Flying my private jet to Canada-A beautiful view of the Canadian Mountains

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well since I showed you that do I need to tell you where we're at [Music] I did that for you guys so now you can't complain about the bug on the windshield I can only complain about the music I'm a former Air Force pilot with over 1,000 hours in the f-16 jet today I run a medical equipment business and fly my private jet all around the country visiting customers are traveling with my family and friends i video some of these flights and share them here my name is Greg and this is my youtube channel premier onedrive [Music] [Applause] alright Miles City Montana on our way to Vancouver British Columbia just getting some fuel here and then we'll be on our way and not sure what they're doing Oh a cartwheel [Music] while city traffic premiered 3 9 0 go Mike leaving the ramp for a runway 3 1 departure shut out the Justin a helicopter firefighter here headed with that for a little while it also be uh I'll city traffic prepare three ninety rack off Mike departing runway 31 exiting to the West [Music] [Music] thousands the Willis mountain retreat 0:08 that maintain 6,000 surveyor if I was going oh I'm country 292 Salt Lake center expected intermittent continuous light job salt like premier three eight nine zero golf bike again 1:05 felt like a good morning let me know when you're back on course p90 golf my glass PFR off of mile city looking for I park to Vancouver but you 1:05 to one certified United 2306 contact Salt Lake center one-one-niner point seven five one one not have five 23:36 good I've ever zero golf Mike the radar contact seven miles north west of the mile city of you I could Vancouver on the maintain five little four zero zero they up circle Mike where you are cleared as filed we are of 9,800 now clumping up light level four zero zero matter I was easy remember zero whiskey Bravo contact Mineo we look at the weather out there I have to wonder lay around we'll hope out there with the try up the radar here and see what it looks like again the 1:05 fun maintain 500 three six zero so flew out from Indianapolis executive two miles city for fuel now it's a little 7 under 20 nautical mile jaunt into Vancouver International Isle City it seems like a pretty scenic place so we didn't go into town but nice folks and a quick turnaround so you can see on here 50 miles out there in front of me there's a pretty good cell and paint it but we are gonna pass to the south of that which is good with a little steeper duck angle and I usually do because I want to try to get myself up above this stuff out in front of me as soon as possible a shell aircraft hazardous weather information convective Sigma to three one thousand two one seven five five thunderstorms throughout Montana is in effect need further information is available on Iowa flight service free the delta 27:13 contact minneapolis 1 to 8.4 to 1 2 8 4 2 Delta xx to the 3rd take a day okay it looks like it's working out well we're gonna be above this stuff and south of any bad storms and intercept everything I want a rider happy here this at the back we've got a bounce their way along here and you just light chop first leg about 3/4 there turns out the 26:22 right it is Tom Bedell 2620 we just just clearing some clouds there and as we're clearing it's the picking up a pretty good little chop but we anticipate an old person where there just beyond the stuff Monica 1032 that reports gonna be at your 10:00 to 11:00 o'clock about 3 0 30 miles at 34 they're they're still on the top 30 sports available if you'd like to go there but I don't think it's gonna be a better ride ok we'll just pop it out at 36 thanks for checking out that that telltale fell - thank you so Vancouver has three runways - six left - six right and 1/3 another real aunt by FL lake and they're good money and expect continual I chopped off by level may need to deviate ahead about a hundred and fifty miles he'll let me know they stopped the current went looks like they'll be favoring landing from the West I think I might change to my frequency one to fix point eight five which would make for some good footage just to be nice it's not a dump don't want to even be requesting a deviation right for whether a couple at the same time they're united 2287 to the rides okay so that's to us get out of 2287 thing 2267 did you come yeah I didn't up you to dead take the numbers right thank you my dad how are right would help 183 recoil right of course brother in the United twenty okay so here's our route of flight miles city at your kind of miles video r2j 204 to Hilger FCA onset 645 boots transition line one and two and cooler nobody needs to go to the right flying out of here a little bit right for Wednesday we're climbing a high 83 deviation right read it over to Hillier just kind of north of Lewistown how many take on north of Great Falls then I'm excited about this hopefully the weather's good flying over Kalispell in Glacier Park to the north and flathead lake to the south at 25 you know how long you're going to of our favorite places that up on into deflation about 25 for now the your Archer clearance is canceled I'm gonna keep the flight plan in the system here just call me back when you're ready to go all the information should be the same okay we're now laughing 190 ATV rider brew let me know when you're able to return to court direct - uh that's a pretty big build over there before y'all get back down now that is the remnants of it is that one yeah yeah Iowa torn up over there that's shooting up high enough that it's gone over the top of it there it is to the right a little bit but again I'm kind of skipping the top of it there it's a big layer you wouldn't want to go through to that we can't go do active all up at the 183 for every player it won't pass Jake maltose Mother Nature alright so I'm gonna go cameras off for a little while here I'll keep the time-lapse rolling and some of the audio going and give you a flavour and we'll pick it up on the arrival you ain't goober here [Music] remember zero golf my contacts all week thinner one-one-niner point 7 5 1975 sir cup my cadet it's not like Center prepared three nine zero golf my flight level four zero zero there's three Niner zero fell thanks Alyssa ready [Music] I don't 183 my level 3 you know self 183 felt like sir good afternoon I guess I wish it's just still morning mostly for the rise occasional light shop get for remember three Niner zero belf my contact can opener one-one-niner point two to 1922 I got my good day Seattle Center for mayor and three nine zero flanked by level 4 zero coming here here all night gala that I return [Music] November 3 not a joke Dolph like Condoleezza Rice pictures for trusting that right circle by November 3 another don't go like little stop by [Music] little well Mike vector sequencing returned three zero degrees right turn 30 degrees or got Mike hunter like there's some sequencing going on then to Vancouver you're gonna be laughs you introduce the minimum safe speed please Roger that will pull it back sir go okay zero valve Mike I sell futures foods on course through the phone for Zurich off like little Bell Mike heavenly game by the hole to six-year-old level to six zeros are got Mike alright so I just selected be nav and the airplane is going to intercept a 3-degree glide slope descent angle to a 3-degree glide slope actually - hello then giving a column across some restrictions if I allow it yeah one port you have your attorney as you heard I think we were at number eight put us at the tail end of a I don't like not having Cooper Center now want an affordable zero anything what 24:07 circa like a day they speed restrictions on the star contact vancouver arrival 1qh picketing what do we take and philosophy through additional the phone 3/7 holiday prepared three night served off mic 36.1 descending by level two six zero remember three nine three goals might think of it son are getting a tan delta circa like sorry wit delta their golf mike arrival change after booth follow the bike of for arrival serving soak up like after booth that's like the for certified by toe for oak or three one zero nine two seven one seven thousand one ready thanks it all come into three their one thing whatever thought they were ready 3:01 it Melkor delusional I see a little bit more sway so you're right there we go okay and on court three one zero nine three here one 7,000 awkward or I'll quite realize they're not a but to six left execute there we go looks like india bravo romeo vancouver goes like that arrival adds a little more space again slavery root for you when you're able to coffee for Langley go ahead India bravo romeo third present position Dorothy Harris intersection s Hotel Alfa Romeo alpha Sierra and then depart Harris heading 185 vectors for Langley ok we checked present position your Harris and then the heading on 185 and then to Langley and at the position Alderman can you bravo romeo some of the things their candidate for one cross stage bg-30 not to contact thank you for arrival one to 860 the 39th 126 arginine 41 why should center their three to ten one zeroes out them said thousand wishes to the country encore3 went there and I like thank you retire one three five three two okay I can enter the wins 100 touch her you all car three with your lady and I can't set my be speeds up to my the FD keep the landing distance required they just did Bureau golf like this on one seven thousand thanks for alchemy three there one pick one seven thousand thirty six teams are going which at 7:03 cross phase eight two trees are not contact thank you for arrival when you a tricks getting save at two thirty and one three six video is seven three so here's what the arrival looks like we're headed to booth right now it will come along let make the turn and come back around and then now here's the crazy thing about private aviation we left Indianapolis at 8:55 this morning and it is a quarter till 2 nd time and we are just about ready to land so at a stop at Miles City Montana as you saw and that's been a pretty nice flight of a few bumps here and there pretty amazing take off it went here a 5 is 1 meter long gonna be on the other side going northbound again o 1:05 country and another country for that matter five short hours later Bureau golf Mike this n10 thousand ten thousand certify so she has not told me to comply with any of these crossing restrictions yet but I'm anticipating that we're gonna get some kind of crossing restriction are they working at least be need to be in the ballpark for those crossing restrictions so I'm kind of set myself up so that if she last-minute tells me I've gotta cross stave at ten thousand or so I'll be able to do it without without a fighter pilot dive in right now I am just enjoying the scenery wow that is an eyeful once we land I have to call Canadian customs I called yesterday total we are coming and they will advise us what to do before we exit the airplane hoping that they just say have a nice day and we go on our way November zeros off my contract Vancouver arrival when ii ii ii ii 28 6 circa like a day Vancouver arrival for beer three nines are golf like a 15.9 down to 10,000 Delta member serenajoe complexing q forever oh my - successful senator is three zero one two five fifty nine thousand thirty fifty nine to nine thousand certainly air ten a nine nine one contact in Cooper level one three three two one why should 1701 to spend eight thousand thirty dollars and seventy four one thank you we're gonna hit their candidate and lettuce or have you a update a flutter jump with knows there that we have Jones's okay to do it there before heavy Vancouver Ethel almighty six rate Kyle senator is a tree throw one five three zero one five two six right time they aren't up now do any of these cameras are gonna do it justice but boy it is beautiful they're gonna date their retreat than five thousand five dollars a breakdown at 8:03 I can enter 1:05 to set a $70,000 again at 1:05 but not this side is awesome United teaches for 9% 5,000 5,000 ask if you wanna there Kennedy 8:03 contact and Cooper arrival on tree tree to a small one 133 1 Air Canada a toll-free like we're terminal good morning I cannot therefore throw heavy with me coming up down brother flight hole two zero zero four one zero though didn't I felt them Air Canada zero four zero heavy Vancouver Applebaum i-26 rifle scimitar is three zero one six three zero one six there Canada zero four zero again at a 1:05 b210 not doing their Organa 105 United at to 249 third place b210 not contacting Cooper level 1 3 tree dome or 152 1 0 133 that's the one you know if you do one I take care miracle my cousin to 7000 unrestricted all have a turn towards here pretty shortly Roger that down to seven thousand circling rush at 1701 255 elephants that five thousand so I said 1701 Canada's there for poor leveling sets up okay the third rope for a drop lower here brand came out little golf Mike turn left could he don't want to fix the hero that kiss your funnel left headache once six arrows are coming okay so I gotta hit the heading bug to change the modes so that I got a roll the heading bug tu-160 I'll show 1701 to be the one that Niner it is your own us and contact man Cooper level on three treatable 151 9-0 3300 I said 70 throw on Air Canada 0:04 descent 8,000 8,000 are Canada tourism one local bike speed at $200 turn up circle there can it a zero four zero with b23 thrown us do the free throw not Canada 0 for 2 okay so I've got the eyeless all set up she's got me on vectors there's no need to keep the arrival on there Oh for a local morning lunch in 1652 didn't get the Delta show six five one five and Cooper upper runway to six right altimeter is the tree throw one to five check two six three three zero one five was at 6:15 it'll go like this a six thousand six thousand sir go fine Air Canada 0:04 to send 6000 because those are Canada's is therefore Air Canada zero four zero your altitude restrictions are canceled to spend 5,000 5,000 altitudes restrictions capital they're headed a zero for general American 1415 to send 5,000 unrestricted five thousand are searched American 1415 miracles like to send 5,000 5,000 circa fight I'll go if I keep Appeals and fight a fragment of a sir go off my contact Vancouver arrival when a tree 3 decimal 133 one circle my good day bust up 1701 sir not that ain't your Niner zero two seven three thumb I said 17 one arrival for air three Ninth Circuit off mic five point nine down to five thousand with the field site three nine joke off mic Bank arrival only two six left expect a visual approach for heading two two zeros room heading to zero zeros are coming they're cata 1:05 trust total of speed 160 Renaud Scott thank you for Tara now one-one-niner 500 169 in 1955 again at 1:05 oh yeah thank you we're gonna insert Canada's is there before heavy with you descending 604 5000 P to 199 question 1701 third aren't have runway 2 6 right approach speed 160 or not video outro h.264 approach speed 160 where chef Evelyn Jo golf mic turn right heading to 3-0 purpose of the first hunt way to fix left on below 4000 the bomb if they're down the heading cleared a visual to 6 left not below 4,000 until the finals were combine the counter 0 0 for heavy Thank You ver ival at this time three thousand five to six rate oh great aren't up 1001 continue so I final approach speed and just under six control of troublesome okay we did pursue I said seven they're counted 0:04 charge anyone seven through rate 170 are Canada's reform okay so just activated the i'll us but wreck on and bound did not do a great job of maintaining my airspeed there are holding my request over gonna wanna grant at 1415 five-and-a-half leveling 5,000 go into 192nd 1450 thank you forever only choose six ready to set forth up 10 to 4,000 are 14 15 captain 0:04 you've you join up a side premiere Canada's Airport copy the NICU 3-0 maintain 3,000 cleared are now 92 six right approach K 2 3 0 3000 have different approach Air Canada's 0-1 better bust up 17-0 locked on to thank you for tower now 1 1 9 5 5 bits are at 255 oh 72 right thing back in 1415 turn left heading three five zero would be following on 7h little on phone left three five zero and reckon 1415 well I see it my parallel traffic out there a three miles up front of me doubt the cameras are gonna pick him up I counted 0 0 for the a couple DFR targets just our thoughts for a bridge 900 feet in a thousand feet across total must be won 6-0 not Scott thank you for showing how one 105 bus Gilligan traffic total 160 on October 2 targets private Canada's are more better X 1450 term up to date 3 1 0 3 1 0 American 1415 Rob good morning a kind of 0 for 0 with the other six thousand four or 5,000 heading a 0 8 for Kennedy row 4 0 heavy Vancouver at level 8 to 6 rates are sent forth up at four thousand to six right-handed are 0 for girl American 1415 descent three-ton 3000 right 1415 Gerald off mic speed 160 Roger last content Vancouver tower now while when I tell them 160 let's go to tower Zerg up by that covered our prepared 39 sir golf microchip to select November 3 i0 golf Mike Vancouver target date click land online to search button every time Zurich off my clear to land through six left that was me turning the autopilot off and flying on in here 1,000 five hundred [Music] Kiril golf mic next left the reverse on the hotel me contact ground one to one decimal 7 so I've got fire out of that should have read that back Grandpere 3.0 off mic is clear to land mark premier and however 392 ago mike grand tack do i help it to the south apron in line mark doodle a mark Roger that circumvention to m6 every ground continued taxi via Juliet Hotel Delta Delta 701 ground or said 7:08 ready for taxi mister we got only two six five seven two three zero one five taxi vie echo Delta Delta seven to keep the speed up you'll be ahead of the streamline and open hey we'll keep the speed up echo Delta Delta seven or systems really like hazardous tree to get rid of the West at 37 X again I go way to the left an alert the campfire 50 gram continued tax by a Juliette hotel Delta Delta 7 caution Jeff might get Julia to tell Delta Delta 75 thank you we can't get out yeah I want to do I'll report our arrival into Vancouver yeah but not a private aircraft yes three nine zero golf Mike okay thank you very much alright okay that's it we're released that was customs we're done [Music] [Music]
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 176,406
Rating: 4.918705 out of 5
Keywords: flying, private jet, private jet life, cockpit, pilot pov, airplane captain, single pilot jet, jet pilot, corporate jet, business jet, airplane pilot
Id: uJcEeKzeb5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 44sec (2504 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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