Crusader Kings 2 Medieval Super Seducer Simulator - Child Only Challenge ( Funny Moments )

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oh yes ladies and gentlemen we're back with some Crusader Kings - it's a fantastic game but today we're doing something different we're doing something spicy something pretty nice indeed we're going to be saying what happens if we have just as many children as physically possible that's right it's a bit of a strange challenge but we're going to be creating the ultimate romantic character and seen just how many children he can have will we create a monster will we create a hero or will we just create someone with a ridiculously large quantity of stds only time will tell and most importantly we'll all be here for the journey as that's what this game is it's all about the journey so let's dive into a brand new single-player game immediately I'm going to start right at the earliest parts of history in 769 and we're going to be finding ourselves a lovely kind of like quiet spot in the world where we can set about with our seductive ways naturally of course when I think of the language of romance the language of love just something to really woo the ladies I of course think of Welsh yes that's right we got to be playing as a bloke on the Isle of Anglesey just this tidy I lived off of the Nova tip of Wales it's got loads of things it's got cheap and let me do a quick google what has Anglesey got yep it just shows sheep sheep and more sheep um fine it exists go sit it's got sheep if we can use that to woo the ladies I'm not sure we'll have to see so yes we're going to be creating a custom character for our fantastic island in the middle of nowhere now we need to make him attractive we need to make him powerful and most importantly we need to make him very sexy so that's exactly what we're going to be doing although we could actually do the sexy flag if I'm honest I think I've got it nothing says attractive and you should be my wife like just a coat of arms which just has a singular big pig on it fantastic that's really going to stick out yes just make it really bold oh no that's just art we need to actually mess with his appearance a bit immediately the hairstyle I'm not gonna lie it's not won me over it's God we could just make of an egg I don't really think that's gonna really win amongst the ladies or we could just make him exceedingly balding but no we're gonna go for the like slightly unkept but sassy look perfect making a bit of a muddy blonde and let's apply a nice ravishingly good-looking beer it just does a slightly confused looking mustache that also works you know that's fine game let's dress them up nice and smart I wait we can put him in some armor and have his hair poking out the sides of it you know what that's fine baby he wears it in the bedroom headgear why can we delay it even more clothes on him we can make him wear a robe whilst he's also wearing full armor and he has his hair sticking out everywhere perfect absolutely perfect we could put a crown on his head that way he's really gonna stand out there that's fantastic right now we need to give him a name of course we can't just call him an award of Anglesey that sucks we've got to give him some kinda like nice seductive you name oh my goodness it's come to me of course after calling Hugh and of course he has to be part of a fantastic dynasty the mungus dynasty one of the legendary Welsh houses which is ruled Wales for absolutely years and we're going to give him the 50 cloak ability meaning his fertility 'he's instantly increased by 5% so we're looking at a great 55% base fertility and now is when we're going to have to start adding in some traits to just keep improving that of course he needs lustful for the extra 20% fertility we're gonna making the left-handed just for fun now this is fantastic it's time we throw a legendary humungous of Anglesey into the real world he's ready now the basic rules of the game ladies and gentlemen are that we are a legendary seducing Lord from the fantastic island of Anglesey it's got to be up to us the fantastic humungous to have as many children as physically possible we start out the game simply being a wee little glad of only 19 years of age and we need an ambition of course I'm going to naturally make her ambition groomin err as that means our fertility is increased by 20% isn't that fantastic lovely stuff and pretty short fertility isn't up to about 85% and what we're now also going to want to do is set a character folks and of course we're going to choose seductions that's going to make us look much more satisfying to just about everyone and how we need to choose our first wife now this is actually quite a important decision to make because she needs to be quite understanding of the fact that humungous here is going to need a lot of wives but equally it definitely helps to have a wife with ridiculously high fertility like say and the stars you hear so you know even though she's 22 we're going to throw humungous in there because why not she's going to have a lot of very high skills which are going to be quite important for us so let's get married now normally in this game you are meant to focus on actually expanding your empire maybe killing your way to the top of the throne I mean we could kill our way to the top of room but killing the King killing his air and then we'll BAM will be next in line so ladies and gentlemen without further ado let's begin the ear is 769 and as you can see the world is probably not as you remember it and immediately our King wants us to do something oh you want to make us your Chancellor sure are we actually any good at it not really but that's fine now um destroy your realm by accident as I'm such a poor Chancellor goodness now if you've never played Crusader Kings 2 before this game is going to look a bit daunting but trust me it's not how it basically works is we are this character here it signified here upon our death someone inherits our land at the moment as we don't have a child my king is actually going to inherit my little castle over which is terrible so we need to have a child as soon as possible to secure our inheritance basically oh but hey good news we're getting married and naturally as we're getting married we can collect some gold that's fantastic lovely stuff basically we're just forcing all of the guests at the wedding to pay money yes fantastic and there we go we have our first wife that's fantastic but I'm afraid this is just a start so we have our wife and she is hopefully going to give us children but as this is a race to effectively have as much children as possible we're going to want to actually speed up the process a bit so we're going to summon a didn't taunt to our court and that has just created the woman of Glynis Seles week she's a bit of a scholar she's Robert arbitrary pretty gluttonous but hey at least she's rather humble as far as the character goes she is ridiculously good at diplomacy but otherwise she's actually not too fantastic but what we're going to do is we were immediately going to try and seduce her now as you know ladies and gentlemen we're somewhat of an aspiring seductress so that's exactly what we're going to be doing now I know that morally and ethically this is completely wrong in that we're being robbed rude to our wife but firstly she doesn't know about it and secondly I need as many children as physically possible right I fought some carefully placed words where they could easily be overheard by notorious gossips would be more effective than a love letter well Glyn is clearly got my message for she has started rumors of her own about me ingenious but I would give up that easily but wasn't what was she insinuating about my my favor horse okay now I won't give up that easily she will be mine oh my this is fantastic I arranged for a scented love letter to be left on her pillow in an attempt to woo her and it seems to have struck true she's left someone on mine Oh fantastic time to up the ante you go humongous you go you want to know what's humongous about him I'll tell you what's humongous about him his massive left hands a saintliness a beautiful necklace had a room covered with world class the gambit paid off for I found a magnificent new saddle poster for his seal in the stables today Trixie included say yeah that is indeed relatively clear symbolism indeed well turned humongous a fantastic I've chanced upon her in the kitchen right I do believe it's time that we confess our love and hopefully Pam we've got it ladies and gentlemen we're going to try and fall in love with dinners here and consequently more children ladies and gentlemen more children so the wave Glynnis we now have mmediately seats of Avadh to the leg sort and we said when a novel random peasant woman to court this one is once again erudite she's a bit just and she's relatively kind she's absolutely nothing too fantastic but hey you know what she'll do perfectly BAM you're next in the seduction change she will be barking oh dear oh and Bronwyn here has decided to leave her saddled well that's um a good sign that things are going well I made sure to attend this minor event in a before so I could seduce Bronwyn we've danced and had casual conversation or night fantastic meet in my room m'lady Oh once again humongous you absolute powerhouse of romance BAM Bronwyn another fine addition to my collection glory stuff so we have free potential women who every single day I do believe or every week a fertility check is effectively made and there's a distinct chance that oh there we go fantastic news Bronwyn is pregnant child is on the way good stuff indeed immediately she's gone into hiding it is a bit of a difficult pregnancy but I hate that hopefully we are going to end up with a child at the end of this and Ronald was too busy doing that it's time to summon the next one hello fellas well that's a very strange name all your chaste she's not what I asked for begone thought oh dear oh she's just vanished well trace potentially she's dead now I've had my own a feisty young scullery maid with huge intellect turned out though she skillfully dodges the attentions of every other boy oh my seduced and wrapped around my finger this shop last could be very useful make her a lay Haffer as my mistress okay we could summon Marguerite or we could technically make her mine and turn her into a spy meaning for 30 years we have an increased plot discovery chance oh that would be quite useful and the increase in intrigue alone is fantastic BAM she's ours right let's someone another one it's regnal fantastic she's slothful and she's chaste begone I'm sorry I don't have time for this you're luring all of my chances right someone another one fantastic it's who'll win she's envious slothful and just fantastic she'll do perfect absolutely perfect she will be mine so ladies and gentlemen this is a bit of a different play style to regular ck2 but it's an exciting one fantastic news Glennis is also with a child I mean I've noticed that my wife is not but you know progress is being made somewhere anyway seduction in the wild right I'll have who'll win meet me by the stream I'll just sent her a note hopefully she's going to actually be able to read it considering she shows zero diplomacy oh wow here we go I didn't have to wait long for her to show nearby fam suggestion and it works it always works ladies and gentlemen let the Love Grove fantastic I've never loved to the collection oh and we have our first child glory stuff what's he like well he's a bastard immediately so we have a bit of a predicament here because we can legitimize him which is going to make my wife not very happy acknowledge him which is also going to make her upset but slightly less happy or just completely denounce the child no I'm gonna go for the legitimizing it is going to make the wife very upset but it'll be fine welcome Casper dah into the Mongoose dynasty my friend you're going to learn all about pride honestly progress at the moment it's going well we are effectively 20 years into our life and already we have one child which is a great start ladies and gentlemen but it could be better oh and also I need to move on to the next one I forgot about that right BAM present another divert on who's this it's more wet a fantastic she's paranoid just and Craven you'll do fantastically welcome its seduction time BAM she will be mine oh well night is this a natural child is this a natural heir and I have a daughter oh my goodness all of the children are coming right so first let's deal with my daughter actually wait no I don't have a son I just have Kaz noise now am i recognized err so I have a daughter now I will just do this minor acknowledgement but hey that's two children's that's two points ladies and gentlemen definitely this is going well I'm going to say it's one point per child and we're going to need a counter somewhere editor I command G Oh take away your tea supply simply put a nice little tea counter oh no not a teak out it simply put up the score counter yes but I don't know call it like child points or something and that way we'll be able to keep track of them all which is fantastic enemy conquest by rumor some carefully placed words were easily her overheard and they were much more effective than a love letter she got the message and I found a lock of a hair wrapped in silk fantastic I shall have her oh this is immediately looking good count you this you're probably going to be lover number four and were bound the wife's pregnant excellent she already kind of hates us oh and there we go midnight snack we found her in the kitchen immediately lewd suggestion the virtue is stronger that's what elude suggestion didn't work out as Lutz additional work you can't go up to someone on the street and just making this chest of course that wouldn't work genuinely if you do it stop doing it is stupid taking leave from humongous his book he loves his wife technically kind of God okay don't take any leaves from here bunks his book this guy is literally horrible he's terrible but he just needs children pregnancies cause my wife to develop some quite unusual tastes most of what she asked for dinner nowaday ranges from mildly unsettling to positively revolting sure right I'll make sure that she gets whatever she wants well I mean that is going to accidentally make a gluttonous which would lower the attraction opinion is it worth it she has got twenty stewardship I wouldn't want to lower it you know we're gonna give her the hairs head BAM enjoy the hairs head aren't BAM we found her again in the kitchen loot suggestion v2 damn it it didn't work didn't work the first time you're sure if you don't just keep on barding it they eventually just give up no of course they don't oh no my competent stewardess accidentally led a group of smugglers into the realm of waterfall right instead we're gonna do confess love and it didn't work okay right come on humongous you're 21 you've only got two children we need more occurred to me that my wife is feeling somewhat gloomy as of late right buy her something nice BAM we've gained the trait charitable that's right we're all about sharing sharing things and places where it really shouldn't go oh dear you all right we're gonna quote love poetry and it didn't work humongous you've literally gone through all of the play cards which you can use all free of the romantic gestures lewd suggestion poetry and confession we got to do it again right confession it's still not working Hugh what is wrong with you oh what's this rigged pillows broken furniture shattered bars is my marriage to Anastasia has evolved into an unrelenting torrent of bitter arguments and fiery rails I'd be depressed but my lover who we let has suggested we retire to the countryside for a few days sure why not okay bye Anastasia this is the worst time you could leave them she's literally the final bumps you you're a massive clunker I'm afraid my goodness BAM okay I keep doing all of the play books it's just not working ma'am I've jumped in to the midpoint of the video when you were least expecting me that's right ladies and gentlemen I've jolted you right awake this is my reminder to you to go get a refreshing cup of tea not just any tea by the way the refreshing taste of York City which you can drink in your very own spiff Co approved mug that's right we actually have merchandise it's amazing lots of people bought it I wasn't expecting that it absolutely blew me away keep sending me pictures of it on Twitter it absolutely makes my day thank you very much and you know what I'm also here to tell you about a very limited time offer I've spoken to you and he has told me that he is not going to seduce you provided you like this video that's right you're only getting one opportunity to dodge the loving gaze of you and trust me if you don't your life is over shoo is going to look at you he'll seduce you with just one little mwah wink and then your hairs you no longer have free will so make sure to LIKE the video to protect yourself today anyway let's dive right back into it as we keep following the most mungus of Hughes I have a son a natural heir potentially he's harelipped you know what that's fine what are we gonna name you Chad I mean it's ruined his upbringing because his name is literally Chad up humongous okay that's a good good line what a phenomenal name to have you can learn all about humility that's what all Chad's are about I'm BAM another child is on the way well done Glynnis fantastic stuff oh and of course the other lover is also pregnant of a child even more wonderful news oh my goodness my way and I hear I've tried like maybe eight times to just win her over it's just not working I've got righteous in prison but what is it her righteous imprisonment on my wife what has she done okay Brett I've got to quickly quote some love poetry which didn't work of course okay right we'll continue the chase but what is my wife done which I can imprison her about right known plots see me dead right that would be my wife wants to literally have me murdered you know what we're just gonna have imprisoned ma'am I'm sorry but you did bring the support yourself by trying to kill have me murdered right fine we're gonna have to torture literally just to get rid of her I think I need to start seducing someone you because the last one it just wasn't working with this one she's ambitious Gregorius naive oh please that you'll do fantastic all right you know what okay marina I'm gonna give you one last chance if this doesn't work that's it it's over it's midnight snack time make good suggestion right that's it I don't have the patience arena in prison totally for know if I can know all of your subjects opinion view by 10:00 okay well I'll just send her out the court right as to leave court be gone I don't ever see you again this is fantastic news my court chaplain burst into the chamber flanked by several manner arms dragging counters and a stage of my wife of a GoSee I count they're already concerned peasants claiming they're children of plagued by nightmares of this woman she's obviously which what shall we have done with her she's not that bad if eyeball is it's just that she doesn't like me was to have me killed so I mean you got to take every opportunity you can burn stay okay Oh terrible news ladies and gentlemen we have to find a new wife why are any available man we've got a nest she's not sleeping well but that doesn't matter she's lustful she's got the Midas touch and she's Welsh she ticks all of the boxes BAM congratulations you're in now just don't get upset oh you are a lunatic didn't see the lunatic until last minute if I'm honest that's fine welcome to the bloodline friend all you got to do produce children and don't get upset when I pull more children out of the woodwork and just don't ask where they came from let's havin another divert all right we got seeand fantastic BAM see aunt seduced she will be mine come on Hugh you're doing fantastic and another child was born glorious naturally we're going to have him acknowledge so that he appears and we're now up to four children ladies and gentlemen for all children isn't that fantastic sadly Chad up Hugh is not too happy due to the fact that I did torture his mum otherwise he isn't actually feeling too upset that I had a burnt at the stake due to her you know slightly heretical natures despite being a perfectly happy Greek Christian oh and another child was born a daughter she is cripplingly slow and also very sickly but you know it counts if she dies it doesn't matter she's technically still a child to win up to six children ladies and gentlemen six points Bab midnight snack who we got we got see auntie she's hind intrigue lewd suggestion it doesn't work on to the next one let's go what's this I sense he owned a beautiful necklace covered a room with world flowers today I found my bed filled with wilted petals and a bent rusty nail on my pillow she's feisty feisty what you are that's an archaic reference for the UK oh and suddenly she's changed away she's left a lock of hair wrapped in my personal bedchamber fantastic this is a good start well done you so we're 22 and we currently have six children which is actually looking pretty good considering we started the game when we were 19 considering we're three years later we're averaging about two children per year which is a good stance was this the late nights the way my wife Arness - stop touching me or even looking at me and now whispers of her name that vile blasphemer hep a Prada I can't take it anymore hang on a second is my wife sleeping with my pretty court-martial now by Stewart actually Oh God seriously oh they're friends Oh looks like they're a bit more than friends I'm gonna confront a nest oh she fully admitted to the affair and is begging for forgiveness very well but I am deeply disappointed you know finding a wife these days it's pretty tricky aren't BAM fantastic we got seeand finally let our love grow glorious stuff fate smiles upon me a nest is pregnant good stuff that's one more right now we are indeed having a bit of an issue which is that having many loves is exciting of a filling so much love so much desire but so little time feel like I'm burning the candle at both ends so we can make ourselves stressed that is going to lower our health and fertility so it might actually make sense to just break up with one of them are any of them pregnant no okay is that's the case which one of them is the oldest and sorry Glynnis how many children have you given me - I'm afraid that's all you're gonna get offered goodbye Glynnis oh no my son is suffering from dysentery okay I need to find a court physician of why she will die I mean a dead child honestly it's not much difference to me than the living child especially in these circumstances Oh in splendid we found a court physician or she needs as a vial of my blood you know what that's perfect you're on board you might call physician and you know what we're also gonna seduce you I mean I've paid money and working a job for me the least you could do is also supply about seven children and bam another lover is pregnant stuff I shall bring all my seduction skills to bear okay she will be by impressed her with my fantastic stuff although technically she did actually give me an infection when I recruited her because there was a 10% chance where they gave her a vial of My Blood I'd get an infection and lo and behold it has happened but hey I have a child so we are now up to seven children ladies and gentlemen are we actually on two three four five six I can't count we only have six what is wrong with my eyes I made sure to attend a informal event oh right meet in my room a lady it's a classic move and it always works fifty on we've done it we've absolutely done it my confidence is mounting my charm irresistible my exploits legendary I am Hugh temptation recap let's look at that face its temptation incarnate ladies and gentlemen alright so we can actually give him some bonuses we can say that I can hardly resist myself giving him finally the rank of master seducer or said there are so many more sins to explore which would make ourselves a hedonist which is pretty useful as that gives us plus 20% fertility but honest I think we have to go for the master seducer that's just fantastic let's do it you master seduces you his attraction opinion it's ridiculous and bam Bronwyn there's another one in the works good stuff Bronwyn technically you produce the a of Casner app you who is dying of dysentery but that's fine I think we need to immediately start working on our next one as we're now 24 so I do believe we need someone yet enough of rent a movement to court ma'am it is about ambitious erudite and paranoid excellence immediately seduced and the thing is as soon as a woman arrives in the court they immediately have almost a plus fifty positive opinion of us just because of the master seducer she will be mine right splendid King Cara dog he already likes me I'm going to actually stop trying to improve my relations with him but it worked fantastically and is about our first event she already likes us 85 that's ridiculous okay right meet in my room and of course it works every time well done Hugh you absolute mad lad right who do we seduce next I think it's time we get a little bit wild let me try and find a local king who is the King of France King Carla West France ooh you have a queen fantastic right Queen this is going to be good laughs let's do it we got to seduce the queen of frauds and the king it's gonna be great and we have a new son knowledge of his mind good stuff lovely right the queen of West Francis she already has a plus 60 opinion of us naturally we're going to flirt with her discreetly fantastic it's worked she now has an opinion of 85 of us and splendid we have another child on the way wonderful news and another son was born BAM glorious stuff acknowledged of his mind you know the routine here he's sickly but it's fine you know yeah my coke physician lover please do your best to ever save his life he is exceedingly sickly Oh sadly the queen of West France you managed to find a way of rebuking being quite a nice way oh dear I've died no how died of the infected wound which I was given by the core position [ __ ] I don't believe that oh dear oh dear oh dear so how did we do technically speaking because there must be more children on the way I am interested to see just how many we managed to do oh and immediately I also died okay great died of dysentery okay fantastic immediately it's looking like whilst the father did have a lot of children they weren't exactly very good at you know living but oh well how many children in the end one two three four five six seven eight that's honestly fantastic what a legendary master seducer he'll always go down in the history books oh and you know another half brother he's just appeared out of the Woodworks ladies and gentlemen that's right it's now one two three four five six seven eight nine children he had and he was only 24 we were only control of him for five years and he had nine children oh my goodness I'm afraid that's it ladies and gentlemen that's all that children he had a very brief yet powerful impact on the world he could have theoretically lasted so much longer had the infection not taken him II probably I'm genuinely thinking could have quite easily got to having over 30 children I mean considering he managed nine children in just five years that is incredible absolutely incredible what a man anyway nonetheless ladies and gentlemen I do believe this is the end of our fantastic adventure into the legendary humongous life he's going to be leaving a humongous hole in our hearts it's always devastating the hole that humongous leaves in people absolutely devastating this video I'd be amazed if YouTube actually lets this one completely slip by but hey it's been an absolute entertaining best for me I hope you've had an absolutely fun time watching hey if you have feel free to give the video like it does massively helped me out hop down into the comment section say hi to your fellow commenter up vote all of the strange weird comments down vote the even stranger and weirder comments respond to them and to question everyone and see if they're actually do mentally ok you know ah just look after each other anyway there's always the best effect you teach everyone about paved roads they're absolutely fantastic you know who they are their names are here they're just absolutely amazing thank you very much and hey if you want to see another video like this then choose this video on screen now I've had chosen it it's gonna be perfect you enjoyed CKD tube this one will be great trust me ma it's absolutely amazing anyway I've been the station for it us each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 578,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, crusader kings 2, ck2, ck3, crusader kings 3, crusdader kings, crusader kings gameplay, medieval simulator, ck2 seducer, child only challenge, funny moments, funny, moments, video game funny, video game funny moments, crusader kings funny, ck2 challenge, crusader kings challenge, funny clips, perfectly balanced game, rt game, spiffing brit, game of thrones, british humor, english, british
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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