SOLVED 8-Month-Old Missing Person Case (Nicholas Allen)
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Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 2,378,015
Rating: 4.945209 out of 5
Keywords: nicholas allen, nicholas allen missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, solved missing persons cases 2020, solved missing persons cases documentary, missing persons cases solved, scuba diving, river diving, dangerous diving, dangerous scuba, dangerous scuba diving, found car, found car in river, recovered car, recovered car in river, recovered missing person in river, full face dive mask, nick allen missing
Id: cAfYtXB-qN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 24sec (3024 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Bet that Sheriff was so convinced of his own belief that the kid just ran off with his girlfriend that he did absolutely no actual searching of anything. He's in complete and total cover-my-ass mode.
Important Time Stamps since I posted an hour long video. Also thank you for no one calling me out in the comments for spelling "sheriff" wrong! Pitchfork Emporium must be closed on thursdays.
0:00-3:00 Intro
17:50-20:00 Using sonar to locate car
26:45-28:45 Confirm license plate, tell family, call sheriff
33:24 -Sheriff shows up @ 35:20 he says "im gonna think he's not in the car" (lies about saying this later)
39:40-40:30 Family member calls out sheriff "I asked you months ago. you sonared this river and you missed that?"
40:50-Rest of the video is the vehicle/body recovery
This guy has a Youtube channel where he mostly recovers vehicles/guns from rivers. He is now on a tour of the US trying to solve cold cases that involve lost cars in bodies of water. Also is pitching a show called Cold Case Divers. I agree with some of the comments that his conduct can be cringey at times but ultimately they are doing an amazing thing for these families.
Okay, I'm from Davidson County. Just want to clear something up based on a few comments, the officer in the video is not the elected Sheriff. Also, when the story broke that this kid had been found, our local newspaper totally glossed over adventures with purpose being involved. And locals are raising hell about this, and the fact that they have no intention of investigating the other six cars down there.
The damage control that Davidson County must be doing after the world has seen how useless and rude that Sheriff was.
In the U.S., County Sheriff is typically (but not always) an elected position. He may be up for re-election now, something residents of his local jurisdiction may want to consider.
A friend of mine lives in a mountainous area. A coworker of his went missing after work one day. They called the cops and the sheriff and anyone else who would listen. My friend just kept getting the standard, yes we will look for him. A week went by and nothing. The cops really didn't search much at all. My friend went out with some of his other coworkers and drove the missing guys route home. The found some skid marks on the pavement going over a cliff. They found the coworker's car and coworker. He was dead of course. It was later revealed that the coworker who died probably survived the crash but died of dehydration a few days later. His pelvis was shatter so he couldn't move.
Wow that sheriff is an awful communicator
Just another piece of shit good old boy that's probably going to be reelected until he retires
"That's going to be a problem because the county just built this", what a cunt