I see Icebergs! Private jet to Greenland

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you know I got to do that [Music] oh yeah that is right there [Music] [Music] Reykjavik Airport ATIS information charlie at zero Niner zero zero UTC runway three one in use expect GPS approach runway three one letter at zero Niner zero zero UTC wind three one zero degrees seven knots visibility none zero kilometers or more cloud scattered at 1,200 feet ceiling broken at 2500 feet temperature Niner 2.6 qnh one zero two one hectopascal three zero decimal one 6 inches transition level seven zero bird activity is moderate runways dry advise on initial contact you have information charlie eight one shadow escape and constructive approach are you ready to copy clear it 1-0 whiskey tango oceanic letters to provoke all travel whiskey Miami six three not zero three zero West six two zero four zero west know that alpha initially flight level two nine zero my decimal 7 to squat to 7:07 okay remember eight one zero whiskey tango cleared Bravo golf Bravo whiskey and blur six three north zero three zero west sinks to north zero four zero west November alpha 2 Niner zero Mountain decimal 7 to 12 two seven zero so no better whiskey tango decoder so one day I divorced taxi condo tower on 1800 whiskey okay we're ready to taxi activate our November 8 1 0 whiskey tango is ready to taxi from flight services one sailor whiskey console taxi also to the cell phones just underway 31 hold short 3 1 0 whiskey tena I'm taxi alpha South channel short of three water chuckles whoo ethical clothes for touching [Applause] and just be alpha today yes I was just thinking the same thing we got to hit your aunt the woman's like hey here we go again it's cuz it's cold soup [Music] oh there's that lady in her little airplane uh uh what's that a problem Oh bit of maintenance on the fly oil see that's what happens when they briefly jump in that thing and go line up and away come away today one final point four out of the way Trevor a310 was Katanga that was a quick lead to tell so we're gonna let blood runway heading runway adding my level 2 9 0 F hua is next it's a camera-ready [Music] or fast foot strip okay no come on Oh whiskey tango my dad runway I think went if these little of the day I'm not through it did he want it okay my heading three one clear for takeoff sir whiskey time but a clear night up at that observatories nice up there which is probably a rare night you guys like daylight conditions there we go bwaah number buzzer Guerra please pepper on the old applications onfocus dummy the blokes one-one-niner come on channel one Niner decimal zero zero whiskey time so on perched November 8 1 0 whiskey Tango 1500 climbing 2 9 0 8 1 general risky telephones good morning director contact left on backlight go to night you left on for example of 2.00 is good it's just past the lighthouse invest it there we got we can go to manual or but that's pretty good time in that oh yeah got that right so every role a decision as flight works in effect Sunkist on November 8 1 0 whiskey Tango [Applause] sundered strano vember eight one zero whiskey tango d copy [Applause] go back and April 1 zero singles are off of the trees instead my shoulders because fine [Applause] [Music] Levin bought eight four one two do we take those off of everything go ahead zero whiskey tango requested decent November 8 1 2 whiskey tinkle while you're not in contact with candor they told me to contact you for the decent regarding traffic and then to go back over to that to report passing 1 9 5 [Music] it's crazy look at that toss and underwear made 1-0 angles application traffic zero whiskey type of that aqua to last days get lots of warming posture Jim aircraft that you will be the body for the sauce walk a father now rock will become zero to what schools being cut that's what you need this still of eight copies zero is good to have and whiskey tango confirm new coffee contains about you oh honey and trenches never one to do copy zero whiskey tango one zero one eight transition one zero zero so their ports right here we go out this way circle back around and come in round her straighten over all this stuff here it's this is also blower thing we won't overlook coming a running start yeah because it would be done with them gander radio November 8 1 0 whiskey Tango the river he wants your whiskey tango transitioning through okay Roger answer transitioning to flight level 1 - are you in contact with under storm information at this time checking it with you and I'll be right back to them zero whiskey Roger runs to that computation so thunderstruck November a 1-0 whiskey Tango descent through I thought we ship water for two five topping our Southwest serum or whiskey Tango idea where we arrived I just tell them we're over the top got field site we're gonna switch over zero whiskey tango is over the field currently and we have the field inside creation five zero zero decimal ones who was contenders on Asura from pepper 8 1 0 whiskey Tendo off sir whiskey tango is to set it through one two five we're descending west of the airfield we'll be turning back good play whoever ate one shoe lovely usage what they could tell to be together to hero to be image of what the viewpoint - to kill h101 be position that once you sir whiskey tango over for two miles okay so we get it already dad went four to five remember we need to cover h101 a transition everyone one zero one eight transition at 1:02 redwood use two five zero whiskey tango man she's and that is a face full of that is a face for mount right there that is awesome so you zero whiskey tackle it's pretty far go official we're both right downwind for runway to fight or burn right down with two-five-zero Whiskeytown that's a snug little approach in there it could with a hill on the other side yeah what do you do there down the valley not much down there either they see the yeah yeah so you do have somewhere tell you one thing I wouldn't want to be laying in a 60 in here not this direction he's trying to see on the terrain what you have November 9 to 5 a kilo hotel November 9 to 5 kilo Jeff my cell phone got anybody copy clearance going to do suspect level one night there no vamper killer which is my cell phone youngish on and trusted sophistication of emperor age that's six ounce of feeling if a premium one it's just warm in my mouth what is currently do we need to deport after he land that's right zero whiskey tangos three miles to the west we're heading east and we're inbound entering the town with four to five zero whiskey tango per kilo overkill you can depart after November whiskey chapel has landed and November which get tumble-bug winter to 60 magnetic 7-under roughly zero whiskey time yeah that would have been a tail when landing for me we're gonna camp that's a another premier and frog yeah Michael I seen coming because approaching was here we were cast uh penny earned my uncle for me looking back glacier up there we can do that by but expect like three watch expecting them a310 never thank you [Music] oh my gosh do we need any Montilla to taxi in between the international aircraft yes Roger [Music] right today what I want to be in here when it's windy Hoss interesting turn a final hair Bansi and I'm like you know what there's not so much take it out as far as their abate it's your pitch you're probably gonna have to miss one turn yeah you may have to over overcorrect to get back it's a panel shot there too [Music] suppressive ground proxies an illness how's it looking over there now yeah that's it yeah bigger but you wanna be wanna extend to like that Ridge would be centerline okay to speeds good at post 20:14 oh yeah this good yep agree we connect cool we chillin chillin chillin no time to come there online thousand sir whiskey tango on father and that's 500 and every Vista you turn around gets better little man [Music] a gem it sweet last plus 15 Oh that was worth the price of admission right there right and with content going groans I'm poll show them sir let's get that there's your whiskey tango is back taxi yeah I proved that no mafia coming off but actually I see what's it [Applause] [Applause] my career is correct and [Applause] that's a negative also just traffic information so how many of our friends can say they've taken a a little walk in Greenland where it was actually nicer than it is in Iceland which might make sense by name Yeah right hey p1d fans thanks for riding along with me today and as always you can follow me on instagram at premier one driver and I don't ask for money for my videos but if you want some cool swag you can go to my website premier one driver comm and get yourself a cool t-shirt or hat thanks for watching fly safe we'll see you next time you
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 109,947
Rating: 4.9629326 out of 5
Keywords: flying, private jet, private jet life, cockpit, pilot pov, airplane captain, single pilot jet, jet pilot, corporate jet, business jet, airplane pilot
Id: 9vyFm0qg85M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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