UNSOLVED: 23-Year-Old Laney Gwinner's Car Missing in River?

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- [Jared] Logs or a car? (tense music) - It's a hood, I'm bouncin' on the hood. - You are not gonna wanna miss to miss today's episode, as we are over in Ohio, looking for Alana Gwinner's car. Now Alana Gwinner went missing back in 1999. Her body actually floated, 90 miles downstream is where they ended up finding her. The one piece of evidence that we're looking for is her car, and if we can find that today, it's going to be able to help convict a killer. (suspenseful string music) - [Reporter] The 23-year-old walked out to her Honda Del Sol around 1:00 am, and was never seen alive again. (sad tense violin music) - [Patty Hall] She ah, had finished her finals, she was out with a friend, they were playing pool, and she was leaving to go to her boyfriend's house, but she never made it there. (dramatic music) - Wherever that car went in at, whoever was driving the car, it obviously wasn't Laney. Then that suspect probably knew that area very well. - [Reporter] Decades later, it's the focus of a Mason High School cold case project. - It's a heartbreaking thing for families to go through this. - I can't imagine what it's like having someone murdered, and then you don't know who did it. (dramatic orchestra hit) - [Jared Leiseck] Morning. - Randy Hubbard. - Randy? - Randy, Randy Hubbard, nice to meet you. - Sam, nice to meet you, Randy. - Mark Reiber. - I'm Sam. - Nice to meet you. - [Jared] Randy, Mark and Evan. - Yes sir. - [Jared] On with it. - So, Laney Gwinner disapp... - [Jared] Laney? - Laney Gwinner. - Okay. - Went disappearing from a bowling alley in 1997, up in Fairfield. (air rushing) About a month later, they found her body floating in Warsaw, Kentucky, about 90 miles downstream. The theory was that she was put in the water in her car, and then at some point got flushed out of it. - Uhuh. - So they believe her car is either somewhere here in the Great Miami or the Ohio River. - Okay, and by her car I mean, if we're looking like... So this is her car. - [Evan] Yup. - And so she was in it, I mean, sure enough, she could absolutely, you know, come out of there. - [Evan] Yep. - [Jared] So from where she went missing and where the car is located, what is the distance, and how and why do we think that this is her car in the river here, the Miami River, ey? - Great Miami, yup. - Okay. So bring us up to speed on this and your, your search, and how your whole organization, who you guys are and why... - Okay. So this car, is about, how far do you say it is from the bowling alley? How far are we from bowling alley? 14 miles? And the reason we think that this could be her car is because we have a couple of suspects, and one of them, this would make sense to dump it here. He knows this area very well. - Okay. - Um... - And is he currently in jail right now or is he out? Roll me. - He's not in jail right now. - Okay. - No. - So if we find this car, then you believe that this is going to be able to convict him or... - That's, yeah that's what all the detectives have been saying, that the car is the last piece. - Okay. And then your search, leading up to this point. - A fishermen volunteered with us who had sonar, - Okay. - and he was going up and down the Ohio river, and he went up as far as he could on the Great Miami, um, and he's the one that found that on the sonar. Okay. So if the car woulda gone in, did you guys identify like a location where the car woulda gone in and then it floated for a little bit? - Yeah. Yeah, there, there was actually right... it's not there now, but there was a gravel, or dirt road, right down to the river. - Oh. - [Mark] Back then it was like 7 access points to the river. That's, that's why this is a key location. - [Evan] Yup. - [Jared] Okay. About, and then from that access point, how far down is the car from that last access point? - [Mark] 50 feet, in the river 30 feet. - [Jared] Okay, so how come we're not up there where we're only like 30 feet from it? - [Mark] The road's no longer there. - Okay. (chuckling) So from here, how far do we need to go boating this morning? (indistinct) - At least three quarters of a mile, - Okay. - down river, but... - Alright. My next question is if you had divers on it, you know, you know exactly where it's at, - Yup. - and it's only seven and a half feet deep, - Yep. - Real divers? - Yup. They were from, where were they from? - [Mark] (indistinct) real divers, I, I think, the... - They... - The... That's the second time we were there, we had, er, we had a dive with the fishermen, came up the first time, and he marked the spot but I think we were movin' so we may have been off the spot, a little bit from where this one is. - Okay. - You know you're missing by 40 feet that's a lot when you're underwater when you can't see. - Right, right right. Okay, well we'll take ah, some ah, anchors with us, we'll take some magnets with us, we've got our sonar with us as well, so we're going to be able to identify it, put us right on it. I mean, as long as you can put us within, - [Evan] Yeah. - the general area, - [Evan] Yeah. - we'll be able to ah, grab it from there. We only need one of us in the water. - Mhmn. - So... - Yeah. - (sighing) Jacob, you want to go for a boat ride? Do you want to be our superhero today? I'll take you out, we'll locate it. Put you in the water. We just have your kayak only, and then our boat, - Yeah. - What we have today, And so you're going to put us on the spot. - Yup. - Okay. - You wanna come do that today? - Yeah. We can go play. - So we've got ah, Jacob here, Chaos Divers. We're lookin' for a... Look at that. Put that in your mind. [Jacob] Gotcha, 'kay. - I don't even know what that is. - (stammering) - Is that a Miata? - I was gon... - [Evan] A Honda Del Sol. - Honda Del Sol. - [Evan] 1993 - I was gonna say I've never seen a car like that, but yeah. - A'right, perfect. Suit up, you're only going down seven and a half feet. I'll put you on the spot. - Okay. (slow dramatic slide guitar) (water splashing) (dive tanks rattling) - (breath puffing) (water splashing) (crew muttering) - Darn it. - [Jared] He is not only a cameraman. (water splashing) (equipment clunking) - [Jared] All suited up. (water rhythmically splashing) (indistinct) - We're still not... Four inches. (water splashing) (outboard engine starting) (engine growling) (water splashing) - [Jared] Now we're stuck. - [Evan] You gonna have to paddle out. (engine growling) - We're not getting through here. This is just too ridiculous. All right, you need to head up onto the shoreline. - [Jacob] Okay. And we'll get just a little bit more weight outta here, and just walk down that shoreline, and I'll see what I can do to get this outta here. - [Jacob] I'm stuck. - [Jared] Hey ah, have fun. (water splashing) Alright, now the boat's moving. I'm not saying anything, Jacob, but the boat's moving now. You'll make it. Trust me, go to the shortest point. (engine idling) - I can't. (laughing) (water splashing) - [Jared] You gonna have to go to shore. - (laughing) - [Jared] I'm gonna have to power this out of here. - [Jacob] I'm walking on my knees because my feet are sinking. - [Jared] Uhuh. (zany upbeat country music) (leaves underfoot rustling) - (laughing) (leaves crunching) - (laughing) - [Jared] Watch out, Jacob. - (laughing) - [Jared] Trail turns. - [Evan] The trail does turn. - [Jared] I thought you already scouted the trail ahead of time for us. - [Evan] I did. (chuckling) - [Evan] It's just been me and Mark. We walked. (undergrowth crunching) I think it was right here. (outboard engine starting) (suspenseful string music) (outboard engine running) - [Evan] See that milk jug hangin' in the tree? - [Jared] Yup. [Evan] We put that there, that's where it is. - [Jared] Okay. (water splashing) It's about 30 feet into the river. - [Jared] Okay, perfect. Milk jug, 30 feet in, simple enough, Jacob. (engine idling) Drawing eight feet of water right now. And cast, ah, let's go with a 25 foot cast. Right, is that it? That looks like it right there. Yup, it looks like what they had on image, on sonar. Let's go sit on top of it. - 360? - [Jared] 360 over it and see if it's really a car, or if it's just a log that's, killing everybody. - [Jared] So it's actually just, ah, almost right dead center in front of you. - [Jacob] Let me just hold my breath and jump in. - [Jared] Nope. - [Jacob] Okay. - [Jared] So it's going to be off to the right over here. So we have a tree... So we have two things going on. So we have a tree in front of us, and then we have the other one, off to the right over here. So get your magnet ready. Ah, yeah, okay where your anchor's at, go ahead and toss your magnet over there. (coughing) (water splashing) - I'm at the bottom. So I'm on top of sumpin'. It just went into a hole. - [Jared] You know, you have like a whole bunch of brush down there for sure too. - [Jacob] Okay. - [Jared] Let's have you suit up and let's clear a few things. One is, lets clear directly underneath of us, so go ahead and get that stuck again, just to verify whether that's logs caught up on a car, or a potential car. I'd like to have you clear that hole over there as well. And then we're going to go clear, once you do that, we're gonna clear up here as well. (dramatic slow Spanish guitar) - [Jared] Logs or a car? (water splashing) It's a hood. I'm bouncin' on the hood. (Spanish guitar music continues faster) (water gurgling) - Nope. - [Jared] Not a car? - Sorry. - [Jared] Tree? Well, clear the entire area right there, though, 'cause if it does go out a little ways... (Spanish guitar music continuing) (air and water bubbling) (Spanish guitar music continuing) (Spanish guitar music continuing) (underwater bubbling) - [Jared] Another tree? - Huge. - [Jared] Yeah. - Ah... (water splashing) (sniffing) It was, big, huge, like as big as round as your, your boat, and about eight feet long. - [Jared] Yeah, so when I was running the ah, river, up and downstream, identical to the image that you had, once I came acrost it though, you could clearly see that it was a tree. Jacob verified that it's a tree. So that means the ah, hunt continues for your car, but let me just do a few more passes and scan, let's just make sure we clear this area for ya. (slow somber piano music) - [Jared] Evan, we're at a new location. You said there's like seven different locations where a car could potentially go in. - Yeah. - [Jared] Whether back in 1999 or, you know, even today. But really, you've looked at Google Earth, You've went back in time, 1999. Tell us what your feeling is on this particular location here today. - Well, there were, there's an old softball field up there, um, and there used to be a road, or a bridge actually, that went across the river, and that's no longer there. Um, so it would be an easy dumping point for a car. And so it's one of the seven that would be easy access to get a car in. (somber piano continuing) (somber piano continuing) (somber piano continuing) Getting ready to wrap up here, we just wanted to give a big thank you to both of the, you, - Yeah. - [Jared] for bringing us in. Helping you on the case today, we gave you some answers, they're not the answers that you guys were looking for, but what do you want people to, reach out to you, reach out to the local sheriff? Like where are we at on this case right now and what else can you tell us about it? - At this point, I mean, we're going to keep checking. We got a couple of other spots that we can check. So we have a couple of volunteers that'll, that we can reach out to, to help continue searching. Um, but at this point, if anyone knows anything about where the car might be, um, contact Fairfield police department, or even reach out to us and then we can pass it along to them, um, to get it checked out. - [Jared] In fact, do that. I mean, if you actually know where the car is at, that's going to make our jobs a whole lot easier, just be like, you know what? Jared, Sam, you guys don't have to search anymore. The car's right here. (chuckling) Reach out to the Fairfield Police Department. Help solve a cold case from 1999, and let's bring justice to Alana. On that note, thank you for hanging out with us for another episode of Adventures With Purpose, where you never know where we're going to end up next, what cold case we might be working on, or what car we're going to clean up out of the environment, so tune in next time, be sure to subscribe. We'll see you next time. Later, later. Bye-bye. [Patty Hall] The more people that look into it, is the higher chance that some information may come out. - [Randy] It started out as giving Evan, and myself actually, kind of a real world experience with it. And now it's turned into, you know, we want to help. We want to try to get that information back out. (stirring string music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 629,820
Rating: 4.8983769 out of 5
Keywords: Alana Laney Gwinner, Alana Gwinner, Laney Gwinner, missing car, homicide, adventures with purpose, missing person, cold case, car in river, car underwater, missing honda, honda missing, honda del sol, mrleisek, missing person case, detective, detective work
Id: Mv7T9svw_rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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