SOLVED: We Found Their Moms Car 30 Years Later... (Carey Mae Parker COLD CASE)

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- [Narrator] March 17th, 1991. 23 year old Carey Parker left her job in Quinlan, Texas, and was never seen again. For the last 30 years, Trish Gauger has been searching for her sister, and most of that time, she's felt alone. - And I've been very angry most of my life because I feel... Nobody looked for her. She ain't been looked for in 30 years. - [Narrator] That is until Adventures with Purpose recently came across her case. - I'm full of a lot of emotions right now as we're in Hunt County, Texas looking for Carey Parker. We found her car right now. Some of my big experiences, I didn't even want to be a part of this one right now because the car is 30 years old. She was 23 years old, mother of three on the way to her son's birthday party. We're so close to having the car out. This is the one episode, you're not gonna wanna miss. (upbeat music) We want to welcome you to Quinlan. Is that how you say this? - Yeah. - Quinlan, Texas. Where we are looking for Carey Mae Parker who went missing March 17th of 1991. This is Trish, who is Carey's sister. - Sister. - And we also have a good friend, Lori over here. - Hi. - And so with this one, much different story than we've ever told before because she's been missing now for coming up on 30 years and it wasn't until 10 years ago that she was actually reported missing officially. - Her son's birthday, I believe was March. I believe it's March 22nd, and she was gonna throw him a birthday party at her house. I think he was gonna turn six and she never showed up. It wasn't totally out of the ordinary but as the time went by, we're like, well, something's wrong, something's not right. 2010, I called, found out that Terrell PD had changed the missing persons to a welfare check. And for the last 11, almost 11 years, it's like, they've treated this case the same as when we first got it back in the 90s. I don't know how y'all feel about things when it comes to psychic, I was using a Facebook Marketplace, this lady responds to me and I'm like, "Yeah, meet us up." And all this kind of stuff. And when she sees me, she's just staring. I mean, she just... The look on her face was like, trip out because it made me very uneasy and uncomfortable. She started telling me that she saw her in water. What she said that it was in deep water. She said, it was a 50 foot of water. - Yes. Did she point you in a direction as to where near the lake it might be? - She said the deepest part. - Yeah. That would be close to the dam. But there... We don't have any kind of sightings or anything that she was there. - So, I would say let's head over to the dam first area. Let's see if we can actually gain access over there and then let's check out Hawk Cove. And then if by chance, you can get any access to the quarries today by chance, we'll see if we can get in on any of those today. And we'll just kind of play it by ear. You know, we could always come into this with a plan, no plan. You know, our plan was to meet up with you here at 9:00 AM. Figure out the story and you start coming up with that plan throughout the day. (spirited uplifting music) (car door banging) The best way to start any search, salmon or the old chicken. Now, we begin. (high intensity techno music) Now, we can start it. If you've never been here before or seen side scan what we're looking at. - All right, show them. - Couple of things we're looking at. The first one is we have site imaging taking place here. We're casting 75 feet right. 75 feet left. Anything that you see black is water column. So, if you look at the 18, 36, 54, 75, those are kind of grid lines for us. And so from the boat to the bottom is eight feet. So, this is the down imaging. So, if you look at seven and a half feet, without seven and a half feet. So, anything black is water column. This one over here is life scope. So, this one is actually happening in real time. Whereas this one is a picturing type. So, real time. You can see fish swimming around. This one over here, picturing type. (light playful music) Sam, you gotta hold the gimbal, smooth and level. - [Sam] I'm trying to, it's kind of wavy. So, as you guys can see, the waves will definitely kicking up but the good news is... Have you noticed there's always good news when I talk? - Always good news. - Good news. - You can actually see that the site scan is still giving us a really good reading feedback so as the down imaging. We're currently passing 39 feet down to the casting 75 feet left right. And the reason why it was still along the dam because there's an upper road. I mean, Dan's been here for a long time. Back in the 90s and 80s. Access points are a lot more lenient. So if by chance, accident or on purpose or intentional, you have to put all in these areas. - Yup. - Yeah. We're gonna to have to call that one, Sam. We're coming over and sideways off the boat, in front of the boat. Sam. Oh. (playful upbeat music) - [Dan] So, you guys just came back and I noticed, Sam is very wet. - Did you see how much water is down there? It's up past his boots. It's going inside. We were out there and we started putting... the wind was really kicking up. Lots of big waves coming. - They kicked up fast. - Yeah, they do. - Waves over the bow. We're just getting sprayed in the face. - Well, the good news is we got half of the dam completed. The good news is I think we still have a cove kind of protected. (wind drowns out conversation) - [Dan] So, a success, Sam? - Yeah, man. I'm really happy about that. Looks like, we gotta put it right here and just go around the corner. It's pretty, pretty awesome. - [Dan] Sweet. - We can actually sneak along this levy here, where this road goes across the lake, and then I'd like to finish searching that first boat ramp that we came in today. We don't know if our day's gonna end there or they're still trying to get us access to the quarries as well. So, while they're there doing that, let's put a few more scans over here. - Yeah. - Sam. I got Dan now, by the way. - Yeah, we traded. - Yeah. - I am now Sam. (hopeful music) - You can't tell if this is a car or if we have... I have a car there. They also have a memorial. I wonder if they lock the car in there. Let's go check that out. Right here. So, it's a four feet tall. Looks like a vehicle, it's upside down. (upbeat music) It looks really old. You do 20 or 30 years old. - Should we see if those balloons are tied there? Do you think they're tied or they just points and then fell there? - Oh. - Yeah. They're definitely not tied to anything. They're just caught up in these bush. And they're happy birthday balloons. They don't- (reverse sound) - For son's birthday, I believe was March. I believe it's March 22nd. And she was gonna throw him a birthday party at her house. I think he was gonna turn six. And she never showed up. (boat motor purring) - All right. There. Just landed on it. Okay, there we go. There we go. Solid rock, solid. It's pretty solid. My motor is going to hold me in place. - Okay. - I'll see you later. - Okay. (tense ominous music) - Yeah. I can't see nothing. Can't find any tags. It's definitely upside down. It's an older car. I'm ridiculously cold. I just ripped off a piece of it. Having no idea that this is towards the front. So I'm going to suit up and I'm going to hit it. - What color is her car? - Blue. - Sky blue. Here it is. Looking at all of our archives of photos. - That's a blue. We got a blue. - I had an 81 Buick Skylark and they was a grayish blue color. Exactly like this. - Oh, dear. (deep breathing) (boat engine purring) - Ready to meet my GM. Do we know? - [Sam] I don't know. - Inside the door panel, it says GM Canada. What we have right now is we have a red interior, the door panel made by GM. (conversing quietly) - We got the bumper as well. - We did look at the bumper. Is that- Here's another one although but different. - There you go. - So, let's bring it over here. What do you say? - There shouldn't have another one of those bumpers right here. - Yeah. - That's it right there. - Yeah. - Yep. That's it. You got the black, you got that right there. You got your black all the way down. - As you see how it tapers between here and right where it meets the black. - Yep. - You have taper. That taper as well. (sobbing) - And if we peel away some of this rubber, we might get a better coloring. - Right now when you call the sheriff, you want me to call him? - Yeah. - Okay. - Yeah, we don't want to be the one to do it. - Okay. Let me call the sheriff, okay? - Good. How far out? - Your first tall sign on the left-hand side. - You know fishing site? So, I have a marker actually tied to that. So, I have an orange line going from that pole down to the vehicle for you is attached with a bag net right now. - It's tech. You got something attached to the vehicle, right? - Yes, sir. - Okay. - Yep. - You're gonna like this stuff, to you. - All right. We're doing this. - Yeah. - We're doing this? Raising up? - Yep, we're raising up. - All right. - Like tonight? - Yep. Right out tonight like right now. So, suit up, get ready. - All right. - In order to do this, we don't want to lose anything out in the passenger side. So, we don't want them taking it and bringing up like this. So with that, I need to send you this. So, I need to bring these chains and cinch them up a little bit. So that way, when he starts pulling, these are gonna be cinched up a little bit tighter, but we're gonna kind of bring this chain, this chain, this one and this one to one center point. But these ones have to be- - More so. - These ones have to be out more. So that way, those are a little bit longer and these ones have to be shorter. So that way, when he pulls, it's coming up like this. (chains rattling) - The son found something. - What does this mean to you or what is it or tell me about this. You know what is this? So, I love smurfs whenever I was a kid. My mom, I remember she'll buy me despite everything I wanted the Smurfs. I specifically remember Smurf bedsheets, so. When I seen this, it was hopefully a good indicator. - Where'd you find it? - It was stuck on the door panel. - All right. - I flip it open. - This is more than likely put there by you when you were a kid. All right, we're gonna get to work, man. Jared and Sam are heading out now on the boat. (tense ominous music) (chains rattling) (heavy breathing) - [Dan] All right, so at once he comes up, it should be rigged and ready. - Yeah, it should be. - Cars upside down, back a bit spacing, you? Driver's windows are currently up. My goal is forced not dump anything out. And to bring this up as levels as we can. With that being said, this line right here that we're gonna first zip to is hooked to the front of the car. - Okay. - I've attached it so that way, the longer chain is on the passenger side. Shorter's on the driver. So as the wind began to flip that one, it should went this way. - Got it. - But not too much. So, that's one closest to me. - Yes, sir. - Okay. - All right, we'll get the next one. - It's all yours, now. Let me take my fins off and come out of the water. (tense ominous music) (machine engine idling) All right. Car's just pull in the part end. (tense ominous music) I have a big fear going on right now because we're upside down and there's just so much is coming apart on the car. - We gotta go somewhere high. I don't think there's anything left inside right now. Like that thing just completely come apart now. (water dripping) - What's it like? Half the car is still down there. I mean, this is why I didn't wanna do this one I think I knew how the tower was going to just, disintegrate coming up and I feel like responsibility of the family to carry is with the car. I have no doubt that she's, you know, was in the car. There's no other way for the car to go home like that. If somebody thinks who is ready. So right now, unfortunately today, we're not gonna have the answers for the family as to where Carey is at. Or I guess the answer is that we brought Carey home. We have the answers to where Carey's at. We just don't have the answers. We have the answers as to where Carey is. We just don't yet have Carey's home. - Light's here. - We have light, sir. - Right there. - All right. Let's see. Victor. One. Two. Six. Nine. And the last number is unreadable. (comparing numbers) - There you go. (lively cheerful music) (people clamoring) - It matches. - It matches? - Yep. - God bless you all. (speaks quietly) - At this point, I hope to share and agree with us that at this point in that area it has to be, forensics on it. With appropriate time- (indistinct conversation) - Thank you. - To be in a part of another one. - That makes six where we provide answers for the family. As Sam's matching, as you guys already know, It's confirmed that this is 100% belongs to Carey Parker. What our plan is now for the next couple of days, they're gonna get a team out here because the car came apart and the pieces that did... Carey's still out there. (machines drowns out speakers) I say that she is, you know, we don't know that for sure but by the time this video comes out, book title and properly, we'll put the description from what we know. (light airy music) Thank you for being with us and if you haven't sub, please do subscribe and keep Carey and the family in your awesome life. Thank you. (gentle inspirational music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 3,315,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carey mae parker, carey parker missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, solved missing persons cases 2021, solved missing persons cases documentary, missing persons cases solved, scuba diving, dangerous diving, dangerous scuba, dangerous scuba diving, found car, found car in lake, recovered car, recovered car in lake, recovered missing person in lake, found car underwater, adventures with purpose, mother, missing mom, missing mother, carey may parker missing
Id: TnKcfpvKTEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 48sec (1608 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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