Private Jet to the Bahamas-Landing Nassau!

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gravure three nine zero call mike return our golf Mike Naples Graham we're gonna call Mike how far to Nassau Clarence our request mr. Angier golf my clear my kinky November November airport has filed maintain 2000 expect flight level 300 1 0 minutes after departure you can see 1 to 4 point 1 to squat for seven three five three nine Miguel flank is clear this file 2008 initially three three zero and ten minutes 124 twelve 4735 is the score I'm here Gogh my green backtrack thing [Music] I think they're like Romeo nation Roger and you're ready to copy got a brand new crayon ready to go all right II know I 6-0 Mike Romeo third believe this Roanoke for a little me Oscar off the airport give you the seashell six departure Orlando transition then I smiled at departure frequency one two four point one two seven seven five stand by for the read back okay 359 is enables primal clear with me Technopark pays off in trouble Delta Bravo two parks everything you know here my Columbia bed with everything okay five six if my grumpy oh is cleared rumack CEO six Orlando transition then this filed 24:12 seven seven seven five [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm really gonna look at this video figuring this out don't worry I'll edit out anything that's sure [Music] all right I gotta figure it out Davis down 7/5 8/5 pinko alpha five deployments out these through only five with information Papa okay with Papa to the southeast was there sir that five-eighths a mango there's a 570 tingu Naples grammar only five taxi via alpha crusher and we tree to get the Apple Kapolei they do say something [Music] I've got some sunglasses over there too if you need up yeah those are not polarized those are those Randolph's man they're really good Naples grab their beer three nine zero off mic taxi from Naples jet with Papa wave I'm at dr. one intersection departure taxi via Delta Croft runway one for 390 Gulf micron my five at Delta 1 Delta down to Delta 1 Cross 1 for Delta 0 ok so good get our thick list on air that's the new standby cages - yeah so you got a headset over there Brian [Music] these are nice I still got the very rough day moblins I've had forever okay so once we get down there we'll be ready what are we cruising at 33,000 well to all the YouTube viewers out there my right seat I've got my fellow pilot and nephew Ryan hey everyone so Ryan and I went back at now when you were probably you I don't know 15 or so we'd go out and rent out some 172 that flying yep in Indiana that was great you were a big simmer so I mean you literally had no problem flying I 172 taking off cruise get it all tripped up maybe occasionally a little help on a landing but other than that it was no problem it was fun yeah yeah I remember that three miles northwest of the airport joining the midfield left it give you a little bit room there okay we're playing on that side up and all were up north one [Music] [Applause] that number up to five bucks right here in like three nine zero golf my credit sequence at Delta one whole charge remember three nine shows off Mike maples turn number one holds for only five that don't the one hold short for a medical communities are seven alpha hotel and your traffic is behind and Papago number 105 power record number one or number two hopes sure bro my five flink okay that was terrible read back okay thank you turn left on Charlie back away then contact I'm pointing only the ground point I see the premier out there hopefully we're getting out now fi 436 I just you know there's the trafficker below into your left helicopter he's 500 feet and below and show you're at a thousand feet on that 350 we're gonna keep it circle back runway five clear land and I'm gonna have to start at the head of your level there Clint I'll hold floats feet till you can do that seven six here Quebec uh Jesse that's sir I appreciate your help today November 3 9 0 Gulf Mike runway 5 it got the one intersection turn right heading 0-60 row clear for takeoff Burt Mary three times urgh off Mike clear takeoff runway five zero six zero on that got a 436 then they send down when discussing you followings on 84 mile final it's raining thundering billowing out for a final stand for this number one fit fix up a girlfriend we fight the lead clip the kickoff turn left on course bumper golf clever takeoff runway five I'm irritating choke off my contract for - 24.1 cape start off like a day for bars prepare three nights are going 1011 mm my queen under 0 Gulf Michael Myers the Parker that I can't that's my main thing one to a thousand ten thousand so there's your heading there's your pitch yeah what's ahead wet wood so you can just put it up in the commander's office in the maintain 5,000 I'll run away down to 5,000 future all of them cost my 429 turn that Eddie not very fancy he's going everything mom used to this wow that's cool my clean under both my own or I'm heading of one food barrel for right attic what to 0-0 cup bike so you can just follow the cars right on around 31 the very doing final on that heading clear vapor green or white mark on technical fellow 3 Ted joy the final on that over to power LG 15 20 30 50 yes gently a319 point forward if everything about them anything 31 for Mike the 4000 Midori forgive everything yeah change of speed on yes so that's why it's not because we're now going with the right direction so we might as well start accelerating out to 240 yeah so we live in everyone at Dirk here for my kid Wow ten thousand feet is 250 knots indicated anything 31 defender maintain 6,000 take that was le for everyone so you might need to trim now when you trim there's a two-step process you've got up you got us put this light we push in the button and then move it 120 I'm adding 3 3 4 0 5 good day ok why don't you point for 3 minutes oh god Mike 32.4 is there coming today Miami premiere three nines are Gulf Mike 7.8 climb at 10,000 we're gonna do it off like lemon thinner 10 degrees left Victor fun that lobster cup by picnic 54 why heading 1 5 0 vector T that all blowers yeah you've got that nose right up into the pant bars and we're all 240 knots perfect burn off like other they funnel q30 definite my level 3 zeros are gone fine what's that I've got the viewers to see that I'm doing a good job yeah you too Holly wow this is oh yeah they 3G of a 15/0 thick defender maintain one six thousand the Fort Lauderdale 7300 to 16th oh yeah it doesn't really require a router once put yo damper on yeah it's like 8:30 Drew's guys are all aligned thinner 1/3 through Graham 4/5 really three to four five just feed a 3-2 you have a good patience so easy a monkey could 0 / 4 0.40 86 minus n across Wallace that in maintain flight level one Niner zero brought wallet that maintain one nano ductile 40 anything so coming through 18,000 feet I'll get our climb our climb Chuck five in a blender feels like you're put a little bit up there now take this big thick four-foot Rick yeah there you go remember that one iota to fix it for let me know what you want the autopilot take over and I'll I'll do it oh I'm actually pretty good about that no problem you do this much hand flying usually oh heck no the 300 Rogoff Mike on the maintain final three three zero good right up through 25 it again and pfr over the Miami of jambe good Roger that flight level three three zero and good rate 325 sir coughing thumping - go ahead I think I like Romeo Karthik - better one see the presidential far oh yeah they want us to get above 25 so Romeo only thing it won't make it there's there's where we're gonna reach 25 yeah 33 I'm sorry or leave a good what you put in 25 or I put it 33 but he said X benign 325 you're a private pilot you you don't have your instrument rating do you know I don't ever write that I don't think I fly enough that that I would be safe with it to really do the instrument flying yeah but I do want to get it just for my own sake to have it yeah oh it's a good one to have it's the best one now yeah I think that guy's dick thick for contact money approach one to zero point five two zero five six eight four good day little rings ninety thick and I think might be approach one three three point seven seven three three seven seven Civic thank you do you still do PFR really do another rhenium three three points that I every year the Center for anything is in Council we're definitely of our proficiency that's all over the frequently one December I bounced for all that's an audit but I do radio coverage 34 75-70 rimmel three Niner zero golf my contact mine is that our one through four point seven twenty four seven circle Mike it back over to thirty nine month earn the money I am a center for mayor three nines off by twenty two point eight climate for easy row three nine zero golf like myself you wants to address right now and there's özil throat me apartment quicker and fights trick Naples but you just said it to like climb for us or something that don't really mess with the throttles that yes really Don about one two four five us across the only time yet you'll have to pull it back is that if you level off below 10,000 feet yeah ball back actually put the team's you have to pull up back as well because the max airframe limit is three hundred twenty knots indicated our point eight o clock you know on the teams of my 2202 my viola gowanni bat pretty boy and it's so much faster than I'm used to oh yeah yeah helicopter pointer and your ground trust over 396 written on 3x0 golf biking on pack five throw one two six point three two 26:32 zero fight today and all their phone taken Miami prepared three nines our golf bike 27.2 climbing flight level 33 zero every three names here girl fight there you can see once we get that vor we're gonna have beginner Wow the airplanes would like to begin its descent there for a 3-degree glide slope on in makes is about 70 miles away oh wow we're just gonna get right there yeah I'll bet they write you down yeah well that's what happens when you fly around that you know 400 plus knots and it's a you know two hundred forty mile trip yeah so it happens pretty quickly the radios worked independently of each other so you've got your own audio panel over there so you could be listening you could be talking on top too and I'm gonna be talking on com1 of this that's nice yeah so I was just trying to get a this but you didn't hear me because your panel set up differently you have to pull out up for komp2 to be able to hear cop to right now you're on top pull on with that oh yeah and on com1 so you're only gonna hear table on I'm gonna go ahead a file on i30 tangos here contact - every roof on one to five point zero seven three five zero seven zero now we're over Miami to them three turning ten degree flip and let traffic down the left for track will be heading two niner five regional Creek by that just looking right up the we're right over the Atlantic Coast right now 24:05 see all the keys going down through there all those oh yeah yeah oh by 39,000 right girl that we should accelerate out about another 70 knots or so see it's pretty hot it's it's 11 degrees warmer than standard which really doesn't impact the performance of the airplane yeah it is about that that's hot the three nature of golf Mike and polished fish and maintains a little food for the room you need to flight level two four zero got Mike so I bet 33 I'd like to stay here a little bit longer it's already captured the altitude so what I can do is it won't start descending and tell this 24,000 if I do this so I can st. see altitude selector to 24,000 when I get to this point it's gonna cross 12 thousand eight hundred forty other points in there above five to five there Rick and Morty okay so you can pull out your comp two and get I can hear the ATIS a little bit American 987 thon the zebra up supply level three steps here mathematics November 3 danger of golf bike contact Bobby fitter or one three five holy thing goody three five six their got Mike we'll see you Miami from here three nines our golf my five level three three zero pilots discretion applied level 3 4 0 3 0 golf Mike - under this enemy needle one Niner zero my level one five zero zero five okay so she took the piles discretion away dick so now I gotta go now they want to get down yeah where is ur kind of close to Fort Lauderdale yeah Fort Lauderdale is right behind us yeah about 40 miles but that's cool how fast you can get places with this jet yeah it's a magic carpet time machine yeah I mean it took us 30 minutes just to get to the airport now 30 minutes later or halfway the Bahamas do you ever have to use the spoilers it's occasionally I'll try to manage my energy so that I don't use them yeah because they you know they make a little bit of a rump ball and Debbie's not actually you know she's not really excited about feeling turbulence over the airframe and the deceleration and all that well that's pretty out there and oh man yeah elevators I thought I say Miami senator one to five point seven day 25 Seneca day five malfunction as we can't get it down airport information Volvo time one I'm a fortunate one for a new swimmer one who available information I left a negotiator one hole unsavory people where therefore we can enjoy if everyone she knows has develop a product Ahmad 2,500 feet seven seven eight to five thousand twenty thousand zero Fahrenheit or Celsius ultimate readers or two control-z ones who won't play through it unfortunately one for you to everyone who available information I left an approach like a live one for on servicable where therefore we him into a 71 tree night has evolved a need not a Hamas so our now runway I want for there's no golf Mike the planning has an expected didn't get a call for a day of one to three thousand rate at all now that I work out just fine we'll set that up sir go so you can see so see how that glides over the snowflake yeah it's down at the bottom so that means that we're above that glide slope we need to get out down and capture it it's not anything egregious so we'll start increasing our descent rate to go down and catch it three double O two we'll set that aside you have two Chari yeah Wow I got some stuff there I don't 517 25 7:05 good day I'm a center prepare free night served off mic 25-6 descendant level 100 zero is real golf my schmemmys that across rayj addo maintain one three thousand to five job that's altimeter three zero zero two Ray J at 13,000 250 knots double O to zero fine I downloaded a couple last night we've got the are now for runway 14 yeah that's what we're doing so we'll get vectors to lapse and then straight in yeah we'll get some kind of vectors I'm sure it at the grow four to six contact find a thinner one 35.6 today how was that immigration process on your own that easier is there a lot of work yeah it's easy particularly cut my back into the u.s. you just gotta file your APIs event here advice on your arrival time only big missus hit their arrival yeah have to be pretty exact on that other way you got every closed otherwise they get seven seven shows email on Ethernet altimeter three zero zero two three zero zero two subtly one 21.0 today what I want to zeros are couple a good day that's approach premiered three nine zero golf my coming up on Raj with Bravo Dmitry nine zeros golf Mike now self-control they say no maintain three thousand strict now expect back just what I know Ivan may want four of you like a visual approach to one view advice circle fight directive NASA and all expect the vectors that aren't have one for Roger another fight others nothing so then I came over here oh yeah I guess you can just wait till they tell you direct a lot yeah and you just hit the button you're there yeah and I'll likely it we're not even gonna do this we're gonna pick up the airport visually it just okay Don end but I'll have the approach run it at the background so to speak yeah sure it's different guidance every minute 3:9 is vo golf blank to Anna left 1807 Geo vector for sequencing left etiquette zero seven zeros workout bike 9:7 for the point you want to fire tree Wow seven five seven or eight uh contact 27 miles west of Nassau 1.9 expect director for secrecy one way one feared number two following traffic got kids coming up nine o'clock and 1/2 miles a prelada sitting on a 7.3 number two one zero and looking for the traffic stop with the ball four three zero like to pick up our code in November 3 9 is here cough my contact approach one to five point three twenty five please officer over time one two three three four five seven zero come on top 125 seven you said Oh 125 seven a departure 9zu off the finish your depth of help to the love for Roger that's not prepared three nine circle like ten point two to set a free valve free man three Niner zero cough like nuts or fruits Roger resume own navigation direct alive oh yeah upon the maintain one mm journalist 8300 Johnny bond with six I picked her for 2000-3000 in joy and Baba ruta 65-acre departure 31 tango kilos with good 1200 moving one tango kilo nut sauce reposition the money to throw one Kankakee Lorraine I'll contact my mouth southeast of Nassau definitely 1310 climbing its interpretive empathy Lowepro another mile or so budge activate not the radio frequency won't delete that photo return to eat decibel 0-2 face remember zero kalphite reduces feet to one server so thank you thing you descent 1600 Laura 170 continue descent 1600 cerca fine oh it's so pretty flying through these clouds like this yeah I'd say it's probably a good decision to do the instrument approach it's opposed to the visual yeah yeah that's how this is a pseudo one tango kilo back with you the number one tangle kilo Roger you see 51 an 88 traffic no Fanta with one idiot my spiritual hoody see Atlanta straight ahead fix trousers yeah yeah yeah well yeah there's the runway over there I've got that twenty-five hundred November 0 coughs my Quran at these feet of one seven zero six lot from a few texts read on runway one for approach like off-mike do better can see whatsoever they clearly are now what for there in the fuel of my contact our one-one-niner sighs thank you five sir cup market day they're prepared three times our golf Mike with your annoy one for premier green energy above Mike NASA like I went to the feathers do it one tree not the exact alignment where you want for go try on what for is there got my remember a 3/5 of luck show you on our frequency yes map just switched over 104 mile final runway 1:05 upon I joined the other seven zero one zero night thing you clear to land runway one zero one zero my Papa five section full of jury contact departure one to one in point zero Oscar Yankee uniform you on course approve and contact departure one to 5.30 Charlie got Oscar Yankee uniform on course approves departure one through five point three q flip the land all configured Kelly go for the Yankee uniform tower 1000 quite a bit a little cross one here yeah we really did get one not so towers the morning Co but one then there's a whole chore of only 1/4 cup of 197 watcher who will have any traffic old chart go along Niner done five hundred prepare that circle back work on to Odyssey minimums minimums ran through both my garage anymore the last turn on okay the right base one hero and the buffalo cheese here and I thought in your approach runway one zero remember eight three five awful Fox shot for a PLO and back down to the ground now five on the fire there was no probable and then yeah I say anything good cross flap and cleared previous previous controller for the Arnav runway one for approach American eat manna three nine zero five zero it went through not fifteen 170 not struggling 143rd to that click the land roleplay 1 4 as your buzzer with a prepare three nines our golf by clearly thoughts inbound odd and remember 0 golf Mike until you behind that pc-12 it'll play Roger that sir okay so that was fun 48 minutes typical don't I have an after five hundred ninety pounds of fuel I could think of worse ways to spend a Thursday morning yeah exactly so do we have to stay here and wait for them to clear customs probably have to go on it okay okay I've got a 12:30 departure that we're set up for [Music] man you must get the marshalling all the time I really get it hey p1d fans thanks for riding along with me today and as always you can follow me on instagram at premier one driver and I don't ask for money for my videos but if you want some cool swag you can go to my website premier one driver calm and get yourself a cool t-shirt or hat thanks for watching fly safe we'll see you next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 258,739
Rating: 4.9573903 out of 5
Keywords: flying, private jet, private jet life, cockpit, pilot pov, airplane captain, single pilot jet, jet pilot, corporate jet, business jet, airplane pilot, pre-departure clearance, pdc, predeparture clearnace, gopropilot, avgeek
Id: PYZ2Fgl7-vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 16sec (2476 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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