When Playing Crusader Kings 2 Creates A Immortal Horse God?!? CK2 100 Stat Man

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hello there ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the fantastic Crusader Kings - 100 statment we're in last week's episode we saw the creation of mega frogs I mean it's just absolutely huge and ridiculous for some reason France now controls the entirety of the kingdom of Italy it's become too powerful for its own good and so naturally we must use the incredible powers of King readö Kives in order to defeat mecha France so in today's episode ladies and gentlemen we go on a bit of a merry adventure through the kingdom of France as I do believe it's around about time that we make it our own so without further ado ladies and gentlemen let's dive right into this video make sure you of course sat back nice and relaxed and of course you have a nice warm cup of tea with you anyway let us begin now we finished off last week with things going absolutely fantastically in our direction we've managed to expand our territories a bit our armies even larger than has ever been before 21,000 men that's an absolutely ridiculous quantity but what should we do was set army well naturally we want to take France France is this massive huge target right now and honestly we might never get an opportunity like this again yes they have 19,000 men but I mean come on it's going to be fantastic so I think ladies and gentlemen we're going to do a prepared invasion against France after we do our prepared invasion we have two years to declare the war and during that time many adventurers and various other mad lads or just people who have snorted loose-leaf tea will start flocking to our banner to try and defeat France so ladies and gentlemen I think it's only fair that we immediately declare our intention to invade France I mean look at it it's an entire empire I think it's time for us to go to war and what better way to go to war than to cause a fantastic spy master-wife with the amazing 25 intrigue to start setting fire to paris i mean that's probably the best thing she can do now when it comes to a military I'm pretty sure yes it can go up to a maximum of 28,000 which would be absolutely amazing but our main issue at the moment is actually getting our fleet from the region of your Vic over to because at the moment if we were to declare war it's going to take us quite a while to move troops across as we only have about 50 votes to do it with Oh No I've gained a fever well don't worry having a fever is nothing because at the end of the day I am in a mortal God you know what most we could wait to create an absolute amazing fleet who allow us to move our armies across we could alternatively just you know wing it a bit just for ourselves into walk without much preparation at all oh and fantastic the heir to the barony of warwick who we've managed to steal has grown to a fantastic age and is absolutely terrible well he's slothful and stubborn why are you in my dungeon again you know what Singh is you're in my dungeon it's time we do our fantastic game of spin the wheel of torture that's right elfia be Odinson you my friend are going to get out of prison but first we must remove something from your body a bit of give and take why complicate things when there's nothing like the good ol Drac No congratulations the wreck wins the wheel of torture it'll appear he has been made a little bit upset and a tad stressed after the whole affair but don't worry my friend it's perfectly fine now when it comes to the disease that we have we have a case of the measles as we are in a mortal character technically it doesn't really make much of a difference but because we have measles we could pass it on to someone so as we are nice and brave we're going to try a brand new experimental treatment to cure ourselves of the measles I can't wait to see what experimental treatment they come up with come on let's see what we're doing the system to assured our physician that we're asleep however the potion failed to take effect even though you could neither speak nor move you were still very much aware of everything they did oh no oh no the procedure seemed to last forever well we've accidentally made King Rianna Kives the fearless and absolute lunatic you know what that's fine you know sometimes you try and help everyone in your court by just getting better other times you accidentally just go completely Natale insane and I mean that's not the face of someone who's insane okay we're going to give Prince mega Chad a natural upgrade we're gonna give him a temple that he laughter because we're not really up for looking after temples so mega Chad he's learning all about humility and how to be an absolute Chad and only makes sense that we grant him an entire temple where he can do such a thing now I would absolutely loved her toward France but most importantly I would love to get some allies in on the war but apparently absolutely no one wants to fight megaphones I have no idea why come on it's perfectly fine you know what I think it is actually time let's do this let's actually declare our intention for a prepared invasion so basically this gives us two years to launch our fantastic invasion against him it's going to be very impressive it's going to be very important but most importantly it's going to be exceedingly jazzy Oh fantastic large numbers of adventurous warriors have arrived from all corners of your realm hoping to join your great expedition against emperor louis ii of france eeeh fantastic oh my so we've gained some maintenance-free boats and a maintenance-free army of just one thousand and seven hundred madman who is so excited to start an invasion against France you know what let's get these boys loaded up and sent straight over on a renowned hero has arrived at the court with his warriors and followers hoping to partake oh this is getting very exciting a random bloke named a K in 11 boats more ships more men more memes oh my goodness a K is an absolute legend look at this meme are we gonna have him lead our armies he's got 19 marshal but also he's a brilliant strategist a holy warrior an aggressive leader and yet he's cripplingly weak it's gonna be fantastic oh this man okay I wanted married into my bloodline if at all possible right we're getting him betrothed to Princess Fiona flash let's do this and even more men are arriving oh this is fantastic we're just gaining so many free men free dudes who just want to invade France I didn't realize France was actually this hated this is fantastic it's time to get some of our armies actually sent over to France before the war begins so luckily because we took Zealand in the last episode we're able to just unload all of our event troops over there fantastic and even more bit of arrived this is God is getting better and better then led by Ragnar Oh ragnar the scarred chattermouth was exceedingly brave and chaste and charitable he's actually a nice guy and more people oh goodness this is just okay this is getting a tad over the top with the amount of dudes that are arriving but you know what France is actually not even going to have a chance in this war this is great yeah how are you feeling France we've still got a couple more years to go before we absolutely have to do this invasion but it's just getting better and better more and more people are arriving and of course even more people arrive even more we've just got an army of 8,500 people here and we've almost got a hundred boats oh my goodness luckily we can supply up to 32,000 men in the province of Zeeland so we're going to be quite happy when it comes to actually placing almost entirely our army right here how many men are we up to now all 40,000 men if we wanted just because of all these ridiculous event troops oh no in big Dave's feeling ill he's got dysentery okay my good boy we're gonna call for the Corps physician get well Big Dave please oh we actually have a jewel fantastic it's halved your scan of veggie burger ribs or the guide does have a hundred free personal combat skill and I personally have 110 so this is going to be a bit of a close fight but the man has only committed free war crimes whereas my extensive war crimes collection grows on a Jew Rana right let's do this fantastic I walk away victorious I land a perfect blow to his leg there you go he's not going to be fighting very well for the next while lovely staff Harris on oh and war men arrived of course they do ok this is honestly getting a bit over the top when we're going to end up with well over 20,000 men stacked on top of this island and they just keep coming there is genuinely no end to them and fantastic my wife has managed to sabotage Paris yet again the hospital Norvik is seen an increase in the amount of people looking for food and shelter lately and as the supplies have brought out why are we doing this it's is it a gift from the king is it because Odin made it possible are we doing it for the people come on when is rheanna keeps ever done anything for the people beyond expanse and borders and provide them with a much better lifestyle simply because we have a vastly superior technology well you know wants let's actually say that the realm is providing this offering let's be nice I mean at the end today we are rather sociable with rather chill and nice and cooled so yes the realm has provided this bountiful gift for everyone Yoda I've tried my best to actually get Ragnar down here who for some reason owns the entirety of the kingdom of England I've tried to get him to join my war vibe fantastic alliances heck I've even offered him some of my fantastic children I mean who doesn't want to get married to princess a Memphis PD or Fionna flash or even big Susan she's absolutely legendary for some reason they've decided no we don't want to marry our children into that we don't want an alliance so instead King Ragnar does have these amazing items right here and I'd love to borrow some of them temporarily for my fantastic expedition into France so before we do a quick expedition into France we're just going to have King Riano Kives hop onto this army here activate raiding starts and let's go raid middlesex briefly yes there is a war we could be fighting but I mean alternatively we could just take out middlesex and fantastic the raid is commencing I know really our fantastic Nordic friend should not be raided but I mean the last time we forgot to raid our Nordic friends we ended up with the legendary boneless boy over here converting his entire country into Catholicism and then developing a bit of the crab brave oh and of course we've had a Catholic uprising of course it just wouldn't be Crusader Kings to without a good bit of Catholic uprisings your horse is always struck you as being of a dependable sort a quality you feel is sorely lacking in your councillors time to shake things up a bit you will place with the Chancellor hang on a second these who five-point these Chancellor of the realm we have a horse of the council a stubborn strong attractive horse which is also an imbecile right we offered it to hoof any concubines yes you know let's do that right glitter who've please take in go yes a prisoner that we've randomly captured please take them as a concubine okay that's fine request council support of course good to give you council support you know let's send them a gift to make them really really like us oh this is fantastic boys wanted a horse in the court some nights you belong with us the death of your trusted steed gear to hoof how will you be able to live without him I shall offer do to hoof my magical blood litter you've gave us a tree immortal how is this when was this made of future you know what that's fine we're gonna have we've accidentally created a horse which has become God and for some reason has the ability to shoot lightning this is fine this is absolutely fine are we gonna create 100 stat horse this is a fantastic idea okay ladies and gentlemen hop down into the comments section if you'd like to see us actually for some reason give glitter hoof 100 stats in every regard I'm more than happy to create the legendary Riano Kives and his 100 stat horse oh my goodness no it'd be the 100 stats deed amazing I love this game this is so unique this is exactly why I love Crusader Kings - and I absolutely love playing it it's so wacky oh my goodness if you're enjoying this absolute craziness of a bonkers brigade of a video then hey feel free to give it a like BAM see what I did there you know what I'll give you a special offer to the first 5,000 people who like this video glitter hoof and Rihanna keys will appear at the end of your bed and glitter will shoot a bolt of lightning out of your window signifying the start of the glitter hoof uprising anyway the choice is yours ladies and gentlemen because I here with each like glue to hoof grows only in power anyway the Catholic uprising has been defeated and balance has been restored now I guess it's just up to us to UM go to war oh my goodness even more adventurers are arriving even more this is getting a tad crazy and what's this my trusty and loyal steed bluetooth is likely to be the target of all manner of religious attacks by my enemies to destabilize my ruled I should have my Smith's for Chima set of armor fantastic only the finest armor this is a amazing idea BAM if had of ridiculous might have arm right it to their inventor e what have they got golden stallion armor oh my goodness an increase in personal combat skill an increase in marshal monthly prestige morale of troops everything this is amazing and you know what I think it's time we go to war with France here we have more than enough men we are ready for this let us do this ladies and gentlemen it's time to declare war I have a couple of choices of where we can invade the kingdom of Sicily the kingdom of Carinthia which is here or the papal States now I don't know about you but I think it would be wrong of a good fun to have our absolute Catholic mad lad invade and take the papal States so you know what I think that's exactly what we're going to do now there's quite a high chance we might accidentally go to all the entirety of the Catholic faith but you know what it's going to be worth it so ladies and gentlemen let us begin the greatest war is about to start I hope you're ready ah hello there ladies and gentlemen I've jumped into the midpoint of the video when you would least expect me tis I the spiffing Brit here to talk to you today about this fantastic thing just released that's right it's the Rihanna Kives merchandise itself it's majestic it's beautiful and most importantly it will make you into the Living God himself so hey why not grab one of these in pair of a fine box of Yorkshire tea I'm sure you're going to absolutely love it also as part of my fantastic effort to make these videos all the more profitable despite the fact that they're not the regular channel content I've chosen this video to be the one where I talk about my fantastic trip to Gamescom that's right basically I was paid by the fantastic people over at Sega and the developers of humankind to play their brand-new game it's effectively civilization but different new and jazzy after watching it I kind of decided that it's almost like someone took civilization 5 and then tried to make civilization 6 but decided instead of just re skinning the game to look like an anime they actually decided to add new gameplay features and new ideas oh my goodness imagine making a game with ideas yes even though I haven't been able to get the hands-on experience yet they just showed us a trailer and did a QA it was very good fun learning about the game and of course I did ask the question will there be tea and I do believe ladies and gentlemen there will be tea instantly 10 out of 10 game of the year I'll take your entire stock please thank you very much anyway let's dive right back into this video as it's time to have an absolutely lovely time with King Rianna cubes of your Vic it begins oh my oh my oh my oh my okay this is where the spiciness is going to start we're going to need Rihanna keys on this army with his best men we've got a key and Magni let's go guys we've got a lot of land to start seeding up but don't worry we've got reinforcements on their way already I want a straight 9,000 men who are going to be immediately sent all the way down to the papal States to begin the Occupy process go my men go it's like a crusade just without any crusade II stuff more to stay absolute massive invasion anyway the first teachers going well less a steward an assault and that's a victory we lose only twelve men no sadly twelve men that is a sacrifice I am more than willing to make we've done it ladies and gentlemen the first provinces ours and it would appear the king of lafrankie over here is trying to send a preacher towards me well I'm afraid I am going to have to lock them into my dungeons now is not the time to convert to Catholicism when I'm launching a massive invasion ah yes now is the time of the great sieges he's amazing huge assaults over massive quantities of land I mean we are only going to face one bit of a major issue which is that our prison accounts are going to start getting a tad wild it'll be fine you know what let's do a war sacrifice actually yes we're going to get the war sacrifice of all of our armies are even more powerful may this sacrifices bring me fortune oh they will well sieges are quite impressive mostly due to the fact that every 12 days we manage to destroy the morale of the defenders by 37 percent that is a ridiculous numbers it means we can out siege castles in a matter of seconds anyway it's time for the men to land on drobe oh and it would appear the French are launching an invasion of their own of interest see what army they're trying to throw up so yes let us get a defense organised and we've managed to capture Baldwin over here and hello there my shrewd depressed friends I'm afraid you make an absolutely fantastic sacrifice to ode in a farewell goodbye off of this mortal plane of existence I hope you enjoy your time I swear and here's that French invasion force certainly they decided to drop 10,000 men onto 12,000 and they also had to do effectively in naval landing sadly it does give me a fair bit of a ridiculous advantage against them oh and rumors gang siege down we're actually doing it it's actually happening the siege of Rome oh my oh why oh why oh why sorry rogue but you don't have enough men who's this we've captured we've captured an absolute legend its count joseline he's a one handed severely injured madman but he is rather ambitious I'm afraid you are a more than suitable sacrifice rodent goodbye I have no idea where the French are actually going to manage to retreat to from here but um I think it is safe to say we've managed to defeat a very large amount of the French I think it is in our best interest to grab Paris as soon as possible so we're gonna head straight down there let's do this oh and the paper Caesars by the way oh my goodness I forget we can do a cool to glory we can lose 500 renown put some on all willing fighters of the lodge to join us in the current war yes oh my this is going to be good come my friends eternal glory awaits yes absolutely fantastic the siege of Paris is going great as well oh it would appear they're launching another invasion ladies and gentlemen meanwhile whilst I'm busy doing this war I am deciding to have private talks with Pearce who for about just everything in the realm anyway let us go greet these brand-new invaders in hurl I'm sure that's the fantastic place oh seven thousand men are you really should have landed them I think these days have really helped me getting glue to to know and appreciate me better we've passed most of our time in my palace discussing the most disparate of topics my palace was enriched by your visit or I am honored to host an ambassador from the mood kick yes I'm so glad to host an ambassador from the moon King that makes sense glitter hoof is the god of the moon and rihanna accuses the god of the earth this makes so much sense oh and we get an absolutely fantastic sacrificed world in AD and I've worn lovely so many sacrifices today is that the King of France himself leading the invasion of your Vic oh my friend I could teleport Riano cubes over here but no why did you lead an army of only a thousand men here oh right goodbye goodbye King of France thank you for trying oh and the invasion of Paris is going absolutely great I mean this is just ridiculously easy Oh all of these sieges amazing Paris is ours we actually have the entirety of Paris we have so many prisoners right now this is getting a tad ridiculous oh I've got a great idea we go to a range of betrothal between another member of the wolf warriors and Ragnar Bonecrusher 3000 as a result this should allow us to get an alliance with King Rorick the butcher this man has 13,000 men at his disposal which must've isn't much in comparison to ourselves is going to be more than enough to assist in our invasion of France there we go now that we've got that can we form the lights oh we most certainly can and the invading Harlequin fantastic and now that we have our alliance let us call him to arms against this fantastic invasion the Valor I've shown in battle is not inspired just seasoned warriors but many of my subjects have travelled to your Vic hoping to prove their worth oh my we can have them trained up in no time and get the cool to glory or just that their bravery moves me and I can gain some fantastic prestige no no no instead we're going to get fifty non reinforcing maintenance-free ships oh yes those supply lines I think it's time we send another army down to Rome to assist with our fantastic occupation going on here I must say King Rianna Kives has actually been managing to grab up an absolute ton of friends look he's got four friends at the moment that's crazy oh it's this it has come to my attention that your son Big Dave remains outside of our fold I humbly urge you to bring him into and become a member yes I can recruit my child Big Dave and make him a member of the wolf warriors what a fantastic idea some of the more undisciplined elements within your new troops have started to complain that I do not share the loot Oh No they're demanding for what they consider their rightful compensation so I can give them 150 gold or some of them will leave however or turtling use my amazing diplomatic skills and go No and then they'll suddenly decide that actually they've received more than enough loot and by amazing diplomatic skills I mean I'll just send glitter hoof out in his shining golden armor to distract them at the moment we're currently kind of just carpets eating our way down in a line just so that we can get some kind of rough up-and-coming supply lines in order oh my they're actually starting to try and siege down Rome okay that needs to be fixed I'm sorry bro but we can't actually allow you to not be completely utterly carpet siege to come on Ragnar lead my men oh and even more people are trying to show up okay right more supply lines more boats please we've captured the Duke of Salerno Oh fantastic right I'm afraid grandma and a goodbye and the Juke Oh another one a goodbye and oh it's it's Rafi the sea devil could buy Rafi the sea devil and it's chukerman of the rhine could buy jokerman of the rhine Wow okay that's probably the most Jukes i've ever killed it's amazing oh and we've kept it another person to be sacrificed and another one that's a sacrifice and yet another one that's a sacrifice oh and it's even more its bonus grand mayor of Amalfi a sacrificed ok right this is actually getting to be a lot of sacrificing maybe we should raise up some extra men we can make Fiona flash ambitious you not yes let's do just that what's this cliff sufis already very fond of me perhaps I should focus my time and resources on someone else no we must maintain our relationship with the moon diplomats that's the only way to maintain fantastic relationships with the dots Henry let us summon some extra men which we're going to be sending off into war oh and there's another battlefield sacrifice yes I kind of want a second detachment set up which is not this 10,000 sack of men we have here and we're going to be sending this one down to Rome I mean at the end of the day we do have a huge amount of land to start teaching up so extra ten thousand men off to Rome you go Oh even more when adjoining and signing up right well I think it's time to get an extra 400 men regiment they're going to do fantastic stuff let's load them onto a boat oh yeah it's boat time guys right let's sail this boat all the way around to Rome and get some seating underway Who am I actually at war with if I check the diplomatic relations about oh I see I'm at war of the entirety of France and Germany right okay least lafrankie isn't at war with me that's very nice oh and we've captured mayor Godfrey of Paris thank you mate Godfrey of Paris as sacrificed basically we're slowly working oh my goodness actually it's day it's the Pope's army I just saw that that was the army of the papacy itself only six wasn't meant but I did see it it's somewhere running down this way fantastic we need to get to it as soon as possible oh no what's happening here things quickly get out of control as my soldiers stormed the gates of Paris II killing indiscriminately oh no this is a bit of an issue well it's probably a good idea that well we I'm afraid we're probably going to have to try and regain control of that and lose 5% of our men oh no oh and the new army has arrived fantastic an extra 10,000 men perfectly ready for the front line although they could use some kind of leader oh and here's the Pope's army again that's 6,000 stack Oh Mike it is exceedingly fast though oh and we've captured more people and that's more sacrifices this is going very well a very successful war I must say oh what's this Oh most excellent king of Riano Kives we surrender under these terms oh my goodness they can give us everything however we actually need to occupy more of the land that we said we'd take we need to take up this entire strip roughly so we've got a bit of work to do before I'm actually going to be accepting such an offer fantastic part of you is now ours oh and little hoof has been talking to me about his struggles and aspirations that's fantastic I'm so glad that were able to talk about political struggles and aspirations it means it must be very difficult life struggling to be a horse you know especially an immortal horse of that that's a very tricky thing not many people have to put up with a life like that oh my goodness we've captured Luigi Luigi was captured in battle he serves under the Pope himself is a infirm honestly I don't think Luigi's gonna last much longer and I've got to be honest I wasn't really a big fan of the last live-action mario film so goodbye Luigi Oh No I've done it Mario is gone I'm sorry Nintendo I've just accidentally sacrificed your best IP to the gods so yes the land I need to occupy is this glowing region here so from here all the way up to here and then we get to keep everything it's going to be great while we keep capturing so many people honestly our kill count is going to be crazy after this war how many people are we at now how many 59 we're at less than 40 when this war started Oh II know we can't make my son Big Dave ambitious or we can make him patient I think making him ambitious might be a good idea although it will mean that we become bitter rivals and honestly I wouldn't like that let's give him the rank of patience yes make you more powerful and there's a chance of Big Dave becoming kind or we can make him super zealous I think we're gonna make him super zealous instead she's gonna get very angry when it comes to people misquoting his amazing religion oh my and you know we've almost made it I think we only have three more provinces to seat down after these and then we're all good oh and Paris has been sabotaged even law there is incited unrest as smugglers rink and sabotage buildings this is crazy we've almost done it we've almost taken absolutely everything it's almost all entirely ours this is going to be crazy after this our kingdom is going to effectively if well over doubled in size and will also be controlling the papacy itself that's gonna be absolutely ludicrous ah yes this is my favorite side chute of history which 100% happened my friend from North God has arrived that legend regard to Rick oh how very nice of him to arrive all the way down here in Italy nonetheless to actually assist in the sieges what a nice guy and there we have it we've occupied everything in this entire region let's do this let's sue for peace and see what we get offer peace ladies and gentlemen enforce demands and oh my okay I wasn't quite expecting it to actually let us take all of the land we occupied I thought it was only the region of the papacy right okay Paris is ours we have a slight issue in the fact that we have 91 held domains and yeah that's a lot of land potential levies of a hundred and thirty thousand 400 and we don't get to keep Rome but we do get to keep the castle which is located in Rome now we just need to declare a separate war on Rome and then we can have it but my goodness we've actually taken it this is amazing of course naturally defensive pacts are forming against us but it doesn't matter we've done it i can usurp the title of the papal States yes we're going to own the papal States oh we've done it we've usurped the title of the papal States from the Pope himself and the kingdom of Romana is formed the papacy long claimed rightful heirs of the Romans since they took control of the central regions of the Italian peninsula Albert with the conquest of Rio no kids of your Vicky's claim the regions for himself though the Pope has been raging about his losses and this affront to the church most lords and ladies rather lands have accepted the rule of King Rio no Kives it's about time fantastic it would appear christian louie the butcher has just declared another war on me I see the Emperor of France is just he's decided to call all of his lackeys to arms against me and reclaim the Italian lands I mean we did just absolutely crush you in a war my good friend are you sure you want to do this are you sure you rent you have 2,000 men and you declare war on me I have 88,000 I can summon right now eighty eight thousand I'm just I'm just gonna be honest with you this isn't looking too good it's not is it no anyway ladies and gentlemen I think this is being enough for one day I've been this way from Brit if you've enjoyed watching 100 step man here today feel free to give the video a like hop down to the comment section how do you think we're going to prepare against the legendary Empire France here now that we've created this beautiful border description and beautiful thing yes nice borders yes though these are horrific Oh anyway hop down to the comment section below do you want to see glitter hoof be ridiculously overpowered or do you want to see them just be a regular horse the choice is yours anyway I've been the spiffing Brit have an absolutely lovely day and I'll see each and every one of you in the next one as always a massive thank you to each and every single one of my patrons who make these fantastic videos or the more possible I've been this way from Brits och and everyone of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 705,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, when playing, when playing crusader kings 2 creates, When Playing Crusader Kings 2 Creates A Immortal Horse God, ck2 horse, ck2 horse god, immortal ck2, ck2 immortal, CK2 100 Stat Man, 100 stat man, spiffing brit, crusader kings 2, holy fury, ck2 holy fury, funny montage ck2, funny, montage, ck2, game break, 100 stat, becoming god, rt game, the spiffing brit, spiffing brit crusader kings, spiffing brit crusader kings 2, 100 stat steed, 100 stat horse
Id: BIvW9U7sEK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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