COLD CASE: Billie “Bob” and Mary Black... (Missing Persons)

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(boat roaring) - 452WSG. - 452WSG. - You are not gonna wanna miss today's episode, as we are in Atchison, Kansas, where Brian told us about Billy Bob and Mary. Billy Bob and Mary as far as I understand, they were high school sweethearts who went missing in their 70s. And Brian, are we kinda under the impression that maybe this was a end of life, that they kind of just went off into the sunset and possibly into the river here? - From the understanding that we have locally, yes, that's a possibility. The vehicle has never been found. It is the top choice - It's still. - Of what happened to them. - So this is one episode you are not gonna miss. (light upbeat music) - We're happy that you are here with us, and this, as we're coming to the end of our 2020 road trip tour, we've been working on, we worked on Natalie. We worked on Bill Simmons. We worked on Randy Leech. We worked on Ethan. We've worked on Krina - Krina. - I've lost track of them. And now here we are working on Billy Bob and Mary And I his first name is Billy, but he went by Bob. I've been calling him Billy Bob. Do people go by Billy Bob or they just call him straight up, Bob. - I think everybody predominantly just called him Bob. - Alright. So can you tell us about the, the river here? I mean, I see a lot of swirling. This is, we are back in the Missouri rivers is we're at, which is this thing can be a beast. - Oh yeah. And you were right about in the middle of the second longest bend of it. It's seven miles on this bend before it straightens out or turn into another direction. - Right, yeah 'cause we actually have the swirling going on here with the eddy. We've got the boat ramp here and we actually have two boat ramps, that we're gonna be looking at today. So it kind of settles off just right here. But yeah, as soon as we get back out on the river it starts to pick up again. Do you know what type of searches took place during the time back in 2009 and have any searches taken place since? - I don't, they did a lot of kind of foot search and looking mainly for the vehicle they did have. I wanna say it was at least some search and rescue sounds about right. They come up and they did go through the area. They did locate a few vehicles but they didn't see, I think they only seen one that they thought might've been viable. My understanding, I wasn't there when they were doing the searches. - Right. - So this is secondhand information from third parties. - Okay. - But that was my understanding. - Yeah. - Some of it come from Kurt on 'cause he was up there with him. He actually went on the boat with them a little bit. - Okay. And just bringing you up to speed as to who Kurt is, Kurt is their son who might actually be joining us later today. So we'll see if he can come down and give us a little bit more information today. So I said, we, I get the boat out. We start scanning, start marking. I don't think we do a tow truck today. I think we're gonna do a two part of this, to this one. Let's suit up and see what we can find today. Yeah, as far as vehicles, maybe we can find it right off the bat. Hopefully it (indistinct chatters) sounds good, man. (soft upbeat music) So, following our settings here, I'll go to a, let's go 35 right now. (gadget cracking) (boat vibrating) And 40, 40 sounds good. And by 40, if this is your first time here what I am referring to we're casting 40 to the left or to the right. This is side scan that I have set up right now. So anything that you see black here is water column. So you see the depth here. So eight feet you'll see eight feet here. So this is the bottom. This is water column. This is our down imaging. So down imaging is just pointing straight down. And so it shows you like your depth sense. See how we just dropped to 1518. See that corresponds with the bottom there. And so that brings you up to speed as to how we're looking at this. And then we're looking for objects. So based on scale, you know, 10, 20, 40, or 30, 40. So if we're looking for a car, a car is gonna be about that size and range. So anyway, help me look for a car. Here we go. (soft upbeat music) (boat revving) (water splashing) So Brian was saying that they only stopped their search at the bridge. So we're gonna have to, - go past it. - Yes, let's go like half a mile down past the bridge, at least today. - That sounds good. (water splashing) - Oh, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam. I've always wanted to, Sam. (Sam laughing) - Yeah, let's go. - You have a flashlight? - No, we don't need a flashlight. There's enough light. (indistinct chatters) (Sam chuckling) - And this is where the two innocent boaters end up accidentally running into like this whole drug operation. People come out with like a case and everything else. (Sam laughing) (Sam clapping) Sam. (Sam shouting) Oh! - Hello down there. - How far does this go? - I don't know. We might need to come back with flashlights. (Sam laughing) - I told you we needed the light. Well you got your phone. - I got my phone. I'll try, I don't think my phone is gonna do very well (indistinct chatters) (boat revving) (indistinct chatters) - Oh really, one and a half you got here. - One and a half? - Oh, we're gonna hit bottom. Here, put up the sonar. So that way we don't like bust it out. - I'll do that. - We should probably not go any further. Let's go. Let's come back with bigger flashlights. - Yeah - It just got really dark and the camera doesn't even show up now. - Yeah. - Tell us some scary stories. - Well, it Was a dark and stormy night inside of the cave. - I'm getting a call from Corey. One of my buddies right now. I'll tell you the story of the one legged man. My buddy Corey is an amputee. Yeah, that's really cool. We need like, we need to go back with flashlight. I mean, right now we're working. We've got stuff to do. But later on, you know where it's dark and we can't work anymore. We need to go exploring, get Dan, you guys can all, we all wear our rubber boots and you guys wear your waders. - Or CFR. - Yeah. - Under the city of Atchison. - Under the city of Atchison. (upbeat music) - The bush. - Yeah, see right there? Upside down, car. (boat revving) Does that look like it? - I just wanna to see it. - I think you wanna see it. It's like, I mean I see what you're I see where you're looking at there. - Yeah. - It's like a rock. And you're thinking those might be wheel, that looks like a wheel on a wheel. - Let's throw 360 on it. - I'm thinking that's (boat engine vibrating) that Bush right there. All right, that's what I wanna get lined up with. (boat engine vibrating) - Yeah, we're holding still I might be able just to do this. - Yeah, it's just a rock. - Yeah. - Easy way, so with that, yeah we trying to hold position. Whenever we're scanning. We don't wanna turn. - Nope. Got that in Statue game. - But we also don't wanna go at a, you know, over a half a mile an hour. And then if we spot something then we can like finish stopping park on it and get a really good scanner read on it. - Yes. - But the side scan is faster to cover a lot of territory. This going, it gives us a lot more detailed. - Yeah, more detailed. - Like why does that look like that? - There? - I don't know. - Does she really put a magnet just down drag at the bottom makes it, she pulled magnet and then I'll pull us up river a little bit and just drag you right over the top of it considering the snag it. - Feels like it's, I mean, look at this, I mean, look at how this line just goes straight out. It's like just flying it like a tight. - As it pass current. - Yeah, it's super fast. - So let's get, let's go get some drop liners. - All right. (upbeat music) - Hi Both. - Carrie, how are you? - Hi, am all right. - Good - Kurt. - This is Sam, nice to meet you. - So you caught wind that we were in town. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. Brian. Yeah, Brian had told us about this when he found out that we were going on a 2020, a road trip to see how many families we could help out along the way. And this one came up and out and we were able to fit it in. So right now where we're at is we've identified two vehicles. We're not able to tell like what kind of cars they are. One of them is down just past the tree there about another 30, 40 feet. And then we just now spotted another one coming up a river here. So with that one, I think the first one is upside down. I couldn't quite tell the second one I think it was right side up. So can you kind of bring us up to speed as to, you know, your parents and you know what your belief is that may have happened to them, and do you believe that they ended up in the river on purpose on accident? - It's speculation, but my mom, you ever known anybody with Alzheimer's? - Not personally. - Okay. It's one of the cruelest diseases because it robs you of who you are. And my mom was the most nicest, friendliest outgoing person that you ever saw, you know? But the Alzheimer's it turns your personality 180 degrees around. And that last summer my dad was woke up at three in the morning or so, three or four times my mom hitting them on the head with a big glass ashtray. - Oh man. - Where's my money. Where's my keys and everything, you know? And my dad was fairly big and powerful. You know, my mom was really small and petite. Growing up, I think they had three fights and all that time you know, and there's never any physicality. You know, the- - High school sweethearts that live their life and they loved each other to death. - Yeah, 53 years married almost 54 when they disappeared. From experience, when, while I wake up suddenly like that, I lash out. I've gotten to see my dad just knocking her and she hitting her head. I'm not going to jail for this. And his life was pretty much over at that point, anyway. He couldn't do anything he wanted to do, you know at the time, at that point in time. - So. - I really like my speculation a lot better is that he had such a love for her, with the Alzheimer's and she asked him, you know, hey, this needs to be our time that they went off into the sunset. - No, no, no, I don't see that. My dad wasn't - It's a much better story from my thought. - My dad Wasn't the most romantic person. That's for sure. - All right. - But he did love my mom. I can vouch for that. - Yeah. - So... - We're gonna organize what we can for the next two days and see if we can.. - Two days? - Two days, today and tomorrow. So we've identified two so far. So we're gonna go put a hook on it. (metals cluttering) (indistinct chattering) (feet stepping) (light upbeat music) (boat revving) (light upbeat music) - All right, let me move over to the middle. A bit too right there. Right behind the boat. - Yep. - I'm gonna go put a little, put our weighs and them drift back and hook it. - Yeah. (metals cluttering) That's heavy too it should've go straight down. (water splashing) Oh yeah going down. Down? (indistinct voices) I'll take us to the back a little bit. - Oh yeah. There's something there, we'll hook it. I heard that I think we're hooking rocks. - Don't have to be a rock, could be a car. (boat engine vibrating) You got it? (water splashing) - We got something. - Right, hold this here. - Yeah we got, you got that one. - You got a car? You got yourself, a car? - We got a car. (men laughing) I love it. - All right you can hold tight. - Okay. So now I'm gonna drag us backwards and make we'll sure it's locked in. Then we're gonna take it to shore and we wanna be locked in as I go to the shore. (light upbeat music) (boat revving) Cool, good job Sam. (metals cluttering) You didn't even need a worm on that hook Roy. - Nope, no boat motor oil on the hook for bait. - You said we need to put a little motor oil on the hook for bait. Give it a nice sense of the cars like that. - The other ones out here always (boat engine vibrating) I didn't seemed like it was this close to that. Yeah. You don't tough it yet. Yeah, it didn't sound like it was this close to the ramp though. Drop right there. - Ready? - Yeah. (metals cluttering) (boat revving) - Definitely dragging, dragging, dragging. - Nice, that's good. Now I'm gonna, like I said, I think it's right in line with this and then like five feet off of this right here. - It feels like we're drifting away from the shore. - You get it? - Maybe. You got something. - All right. So let's hold position there. (boat engine vibrating) You see product. Yeah you're on. Can we get one more good read, but yeah I think you're, - You're on it? You should be on it right there. I think you're on a vehicle. If not, then I'm gonna come straight back from there. So I'll just stay on the bottom and then just come back. - Just straight back. - Another 10 feet or so. - Sounds good. Right, let's head through over that big rock we'll tie it off. (boat engine vibrating) (water splashing) (indistinct chattering) (engine starting) - I just think that, I don't wanna ruin this motor in this river twice. I just wanna hook this a... Wait, I wanted to ride his motorcycle. - Oh, he'll back. - Okay. (motorcycle revving) - What were you saying? - I don't wanna go down there twice. So I just need to hook this entire thing while I'm down there. - Yeah. You don't want to go there twice. - Today's episode sponsor with as cold it is out here, is going to be 0THREE custom dry suits where they have undergarments, thermals, different thicknesses to them using the extreme to get into the mighty, muddy Missouri. In addition to that, I'll be using the 0THREE custom dry suit but it's not just dry suits they have, they also have wet suits if you need a wet suit as well. So do me a favor, 0THREE's supporting us. So I would appreciate if you support that as well. Their link is in the description. - I figured it out we trade roles for a few hours. - You know, that's what I was just telling him when I was down there a little bit ago. - Yeah. Sound like it would be a drive motorcycle for the next couple of hours, Dan. (light upbeat music) Like how much do we wanna say about the conversation that we just had an off-camera with some law enforcement. - They were really good people. They were really nice, great supporters just willing to help, whatever they could. - There is a story that these two cars that we're at right now, not going to be the Blacks but they are working on getting us some- - Info. - As to the coordinates where a fishermen had pulled up a mirror and the mirror matches a Honda civic and they are doing everything they can in the next couple of hours to track down these coordinates for us. And they said that right after the Blacks went in there was a big storm that came through. Like they had a hundred year storms. They had two of them. They came in like back to back and this car is way down. Like we're talking just around the river bend. Yeah. I can't sing. like way, way down there. - Way down there. - And it's possible. I mean, if there's a big storm and they hit the car, you know, two to 10 minutes and it had not yet settled in and it has a big storm. The storm was so high. It was up over this bank, like, think about how high. - So they were taking out trees. - Sure, that's where we're at right now. So we are gonna continue with the hooking up these two. We have a tow truck later on in route and then we're also going to, fingers crossed, we can get these coordinates. - That'd be awesome. - Yeah. (feet stepping) (light upbeat music) - I'll go right here to start. - All right, you sure? - Yeah. (indistinct chatters) (water splashing) (light upbeat music) Well, I'll tell you overall, this is nothing to be afraid of. - Yeah. - As long as you stay down on the bottom. - All right. I have that guide - Like a turtle. - Like that, that was perfect. I don't know where we bound up on the line I was taken down, but it got bound up somewhere. I thought maybe you were out of length, but you weren't. - No. - So we need to retrieve that somehow right now, because A, we were caught on a rock to begin with, but then I drifted back to where that truck was two great big, great big pieces of concrete in the shape of a truck. - Gotcha. - So that's all that was. And I was like, I just backed up 10 feet and ran right into, - Right into it. Okay. So that's concrete, right? So we got pull in this line. - Yep. (boat engine vibrating) All right. So we're gonna take those lines. We're gonna go down here to the other orange one. I'm gonna take the boat. I'm just gonna kind of hover just in case I need to chase him down. (indistinct chatters) (boat engine vibrating) (light upbeat music) - All right. I'm happy. Thank you. (water bubbling) (exhaling air) All right, so same with the the last one trick is to stay on the bottom don't float up. Lay like a turtle. This one should only be out about 40 feet or so. (exhaling air) About eight and a half to ten feet down. What do we have here? All right, I got some rusty metal, all right there's a wheel here. (water bubbling) Okay, there's a wheel, there's a fender. I think this is the engine here. (inhaling air) I got to get close to see. (light upbeat music) This is the bottom? Or is it the engine? I believe that the engine. I think it's red. Looks to be red in color. Okay. It is red. (water bubbling) All right, I found a steering wheel. (inhaling air) All right, reaching into the driver's seat. (inhaling air) Drivers seat appears to be clear. (inhaling air) All right, see if we can get a plate on it, there is a plate on it. (light upbeat music) (inhaling air) All right got one side off. (inhaling air) Go. All right, we have the plate, plate is in hand. Still have not identified what kind of car this is, that's a really strong current over there. Gonna try going back around the other side, get in the eddy so now, can I attach a chain back here? Might be able to. All right, not sure yet. Let's see if we can identify the front wheel and attach a chain over there. I might just end up picking the license plate up first though 'cause it's actually not too difficult to get up and down here. So let's go ahead and run that up. (inhaling air) That way I don't lose it. (inhaling air) We're good. We have a plate in hand. (boat engine vibrating) (indistinct chatters) 452WSG. - 452WSG. - I have not hooked to the car yet. I'm heading back in. (water bubbling) (inhaling air) (light upbeat music) All right, to the front driver's wheel is where we're at. (inhaling air) Now, can we get around this wheel? I think we might be able to, feels like it. (inhaling air) Bring it off of the orange line here. (inhaling air) All right, we are disconnected to the orange line. (light upbeat music) All right, so right now I'm feeding the chain around the front wheel from the top. I'm trying to get underneath the axle with it but the sand is up to the axle so I'm trying to dig underneath of it, right now. I don't think that's gonna work though. Let's go to the back wheel again see if by any chance I can get to anything right there. (water bubbling) All right, can we get up and under? C'mon go, go, go ,go (inhaling air) C'mon. (inhaling air) (light upbeat music) C'mon. (gadget vibrating) It's broke my camera off. - Yeah, well, what's was going on down there? - The chain that we're using, like, I like these new great big chains, but we cannot be running the twist hooks on both ends of it. - Okay. - And so we should have got the other one. So it's my fault and as such, I couldn't get around either one of the wheel wells. - Oh man. - On the, so it's a red car. - Okay, not what we're looking for. - Not what we're looking for. I don't know what kind of car this is - We should clear it or not really. - I say we'll clear. The driver's side. The current on the other side is too strong. - Okay. - In fact, even just fighting that license plate. - Yeah. - It was really difficult. With the chain though, it has five star chrome wheels. - Okay. - So you went through the chrome wheels? - So I went through the Chrome wheel is where I went to. - That should be good. - On the driver's rear but because the D ring, the twist hook, was so large that's what I was fighting. I was just trying to get it through, trying to get through and then trying to get my arm up. And then they're on around there as well. - Yeah. - I mean this durability of a suit, like there's no hole in me. - Yeah, that's good. - Like I thought it was, but some of the cars like rusted off. - Yeah. - The hood is also missing on it. Let's fall PD, run the plate. See what the story is there. And then from there, let's see if he's come up with any coordinates for us and let's go see what we can find. - Yeah. - That car. - That's great. (phone ringing) Hey officer, Ellerman. This is Sam with adventures with purpose down here at the water. - Hey. - Hey, we located a car and I was wondering if we can give you guys the tag, if you guys can run it. - It's okay. - All right. You ready? Yeah, these other guys here, they were saying, it looks like a Missouri, but to me, it's so rusted in black. I can't tell. Did you look on those coordinates? - The guy that I was talking to, he talked to the guy that was on the boat and he just came down. - Sweet. - So, - That's awesome. - After you (indistinct), he might have caught you guys before he took off back on the water. - Real cool. We'll keep an eye out for him. - All right. Yep, he's down there. I guess he knows you guys, so he's like y'all go down there and talk to him. - Yeah, that's awesome, man. I appreciate it. - Let me get over this special, I'll let you guys know. - Thank you. All right. Bye bye. - All right, bye. - Hello? - Hey sir. How are you doing? - Good. - One of the cops called and said, - Nice to meet you, finally get to see you guys follow you on Facebook. - Thank you. - Yeah. - Cool man. - Yeah, we're ready to go down, we heard at the RNS Automotive is coming down to donate some brand new Chevy pickups. So we really want to make you give a big shout out to them. It's really not happening. - One of the cops said something about one of, a fishermen pulled a, was fishing there probably a month or two ago. And he was fishing and he smacks up really tight. And so he yanked on it and a mirror came out and so they ran the part numbers and it kinda matched the description of what they thought was the Blacks. So he pulled the lens out of that. - Oh wow. And that came on. - And that's what we were thinking he actually was snag into that. So I don't know. - And the agency that was down here. So that they actually received word back that the car that the they ran the part number and it came back back as a Honda civic. We don't know what year - Don't know what ear. - Just a Honda civic. I don't think there's too many Honda civics in the river here, Sam. - No, it's, that's what we're looking for. And you have to get there. - It'd take me a minute to figure out how to get there, but you can get there. - Public access? - Maybe, I don't know. I don't know. I think you can get there. - Okay. (upbeat music) - I already know our best way from here is gonna be the problem. - Yeah. I was looking at the map here and I think that if we just go across the tracks here make a left on Wood road. And then down to, I always wonder when I was at that one there, I got it. You just follow me. - Okay, we're good. (upbeat music) - The farmer, he's probably like what in the world is going on! - Oh, I guarantee he's gonna come talk to us. - Now, this is the tricky part, because this one here, - This shows that this is a road to the right that goes down to the levy down there. - Okay. We got a long ways to go on, check it out. Ready for this? Hold on, check it out right here. (phone ringing) This right here. - No. - Yeah. That's our road. - This is the road. - Yeah, right there. You gotta be kidding me. - No, this is our road. - All right. It's gonna be a case of Jared did it. (men laughing) (upbeat music) (grass falling) - Not a good idea. I can't even see where we're going. - You're doing great. - I can't even see where we are at. - It's two tracks right there. - Oh, all right. - Oh, great. - Right on them. - I can just drive blind. I'll just look at the, yeah. - It's not pretty good at it. - Yeah. So here's our road. (grass falling) - You ready? I'm gonna give them a couple of stomps on the ground. - Yeah, let's do it. - Tell him to go. (feet stomping) Okay. Do I have any angry farmers coming after us yet. So that's good. - Not quite. - And our boats still trailing. - They're definitely probably see us now. - Oh, they totally see us. (grass falling) - We'll be going to the farm field, hold on. - Farm field? All right. You ready for where we hanging on? (man laughing) - There's a little path right there to go back up and Jared's probably eyeball on it. - We've made it here. I don't know if we'll make it out, but we made here. There you go, awesome. (feet stepping) - All right looks like we're here. Yep. We'll just go in there. All right. - If you are enjoying this episode will you please do me a favor? Click that like button subscribe and share with your friends. But most importantly hit that subscribe button because it helps the YouTube algorithm. So if you're on YouTube, subscribe, if you're on Facebook, hit that follow and like button we'd really appreciate it. And we don't know what else is coming up here, do we? - No. (men laughing) (indistinct chattering) (bush scrubbing). Yeah. (indistinct) (engine revving) (knob squeaking) - Possible to increase. But we have like no throttle control. (engine vibrating) Right now We just might have a car here. Right at the end of the day. (engine vibrating) So we go through some 360 on it. (engine vibrating) we definitely at something. (engine vibrating) I mean it almost looks like a boat tub. So, that's like an arc psyker . I can't classify those as civic. Oh, and then we got something right there (indistinct chattering) I'm seeing tires and wheels. I'm seeing I mean, you know how like the car shine different than the trees. - Yeah. - That's what I'm picking up on right now. (indistinct chattering) But I'm not, I'm not convinced that it's a car though. But if it's buried like Brian was saying, though, if it's buried and still it's on its side, - Yeah. - I mean, I wanna be so convinced that something is here because of what the fishermen supposedly found. - Yeah. - But I'm just not seeing anything that like indicates, hey we need a dive here. I mean, I have something that pops up shiny every once in a while. - Yeah. But it's definitely a log there. Not a car. I'm calling this one here. We got nothing here. I wanted to see a car Byron. - So did I. - No car back up to the other, a two boat ramps. - Hey Dan, looks like the farmers coming after all. - Oh no. - There he is. (truck engine vibrating) - [Farmer] First off you better give me some names. (indistinct chattering) (truck engine vibrating) - We'll be out in around ten minutes so... (indistinct chattering) - [Farmer] Make sure, what in the hell is going on. - Let's see where it's going on. - [Farmer] We pulled in and we were, what the hell is that over there? (people laughing) - All right, so we've been there on the levy and then finally got so bad because we were plowing on - [Farmer] You go the way you saw us come here. - Perfect, I appreciate it. Thank you. - Thank you. - So far we've been able to talk our way out of everything. - Yeah. - No problem. - Yes. On that note, it's been a long day of searching. We have one vehicle that we're gonna end up doing tomorrow. We're gonna do more searching for day two of Bob and Mary Black. Wish us as well on that one. If you're not already done so, please do us a favor, subscribe, like comment and share this video and we'll see you on the next one. That's it for now. Later, later, Bye, bye - Bye, bye. (soft upbeat music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 875,060
Rating: 4.9585075 out of 5
Keywords: missing persons, missing persons cases, cold case, bob black, bob black missing, true crime, crime, missing car, vehicle underwater, scuba diving, mrleisek, adventures with purpose, cold case investigation, sonar, side scan sonar, missing persons case, mary black, mary black missing, atchison kansas, billie black, billie black missing, billie and mary black missing
Id: -aAtnBRCI4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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