MISSING: Imbo and Petrone $50,000 Reward (Part 1) COLD CASE!

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- [Narrator] February 19th, 2005, marks the day Petrone and Imbo simply vanished from Abilene on South street, five law enforcement agencies, including the FBI have made this case a priority. - You are not gonna want to miss this episode. Somehow Sam, we ended up in South Philly. (upbeat music) On a cold case from 15 years ago, that happens to have $50,000 reward. - $50,000. - You are not gonna want to miss today's episode. (bright upbeat music) You guys did not watch the last video. Here's what we're up against. Sam and I drove across the US just bring you up to speed from Oregon to Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is where we're at right now where John, who's missing in action again, okay? He was missing in this morning, but then he met up with us, sent us to a quarry where he's like, "Hey, come across the US I have 10 to 15 cars for you" - 10 to 15 confirmed cars. Sitting just waiting for us to grab. - One of them, a Firebird, the other one a Barracuda and which one did we end up getting today? - None of them. - Why not? - Coz they weren't there. (laughing) That's why - Not a single car. - So I'm kinda thinking, so John's not here, he said he was gonna be here. I'm kinda thinking we're on a goose chase right now. - Finally he met up with us. - Okay. - And he felt really bad. We went across the street to another pond. - He did show face. - Yes, he did. - He did show face. - And he felt really bad, Okay? So we went across it and what we thought was a tractor. We ended up being an old Thunderbird is what it was. So I say then John takes off early and he goes to lunch. And then we get a phone call and says, "Hey, you know what? "at lunch today, "I got a buddy and my buddy says 100% confirmed, "I'm gonna send you a place where it's up to 150 feet deep, "there's cars in there confirmed "because the Navy has doven in here. "They do trainings over here." What are you seeing Dan there in the camera man? Like what's your prognosis of this new location that we're at? - I don't know if John's wrong. I mean, it's definitely has potential for a car to go and right off the road. - Okay? - A hundred feet. - [Dan] You can see the road right there. - [Man] Yeah. - [Dan] And then there's this nice cliff right on in. - [Man] So do we have a shot then? - I would say, yeah. - [Man] Is John even gonna show up at this point, he said he's gonna come back down. - Where are you at John? - All right Well, on that note, I say, we see if we're allowed to put boats in here. - Okay guys, just keep walking and pay no attention to this sign right here. Just keep walking. - [Man] Is it really a boat? Kayak is not really a boat. - I don't know. I don't know. - [Man] Is Boating and kayaking the same thing? I guess that's the thing. - Yes. - [Man] It's Paddle boarding. What about stand up paddle boarding. - That's different. - That is different because stand up. - So we have to stand up. That's our standup paddleboard. - [Man] We can do that. Excuse me, miss, can you tell me anything about the headquarter here? (bright upbeat music) There's no reason to run. There's nothing to get excited. Well, I mean, okay. One is pretty. But at the end of the day, guys, I mean, we are not law-breaking citizens. - No. - [Man] You know, even if there's cars in there. I'd love to know if there's any bodies in there, but we don't have any actual hot tips on bodies. Only hot tip on the cars. - Yep. - [Man] I know that you're 18 and you know, the prison life kinda scares you. So we're gonna go ahead and keep you comfortable today. And I said, let's go take a look at the map and on what else we have in the area. We're gonna make something else work. - Let's do it. - Because where we're at, we are currently in this location here, where we had the 10 to 15 vehicles that are not really 10 to 15 vehicles. That leaves us two, we came down South a little bit. So what do I have in the area, $50,000 reward that we have on this one. Two of them are missing. The truck is missing, a story, I don't remember the exact story on this one. Let me see if I can scan it and see. So Imbo and Petrone, FBI says, people know who did it, but we have no hot leads. So we have a lot of water, no hot leads in Philadelphia. - Here's John. - I can't believe he showed his face again. - Yeah. - Just kidding, John. We do appreciate you. Except that you've now putting this on two locations and we can't dive. So I almost say, I mean, Philadelphia is gonna be dangerous. I bet you, if we find some boat ramps down in Philadelphia, (murmurs) we're gonna find some cars. Hey, John, these location is kind of a bus because no swimming, no boating. So we can't get into, unfortunately. Unless you have like a hookup with the city that says, Hey, yeah, you guys can go do whatever you want to in here. And keys to the that. - You've been able to get a vehicle down, - [Man] Get a tow truck out. - We don't have to call. Let me ask my boss. He lives right down the street. He works with the touch of a button. - I don't know, man. (murmurs) Dive in and Philly sounds pretty cool. - It does sound cool. - I think we'd find some interesting stuff. - [Man] I think you would. - I think that's a go. - Yeah, all right. Give it a shot. - All right. Let's go find ourselves a boat ramp over there Dan the camera man. (bright upbeat music) - Ask the shackle that we need right there, Dan. (upbeat music) - [Man] Yeah, you better be careful there, Sam. I think it's gonna be fairly safe here for us tonight. I'm feeling good about our location. There's two of us. So there's strength in numbers. Like two RVs. - Two RVs. - [Man] Strength in numbers. And I think that there might actually be some cards out here. (upbeat music) - All right. So with rivers, because it has a tide, the car can go in and float for up to 10 minutes and with a tide like this one coming in from the Delaware and the river can actually run upstream. And so we're gonna check roughly 50 to 100 feet that direction and check roughly 70 to 75, 80 feet out. It's gonna be our first pass with all this. Right now what I'm doing is I'm casting 26 feet to the left right now. We're casting 26 feet to the right. So we can see on both directions for the side scan. And then this one is down imaging. So this one shows straight down underneath the boat. And then this one shows this black here is water column. So it's six feet to the bottom is what that's showing. And then it's showing everything below the boat to the right. - Okay. - And then same thing with the left. So that's where that center line is. - Okay. - Makes sense. (upbeat music) Well, I'm gonna say this section is that clear John? 100%. - Yeah. - [Man] And the thing is, is here in Philadelphia. Were you there earlier today when we mentioned the $50,000 reward on that couple? - Yeah, I was. - [Man] let's make this a cold case episode and go see if we can find them tomorrow. - Yeah. - [Man] You're in for it. - I'm here for that. - [Man] All right. (upbeat music) - Scared. I'll lay in bed and there's like this crazy noise and Jared jumps up. (shouts) - No! No! No! It was like. (shouts) - Okay, more authoritative. - Yes. It was very authoritative. (mumbles) So we're back for day number two. It started off as a car hunt, which started with John here our great buddy out of a Quakertown that ended up turning into a bus. Like he sent us to like three different bus places. There were no buts, just bus, bus, bus. That brought us down to Philadelphia to where, you know, we ended up at a boat ramp and I'm like, every boat ramp in Philadelphia is gonna be just like Portland. We're gonna find so many cars. We found zero cars at the first boat ramp we went to. - I was thinking the same thing though, so. - But then it got me to thinking, we have that whole case here for 15 years ago of a is I think it's Petrona and Imbo. You know, we'll put a link to some new stories down below. - [Narrator] February 19, 2005, marks the day Petrona and Imbo simply vanished from Abilene on South street. Five law enforcement agencies, including the FBI have made this case a priority. They have followed leads, taking them from the South to the Midwest and points in between. So have to say most of the police and FBI activity has centered around South Jersey where Danielle and Richard were headed the night they disappeared. - But where we are at, is we're now not too far from, there was a bar that the two of them went missing 11:30 at night was the last time they were seen in a Dakota pickup truck. Here's where I'm at on the whole thing. And jump in here on this Brock as well. We're dealing with, he was a loving father, gentle guy. I don't know his party status. So I mean, we're looking for, if it was just the two of them that accidentally went missing, I really don't see like any roads where if he was intoxicated, he may have accidentally driven into the river. There is also a smaller pickup truck. So I also don't see like a car jacking. He's a bigger guy. I don't see somebody carjacking and stuffing them to the side as they still the pickup truck. And no body's were found. At least me too. I have no idea. Like what is the mystery on this one? So I say on that note, let's get the boat out. Let's throw some magnet fishing out as well. So that way we can keep the entire crew entertained and let's see what we can find. - Sounds great. (upbeat music) - [Man] Jared's currently doing a live stream. - Yeah, we're on a live stream right now. (upbeat music) - Throw my life jacket on the rag or something in your pocket. (upbeat music) - [Jared] We are inland doing some magnet fishing. It's a live stream mania out here so. - John, I can hear I caught something. - So go in there now already? - Yeah. What are you going? - [Jared] What are you gonna do? You gonna show up? - I'm going for quality, not quantity Sam. - No that's quality. You could use it. I found a knife in between Philadelphia and New Jersey in the water. Anything could have been done with that. (upbeat music) - And so we have a couple of targets here. So there's our first one. About 40 feet straight out is where this first one is where I think it's a boat. And then as we come across the other one, we'll be at the end of the pier where it could be a car that was ran off or something. Either one of these could be a car. So we have that one and we have that one. I'm gonna show the guys. - They were saying some wild tale about you finding an underwater Indian temple. - It looks like the Taj Mahal. Look at the top of it here. That's one. But when I went over a couple of different times, look, it could be either like a Jeep, listen, it's not a tractor, okay. I'm gonna say, it's definitely not a tractor, but also next to it over here, we have wheels on there. It's sitting upright. It almost looks like a work van. An electrician van is what that is. I'm putting my money on a electrician's work van. - I remember the plumbers work. - Plumbers work van? - I'm doing an AC van. - I'm going to a Candy man van. - Like a VW van. - I mean, it looks like it does look like to me. Does that look like wheels on there? - Yes, 100% - Dan let's introduce you to a couple of fans and stop by. They saw us on a live stream today and said, hey, if anybody's in the Philadelphia area, come on down, come hang out with us. So we have a West and it was Austin? - Yeah. - And we got Houston here. So supporting the show by the way. So shirt's, your 20 bucks. It helps us travel across the US and help do what, as we come out here to do, to clean up the environment, see if we can locate the unlost loved ones and to make a difference in the world. The link is the description for the shirts. And I'm happy that you're here today because we need help carrying gear out. - Not a problem. - They probably got eyes on you too. Yeah, so we're going to jail tonight. - I'm sure it goes without saying, but make sure you guys are watching your step as far as needles are concerned right here. (murmurs) - They always keep them out here. - Always? - Yeah. - Just like that guy. - Well, I am sweating my butt off since we just got out here. Today's episode sponsor is going to be OTS, which is Ocean Technology Systems. With that one, I'm actually able to use the onboard communication system from their full face mask. So I can talk to you. I then go to Y splitter on my side over here, where I have a transmitter and recorder, so I can record the audio. And that is these episode sponsor. The link is in the description below. One is gonna be kind of diagonal right off that point. - Okay. - So like take a reading, but it drops down too, so it shouldn't be that difficult to get down to it. And that's 37 to 40 feet that direction, but take a reading and then the other one is straight parallel with it. And they're only about 10 feet apart. - Sounds great. So which one do you want to go for? Head for the work van I'll head for the boat one. - Sounds great. - Coming to find out we got a little bit of audio. Sounds like my video may not have been working. So let's cut to the story of what I just told the boys. I found the boat. Yeah, but the boat is not worth getting. It's upside down. It's all that's attached to some other stuff. It's a big boat. We'd never get it out of here, but I wanna really find that van and clear it. Make sure there's nobody inside of it. Let's throw some magnet and see if we can catch that van. - Yeah, that'd be great. - Yeah, then we can just go straight down to it. - And then I also keep in mind, you have that current. So you have to really play with that current kinda overshoot it and let it kinda drift into it. - I like that. Lets see. Some of them don't even pull it yet. Just let it. - This time instead of going upstream, we're gonna go straight out first and then work our way up. and see if we can find that van. As you see, I've got the piling here. So as long as I hold on that the current doesn't suck me down. Then once I get on the bottom and I'm flat on the bottom. Then I can pull myself upstream. All right so that's bottom underneath the pier that puts us at 31 feet. I'm going to go down stream about 10 feet. One, five, seven, all right roughly 10 feet right there. So you can kinda measure distance. You're like, alright well they're 18 inches, you know, there's another two to three feet, so we're up to five feet, we're up to seven or eight feet. (upbeat music) Alright, let's go back upstream, cut these lines. A lot of fishing lines to get tangled up in. Okay, so I'm back at that boat again. See it right there? You guys didn't see it the first time because my camera wasn't working, So I believe this is a boat that's upside down. It's kinda weird because I wasn't really able to make it out completely. So if this is the boat then the work van is farther to the east from here and downstream. I'm going to say the work van was out about 10 feet and downstream about 10 feet. So here we go. Over 10, underwear is never a good thing. Alright so we're over 10 feet, maybe 15 feet now. At the 40 foot mark, excellent. Now Back it up about 10 to 15 feet. So there's eight feet and there's roughly 10 feet. Okay, we hold position here the van that I saw on sonar should be somewhere right here. I don't see it. Well, we'll make our way back up towards the shore. See if we run into it. If not than only the boat and I don't see the van today. Alright so let's pretend like the boat is the work van and that we've not yet identified the boat. Does that sound like a good theory? SO if we work our way, past the boat A.K.A work van, so we go upstream eight feet and the to the left. Let's try that. Alright we're at eight feet. Let's go over 10 feet. Alright, now we're starting to go uphill so that's 36 feet. So that's not it. There still have to be a work van out here than. let me do this. Let me go back to the boat and what is that? An old TV, computer? It's a baby seat. Confirmed there is no baby in the baby seat. 1000 PSI. Time to go up. 13 feet, 10 feet, 8 feet. Alright let's pop on up. (upbeat music) I can't find the van only the boat. - I was watching the bubbles, and you had have gone right over it or right beside it. - So I don't know. I mean, and so then I took the theory. Well maybe the van was actually the boat and the boat was van. So I worked my way up as well. And I'm asking out of that area. So it just could have been the way that things see. I like the way that the dirt looked on sonar as well. I don't know, but I feel confident that I landed on the boat twice or three times actually. There's nothing in the boat. So that kinda clears this area. I couldn't find what I thought was the van. I mean, the boat that I found could have been the van and then there could have not been a fan. It could have not been a van anywhere. I really think they're still working on down there. - Yeah. - But with the current. - That's too much. - I just can't locate it. It is really dangerous down there as well. I mean, my knife is out like the entire time and that's like 20, 30 pound test line. - Yeah. - You get tangled up in too much of that. There's been divers that have actually. - Love deaths. - So what we're gonna do is we're gonna wrap up today's episode. I think that we might come back tomorrow. In fact, let's do another Billy episode tomorrow because Joe, where's Joe at. Joe is one of our viewers that actually saw the live stream today. He came down to hang out with us and Joe, please tell us about the location of, you know, where some cars are actually at. - Kakyoin Panel Bridge . Back in the day when I was a kid that's where everybody used to take their stolen cars. - Guess what we're gonna be doing tomorrow. We're staying in Philly again tonight. Let's head up there tomorrow. I mean, I'm gonna say that wraps up another episode of 'Adventure To The Purpose' where we couldn't have done it without Joe. We couldn't have done it without Weston's boys', you know, Houston and Austin I got right. And as well as John, who's been hanging out with this for the last couple of days as well, if you haven't already done so, make sure to subscribe, turn on the little bell notification because why come on guys. If you don't, you won't get the notification that another video is out. So that's it for now. We'll see you later. Bye, bye. (bright upbeat music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 429,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: missing persons, missing persons cases, cold case, danielle imbo, danielle imbo and richard petrone, true crime, crime, missing truck, boat underwater, vehicle underwater, truck underwater, scuba diving, mrleisek, adventures with purpose, cold case investigation, sonar, side scan sonar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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