combat to your advantage if say for example an ally calls you to war sometimes that can be kind of a far-off location like let's just say my ally of tuscany called me to a war over here and that would be a little bit out of the way but the nice thing is you don't necessarily need to take part in that war in the way that you would normally for your own war wars right you're going right for that war objective you want to take quickly capitulate capua so you can just shut down the war and win well if an ally calls you to war go and take out all the objectives that are not the war objective because you'll be putting yourself relatively out of harm's way and you'll be fighting locations that the ally is not as focused on because the allies going to be going towards the war target or the enemy army and you can use it as a chance to raid and pillage these additional holdings to just get more loot out of it and as you do this you might even get captives and i don't think i have any right now but they will be in this prisoners tab and when you get prisoners you can ransom them back to their parent faction and depending on the severity or the importance of that prisoner you can use this prisoner to get money or a hook and if you do it to say a faction ruler you can force an alliance even using as as small as a weak hook so neces getting into conflicts on your own beck and call i guess you could say are on your own terms is always good because you know exactly where you're going to go and the targets you want but if your ally calls you to war use it as a chance to fight all the things that are not the war objective to just kind of gobble up money and the best thing about it is since you're attacking the opponent the the enemy's um goal you're contributing to their war and at the end of it you'll earn prestige on top of all the money you've looted and any ransom money that you've made from the prisoners that you've gotten from all of your combat but now that we've gone over combat and how to get some money from that let me quickly talk about some miscellaneous forms of getting income that are kind of a little more indirect and a little more situational just to kind of drive this point home a little bit more when it comes to a conflict i've actually just taken the city of toronto and from it i got a number of prisoners and i can actually end this war right now i can enforce demands before you do that though this is when you would want to go to your prisoners and do any of the negotiating situation that you're going to do because the war is about to end and you don't want to lose your kind of leverage i guess you could say so i would go if you have more than four prisoners this becomes a list and you can do bulk actions which is quite nice but i would go through the list and look okay this guy's gonna give me 50 gold well he's kind of top of my ransom list this guy's only 10 this guy's only 10 and this guy's 30. so basically you would just simply go okay well 50 for him 30 for him and all right so he's already considering a proposal we'll wait a little bit there you go so you it's a really good way to get some real quick money but after you've done all of your ransoming and everything there's some other indirect ways you can make money like i was saying and one of them is depending upon which faith you are you can ask the pope or your head of faith for money you would essentially convert your piety into income by right clicking the pope i can press ask for gold right now he's not my friend he doesn't really like me very much but i would spend 250 piety and he would give me 200 gold it's a pretty good ratio right there in addition to that you can also choose a lifestyle in the lower left corner jump over here to stewardship and look at golden obligations you can demand payment for any weak or strong hooks that you've got and honestly this can get out of control so fast in addition to that if you set yourself to the wealth focus for the lifestyle of stewardship you will increase your monthly income now on that note i did kind of briefly go over this but in your court you can have your steward be set to collect taxes and this will increase your tax amount by a set percentage depending upon his skill i didn't go over it in the other sections because personally i find that increasing the development in the counties that you hold or your domains is a top priority above collecting taxes but i will say that collecting taxes can be a vassal and moore's worth of gold so let's press this button right now we're at 2.1 collect taxes it now jumps up to three and if i look at my vassals no one has got 0.9 worth of actual tax in taxable income so taking a look at using collect taxes is also another great way to quickly increase your income and lastly if you click the intrigue tab and go to hooks and secrets you can blackmail for some of these hooks not all of them will actually net you money sometimes we'll just say okay well here you go you can have the hook against me now but sometimes this will actually allow you just to get money by pressing this ability without having the lifestyle focus we talked about with golden obligations but golden obligations you can really get out of control and some people kind of look at as a bit of a broken way to make money so if you're kind of afraid of breaking the game too easily don't go down that route but again that is a really strong way to make some money so now that we've gone over some other quick ways to make money i want to close the video out talking about military expenditure now that we're back into the military tab we can take a look at some pretty hidden details maybe you might think or ones that are just not so obvious so if you look at this location right here you can see the maintenance cost of our levees remember levees are not really anyone special they're for the most part just peasants local sell swords destitute nobles so on and so forth but if we look at this we can see the amount of maintenance that they cost it's zero it's levees who cares but if i look at this we can see our minute arms and they cost .14 gold every month even though they're not being used it's called unraised maintenance so if i click create minute arms let's just click light horsemen i can see two values here the unraised maintenance right here which is 0.31 then the full maintenance which is 0.99 the unraised maintenance is a third of the full maintenance so when you do want to create new men at arms sure you're going to cut it's going to cost you 115 to create them but on top of that it's going to increase the amount of unraised maintenance that you're going to have every month even though you're not even going to war so it's important that as you increase your minute arms here let me just pop a couple in here um i'll even increase these guys i'll make some bowmen really just just go hog wild over here so remember that number that was down here it was like 0.6 before well now it's at 3.2 and we get another number that's really helpful this number right here this shows us the total amount of a monthly maintenance cost if we were to raise our armies all at once so right now this shows the active maintenance because we have no armies raised 0.8 0.9 0.5 i'm going to press raise all armies as they kind of come together yes yes i know i'm great i'm amazing um we'll pause again and it's going to show us the amount that it's going to cost because it's now in active mode levees jump up to 4-0 and this button down here sorry this field down here shows us how long we can have our armies raised and at full capacity they're still still kind of getting up online so this tells us that it's a little bit less than five years if we want to keep this army on the board going around attacking cities so this is important this is it's kind of a hidden drain on your economy because you maybe don't realize that increasing your men at arms is actually draining you even though you're not at war so taking a look at this field right here gives you an idea of how much it's going to cost you if your men are not present on the battlefield or in this case they currently are and how long you can maintain your fighting force at full strength and for how long because a lot of fights are going to go on for a good amount of time three four even five years is not that uncommon even in the early portions of the campaign you can press this button in which case it will shut off the monthly monthly maintenance but they will not continue to grow in troops so there is kind of the caveat there so if maybe a threat full strength you just don't want to do it you do have that option but keep a good eye on your military expenditure because it can be one of the things that's currently draining your your income and you just don't even know it so i'll press uh right now i can see raised armies is costing me a monthly 7.6 let's just expand everyone watch this number up here boom now that's all going to go away going to go down slowly and there we go we're down now to 3.2 and it's because of our monthly maintenance of our unraised matted arms i can shut that off and it drops down to 100. so take this all into consideration when you're trying to increase the economy and the amount of money you're making in crusader kings 3. focus chiefly upon your domains the ones that you personally hold as i've said before in this tab right here you want to make sure these ones are at max control well this save this one's not max development and you have good buildings that promote strong increase to taxes and a dutchy building in the ones that maybe benefit the most from it you don't want to have tax offices in every single location just depends upon what you have in the rest of your holdings then you also want to focus on the vassals their taxes and their feudal contracts do as much combat to get any kind of additional money from conquest and do any of the other miscellaneous things we talked about but hopefully this gives you a better idea on how to increase your economy in crusader kings 3. if you have any other questions please feel free to go ahead and leave a comment below and i'm gonna post a link to my friend h4 havoc's playlist on some of his tutorials he actually has amazing amount of tutorials on this game he does a lot of really amazing production value too and his videos are a little bit shorter than mine so if you want an easier jump into the to the game he's got such an amazing amount of content to go through and he's got over a hundred hours in the game he was one of the sponsored people that helped out in creating videos before the launch of crusader kings3 so you can find a link to him in the description and the first pinned comment to go and check out my buddy h for havoc but as always guys thank you so much for watching here today don't forget to like subscribe comment below all that fun action but have a good one and take care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 342,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crusader Kings 3 money making guide, Crusader Kings 3 guide, Crusader Kings 3 beginner's guide, crusader kings 3 tutorial, how to get started, noob, newbie, essential tips, tips, gameplay, campaign, lets play, live stream, new player, get better, crusader kings 3 gameplay, how to play crusader kings 3, crusader kings 3 pc gameplay, crusader kings III, lets play crusader kings, crusader kings 3 tips, playthrough, paradox, crusader kings 3, campaign guide, claims, vassals, making money
Id: Sm3eJgqyn10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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