Becoming God In Crusader Kings 2 - 100 Stat Man Immortal God King Reanu Keeves IS BROKEN!

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hello there ladies and gentlemen we're back in the legendary game of Crusader Kings 2 for years you've been asking for the return of the greatest series YouTube has ever seen and you know what for today we're going to deliver as we announce the return of the legend ring fantastic 100 stattman 100 stat man is one of the greatest series that we ever created and it was the single series which catapulted our channel it's a glorious success and cemented the community's position amongst the greatest in all of YouTube and so it makes only perfect sense that we return to the game which started it all a game in which you play a king account a Jew Curran Emperor as he tries to forge a dynasty which should last generations but in reality will probably just be wiped out by cholera that's part of the joy when it comes down to Crusader Kings - you really don't know what's going to be happening in this game but all you know is it's going to be fantastic now ladies and gentlemen not only are we going to be playing a good bit of Crusader Kings - we're also going to be playing the legendary Riano Kives that's right he's back for one day and one day only well probably for multiple days in the fantastic world of Crusader Kings to where we are going to be playing as this tiny tribe over here in the United Kingdom called your Vic they're basically Viking invaders who've managed to land and create a bit of a foothold we'll be starting the campaign once they'll be at war with most of the United Kingdom however we're going to be using the incredible power of our 100 stat character to make sure that we win but who are we going to be playing as today well ladies and gentlemen we are going to be playing as the legendary Riano Kives of the 100 dynasty everyone in our dynasty will be powerful and strong for the sole reason that all of the characters in our game are ridiculously overpowered now we just need to make him look the part oh my goodness and Harry is he's beautiful he's fantastic it's Rehan Oh Kives of yo Vic when it comes to designing the attributes of Riano Kives don't worry we don't need to do any of that we're going to be messing about with the game as soon as we hop in sight so let us prepare for a good bit of Crusader Kings - as we dive right into the game yes hit that play button and were in the game ladies and gentlemen with the legendary Riano Kives of your Vic oh my he's even more handsome with a little helmet on as he tries to fend off against the invaders of his land although realistically is actually just invading the entirety of the United Kingdom as you can see his stats have been applied he is 100 and Diplomacy 100 and Marshall 99 in Stewardship 100 and intrigue and 100 and learning basically meaning whatever job and normally a person can do he can normally do it about 10 times better for example we can take a look at his counsel and as we can see we have the legendary Chancellor here Magnus Garda Borg has a level 5 rank in diplomacy meaning he's actually pretty terrible at his entire job and even though we have in performing statecraft at the moment he is more likely to upset local Lords than actually make them happy so we're immediately going to swap him out with a Gil the courtier there we go good job egg he'll make everyone happy now but coz Riano Kives is such a smooth diplomatic genius every single person on his council absolutely loves him just because of his amazing personal diplomacy skill they sit down for a council meeting and they're like look Riano you've raised the tea tech so many times the county is they're gonna start revolting but then he goes no I think you'll find I'm breathtaking and then they go oh ma you are you know what raised the tea tax even more no one will notice and so he does I mean just look at the amount of money we have in the Treasury 482 it's fantastic we need to stop working on some of these issues at the top like for example our ruler is unmarried Rianna keeps we need to get your wife who should we get I mean there's some pretty good options like this lovely ambitious lady she's got a lot of stats which really could help us out alternatively right down at the bottom here we have the legendary zero zero zero a 23 or Priestess of breezin who is a imbecile you know what that's a perfect choice for Riyadh Oh Kives we're gonna lose a hundred prestige of this marriage but it's gonna be worth it fantastic we've married a Prussian imbecile who owns a temple somewhere Oh that's fide will inherit that eventually or we have some important decisions of course naturally we want to search for a brand new Court physicians will immediately start a hunt for a wicked old Gila boy I mean I have a doctorate of my own and I'm pretty sure also does Ariane O'Keefe so really we could save our own lives but it's good to sometimes give other people jobs because have no heir to our dynasty but you know if that'll fix itself with time apparently going to lose all of our titles on succession but you know that's fine we'll fix that of ruler is getting married all we need to pick an ambition okay create a Treasury make a friend become King of England or groom an heir something tells me making a friend and becoming King of England aren't really kind of on the same level of ambition when it comes to our focus my oh my I think we're probably going to go for the war focus because we are on the warpath at the moment it's also allows us to duel rivals and foes perfect now part of the benefits of being an immortal 100 sad men are that we physically cannot dive old age however Riano Kives can still be killed if he were to suddenly be stabbed in battle do not ask as to why this is the case it just simply is oh and the war has begun now immediately the graphics of this game of rather unique everything is represented by for example armies with the numbers representing the amount of men in each army now the abilities of an army a kind of magnified by the abilities of their commanders as our army of 11,000 men here is led by Rhian Oh Kives who has a hundred and free martial skill we have the ability to literally destroy everything no matter its size we could take on armies twice our size and pull off glorious victories ah and fantastic news the marriage is going to be happening priestess malignus and Keanu Reeves are getting married we can collect rural a duty to pay for the ceremonies lovely let's gain some gold ten golden love a good bit of gold and away we go the war is just beginning and apparently we can form an alliance with our wife you know what that seems like a brilliant idea Alliance formed ah and lovey we've gained our physician a man who recently arrived in your Vic called the wise the commoners say that he's a blessed with an immense wisdom oh my by offering him some gold he'll be willing to join us lovely we'll make him a generous offer and he's joined us now we have just recruited a bloke Hui who only one-eye but he is also a genius so I'm sure he'll be fine oh and as we've gotten alliance with our wife let's call her in her in her solid 84 men it'll be fine I don't even think she owns any boats so she doesn't actually have a way of getting her army over to help us but she's joined the war nonetheless what's this Bishop print hints ma has been sent over by King Charles the bold of France to spread Catholicism in the lands of your Vic I'll have you know were perfectly reasonable Germanic heretics I shall imprison your preacher now what do we do if someone in our prison oh my oh my it's torture time no one knows what you're gonna get on the wheel of torture let's do it fantastic we have a chance to turn him into a lunatic actually we've just made him exceedingly stressed and he's tortured but don't worry I'm sure the 61 year old stressed man will last forever so let's keep an eye on him now those pesky Brits are trying to seach down the lovely province of your Dale so we're going to be sending in a fantastic general to try and save the day and defeat some of those pesky foreign invading armies go away my good sir as you can see we're hardly losing any men in fact we managed to lose a total of 83 men whilst the enemy's lost 1,000 so as you can see 100 Steadman is perfectly balanced i 100% promises job just ridiculously overpowered and has no counter Oh like for example this fight against 5000 men he's having what what is this I cannot stop coughing something is filling my lungs and enemy soldiers shouting orders my knees give way and I'm on the ground dropping my axe what the enemy's commander shouts to press on and I die the Battle of your how could Riyadh O'Keefe's die he's physically water right you know what we need - that was just a temporary offshoot timeline that didn't count okay nothing counted back to the beginning would a little fadeaway animation yes high budget animation and we're back in completely a very different timeline in which Rihanna Kives did not die spontaneously by pure accident ah perfect now we can continue not in fact to increase his chances of surviving we're going to have Rihanna Kives join the wolf warriors now the sole reason for this is because the wolf warriors as you slowly rank up in the society are less likely you are to die from battles so gonna be having him leveling up in the society so hopefully he becomes immortal in as well as in life and sadly we lose the bottom and consequently have suddenly become wounded Oh No we've wounded and with leading an army into battle what could possibly go wrong but and now the Scottish referring Christian preaches into our dungeons fine that's perfectly normal who's this lovely bloke in our dungeon it's bishop Macbeth it's the actual Macbeth himself oh my so we can stop Shakespeare by simply killing him immediately what a great idea we could ransom him off for 25 gold no no no it's torture time now we've managed to join the wolf warrior society which means we did show a helmet and now look much more attractive but also the advantage of being in the society is we are ever so slightly less likely to die Oh No whilst attacking dharam things get out of control as my soldiers stormed the gates of durham killing indiscriminately in sacking every building oh no it's just like the ending of Game of Thrones should we let them have their fun wait for me or I'll stop this madness immediately and hang the culprits well I mean we let them have their fun the entirety of Durham gets destroyed oh yes now that sounds great fun so we've just accidentally managed to destroy the entire castle of Durham that's fine here we go we're now fighting in battle come on Rio no Kives don't die this time you're too powerful you know what I'm gonna sip a cup of tea to raise your powers mmm add some good team and fantastic what's this I try to breathe deeply but catching my breath in the freezing weather is difficult look it's the king himself someone shouts I turn to find myself overrun by King Ellis pompous soldiers okay so I have a chance here I can try and draw the enemy commander myself and if I do that I gain the trade brave which does make me a better fighter alternatively I try and run become one-eyed and severely injured you know what we're gonna make a stand and be brave right mayor Alfred of loafer he's an impressive man with 18 personal combat skill whereas we have minus two but let's give it a try nonetheless I win the jewel he swings his spear clumsily the fighters got on by muscles are beginning to ache with the remainder of my strength I sink my great sword into his chest oh yes that was on purpose I win the jewel with my pure skill yes perfectly balanced fantastic eat that mayor Lavar Oh mine we've captured the L of sorry in the field of battle as well as the Duke of Wessex himself I got a second that's the entirety of Wessex we could no control oh my suddenly this war is looking much much more in our favor well I mean we could technically keep him in our prison and that way we'd have a massive advantage for the remainder of the war or alternatively we just sacrifice him to Odin and same for his good friend the Earl of Surrey sorry guys yes the strategic advantage would be to keep you alive but I mean you got to think about Riano Kives kV ratio and at the moment it's looking pretty good on mine we've been asked to Jule he'll give the spymaster of someone this is our mission this is part of a jewel of Honor and if we manage to win we receive a large amount of renown now we are pretty close in terms of personal combat skill but I personally like the wounded trait to be removed totally once trionic escape feels a little bit better we can actually start dueling people and hopefully ranking our way up in the society a Mayan sty Claire our lovely court physician would like some money to aid some of his fantastic scientifical benefit so that he can write a book and he has a he has a pet hedgehog why does a cool physician own a pet hedgehog I'll give you 24 gold you've got a pet hedgehog please do some research into the battle capabilities of hedgehogs I would quite like some active up and running battle hedgehogs to sound like a wise investment it just keeps sending Catholic missionaries over my goodness and I'm not gonna hit the button about tell us more about Jesus there is no need for Jesus in our life we have Riano Kives and is all we need an excellent news the witch queen what we call look at the witch creed now oh well looks like we've got an air on the way that's fine I don't really know why people are calling her the witch queen of your Vic but you know that's fine bit rude if you ask me you know we're going to dedicate an entire festival towards so there we go the witch queen herself will have a festival it's mostly just a PR stunt if I'm honest oh and fantastic news a daughter was born to King ray on Oh Kives of your villain dand which green who is she going to be well I mean she's obviously going to either become a incredibly statistical mastermind be fantastic everything or the dog will take after the mother and become an imbecile it's one of the above nobody knows so it's a bit of a 50/50 as to what we're going to be getting and because it's over a 50% chance of ultimate power or a 50% chance of you just a potato we're probably gonna have to go for a pretty normal name like UNITA average that just seems like a perfect name fantastic a perfectly normal average person we're going to teach them all about duty yes and their duty to be exceedingly overpowered or exceeding the average the choice is theirs now what we are the set of Vikings invading from York there's also another set of Vikings up to a north led by King Ivar the boneless I guess he's some kind of KFC special offer where they take out all the bones fall you ahead of time that's quite nice of him and fantastic Northumbria is slowly falling into our grasps and most of their armies have been routed and defeated what's happened to the king of Wessex oh it's King Alfred of Wessex how are you feeling you know actually the king of Wessex doesn't really hate us that much apparently over than the fact that were an infidel we'd be pretty good chums which I'm honestly surprised why considering that I did offer up his brother as a sacrifice to the gods bu no swings and roundabouts I guess you turn the other cheek and let these kinds of things slide down in Wessex and the Bishop of Bonchurch is ours as well well I'm afraid that's a sacrifice up to Odin as well come we need our personal combat modifier up even high it's a 32 my goodness that's how much we've been grinding it out you know bugs it so high once this war's over we'll go for the jewel and hopefully we can do it by then because our combat stat will be so exceedingly high thanks to all of these battles and that's another sacrifice to Odin if I've ever seen one sorry I'll stand the Giant it's a gone oh and there's another one l old wine of Lindsay you're gone as well oh but it's bonus third person another sacrifice a triple K oh what a glorious battle fantastic news own a new realm has been formed is this Hungary as hungry formed yep looks like Hungary's formed my goodness the king of Hungary what an absolutely wacky head race that's amazing I want something like that and lovely Rihanna keeps his lost his trait of wounded is instead become scar there we go he's got a nice big scar across his nose but other than that he's all right I'm honestly wondering just how far can we go down we've grabbed so much land at this point our Empire is going to be massive as you see we've started some kind of mass of invasion war basically we can end the war whenever we like but we have enough war score but whenever we choose to end it whatever lands we're occupying all become ours relatively overpowered so we're going to make sure to grab as much land as possible but of course we don't want any of whales why would we want to take any whales whales can be a free independent country because my goodness there are no keys for why do you want to invade whales what you can get cheap mountains and rain why would anyone want that anyway you know I think our wars complete we've lost a fair amount of men we're down to only five thousand of our amazing starting invasion army so I think it's time we offer a peace and enforce our demands oh we didn't get to keep any of Mercia oh but luckily we did indeed steal almost all of Northumbria from the enemy meaning we now control 19 buildings my goodness Rihanna keys you're gonna become a very powerful person and we can create the Duchy of Cumbria lovely that's gonna be us and also we're apparently pretty threatening Oh My yes we can just take concubines from the random people we invaded okay the random Countess of Northumbria who we stole when we did a castle siege congratulations you are now concubine of riad o keeffe's I'd say that's kind of an upgrade in life pretty valuable oh no and the witch queen has also become a drunkard great we have an imbecile drunkard for a wife but hey at least she's patient and temperate and trusting and apparently content but not content with the amount of drink she has in her hand if my opinion ruled the world would be a more chaotic but fun place if I keep following the laws the world would have less chaos but also be less fun let my rule begin no good what a fantastic way to start and we have gained the trait arbitrary but you know what it's fine this character could not care less about justice it'll be fine oh we can rank up in our society lovely but can we also do our jewel against someone with only 25 combat skill whereas we have 47 due to the amount of battlefield sacrifices we've done yes let us duel for honor embryonic Eve's has ranked up in our lovely society fantastic King Creon Oh Kives has now become a warrior meaning he's more likely to capture stuff when siege ink and also he can undergo warrior training lovely stuff oh you can also go berserk you know let's go berserk what's the worst that could happen will increase our personal combat skill okay the worst that could happen is that right give me your ex now I rather recruit the young boy obeys the crowd around regard as I start swinging it around me some scrambling to get out of my way Rihanna cues what are you doing my fellow member of the wolf warriors patrina yards in despair clutching at a bloody tunic wait this is the concubine that we stole what we do i buy oh dude you're a small sacrifice when you gain strength and she dies oh if she Michael Dwight no she's just some random man's concubine my go whose blood is this and make them simply maimed and maimed and civilian injured but I do gain the trait kind and also Berserker what kind does low my personal combat skills so I'm so sorry Katrina as sacrifice I am very much willing to make goodbye Katrina you will be missed f in chat oh my goodness look at the amount of people we have not prison we can execute them this is amazing like for example this lovely person here hey you leave some kind of anglo-saxon who we have in our court I mean we can banish them we can execute them normally people get upset by this but apparently because they are so insignificant no one will care you know what that's fine I'm sorry you've been executed oh my prisoner Prince Bishop is complaining about his dark selling the dungeon Pease asks for more suitable accommodations well let's throw him in the oubliette that'll teach you for being a annoying person coming over here preaching your jesusí stuff you know we're also going to mutilate you a permanently you ordered the jailer to drag Prince Bishop from his cell while you methodically prepare your tools Oh No I've not come for your head you like who to justify so good on poor Bert Oh fear of tree air he's gonna lose a leg and apparently this will likely affect their mental health for a long while to come oh no the one legged stressed and severely injured man with a -50 personal combat skill but hey he does own the seamless robe of Jesus something I'd quite like actually speaking of which where are you I'd like those seamless ropes of Jesus you know what let's go grab the seamless robes of Jesus and as I'm in control of so much land which let's be honest I can't really control I'm going to need to actually start handing out some of this stuff to random people so I don't know so my child for example Anita average could you please look after the temple of st. Cuthbert's in Durham go for it just two years old but it'll be fine you know what how about we just give you all of the counties like take the temple of st. Aidan's the temple of Furness can also be yours you might only be two years old but you might as well control four separate temples I don't see anything wrong with that you are a little bit over your domain limit but that's fine I'm sure it'll be okay but hey the witch Queens back meanwhile we should also finish getting rid of all of our fantastic prisoners oh and executing someone from Mercy will apparently upset all of the Lords of Mercier lowering their opinion of me by ten honestly I don't think they like me that much oh wait she was only one years old okay that's pretty bad what the heck is that we did noms Borg so what is noms borg the Norse they did it that's what it's the first time I've ever seen this happened the Norse have managed to take control of the entirety of Essex question mark or whatever this region is its Wessex they've done it oh my goodness the Norse have managed it even control a segment of Brittany I don't know what's happening but it's beautiful that's what you get for being a quick Viking I suppose it's man's fantastic oh and I think I just accidentally founded a new kingdom yet we've become king Ryan Oh Kives The Fearless of your vaq our beautiful color has changed oh that's very nice oh and we have yet another daughter fantastic once again absolutely no traits or anything special about her you know we're gonna name her we give him name of big Susan it's the legendary big Susan of your Vic and as someone who's big she's gonna learn all about pride and being big and also we're going to give her access to a ton of temples they go take the temple and whilst right it will all suffer in a city how about the city of Newcastle there you go the city of Newcastle can be run by zero year old nothing can possibly go wrong oh and apparently we've been a piece for too long yep this is the benefits of being a dramatic pagan your piece for too long the games like hang on a second you need to get to fighting so you know that's exactly what we're gonna do but before then we're gonna hold a great big bolt well we basically just have a bunch of group sacrifices and everyone gets a bit friendlier now for the human sacrifices oh oh yay now all of my vessels absolutely love me excluding elder who is the only anglo-saxon Christian vessel we have who is apparently holding on to the fantastic region of Linda's phone and I just can't seem to get it off of him anyway as we've been a piece for too long we're going to immediately declare war on Mercier and we're just going to take I don't know a single County of Lindsay that seems fine shouldn't take us too long either gonna raise up one of our armies and with 5,000 men that should probably be all we need to actually win this war which is going to immediately assault all of the castles and the province shall be ours fantastic we've already grabbed the war goal now to go snipe out their main army Oh 900 men you thought you could defeat the mighty Riano Kives of only 900 men just look at him we can wield an army of 21,000 if we really want it which is a bit overpowered oh no we captured school in battle the fantastic club-footed face should cruel proud just but you know I honestly want him he's so bad he's good he's a detached priest who literally has hardly any statistics is not even a very good priest because his party's so low because he said we're not gonna sacrifice him no to them and we have actually God's own sacrifice now look at that this dude he sucks he's got actual stats and he's sincere BAM sacrifice we don't want sincere vassals we want vassals who are terrible what's this big dis lady victus is spurned by subtle advances how could she resist my charms I mean how come on the dude literally has 97 diplomacy and 100 intrigue his charisma is off the charts one little battery of his eyelids and son is like oh my goodness this man he could give me everything and anything no maybe we need to switch off war focus you might need to switch to seduction focus but I'll do that after we manage to completely become head of the wolf warriors with our amazing 70 personal combat skill wow it's been a successful war we've managed to grab so many people from Murcia but of course here's a pro tip for all you lovely people out there if we were to end this war and then execute or imprisoned everyone would be upset but because we're at war it's just CDs haircuts creeps it's just seen as a casual war crime something that's happening that we can't do anything about so let's just execute all while prisoners good bye bye oh I think there was a couple of there's a couple of screams in there that didn't feel too good oh no one of them was too aubriana what have you done oh god whatever it was zero oh no Rihanna anyway let's end this war what a successful fight ah the city of Lincoln is now ours beautiful staff winning sorry what the north's people of Surrey art that were meant to be the other Viking invaders led by the boneless KFC boy himself have converted to Catholicism what are you doing mr. boneless right prepare invasion oh no you are so my good I can't believe you've done this actually no we should probably do it prepare invasion on someone else like for example the entirety of France so basically once in our lifetime Riano Kives can do a prepared invasion in which he is able to invade a country whatever he he holds he is able to take for his own so that's something we might have to do in the future because I mean there are French cheese they keep converting everyone what are they doing luckily however there's a revolt against this conversion and I'm going to actually fund the revolt hey take a gift of money you deserve it use it to hire some mercenaries and defeat the Catholics and make the boneless man Germanic again yes Edward lovely oh and we have yet another daughter this one slow or she's not imbecile but she is slow oh this is fantastic we're gonna cool us a man for speedy you see this is a play on words because she is actually cripplingly slow she does not have towering intellect unlike a legendary Rihanna Kives with 99 learning what's this being such an industrious ruler you've not gonna notice by the population of your day'll by paying the county out as a personal visit you would surely inspire the peasants and they'd feel particularly appreciated oh that sounds like a fantastic idea let's increase the prosperity of your day or make the peasants feel appreciated I'm sure they'll love it and you know we're going to be able to rank up again yes we're gonna hopefully become a veteran this allows us to do a war sacrifice and we can inspire warriors lovely and there we have it we've been promoted Oh No Oh who's this someone started a Catholic uprising oh who are you it's alphas Eagle Grove Wow apparently is hostile to literally everyone but yeah this guy really wants Catholicism to start Wow I'm afraid our standing army is larger than your entire army so uh we're just gonna hop and teleport over on here and slap down flic uprising oh you silly Catholic uprisings you shouldn't have done this don't you know you're literally trying to battle the god king our character is on a quest to becoming God itself ago the Catholic revolt is over the leader is now in our Jail so naturally we could recruit them but I mean they did do something pretty bad so it's mutilation time I've not come for your head your hand will do just fine enjoy being a one-handed lunatic who's severely injured now I am really interested in the seamless robes of Jesus which are hanging around here in Trier so I'd like to go and grab them and of course the best way to grab them is of course to set up a raiding party with Rhian O'Keefe so that's exactly what we're going to be doing but we're gonna need a few more boats before then because surprise surprise we're not that known for a boating technology Isis by post about for speedy sword responsive so slow to learn the most basic things sometimes I wonder if a slow mind is the result of her mother drinking so much or it could be the fact that the mother is also just an imbecile you know one of the two and she still drinks now oh so sad Pandy we no longer like her wife maybe we need to do something about that yeah maybe it's time for her to go I'm sorry it's time to plot to kill our own wife I mean she's she's done good she's given us free daughters most of which are just terrible you know let's give this last daughter she might be slow but she can have the temple of Lincoln leaving give her the city of Boston in Lincoln that's fine she can have two massive counties just for herself oh good this right my plot to see the witch Queen dead let's do it oh no fate smiles upon me my wife is pregnant Oh No we already kind of starting a plot to murder her you know what we'll see which comes first the child or the knife in the back who knows what's gonna happen but oh my goodness at the moment her personal combat skill is minus 109 we could literally blow in our direction and she'll fall over dead my goodness but something we need to decide for the next video is who we're going to launch our invasion on as I mentioned we only have one for our entire lifetime but we could launch an invasion on any nation be it the entirety of the Umayyad dynasty over here in Spain we could take all of that with a massive prepared invasion we could take the entirety of Italy and seize Rome for ourselves of not Rome because I belong to the papacy but soon oh heck we could invade France we could invade Germany so vote now if you want to see the invasion of Spain vote a the invasion of Italy vote B the invasion of France vote C and the invasion of Germany vote D alternatively have a random completely wacky suggestion like I don't know taking out the entirety of India then feel free to suggest that as well although I have no idea how I meant to get an army all the way over there but it would be a good laugh nonetheless but in other good news my co-conspirator Golding has suggested that we kill the witch queen at an upcoming banquet using wine classic although I don't think the child's gonna come out in time if that's the case but hey who knows oh no these are dark days my daughter Princess Anita average has been growing weaker for the last few weeks apparently she has consumption right summon the court physician what is the solution court physician Oh No what's this failure which queen of your week did not drink the wine but was unable to uncover the conspiracy she did not drink the wine she's a drunkard she's the most likely person to drink the wine we complain so much of her drinking the wine why is she okay fight that's fine we'll just have to try again make it be who knows maybe a couple of shots of vodka and tequila she's literally depressed and a drunkard why would she not drink the wine we may never know oh wow amazingly a daughter did happen once again she's also very slow oh well so what are we gonna have to call her this is of course gonna be Fiona flash can also ask as to why we're only receiving daughter's game oh and apparently we're gonna have an opportunity to become bitter rivals with someone very well Harlech be awful s'n oh we're gonna have some fun with you let's immediately have a duel with our rivals yes this is amazing with my incredible high we can gain the deceitful oh yes let's convene with my agents as well so not only we're gonna be having a jewel of this person who is scars and harelipped we're also going to convene with my agents oh this is fantastic for a moment I'm worried the disarmer is simply going to fall off but he did not notice the senator all I need do is blow in the right area and there the man is spinning clutching his chest screaming in pain but you know I'm not going to finish him off because he is my rifle I want him to suffer a long and horrific life so instead we're going to make him mangled and severely injured oh my he literally has her oh no he's dead instantly Titan rankled breaths literally the day later and fantastic we have the daughter and the witch queen is going to diet the upcoming banquet lovely stuff oh we're gonna finally be able to get her with the poisoned wine now drink the poisoned wine oh well we had a rival for literally five seconds then he died a mangled mess a good start though lovely success the witch queen she did not know the name of her killer and she did drink the wine I will celebrate with beer oh goodness hopefully I don't become the drunkard but now I am an unmarried ruler and I need someone to replace her naturally we have to go someone with cripplingly terrible statistics so there really is no one quite as bad as her oh my goodness yes this is the one it's Slovakia the concubine she's fantastic she's 0 for 7 but 24 intrigue this is amazing she's gonna be such a challenge to kill our perfect addition yes Oh lovely wood so rihanna is now gonna get married to a concubine for the sole reason that her intrigue is absolutely ludicrously high I mean we can probably get rid of a spymaster and just immediately replace them there we go let's get Queen Slovakia of your weekend and we could have a studying technology or alternatively we could just focus on sabotaging provinces yes go sabotage the province of Rome or we have a 50% chance every year of sabotaging Rome that's lovely we've discovered an apostle oh and there the wife of the two Lords up here in Linda's farm who don't like us because they're the only Catholics well I mean we basically only have free Catholic people in our kingdom so we might as well burn them all at the stake that'll teach you for not worshipping a bunch of flying eagles yes mighty king Riyadh Oh Kives is so powerful we've been at peace for too long we need war soon otherwise the people will grow upset okay I'm sure we can do something about that first art we could go to war we have the boneless boy as we could probably teach them all about having good bone structure and also winning battles in general but before then I'd really like this cloak of Jesus so let's see if we can raise a fleet together a fleet hopefully large enough to hold all of our men there we go fantastic and now we're just going to march the army all the way down to Trier and hopefully we can get the siege off and then successfully nab the cloak of Jesus there we go we're on top of tree F now we just need to get our raid off and assault oh my goodness this is a close one we've done it and we've become a Viking fantastic I means all Germanic slovis and did we win did we get the cloak of Jesus we did not gain the cloak of Jesus oh that's terrible news we didn't even grab any prisoners right okay we're out of here don't really have the manpower to win this so it's time for us to leave you know before we leg out of here ranch you're just gonna loot up this area oh no we're about to get attacked by the king of lafrankie oh well maybe we can do this scum riad Oh Kives I expect a good victory here our army is greatly outnumbered but we are pulling off some kind of victory okay can we retreat it's retreat time come on get out of here we are dope antastic there we go we made it out and we grabbed a bit of money whilst we left back to your Vic we go amazing Queen Slovak has managed to disrupt Rome itself causing considerable disruption lovely local bill time has been decreased by 20% a good start but really I'd much rather prefer it if you literally just blew up the papacy oh my goodness forget the chance to rank up in our society once again to become a hero let's do it we do have to duel someone who has a personal combat skill of 31 but they also have gout so I think what no no we kill each other this makes no sense Oh oh right the branching timeline we have to load back in what is this anyway we're gonna find out what happens next time in The Adventures of Riano Kives I've been this biffing bred this has been ck to 100 stat man it's been absolutely wild Road I hope you've enjoyed this episode this is only the start and return of 100 stat man who knows where we're gonna be headed who knows what's going to happen but all I know is it's gonna be an absolutely wonderful right and I can't wait to have all of you longed for it as always a massive thank you to each and every one of our patrons including our fantastical one hundo stat patrons giving a ridiculously large amount of money thank you very much and if you're wondering what video to watch next then look no further than this one on screen now it's been handpicked by myself be perfect for you if you've enjoyed this video anyway I've been the strafing Brit and eyeless each and every one of you in the next one goodbye for now and have an absolutely lovely day and Gary for your cup of tea you don't have become a slow imbecile trust me cups of tea they do the complete opposite they make you smart intelligent and fantastic anyway we'll see you all soon [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 841,817
Rating: 4.9421272 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, crusader kings 2, crusader kings ii, grand strategy, Becoming God In Crusader Kings 2, 100 Stat Man, IS BROKEN, Reanu Keeves, spiffing brit, ck2 holy fury, holy fury, 1000 stat man, the spiffing brit ck2, becoming god, becoming god in skyrim, becoming god in spore, stat man, ck2 funny, ck2 exploit, perfectly balanced, perfectly balanced game, crusader kings, paradox interactive, playing god, video game funny, british, english, british humor, rt game
Id: SdtVM0A3_xM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 49sec (2089 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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