ULTIMATE Multi-Classing Guide for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3

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multi-classing has always been a complex method to  building a character in Dungeons and Dragons but   Baldur's Gate 3 makes us far more accessible to  us in this video today we're going to break down   how multi-classing Works in bg3 by showing it in  the level up screen I'm only going to be showing   a level 2 character as to keep as little spoiled  as possible but we'll be able to drill down on how   skills proficiencies and class abilities work with  multi-classing so you can better plan out your   characters for those new to my channel the way  I do things here is by upfronting the knowledge   within my video so you can decide if it's the  right one for you with that being said the biggest   change here that d d veterans will appreciate is  that prereqs for ability scores are gone those   no longer exist so outside of that multi-classing  will grant you any and all class abilities of said   class for example sneak attack from a rogue but  you won't gain any repeat Feats another example   extra attack a feat given to pretty much  most melee classes will not stack you will   only get one instance of any feat that shares  the same name the trickiest part is how armor   specializations work the easiest way to put this  is that any class that grants heavy armor will   only grant that specialization if you start with  it with that being said some classes have heavy   armor as a bonus feat so if you were a rogue that  multi-classes into a war domain cleric you'd get   heavy armor since that's a subclass related feat  not a base class related feat that's really the   the too long didn't watch or didn't read of this  video the tldr as it were and if that covers the   big things you were curious about when it comes to  multi-classing then please feel free to shut the   video down I want to get you back to rampaging  through bg3 and having fun but before you head   out please don't forget to like comment and or  subscribe each one of those things does help me   out in a very huge way and I'd greatly appreciate  it you can navigate to any part of this video   that interests you the most using the chapters in  both the timeline and the description and if you   need any help with any of the DND terms that are  brought up in this video I have a full breakdown   of the terms linked in the upper right hand corner  lastly if you have any questions or want help   please swing on by my twitch streams where I'll  be playing a solo and a co-op playthrough or drop   into my Discord both Linked In the description  and pin comment but let's get started here on   my Ultimate Guide to multi-classing in Baldur's  Gate 3. loading into the game let's go through   how to multi-class so once you get a character  level you'll see this button right here and you   press add class so from this screen you can see  pretty much all of the classes you can add in and   it's going to allow you to give a little spice and  we'll go through all this stuff in its respective   sections you can press this button to get access  to what proficiencies you'll be gaining from each   and every one this shows you the class features  that you gain from every single one as you jump   into them whatever it is and it's important to  note that there's a difference between the word   class feature and character feature class level  and character level class level is the individual   level of classes that you own or have right I'm a  level one Druid a level one Paladin my character   level though is the combine of all of those so my  combined character level would be level two same   thing here with this as character features that's  the combine combination of all of my current class   features racial features anything like that they'd  all just fall into this character feature section   but the most important thing here I want to talk  about the point of this section is hit points so   hit points are ass wild let's take a look at my  base Druid hit points every single character class   has a set number of hit points Wizards Sorcerers  warlocks I think even bards fall into this I'll   have like one D6 but then you look at clerics or  you look at Druids and I think even monks have it   too have 1d8 hit points uh Fighters and paladins  have 1d10 and [Music] um your Barbarian has one   D12 it has the most hit points well when you  create your character you take that Max number   so uh let's just say in this example this is a  druid so it's a 1d8 so I would take eight plus my   Constitution modifier which is right here so eight  plus two is ten and if I want to level up I take   the average of that number so the average of a 1d8  is 5 rounded up it's the only time in D and D you   Roundup so I would add five hit points to my level  on leveling plus my Constitution modifier which is   again that two which puts me at 17 hit points now  this is when it gets spicy is when we jump into   multi-classing capabilities so a barbarian has  a 1d12 but we look at the average of it which is   a 7 and then we take a look at our constitution  modifier which is again A2 which equals 19 total   hit points right we're adding nine hit points onto  our 10 base and multi-classing means we take all   those numbers and compound them across the whole  entire character level so to make this easier   let's say we have we're Fighter level five and  Paladin level five that would mean that a paladin   who who and fighter both have one d10 that average  is six so we would take six D ten as our life   60 hit points is basically what that equates to  and then we would take our constitution modifier   multiplied by our character level because  if we're five and five our character level   is ten so it adds 20 more hit points into it  right so that gives us a total of 80 total hit   points uh then there's also the stuff where it's  a level if it's level one and all that stuff it's   probably something like 84 to be totally honest  with you but still this is important so if you   take a look at say maybe playing a druid who has  a 1d8 role and then I add in a wizard that's a   1d6 which is actually a four more hit points  plus my Constitution modifier it gets crazy   you don't need to worry about all that math I  was explaining it to you so you could understand   why it happens all you got to worry about is  this number after you click any single class   this number shows you the appropriate amount  of hit points you're going to get and if you   don't understand why it's that's exactly what  I just tried to explain is those individual   hit points from that class get increased by our  constitution modifier than add it all in so if I   were a whole bunch more level of Bard I would get  that Bard's hit points this is just something to   keep in mind because you also need to keep in  mind how your intelligence Works your wisdom   your charisma for whatever you spice into these  classes because that might be based off of their   character feature or what have you their casting  capability whatever it is let's now go into a   conversation about proficiencies now another very  important thing is how your proficiencies work and   this is a very big crucial one I kind of I talked  about it in the intro but it's one I really want   to help you understand because you might have  thought to yourself I want to be a heavy armor   Weldinger individual or whatever it is I want to  use Shields or specific things that maybe certain   classes get as a base proficiency that you don't  get if you multi-class so I'm a druid and Druid   naturally let's just press cancel here um oh that  I did not press cancel there we go a druid does   not have access to Heavy Armor and through any  of its subclasses anything of the sort it gets   no heavy armor and we do know uh because of my  uh race I have access to certain proficiencies   I wouldn't normally get access to with my actual  class maybe depending on what it is when we add   class here that we can see Barbarian and we see  proficiencies simple weapon and martial weapons   Druids don't get access to martial weapons  this grants them access to martial weapons   and what's nice here is I go ahead and click Bard  okay well this is going to give me light armor oh   I'm also going to get the uh skill deception I'm  gonna gain a Proficiency in that you know what   I click fighter and now here's what I my point  I'm getting simple weapons and martial weapons   um but now I have light armor medium armor and  shields these are all things that I already had   access to as a druid so even though I already  have access to those things including simple   weapons it's still showing me that this is what  is applied by this class and like I've said   fighter and Paladin both start with heavy armor  proficiency let's go ahead and click cleric and   let's go ahead and switch over to knowledge  domain so I'm getting a weapon Proficiency   in morningstars I'm getting armor proficiency  light medium and shields but then skill Arcana   and history oh wow that is species spicy sausage  but let's say I want heavy armor now because the   bass class of cleric I wish I could just turn  off the domain to show that um The Base Class   of cleric does not have heavy armor if I click  on the life domain it adds heavy armor or the   war domain it adds heavy armor because those are  bonus Feats attached to the subclass not to the   bass class and that's crucial to understand  because a ranger who can actually start with there we go who can actually start with  heavy armor well even if I take this   look at my proficiencies Ranger Knight it  doesn't count because this is part of the   favored enemy portion this is not my subclass  Rangers select their subclass at a two three   I can't remember which one it is but because  this is all part of my base package I'm not   adding heavy armor into this because it's  Again part of my base package it's a very   important thing I want to really kind of  drive home about proficiencies because I   don't want you to build your character  out thinking you're going to get maybe   a martial weapon proficiency because you chose a  cleric well nope you actually have to choose the   War domain to get that martial weapon proficiency  I think in general you would have to because it's   not part of the base package so keep those things  in mind with your proficiencies make sure you're   alert you're looking at this thing on the right  here to make sure this coincides how with however   you want to build out your character and the  proficiencies you have in mind because those are   going to be very important right you're going to  get your subclass features that I'm going to add   into this whole little kind of character features  persistent portion of the page here like WordPress   okay when you make an unarmed or weapon or or  weapon attack you can spend a war priest charge to   make an additional bonus action so I just wanted  to explain how these proficiencies work because   there's also class features that might work a  little bit differently and before we actually   talk about those class features let me just show  you the list of proficiencies that you will gain   from any class that you go into that where you  don't have to click around if you don't want to   you can just have this up press pause go ahead and  go through it I'm going to link you guys to a uh   website that has pretty much all this information  in text form so some stuff might have changed and   whatnot but you can find that in the description  let's now move over to some class features   and one last thing too on proficiencies here I  I forgot about this so I will add it in later   um proficiency bonus that plus two you get for  having a proficiency and a skill or someone that   says hey you know your strength saving throw  you have a Proficiency in it so you get that   proficiency bonus that number will increase over  time based on your level when you multi-class it   doesn't change that scaling it still goes off of  the combined amount of levels so for example if   you have two Druid three fighter then you  have level five which would probably give   you a proficiency bonus from two up to three you  don't go off of the individual class level or the   last class level it's your combined level that's  important to know because proficiency bonuses will   come into a very huge portion of your game as you  play through it now finally into class features   so class features are stuff like hey I'm playing a  rogue and I have sneak attack that's awesome right   that's my class feature other class features would  include stuff like extra attack a fighter for   example at level 5 gets access to extra attack and  extra attack has a slightly different verbiage in   um Baldur's Gate 3 than it did in D and D the  verbiage here is can make an additional free   attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack  slightly different verbiage but I wanted to just   kind of be transparent about that so extra  attack well paladins get a two and Rangers   and barbarians I think a monk does I I don't  remember all the classes that get extra attack but   you don't let's say you had four or five levels in  all these abilities all these classes that would   get you extra attack you only get one instance of  extra attack they don't stack there's nothing like   that another example here would be Barbarian  who has unarmored defense while not wearing   armor you add your Constitution modifier to your  armor class you do not get multiple instances of   unarmored Defense you just get whatever one  that you had as your um parent one if you've   already had it monk for example here has it  and sorcerer if they choose the bloodline of   draconic they get draconic resilience which  I actually think is different than unarmored   um defense so I wanted to bring that up here  because when you aren't wearing armor your base   Armor class is 13. I believe this is different  than unarmored defense but still my point remains   and the instance of unarmored Defense um you you  don't get repeat instances of it where you stack   a bunch of different abilities to get different  modifiers into your unarmored defense it's not   the same I'm bringing up Barbarian monk as my two  clear examples well there's another one another   feature that you might think has overlap and it  is Paladin and cleric both Paladin and cleric have   Channel Divinity Paladin gets it at a later level  cleric gets it at level two and channel Divinity   is an ability that will allow them to do certain  things depending upon their domain or their oath   and those number of things that can happen  can happen multiple times before a long rest   this would be an instance of something that  has the same name but you still get it uh if   you have a let's just say a life domain cleric  and a oath of ancients Paladin you would get   both of their Channel Divinity capabilities you  would just have to choose which one you want to   use because it's it'll say Channel Divinity colon  turn Undead channeled Divinity colon do whatever   the other one is so since they are kind of  like sub features within a parent feature   you will still gain access to all  different Channel Divinity features but   you will not get access to additional uses of  Channel Divinity just because you have levels   in both cleric and Paladin you will only get  the appropriate Channel Divinity uses that you   would be granted otherwise you don't say oh you  know what it Stacks up and since it gives me one   from Paladin and two from cleric I got three  no you just would have the two from cleric   just to give you an example so any of those class  features that you're looking to add in just make   sure they don't repeat upon themselves because  they will not spice themselves into your build   but other things will right like okay if I could  go click on warlock I go to class features I get   my warlock spell slots sync attack for your Rogue  is in here uh you get your bardic inspiration so   other class features that are a big Hallmark  of the class rage here those do come in with   your respective multi-classing capabilities and  a lot of them too can work very synergistically   into each other we're kind of corporate office  when I say that word but rage is a really good   example like picking one level of Barbarian for  any pure melee class is almost always amazing   because you just get raids it's just freaking free  it does does awesome things or if you're playing   fighter and you get two levels into fighter you  get the class feature of action surge which allows   you to have another action once before a long rest  that's a huge amount of utility that you can spice   into almost any single class so make sure that you  take a look at those class features and what they   are by looking at each individual class rather  on the bg3 wiki in the fifth edition handbook   whatever it is that shows you when you get those  class features to see how you want to spice them   into your character probably one of the densest  subjects to talk about is how spell casting works   when you do any kind of multi-classing because you  have three different things to kind of or I guess   maybe four things to take into consideration  when it comes to spell casting spells known   spells prepared your spell slots and  whether or not you've got packed Magic   in PAC magic I'll just I'll just say that up front  no matter how many times you multi-class away from   or into warlock your Pac magic only applies to  your warlock spell slots you gain a spell slot   a warlock spell side used to cast warlock  spells regain warlock spell slots by taking   a short rest which is different from the other  spell casting classes so this is a special spell   slot that only you get access to and remember  packed magic will cast it at the highest level   possible for the Warlock so if I'm a warlock 5 and  wizard 10 and and sorcerer five it doesn't matter   how many levels I have in other classes as a  warlock spell slot I will only cast spells at   the highest level that a warlock can cast spells  because that's how the warlock spell slot works   and then short resting will only regenerate  my warlock spell slots it's a special thing   it's called pack magic in 5th edition but here  it's just called a warlock spell slot so just   wanted to kind of talk about that very quickly  before we dive into now the wizard now the wizard   um is where it's not just simply wizard it's  it's the other spell slot said spells learn   and all that crap so let's use the wizard for  example and let's use the ranger for example   because both of them have spell slots as  you can see they both have spell [ __ ]   and I said [ __ ] that's right let's assume  my character is Ranger four and wizard 3.   so when it comes to determining what spells you  know and how many you can prepare you look at the   class individually not as your combined classes  so for my example of Ranger 4 and wizard 3 I don't   look at it as class level seven I look at it as  Ranger four so for Ranger four I know the three   first level Ranger spells based on your levels  in the ranger class that is outright what it is   supposed to be then if I'm a wizard at level three  so a third level wizard I would then know three   wizard can trips and my Spellbook would contain  10 wizard spells and two of which can be second   level spells now here's another portion where  it gets it's going to get a little bit trickier   it's going to be based also off of my intelligence  so Ranger uses its wisdom to cast spells a wizard   uses its intelligence to cast spells so my ability  to prepare spells of the wizard variety is going   to be based off of my intelligence as you can  see right here right but if I switch over to   Ranger my ability to cast spells and tap into  that is going to be based off of my wisdom or   cleric for example here would be based off  of my wisdom that's maybe a better example   um same thing with Druid right so keep those  things in mind when it comes to multi-classing   you know what hey I'm a fighter and I'm going  to multi-class into Wizards so help me God well   if you're gonna do that make sure you have the  intelligence to do it or else you will not have   near any spells prepared you can work on your  can trips absolutely remember cantrips are zero   level spells meaning you can cast them without  expelling a slot without having to prepare it   you just kind of know it through a writ and learn  and and and and and training and blah blah blah   now outside of those spells are your spell slots  and this is a part that I I'm I am even shaky on   it is very hard to explain this concisely so  I apologize if I miss anything else up here   so your spell slots these total amount of slots  that you've got right these little let's go   back to cleric here because it's these these  slots that you get here and these little guys   the total amount of slots that you have you  have is by adding all of your levels in bard   there it is Bard cleric druid Sorcerer  And wizard you add all those levels up   to determine your spell slots you add half of  the levels rounded down for Paladin and Ranger   you would use then that total to  determine how many spell slots you have   so for example here if I was a level 10 wizard and  a level 4 Ranger I would have 12 spell slots right   because I would take my Ranger round it cut it in  half round it down to two well it just would just   be two and then my wizard would be just ten just  it's a one to one for that so um what I would then   look at is I'm sorry I would not have 12 spell  slots I would look at my that is my multi-class   spellcaster level so for a 12th level that would  mean I would have four first I'll show you a chart   for this four first level three second three third  three fourth two Fifth and one sixth level spell   the reason that this is is to it just kind  of I guess Waters down I suppose you can say   the point of it is that you don't just get like  tons and tons and tons of spell slots by taking   all these casting classes it helps to kind  of limit in some way your max spell casting   capability because this way you can't pull from  every single like let's say I just did uh two and   two and two and two and two and two and I had all  these spells to take advantage of well rather than   the game allowing me to cast every single spell  at that combined level it's telling me hey you   know what you've spread yourself so thin across  all these different schools of spell casting yeah   sure you can cast a good amount of spells which  you can't cast very potent ones because you've   spread yourself across the gamut versus hey you  know what I am a level 20 or I'll say because of   bg3 I'll say level 12 Wizard well I can't cast  as or I can cast more potent spells than a level   six Ranger and level six Paladin because they  would take their spells and round them down right   they wouldn't be a 12 they would be a six so  and again that might be a little bit off and   so my point remains here that this is a way  to kind of balance out multi-classening from   Pure casters so that it kind of represents hey  I have solely dedicated myself to Casting this   specific art I should be rewarded rather  than penalized for not multi-classing so   again one more time just to reiterate if  you're multi-classing for different spell   casters you'll have access to a wider range of  spells but your potency as far as the level of   spell that you can cast will be either limited  or greatly reduced as far as being able to cast   into seventh or eighth level spells and what have  you so that is how spell casting works here for   multi-classing it is an absolute Hornet's Nest and  very complex and you might need to re-watch this   a couple times I think looking at the chart  that I'm gonna have up in front of you will   really help out in understanding this how these  multi-class spellcaster spell slots per level work   but is a very crucial point of understanding the  multi-class and the last subject related to spells   I want to touch on is can trips very quickly now  can trips will not scale off of the level it will   it will scale off of your player level so if  I have class level 4 wizard and class levels   or Druid my player level is eight so the cantrip  will scale off of that not the individual class   level so it's a very confusing thing to understand  which things scale off of which but it's just kind   of how I wanted to create some transparency  in that so you can better again plan out which   classes you want to jump into and at what point  to get access to their can chips or what have you   and at that it brings our video here to a close  now this is a very dense subject and I might have   really confused you in some regard but the game  really lays out a lot of this information very   easy for you to digest and jump into I wanted  you to understand what's going on underneath   the hood so that you can understand why you're  not getting so many hit points as a wizard you   can't understand why you didn't get heavy armor  if you went into a fighter subclass or maybe you'd   understand why your spell slots are really kind  of screwy because you went with Paladin Ranger   and wizard where you were hoping to get more  spell slots the game is very complex when it   comes to multi-classing in the pen and paper  version but balder Skate 3 does a very good   job of trying to remove the numbers crunch for you  and just show you raw information of what you get   hey this is what you're gonna get when you press  this button here's all the things represented your   your actions your cantrips your spells your class  features your blah blah blah blah your hit points   it's all there for you so you don't have to guess  what you're getting but again understanding why   you get it helps you to plan out how you want  to get it for every single class if you decide   to multi-class in as always guys thank you so much  for watching here today if you have any questions   you're concerned about how to multi-class you're  confused about other things go ahead and let me   know in the comment section below drop on by  the stream ask questions there I'll be playing   with someone who's been playing d d for like  20 plus years so you can field all those big   crunchy questions and I can say yeah this is  how water skate Works stuff like that but as   always guys thank you so much for watching  here today have a good one and take care [Music]   thank you
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 53,930
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Keywords: ULTIMATE Guide to Multi-Classing in Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, bg3, baldur's gate 3, bg3 gameplay, bg3 multiclass, baldurs gate 3 character creation, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 class, bg3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 classes guide, baldurs gate 3 guide for beginners, baldurs gate 3 guide 2023, bg3 multiclass guide, bg3 multiclassing guide, baldur's gate 3 multiclass guide, multiclass explained
Id: 5b6MTqStfU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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