LIVESTREAM: Found 4 SUV's Underwater... Fort Worth Police on Scene!

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[Applause] [Applause] hmm all right well this changes everything all right enough hugging you guys now yeah so i can see that we're actually on what's going on guys right now we have ourselves three cars that are marked i don't know if you guys can see out there we have an orange buoy a yellow buoy and there once upon a time was a buoy right here if you follow this blue line all the way out that's a car so anyway pretty exciting we just got we just got a van pulled out just a moment ago i don't know if you guys can see way over on the other side there there's still a police vehicle over there with their lights flashing we just pulled a van out from over there actually let's go look at the van real quick you guys want to go see the van let's go uh yeah it just fell man yeah i'm so bummed i've dropped it right there so i set it up i set it up uh i'm gonna bring you guys into speed so i sat my gear up on the bench so i can slide into it like a backpack and while i was doing that i actually bumped it and it fell and when it fell it fell on my regulator and my regulator cracked in half and it sheared off my bcd connector hose and so pretty bummed out right now now jared's having all the fun and here i am just just watching so that's what we're doing right now we're running alive and he's doing the work so so bear with me hey but anyway on that note while jared's getting ready to go jump in let's go check out the van that we just pulled go go show you guys what we just got walking this way walking this way some of the detectives and officers that's come out today we've had uh we've had absolutely wonderful support from the police officers here in fort worth it's been phenomenal just the love and support that these guys have brought us anyway this is what we got out just a moment ago got ourselves a dodge caravan look at this it was pretty much a catfish farm so we had to spend some time getting all the catfish out that was pretty cool yeah it's just been a great day cleaning up the environment cleaning up the water looking for lost loved ones it's very productive trip so far yesterday we got a bunch of cars out today we're getting a few more just been absolutely amazing feel it's so so blessed to be here i have no idea what that is right there looks like some kind of critter wait a minute what is that it's got to see like a head poking out oh they're turtles there's a whole bunch of turtles in this lake yeah lots of turtles oh wow lots of big turtles in this lake anyway back to the van denny's fort worth texas kenny's telling they've come out the police brought them out here's our van from earlier and stick around guys we're about to pull out three more vehicles three more vehicles here we go here we go gonna walk this way let's do go bring my words aren't coming out of my face right now that's all right they will in a moment [Applause] no i do have i just read your question no i do have a spare regulator but yesterday we ended up pulling out five vehicles yesterday and everything kind of got messed up as far as our organization so somewhere in here in this somewhere in here is my uh my spare regulator got misplaced so tomorrow we're going to take a day off and we're going to organize everything regroup and then get back out of it so yes i do have a spare regulator [Applause] see walking this way walking this way walking this way what's up guys a lot of you guys know a lot of you guys know kevin kevin there he is you guys know this guy he's been with us on a few of our trips so far he's just just a good dude make sure you guys check out his channel if you haven't already thank you very much no matter your experience real cool anyway so what we got going right now is we have a hook right here we're gonna make a zip line going all the way down to the car there's jared about to get in he's going to go ahead and do the magic he's actually pulling the cable out right now so realistically within about 10 minutes from now we should maybe even eight minutes we should be seeing this car on land this is this is great now on that note uh kevin do you mind if i pawn this off on you for a moment while i go uh collect my gear that's down there let's do it all right so i'm gonna pass you guys off to kevin leave you guys in good hands and i'll be back with you here in just a moment all right kevin's getting ready getting the getting the live backpack on real cool thank you sir yeah problem brother all right what's going on everybody new cameraman's in charge here yeah i promise not to mess it up too much all right here you go put this in money so you got this one to keep this in one hand so you can watch the chat cameraman or camera hey jackie m how you doing yes there's dan dan the camera man hey how are you guys it's been a minute since we've done our last live it feels a little weird it's only been like five days but for us that's we do lives a lot hey guys how you doing sean farin connie hello so we're gonna be pulling this wall this uh vehicle up here probably the next five minutes everybody hey faye how you doing yeah so packed hi no mock we are in uh fort worth texas is that where we're at today we are yeah we're in fort worth texas i don't know where i am because i just spent the last 24 hours driving in a vehicle from ohio to texas and uh my brain's fried three hours of sleep hey eric how you doing yeah tomorrow we're gonna be in the fort worth area put your suggestions on what to do in fort worth in the chat because we're kind of taking a rest day we've been super busy the past week or so and we want to hear your guys suggestions on what we should do to have some fun my suggestion would be to sleep that sounds really nice because sleeps far and few between give you an idea what the rig looks like all right guys i'm going to keep the camera on the vehicle for right now so i can reach it dude tomorrow good to go boaties inside let me scroll back up here and take a look there's like a 30 or 40 second flag on this setup so usually the chat's pretty delayed all right guys you're probably not going to be able to hear me because the uh the rigor is getting ready to pull the vehicle all right so i just saw in chat that uh dan they're requesting that we do a like spike so can you hold the camera for one second just a second i'll do a like spike here in one second i gotta kind of pay attention to what's going on here guys right now so i can't read chat probably for the next minute or two dan's gonna get the drone up in the air and then he's gonna take over the camera and we'll do a like spike for everybody [Music] so somebody suggested since we're in texas gun range i guess when you're in rome huh angelo's barbecue all right back to uh watching the water here guys i'll be i'll get back to chat here in one second you guys can i get ones in chat if you guys can hear me okay [Music] hey what's going on okay you guys can hear me fine thank you what's going on i am how you doing you're seeing me from a different channel this time dan's just clearing out some bush for a good camera angle he's a professional hey sheila can you hold this for one sec or for actually about 30 seconds okay guys we're gonna do a like spike everybody's asking for like spikes i've seen it here we're gonna do one so if you're on your phone or a tablet put your finger over that thumb button and hold off don't push it yet if you're on a pc or a mac get that mouse cursor over that thumb button and we're gonna hit the like spike in five four three two one flight spy did i scare you then he did scare me [Music] yeah this is right if you guys look here might be too much glare is there too much clark yeah it looks like it vehicle is almost up all right here we go guys here comes the vehicle guessing it's a lincoln the black lincoln let's see if i'm right you might be oh my gosh look at that i think that's a lincoln you're right dan i don't know how i did that farron yes i'm from near toledo i'm south of toledo sorry guys i'm trying to reach out and also video here i got a guy a bit kind of pay attention to this vehicle why it's being pulled up i'll get back to chat here in a minute thanks everybody for the ones in chat so all right [Music] [Music] so we don't have any history on this vehicle as of yet after they pull it up um we do have a story on this vehicle as well we have someone over there who was here the day this vehicle went in the water she said i was either a drunk driver or someone texting while driving so please don't beat drunk driving or texting all drivers off the road right there went in she said some good samaritans were right there jumped in got her out so that's why the driver's side window is broken driver's side's window is broken because of that they got her out she survived all good but the vehicle was never removed until today very cool [Music] so hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah it is a nice record how many likes did we get out of that like spike everybody does anybody know plus 1 000 i think it worked nice 1 000 likes on that like spike so far [Music] okay for anyone just tuning in we are in the fort worth texas area we are pulling a bunch of vehicles yesterday if you were on sam's channel sam sam the adventure man go check them out we pulled five vehicles from one body of water today we're at a new body of water we have four vehicles marked we already pulled one right here and then three and four total of four vehicles today we're getting out of the water but yes sir they're all suvs go horseback riding they said that's that's another one that actually would be very fun yeah this one isn't a stolen car like dan just said it was from uh either a drunk driver or somebody texting we did get a van out earlier um that may or may not be we don't know and then the other two vehicles once they come up they're gonna run the bin because we pulled the plates off three of the vehicles and you don't really know if the vehicle's stolen just by pulling the plate you got to actually get the vin number off the vehicle and they'll do that as soon as it comes up everybody's saying horseback ready you want to answer some of these all right put your questions in the chat i'll answer this that's a mercury no it's it's a lincoln yeah that's 100 of lincoln they do kind of look alike wave at sharon did we find anything at the big farm in jackson tennessee unfortunately we didn't get access to the property in time i think the muddy bottle adventures as well as diving for good actually went out there last weekend cleared the pond nothing there so research continues uh give you guys a little closer look here if sam didn't didn't do that if anybody's looking for a lincoln uh no water damage brand new tires and brakes come on down and see us [Music] i no longer have the live feed on me guys uh dan took the phone and he's over there doing an interview real quick or i would be reading chat this is also a very uh dangerous time for us too we got to pay attention when a car is being pulled up because if we have a cable snap yeah it's bad news we got to be we got to make sure we're out of the way beautiful day here in texas though guys let me tell you i just left ohio some of you have probably seen the video that i posted where it was a blizzard and i think i got two cars pushed out of the snow i drove straight here from that weather and it feels like summer time so and if uh my memory serves correct this vehicle weighs close to 7 000 pounds probably add another couple hundred pounds to that with all the mud that's inside all right so as you guys can see using a snatch block around that tree to reposition the vehicle because otherwise the vehicle the angle which the vehicle was at earlier can i walk under real quick yeah all right and i'm gonna stay over here all right so now we got the roll back pull it right up it's gonna be interesting watching him go over that don't you think he's gonna go over this pylon yeah i think so i don't know well i guess he's got enough clearance [Music] [Music] i hope so are they out there rigging up the other cars right as we skip jared just popped up so let me stop vehicles rigged and ready i believe that's just one vehicle on those two buoys right no it's two tubes one of them is a red gmc midsize and then i forget what the other one is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] drama at its best [Music] [Applause] all right this should be interesting that is a long way to go [Music] like i said these guys are the experts i don't have an idea what i'm talking about when it comes to towing damn called it he said it was a lincoln before they even pulled it on top of the [Music] water all right perfect this should be interesting [Music] [Music] there's a red gmc i'm just guessing i'm guessing red gmc i'm gonna back him up on that it's a good vibe i'm feeling it's funny you can still see jared's hands on the actual mud yeah when he was doing a perimeter i'm just looking at some comments thank you guys fort worth police department they've been the best police department in terms of just welcoming us understanding we are not just some cowboys very political cars yeah they're amazing people right [Music] [Music] see someone say who are we looking for today we are just more of just a fun day we were fort worth area has cars and pretty much every body of water so yeah you never know what cold case you're gonna run into yeah we're just pulling whatever cars we can i like how you pause it you should see jared's barber thank you no i'm not going to see jared's barber yeah dan and i are going to grow our hair out and see who whose hair gets longer in a year i think it's a pretty good head start yeah so visit us again in a year and we'll see whose hair is longer [Music] this shall be very interesting i don't think it's that good of an idea to have the cable just hanging off the bed usually you should put some sort of padding or a piece of wood so that cable doesn't just tear from the edge of the bed that's a lot of pressure like i said this is probably a 7 000 pound vehicle you had a couple hundred extra hundred pounds of mud it's a heavy vehicle that's how they dry their hands in texas i wonder what's going on with this one didn't go in this one went in just a few years ago hello yo we're shooting i'm shooting the live stream right now [Music] i just got a call from anthony you guys probably remember him he uh was a diver that helped us out in tennessee from new york can't forget a new york accent so let's give a huge shout out chad to anthony everybody say hello anthony thank you for your help man appreciate you coming down to tennessee and helping us out it was a busy busy week believe it or not especially left tennessee it's probably much more disease it's a good time for me to take a week off yeah exactly that was a perfect week for me to take off yeah tennessee was the dream that was very very nice thank you once again to karen tara everyone that helped out it was it was amazing how many years ago this go in the water not that many i think three or four it looks like there's still air in the tires yeah i don't think it happened that long ago at all [Music] i wonder why they brought this rig up why'd they bring this flatbed down here take it why'd they bring this flatbed down to it yeah that the amount of power it's got to take to lift this thing out of the water at that angle king bishop would know how many psi that's needed i'm uh live streaming sam live streaming himself give me [Music] what do you think sam is it gonna work i think we got ourselves a lincoln navigator yeah car number two of the day yeah we got two more stage to ready to rock so we're just going to keep yanking them out i'm actually getting ready to clear this one this hasn't been cleared yet i'm waiting for it to get up on the stable ground then i'm going to go down take a look make sure no one's heading out as you guys know sometimes it does happen i think they broke a carrying carrier interesting interesting there you go [Music] [Music] [Music] sam's got to get his yellow glasses back on to get on camera [Music] there is a really big carp in the back seat want me to film it we're going to go rescue it right there right there all right all right dan let's go the other side do a fish i'll go with them recipe they're gonna do a fish recipe [Music] [Music] all right [Music] get loads up it's my baby sam sam the fisherman yeah like this [Music] i need a hero right good job buddy muddy bump fist got em yeah we have to get it when it gets on the bed did you guys see that big old fish that thing was awesome how much do you think it weighed weight i don't know maybe eight pounds nine pounds that's a big fish pretty big for a fish so [Music] so so [Music] so all right guys i just checked my phone and there's over 8 000 of you watching right now that is nice that is a record for us for a carpool that's that's amazing thank you guys so much means the world um if you haven't already if you're enjoying this let's do another leg spike yeah kevin yeah let's do it okay so i'll let kevin leave this because he's the master of like spikes okay let me get the vehicle in the background as well so they're not missing any footage we're gonna do a like spike it's gonna take a five second countdown what it is you're gonna take your finger if you don't know you put it over the thumb button hold off don't push it yet if you're on a pc or a mac put that mouse cursor over the thumbs up button hold off don't push it yet we're all gonna push it together in five four three two one flight spike all right thank you guys hitting that like button really does help the algorithm push this video which furthers our efforts thanks guys appreciate it yeah people like kevin would not be here without the youtube algorithm pushing our videos we just movement keeps growing all sizes that's how humble these guys are i definitely wouldn't be here if it wasn't for these three sam jared and dan also if you guys haven't subscribed already please do that we're trying to get to a million subs by the end of this month we think it's doable but we need your guys help so if you have not already smashed that subscribe button please do it now anthony wants to know if he can be a moderator yeah we can make you a mod in a little bit anthony just wait a little bit thank you um so please subscribe it helps us a ton hitting a million subs is just an unreal goal and we're very excited how close we are and we're just gonna keep doing what we do best and for those of you that are members out there we really appreciate your support if it wasn't for you guys we would not be able to have that rv loaded full of equipment to be doing stuff just like this as well as all our sponsors supporters it's just i don't know unreal to see the support we are getting and we want to thank you as much as we can by becoming a member you do get videos early over the course of the next few months we're going to be releasing a lot of members videos and for those of you that aren't members gonna be on the one video per week release schedule but we do have two new videos going up for members very very soon both very good one of them is an interview with leanne who was the last person to see randy leach the night he went missing very good interview it's about 45 minutes long and then the second video that will be released and soon available to everyone is our second search for barbara stoffer the new battered missouri it was a really really amazing episode i'm really excited for you guys to see it it's really showcasing the new drone the new lenses all of our new equipment and it's really the next step in it adventures with purpose and very excited for you guys to see our work on that one and yeah we really appreciate your guys support all donations mean the world that goes straight into investing in more equipment bettering our operation keeping us on the road that rv gets six miles to the gallon it's pretty expensive to drive my van my band gets twice as much as that and i suffer on gas so yeah your donations are great we appreciate it they help us so much [Music] huge thank you we don't even know how to express how thankful we are for each and every one of you awp is not just sam it's not just jared it's not just kevin it's everyone all these people here all you guys watching awp is us you can do it without everybody 100 without the viewers without you guys helping out with that without putting putting us on locations and the financial support and just the moral support as well it i can tell you this it rejuvenizes sam dan and jared hearing kind words from you guys for exactly the efforts that they're putting into it so even those comments help out with this with this movement it's it's a lot of work at least on my end on all of our ends it's a lot of hard work but as far as me editing as soon as these trips are over i just sit and edit for weeks on end months months on end and really being able to see your guys positive comments means the world keeps me motivated it's yeah hardest i've ever worked in my life and definitely learning so much i'm so thankful to be a part of awp well i tell you what if you weren't working so hard i wouldn't have you to call my friend so thank you for working hard because i'm definitely a lot better off as a person having dan as a friend of mine i promise you that thank you kevin you're welcome kevin's an amazing guy if you haven't checked him out already no mock experience on youtube is that how you've been doing the last hours just pitching the notebook so of course he walks up after 15 minutes of talking about awp and he comes up the one second that we talk about the notebook experience i know i know we got my chair away might as well get me all the way we started the live stream with the two of you hugging here bringing it guys bring it in thank you everybody for the look yeah he's really not that heavy surprisingly that's because i'm uh wet you're lighter when you're wet yeah that's actually true yeah something like that it's backwards no i appreciate these guys coming up you know thank you i mean because you drove in from ohio yeah and i mean you brought the dogs with you and you're hanging out with us 21-hour drive we're gonna go check out and see if we can find a space shuttle yes on saturday oh dude you're gonna stick around for the space shuttle i am i'm i was gonna leave saturday morning but because of that i'm staying until sunday oh yeah i've got to work monday at 6 00 p.m yeah you have to stay for that one and in fact uh suzanne was down here today it had uh the property that has the property yeah that's awesome what else have we been talking about i'll tell you you missed something i got this giant fish big old fat one that was rescued out of there yeah it was all wobbly and wiggly it was really just a handsome fish who was a carpet that's because i was underwater doing all your work you were you were yeah because sam broke his equipment on purpose on the other side stuff has that price tag you don't break it up yeah we have almost 9 000 people supporting us right now 9 000 wow thank you everybody i know we have a vote for like a car recovery for a car recovery yeah that's big yeah it's big that's big numbers yes thank you everybody everybody's loving the livestream we didn't like spike we did two of them he was requesting them before i even yes but did we do the subscribe vibe no do we do it you don't think that's a thing yeah it sounds kind of weird no it sounds kind of cool all right well i actually actually i think it's a little weird but he thinks it's cool yeah so i'm with him so right now if you have not yet subscribed yes we're so close to 1 million million end of this month yeah yeah hopefully this month what are we at like 9 20 right now yeah 9 25 or so 25 that's super close yes so right now subscribe what do you call that subscribe let's have a subscribe vibe so if you're on right now and you're not subscribed make sure to subscribe and do it one one two three go that's what you get behind the scenes footage sometimes you get it live let's see what else we want to say i'm sure you guys also said thank you everybody for being here because we are without you and your support whatever you have got a supporter come out today jeff yeah whether you're uh liking just subscribing sharing watching only or if you happen to be a member we do have videos in fact the league and video i was just as well so if you are a member you do get videos early and we have four more mandy leaks videos and if you have not yet heard as well our noises thoughts and prayers go out to alberta because [Music] but she described this the other day as losing harold is that harold was the one and only person that understood the nightmare that she's been living for the last 32 years without knowing where randy is and she is now living this nightmare yeah i mean yeah they've been living it together it's been their reality i really was hoping that we'd be able to bring some answers before harold pass yeah so the uh the man video is now we have four more videos also coming out so we have the brennan video we have the last harold and alberta um two more coming out they're hooked and ready to book so as soon as they move out [Music] so i'll be right back yeah and every time i disappear these guys pitch their channels so go ahead and fix your channel because like it's not true every time i turn my back i hear hey hey make sure you like and subscribe to my channel samsung sam sam the adventure man could not be doing this trip without dan behind the camera yep there's dan behind the camera yeah there he is but you know they say not to move the camera this is really nice honestly we couldn't be doing this without you i appreciate that everybody that comes out and i love hanging especially since you've been doing all the work today broke so my wrist so i was setting up my wait did you tell him how you also today's video is actually your video yeah yeah today's video was supposed to be my video but today he's doing all the work it is your video yeah it is your video there's a video so tell them why it's your video what happened yesterday what we're doing today we're helping you out and then they have to subscribe to you if they want to see the edited of all of this yeah all right yeah anyways you guys heard that so i really have to say anything she just told you but no but seriously though yesterday we hijacked his channel dan and i uh we just had a great time here in texas i was born in texas so it's kind of a thing we ended up finding seven vehicles yesterday we were able to pull out five two of them were unrecoverable because they just kept falling apart so we did part one yesterday which is going to be on his channel and part two of fort worth texas which is today is gonna be on my channel so guys make sure you guys uh check out that and then come over to sam sam the adventure man make sure you like and subscribe and you'll see today's episode in fact i was even able to convince dan to edit for me so i'm going to have my own dan dan the cameraman edited edition on sam sam the adventure man that's worth his weight yeah yeah totally yeah so you guys won't be seeing some of sam's uh sam's edits you'll actually be seeing a good good old dan at it so make sure you guys come over and check it out i'm sure he's getting getting paid pretty well for that oh no no there's he's definitely definitely compensation happening so to give you guys an idea how important it is to get these cars out of the water because now over time they deteriorate completely and all of those fluids leak into the environment and the reason why i'm bringing this up right now is i am getting this huge huge odor of all of this gas and oil that is no longer going to be in that way so some people ask why are we pulling vehicles out of the water if there's no reason to that's the reason right there for the environment [Music] i'm not sure what you guys can see right now but i think i'm doing good [Music] yeah this is a a professional skateboarder bucky lasik are y'all done actually it's not it's mr clayton from what's the name of your towing company uh rods or denny's sardines awesome thanks for your help today appreciate it thanks for saving those fish too besides pointing the camera in the right direction yeah what are you guys thoughts on a scale of one to ten on this live stream setup like i don't really like it it's not that wide of an angle lens so it's very confined to what you guys see which also makes it very shaky compared to what you're used to seeing on the big rig so scale of zero to ten please put it in the chat what you think of this setup compared to like an iphone beat zero and this like our videos that we've uploaded to the channel put your comments in the chat on what you think of this new live stream setup yeah it's a good idea i would like to see a wider lens to myself okay yeah and maybe uh i do apologize guys the camera gets shaky we are doing our best to hold it still but sometimes it's just not possible when we're walking backwards and we're navigating through other people's gear navigating you have a gator oh i see what you do like eight to ten eight to ten on the stream set up i like it eight to ten on the stream setup i was zero zero being an iphone 10 being as good as they're almost pretty good yeah people like it well that's good because i was saying that i want a wider length angle lens uh i have a couple of shout outs uh thank you christopher for that donation thank you says uh buy your own super chat oh i don't want to buy my own chris thank you for that and we also have chris again thank you again for that now i was told not to uh shout out what the actual donation prices are my wife told me that is because at the end of the day we're appreciative of everything that comes in so whether it's zero dollars and you're just coming down below thank you uh if you're donating appreciate that because uh that's going to help us get sam some new gear because he buses first dates today helps with the equipment that we break thank you speaking of equipment thank you to ba products so or something like that anyway ba products they are you're really close on me so so uh ba products you were saying something important and when you say something important you gotta zoom in anyway a lot of rigging equipment for us so these straps that we've been using today the chains we've been using today the j-hooks we've been using today incredible um also certified slings uh all these blue dyneema lines that you see they donated a bunch of those as well so we appreciate all the support there all the support everywhere yeah kevin coming down no mark experience thank you so much what's really nice about this one is that the uh tow companies although we're very i feel like we're quickly fishing what we're doing it's nice that we actually don't have to be quick and efficient today because we're on the city's night today which means we actually need to be quick and efficient because it's costing the taxpayers money today which is really great um not that we're costing the money but it's great that the fort worth pd incredible people thank you very much like we rolled in yesterday we called them because we had one that we already pulled out of the water and then they're like oh wait a minute you have six more there's seven total well let's get you a record down here right now we love records too because now we can just pluck them out of the water and we we wrapped up at eight o'clock last night in the dark you'll see that video will be out sometime in march or april dan has a lot of videos to edit so uh he was telling me he's got about three terabytes of data just from the last couple trips that's a lot of data that's actually less than we had on the last coat see he's learned how to be a little more efficient uh thank you to i can't spell that pronounce this says i wish you the best of luck in your mission to help i'm going to read some of these comments uh we're currently waiting for the other record to get set up as soon as he's set up i'll go in again for another line in fact he's over here let's go talk to [Music] [Applause] [Music] himself yeah that's that's what i'm going to try to do is try to get it at an angle that way i'm not on the grass and i'm not destroying yeah or if i get stuck yeah don't think that the new tree they're changing yeah yeah right through here okay cool yeah well since you're here yeah uh we're getting some tins all good all good all good on that wasn't even part of the scale yeah poor audio from behind the camera yep did did you announce where we're at looks like people are starting to trickle in or they just kind of figured it out from oh yeah yeah people are trickling in have we even told them where we're at i don't know i haven't did you guys tell them where we are we're going to be down here for like another hour at least i'm saying so we're going to be here for another two hours fort worth lake como like your home in the area in fort worth come on down come hang out with us um you can't park over there they can [ __ ] they shut down that bridge so somehow you got to figure out how to go in that parking lot over there hey come down say hi come say hi hang out um come take pictures whatever you want to do yeah we're more than happy to uh hang out with you yeah we're actually starting to get a nice group here starting to form we got some people up here on the hill they've been watching got another group of people down here yes all day we've had people trickle in and say hi it's been really nice you know we enjoy i mean you know we enjoy doing this you know we like meeting you guys and you guys always come and say thank you to us but we kind of turn it around and say thank you to you you know because you're the ones that are really making this happen you're just you know through your memberships and your likes and your subs and everything so so come on out so we can say thank you to you ace man just asked would you consider a lower price membership level i think i don't think that uh by facebook or i don't know if it goes in i don't think it lets you go any lower so um all right let's say you're coming in five is lower so i do apologize yeah five is the lowest anyway he's about ready so i'm going to get back on here all right i'm gonna be out in the middle man okay uh thank you also to emerson uh you're all getting it done thank you to the new members as well and i can't see everything on here so i appreciate um whatever's coming through so if you're new member thank you for that and yeah it's mr fact right there kimberly v new member air sponsor thank you for that is there a medic on standby i have my own wing at the hospital we have a first aid kit does that kind of count as a medic i mean the how much medical experience do you have i have quite a bit um leaving the coast guard obviously we got trained in that every single month we had to sign off on it but even as a police officer we got trained twice a year on on being first responders but it's also been 11 years since i've known nine years since i've been on any department so listen i was a boy scout um some i don't know 30 how am i now so 30 plus years ago 35 years of the size boy scout i remember like life and lamp could be like six or not [Music] thank you for that thank you becky thank you candace thank you we're gonna be able to get dinner with that thank you very much here you go you keep watching that thank you i gotta get it all right guys car number three i'm getting ready to rig up well it's been rigged we're getting ready to pull up car number three okay guys i got a magic for you i'm gonna check it okay guys i got a magic trick for you in three two one [Music] [Applause] boom for any of you guys on the live stream that song yeah yeah it's gonna be movie magic you guys gotta watch the show to see what happens is that good job yeah that's perfect here's the chat i can't do both right now so you're just going to leave the camera set there so you're kind of like who comes you know what they hired you as the cameraman right am i at least kidding are you at least going to buy me a pepsi or something cause i'm helping you a live stream yeah jared called me the producer and director i don't i don't think i deserve that title i don't know i don't really know the definition of producer these days in the youtube world but yeah i edit the show can't film it but i don't i feel like producer also means you do the location so i don't think i'm the producer so product designer i don't know i have no idea yeah but thank you guys for all the support means the world just makes me want to work harder learn more things make these videos as good as we can we're really talking last night jared and i and these videos are starting to become something unlike anyone else on youtube it's really we're defining this new niche of their like kind of like documentaries they're really fun to watch it's just weird we don't know the term for them but it's like this new genre anyway it's kind of cool how other people like muddy bottom they're going to be kind of exactly the same part of the movement so what they're doing right now we have this blue line and they're going to put a bunch of tension in it and then zip line that other hook down the blue line to the chains and just pull it right up and then one more car after that wow it's way out there again people get a better angle this time oh dan can i get you to take over for five minutes i'll be right back yeah what do you got to do i'm gonna go check on the doggos i haven't seen in an hour making sure yeah great dad no mock experience once again sorry jared i gotta give him one more plug go subscribe he's an amazing guy definitely definitely think he's going places sorry this is gonna be shaky for a second i'm saying this next vehicle is gonna be a red gmc i have no i'm just guessing i know no more but it's going to be so i gotta put the drone up in the air first i need to swap the battery actually i think i already did this battery oh no never mind thank you golf space it is really nice what we're doing i like it a lot too so honored to be a part of it it just seems like a dream come true never did i think i would be here when i'm 18 years old but here i am so thank you guys all for the support it means the world i hope one day to have some sort of youtube thing and showing you what it's like being me in this very unique life i have crap [Music] brian lee that is very true dan has two drones and three kramers all going at the same time dude is insane i my newest setup i have three drones i'll throw on the air at once for three different angles tripod here and that camera all filming at once making for a wonderful time once i sit down and edit these videos each video is around 500 gigabytes of footage now kevin is back i'm gonna hand this back over to you so i can get the drone up in there [Music] give me that latch or that side first sorry guys for the camera movement it's a little difficult when you're trying to put on a a backpack that powers this device down can you hook me up back here real quick getting this camera you sorry about that people i just saw someone in the chat ask what level gets videos early for membership you the lowest level of membership is gets videos we look at them all the same we don't want to clash you guys based on how much you can pay just being a member showing whatever support you can we offer the same videos to everyone same release date same everything we want to say thank you to all of you and not clash you guys based on how much you can pay so for those where i went guys was to check out my dogs for those of you that don't know um i sold everything i own and i moved into my van and i traveled the country with my two dogs so they've been in the van for the last probably hour hour and a half that being checked down so let's run check on check on them look at this kevin someone in the comments said jeff essler said kevin dan should hire you i am not at the point to hire hire me to do what watch my dogs he's gonna he's gonna pay me to watch my own dogs i like that idea dan how much are you paying and what are what are my services that i'm rendering i just wanted a pepsi here we go all right i think now would be a good time for bike spike number three we have 6.6 k how about let's have dan do the like spike dan you want to do like spike yeah so i'm not kevin but i'm gonna try being kevin so all you guys on your mobile devices hover over that like button no way we only have 3 30. that has to be wrong but hover the like button if it is 3 30 that's embarrassing we you guys show some support once you like the button there once you hit the like button sorry i'm i'm bad at words that's okay once you hit the like button it really pushes our video throughout the youtube algorithm furthering our audience and your reach yeah bigger reach equals amazing people like kevin coming out so please hit that like button it'll help us grow and it just makes the videos better it makes what we do bigger better and we just want to help as many people as we can and by getting the message out to as many people as we can that's how we'll get there so on that note if you're on mobile hover over that like button have your thumb right here ready okay ready now if you're on desktop i want you to do the same thing with your cursor hover over it draw a circle around the like button i like it all right ready five four three two one tap that like button like splay i don't think i'm as good as you as you are that's okay i'm definitely not as good as editing as you are not even in the same ballpark i'm little league dan have you ever thought of learning how to scuba dive yes that is definitely something i plan to do i'm just very busy editing videos and working on other projects this summer i'm definitely planning on getting certified [Music] [Music] grab that [ __ ] [Music] what kind of car is this sam this is a wet car kevin this is a little water damage yeah yeah it's a water log so hydro car yeah hydro car it's a hybrid and there goes dan he's flying the drone multiple talented [Music] we have one more after this too yeah one more coming should be sitting here you guys should see it in about two minutes maybe sooner [Music] pretty good turnout kevin for the public yeah yeah i do i agree all right starting to bump along and you feel a little bit got some bubbles right there bubbles are coming the car's sitting right there i think he said this one's upside down but here we go we're gonna see it in a second yeah it definitely is upside down yeah that's upside down there it is [Music] much lighter vehicle than the previous one yeah [Music] [Music] yeah you must be new kevin sam's not a car guy i am new sam yes if you haven't already make sure you like and subscribe to my guy kevin with no mac experience thank you appreciate it bro check it out man we got ourselves a car i don't know what kind of car it is looks like a toyota celica [Music] [Music] you want to stand right there we could get a possible thumbnail he only asked for you come on dude you know it's funny dan is oddly enough this car in its current condition is in a better condition than my first car how did your first car started though did you uh move trees with your car as well no no it was uh it wasn't that heavy this one this one comes with a floral ring [Music] one more kevin one more then what what are we going to do with the rest of our one we're gonna do the rest of our evening yeah oh we're gonna clean up reset go through our gear we're actually going to take tomorrow off to reorganize all our things that's not why we're taking tomorrow off why are we taking it off the real reason why we're taking tomorrow off is because we came to fort worth to uh weatherford yes yes because sam's dad lives down here yes and so i said you know what we can take a day off so that way sam does not have to work we don't have to worry about anything please go spend some time with your dad yep so tomorrow i am going to spend some time with my dad but i'm definitely going to take an hour to straighten up my stuff well yeah you can do that too yeah gotta make sure to fix my gear because after having my uh regulator break today i have the new one that i'm gonna start using with the full face mask so that gives me a chance to get that all set up so tomorrow i'll take about an hour to make sure everything's all set up and ready to go because i really missed out on a lot of fun today jared you did you like jared's jared pretty much pulled four cars by himself marianne uh would like she's a member and she'd like to know has the carbon cleared the car has not been cleared cleared yet yeah the car has not been cleared he's gonna flip it and then we're gonna clear it um he has these vehicles been checked for missing persons the first two have so far these two have not yet been cleared so that was uh for matt fletcher also we have a new member thank you to richard a part of the team and your donations and memberships by the way also help us with new gear as an example this one i just noticed before i went in on that last dive completely broke that is not a strap that we can just simply fix that is a 200 uh mistake i don't know how it happened and those have to be replaced so with because your donations and new members and just watching and sharing really appreciate you guys because that's what keeps us out here on the road this is what your uh financial assistance helps us do so thank you for that uh i have a super chat from william thank you very much a brian clark says you guys are awesome you have helped give so many families closure god bless you jared sam dan etc you're part of the etc kevin thank you sir yes yes uh we always watch your videos stay safe and keep trucking thank you very much for that donation we also have becky thank you very much and we have a canadian donation from gracie hey thanks for everything come to canada soon i would love to come to canada canada when the world opens up again i'd love to go to australia go with uh down under dan diving um canada the uk so many places that we want to go like help out as well what happened to the pads jared used to soak up the oil spills they're in the uh they're in the trailer we asked them if they would like us to pull us out today they did not want to mess with those today not our team so um we're here doing we're kind of under the instructions of other checkups uh let's see what else we got uh jared are you searching for rosemary rodriguez yes we are meeting up with uh her daughter and so we'll be working with her in a couple of days um sam you oh down under dan is actually on here sam you were rough on the gear sam didn't break that one that one was mine i actually oh yeah sam broke his gear as well it just happens you know so uh because of you guys that's why we're able to actually stay in gear so thank you for uh all of that if i miss anybody i do apologize uh new member thank you very much to john for becoming part of the team thank you too oh i can't even say this the levation 1888 becoming part of the team as well all right let's see what else uh i'm gonna answer some questions while we're waiting here with the car the car is more exciting than no car see look at that uh they clear all the cars and perform them yes hike in paris texas hello hey speaking of paris texas you know walleye i was also shocked i didn't notice there's a las vegas texas or buffets texas as well did you know that yes i talked to the officers earlier the police officers i like to get an idea of the area and if you tell and tell us what here tell us what that officer said about las vegas texas so she had said if you're gonna guys you're gonna be in las vegas uh trail area in texas keep your foot on the accelerator and go right through don't stop so i don't think we're gonna go to that town you know what nothing scares me let's go that's why he has security people for those decisions right there if there's a big mosquito behind me that's just dan thank you thank you thank you let's see uh we also have a down under dan you didn't have to do that thank you for your donation today down under dan by the way uh he's partnering with us with the awp down under so we've actually shipped down a camp some lick bags he has i think dan tell me how many cars you've downloaded 14 or so and so he's going to start doing this down under we were supposed to be over there or down under in october but because the world the way it is we could not make it there so watch for things from coming from him he's also going to um be shipping us some of his raw footage so we can share his raw footage on awp and then help promote his channel as well so we appreciate everybody here helping to support those that are also making a difference around the world love seeing y'all in nashville thank you for uh what you do stay safe thank you for that new member lori so we have lori code cotty cody grant and adobe p kelly our new members as well we also have another donation from ace a little towards a new set of fins thank you very much thank you for that be sleeping by a dive shop the next day or two jill thank you very much we also have new members well you guys are just like incredible jennifer he is now a part of the team stephen part of the team we have i can't say this one welcome to part of the team i really i really appreciate that so thank you very much uh let me answer some questions though uh what do you guys have in the way of questions let me jump down here so pop the questions in right now hello oh they said i'm too close to the truck he's drowning us out that's why i was pointing it that way thank you for that it's just there's an annual fishing ride hey look out we also have i met her earlier today you mind being on camera okay uh you just found us recently like yesterday yesterday and you stayed up till two o'clock in the morning watching this leave a comment down below how many of you have found us recently and how many of you found yourself it was like after two o'clock or three four o'clock in the morning before you're like oh i gotta go to bed and i appreciate you thank you you know and one of the things that you said was you know in fact here tell another camera like when you first met like you found us and you laughed you cried you were part of this with us it's an instant connection definitely it's you know the sacrifice that you all you all make on a daily basis um just trying to give some type of comfort and closure to the families it's very it's very appreciative like i said i laugh i cried i was angry in some of the situations based on how just regular law enforcement was handling the situation and the fact that you all would take time to not only use your time and your talents to get and your fort worth department has been incredible i hope that i hope that you feel the same way about them as we do yeah i mean they've just been incredible to step up and now we have a um are you still live streaming as well no my phone was there okay anyway he was live streaming as well to uh dfd scanner scanner so thank you for that yeah we did the best people were actually over here right now if you came over and you never heard of us before or if you have and you were on the vfw scanner drop a note down below that you uh that you saw us over there so thank you for that hey how's it going i'm filming you filming us filming you yeah you're right are you live right now yeah i'm on snapchat right now awesome hey snapchat world what's going on hey thanks for being down here with us we've gotten uh three out of the water now we have one more to go we've not yet cleared that once we cleared two vehicles no bodies this one we don't know and the other one i would like to say one thing real quick yeah yeah this guy here to my to my left he's got excellent in hats i really like it i really like his taste yeah it's the same company yeah so you've got to point your performance fishing gear this is what it's my life is this is great we just took away some of your good fishing spots so i apologize no no it definitely made the environment a lot better for the ecosystem uh some of you've been watching uh april says that uh she found her seven months ago and she's been watching jared said this vehicle's not yet been cleared that's correct that vehicle behind us not yet being cleared we're waiting for the two tow trucks to come back as soon as they flip it we can clear it uh tara mason thanks for being on here she said what's up what's up jerry how's it going in mesa all right in nashville and the one of the last things tara said to me before we left was i wish i could go back to work tomorrow and i could go with you guys all the time okay so that sounds familiar it does it doesn't count so so here's what you need to do just tara hashtag van life and kevin will give you a lot of tips and tricks as to how to build out your van there's a million of them i think that first of all you have to get two dogs right that's the first it's not a requirement no it's not a requirement yeah but for blankets you get extra fur that's true but i have seen almost every hashtag van lifer they do have a pet of some sort yeah it actually it does somehow snakes i saw that yeah one woman has a snake and she got like millions of views because of it yeah so hashtag bad life field i will not be getting a snake everybody i will not uh fort worth trio uh we were going to meet up with uh rusty on that one however we did not make contact with them until late last night and so therefore we were not able to get the information we needed to work that case while we were here in town on this one so that's why we ended up over at white lake yesterday and then we ended up over here at lake como today with the recommendation of one of the other detectives that said that might have missing persons over this area so that's what brought us over here so when we i now i do have rusty's phone number um i will be in touch with him shortly and we will be coordinating on our next trip and really i think that our next trip sam and i we both have a lot of family stuff and other stuff you know during the summer you know we do have families and other things that are going on so we're going to be doing some much shorter trips around the pacific northwest california utah we may be flying out too i expect we're going to probably fly out with troy from sky front back over to berlin with kansas to do some drone work but they're going to be very short trips but then we'll do another longer trip at the end of the year like we did in 2020 as well uh forces i'm in weather for our weatherford i mean lamborghini i know where rutherford is i don't know where grandparent is search the trinity lake we've told the trinity river as well it's loaded i think we're going to be coming back to fort worth especially since we have support here from sam's dad so it's really nice that we can just it's been a pleasure since we've been here so i'm okay i'm game and his wife robin all the food the comfort food has been so amazing we have one more car coming out tonight too so don't go anywhere because we do have one more vehicle still underwater this vehicle over here has not yet been cleared so don't go anywhere yet how much uh driving has sam done driving or diving sam has done almost zero diving today has he done any diving today no not that i know it tried to think he's in his wetsuit or just dry suit i didn't see him going i didn't see him put a tank on um yeah cause i came over here and i dove on all these i don't wanna i don't think he dove at all today poor guy yep um his beard thing is going on do you flip that over yes they're going to flip the car over okay look look over there look at the uh the floral arrangement the plant right now and they're working on clearing the vehicle right now so it's got a full-size spare in the backside yeah and i can tell you that that tire is not the same tire that goes in that vehicle which is interesting that is true i see that that is interesting uh let's see i have a couple more members thank you toby for becoming a member thank you pat and if i miss anybody i apologize and your memberships mean the world to us because that's how we're able to get out here on the road leave our families behind still pay our bills and repair the gear that we break and get new gear so we have definitely come a long ways go back and watch some of our first videos and what we're doing now and how much more efficient and safe we are could not be doing this without all of you you see what you're doing over there that's exactly how i broke my my regulator yeah i'm not letting my tip over yeah i see that yeah i set mine up i hope i don't break mine i hope so too um thank you buck for your donation thank you to darcy for a donation uh you guys are doing amazing work thank you very much uh another new member at the realm writer part of the team and kaibaya you guys need to keep kevin is that one of your did you do that just out of balloon well somebody is just out of blue said you got you should with a donation okay he said you guys need to keep kevin well i i thoroughly i don't have the words i don't i'm seriously speechless and that's not very often uh is this your mom she doesn't want you to come home oh so many jokes oh i'm being initiated the correct way with all the jokes and getting picked on it's it's amazing so we're gonna here what do you guys want to do right now while waiting for the other tow so we're waiting for them to flip this that way we can get this out of the way that way we can pull the other car um do you want us is this thing here do you want us to go talk to people what would you guys like to have happen right now to guide us as to what you would like would you like to hear from dan would you like to hear from kevin would you like to follow sam around let's see what they have to say kevin good at it sam sam the sunburn man uh what's the temperature there today i guess it was probably high 60s earlier today was when the sun was out it felt like high 60s yep uh we can go ariel with the drone but there's not much to see right now uh oh are we buffering right now uh-oh oh yeah yeah we were buffering for somebody uh i'm new to watching you guys you're awesome thank you very much uh talk to some people all right we want to go talk to some people what are your plans for the next few days we're gonna take tomorrow off you're doing great kevin is funny a lot of people like you i'm glad that you're staying for that couple warms doug had to go home [Music] yeah what's your name again allen mary ellison jared this is my friend mary alice well hello marriott house we're live right now are you okay with me okay all right we're good real good all right i said it said her daughter saw us on live and said hey you need to come down and see what these boys are doing well give a big shout out to your daughters your daughter's name vespa bespa tyson vespa tyson uh-huh hey thanks for telling her to come on down i'm glad mary alice is here today now where's your where's your daughter well she's working right now from home all right because of coping and uh she saw on her computer what y'all were doing somehow i guess somebody said that all right and she sent me a notice to watch which i did i saw you pull the last one out and uh get the big fish out of it so yeah i heard about the big fish i didn't see the big ones oh you missed the fish you missed the big fish yeah you'll have to tune in later yeah you have to tune in later and he didn't even have to use sweeties and and uh red soda no that's how we catch them down here wheaties and red soda wheaties and rice what's this guys you guys hear this they're catching fish with wheaties and red soda wait wait no wait wait here's what i'm going to say if you know about the wheaties in your episode and you happen to have some wheaties in rose soda and you come down right now with sweeties [Applause] i will give you a shirt i have a shirt from nashville they're green they say volunteer they say vegetables purpose on the front show up because the red soda says amazing i hope you have about three thousand shirts all right guys so we'll do this again wheaties and red soda bring it the first the first three people and they can't be part of the same family no no first three people when i was young my dad taught me that red felt and a hook catches frogs and it worked really so what do you do you just throw it okay they're moving the car you mash it up together and make a ball and refrigerate it overnight and the next morning you're set to go oh this is a preparation so nobody's showing up tonight but still still if you guys bring the soda we'll drink it and we'll enjoy it uh so you still get a free shirt we just want soda yes big big red big red yeah we just want some big red that's phenomenal yeah where are y'all from uh i'm out of bed oregon yeah oh beautiful place yep sam is out of us okay we're gonna go meet more people they want to meet with people so thank you very much thanks for being down here i'm giving him a shirt i'm going to do a shirt dude can we see it yeah can we see the camera yeah yeah they'll flip the other side hit the other side though show them the other side okay are they going to make sure you already have the mr isaac right there we got to have sam that's why that's one of the original coins that we ever made this is the og coin right here yes oh that's pretty cool look at that and you are chris chris thanks for all your support my channel is the random mechanic the random mechanic all right random mechanics so the random mechanic go check him out if there's a mod in here they can find it drop that link to the random mechanic this is your mechanic can you get that running surprisingly i probably could there's very little water damage i've gotten some pretty bad stuff going before yeah come on all right i'll sneak in yeah bring your camera all right let's see your camera i'll i'll run it for a minute chris with a random cannon mechanic are you rolling right now yeah see do you see me is it recording audio's recording bro yeah it was like zoomed in on my nose [Laughter] oh there we go what's up guys sam sam the adventure man i'm here with chris the randy random mechanic make sure you guys check out his channel but actually right now we're pulling out cars i forgot the name of this lake i'm not from here this is like homo lake como so we're here on lake como we've already pulled out three cars we have one more to go in fact if you look behind me it's right there's the rotator and there's the car anyway chris you want to go check it out let's go let's go check it out i'm gonna pass the camera to you let's go give it a peek sweet all right let's go come on bro yeah so again guys if you're in the fort worth area or somewhere close we're gonna be here for at least another hour in lake como come on down and hang out we have shirts bring a soda we might even give you two shirts i don't have any shirts but i'll definitely take a soda [Music] [Applause] that's pretty much all i could see in the bag not much of a view from this side yet so i think this is a i know it's a toyota but i don't know what model i haven't heard back from him yet is that a camry [Music] [Music] [Music] so how far did you drive to get here just lake worth about 20 minutes 20 minutes yeah thanks for coming out no problem man that blew my mind when you pulled out the adventures of purpose point i wasn't i wasn't ready for that oh that's a treasure to keep so tell people in chat what the what is that coin yeah the coin is actually jared he was making some coins and he was selling him i don't know if you guys remembered uh some of the episodes he took down took some of the vehicles and some of the metal and he melted down you made a coin can you see the coin again yeah there was an rx70 melted yeah so this this here is from the rx7 milt uh you can see the shape there of the car adventures with purpose anyway this is the commemorative coin of that moment and actually jared had signed it already and sent it out so when he came up and said hey sam i got something for you to sign it absolutely blew my mind when i saw it was one of our coins so you've been watching for a while yeah way cool all right man heads or tails uh the tails are we in your win heads i win so i get the coin back oh no how did you come across that coin i ordered it i got it on ebay you've been selling them on there oh okay yeah yeah way cool way cool thanks for being here no problem man appreciate you how many are you going to pull today yep you have one more waiting on the flatbed is that what we're doing yeah how many minutes is he out yeah go go meet him go catch up to him let's go check with chat with dan dan the cameraman sam dude it's awesome like all the support the people that come out i mean it just feels like a big old hug but put it in sam's words and these are definitely sam's words i'm going to steal them it gets you in the feelings it gets you right in the fillings it does [Music] that's really nice when did they stop making the coins uh whatever they ran out of rx7 parts i couldn't hear you there jared what'd you say yeah i got put like i'm gonna give him a shirt and i i was i was reading the comments also on that you guys said that i need to give um this other gal a shirt as well so these are from nashville one of a kind there are no more being made ever in the entire history because they said this is the volunteer shirts we're looking for bill simmons and you know the phil's happy palace i saw that the other day actually yeah wow look at that so i have a couple of those left so thank you very much for uh being a supporter man thank you awesome absolutely this has been really cool man thanks for having yeah and hang out don't go anywhere you just love it i know we're going to be taking pictures for a while yeah yeah we'll come and give another shoot away all right guys [Music] tell your daughter she should have come down yeah because i'm giving you a shirt one good 2x or what x 2x wonderful perfect there you go thank you i didn't expect that one-of-a-kind we don't have any more being made these were special shirts when we were in nashville last week and over there we had a bunch of volunteers we were we pulled 17 and a half cars out there for 18 and a half and uh we also found a missing block we did uh-huh i'm so glad you found that person for yes thank you you're welcome thank you so much two of you have been out here like hanging out like all day so here you go there's a shirt for you and mom you got a shirt as well thank you you're welcome thank you and we're so proud of what you're doing thank you thank you for coming down here so don't go anywhere can we still have another one well i gotta go cause i gotta go pick up my friends i have to leave so you got to do my grandmother duties sounds good and if you want a shirt of your own um one you can't get kevin what's your shirt i don't know if we'll give kevin sure maybe we will really wants a size large yes if you do want a shirt of your own we do have in the description down below a link over to get merch we have like hoodies and everything else like that that also helps uh the show and however if you want a free one-of-a-kind shirt as we had mentioned bring down the red cream soda and if you the first three people from different families that brings down the red cream soda i will make sure that you get a shirt as well [Applause] awesome since he's the editor he's really good at taking pictures absolutely thank you and keep doing what y'all are doing thank you i know there's lots of people out there that need your help thank you thank you so much looks like he's almost ready for me to run the lineup we just need to uh kaylee brook says omg i'm coming down yes we're at lake como so come on down uh a few more shout outs for ace oh i already mentioned ace thank you for that donation and js stooge gaming jared asked sam if he's going into the water or is he just showing off his dry suit ella well guys guys this today is a total uh a dry suit uh modeling day see this here look at this it is literally dry dry yes it's been dry it's a real dry somehow it's wet there i don't know what happened there before i peed myself no i did i did get in the water up to my waist i've been feeding the line i did a bonehead move and i set my tank like that like this let's go show you show you what happened real quick uh we're not going to repeat it but i did a bonehead move i set my tank up here except for jared he has the a little more weight here in the back so if it is gonna fall it's actually gonna fall this way and the way mine was set was if it was to fall it would fall that way and that's exactly what happened mine fell forward my regulator hit it sheared off my inflator hose and then once like he had an extra inflator hose he let me borrow it i reconnected everything and then i realized that my actual first stage the first stage regulator cracked so any mistake yep there's a spinning mistake but uh and yours was a bonehead move on your phone yeah 100 100 mine my fins i don't even know how yeah yeah yeah so jared uh jared broke his fin today i don't know where but i think oh look at this i think it's just from walking in there yeah yeah so it's broken yeah so we just been breaking stuff anyway so those of you guys who are gear sponsors uh gear does break sometimes uh by bonehead mistakes and other times you know with things like this that really can't be avoided so i do want to say thank you guys and um actually i do have a new reg some new first day drag that was given to me kathy kathy came out she brought me actually a full face mask just like jared dives with kathy brought me one of these guys here so i'm going to go ahead and start getting that all set up tomorrow tomorrow's we're taking the day off so i'm going to spend at least an hour hour and a half going through all my gear getting everything all dialed in so i'm going to have the first stage drag i do have a new one so don't cry for me argentina and then i'll start running one of these guys right here so thank you so much kathy i really appreciate it um but anyway that's my excuse that's why i'm not in the water today jared asked he asked me earlier did did sam enter the water at all today dive did he dive in no no my head has not been under the water at all well you can jump in right now and fix it big brother jared will take care of you thanks jared hey no more hugging on live streams why not they already took care of that big brother jared thank you big brother jared hey i am jealous though i mean because i mean people have asked come up to me like people say hey sam are you a diver are you diving or are you just this plays one on tv because all they yeah did you just play one on youtube because you know they just see the youtube show and then they show up and i'm not even getting in the water so they wonder they're actually questioning me if i actually dive hilarious ryan clark says i just became a member best decision me and brian have made you guys are awesome send another five dollars please let uh us know you received it shout out from maryland thank you thank you marilyn and uh and if i miss anybody i mean there are quite a few that come in yes you remember john new member uh luke ranger thank you very much for becoming a gear sponsor yeah we have angie says sarah thank you very much um and i'll answer some more questions i'm always up in the early hours of the morning watching y'all thanks for that william and john p thank you for the super sticker um what do you guys want to hear from dan dan they want you talking i'm not that good at talking guys i'm learning but i'm not that good at talking listen dan just got done with i'm gonna say one of the most primo edited videos i have seen this young man put together yet this one was we went back to barbara stauffer new madrid 83 year old grandma barbara stafford and i mean the shots you got with the drone the shots that you got with your camera work the video is just got approved today because we have on that one hunter killer actually came on board as a sponsor if you don't know who that is it's like a subscription box or it's almost like a an escape room but it's to your house it's like six episodes you become the detective and they also what i really like them is that they also support the cold count the cold case foundation each uh purchased and part of those proceeds go to uh cold case foundation so incredible you're gonna have to watch for that this coming friday we're dropping that video in fact anyway so got approved today i have to send it out for captions tonight we should have it online tomorrow for members and out friday for everybody else go go go go look at all the fish holy moly they're just coming out of it there's like one two here see if you guys can count them all one two three four five six seven nine ten there's over 30 fish down there all right here let me go get a shovel all right they're going to save all these fish [Music] we got like 10 more right here so yeah there's a lot of catfish in this lake huh yeah catfish lake right here yeah don't eat them though i've had some bad experiences eating catfish with the bones no no just both it's like fillets all catfish every time i eat it oh there's a back seat cover [Music] what's going on [Music] so jared's on catfish recovery and savior mode right now okay [Music] you have spikes so here help us count how many fish you guys see in here [Music] so aquaman saving the sprints but when we go to a restaurant tonight are you going to order the fish no but dan mike he loves catfish i do not like catfish as i've already expressed two bad experiences so i i want you to leave a comment like go back through this video count how many fish there are and dan's gonna double check it and the winner will get a shirt all right you want to dump that load yeah yeah [Music] i've never caught this many fish before in my life you're not catching them you're releasing them it would be funny if fishery came over right now and gave you a ticket for fat fish taking too many fish yeah you can totally feel the spines on these things good thing i got these gloves and getting stabbed by a fish is not even a little under the work aren't you yeah somebody said 22. we're definitely over 22. [Music] no we're not doing that i'm not getting that smell all over my van i tell you what sometimes jared's a little instigator sometimes [Music] well if you're just joining us we're today we're catfishing we're catfish now we don't know how you catfish but the way we like to catfish is we like to throw our car in first we let it set for about 22 years and then we pull it out you would not believe how many fish we catch when we do join us for this episode of cat fishing with cars on mtv i don't know yes get all cleaned up because i'm going to ask you to take over the live stream for about 10 minutes if i can make it out let's uh let's pawn it off on dan hear that guys well it looks like jared's calling me back over there okay i think that's the official sign for six looks like somebody's getting some shirts thank you very much she's a better y'all oh look at that i'm uh totally giving you guys a shirt [Music] sure i'm never going to turn down a free soda all right i'm gonna put this away i got to get these dogs for a walk here shortly no i can take over if you need i tried to give it to sam someone's saying 51 catfish 70 catfish [Music] that's a lot of catfish 38 61. i would guess it would be in the 60s 400 five were pregnant somebody's got jokes 68 give that another bottle i'm like a i only drink water do i believe you yeah i only drink water i i swear only water that's all i drink i i prefer it too like i'm not just saying like water tastes the best you don't drink sweet tea [Music] 75 63. and by the way guys i'm i don't think i'm gonna watch through and count every single one yeah i wouldn't think so we might just pick a random one so please contribute your comments will be viewed loving your hat yeah what would you guys think if we made like awp version of the do good hats probably a little different so we're not stealing this brand's design but what would you guys thoughts on that i would like to see the same hat okay but it says right here do and then good we put awp up the tops like saying red and then red right here finish the word do as doing so it says awp doing good and do good i like it a lot yeah we definitely want to have some hats in the next few months available for purchase especially jared's searching recovery oh yeah that's like our first thing on the list 55 hat all right might be 55 we don't know what is 55 61 seems like the everyone's saying 61 catfish the 67. you're over the legal limit i think they're gonna send you into jail kevin i didn't get you a ticket i didn't catch those fish you filmed it though i'm an accessory yeah you're like the snitch wow looks like i'm going back to ohio guys what about flavored water no just just plain water now let me ask you this question filtered or spring either way you know that there is a company in california it's a it's a restaurant and they have different types of water like people have different types of wine and their prices range from one dollar to five hundred dollars a glass 500 glass for a glass of water because it comes straight from a glacier and it's delivered straight to there so it's in its purest form i have to go there that'll be cool we are going to california this summer awp california trip is something that's in the works so we might stop by there yeah and spend 500 on the glass water i don't think i don't think so but not even a dollar maybe if we can get them to like sponsor us so if you guys are watching i would love a 500 glass of water dan dan hot water is better for you than cold yeah fun fact i've actually spent quite a bit of time in china and over there they all drink like boiling hot water because that you have to boil the water because their water systems not the greatest so you have to boil it to make sure it's clean so i have had some experience drinking very hot water i didn't know that i learned that just now yeah everyone walks around with hydroflasks or like insulated water bottles but instead of cold water they have really hot water they really like it very interesting everyone's saying to sign his coin no who had a coin so where did he go so he has a coin that he brought that he bought on ebay from the acura or from the rx-7 and it was already signed by jared sam just signed it on the live stream today so they're probably wanting you to sign it as well i think we got to continue it though he's next time he meets us hi simon i like that idea he gets one per signing yeah exactly or one signing per visit is there any news channel no there's not all right here comes jared we're gonna have a lot of big red look the sun's drowning you guys out you wouldn't be able to see it okay that's why i'm filming i mean kevin loves anybody that's also wearing colombia gear i prefer people that are wearing adventures with purpose gear so we have this one is a special from nashville thank you very much for bringing us these won't last the whole night either believe me yeah they don't even last me 30 minutes so we got three cars out so far we still have one more coming up tonight it's scary because i live are you live like two blocks away it's for fun you hear a lot of things about people oh what's up guys sam sam the adventure man our crime right here is really high uh-huh so this is surprising like it's like dang like we really have this many cases we need to follow and it's like why couldn't we find these parts sooner like why did it take so long for somebody to say something and actually find them here yeah yeah because one of them is uh the newest ones from 2017 yeah and then the other ones are from 2002 2003 and then i don't know how much did we get years on the other ones i didn't today all right well thank you for the uh showdown put yeah thank you so much for bringing the soda yeah i was on my way home and i was like i was hearing it and i was like okay i have to go like i'm on my way home so i have to go awesome grocery stores are selling out of big red right yeah big red everyone bring this big red party we have a big red fight later it's gonna be wild for you thank you yes no problem what does big red taste like like like bubble gum yeah big red tastes like bubble gum like the classic bubble gum flavor it's like don't try it because i never go back to water like everything i don't think so kevin [Music] what's that okay um just talking strategy on uh getting this last one out and what's the consensus consensus is we just have to move over a little bit get the uh flatbed in here get this one out of here and then uh we have to back up without destroying the grass over here so hey we have extra sodas you want a we're gonna big red live stream over to dan for about 10 minutes since he actually is the camera man yeah i'm going to take my dogs to the bathroom maybe you'll see him on stream or jared do you want to take the stream are you doing anything right now for a little bit um can you drop these off at the uh rv yeah anyway i don't know how to run a live stream i don't know either kevin's pretty good at this all right so what would you guys like to see uh everyone's saying the car see more of the car yeah all right let's go [Music] [Applause] oh there's another we got another fish down there too i don't even know how many fish we've saved yet but we'll get there we'll get those fish saved hey a little fish [Music] i think the other window's open we'll go to the other window on the other side come back to this soda i can't multitask with all this hold on [Music] thanks for uh hanging out with me putting up with me [Music] i don't know how many more fish might be in there [Music] we'll get that there's three fish there we'll get them tossed in in just a minute uh nancy wants to know what's going on with the snow cap the snow cat is in redmond oregon now antone over at drive unlimited is uh spearheading that project for us we'll be doing some uh updates in uh in a month or two on that one what's the general cost for becoming a diver brian would like to know the general cost is roughly 550 to 650 to get to your training and then after that it all depends on the type of gear that you're after and where you're going to be diving and what you plan on doing yeah we will save the fish i think that somebody just guessed 75 fish i think there's at least 75. uh the police have shut the bridge off apparently police have been working with awp throughout this yes the fort worth police have been amazing they've opened the bridge back up because we're just about back up here today we still have one more car where that light is at it's still in the uh water here so once the flatbed comes in they get this car out of the way we'll be pulling the last part of the day we are at lake como so if you are anywhere in fort worth you want to come down hang out with us at lake como we're down here for at least another hour tonight watch out for the game warden for sure we are over our limit how's your battery life doing today lads i think our battery's still good at the moment who's watching your gear with so many people here we did lock the trailer and the rv back up so we also have the police that are right over there as well so they've been they've been watching oh we got somebody that wants to come over hi how are you good you mind being on camera all if i could get right um a t-shirt yes i can get i can get you a t-shirt don't tell all your friends though because because we normally like sell them but i'll give you one though all right you're welcome what size uh large okay great i'll get one for you and uh just uh how about right now let's go get you a shirt all right should we make her do anything for it or just that she came over and good enough you guys [Music] did you ever find the cause of death for ethan no we did not so how long have you been watching our show me uh-huh my dad's been watching it and he decided like since today i got out of school he didn't come down here oh awesome well i'm glad that he uh brought you down is the shirt for you or for him all right awesome she asked nicely so yes we'll give her a shirt all right let me go grab a shirt [Music] here's a lesson in life remember when you ask for something anybody can say is no so why not ask like right now how about if i ask you since we did something nice for her can you do something nice for me and like give me like thumbs ups yay all right where did she go i think that's a large yeah um yeah it's a large all right there you go thank you very much for coming and watching we have another car that's coming out okay all right wow all right hold on let me ask people all right should we give her a shirt everybody's going to say yes hold on but i want to i want to make sure they tell me to get to say yes because because you brought us here yeah um they said okay they said yes i should give you one what size xl or 2x 1x okay sounds good hold on a minute giving away all my nashville shirts all right nobody asked me for any more shirts remember these cost me money okay these weren't just like donated i mean they were kind of semi-donated but i still had to pay for them all right uh one x you said right oh somebody said don't give her a shirt who said that karen all right one let's see if i get a 1x yep there's one x remember one-of-a-kind shirts once they're gone they're gone there you go thank you for coming down i don't know what that means oh thank you very much bless you too thank you you know there's one more car coming out tonight too oh yeah we live right up up front of there we were watching from over there we decided to come over here okay good yeah once once the tow truck comes in for this one then we're gonna pull one more out okay okay we'll watch for over there all right sounds good thank you yep you're welcome have a good night [Music] okay so next time i ask if we should give more shirts away tell me no okay i'm running out of shirts we just kidding we'll we'll take care of people yes we have such an outpouring of support and love right now i love it it's amazing yes it just it blows me away you know because i mean just it just feels like a hug all these people are all these smiling faces all these happy people oh they're so happy that the lake is being cleaned up yeah cleaning up the lake i mean just all around goodness just just amazing yeah somebody says they'll buy t-shirts now uh there's a link in the description and tara or one of the other mods there's a link for those uh for shirts right what else you guys want to see here you guys want to see like the private information on his monitor just kidding [Applause] hey thanks for coming out you guys have been incredible uh the question is did you ever let me get right away did you ever find out the cause of death for natalie jones there was a news article two or three days ago that came out or a week ago somebody sent it to me and they said that the cause of death could not be determined all right let's see if we're uh breaking any laws here uh pick up our waste no littering selling of goods so i can't sell shirts here no riding animals dogs won't be on leash no off-roading no alcohol okay so we're good there now as far as fishing looks like catfish blue and channel catfish no minimum length five fish daily bag combined we definitely i'm glad there's no game board board in here watching what we're doing rainbow's five jen i can't give away any more shirts it cost me money uh you guys are amazing thank you very much look at everybody in the support that's coming out thank you everybody for coming out today send me your logo i'll print you some all right oh look look at the other tow trucks finally coming we're gonna be able to start moving again so thanks for hanging out while we're doing this let's see uh a couple of donations are coming as well thank you john for your donation this will help coach merch thank you to andrew hey jade i really appreciate what you guys have done watched your show early on and watched your show grow thank you very much speaking of the early on episode i really miss kiki the camera girl my daughter donation for shirts thank you very much uh let's see we have four shirts thank you very much from college and crafts and lori thank you very much and thank you very much for your donation as well thank you to all the new members as well new members will get videos early um so we have the liam video from she was the last person to have seen randy leach is she is believed to be the last person to have seen randy leach and so that video is now live from members we have grandma from new madrid barbara stopper that video is coming out in a couple days publicly on friday for everybody and in probably a day or two for members so thank you if you remember this is kevin from the new mock experience if you've not seen him and newmark is stands for no more organized chaos [Applause] in just a moment [Music] hi guys we got a real close-up of dan's face that was amazing we can't get close enough to dan's face that could cause danger oh push the blind bag oh you're fine you guys are fine both trucks are back both of them yes they're gonna flip this so make sure you get in close good shots we'll do we'll be very entertained and then i'll be diving one last time to pull this last vehicle it's the gmc suburban or yukon or denali i don't know it's an suv it's an suv it's on its wheels and i've hooked up to the back of it i'm enjoying it way too the much was just asked how we're going to clear this car the car it's actually already cleared because we have the windows on the other side we're able to see everything inside the car so this car is clear all three three of the four cars are now clear we still have one more we're pulling [Applause] i like it so much better when that uh engine is off because when you hear that for six hours [Applause] you can uh um people are also asking about how they can get the nashville shirts cannot buy a nashville shirt okay that's like a special thing we have a few of them left that we're actually giving out on the rest of our trip for those who have actually come down so i apologize not giving any of those out but you can get some awp merch and eventually we're gonna like design some more stuff but right now um tara or one of the other mods thank you for being here drop a link down below on that there's also a link in the description for merch so thank you on that one so we're going to bring the flatbed in now and the flatbed's going to take over by putting that toyota on that flatbed and then getting out of here somebody said that i said wrong for where we're at i said that we're at lake como that's where we're at yes like come on we're we're at lake como in fort worth we're here for another hour yeah a little history on the spot too there used to be an amazing like theme park type type of thing right here like back in the 1920s yeah it was gorgeous so i learned a camera trick from dan over the last couple weeks hanging out with them when he finishes the scene he does this no is what it's called so say this is jared's body once it goes by then i go into a new scene ah so that's why i always do that these are tricks to the traits that i just hadn't learned yeah every every youtuber asks me that we meet up how to do that and i'm not going to tell you guys he doesn't want to lose his job especially exploring that every day hey is britt on here bret depp's history is he on here i'm watching right now brit are you on here oh if anthony's still on here can you make him a mod oh anthony called us earlier um i don't know if i can do that on this uh oh yeah i can on this one so yes anthony if you're on here comment right now i see what is that one the top one who is that that's your mod that's my mod yeah that's your number one mod my number one one i think so i've never seen that name before brit left i think which one was i talking about cactus juice what kind of work did i do before this i actually was a high school student that's what type of work i was doing i did have like a little business in high school where i filmed real estate and weddings and stuff that's a lot more boring than this very thankful for this opportunity i bet you're glad you never have to go to another wedding yes a lot less drama doing this [Laughter] let's get some better angles here when they pull this up on the rig so jared is still reading comments you [Music] that's fine it'll buff right out oh all right [Music] hey um also frank frankie's on here from the tacoma or washington olympia area frank thank you for being with us uh almost since the beginning and i don't know why i never made you a mod he's done incredible things for us i've been over this house he has like this military trucks and stuff like that in fact who thinks we should get like a five and a half or a five five half time deuce is that where they call him yeah yeah with the windshield we should make we should make that our rescue recovery vehicle the camo color like dark military green yeah yeah yeah yeah friend of mine just bought one up in uh holland ohio he paid only 20 000 for it and it came over from iraq oh he can actually um he actually has a friend up there that gets him right from the base and so he only gets them like five five or eight man what are you waiting for i know right let's buy two i can't i need to take in the living room i'm gonna buy the other one three miles a gallon yeah i know i can live in that thing up yeah right how far is it in there there we go you got it all right all right are you glad you came out a little spot you'll come out oh thanks give you guys shot of what an 88 toyota looks like has a nice brown color to it oh almost fell down sam so so i've got a few more people actually pods um i need to like know your background your story first before i can just make you mod like uh robert i see that you're asking uh robert kirks um remind me who you are we had conversations i talked to a lot of people but we do have to like kind of pre-screen people because we've actually had to remove mods as well we did yes we did make uh frank ahmad and we also made anthony new york is also now a mod so he was incredible he hung out with us over there in nashville incredible help and he says anytime we're on this side of the mississippi that side he said make sure we give him a call i'd like to go over there how's that big red i think that's incredible i'm glad it didn't get smashed how many vehicles today um they would like to know uh three so far we have one more so this line right here is gonna be our fourth vehicle this one is actually the newest vehicle that went in it is a we don't know what year the vehicle is but we know that the registration was 2017 is a gmc that would either make it a denali i think because it's an suv yeah so i think denali yeah because chevy's the suburban so yeah it's denali yeah i think so hello from scotland from scotland [Music] down under dan i thought he was a mod [Music] how did he not become a mod down under dan come on now he's like awp down under why is he not a mod maybe he unmodded himself i don't know did you unmod yourself dan all right what else do you guys want to know shout out to the towing company i don't even know i think they're two different towing companies and they're under contract with the city um so they're not they are not out here on their own time and their own dime i do know what the name of the blue one is that's denny's so danny so shout out to denny's we appreciate them being here and playing with us um but they they are under city contract on this one so yeah we had no control over this one no control over who came down on it but yesterday we had titan towing that came down on his own dime and his own time kyle is his name so if you're anywhere in the fort worth area be sure to use titan towing uh incredible guys over there okay no for a vehicle that old question came in how do we know that the vehicles were in here oh well yesterday we uh in fort worth we just kind of took a look at the ariel and said white lake right there looks like it's a good place for crime we went there within five or six minutes we identified seven cars within seven minutes of being in the water while we were there one of the detectives uh had said we said hey where else can we go in fort worth to look for cars they said uh and they listed off like half a dozen other lakes and one of them was lake como they said stuff happens in lake home all the time vehicles go missing and there's missing persons as well you're bound to found something over this find something up there so kevin as well as sam jumped in the water today and within 20 minutes you guys found four or five yeah we were on the first car in five minutes and then when we made a loop all the way around this side of the lake back to over here we had three within 10-15 minutes yeah it didn't take long at all so that's how we found the cars and we do so by using a little inflatable boat and we have sonar on it and that's how we're able to identify those cars underwater and then we dive on them to see if we can clear them and then once we have cleared them or grabbed license plates and we know what it is that we're up against then we contact the pd let them know what we have and it was a little bit of a are where they wouldn't let us actually do the divers to pull them today however they need to bring in their own team so incredible to work with the fort worth pd um let us be the ones to finish hooking these up and bringing them out for you guys today kiki is doing incredible she's home right now in fact she's going to be taking over the birch line so we're actually going to in-house the merch soon we have magnets that are coming online so we have our own awp magnets and we also have our own awp uh pokestop coming out and kiera's going to be doing all the order fulfillment so really looking forward to her taking over that portion thank you for asking about tiara hey hey if that don't work uh thank you jill for becoming a part of the team new member uh jill you're gonna start getting videos early so liam video's up right now we have four more randy leach videos coming out we have five bill simmons videos that are coming out is for our week that was there including the recovery of bill the city um said we're not telling you that you can recover the vehicle we're saying if the vehicle shows up on the boat ramp we're very appreciative of that that video is going to be coming out march for everybody but sam our dan's going to see what he can do to get about as soon as he can for members so thank you for the members also thank you for the donations like ice187 says thank you for everything you guys do keep up the good work thank you very much uh pinto master thank you for your donation as well and thank you for your likes comments subscribes shares everything helps us [Applause] [Music] and drive the truck forward see this [Music] clock [Music] can we drive it like that yeah nice [Music] what do you want to do there judd that's awesome hey uh real quick did you guys hear that jeff bezos stepped down as ceo of amazon i didn't hear that yeah he did so when he was in his prime put on somebody wanted a bad dad joke there it is i didn't even get it crime amazon prime are you serious bad dad jokes are not good when you have to explain them are you sure you didn't really understand that i i did i just wanted i wanted to be funny all right so should i follow that up with another bad dad joke what is the difference between dubai and abu dhabi when it comes to the flintstones it has nothing to do with zones it does what's the difference between dubai dubai abu dhabi when it comes to the customs it has nothing to do with the places well the answer is um the dubai does not like the flintstones but abu dhabi do just as bad as yours hey watch ourselves go down oh hey who likes history who likes history you stole uh chris's camera i did i got christmas carol hey chris what's going on history question who likes history people viewers love history what ended in 1896 1895. you are correct you win am i right for you yes sir i guess i like history do you have any idea what we're doing for dinner we are the danger line there the no mock experience you love getting out with your dogs and hiking yes you know sometimes i love hiking as well you need a dog you know before i get a dog though i started with a playlist okay with it where's this going i i included peanuts and cranberries and eminem no meatloaf no but i like i like to call it my trail mix i gotta go that one was actually pretty good i liked it the other one uh the audience is saying that the big red is turning me yeah yeah that just went on live you wanna wash it down with some river mud how dirty this one guy is working his butt off today why don't blind people i know this one because it scares their [Music] dogs i actually remember the one that made me laugh pretty hard let me get your opinion why does snoop dogg carry an umbrella i miss what i don't know for drizzle so look look if you ever wanted to know what blinker fluid look this is what it looks like when your blinger fluid is low all right i thought that was high beam fluid it could be speaking speaking of headlights so i went to the park store the other day because i needed a headlight okay so i walk in i'm like hey i need a headlight he says what floor i'm like so i can see at night good all righty you heard it here first that they want to live in a van i highly suggest doing it with at least one pet oh yes hey hey hey look my daughter's on here kiki the camera girls on here she says hi dad me and mom are watching love and miss you thanks kiera and hey honey uh my wife's nickname by the way is twos you know why twos t-o-o-t-s-t-o-t-s uh see if anybody is i wanna see if anybody is like really og we talked about this once upon a time so i'm gonna wait here and see if anybody knows why my wife's nickname is tubes okay all right anyway thank you appreciate being here in palm too somebody says because she farts farting childhood name it is a childhood name and it's not because she farts but put money parts tootsie pops women don't fart yeah two teeth no um so no so the reason why her nickname is tooks is because when she was little her dad would read her the book toodles the train and when it was time to for the train to go she would go to food and so that's how she got it that's how she got her name was troops so anyway troops is her name and it stuck with her through all the years so when people first hear it they do think it's because and she doesn't keep that in mind for the future that will be a trivia question on the awp game show sponsored by so sam's going live yeah because we're uh my battery pack is almost dead on that one so okay we're gonna have sam go live and then i'm gonna get this last car over here so should we prepare them to switch over so yeah ready okay yeah hey you know how they say you should uh always give 100 yes i do know how they say that there is wait a second i'm not ready for it okay go ahead okay there's one situation where you should not give a hundred percent what would that situation be when you're giving blood [Music] what other questions do we have no this is why my jokes aren't that good so i hang out with people like this [Music] yeah yeah he's moving over one more car everybody yeah yeah they're gonna bring in the record oh i see the record coming i think [Music] these guys definitely earned their paycheck today oh yeah you mean he doesn't have six-wheel drive last one that i gotta get suited up um a couple things need to happen one is what is a lawyer where to work what is the lawyer where to work briefs a lawsuit of course kevin hey um british would have been good too though that that was good i mean that would work that works as well um a couple things one is i'm going to start shooting up uh while that's also happening sam is getting here when that happens i need you to then move over to the rv and turn this one off i think the batteries yep yep yep battery's almost dead on that one so and then i'm going to be down and hooking this last one up thank you everybody for being here thank you for calling your support uh and being a part of being a part of and then we have others that meet up along the way you know we've got kevin from nomad we've got jeff over here jd online and on youtube so if you guys see him uh support him you know you saw the other viewers that came out to support us today so we really appreciate all of that you like your comments your shares your donations your membership all of that really helps us out and that is because of you is 100 the only reason why we're able to come out and do this so we could not be doing it without you i have to get this going i'm getting in the water you guys finish this up and i'm out on this channel but be sure to jump over to sam sam yo yo sam sam the adventure man i'm getting it set up right now jump over and support him in just a moment and do that later later later later bye-bye one more leg spike for today yes let's do one more like spike all right all right guys we are going to do another like spike have you got a part of the legs i i can't do it i have to get out of here like spike bye okay so what we're gonna do guys we're gonna do a like spike so for you that are on your iphone or your tablet or any phone device get your finger above that like button and just hover over it if you're on a pc or a mac get that mouse cursor over that thumb button hold it right above it because in five seconds we're all gonna smash that like button that like spike together in five four three two one nice flight let's see how many we get out of that guys coming out tonight is gonna be on the sam's live stream yep so make sure to go check it out sam sam the adventure man yeah my last car so we got the moderators to link his channel sam's going to be taking over the live here shortly and doing some like spikes of his own yes yes you're a good looking dude you know that appreciate that thank you we're actually not going to use that thumbnail i already already took a picture that we're going to use so we hit upload thumbnail it's a good picture though i'm about to post that later there you go all right we've got one person waiting we've got three people waiting so i'm gonna go ahead and uh figure out which way i want to orientate this with my camera i'm gonna hit go live right now okay guys we are live on sam sam the adventure man's channel uh don't hang up yet there kevin if you want to start pushing people over here so all you guys are hanging out on adventures with purpose come over to sam sam the adventure man sam sam the adventure man because we're going to end the stream over here and we're going to go over here so on that note i'm going to start talking start showing stuff if you want to start driving traffic my way yeah and then uh disconnect because right now i got 42 people watching but somehow i got 64 likes all right 95. all right so i'm gonna run to the trailer and shut you guys off so you gotta go so so you guys gotta jump over go to sam's channel otherwise you're gonna miss out got one more car coming yeah one more car all right moderators if we can get uh right guys sam's channel linked in hey i'm gonna go with you there dan dan you can get sam's channel linked for us in chat let's get everybody that is in chat right now with awp over to sam sam's channel and we're gonna party like we were over here and i almost broke my ankle for you guys
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 449,928
Rating: 4.9446568 out of 5
Id: 8T9Ux-mqVwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 35sec (9995 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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