CASE PROFILE with ADVENTURES WITH PURPOSE: Molly Miller and Colt Haynes | Profiling Evil

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hello everyone welcome to profiling evil by mike king i'm here with chris mcdonough tonight and we have got a great show ahead of you i just want to do a little house cleaning before we get started and let you know that we're going to be talking about the missing person case of molly miller and colt haynes now this is an amazing case that was brought to us by our friends over at adventures with purpose and i'd like to just uh let all of you know that we have joined together with them i want to just bring jared and sam and dan on for a minute and welcome them and uh take a moment and just kind of lay out this amazing thing that's happened in our opinion so uh jared sam dan how you doing doing well thanks for doing great yeah it seems like forever since we saw you yeah folks we just barely left and hopefully you were all there we barely left adventure with purpose we had enough time to dry off and get a new set of clothes on and start this next session and uh we're we're probably not going to interrupt much as we go but we want to just say to all of you thank you so much for the support that you give profiling evil and uh we appreciate all of those new members that are joining in tonight we are so excited about that and we appreciate all of the donations that might come forward you guys are just amazing but but tonight is about a family that's really struggling uh frankly it's two families but we're going to hear from one side of that family but uh first i want to just take one minute and just say jared uh how impressed we are with with what you and sam and dan have done not only have you kind of changed the world when it comes to being able to be an outsider helping your recovering bodies you're you're answering questions that have been unanswered for years you're changing families outlooks you're bringing hope to people and you know we're moving into the to the tail end of 2020 which has been a pretty rough year for folks uh but but uh you are bringing hope to people another chris this christmas time of year i just am so excited that you guys decided to join in with us tonight to talk about the kind of hope that you're bringing to people and to tell you what fans chris and i are of you guys because you you guys are just knocking it out of the park in in what you're doing thanks for being with us yeah no thanks for having us on and uh thanks for uh you know you know joining forces with us you know coming into 2021 you know our goal and our mission and i'll let salmon i'm sorry i make it a bad habit of like speaking for the group and people coming on that as well so i'm gonna say my you know i'm gonna make this short and then let the two of them just take over from here so if for the rest of the show mike and chris if you could focus on the two of them i'm just here to listen tonight all right anyway so so us as a group you know our mission our goal is to can we solve 10 in 2021 you know we set out in with not a goal of any sort for 2020 until august was hey let's go on a cross-country road trip the three of us together um we've never hung out for more than you know a couple of hours together and let's do 40 days 45 days on the road together we focused on you know 12 cases or so and of those 12 cases we saw two of them that's two more families that didn't have the answers had we not gone on this trip wow and so here we are coming in 2021 you know we have a personal goal of 10 and even if we only do one even if we do none you know at least we tried and we at least gave you know additional families answers as to where they no longer have to look on that note i'm out thank you guys you guys are multidisciplinary i mean chris and i are two old guys that uh you know we we our motto is the older we get the better we were but you got youth with dan you got sam you're sitting on a boat right now and uh i i guess you live on the boat you're rocking the boat buddy yeah thank you so it's but it's fun lifestyle lots of adventures amazing and and jared actually uh when he was a boy lived in my home state and uh and has has rocked the world with this well jared i'd like to bring in our guests and i'd like you if you wouldn't mind to kind of drive for a minute and let's let's introduce who they are and why on earth um we feel like it's so important that the world meet these two absolutely yeah let's uh jump into it even though uh we just got done saying that dan and uh sam are gonna try it for us yeah sam do you know enough about this at this point one more time you want to take over hey you're cutting out of course how convenient all right i'll go ahead and take over that still so uh tonight you know we like i kind of mentioned earlier we do want to jump in here with profiling evil here with mike and chris as well as uh oh what happened to paula she's gone oh we'll get her back okay um and we've got paula that's coming on and paula is and i she'll let me know as soon as she jumps back on is either the aunt or the cousin of molly miller and this is uh quite the case that was brought to our attention to where we're dealing with a high-speed chase we're dealing with a sheriff that called off the chase we're dealing with the you know the last person that you know uh molly and colt were seen with was the cousin of the sheriff on a deserted road a dead-end road where this chase was called off and we're dealing with a pond next to it um that is now luckily it's owned by somebody else so we do have access to actually go to oklahoma uh in the next you know in the coming month and with the ability to search this pond and so anyway so that's why we have paula on tonight and paula are you a cousin are you an aunt i i forgot what the story was with you my cousin okay cousin okay and then uh and then with this and i and the reason why we reached out to paul is because paul seems to be you know the speaker of the family so we're really excited to be you know to have her on and talking with her but we're going to be meeting up with her in october i'm sorry in oklahoma but we also have jeff on tonight who is from oklahoma he has you know access to cadaver dogs has a team of them so he'll kind of give you a little bit of his background and story as well because we're dealing with the as most of you know we really like to focus on on stories that have vehicles that gives us a better chance that's going to be underwater for us to do better sonar search but that's why we're bringing jeff into this because jeff does have the cadaver dogs because we have a lead as to a section you know the northeast section of the pond i think is our moxie pond uh moxie lake as to where you know molly and colt might actually be you know i'm really glad to see jeff on the on the show with us tonight because chris and i have had the opportunity for years to work with cadaver dog teams jeff could you help our listeners understand just how amazing these animals are and the depth at which they can oh did we lose no no we got jeff on the depth at which they can actually still detect scent uh human scent and uh just kind of walk through the process that your training is for dogs in in a water setting well um uh it all begins with trying to imprint the dog on a certain on human remains so we actually train the dogs on actual human remains that we get donated to us for educational purposes um most of the time we usually start with like a placenta or something like that somebody's having a baby and then tell the doctor the doctor says yeah i don't mind at all so we usually start with stuff like that and then over time we get our hands on stuff that people donated as educational for educational purposes so um at the once we get the dog imprinted on human scent we try to throw everything we can out we hide them in cars hide them in walls we put them we bury it six feet deep you know we hang it over trees we we do everything we can to get these dogs too i mean just literally confusing and trying to figure out through any scenario we could possibly throw at them that they're not going to encounter you know when somebody tries to get rid of a body they're gonna do whatever they can so we try to think out of the box try to figure out ways that somebody would do that that way the dog doesn't come across something that's never been trained on so um our dogs the dogs that we have we um we have several tests that we have to go through and it takes about a year to get the dogs to pass their first certification and then we move on to wilderness stuff so all of our dogs are dual certified in urban search and rescue which like tornadoes earthquakes you know bombings things like that and then we also have wilderness dogs um our dogs can search 50 acres in less than 20 minutes and find a victim or find a piece of human remains if it's um the wilderness test is four different tests one's buried one's elevated um one's covered up and i can't remember what the last one is uh it's hanging off the tree i'm sorry so you have 20 minutes to find each each section and then um it pretty much is that like i said we train for any kind of scenario so the dogs pretty much know what they're doing they usually find everything pretty quick it usually doesn't take 20 minutes 20-30 minutes to do it you're looking at probably 10 15 minutes and we use the wind in our favor you know temperature of the day things like that all go into effect whenever we start searching for things so it's pretty really interesting sam have you guys used uh cadaver dogs before on some of your searches no not yet um i'm really looking forward to you know working with jeff and you know catching up and you know how they work and how they operate i think that's like phenomenal fantastic you know what they can do so we have it yet and uh this will be a first yeah now chris was a dog handler jeff uh in law enforcement and he always has a dog story to to get in there so i'm going to give him that minute here in a second but um one of the things i really am into to mapping out these locations that we go to do you put a garmin unit on the dog when you got them out and do you track where you've been so that you know and it can can kind of verbalize that later we we have uh an app on our phone that we use to keep on our shelves so it's real time so wherever the dog goes we actually follow the dog you know our dogs don't get too far away from us we can always keep an eye on them and see where they're going so we usually map everything out depending on the wind and circumstances of what we're searching on and then once the dog takes off we just follow right behind him and then whenever we get done we can see where we've been and the thing is that we don't necessarily have to take a step have a step on every piece of that property if the wind's blowing out of one way we use the wind to crossways you know so the ones blowing out over my left side we're going to go straight ahead you know that way we can use the wind to our advantage and we don't have to walk all the way over there you know 100 200 yards because if the dolphins can smell it he's going to take off and he's going to run as fast as he can and we're going to try to catch up to them because they do like a zigzag pattern you know they work until they get close enough and then they get to the pinpoint of where the source is or the body is and then they my dog doesn't have bark alert so as soon as he finds something he'll bark and so i can hear him and then he'll stay on that on that source or that body until we get there he will not move regardless of what's going on until we get there so i have a question um okay i'm sorry i i'll forget this if i don't ask um we have a location on this property where we shirt a woman's candy shirt hanging in a tree and white with a tree obviously no that unfortunately the shirt was turned over to a law enforcement officer who threw it away now the particular location that shirt that there is if she was there at any point um during her death but had been removed would you would your dogs be able to work to that no our dogs don't do um article searching if she was there at one point when it's been removed look at this but if she was there and let's say she was put in a spot and she she died in this spot and she stayed there for several months or and she kind of hates every decomposed in that area our dogs would be able to hit alert on that area if there's any kind of human remains at all decomposition any kind of fluid or anything like that that still remains there our dogs will be able to alert on that in that area um but you know if it's it's there's a lot of factors into the rain if it's rained you know animals running through there or anything that could cause to to be washed away um there's a certain period of time i mean if the body's still there obviously the dogs will be able to find it because they can find bone but if if she was just there for a little while and then they picked her up and moved her somewhere else unless there's still some kind of residual smell there our dogs won't be able to find things okay thanks the the dog thing i mean i uh love you guys jeff i mean you guys uh you know you're a rare breed and the dogs are always smarter my dog was always smarter than me anyway and uh you know so i knew the the big you know question for me is uh what what kind of dog do you have uh my we've got three we got four cadaver dogs on the team my dog's belgian mountain law oh i'm alligator an alligator yes um okay i'm the only one that's got one of those the other two are sisters one's a chocolate lab and one's a black lab and then the other one's a little yellow lab nice so you can just see by my hands you can see scars of me owning them alligator because yeah yeah yeah it doesn't feel good when they get home and they don't mean to it just they get so playful and so much energy and i try to give him his reward he'll he'll grab a pinky or a thumb or something and you'll know it hurts i got scared so let's get into molly and let's talk about uh yeah so jeff what i what i'd like is if you could kind of kind of get in your quiver i'd like you to talk a little bit about your organization in a minute and about what the steps are to be authorized to bring your team out and search whether you need law enforcement case numbers or anything like that but um let's let let's do that let's move over to paula paula can you tell us a little bit about uh molly's case that what happened that night and just bring everybody up to speed on on this thing okay um on the 7th of 2013 molly was with two boys and one being james connipp who was the driver of the car and also a friend of hers called haines he got this bike on and he had picked them up at a location in ardmore oklahoma and they had at some point during the day which was on a sunday they had gone into um a smaller town wilson normally is from a con spun out in front of uh two police officers and threw rocks on their cars and went on a high speed chase led them on a husky chase and they reached speeds up to 120 miles an hour and uh at some point that this was incredibly they um they turned um onto county line road which is a gravel road and at that point they tested out these two officers but when the inner left county and that is the county in which his at the time the sheriff of the county was his cousin and um that the officers in left county were notified of the chase there were some that uh tried to intervene uh one in particular threw down stop sticks but at the time he got to the intersection they had already passed him um another officer uh instead of blocking off long haul the road working in the stairs words they always knew that's where he was gonna go because khan was notorious for leading the police on hospitals it was a game to him it was thrill and and so he had done it multiple times never been jailed forever and so instead of blocking off long haul road the clock got maybe the heat intervene and stopped him and um that way they would never get down long haul road uh well he ran that he turned up the headlights coming toward them there's about 10 between 10 30 11 o'clock at night uh he turned off the headlights the officer had to go into the ditch to avoid collision um by the time they all got down on hollow road they were nowhere to be found um con uh com was notorious for the direction that he get it's all it's all very bad good it's all very what it is you know it's way out in the country this is where his grandma and grandpa and his aunt and uncle all lived on this road uh he knew that was a safe haven that's why he always went there um this is very two weeks prior to molly's disappearance he had stolen a car took it on a high-speed chase ended up in this same location so this was dysmo um so paul let me let me stop you there let me stop you there for a moment if i can um there your phone is is just bad enough that we're losing some of what you're saying i want to just repeat what i think i understand and jared if you can fill in the blanks having had conversation so what what happened is molly and her boyfriend um bryce got into a vehicle with a fellow i'm sorry colt haynes i'm sorry i have to tell you uh one of the police officers that i knew named bryce haynes who was murdered on the job i got i got the two confused so in his memory i'll just make sure i clarify that it was bryce haynes that i was thinking of when i said that um but um so colt and molly get into a vehicle with a guy whose nickname is khan he has a background of of evading police and he actually starts driving recklessly throwing gravel all over a couple of police vehicles and that turns into a high-speed chase that reaches speeds into the 120 mile an hour range the chase goes on long enough that they actually cross from one county into another correct that's correct and and i just want to pause for a moment there um to just address one thing that that was brought up that i read about that i thought was interesting jared and that was the the discussion that the sheriff called off the chase uh that that is not uncommon uh law enforcement has to weigh the value of a high speed chase where there's a high probability speeds like 100 miles an hour that if there was a collision that the people could die from that against the infraction that started the chase so it's not uncommon to see a law enforcement leader get on the radio and tell the officers that are pursuing to terminate the chase it's frustrating when you're the officer that's pursuing because you want to it's it's like jeff's dog with a scent man you want to catch that person and and wisdom steps in and says this is too high of a liability and too much risk chris any thought on that um yeah i mean yeah i agree with that but and then this sounds like duke's a hazard and you know where where you know mr khan here may have uh some you know cover fire with uh his you know cousin the sheriff up there and you know he is brazen enough to just blast rocks you know like you said mike and and guys you know all over the county police cars he takes off gets or or city police cars gets off into the county and now he's got cover from his you know family uh and you know maybe that's a play too that uh you know the sheriff is sharing this thing go down and knowing that it's uh because if it's if it's a mutual aid right mike if he's crossing county they probably got attack channel where they can both you know the city cops and the and the county sheriff can hear you know the play coming um so but yeah it's not uncommon to shut it down but i just wonder is this sheriff russell that we're talking about this uh this guy jared or sam dan is it joe russell the sheriff uh i figure what the name of it is if uh paula jumps back on here we can ask her what the name of the spirit was okay because he just got hooked up for corruption yeah uh yeah that's the same one yeah he uh also drugs and i know that in addition to this story as well is is that the cousin was also using the sheriff's police cruiser to sell drugs out of not just a police cruiser and use it for delivery but in addition to that selling drugs out of the sheriff's house as well and then there's some other you know corruption that came into play with you know young girls and you know like parties and whatnot as well but you know what what i also find interesting this as well that paula touched on is is that you know khan this was khan's little game and at no point did he ever was convicted or served any jail time for his little you know elude escapades that he would go on from time to time on the same road that he knew like the back of his hand and paul i think also you said that the family also had property down at the end of that road too is that correct that's correct yeah their their property went to the very end of the long haul road um after that night um after the chase during the night molly and colt made several phone calls and from what we understand quan just jumped out of the car and ran home at left molly uncle on the in literally in the middle of nowhere not knowing where they were uh they made temple phone calls um asking for people to come and get them try to find them and um the next morning around 7 00 am four people did go out and try to locate them they were on the phone with cult and they went on house and asked khan where they were and he said man they're just messing with you they're fine well colt was on the phone when they uh went to his house went to clinton's house and khan um or colt told the guy on the phone he said let me talk to khan go little one had a conversation so they only know uh that khan got off the phone and told the guy he said do you know where we left the mustang and the guy said yes and he said they're near there and this guy had been in the hot space two weeks earlier with khan so he knew where they left the mustang uh so the guy asked if they could just walk across the property to this area and uh no so they had to go back out onto the main road and go all the way around which was probably miles wide it was probably um four or five miles when if they could have gone straight across the property it would have been 0.45 miles um so they wasted a lot of time there uh connie molly could not hear or i'm sorry colton could not hear the horn they were honking the horn asking can you hear this they could not hear it um so um molly made her last phone call where she actually spoke to someone at 9 33 am the monday morning uh july the 8th asking somebody to pick her and call that um at 9 39 a.m molly's phone never made another call and then colt coltain's phone went dead at 9 56. so just a few minutes after molly's phone went dead cold cold phone no longer send out any more text or big phone calls except within just a few minutes um it was two weeks to the day after the police chase that the car was found by a love county deputy and um car was immediately removed from the area and it was like about a half a mile off the main road um in a field and it was moved at it was called me and my family were actually out there searching that day looking for the car and uh an officer had stopped us and asked us what we were doing and we told him he claims to have not known that molly and colt were missing in the area he and this was two weeks later um he claimed not now but honestly knowing him now i believe that that is true he was not made aware that there was two missing people but within an hour after leaving him which thank you numbers within the hour he had found the car and the reason he found it is because he knew khan and he knew his um his path and what he wouldn't do and um out there repeatedly it told us we've had to constantly prepare because con blowing through their fences and cars so um the car was down daddy two weeks later and we were never able to see the car while we were there so uh it was not inventoried there were pictures taken thankfully that it was never inventoried and the girl that owned the car was conniff's girlfriend who eventually was charged with uh filing a false police report and a false insurance claim because she claimed that the car was stolen and that um she was asleep all night long in fact approved record she was up all night long trying to get a hold of khan talking to his aunt talking to his mother and during the preliminary hearing uh god's mother actually said it sabrina called him that was her name called and said do i report its own mail and that was around six in the morning so mike uh yeah go ahead what were you going to say no i was i was gonna please ask your question and then uh jared maybe you can also kind of fill in any of the blanks that you think may have been difficult to hear and i apologize paula because there is just so much uh interference with your phone tonight and i'm going to propose that we talk with you offline where chris and i can explore the case with you and learn more about it so that we're better equipped to help you but chris what are your thoughts uh yeah so you know a couple of things you is there any you think there's any gis history in relationship to 2013 uh in the longitude latitude that she's talking about uh and it'd be interesting to see what kind of shell tower ping because that 911 call when when would the 9-1-1 call come in paula what what was the last time go ahead 12 57 a.m the morning of july 8th um during i've listened to the call like it's only five seconds um and all you can hear is molly pushing buttons or there's buttons being pushed but you cannot hear her speak and then um they call the number back with no response okay so do you have that do you have that call that five seconds do you still have that tape okay good we'd like to hear that and get a copy i have okay i have the uh dispatch i have the uh fall from that night of the chase and i had i believe off so i do have that 9-1-1 call that molly made i also have uh the nine one the location where we're searching there was a nine one one call that dial call made from that location any of that phone information would be good for mike to do his thing uh and you'll see the results yeah so jared can you fill in some blanks based on your other conversations with paula specifically around at the as the chase comes to a conclusion what do we know about um the abandonment of the car by khan and uh what we know about what happens to the people that were traveling um in the vehicle with him uh i mean so with yeah i mean beyond this i don't know anybody you know any more than that what you know what i'm focused in on is you know when i come into these you know it's a matter of what do we think the last location is and then we kind of look at that and then we spread out from there if we don't succeed at that first location so you know i and i know that our viewers keep asking for more of this background history you know and what can we get you know from the back story and so that's why i'm really appreciative you know for being here this evening that we're getting more of this that we can share with our viewers um because for us you know our time is limited as we're traveling on the road we come in with a mission for the day you know maybe two days and then we have to move on to the next one that we've gathered enough information that's then we can open up this open source investigation and talk about it more and then possibly go back and solve it if we didn't solve it the first time so that's that's really the angle that we come into it as you know for our team so i said i'm really happy to be here with you tonight but i do want to ask you about one thing uh that i just brought up over here that i remembered we were down on natalie jones case you know i was i was told about this website have you guys ever used and this might be a good thing to actually use this on this case but if you guys ever used have you heard of it before and the reason why i bring this one up is because supposedly and i don't know how far back it goes and i think it was like 2012 but this will actually not just google earth that they update so often but this actually updates twice a day you know around the world and are we able to use and you know get an account to it if you guys don't already have one that we can start looking at when was this car here when it wasn't moved and you know what point did when did this car show up and are we able to actually catch anybody else was there another individual there where were people walking at that moment in time that these cameras just happen to pick up and catch somebody on camera yeah we would really like to explore that with you offline jared and talk about that and how it would interface with the gis that we currently use chris is right and there's some real challenges when you look at cell phone pings especially in rural areas that the actual certainty range where a person could be identified as being it's pretty darn big so i guess my question for you paula is do you have access to any as a family member any of the police reports what kind of information do you have available to you right now on the case i do have uh actually i do have the police reports um i do have copies of the um the 911 call the the um 9-1-1 call and the police chase then i have um a lot of the audio um interviews that were done uh over the course of the seven years so i actually have a dropbox that i can send you with with a lot of information that would be great and jared what we would want to do is have some one-on-one time with paula and other people who might have information get the names of people that we can interview we'll want to review those reports paula so we'll we'll work through all of those logistics later what i'd like to do if we could uh jared if you sam and dan are comfortable with this let's look a little bit at what jeff would as a handler think would be the most important areas to start to isolate because it seems to me like we need to figure out if there was an event that left them unable to leave the scene you're talking 6 ten ten hours or so that um this couple have unobligated time on they could have clearly walked some places if they were physically able to so we need to start thinking about um what uh jeff you would start considering and what kind of information you would need to isolate where you'd want to search you're on mute jeff there we go all right um well the the best way we for us is trying to figure out exactly where the last known location was or close to it um when it comes to these dogs we have to be put in the right place for us to start our search um if like you guys were talking earlier figure out where the ping was on the cell phone if you could figure that out that'd be a great place for us to start um like i said we can search a white area pretty quick so for us knowing the last place where they were would probably be the best place for us to start or in the general vicinity obviously we can't search miles upon miles so we kind of need to be pretty close to where um you think they were for the last day or the last couple hours or you know 12 24 hours and that's where we could start i mean around that area i do have all of their phone records um with the cell phone towers i did send that in to a place in dallas um i believe july well a year ago in july where they did a forensic analysis of the phone records and was able to determine um that they did travel northeast um from from what we can determine what he's from the car so they went because of the two towers that's what they have determined so we have a pretty good location of where they started out okay that that'd be that'd be the best bet we would start in there we're gonna start yep because they said is that on property that you have access to though or is it is it land owned by khan's family we do have no it is not a party that is somebody and we have access to the property great here here's a here's what i'm thinking on this you know not as far as a conclusion on it but we're dealing with you know you know what 10 hours later where khan was at the house if i'm correct so khan did not have control over them and that the two of them had been making phone calls to be picked up and they didn't know where they were at but the two of them did not appear to be from what i'm hearing in any type of danger at this moment in time and the two of them have been together the entire time that's how it seems yeah and i think you know we can't uh also we've got to keep on the plate still jared to dovetail under your thought uh guys and tell me what you think as well sam and mike that and dan i mean everybody but this idea that you know it's a high-speed chase right he's playing chicken with the with the cops okay he's got some you know cover from you know family for lack of a better term right maybe he spins out gets into a a tc a traffic collision okay maybe coal or uh you know molly's injured right and he's like you know you guys are on your own i'm audi and he takes off okay and now you know they're struggling to figure out you know what direction i'm going and because a lot of times you know that disorientation you know aspect how was the vehicle discovered was it uh when they found it was there any evidence that he had gone in uh off of that road uh you know at a high speed or what's the take on that uh paul the the car had 18 the car had 18 000 worth of damage done to it and it was mainly it was mainly on the undercarriage of the car uh that the number had come off and the spoiler area underneath had come you know but mainly the main damage was done to the undercarriage of the car which totaled the car and from my understanding that car is still in storage in um oklahoma city still being being saved until um just something that's out of this case okay and sure um cole haynes was hurt but he was hurt after the police chase um he told the people on the phone that he had fallen out of a tree um we don't know why he was in that tree if he was maybe trying to get cell phone signal or get some kind of idea of where they may be um that doesn't sound likely to me because the night that they went missing there was no moon so it was pitch black out there so they couldn't really help being able to tell what they were but he did break his ankle from what what the people that were out searching for him said that he he had told them so there's a report that he has a broken ankle yes okay out of the tree from yeah out of it falling out of a tree right i mean yeah and show thoughts on that anybody but my my thoughts is i mean to me just thrown out there i don't think that khan is involved and i don't think the sheriff is involved i think the two of them you know were friends with khan they had this issue to where they destroyed the car middle at night no moon but you know by nine o'clock the next morning when the phones are still working you know they're lost at this moment in time and i believe that they they might just be in the woods somewhere in exposure yeah i don't know what the temperature was that night or you know 67 degrees i looked it up okay um so yeah it uh doesn't look like weather unless they got wet um but again you know that's that's difficult to to say uh and what are the woods like there because you know folks can get lost in the woods pretty easily get it's pretty hard to find folks in the woods it's oklahoma it's pretty flat what's it look like paula well it it's in in areas it's pretty dense um and there's a lot of briars but um there's a lot of creek beds and you know it you know the thought again around they could have very well fell into a creek bed um but we were out there so soon after we would have found them um had they been left out there they weren't left out there there's no way um well truth um after all these years and what we've the information we've obtained and khan nip is very much involved uh sheriff is is involved in a sense that i believe he's he's covered things up for them there is a tip that came in this might be important uh they came in on july the 10th which was two days after um molly's phone call that molly was tied to a tree um down um at the end of long hollow road so um the the love county uh officers got this tip as well as carter county officers also got this tip when the car cat when carter county got to long road the uh the end of long hollow road was being blocked off by love county uh i would say long haul road is probably two and a half three miles long before you get to the end um the under sheriff was there and he told the carter county deputies that everything was fine khan's down there babysitting his nephew you know joe's down there taking care of it you know and we have another tip over here in north love county let's go check that out um i've always found that very um the thick girl who called in this hip was very close to khan's uncle who lived at the end in the long haul road she gave in a sworn testimony um for the federal grand jury she gave under oath she said that she asked colby and that's the uncle's name she asked why did she did not give details as to what he told her happened she said why she asked why he did not call the police and turn it in and he says you know what we do down here i could not turn it in and she has been an fbi informant so when i tried to talk to her that got shut down by the fbi because they did not want me to quote unquote uh mess up their relationship with their informant at that me to give time that they thought they could possibly get more out of her and they did not uh because that was in 2016. yeah that was just before uh the sheriff was taken down so that she may have been a uc an undercover for the for the for the feds to take him out of the picture because they got him on a corruption charge that uh russell guy if it's the same sheriff it sounds like joe's russell is it the same guy it is yeah yeah so they took him down so they probably didn't want to burn her uh because she potentially you know and i'm not saying this is the case but there's a high probability that she was the you see undercover working for the for the feds to take the sheriff out of the picture so i i do have i am curious about one thing you said molly was tied to a tree but uh do you have access to the tapes from the respon the officers who are actually in the pursuit who are calling the pursuit to dispatch do you have those tapes um before they say that they called in that she was tied to a tree no no no no uh i'm gonna get to that i'm gonna yeah the pursuit when he throws the dirt all over the cops cars and takes off and they're on the radio calling this pursuit out do you have those tapes yes okay and when does the sheriff when does the sheriff's department uh do you have the sheriff's department tapes as well for that pursuit yes okay good can we get are you trying to get out no we just want to hear the radio traffic yeah we just want to hear those so that mike and i there's other things that we can go to help you know with jared and his team you know coming up in in january right we just kind of want to get a photo yeah so what we'll do paula we'll we'll have uh the back office here work with you on setting up a google drive where you can upload everything and then we'll set up a time to talk with you and go through this case we're going to want to map out from start to finish every single thing that we know so that we can we can help with topography and and help jared's team as they prepare this may help you jeff as we think about areas that seem significant maybe along the way we could learn uh what areas you have had searches that you've conducted paula and how many and what the method was of that because it may be something that you want to think about organizing as family is putting together a ground search that we could help you kind of coordinate so that you know exactly what areas you've covered so i think there's some things there that we could do jared maybe we do them in concert with when you're showing up with your team uh so that if something's uncovered we we have something maybe it's a week or two before uh jeff i i don't know what your thoughts are as far as questions for paula but we gotta somehow get you in the ballpark before we turn you loose um pretty much like i said earlier any way we could figure out where they were you know last point of contact with those pings that would be that would be the best thing for us because we could we could start where they were talking about and show their hand in northeast i think is what you said and then we could just head that way i mean like i said we could cover a vast area pretty quick and rule out any kind of if anybody's there at all and there's a few things i want to touch on a little bit more you know one is i'm having a disconnect as to all right khan is in his house we have molly and uh colt making phone calls on their phone that during this moment in time up until 9 9 30 you know 9 54 when the other phone goes dead that there's no indication of them being in danger they're making phone calls to other friends so which means that there's no indication that molly's tied to a tree so that's where i'm having a little bit of a disconnect on that story leading us into the woods is where this has taken me but i do want to touch on you know my initial conversation with you paula is this the focus on a section of moxie lake and and what is the significance of that that we want to you know initially that's why we got ahold of jeff as well to let us know hey do we have human remains sent down here at this section of the lake and is it something that we need to focus on as well and why would they have ended up in the water over there some theories okay you can fill us in well they're not really theories they're kind of um we have there's evidence to the fact that khan's uncle was at that point on march of 20 2014 and that that's when he made the 911 bet dial into uh love county and i've got that as well so you can you can hear it it's very hard to hear but we have gotten it cleaned up a little bit some of that family came out but you can hear that they are discussing molly and uh you can hear two gunshots in the recording i'm not saying they were killing molly cole at that time that's not what where where i'm going with that but there was two gunshots um a few months later kobe's same uncle is was arrested um he was arrested out of feds and he is currently in uh in imprisonment um for a gun violation um he told the osbi that they were at moxley lake so um we have had um some searches out there um i've never felt comfortable that it was completely uh searched thoroughly and i do know um september 2013 we had a big search out the area and kobe comes right off of moxley property right in front of us and it was almost like a source of intimidation we ended up down there and we could see his full fuel tracks going in the lake i've got pictures of that as well and um so he was going in the lake on his four-wheeler and i could also i took pictures of his footprints and barefooted and going into the lake so um that there's several reasons why um i've always that that is that is a source of information that has come in since the very beginning people have brought up mostly late since day one and it just keeps coming so it need i just will never feel good about it i don't know why it's just a good thing i have there so jared do you have the coordinates for moxley like uh i don't have those yet but uh you know that that's you know gut feelings have solved a lot of cases for sure um but you know that that's why i want jeff on this as well with this because he's gonna be able to you know kind of let us know right away do we have human remains scent coming from that lake yeah so what we what we'd like on our end uh and again we've gotta we gotta do this offline so that we can uh make sure we have a good connection but uh paula if you could start assembling all of the information so that you can share it with us the cell phone records and the the report that your forensic person gave us because we'll actually want the cell phone record showing what the azimuth is off of each tower that's in being indicated so that we can do some plotting with our scientists um that way jared we might be able to give you some direction on where we see movement and we can look at topography and if we can get the like uh the location of moxie lake because i can't find it anywhere it's a um so we'll need something to do there and then chris and i would love to go over all of those audio tapes of the pursuit we'd like to really knock down with you the actual route that was taken during the pursuit so that we can see some of the behaviors there and then where khan's home is in comparison to where the accident was or the vehicle was dumped all of that will help us as we start to kind of narrow a location down and come up with some ideas it uh there there are so many variables here and just enough disconnect on the conversation that i'm a little uncomfortable thinking out of the box about what may or may not be possible but um i think we really have to consider too that that heavy brush and how easily people can disappear in flat ground or or mountainous ground when there's bushes and uh yeah and and then as far as you'd not be able to find the uh lake paul get as good as the coordinates on that one but my understanding also is it's not really called moxie lake it's the owner's name was moxley so that's why the locals refer to it as moxie lake well it's battle springs uh if you look it's battle springs it's not asleep but when mr moxley owned it that's what it was called it actually if you look at saddle springs and it's directly north of long hollow road um north yes long haul road runs north and south and it's directly north of long road does that flow into the red river are y'all at near the red river you're at the border how far are you from the border no yeah how far how far how far away are you from the border of texas and oklahoma you know to the border of texas how far is love yes it's cutting out really bad not a problem how distance distance between a commoner says 75 miles so thank you thank got it [Laughter] sorry no no you're fine it's you should see me drive [Laughter] so i don't know why don't we take it around the horn and we'll start with dan dan you got any questions or anything that we uh should cover here no like you kind of said mike the combination of this being a very complex case along with the disconnect and audio i'm definitely a little bit at the point where i i don't want to form a conclusion as i i don't feel educated enough on everything involved with the case there's so many factors i still feel fairly new to everything that's going on in the case but yeah i'm really excited to get going on this one all right uh sam yeah you guys um where you're at uh do you guys have hogs wild hogs in your area i'm just getting ready i didn't hear what you said yes yes in the area yeah i can't really hear her but yeah so that's just uh it's just kind of where my mind went maybe a thing that hogs sometimes they find a body they'll think it up i'm not saying that that that is the case but just something to just kind of pop back my mind like dan said you know i really don't have you know this i'm looking forward to you know delving in deeper um but you know when i started thinking you know people missing you know i start thinking about you know what was the environment like what kind of creatures were in the area you know what kind of natural circumstances could you know cause the body to disappear uh get decompose or perhaps that just kind of where my mind yeah excellent question um jared well let's let's hang on to jared jeff anything uh yeah one thing i was wondering is the area that we could be potentially searching is that love county or is that a different county [Applause] so yeah i found it here tell me if you can see this on the screen yeah all right so uh this this this i'm sorry go ahead paula i was going to say you had that cursor almost directly over mostly lake yeah yeah i i think i found it so um jared uh right right here is moxley lake and uh so i i i think we now know exactly where it is um we'll be able to if we can if we can go in and break down uh the actual location of the pursuit uh i think we're gonna be able to to uh give some clarity here i'm just going to pull this off so it's right west of overbrook when you're looking on your maps and and doing your thing if that helps you yeah yeah so we have the location of the pursuit we have a location where the car was found that we need we need the location of uh khan's house and where the four-wheeler tracks were and then i believe that paula also said the southeast corner to search or was it northeast corner is that where the four little tracks were at that we're talking about uh yes on the northwest northwest okay so so we'll get all those coordinates that uh we'll have you work with chris and uh mike on that one so we can lay it all out and that way that information can be passed over to jeff and i so we can focus on that while we're there okay the reason i was asking is um you mentioned this earlier mike about uh the law enforcement downer usually has to call and request uh you know dogs or whatever to come down and assist just in case we do find something um i said the only reason i was asking is because if we do find something isn't the love county sure so they're gonna be more than helpful you know helping us out figuring this out you know trying to with investigations what i'm trying to say you know they're gonna try to interfere with it like in the past or they won't you know no uh there isn't a sheriff in love county i think he would be more than uh gracious and helpful so i don't think that will be an issue at all okay and then certain areas that are owned by that family are they gonna or they're gonna allow us to search if we need to no they will not allow you on their property okay they've made that very clear okay that's kind of that's that's to me you know i've been doing this for 12 years and somebody doesn't let you on their property for whatever reason it's kind of kind of odd some people are just real you know um skittish about letting anybody on their land but if they're trying to hide something it all ties in together it's kind of weird that they wouldn't let us just go on there and just clear it and make sure nothing's on there but you got you just get you know well when the fbi opened up the homicide investigation it was july the 8th or 9th of 2014. based on some information given by an inmate at love county jail who is a very good friend to call nibs and he had he had told the fbi the u.s marshals and the osbi uh that he had helped bury them both and he told them that they were buried on the nip land um they did they were able to receive a warrant for a very specific location on the net property it was just for a very specific location and uh not the entire property when they got this young man out there he um back up the story he said that he was lying about it all right and of course none of us believe that um the fbi actually told me recently um that that should have been looking to a lot further and he should have been held accountable uh for for giving this information and that he would have finally owned up but they think well what they think they need to hear that yeah um jared any thoughts uh i just got a one more text from somebody that's familiar with oklahoma as well just to add to the uh wild boar theory says that uh oklahoma is also full of wild uh very wild vicious dogs uh almost like a wolf coyote mix is that within this area as well to be uh concerned about for possibility are you asking me yes ma'am i'm not aware of that i'm not aware of that no okay all right chris um no i think uh we've got a lot that uh we can track in here mike um i think uh do you have one one question do you have access to the affidavit on that last warrant you just mentioned i do know that now i can give you a four requests with the pardon no i think you're right on target if you can do a foia on any information that you think you might be uh lacking that would be awesome let's try to try to get what we can uh again we'll have uh tyler in the back office reach out and work with you in getting that information where chris and i can start to go through it then would like to get you on a call and go through things in detail at that point jared i think we'd want to bring you back in on the call and we start strategizing and you bring in the parts and pieces uh that you think are important how does that sound sound like a good plan to me one thing i'd like to do paula and and uh jeff did we did we lose jeff yeah maybe maybe so for a moment how how would you all how would you all feel about uh fielding a few questions from our listeners right now and you can pass on any of them you can say oh i i'm not ready to answer that right now but uh would you all be okay with that if we took a minute i feel bad we didn't have enough time on the randy that we before the show so yes i would love to uh help you out on that one paula jeff are you okay for some questions yeah i'm okay with it yeah so folks um the back office will put them up and and uh we i want to thank our mods who have been working so hard today i want to thank all the people from adventures with purpose who have come over and joined up please hit the subscribe button and ring the bell so that you get updates and you continue to get updates on this we are so excited about the chance that we have now to work more closely with adventures with purpose add an investigative uh mind to the things that they're doing boots on the ground in the field let's bring up a couple of those questions i saw a couple that already bounced past but let's start with john noblett who said do any of these people own tractors or backhoes paula will give that to you we're in farm country so i'll let you answer it well i know i don't know whether they own the back or not but i do know two days after molly went missing they did do a fl no i'm sorry that was in august they did do a flyover over the property and they get to find a bit see a tobacco on the property okay from four corners report to jeff can the dogs hit on water uh id the bodies are still gassing so kind of talk through uh what point of de composition does the body need to be in for the dog to be able to do something and how long we lost jeff it looks like so let's let's uh let's bring that one back and i think there was another question that popped up just a moment ago if we could get that up here and we'll get jeff back in the in the mix looks like he's uh he's coming well maybe not let's see here how about why is it thought that she was try tied to a tree paula do you have anything to add to that um well the girl that had uh told the information to law enforcement was very good friends with kobe's i'm sorry michael kobe um and kobe lived at the end of the long haul road she was claiming that molly was tied to a tree at the end of long haul road and so we we assumed she got her information from him um it was relevant enough that the la that law enforcement did go out there to check it out loud county and carter county molly uncle also drove out there and uh they they refused to let him go down the road as well and basically told him the same thing that joe russell was down there and and that khan was just down there babysitting his nephew everything's fine and sitting about his way has has khan ever taken a polygraph or has he been interrogated on this case um he has never taken a polygraph i do know a couple of about three years ago while he was in prison um to love county the sheriff of left county and a deputy went and spoke to khan um i don't know the extent of the information that they had received uh i can't talk to you more about that um [Music] offline but not um not not on this now i will say that i have talked to khan my cousin my sister and i went to kahn's house on labor day weekend of 2013 and we we spoke to khan and his aunt and his grandpa um and his father and uh khan denied even being with them that night and when we told him that we knew he was lying he um and with that we actually said we know she's dead khan just tell us where she's at and he told us literally these are his exact words i don't want to go to jail and he teared up a little bit and uh he went to sit down uh on the other end of the porch and my cousin followed him down there and she told him con it's about money we'll give you money whatever you need and he he said it's not about the money and we we uh that that day we had asked if we could search the property and the grandmother uh told us no and it was just us three girls have you been back to talk to him no no because the next day they called molly's grandpa and molly's uncle and they told them that kobe who is the uncle wanted to talk to that the example wanted to talk to them khan called them and so so they went out there to talk to kobe kobe did not show up but colby's wife did he was called our con i'm sorry uh she did show up and there was an argument that ensued between him between molly's uncle and this woman and they ended up dropping off and after they left khan called again and said my grandpa wants to talk to alex who is um molly grandpa alex so he turned around and went back and they held him at gunpoint uh when he pulled up they pulled guns on him and then um he stripped off his shirt and told him that he was only uh he was unarmed you know and he said john yours your grandson said you want to talk to me he said i have nothing to say to you so what was the point of calling him there we don't know but law enforcement showed up you know and uh um alex did have a weapon in his vehicle which they confiscated but he didn't have one on his person when he got out of the vehicle so it would so no i've never been back to his house um to speak so let me ask one question paula how does your cell phone work when you're out there how good your connection um i have a fairly good connection when i'm out there it's not i've never really had um any trouble so mike i i have a thought maybe we should uh you know let paula you'll kind of step out for a little bit let's circle up uh with her offline uh like we've talked about here i i kind of want to you know also now kind of get jared and sam and dan a little more you know um operationally trying to think through this and paula forgive me i'm not trying to be rude i i think you're amazing the information that you have is a ton but the type of questions i want to ask you i don't want to put them out in the environment right now i think we should do it you know like mike is uh talking about you know kind of a one-on-one kind of q a thing and and because it seems like there's a lot of moving dynamics here and it's um you know i also don't want to miss the opportunity to have some of the the operational aspects of this search you know coming up without all of us kind of being uh on the call so does that make sense to you is is that okay if uh we kind of circle up here a little bit yes okay fine okay great and that way uh you know tyler and uh our team you know can uh you know kind of put some other things because i know what mike's thinking we've both been thinking of the same thing and i mean jared did i miss anything buddy what are your uh thoughts on that no my big thing that i'm thinking about is you know property uh tractors not being able to search um but coming back to the you know us never looking further into it because natalie jones was found that we've never looked into it anymore for what it is that we need based upon time frames of investigations that we've been looking into but i think the circling background to this getting a hold of them and looking at those you know aerial images twice a day across the entire us that we can zoom in on any of this and we can see all right yes there was a hole that was dug here or hey here's where the car was at and like i said are we able to actually spot anybody and movement you know within and find out if there's a direction that we need to start looking at as well yeah we we absolutely want to follow up with you on that uh jared the imagery is is going to play a really big part so this is really good and and frankly um we want to look at imagery during the winter as well so that when we can see there's no foliage on there are no leaves on the trees and things to give to give jeff a little better idea of what terrain is like inside there as well so this is all great i i want to just uh extend our gratitude again to all of you uh we'll have the back office work with you uh paula we'll we'll get that rolling jared if we can set a time right away to talk about the imagery and uh and then chris and i once we get the data we'll we'll schedule time with you paula and anyone else that you think needs to be on the call we'll start and we'll start with the basics and kind of work through that to everybody who has uh participated tonight thank you so very much to those of you in the back office you uh uh those who are visiting we have this amazing crew that we call the back office that are just uh working their tails off all the time we appreciate that tomorrow night jared you want to talk about what we've got coming down the pike for tomorrow uh yes we're gonna be back over five o'clock pacific standard time eight o'clock eastern and then figure it out from there uh we're gonna be back uh talking about randy leech we're gonna actually have harold and alberta leech uh his parents are gonna be on we're gonna dive deeper into where we started today with our search from last month as well as what we discussed over there tonight we're going to be over there with them for two hours tomorrow night and then we're going to be jumping over onto your channel at 7 00 p.m pacific standard time i did my math correct that's 10 p.m eastern time where we're going to be talking about william mckenzie and we're going to have his mom is on he's going to be on that one which is a case that's coming up in tennessee that we're going to be on while we're on the road yeah and that's and that's going to be over here on your channel so randy leach over on adventures with purpose william mckenzie over here on your channel perfect until then folks thanks for everything that you do to support us we appreciate it we look forward to having you all on adventure with purpose tomorrow so to everyone who is a member of the profiling evil family please subscribe to their channel and ring the bell and for those of you visiting us from adventure with purpose please join us we love having the family grow to chris thanks so much dan sam uh jared i mean you guys are amazing and paula we're gonna have better audio the next time we get together with you and we'll be able to paint a much nicer picture for everybody of this entire case from start to finish with a strategy that's put into place so that jared's team hits the ground running full blast to everybody thanks so much have a great evening i hope your holidays are going well and that you're bulletproof in your houses during the holidays remember there are people out there trying to steal so uh be wise and be safe and we'll talk to you tomorrow night thanks chris thanks mike amazing thank you guys thank you thank you thanks paula for being on thanks and hey congratulations real quick on 45 40 thousand awesome we did it yeah you did it thanks thanks to you thank you all right family love the boat man love though all right okay guys good night thank you guys appreciate you very much [Music] you
Channel: Profiling Evil
Views: 95,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: phR7l0VURdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 20sec (4700 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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