Baldur's Gate 3 Ranger Multiclassing Guide & Ranking

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in this balers Gate 3 video I'm going to be taking you through Ranger multiclassing and going through each class with Ranger and breaking it down per level kind of giving you idea why you might multiclass at a certain break point or not what makes the most sense for you and keep in mind that when we go through this video we're looking at Ranger multiclassing from The View that you're predominantly a ranger meaning you're going to have more levels in Ranger than just about any other class and if you're just dipping a few levels into Ranger then you'd be good checking out the other multiclassing videos to see why you might just take a couple of levels now Ranger is a very interesting class when multicasting and one of the reasons for that is because it's heavily front loed if you're playing the hunter or gloomstalker subclasses you're getting your best bonuses at level three it's very front-loaded that way so a lot of builds are just going to take a few levels in Hunter or gloomstalker to pick those up and then you know some builds might even take five levels in Ranger in order to pick up the extra attack as well if they're not already multiclassing with another Marshall class Beast Master however is a a subass that does not multiclass very well because the animal companion that you have only gets stronger with every level you take in Beast Master and if you you know split off levels that animal companion is going to start falling off in Effectiveness and it's going to kind of ruin the reason to be a beast master so Beast Masters in general probably won't multiclass for the most part unless they're just dipping like one level into something and they're kind of like druid's you know circle of the Moon in that sense where if you're going to play a circle of the Moon Druid or a Beast Master you're probably better off just going you know full those class otherwise it can be kind of hard playing that later in on the game Rangers also use wisdom for their spellcasting ability modifier for The Limited number of spells they have a lot of the Spells they have are not offensive so this isn't super important for every Ranger build but if you are trying to use Ranger spells that are hostile effectively you're going to want to have a decent amount of wisdom and that doesn't always multiclass well with some classes that are spellcasting that use a different spellcasting ability modifier so first up on our multiclassing is Barbarian Ranger and this is not a bad multiclass in my opinion however you're probably only going to play this multiclass if you're a melee focused character and that's because the rage feature and Reckless attack of Barbarian only work with melee attacks so they don't apply to ranged weapon attacks or anything like that so you know regardless of whether you're a dexterity focused Barbarian Ranger or a strength focused Barbarian Ranger you're going to want to play some sort of Melee character if you're multiclassing these two and one other thing I'll mention before I get into the break points themselves is that if you're playing a barbarian Ranger multiclass you probably won't take any sort of spells that you need to concentrate on or that you're going to use hostile spells in combat because barbarians don't allow you to maintain concentration or cast spells while you're raging so you probably won't you know put points into wisdom for instance so at 11 Ranger one Barb you gain unarmored defense and you gain rage and exchange for a feat this is probably a wash unarmored defense is not something that a ranger typically uses and even barbarians early on in the game don't typically use it and rage is great but you lose a feat so that might be an even trade-off for those two things right there really depends on what you're giving up for that feat at 10 Ranger two Barbarian you gain Reckless attack and danger sense and Reckless attack is going to give you advantage on your melee attacks in exchange for enemies having advantage against you in exchange for losing a subass feature this is a good trade in my opinion Rangers don't have the strongest subass features at level 11 if you're talking about Hunter and Gloom stalk Reckless attack is one of the best melee skills in bg3 so in order to pick that up losing a subass feature is not that bad at all and danger sense just the icing on the cake and then at nine Ranger three Barbarian you gain a barbarian subass you gain a rage charge but you lose one level three spell slot from Ranger you lose the hide and plane sight ability and you lose one natural Explorer and favorite enemy this is a great trade in my opinion Barbarian subclasses are quite strong particularly at level three they're pretty front loaded in my opinion ion losing one level three spell slot isn't that big a deal here anyway cuz you're probably not using you know offensive level three spells because you can't cast them all rage you're not probably hiding that much if you're playing a barbarian Ranger and natural explor and favorite enemy you're already going to have two versions pick from of each of these at this point so it's not like you're going to have a lot left that you want to do with those at eight Ranger four Barbarian you gain a feed in exchange for losing Ranger level three spells and slots and this really depends here because again you're not probably going to be leaning into the spell casting of Rangers so this might actually be a better break point than 9 and three for you just depends on what spells you're losing out on at 7even Ranger five barbarian you gain an extra attack from Barbarian that does not stack with the Rangers so that's effectively nothing and you gain fast movement but you lose a feat and land stride difficult terrain which allows you to move through difficult terrain is normal this is not a good tradeit eight and four is better than this do not go seven and five so then at Six Rangers six Barbarian you gain a barbarian subass feature and a rage charge in exchange for losing one level two Ranger spell slot and a subclass feature from Ranger I think this is worth it in my opinion Barbarian subclass features at level 61 to be stronger than Ranger subass features at the same level Plus getting that additional rage charge and again you're not really going to be focusing too much on spell casting if you're going Barbarian Rangers so losing one level two spell slot shouldn't be end of the world I think six and six is definitely much better than 7 and5 and it may even be better than 8 and four depending on what you're gaining here because obviously if you lose a feat that feat might be so you're probably going to go 8 and four or 6 and six if you're going this multic class next up we have B multiclassing with Ranger and this is actually a pretty good combination in my opinion bards have a lot of things going for them that Rangers can take advantage of for instance they have more skills that they can use they have baric inspiration which can be used to buff other players and themselves depending on what subass they take if they get that far they have song of rest and it's just a good pairing in my opinion because you can kind of forgo wisdom them on your Ranger if you don't plan to use Ranger spells and focus on Charisma if you'd rather use Bard spells so that's probably the thing that you would want to do depending on how far into Bard you go obviously but the further you go into Bard the more sense it makes to just drop wisdom and focus on Charisma if you're going to have a secondary stat so at 10 Ranger two Bard which I think is the lowest amount of Bard levels I would recommend taking you gain Bard level one spells you gain cantrips you gain Bic inspiration song arrest jack of all trades and you lose a feat and a sub last feature and this is probably worth it in my opinion more than it's not but it's not like the best break point in my opinion and then at nine Ranger three Bard you gain Bard level two spells you gain a Bard subass you gain expertise and two skills but you lose hide and plain sight and natural Explorer and favorite enemy hide and play inside is kind of rough to lose but it's not the greatest thing in the game picking up that Bard subass is fantastic bards sub classes are very front-loaded they gain a lot when you first pick them up also gaining bar level two spells and expertise and two skills I think that is a no-brainer that is definitely better than 10 and two and then at eight Ranger four bar you're going to gain that third feet back and you're going to gain a can trip in exchange for losing out on Ranger level three spells and this really comes down to how much you want those Ranger level three spells and if you are really going to be focusing on spell casting with B spells Charisma might be better stat obviously the further you go into Bard the more that makes the case for it so not sure 8 and four is the best place to stop unless you really want that feat otherwise you know you might be better on going a little bit deeper or stopping at 9 and three at seven Ranger five barard you gain Bard level three spells you gain font of inspiration which allows you to recharge your baric inspiration on short rest as well as long rest G improved baric inspiration which makes it a d8 in exchange for losing a feat and land stride difficult terrain this is a no-brainer in my opinion if you're going to go you know eight and four unless you really need that feat seven and five is absolutely better and then if you go six Ranger six bar you gain a Bard subass feature and you lose a subass feature of Ranger this is probably a good trade depending on the subass of bar that you chose if you chose College of lore for instance this is great is you'll get extra magical Secrets at this level but if you chose Valor or swords you're only going to gain extra attack here which does not stack with the Rangers extra attack so this would not be a good place to stop if you chose those sub classes and another viable multiclass here would be you could take theoretically five Ranger five b and then like Two fighter in order to gain some you know like a fighting style in order to gain action Surge and second wind all those things could benefit this build so that might not be a bad thing as well because you don't necessarily really need six levels of Ranger or six levels of Bard unless you're playing college of lore so if you're playing college of Valor College of Swords might consider going five Ranger five bar Two fighter so then we come come to cleric multiclassing with Ranger and this is a decent multiclass in my opinion clerics use wisdom for their spell casting ability modifier just like Rangers do so there's a little bit of natural Synergy there and you don't have to worry about do I take Charisma or do I take wisdom like you do with Bard so it might be easier if you're a newer player trying to put together a multiclass this one might go further for you so let's take a look at 11 Ranger and one cleric here you would gain cleric level one spells the domain spells of the subass that you chose or domain you chose you would gain a subass feature from that domain and you might even gain heavy armor proficiency depending on which you know subass that you chose or domain that you chose and exchange for losing a feed I think this is a pretty good trade more often than not that's a lot of things to pick up just for losing a feed really depends on the feet that you're losing out on but I think that's pretty good in my opinion at 10 Ranger 2 cleric you'll gain Channel Divinity and turn Undead in exchange for losing a subass feature one of the biggest features of clerics is their Channel Divinity and depending on what subass you took this can be extremely powerful so I think it really boils down to which you know cleric domain you chose but losing a subclass feature from Ranger isn't the end of the world here their subclass features later on are not always the greatest depending on what subass they chose so I think this is more often than not probably good at Ranger 9 and cleric 3 you gain cleric level two spells and domain spells in exchange for losing hide and plain sight and another natural Explorer and favorite enemy I think this is a good trade in my opinion there's a lot of powerful level two cleric spells you can get access to some very deadly domain spells if you took something like you know light domain or something like that or Tempest so there's definitely a good reason to go here and I think if you're playing a ranger cleric multiclass you're probably better off going 11 and one or at least 9 and three and then at Ranger 8 cleric 4 you gain your third feedback and a cleric canri in exchange for losing Ranger level three spells I think this is probably good in my opinion depending on what level three spells you're you're planning on using on your Ranger there are some very specific ones you might want to use so if you're not too concerned about that then this is probably a good trade but if you really want a specific Ranger level three spell to use then maybe you wouldn't go this far at Ranger 7 cleric 5 you gain cleric level three spells and their domain spells along with destroy Undead for losing a feat and land stride difficult terrain and I think this is a good trade in my opinion claric spells are extremely strong particularly level three spells it can definitely augment a range your bu build no problem and you know really comes down to again that feat that you're losing how necessary it is for your build land stride difficult terrain is obviously nice to have but depending on what you're picking up with your cleric spells I think this one could go either way and then finally at six Ranger 6 cleric you gain a cleric subclass feature some of these are quite good some of them not so much really depends on the cleric domain you chose you gain another Channel Divinity charge and you lose a subclass feature from Ranger I think this is a pretty good trade in my opinion I don't know if six Ranger six cleric is the best setup out there but it's certainly worth exploring if you're going all the way to 7 and five so up next we'll take a look at Ranger Druid multiclassing this isn't a terrible one in my opinion because Rangers and Druids both use wisdom for their spellcasting ability modifier again Rangers don't have a ton of hostile spells so that's not like the greatest Synergy in the world and also because DDS have you know Circle the moon DDS really need levels in circle of the Moon you're really talking about multiclassing here with circle of the land or circle of the spores if you're talking about multiclassing so we'll start at 10 and 2 here I don't really think You' go 11 and one that's because you do gain a druid subass a two levels of Druid which I think is probably you would want minimally that if you're going to go into Druid because Druid subass features are pretty decent in my opinion uh you would also gain drw level one spells here and wild shape you might wild shape some if you go this you know Synergy or this multiclass it's not something that you wouldn't never do but you probably wouldn't focus on it in exchange for losing a feat and a subass feature from Ranger this is probably a wash for the most part it will make you more of a spellcaster than you were before but it's not going to give you a ton of stuff at nine Ranger three D you gain drw level two spells and you gain you know subass spells so if you're talking circle of the land or circle of spores they'll gain some specific spells or get to choose some spells in exchange for losing hide and plain sight and natural explor and favorite enemy again you'll already have two versions of natural explor and favorite enemy so this is probably a good trade makes you a bit more of a hybrid and I think it's probably a decent spot to multiclass a ranger drid at eight Ranger four drid you gain that third feetback and another drid can trip you also gain a wild shaped form but you lose Ranger level three spells still have a decent amount of spell slots and you'll still have level three spell slots though so it really comes down to whether you need those Ranger level three spells or you're happy to pick up that feat in exchange for that I think the feat is probably a better option so I think eight and four is probably better than 9 and three and then at seven Ranger five Druid you gain Droid level three spells and you also gain subclass spells and wild strike which you probably won't use a ton but in exchange for losing that third feet and land stride difficult terrain this is probably you know this is the point where you're deciding like how much spellcaster how much Marshall character do you want your character to be if you go eight and four you can still kind of maintain the Marshall focused character while having an augment of Druid spells you go seven and five you're going to be a proper hybrid at this point and then if you go six and six you're going to gain a Droid subclass feature there's some great subass features at Droid level six particularly if you want circle of the spores which can really benefit your build you'll gain a couple wild shapes in exchange for losing a ranger subclass feature I think this is a good trade if you're going the hybrid route and you want to be a full-on hybrid Ranger Dr six and six is pretty good in my opinion otherwise I would probably stick with 84 if you want to be a more Marshall focused multiclass between the two so up next we'll take a look at fighter Ranger multiclassing and this is a strange one because Fighters and Rangers have a lot of overlap in things for instance they have a lot of the same weapon and armor proficiencies Rangers can get a heavy armor proficiency from their natural Explorer even so there isn't like even heavy armor that you know they can get from Fighter um they do have fighting styles they're a bit different Fighters have obviously access to all the fighting styles while Rangers only have access to four but they still have a good amount and their extra attacks don't stack so if you go so many levels into fighter you're really kind of wasting the benefit of that extra attack so if you were going Ranger fighter you're probably only going to dip a few levels into it to pick up like ax and Surge and maybe like a fighter subass so at 11 Ranger one fighter you're going to gain a fighting style another one which could be really nice to have you'll gain second win but you'll lose a feat so it really comes down to whether you need that feet or not you're playing a very Marshall focused Ranger you might need that feat so I'm not sure this is the greatest break point if you go 10 Ranger Two fighter you gain action surge but you lose a subass feature from Ranger I think this is probably a good trade most of the time because you'll get better burst damage out of your character and if you go nine Ranger three fighter you're going to gain a fighter subass but you lose one level three spell slot hide and plane sight and a natural explore and favorite enemy I think this is probably better than it's not better most of the time because fighter subclasses at level three tend to be very very good so I think this is probably if I was going to go fighter Ranger I'd probably go 10 and two or 9 and three now there is a case to be made for going eight and four um if you want to get that extra feat if you want to be able to have three Feats um you would lose your Ranger level three spells and slots in order to do that but you would pick up another feat I think that really depends on whether you need those spells or not now if you're going further than that the only way I could see going deeper and Ranger fighter at this point is if you took something like eldrich Knight and you were still gaining spell slots and access to different spells from going fighter because the extra attack you gain at level five fighter and seven Ranger doesn't benefit you at all and you lose a feat and land stride difficult Terrain rain for going that far so you definitely wouldn't stop at 7 and5 you would probably go down to 6 and six if you're going eldrich Knight to pick up that extra feet from fighter so You' still have three Feats and you would lose you know a subass feature from Ranger this is probably a good trade in my opinion I can't see stopping at seven and five if you win tonight you probably go six and six but I you know unless you're going Elder tonight I don't see any case to go that deep in Ranger fighter next up we take a look at monk Ranger multiclass and this is actually pretty decent in my opinion monks can use wisdom with unarmored defense to increase their armor class when not wearing armor so this can be really good for them Rangers typically have wisdom anyway because it's their spellcasting ability modifier and if you're going way of the four elements monk you will need some wisdom to connect with those spells so I think you know there's a pretty good Synergy here between Ranger and way of the four elements monk if you're not planning on playing away four elements monk that you don't typically need a lot of wisdom on your monk so I think that you would probably not focus much on that there's probably less Synergy here between Ranger and monk although there is still some decent synergies for instance their martial arts allows them to use other weapon types with their dexterity modifier and that could be really good for a ranger allowing them to use some other weapon types besides finesse weapons and still have high dexterity and were to use like bows or crossbows and combat effectively and their melee combat effectively so at 11 Ranger one monk you gain some key Flurry of Blows un armor defense martial arts and exchange for losing a feat that's a lot to gain in exchange for losing a feat really depends on what build you're going for I think you probably go a couple more levels into monk I don't know if I would stop here but that's a lot to gain and I could certainly see someone dipping one level into monk a 10 Ranger 2 monk you gain more key you gain unarmored movement and you gain step of the wind and patient defense in exchange for losing a subclass feature I think this is a good trade most of the time definitely consider going 10 and two if you're thinking of 11 and one now at nine Ranger three monk you gain another key you gain deflect missiles you gain increased unarmed damage and you gain a monk subass in exchange for losing a level three spell slot hide and pl sight natural Explorer and favored enemy I definitely think if you went 10 and two you might as well go 9 and three like I can see 11 and one CU you don't want to dip much into monk but if you're going to go 10 and two I think 9 and three is a better break point than 10 and two and then if you go eight Ranger four monk you gain another key you gain slow fall and you gain that third feat back but you'll lose Ranger level three spells and spell slots and this really comes down to whether you want those Ranger level three spells or not and and those spell slots keep in mind that if you're playing like a way of the four elements monk you you can you know still cast spells with you know those their spells quote unquote from that subass so you may not need these at seven Ranger five monk you'll gain more key you'll gain extra attack which does not stack with Rangers so that's wasted but you will gain stunning strike allow you to attempt to stun enemies when you attack them which is quite nice but you will lose aat and land stride difficult Terrain in order to pick that up I don't think I would stop here if if you're going to go monk Ranger You' probably be better off going like nine and three or eight and four or all the way down to six and six seven and five seems like a pretty bad spot in my opinion at six Ranger six monk you gain another key improved unarmored movement key powerered strikes and you gain a monk subclass feature but you lose level two Ranger spell slot and you lose a ranger subclass feature this is a good trade in my opinion monks gain really good subass features at level six no matter which subass they have so this is really great and you're just talking about basically losing one Ranger level two spell and the subass features of Ranger are not that great at level six in my opinion so I think if you are kind of going to go like fully into Ranger monk this is a good break point otherwise I'd consider something like 9 and three or 8 and four next we'll take a look at Paladin Ranger multiclassing and this is a weird one because paladins use Charisma for their spell casting ability modifier and for some of their Buffs like their auras for instance and Rangers use wisdom for their spell casting so there is a bit of a conflict there and it's very difficult to invest into like strength or dexterity Charisma and wisdom and still have some Constitution so I don't think it has the greatest Synergy like you would probably be much better off you know dipping into Paladin as another class like fighter even that doesn't really have to worry about it or you can play obviously on your Ranger and just not focus on wisdom at all so at 10 Ranger two Paladin which is like probably the highest I would go you know in Ranger if you're going to do this because you want Divine Smite obviously um there's no reason to take one level of Paladin if you're going to multiclass with Paladin you want to probably at least two levels you gain lay on hands divine sense Channel oath Divine Smite level one spells for Paladin you gain another fighting style from Paladin you lose a feat and subclass feature of Ranger that's a lot to pick up in my opinion the trick is obviously setting up your character correctly to take advantage of that but that's a you know a decent pickup of stuff at nine Ranger three Paladin you gain Divine health and you'll gain a subclass feature and subclass spells from Paladin exchange for losing hide and plain sight natural explor and favorite enemy this is probably a wash most of the time or a little bit better than 10 and two I can definitely see you know going 10 and two or 9 and three they're about the same more or less depending on you know what you prioritize at eight Ranger four Paladin you gain a lay on hands charge and a feat but you lose Ranger level three spells you will still have level three spell slots because Paladin and Ranger are both half casters but you won't have Ranger level three spells so if you'd rather have the feet keep the spell slots but not have access to Ranger level three spells then this would be a decent break point keep in mind that you probably if you this way probably going to be using the vast majority of your spell slots for divine smites anyway so this might be a decent break point if you plan to go anger Ranger or Paladin at seven range for five Paladin you gain level two Paladin spells and an extra attack which doesn't stack with the Rangers so that's wasted you lose that feat and you lose land stride difficult terrain I don't think this is good in my opinion if you are going to go ranger Paladin I think 8 and four is a better place or maybe even six Ranger six Paladin but definitely not seven and five at six Ranger six Paladin you gain or of protection but you lose a subass feature this is a great exchange I don't know if I would personally go this deep into Paladin if I was going Ranger but or of protection is just such a great class feature that it might be worth it but I think either I would go 10 and two 8 and four or six and six those are probably the best places moving along to rogue rogue and Ranger have a lot of synergies in my opinion they have somewhat similar play Styles or they can have similar play Styles rather Rogues tend to dual wield and you use ranged weapons and so do rangers a lot of the time so there's a bit of a Synergy there and obviously being able to pick up sneak attack with the Rogue and hunting action can be really good depending on what Rogue subass you take you can you know get like a bonus action out of it if you go thief or something like that which can help if you're having a dual wield character so you can get an extra offhand attack each turn there a pretty good Synergy here it's probably one of the better classes to multiclass with Ranger in general at 11 Ranger one Rogue you gain a skill you gain expertise in two skills and you gain one D6 sneak attack in exchange for losing a feat I think this is probably good most of the time I don't know if I would stop here though at 10 Ranger two Rogue you gain action but you lose a subass feature if you are a gloomstalker ranger this doesn't do a ton for you cuz typically you're using your bonus action to hide anyway and you would already be able to do that as a ranger but if you went Hunter this might be a good place um but I don't think if you're a Gloom stalker you're going to stop here so then at nine Ranger three Rogue you gain a rogue subass and your sneak attack improves to 2d6 but you lose hide and plain sight a natural Explorer and favorite enemy this is a great trade in my opinion Rogues are very front-loaded particularly thieves and assassins you get a lot at level three so if you're going Ranger Rogue 9 and three is probably the minimum you want to go cuz you get a lot out of it at that point at eight Ranger of four Rogue you gain your third feedb but you lose Ranger level three spells and Slots this is probably a wash depending on what you get from the feet and what what you really want those spells for some people really like building for some of the Ranger level three spells some people don't care if they have them or not so this could be a better point if you don't really need those Spells at seven Ranger five Rogue you gain uncanny Dodge your sneak attack goes up to 3d6 but you lose a feat and land stride difficult terrain depending on what that feet that you lost is this is probably also slightly better or a wash you know it's probably you know not better or worse you could definitely go seven and five and at Six Rangers six Rogue you gain extra and two more skills but you lose level two Ranger spell slot and subass features I'm not sure I would go this far into Rogue you only gain sneak attack Improvement at odd levels of Rogue so six doesn't seem to make a ton of sense to me maybe if you're going or Arcane trickster for instance and you wanted you know to gain some more Arcane trickster spells or spell slots Etc it I could see going six and six if you went with Arcane trickster otherwise I think probably 9 and three or 8 and four is a better spot to land up or even 7 and five and you can even go something like five Ranger three Rogue three fighter something like that in order to pick up like axent Surge from the fighter in a fighter subass or something like that there are some synergies in that way as well so up next we'll take a look at sorcerer Ranger multiclassing this is another difficult one because sorcerer is use Charisma for their spell casting doesn't have to be that difficult though because again Rangers can kind of forgo their wisdom and favor of sorcerer spells if they rather do that and that's also acceptable at 11 Ranger one sorcerer you gain a subass for sorcerer you gain sorcerer level one spells in exchange for losing a feat I think this is you know if you're planning on going a ranger sorcerer multiclass you probably want to go more levels in sorcerer I don't really see the point of just picking up one level if you go 10 Ranger two sorcerer you gain sorcery points you gain two metam magic choices in exchange for losing a subass feature this is definitely a better spot in my opinion getting you know part of sorcerer's kit is really metamagic and sorcery points probably want to go even further though to get more sorcery points and more metam magic options like at level three sorcerer where you can get quick and spell at nine range your three sorcerer you gain sorcer level two spells you gain another sorcery Point again you can choose another metam magic which usually Quicken spell you'll lose hide and plain sight and a natural explore in favor to enemy I think this is a much better spot you could go 11 and one just for you know the subass feature of a sorcerer really that would be it and maybe some utility spells but going 9 and three I think is a better choice at eight Ranger four sorcery you gain another sorcery point a can trip you gain that third feet back but you lose Ranger level three spells I think this is acceptable in my opinion to gain that feet if you're going to go hybrid Ranger sorcerer anyway you're probably going to be focusing on flinging your hostile sorcerer spells rather than using Ranger spells anyway for that so I think that works out fine at seven Ranger five sorcerer you gain another sorcerer point you gain sorcerer level three spells but you lose that feet and land stride difficult terrain there are a lot of strong sorcerer Spells at level three so I I think if you're planning on going rangerous sorcerer you're probably stopping at 11-1 maybe going 9 and three just to pick up some utility spells or you're kind of going all the way and seven and five is definitely a good point to get those level three spells and then at six Ranger six sorcerer you gain a subclass feature of Sorcerer And Another sorcery point and you lose a subclass feature of Ranger I think this is a good trade subass features of sorcerer usually pretty good at level six that extra sorcery Point brings you up to six sorcery points total allowing you to use Quicken spell twice before long rest Ranger subclass features of level six aren't that great so I think this is a better break point than 7 and five up next we come to warlock Ranger multiclassing and just like with sorcerer even though warlocks use Charisma for their spell casting and Rangers use wisdom you can focus on Charisma rather than wisdom with a build like this because Rangers don't have that many hostile spells anyway so it's kind of less important than it would be with some multi classes so at 10 Ranger two warlock I don't think I would go to 11 Ranger just because you gain a lot of two warlock you're going to gain a subass feature from whatever warlock subclass you chose two level one spell slots uh and choice of warlock spells you're going to gain two eldrin vocations and you'll lose a feat and a subass feature this is probably a wash in my opinion like I don't think you're going to come out stronger as a ranger by doing this I think I would go further into warlock if I was going to multiclass with warlock but that would be the bare minimum and nine Ranger 3 warlock you gain level two spells and Slots your your warlock slots upgrade you gain a packed Boon but you do lose a level three spell slot hide and plain sight and natural explor and favor enemy from Ranger I think that's a pretty good trade in my opinion but again if I'm going nine Ranger 3 warlock I don't think I would stop here at eight Ranger four warlock you're going to get a can trip you're going to get that third feet back but you lose Ranger level three spells and Slots again this really depends on whether you need those spells and slots or you need that feet you're probably going to need the feet here with this multiclass so I think this is probably a better spot than 9 and three generally at seven Ranger and five Warlock you gain level three spells for your packed magic um and those spell slots upgrade you gain another Elder chin vocation you gain deepened pack means if you went like packed to the blade or something you would gain an extra attack that does stack with the Rangers extra attack which is quite strong admittedly that does not apply to you know honor mode of the game but it does apply to every other mode so if you're playing every other mode this is a pretty good multiclass but if you're playing honor mode might not be as good and then at six Ranger six warlock you gain a warlock subass Fe feature in exchange for losing level two Ranger spell slot and subass feature this is probably slightly worse than it is better I think if I was going to go uh Ranger warlock at this point I don't think I would go six and six you could go like five Ranger five warlock Two fighter something like that probably hold you better or you could go like five Ranger five warlock to Paladin in order to pick up Divine Smite something like that and then lastly we come to wizard Ranger multiclass and again this is another one that works fine and initially it looks like it wouldn't work work because Rangers use wisdom and wizards use intelligence but again not a lot of hostile Ranger spells and if you're going to go a ranger wizard multiclass you'd probably focus on strength or dexterity Constitution and then intelligence you'll probably forego wisdom anyway so a 10 Ranger two wizard which again is the highest I would go in Ranger if you're going to do this because you gain a subass at level two wizard and those subclass subclass features are really strong a lot of the time so you're going to gain your wizard subass feature you'll gain wizard level one spells in exchange for losing a feed in a subclass feature of Ranger I think that's kind of an even trade um maybe slightly worse so I think if you're going to go ranger wizard probably go deeper into Ranger and wizard than just tin to you also gain Arcane recovery here for Wizard which is really nice as well so then at nine Ranger three wizard you gain wizard level two spells you gain an Arcane recovery charge but you lose hideen plane sight natural Explorer and favored enemy I think this is fine in my opinion if you're going to go ranger wizard probably going to want to hit at least level two in Wizard in my opinion so I think 9 and three is probably a better spot than 10 and two and then an eight Ranger four wizard you gain a can trip and you gain a feat but you do lose Ranger level three spells I don't think that's going to be a problem here again because you're going to be focusing mostly on wizard spells so that works out really well and keep in mind also that wizard Ranger just like sorcerer Ranger or Bard Ranger um or even cleric Ranger is going to have a lot more spell slots than you know if Wizard or sorcerer or Bard mixed with some other Marshall that didn't gain spell slots so that's kind of a nice Synergy there at seven Ranger five wizard you gain level three spells from Wizard you gain Arcane recovery charge you lose a feed and Landslide difficult terrain I think this is fine really depends because Wizards can learn spells from Scrolls so they'll have level three spell slots anyway that they could then learn level three spells with they don't necessarily have to make it here you might stop at 8 and four to make sure you have three feets could work out better for you in the long run I don't know that 7 and five is the greatest here and then it's six Ranger 6 wizard you'll gain a wizard subclass feature but you'll lose a subclass feature from Ranger I think this is a fair trade Wizards have really good subclass features at level six depending on you know what subass they chose so generally I think this is a better trade but you could also again just like you did with warlock go something like five Ranger five wizard Two fighter or five Ranger four wizard three fighter something like that could also work out really well for you or even three Thief so that wraps up our Ranger multiclassing video Rangers can multiclass more effectively than I think people realize even though wisdom is their spellcasting ability modifier unless they're going for like a really specialized build they don't have to focus on wisdom it's just like monks even though monks can use wisdom effectively they don't have to do it so you could opt out of that to multiclass with some other spellcasting classes that have their own spellcasting ability modifier and still come out fine I hope you guys learned something from this video we do have more balers Gate 3 multiclassing videos coming I think we have like four classes left trying to get through those obviously Elden ring hype is surrounding right now but we will try and finish those off before the DLC gets here as always if there are questions about multiclassing or you have other tips for other players things I didn't mention here be sure to leave them in the comments [Music] [Music] below w
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 ranger multiclass, baldurs gate 3 ranger multiclass build, bg3 ranger multiclass, bg3 ranger ranger multiclass, baldurs gate 3 build ranger, bg3 ranger multiclass build, bg3 ranger ranger build, best ranger multiclass, ranger rogue build, bg3 ranger multiclass guide, baldur's gate 3 ranger, bg3 ranger, bg3, baldurs gate 3, baldur''s gate 3 ranger multiclass, baldur's gate 3 ranger multiclassing guide, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 ranger multiclassing
Id: nPwTAsKqogQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 29sec (2069 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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