SOLVED 7-Month-Old Missing Persons Cold Case (BILL SIMMONS)

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- [Jared] Sam? - Gold covering. - [Reporter] This car they believe is Bill's. - [Tammy] Just like mine, it's a gold Toyota Camry. - Bill Simmons left in the middle of the night in June and was never heard from again. Today a volunteer diving organization believes that it has solved this missing persons case. - We want to welcome you to the final episode of looking for Bill Simmons. Today's the day that we did actually find Bill Simmons and bring him out of the water. So many people to thank. It's been a very long road for us. You know, we started this journey back in October of 2020. We then came back to Nashville, five, six, seven days. In fact, this is the eighth day. - Eighth day. - For the actual recovery. Could not have done it without everybody involved. You guys have been following those episodes. If you've not yet seen the buildup to this, do check out every single video leading up to this moment. And now we are bringing you into the world of the entire search team and everybody that's involved for the recovery of Bill Simmons. So sit back and we hope you enjoy this episode. Thank you. (country music) Day number seven, back in Nashville on the search for Bill Simmons. I kind of feel, I mean I feel really bad that we've not yet found Bill. We have brought in, you know, Team Watters. - Wonderful people. - To help look for Bill. You know, we brought in, you know, Broc, We brought in so many people, you know we've got Adam and we've got Rick, we've got Bryson and so many more that you've seen over the last few days with us. In fact, if you've not seen the other episodes, I mean we've got, the 19th we were out searching, the 20th we were out searching, the 21st, 22nd we were pulling cars while Team Watter was out on the, you know, in the area of searching. We have the 23rd that everybody came together with Cristie meeting new friends that can say, "Cristie, we know exactly what it is that you're going through." - And that was wonderful. You know, going forward, I want to be that avenue for families, because even though this nightmare is my life, at least some good can come of it, maybe. - Yeah, we're gonna continue to move forward to hopefully end this chapter- - Yes. - Of that nightmare for you. And with that one, you know, some people are not going to jump over and watch the other videos. So let's kind of bring them up to speed as to, you know, your story, and Bill and what happened to cause us to be here for you. - He was having some medical issues and couldn't really walk anymore. They had told him that he was going to have to go on disability. He didn't, that was not Bill. He would not do that. So between the pain, the disability, and it was also the first anniversary of his mother's death, it was just a trifecta of things that just sent him over the edge. He left the house in the middle of the night in socks and shorts. He couldn't have gone far. - Yeah, so at 1:30 in the morning. - Right. - Little gas, no money, so. - No phone. - Yup. Well we do have Team Watters. I would want to, you know, give a big appreciation to them for coming in. You know, if you guys have not yet met Team Watters you know, they've been doing sonar search and recovery of lost loved ones for over 15 years now. You know they started in 2005, they've recovered over 102 bodies. They've been on close to 3000 missions. You know and with them we kind of treat them as the godparents in the world of sonar. So we're really appreciative for them coming in and with Team Watters, you know, I think that over the course of the last 15 years that although with, you know, donations have come in, you guys are flat $200,000 out of your pocket- - Yes. - Easily. - That you have not that you have not been able to make up over these years. So in order to help keep them afloat, please do us a favor. As we want to help bring awareness to them. They have a link in the description below for They have a Paypal link. So if you can do anything to help keep them afloat and on the water, they would not be here without, you know, your generosity and your support over all these years. And I really want to, I'm gonna just throw Dan on the boat with you right now. So Dan, you up for going on the boat? And let's kind of go show the viewers what Team Watters is actually looking for, their boat, their setup, as we continue the search for Bill Simmons today. (slow serious music) - Why are we back here, Dennis? - We're picking up a couple of areas that we didn't scan. I don't want to rely on somebody else to scan it. (slow serious music) I can't figure why he wouldn't use the boat ramp and use this, but. - Well, there's a fence there too. - Yeah, so. - [Tammy] Okay, right now they're out there getting wet. - [Dan] This is nice in here. - Yeah, I know, that's why I was, when we said we were scanning today, I was like, ah, dibs on this boat. - [Dan] Mm hm. - All right, what's that there? - [Dennis] Ah ha, I got him. - [Tammy] Don't say that we got him. - [Dennis] Well, we got one. How did that get way out here? - [Team member] I have never seen that one before. - [Tammy] Oh my gosh. - [Dan] Yeah, you can see the wheels. See the shadow of the two wheels? - [Tammy] How? - [Dennis] Here it comes. - [Team member] Here it goes, right there. - [Dennis] Fresh car, too. - [Tammy] Oh my God. - [Team member] Oh my goodness. - Fresh car. When a car first goes in the water, it's all slick and smooth, no algae on it and things. So an image is completely different than one that has been there for a long time. - [Dan] 'Cause the sonar kind of bounces off of it a little bit? - Yeah, it's that slickness, and pop and bounces off. - [Dan] Okay. Jared? - [Jared] Yeah, I hear you. - Hey, we have found a fresh car right off the hill, just up above the boat ramp. - [Jared] I'm right above you guys right now, are you kidding me? - [Tammy] No, we're not kidding. - I would maybe recommend we get some guys get suited up. - [Jared] Okay. - A 2005 Toyota Camry sedan is 189.2 inches. And so 189 divided by 12, 15.75 feet. So we're right in the area. - [Dan] That's about the right length. - Yeah, we're right in the length for a 2005 Toyota Camry. He just read 15 eight and it's 15.75 is what, so we're dead on. - That was- - The wave of shock. - Yeah. - When we found that car. - I mean so much emotion in that moment where you find a possible target. It's just like- - [Dan] Especially after searching all week and just having- - I mean, months. Months of searching, I mean, it's just, I've been to this boat ramp probably, I can't even, probably 20 times in the past few months. And it's just, it's incredible, that he could have been right there the entire time. - [Dan] Yeah, 'cause it just doesn't make sense for a car to be there, but I think it goes to show, you never want to rule anything out. - Yeah. - [Dan] 15.75. - Yeah. - [Dan] And this measured 15, eight. - Wow. I'm really proud of you guys and Team Watters and you know, the entire crew. I mean, think about how many days that we've been on the water out here and just Dennis's experience and Tammy's experience saying, "We're missing something. This is the most likely scenario." As well as, in fact Tammy kind of give us a statistics. I've seen some statistics in the past as to people that go missing that's in their vehicle. They're normally no further than X number of miles. - No more than five miles from home. - Yeah. And his neighborhood is just right here. And this is, right now for me, what I'm feeling, the emotions from this- - [Tammy] I know. - It is like- - I know, my heart's racing. - Yeah. - I mean- - It's like, you just know. (soft country music) - [Dennis] Drop it. - All right, I ain't got enough cord. - [Dennis] Yeah you do, drop it. - Back into the car, way up there. - Oh, got it, it pulled it out of my hand. - [Jared] So you have a little bit of current, but the big thing is, I mean you're gonna be behind it - Yes. - [Jared] If you just get down. So sink as fast as you can and pull yourself to it. But also kick at the same time to try not to pull that bagging off of that. - Yup. - [Jared] Okay, now you've got it. Sam's got it. I think Broc might've lost out, but. - [Tammy] That current's strong (indistinct). - [Jared] Well, they're on it, so that's good. (suspenseful music) (SCUBA bubbles gurgle) (SCUBA bubbles gurgle) (soft splashing) (soft music) - This is it! (SCUBA bubbles gurgle) - [Sam] Yes. - Oh my gosh. At least we don't have to leave without him. - I feel relieved. - They all got to stay quiet out there. - Cristine is gonna have, or at least start to have- - [Sam] Some answers. - Some answers, and be able to start a little bit of her healing process. (gentle music) - So one of my difficulties with this right now is that we have now identified that this is Bill Simmons' car. We have not yet been able to identify that Bill Simmons is in the vehicle. So now the struggle is, normally the families have been, you know, some families have been with us through the entire day. Whereas Cristie at this point has gone home. And without wanting to give her, like, the hopes of Bill is in there 100%, it's the struggle of do we call Cristie right now and get her hopes up? Or do we not, and with Tammy and Dennis, you know, they've been on 102 of the actual recoveries. They said right now we need to just take the proper steps. Notifying the local authorities. It's not our job right now without Cristie being here. - Sure. - 'Cause as much as we want to, and it pains us, Cristie, 'cause I know you're going to be watching this. But we have to go through the proper protocols and kind of listen to Tammy and Dennis as well because they've been on so many, so. Right now, Cristie, we're all thinking of you right now. And we're going to bring the vehicle out and see where it goes from here for you, okay? So right now we're going to call the lead detective of the cold case on this one. - And this is actually the sergeant in charge of cold case. - Okay. - [Sergeant] Hello? - Hey Sergeant Rutzky, This is Karen Bennett, how are ya? - [Sergeant] I'm doing well. - All right. I'm standing here with Jared Leisek. - Sir, this is Jared Leisek and we're down here. We've actually found Bill Simmons's vehicle. We have not been able to identify whether Bill is inside or not. The car's currently upside down. We are in Lock Two Park and we have the vehicle marked for you. And we're now notifying you and turning this over to you and we're here to assist you in any way that you would like us to, but. - [Sergeant] Okay, yeah, I'll send somebody down there and coordinate with you. I appreciate the help. - Absolutely, thanks. - [Sergeant] All right. - Bye. - We just had Doug run the plate on his towing software. Comes back 2005 Toyota Camry. It's his car. The driver's side door is cracked open. I'm not 100% confident that he's in there. I looked and I, a little bit, I didn't see anything. - So besides the door, how are the windows? - Windows are up, so. - Windshield is intact? - Windshield is, I couldn't tell the way it was sitting. Everything that I could see was up and intact. 100% the car. We'll see if he's in there. I'm leaning towards yes, just with the position with the car, how everything is sat, and the flow of the river. Has Cristine been notified? - We are not, per the advice of, and this is where I struggle, per the advice of Dennis and Tammy, because we have not been able to identify that he is in there, we don't want to get her hopes up. And so I'm struggling with this, because you know we've worked side-by-side with families before that have been at banks with us. And so they know immediately. With this one, you know, Cristie was down here with us this morning, but Cristie has gone home for now as well. - Yeah. I mean, I'm okay to disregard Tammy and Dennis, but I'm also at the same time, they've been on 102 of these. - Yeah, who are we here for, though? - Yeah, I understand that, so. - So, but I mean- - I guess, let's just kind of take a group consensus. I mean, this is not my decision. This is a, we are all here. I mean, we have an emotionally vested interest with being with Cristie and helping her out as much as we've been here. Karen, Doug? - It's fine if you don't want to chime in on this. So my consensus is that we do let her know. - I think as long as we 100% know that that is the tag. - That is 100% that that's the tag of the vehicle. We could let her know. I do not think this should be a phone call. I think this is a you drive there. You go there. Somebody goes there, is with her. This is, we're not calling her. We need to show up and be there to deliver this message. (soft dramatic music) (horn honks as car locks) (doorbell rings) (Cristine cries) - So right now we know that we have his car, okay. I would prefer, you know, as far as where we're at into this is for you and Clare to stay up here - I need my mama (indistinct). - That's tough, Dan. I mean, you have losing of Bill, you have the one thing that she just said, you know, "I need my Mama." You know, and I know that power, because my wife lost her mama years ago, and that's all a daughter wants when her mama's gone. Is "I want my Mama." Her mom was her rock and she's not here right now. In fact, I think that her mom's birthday is tomorrow or something. - [Dan] No, the funeral. - The funeral is tomorrow. - [Dan] Yes. - So I mean, all of this is hitting her just like, right here right now, as it's all coming together, is like the storm is what this is. But soon that storm is gonna pass for her and she'll be able to start, you know, rebuilding her life from this. And that this is just another part of what she needed to be able to start moving forward and start healing from it, so. We're gonna get back over to the park and keep everybody involved as the recovery process from there see if we can find the answers today to we are bringing Bill home. - So we talked to OEM, and they're just wanting us to kinda get some photos of where they went in, 'cause they're not going to have anybody out today for sure. = This is Detective Adam Weeks. He's the detective on Bill's case. - (indistinct) - This is Jared. He is with Adventures With Purpose, heading up this. - Yeah so if we can just kinda get some photos of sort of where everything is at, if y'all don't mind walking us through that and we'll take photos and let OEM know, cause it'll be them not us. (slow dramatic music) - I can't think of Matt's last name. I think y'all probably know him. He's the diver from OEM, one of them. But I talked to him and the earliest he can get his team together is in the morning. - Okay. - So we're kind of on their schedule. - Right. So we're going back to Cristie's right now because I told her that any information, any updates, I would give her in person. Right now the information that we have is they are not pulling the car today because the dive team was not available to come down, it being this late in the day. And they were already on other personal activities for the day. So with that, we're gonna go give Cristie the information and let her know the plan for tomorrow. - Thank you. - [Jared] Yup. - So where we're at right now is OEM cannot get out here until tomorrow. - No, no, no, no, no, no. OEM can't do that to me. No, no. No, please. (Cristine cries) (slow light music) - I don't even know how I want to present and share this. We have a very good representative within law enforcement that has really gone to bat for us and has talked to multiple departments with this. Nobody is telling us, A-W-P, we know you're in town, don't touch Bill's car. We are not telling you to do the car. All we are saying is, if the car ends up on the bank, we will handle the car from there and nobody will be in trouble. - Okay. So let's review the footage that I have, come up with a plan. I think I might like a net of sorts. You know, like a fishing, casting net, perhaps to wrap around. We can discuss that. And let's come up with a plan and execute the plan. (soft music) - All right, you ready? Back for Day 2. It's always a little bit nerve wracking because I think that we kind of caught everybody up to speed as to OEM is not doing this, where we're actually going to be taking the lead on this one today. So we're gonna set up a couple of lines and we'll go into more detail with it, but we're going to feed the bags down. We have to use lift bags on this one and using the lift bags in a current that's ripping as much as it is, we have to just be a 100% on our game. So if we slide bags from the upper side downstream on a carabiner on the line that I already have attached to a chain around an axle on the car is going to make our job a lot easier working with instead of against. It may not make a whole lot of sense, but we're going to talk more in detail with the crew in just a few minutes. So what they're doing right now is they actually have a grappling hook. So he grappled onto the car right now. And he's feeding a 100 to 150 feet of line over to the shore right now which is going to bring us over to what we have going on. So first thing we have, is we have the buoy in the water right here. That's that red buoy and kind of the concrete wall. I'm sorry, the concrete wall kind of starts right about here and it goes down and then we have the boat ramp down the river here. The car itself, right now, is currently upside down facing upstream, which means that the driver's side is facing the wall right now. So the driver's side is on this side. The passenger door right now is cracked open just a little bit and it's not open much, but it's open enough that, you know, you could wiggle out of there, but for the size that Bill is and the way that the car went in with Bill being over here on the driver's side, I don't envision that Bill is, you know, had moved from his location. The biggest concern that I have of the day is that we do have a sunroof on this car, and with that sunroof being upside down in the river I believe that it is now broken. So that's where we bring into the balancing, the safety, of the dive team today, as well as the balancing if Bill is inside the car, making sure that Bill does not come out of the car. So one of the first things we're doing is we have that line that's coming down from the shore that is on the grappling hook. So grappling hook down, and we don't know where it's at on the car. We just know that it's grappled to the car somewhere. I'm going to be coming down this line with a second line and a chain. That first hookup that I do is going to be with a four foot chain to this front axle. And it's going to be nice and tight. And then once that's nice and tight, we're going to really tighten up and make that line taunt. So that way we can then slide the 1500-pound lift bags down that line. But before I start sliding the bags down this line, we have Sam and Broc are going to come down and they're going to use the nets and attach them with magnets to the driver's side over here. So that way we have a net that is attached to the top of the car with a magnet, as well as to the bottom of the car with a magnet, completely keeping that window, because when we rotate this car up, in fact I need to go to this side with the axle 'cause we're going to be rotating the car up on the driver's side which may cause those windows to break. And so, but now the car's on the bottom and that net is there so when we do lift the car nothing is going to come out of the car. After Sam and Broc have cleared the area, then Bryson, I'll have you come down with one of the bags down one of the lines and you're just going to guide it down and it's automatically gonna stop at the wheel. From there, we're going to bounce back off of it. And then we're going to come back down with the tanks. Once the tanks are down, I have everything connected, then I'll inflate the rear one first, And then I'll inflate the front one. It's then going to bring the car up and because the car is attached to a nice solid tree up on the bank up here, the current is just going to gently move it over to the retaining wall over here. Once it's at the retaining wall, I'm also going to have two 10-foot chains attached to both of these wheels. And the reason for it is because now those 10 foot chains are now hanging, which one is going to be the safer chain for me to grab. So that way I can then put a third lift bag on here, finish rotating the car, and now the car is ready to float down the river to the boat ramp, where we'll pull it out using Dad's Towing. Everybody's pretty clear on that one? Any questions? Okay, be safe. Don't get underneath the car and let's bring Bill home. - [Crew Member] Let's do it. - And then, yeah so I'll need some good shore support down here. (soft music) - [Jared] All right, check check check, we're good to go. Here we go. Let's go get Bill. All right, current is getting stronger. Hopefully there's a car soon. All right, we just bumped into the car, that's good. Now we're going to have to unhook. This is the tricky part. I need to position myself on the car and unhook this line and get it hooked up to one of the axles without loosing it. Let's just hang right here and see if I can actually get this line moved to the front. (diver breathing underwater) All right, so we're at the front right here. We're just gonna go through the frame here. A nice, tight connection. All right, that chain is locked on. Now we're gonna head back. All right, so now. Oh, that's wedged in there good. I like, okay, I like exactly what happened there, We're gonna go down through there, around in here, so that's around three solid attachment points through there. I'd prefer that we go down around here. Oh yeah, let's redo that one. I'm a lot happier with that connection now. Sweet. Two solid connections. Sweet, sweet, we're off and we're safe. We're heading on up. We're good! (soft music) - [Jared] Good to go. All right, they're coming to you now. Now be safe, guys, I'm going to see Cristie. - So guys, what we have is here, Jared has pre-rigged the chains for the lift bags. He's cleared the vehicle, Sam and Broc are following the guide line down. They have two nets. They're gonna wrap the car in a net to contain the vehicle and anything that may be in it so that it stays in it. Once they're clear of the vehicle, we're going to send the next wave of divers down with the lift bags, secure the lift bags. And that's when we'll do the controlled roll. And also to make sure the car and the nets are there to contain whatever may or may not be inside so that the contents of the vehicle stay in there. Sam and Broc just got back in from containing the vehicle with a net. Now the second wave of divers are in and the lift bags are going down. - [Diver] Now we're heading on down. Might want to get, this carabiner attached to that chain. There we go. Chain is locked on. - We have both lift bags at this moment that are down. Jared is preparing to get back in the water. He's going to zip line two tanks of air down to those bags. And I would say here in about 15 minutes, we'll be floating. (soft country music) - [Diver] Here, are we close? We're at the car. Moving the tank off the soft shackle. Moving the tank onto the carabiner of the lift bag. So we're on there. Now, I need the hose. I'm looking for the hose. Okay, I found the hose. There we go, the hoses are now connected on the front wheel. I'm gonna blow it. All right, here we go. Show time. - [Crew Member] So right now we have one lift bag that's attached and fully inflated. Jared's going down to inflate the other lift bag, which is already attached. - [Diver 1] There we go. I can feel it lifting up. All right, we're coming up. We should be hitting the surface any moment now. - [Diver 2] We're up. - [Diver 1] We're up. All right. - [Crew Member] Go, go, go, go. All right, we're floating, we're floating. We got her, yeah, we got her the way that's acting. That has weight on it. - [Crew Member] I can't find my chain, so we may just drag it like this. (soft country music) - Now we have it in the position we want right now. Our ideal position would have been to put a third bag on there and to actually flip it. But because the car is, imagine this is the bottom of the car, we have our two tips with chains over here, going down, We cannot get a bag and the chains properly and safely over here because we would be working directly underneath the car. So for that reason we chose to just float it down here with just the two bags on there. So what we're gonna do now is we have Dad's Towing is here. We're going to put two wide bridles on here, the big hooks, wherever they choose. The bottom is now touching. And so we're going to finish rotating it on its wheels and then they'll turn and pull it up in there. (water splashing) - All right, so I'm gonna attach this to the chain. - Yes. (soft country music) - 500. - [Jared] So this is going to the back chain? - Correct. - [Jared] The other one. - Yep. - The way it's sitting right now with him pulling it should right the car. - [Jared] Good, that's exactly what we want. - Yeah, that's what we're doing right now. (soft country music) (soft dramatic music) - That's the trunk. The trunk's just staying off to the side. So (indistinct) you can see it now. - [Jared] Oh, the sunroof is still closed. - Yeah, sunroof is still closed. - [Jared] See I was going in the back. The windows are out now. - Yeah, the windows are cracked, the back windows cracked. - Hey, Pete, hold on a second. - Yup. - [Jared] All right, there's your- - Hey, let's cover the windows. - [Crew Member] All right, tow crew and dive crew only. Everybody else at the top of the parking lot. - Here we go. - [Crew Member] Tow crew and dive crew only. Everybody else at the top of the parking lot. - Good work, Jared. - [Jared] Same to you, Sam. - [Crew Member] No, I'm trying to get this chain off for him, (indistinct). (soft music) - A lot of effort has really gone into this to get to this point. You know, if you've followed through the entire season of episodes and for what's taking place with all this, you know, we started back in October, you know we came back to Nashville, we pulled 17 cars while we're also looking for Bill Simmons. You know, we've been here for eight days now, you know we could not have done it without, you know, Broc the rock and Sam and Team Watters and Bryson and Anthony, you know, and Dad's Towing, and everybody that's come in and we want to do one more thing. We want to invite you to the celebration of Bill Simmons. So later on this evening, we're actually going to be doing a candlelight vigil, not only for Bill Simmons, but also for Cristie's mom who was actually, Cristie's actually at her mom's funeral today as well. On that note, we really appreciate you being here. If you've not already done so, please subscribe, and we'll see you on the next episode. Thank you. (soft music) (soft music continues)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 867,817
Rating: 4.9609795 out of 5
Keywords: Bill Simmons, Bill Simmons Missing, william simmons, william simmons missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, solved missing persons cases 2020, solved missing persons cases documentary, missing persons cases solved, scuba diving, river diving, dangerous diving, dangerous scuba, dangerous scuba diving, found car, found car in river, recovered car, recovered car in river, recovered missing person in river, full face dive mask
Id: A90BDh1ZrHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 43sec (2323 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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