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- Right here. - Tell me that's a car. We have a car, we have a car, we have a car, we have a car. - Oh. - This as a story that you are not going to want to miss. Because late one night, couple months ago, I get a phone call and the phone call goes like, is this Jared? I'm like, yes. Jared Adventures with Purpose? Yes, sir, it is. Am I being recorded? He says. I said... Anytime a conversation starts out like that. You know, it's going to be a good story. I said, no, sir, you are not being recorded, but you are on speaker with my wife and my daughter. He said, okay, as long as I'm not being recorded. I said, no, sir. And the story goes, it was a dark... I'm not making this up. Okay. It was a dark and stormy night in Missouri. And if you know anything about Missouri storms, you're going to understand what is I'm about to tell you. He says, we're now in Missouri, Mexico, Missouri is where we're at only about a half a mile from the location that we're going to be searching in the morning. He says, sir, I want you to know I didn't do it. I said, okay. He said, I'm in my seventies now. And the family needs to know. I said, the family, I said, are we dealing with a homicide? He said, yes, sir, we are. I said, when did this take place? He said, back in '80, '81. I said, tell me more. He said, my cellmate thought that I was sleeping one night when our other cellmate... Jailhouse confessions is what they call this. And with that jailhouse confession, supposedly the other gentlemen who was telling the story, went on to talk about it was a dark and stormy night and down past the three, 10 sheds. There's, there's three different quarries up here. And it's the quarry on the right closest to the old cement plant. He says, you're going to go down the driveway. Once you get to that end of the driveway, this is where the union workers used to hang out for their picnics. He says, I'm telling you, sir, I didn't do it. A crazy story, all right. - Yeah. All right. Sounds crazy. - But if I did do it, I would have gone another... It was either 50 feet or 50 yards to the North and I would have pushed the car off in there. I said, okay, so we're dealing with a body inside of the car. And he said, yes, sir. Now, at this point I'm turning to my wife. I'm like, Kristen, I'm like, we're on speaker. I'm like, he totally did it. She's like, I don't think he did it. I'm like, listen, he already knows too much. Okay. Driveway 50. If I didn't do it, I didn't do it. But if I did okay. Not 50 feet or 50 yards. Yeah. We're going to figure that out tomorrow because it's 230 feet deep right there he says. More and more information is too... I almost think he's confessing to me. - Yeah. - He says after the storm, that night, there was no evidence the next morning of tire tracks. There was no evidence that a vehicle had ever been pushed off in this area. - Wow. - As though he was there himself, - How would he have known? - Identifying... He said, sir, I don't want the authorities to be notified on this. I don't want my name getting out because I'm just too old and I don't want to deal with any of that hassle. I said, well, technically, you know, we do kind of fall into like the whole, you know, media. And if some of you say, you know, we're not journalist reporting, but we are out here reporting. - Yeah. - So we do, we do somehow. I don't know if we do or not fall under the journalist clause. So I said, sir, you know, I said, I keep my confidential informants, nice and close. I don't rat them out. In fact, you know, I'll even lose your phone number. In fact, I've lost his phone number. I have no idea what it was. I kind of think I remember his name. I'm not gonna say what his name is, but he said, somebody has to know, the family needs to know, and if anybody can solve this, it's you. I said, okay, sir, I really appreciate the information. and the next time I'm over in Missouri... Mexico, Missouri is not that far off of the main interstate that we take, you know, as we're heading east and west there. So, here we are. We're now in Mexico, Missouri with the three ponds of three quarry pits, right nearby. In the morning. we're going to see if we can find ourselves a car - That's wild - With a 40 year old missing persons case. - Wow. That's pretty wild. - This is one episode. You're not gonna want to miss. - Here comes the sheriff. Come on out. - Good morning sheriff. How are you? - Good. Jared, how are ya? Good. - Good. Hey, where are you at a special, a search and recovery team. We work out old cold cases, homicides and missing person cases. We have a case that we're working over here in the quarry closest to the highway from '80, '81. With that one, we're dealing with the pretty much... I'm not gonna say a jailhouse confession, but a end of life confession is what we're dealing with. - Okay. - He's in his seventies. We have a specific location that we'd like to head over and sonar. Kind of planned on being out there for about two hours as we're passing through it. We've been working several of the other cold cases across the U.S. the past month. And we're more than happy to have you research and look into exactly who we are before we are to do anything. - Who's the confessor? - Oh, with that one, we, we are keeping that one, you know, anonymous at this point. - Okay. - But we do several court cases, we've been on the news several times this month as well. - Who's the victim? - The victim. He did not get the victim's name, gave the specific location, dark and stormy night, three 10 sheds. Exactly which road to go down, 50 feet to the North, check out the pond, closest to the shelf there. And the family needs to know before his time passes and that the family just needs to have a closure or a solution on this. - Okay. Do you know who owns the property? - That one we do not. So, that's why we're here. - Gonna need permission from them before we go there. - That's why we're here at the office today, right now. - Alan Loving, sounds right? - I think that's right. I think he lives St. Charles or Wentzville or because he's got a cabin back there. - Yeah. There's a house back there. - Past that power station. - All right. We'll work on tracking him down there. - Yeah. I appreciate your time. - Hopefully you guys get something going. - Yeah, absolutely. - Kind of got my curiosity up. - Sounds good. - Sheriff's actually really nice. He just, you know, just like all sheriffs. They just want to make sure that we get permission from the actual land owner before we do anything. Last night, I noticed there was a phone number on the no trespassing sign over there. - Uh huh? - Let's go start by calling Matt and see if we can get in touch with Alan. - Okay. - Yeah. So, we actually have a real chill camp over there. Gate. - Thank you for calling Pass Security. How can I help you? - Yeah, hi. I am outside one of your gates that you guys have security on. I can see your trail cam and I need you to get ahold of the property owner for me. Today, we're investigating a homicide and I believe that there might be a vehicle in his quarry pit over here, and we need access to his property to investigate. So. - I don't have any contact information for you, unfortunately. - Okay. All right. No worries. Appreciate it. You want to see what the power of the internet will do today? - Hello, it's Jared. Good morning, who am I speaking with? - Oh, cause we're trespassing over here. That's why, that's why. Oh yeah. I got the property is completely gated off. There's a house down here now where this location there's no trespassing signs, but there's access to the road. But there's, you know, there's no signs over there, but yeah. We're kind of got ourselves into a little bit of hot water this morning. - Yeah. So Hey. No worries. So yeah, we're in the process now of, yeah. He's kind of irritated that we didn't notify him, that we were even coming to town and like, you know, we're flying under the radar. That's not what we do. But he did kind of force my hand with at least giving him your name and your number. So I really apologize on that one. I told him you don't know any other information, but I wanted to call and give you a heads up that you may be just receiving a phone call on that one. Basically. He said that if we don't give it to him, then it's whatever that little statues are of withholding information involved in a crime of this nature. Yeah. We do have his name. He lives in St. Louis though. So, we're trying to track him down now in St. Louis. Okay. Okay. So really where the highway and the pit first intersect is that you're saying that we need to look up in that location? Or a little further from that South of that? All right. Well, we'll see if we can track the owner down. We'll go that route and see if we can get on this property today and not get in trouble. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. We're trying not to get arrested on this trip before we go home. My wife would appreciate it. You're welcome. Thanks for that. So, we're calling Alan Livings now. We found his phone number on Google. So far it's ringing. That's a good sign. - Hello - Hello, Alan. Jared Leisek. How are ya? - Pretty good. How about yourself? - Hey good. Hey, I'm down here at your property down here in Mexico, Missouri. We're investigating a homicide from '80, '81 to where it may have been part of the union and a mob hit back in the day with a vehicle in your quarry and we're looking to gain access. So, that way the sheriff Matt Ahler over here is good with everything that's going on. That we're doing things by the book. - You have my permission and absolutely. - Okay. We really appreciate that. And yeah we'll do our search and we should know in the next two hours or so. I appreciate your time today, Alan. Sounds good. Thanks, Alan. All right. Sweet. Let me make sure that we're far enough over and off and yeah, I think, yeah, we're good there. All right. Let's put a boat in. All right, sir. You may enter. (gentle music) Here we go. Yes. I would think that if you're going to put a car in here, like we were going off the top of the hill over there back in the day. - Yeah. (gentle music) - At 20 foot here. - Yeah. But it makes sense that they would go off this area. - Yeah. That's where I would go off. - Just by judging, you know, you'd figure that oh, goes straight down. (engine roaring) (gentle music) - All right. So nothing over there at the view at the bluff, which is run there, run the road. And then we'll head back a little bit further out into the bluff, because I mean, if it went off the bluff below the load a little bit, I mean, it could be out a hundred, hundred fifty feet. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, is that a car? Come back up. Are you seeing, I'm saying, I'm saying there's almost like a square shape over there. I'll come back to it. I can just be imagining things - Yeah. - I think it's something you want to see, my man, because like you were saying, I mean, they're going to dump it from higher. That way they can get further out. - I would think. I mean, but this is the 50 yards north of that ramp area though. So, this is where he was describing. (gentle music) Sam - Yeah. - That clears this pond. Jailhouse rumor only. - Yep. Just a rumor. Well, at least we gave it a check. We gave it a look. We can sleep a little better at night knowing that we did our part. - I think the Sheriff's going to sleep better now too. There's no crime in your County, sir. Well, there's a lot of other lakes though. - This one was very specific though on the description. Is Brad in charge of that other one? I mean, just for kicks while we're here, we'll go talk to him. - I'll go over there and talk to Brad with you. I know Brad real well. - Okay. I'd love to scan that one while we're here. Just to mark that one off. Talked to Brad. He said you guys are good to go. - All right. Real good. Awesome. Thank you brother. Appreciate you. - All right. No problem. Yeah. I like that. (gentle music) - I don't know what that is. We got a barrel. We got to go a bit more or something. It could be a car. I don't know. We have to go check that out. Trees 40 years ago. Probably no trees because they had this whole thing that they were mining. - Yeah. - So those are all planted. That's out. If distance is off the block, let's go see how deep it is and what it is. So there's that again. But it's not that big. You see how it's pretty small. It's only like 40 feet wide. It's not a car. Whatever it is. It seems like all the cars back then were like boats, like huge, giant fricking bridges cars. And that's why they got rid of part five Lincoln Continentals that are half a block long, right? (gentle music) Look, look, look, look. There it is right there. Right here. Tell me, that's a car. We have a car. We have a car. We have a car. We have a car. Oh, look at that. - Let's drop a magnet on it. - Uh huh. (gentle music) Okay. Okay. It's right in front of us. - Ready when you are. - Yeah. Pretty much right in front of you. - In front of me? - I don't think there's a car. I don't know what it is. The other way it looked like a car. On 360 it doesn't look like a car. - There we go there. I don't know if I'm correct, am I dragging or... - I don't think that's a car. At this angle? Are you, are you on it? - No. It feels like something. I mean, it feels like more of grabbing more than a magnet. It feels like more than the magnet, but it releases - This angle it looks like there might be wheels on it. This way. Oh yeah. See look. At this angle. All right. Well, let's pull back. I mean, it's big, whatever it is. I mean, what does a car look like after 40 years underwater in a quarry that is cold and has no water movement at all? I can't answer that question for you. It wasn't like a solid, it wasn't like solid, but my thought is, you know, I mean, how rusted, maybe it's rusted out. - It's probably rusted the bed. - You know, so, I mean, does, does metal lose its magnetism when it's rusted? I don't think so. I'd love to try that sometime. Yeah. I mean either way. I mean, I'm just really curious. I mean, if it the vehicle, that would be amazing if it's not I'm just kind of curious what it is. - Well, there he goes. - As you saw, the water got a little bit colder. So thank you to O'Three for being today's episode sponsor. Because without them I would have froze my butt off. Luckily I have the O'Three thermals underneath. I have the O'Three custom dry suit. I have the O'Three hood. Oh, sorry. Oh, I even have the dry gloves today. So, if you are a diver and you're in the market for a dry suit, be sure to check out O'Three. And if you're a diver and you're just looking for a wetsuit, they have wet suits and hoods available for you as well. So anyway do me a favor, check them out because they're out here supporting us as working in these waters. So thanks O'Three for everything you do for us. Link is in the description. It's a, some type of a big concrete, almost like a sleuth of some sort. And what we saw with thought was a wheel is a big pipe that comes out in the side of it. So the reason why you're having a hard time catching on is that you were catching some of the rebar and the concrete as well as the, like the metal pipe a little bit. So, all right. That clears this property here. Well, the good news is there is no crime in your County still. There was a great big concrete structure with a big pipe coming off the side of it that represented a wheel on sonar. And then also what appeared to be a barrel underwater. That clears both ponds. And I would not put money on the other pond. I mean, it was very specific on that first pond. They said the one was next to the three sheds. I wouldn't go any further on the assessors - I don't know why the called you and tell you something like that if there wasn't something to it. - Right. But I guess what we need to spread the word on then right now is if you happen to be getting older and you're looking for like a deathbed confession, you'd like us to go find like something real legit, feel free to drop us an email in the description below. We're more than happy to go jump on it. If it's real, quit making stuff up. Okay. At the end of the day, that wraps up another episode of Adventures with Purpose. Matt. - Thanks. Appreciate it. - Thank you for having us that help - Take care. You guys take care of, have a safe trip. - Thank you very much. We'll see you on the next one later, later. Bye, Bye. (gentle music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 1,492,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: missing persons, cold case, cold case files, mob, mob hits, car underwater, underwater search, side scan sonar, investigation discovery, investigations, search and recovery, scuba diving, jailhouse confessions, confessions, adventures with purpose, mrleisek, true crime daily, true crime, crime
Id: -8kjMDRS7cU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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