CANNONS ARE OVERPOWERED!!! - Total War: Shogun 2 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits

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The perfect blend of old Brit videos (challenges) and more recent game abuse 👌

Loved every second of it

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Cosmic_Homie 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
can we shoot immediately no okay we do have to wait for the enemy to get in range or at least that's what you think we have to do aim up into the sky yeet beyond the actual accuracy of this cannon oh my god it's amazing this is why cannons are so unfair hello there ladies and gentlemen and welcome to total war shogun 2 where today we're going to be doing something very silly indeed we're going to be starting a new campaign in the fall of the samurai if you don't know what the fall of the samurai is it's a particular time period focused in total shogun 2 whereby it looks at what happens when you get a whole bunch of really angry japanese clans that want to fight each other and then throw into the mix a whole bunch of money-hungry european colonizers that just want to sell the japanese weapons of mass destruction what do you get when you combine all of those things you get war crimes ladies and gentlemen and today we're going to be perpetuating some of those lovely war crimes but in order to perpetuate war crimes at a maximum degree we're naturally going to not just be doing a standard run of fall of the samurai whereby we just use a whole bunch of muskets and rifles no no no no no we're going to be fielding armies comprised of pretty much entirely artillery because artillery in this game is insane but naturally in the fall of the samurai campaign we're going to actually be manipulating this even further by playing as the incredible saga dynasty here they start way over here on the east of japan but they get one very important bonus number one they get plus five accuracy to all artillery pieces this is incredible they also get cheaper ships which is another way of fielding artillery and they also start with existing trade to western powers that's right we start with the ability to export tea to the british ladies and gentlemen if there's one thing you need to know if you want to make money or get your country invaded then export tea to the british so make sure your setback relax with a nice warm cup of yorkshire tea in hand you've saluted the painting of the queen that flies above your computer and heck if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like this video now without further ado ladies and gentlemen let's dive into a brand new game as the saga dynasty where we'll be going up against the likes of obama that's right in order to win this game we have to somehow defeat obama i don't know how that's going to actually happen but if we're going to do it it's going to be with gatling guns and explosives ladies and gentlemen so let's throw ourselves into a brand new game so welcome we start out in the lovely province of nagasaki over here which is a lovely starting spot for some very important reasons number one we get access to a trading port which instantly increases our kind of wealth and it means we get to recruit foreign veterans nice and early on and what do foreign veterans do well we can embed them into our armies and guess what they make them amazing so at the start of the game we're in a pretty unique situation because most of the people around us are using gunpowder but not much gunpowder they're using these kind of match lock samurai which let's be honest are probably the worst unit in the game meanwhile we get to start with parrot guns which are probably the second best unit in the game these are highly accurate artillery pieces that can shoot from insane range and do incredible quantities of damage pretty much no one else gets to start out with these bad boys so yep they're pretty nice now here's what we're going to do we're going to train up a whole bunch of yari catchy and get them to load up into our army and then we're going to sail our army off up to the north over here and start invading these islands so we started war with some evil men on this island over here and so what we're naturally going to do is load up all of our armies onto a boat as soon as we improve them sail on over to this island and conquer it but ultimately i think that's the end of turn one now an important thing to remember is that all of our lovely units are more powerful than foreign equivalents our parrot guns have five percent extra accuracy but that skill in itself can be improved by just improving the general for example if we level up his precision ability then we get an additional plus 5 accuracy to all units but the best thing is these embedded veterans which we can also add to our armies can make them even stronger as well like for example the ability to increase the reloading skill of all of our artillery units that just means that they reload and shoot faster this is fantastic for cannons but it also works for gatling guns the only issue is at the start of the game we can't exactly build or recruit cannons no one can we have to research them in order to get them and so in order to do that we're immediately going to start researching arms deals this is going to allow us to build a barracks and allow us to recruit revolver cavalry which are probably one of the strongest units in the game hello and welcome to our first battle ladies and gentlemen we've sailed onto the lovely isle of tsushima with our fantastic army consisting of one cannon and a whole bunch of yarrie catchy samurai but with the main support of a whole bunch of boats floating off the shore with a whole bunch of cannons we're going to be using all of this combined cannon power to try and lay waste to what is primarily just a whole bunch of peasants with sticks this should be a relatively simple and easy battle but i think i have an advantage because if i simply continue the siege these men are going to sally out of their castle and try and fight us yep that's exactly what they're going to do fantastic this was exactly what i wanted because if they are willing to come out and fight us on the planes gone are all of their defensive advantages suddenly we can just lay waste to them in nice open fields this is going to be perfect ladies and gentlemen now the thing is other games do allow you to focus quite heavily on artillery but having an entire army comprised of artillery is just downright stupid no one's ever going to do that now would they however for some reason ladies and gentlemen this madness just works it's truly truly incredible so what we're going to do is just move our artillery nice and back so that it has as much of a ranged advantage as possible and then it's time to prepare our actual men now the job of these garbage spear levy is quite simple it's to simply make sure that no one's going to run and stop my lovely artillery from firing consequently they're going to be slightly sacrificial meanwhile the rest of the men will stay over here on the flank and actually try and do the bulk of the fighting okay well ladies and gentlemen i think we're ready for our first battle now immediately this battle is going to start with a glorious run out of all of their lovely infantry look at this but with their infantry we're going to immediately switch to two incredible advantages that we have namely the killzone modifier this is an ability that can be activated every two minutes and it increases our accuracy from 30 to 60. quite damn good equally we now also have shrapnel shots which are like regular shots the only difference is um well they're basically a weapon of war crimes because they explode in the air causing maximum fragmentational damage it's like firing a shotgun into the sky now the main advantage that artillery has is one crazy little thing and that is that you can actually take manual control of the artillery if you really wanted to oh my goodness look at that oh yes oh all of the corpses this is oh my goodness the war crimes oh i love the smell of war crimes in the morning our artillery distraction force now needs to begin because we need to start convincing the enemy that they don't want to focus on my artillery and instead want to get bogged down in regular manual combat oh yes artillery oh yes oh yes you're doing so good oh it's so beautiful watching you strike oh these poor little horses horses were designed to defeat cannonballs with their faces so much fun i just love artillery it's great or maybe i can take manual control here right manual control away oh that's my own man maybe a little bit higher and over here fire oh that was also my own man okay maybe i shouldn't be in control of the guns but what i should be in control of is the naval artillery bombardment we get to use this twice per battle but basically because our boats are positioned just off of the coast over here we get to call them in to do an artillery strike what's that gonna look like well um you're gonna see it very shortly because guess what it's quite damn good oh and in comes the naval bombardment here it comes ladies and gentlemen 30 glorious cannons shredding the peasant infantry with their sticks yes it is hitting some of my own men but that's a sacrifice i am more than willing to take good job men oh look at that there goes just the entire enemy army just returned into just this pool and sea of blood oh lovely stuff but that was a glorious decisive victory ladies and gentlemen and that was with one cannon against an army technically of equal size this is how powerful cannons really are truly it was a glorious success or not general has increased in rank that's fantastic because our general has increased in rank we can actually improve him and he has a retainer fantastic okay we can give him a pocket watch so that he moves faster around the map but most importantly we're gonna head down here to try and pick up plus five accuracy for all units under this man's control so bam we're gonna get the aggressive tray to lovely stuff this man's gonna become fantastic now can we take this city yes we can now we could do it manually but honestly um i think this is one even the auto resolve can manage there we go glorious decisive victory and oh my goodness apparently our parent guns are now rank four sorry what gee okay right we're going to peacefully occupy this province but because they're rank 4 the accuracy is now up to 38. okay right that's that's good ladies and gents this is very good oh god we've become a monster already but this province that we've taken control of here is fantastic because it has a lovely gold mine here that is going to generate copious quantities of money for us equally it has space for a trading port when we want to you know grab even more europeans but yes this has been a splendid victory for us absolutely fantastic our next target is going to be this tiny island over here which we can also grab hold of because it has a port but yes so far this has gone splendidly well onwards to the next battle and yes of course also onwards to actually building ourselves a candid range we're gonna make some good money ladies and gentlemen okay it's time for our second battle and things are gonna get a little bit more difficult this isn't just your average fight where you rock up and your enemies surrender you know like there's certain people we british people like to make fun of am i right oh it's low hacking fruit i'm sorry but yes this battle is a little bit more challenging we're kind of outnumbered but our main advantages are that we do have our naval fire that we can call in and our incredible now improved cannon we had to leave quite a large amount of the army behind on the previous island you know garrison it from rebels and so this battle is gonna be a little bit spicy but it's okay okay so um we can just line up our cannons here on this ridge meanwhile we can just lay out our entire army down beneath them and what this is going to allow us to do is we can fight in this kind of dip here whilst our artillery reigns hellfire above us oh this is splendid absolutely fantastic meanwhile we'll have one squad of spears just defending them just in case then everyone else can just line up down here and fight i want my main general to probably stand way back here and inspire the artillery pieces meanwhile our other general will assist with any anti-cavalry measures okay without further ado i think we're ready to go can we shoot immediately no okay we do have to wait for the enemy to get in range or at least that's what you think we have to do aim up into the sky yeet beyond the actual accuracy of this cannon oh my god it's amazing this is why cannons are so unfair because because you can manually control them you can just get them to shoot beyond where they actually should be able to go which is just absolutely crazy because yeah you know we can just do that we can do that who cares about actual limitations we can go above and beyond limitations the sky's the limit when you manually control the cannonball oh lovely yeet okay now this is a shot yes oh look at that oh it's a war crime cannon i love it okay well um before they've actually come into range of our cannons we've managed to successfully kill a decent quantity of them ah this is fantastic right and now as they start coming into range we can start wondering about what to actually do of our lovely cannons all right here they come they're starting to climb up the mountains lovely stuff now the thing is our cannon's base accuracy now is 38 which is really really darn good but we can of course press kill zone and that doubles it to 68 and we can choose shrapnel shot as well meaning we can maximize the damage we're doing here so artillery fire away and cause some carnage in comes our first few shots and there goes like 30 people instantaneously it's fantastic now we're actually going to focus on the enemy general because it would be good if we could get at least one of their generals dead nice and relatively fast at the same time i think we should probably call in our naval support early and just get it to bombard this particular area oh yes this is fantastic okay we missed almost entirely but hey we might kill one of the enemy generals for it oh yes okay screw these horses in particular and no one else well that wasn't too bad one of the enemy generals is down to 18 units it looks like the enemies are going to line up in front of us and yep they're going to open fire well that's fine what are we going to do we're just going to charge on into them go men go okay i do need to get my general out of the way but otherwise this is fine chargement charge now the thing is the enemy infantry is generally just going to break because you know our infantry isn't under constant cannon bombardment and is nice and fresh whereas theirs has been fighting for a very long time and isn't exactly infused by the amount of dead friends they've seen so as soon as one of them breaks generally speaking they're all going to just give up and that is of course if we just stop shooting our own men in the back which is currently our favorite thing to do maybe i can just shoot okay my own men in the back it may be a little bit higher and go okay that was a good shot good shot yes oh i love taking control of the artillery but of course we can do better than just take control of the artillery we can also take control of the naval guns all right we've summoned in the naval cannons as well which is fantastic and most of the enemy levy infantry is now really starting to retreat okay there we go we've won fantastic well we want to generally speaking run them down because we're going to have to finish off the survivors so i'll send off my generals to go and finish them off meanwhile it's mostly just about running my own men away from where i've just summoned in the actual naval bombardment so just retreat there we go no please don't get me some friendly fire please run run bad anyway let's kill the enemy generals nice and easy peasy we can let our cannon just far more and more experience i love cannons they're just so much fun they are so much fun i mean why actually fight your enemy in a fair one-on-one engagement when instead you can just yeet cannonballs at them from ridiculous range anyway apparently that was a close victory um i don't know who was spectating that battle but that was not close in the slightest there we go this is another lovely province now under our control yeah how is this close they killed 172 of us we killed 870 of them that's not close welcome men to an absolutely glorious siege battle which apparently we had basically no chance of winning uh however as you can see our cannons now have a reload skill of 75 which is dear god it's incredible um that's technically apparently a reload skill pretty much on par with you know a machine gun at this point which is glorious absolutely glorious it looks like there's a whole bunch of men just grouping up over here and we should probably probably do something about all of those guys just standing around waiting to be shot at oh look at these shots these are just fantastic absolutely brilliant what about this line infantry on the wall i reckon we could probably we could probably target that no problem yep look at all those men just died now the thing is once again we can have all of the guns activated kill zones so that their accuracy improves but at the same time that 111 accuracy oh it can be made better oh it can be made so much better say hello to brand new 136 accuracy because at this point just what the hell that's too much okay can cannons shouldn't have that that's that's not what they're meant to do okay oh wait can we hit these men lining up here oh and hit these men oh my goodness we can all hit these men and they're just gonna stand there and take it aren't they oh my goodness of course they are oh this is brilliant look at the casualties oh this is fantastic right focused on uh just general area actually no we can make this focused right i want a naval bombardment on this area as well i want this entire squad of several hundred men to just evaporate instantaneously oh it's gonna be glorious all right income the naval bombardment here it comes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh look at them trying to run away in comes the naval bombardment my friends oh dear there is no escape from these war crimes oh yes oh dear oh dear oh dear oh it's a massacre you know let's get all of the guns to bear on this section of infantry here because they seem to be standing in the right location actually we can even switch to shrapnel shot as well just for maximum fun time and general whack on the increase of reload speed that's right i want increased reload speed as we shred up this line infantry standing on this poor wall oh dear oh dear well they're not too happy that they had to be standing here but you know it's their job they had to in fact it seems most of the enemy army is actually trying to well retreat although they can't because they have to fight to the death this is a siege battle there is no backing down from this oh my goodness all those men went flying right we've not got too many shots left so we're going to be focusing them on this uh lovely section of infantry here with apparently 115 men you know it's just generic spear levy not exactly anything exciting but yep i want to take them down there we go one nice shell another nice shell and there we go they're pretty much dead at this point lovely stuff pretty sure that means we're now completely out of ammunition and so with that it's time for the united states military to advance all right there are just currently four soldiers holding this wall here just four that is all that is stopping us from just marching up here throwing a little rope up and just waltzing straight into the final objective they started i think with about 2 800 men and i think they're down to about 300. um this has not been a good defense for them because well i mean we haven't actually even touched the castle yet and yet 90 percent of their army has already been defeated i'll just speed up the game until my men advance nicely up to the castle okay the actual defenders are now starting to fire down upon my uh my advancing samurai of course the four men defending the castle generally speaking uh they're not gonna be able to do too much they kill two men don't think it's going to make an overall gigantic difference however especially considering i'm pretty sure i can now just line up all of the infantry over here and get them to go uh i would like this one man dead please so men line up your shots and there we go they are all dead lovely right now line infantry ascend the walls please we'll get speed levy to ascend this wall here as well just to try and create as much of a distraction as possible and look at this they're actually trying to defend the walls now this is exciting of course you know they defend the walls right as we start shooting them well we've started to take the wall um the battle is relatively even despite the fact that you know we have a whole bunch of guns down here shooting up they're still not really defending it with many men the ai doesn't particularly know what they want to do they know they want to try and defend as many wars as possible they just are defending them with really bad melee troops currently well our lovely samurai units here are just doing a fantastic job against this spear levy because well i mean trained samurai versus spear levy that has just seen all of their friends die probably not going to be the fairest matchup well this is an absolute massacre united states marines versus random garrison peasants who are don't even really know how to hold a gun i mean i i sometimes feel sorry for people like uh like jeremy here jeremy was told he was promised to defend a very easy castle with state-of-the-art technology in a prime lovely location perfect at defeating enemies jeremy was lied to jeremy is now about to be shot in the back by highly trained u.s infantry oh poor poor jeremy well infantry focus on jeremy and then open fire when you're ready oh dude i think jeremy's head just got lobbed off oh no oh dear well he's died well there's about two men left so all we have to do is defeat them and then there we go fantastic the fortress is ours all thanks to a whole bunch of very very nice artillery getting about 400 kills that was fantastic well there we go gloria's decisive victory ladies and gentlemen that's how to do a siege 2 000 kills on our side 100 kills on their side lots of experience for the arms oh my god the armstrong guns are already basically max level that is insane just from a handful of battles and with that our general has actually leveled up and i've improved him even further he had this artillery officer's handbook which improves the shooting accuracy of all of his artillery crews which is incredible but now i've also made it so that his artillery crews have an additional 50 ammunition which is perfect as well as also having plus five accuracy for all units under our command this is absolutely incredible next up we can pick up this thing to increase the reloading skill even further for all of the units under our command which effectively turns the armstrong cannons from being you know rapid firing nigh gatling guns with their 67 rate of fire to uh just becoming a minigun at that point it's it just gets a little bit too silly all right this is going to be our largest battle 1 300 men versus effectively 4 000 men do we stand a chance yeah we're gonna absolutely smash them easy peasy absolute walk in the park all right well here we go i think we're pretty much ready to go bam battle start now already our armstrong guns have a base accuracy of 90 which is just amazing that's without any of the active modifiers going so pretty darn good right now let's just take control of this bad boy and see if i can hit anything across the side of the map and ye oh this is quite a long shot oh not first time and again oh this is looking a bit better oh it's an over shot just a bit too far okay bit low a bit low bit lower yes come on come on yes almost the enemy general oh we've caused the general to run around sideways so that basically means we can't get him now but all of this infantry is pretty much complete in a fair game oh and now the rest of my artillery is opening up fantastic stuff right time to exit first person mode bam kill zone and scattery shots let's go just clean up all of this entry please for me oh yes just look at all of this chaos just reigning in so much damage fantastic stuff now what we will be doing is immediately calling in some naval support in on this area here just to try and clean up all of this infantry because there's such a huge amount of it uh it should do nicely in comes the naval bombardment ladies and gentlemen come on i just need a couple of these shells to hit and it will cause some magical damage here they come yes oh yes there's a few of them oh this is good this is good a little bit too widespread on some of them but you know that's a decent amount of damage done and it's certainly going to shake up their lines a bit oh there's another good one oh there's some really good ones in this well the first wave of the enemy has gotten to our front line and um the results are in and the results are not good for the enemy good for us those things are looking quite jazzy indeed i'm gonna see if i can kill this infantry blob over here and oh my goodness that was a good shot oh but there's like three ranks of men over here oh this is a perfect shot this is so good they're so bunched up it's amazing oh it's just perfect it's like a dream come true you suddenly cut in from random shots it's just men being absolutely heated around by artillery oh look at these shots here these are amazing oh this is absolutely brilliant oh this is just fantastic oh all of this all of this blob of men oh it's absolutely perfect you couldn't couldn't dream of better shots than that oh and they just keep on coming in oh yes oh this poor enemy oh obama what have you done obama please this wasn't the way you were meant to fight me oh dear oh dear this is what happens obama please why didn't you listen to me well there we go it looks like they've all retreated that is a glorious success for all of us absolutely fantastic stuff oh there we go that was a decisive victory ladies and gentlemen there's no doubt about that i can't even go as far as to say that was pretty darn legendary okay they killed 77 men we killed 2253 yeah it was a good day this army is just getting terrifying absolutely nightmarish but there you go ladies and gentlemen that's what happens when you specialize your entire empire into just fielding armies consisting of primarily artillery artillery is incredible it allows you to decimate any ai army before it even gets into range of your actual infantry but yes this has been a fantastic video if you've enjoyed watching today then hey make sure to give the video a like and if you want to see me continue this challenge where we take it to the next logical extreme by fielding armies of max level gatling guns against the opposition then feel free to give this video a like and hop on down to the comment section below and pledge your allegiance to the war crimes i have of course been the spiffing brit and if you've enjoyed what you've seen here today then feel free to subscribe and as always a huge thank you to each and every one of our amazing patrons who make these videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much without your support we wouldn't be able to do this so thank you anyway if you sat there wondering what to watch next look no further than this video on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,107,969
Rating: 4.9578018 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, shogun 2, total war, total war shogun 2, shogun 2 total war, shogun 2 fall of the samurai, CANNONS ARE OVERPOWERED, total war overpowered, shogun 2 gameplay, total war shogun 2 gameplay, shogun 2 top 5, shogun 2 legendary, total war: shogun 2, funny, perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced, spiffing brit, shogun 2 exploit, total war memes, total war shogun, funny moments, the spiffing brit, funny challenge, total war funny, total war meme, exploit, game
Id: y_wK1PycToA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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