UNDERWATER SEARCH for ROSEMARY.. (Missing Person Part 1)

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(dramatic music) - Rosemary Rodriguez, domestic abuse, foul play, or simply an accident? We don't know. This is one episode you're not gonna wanna miss. (suspenseful instrumental music) We are in Kilgore, Texas today, where we have a new case. Where we have a family that's missing their mom, went missing in October of 2019, and I think it's best if we just kinda dive right in. We're gonna introduce you to Francis, Fran, Granny, as I understand- - Right - As well as Francis and Lita, and your mother's missing, so kind of tell us about, kind of the buildup to this as to what happened, what you believe. - My mother was in a sort of abusive relationship, and we believe that her boyfriend, who is the last person who admits to being with her probably has something to do with her disappearance. My grandmother is the last one in our family- - That seen her alive. - To see her. They went out to dinner for her birthday in October, early October and after they dropped her off at her house, was the last time that anyone from our family has heard from her. - And, this was October 6, 2019. - Right. - Yes, sir. Okay, and then from there, and we're at a certain location today because this location has some significance that a cell phone was found. - Yes, so there is a man that has claimed that they were down in the river, just kinda magnet fishing for different types of items and things like that, but he claims that he found her phone on the bank of the river. So, from the bank of the river, he picked it up and turned it on and he was like, "Oh, my gosh, it really does turn on." And, so he tried to get it unlocked and couldn't, and took it to somebody to try to unlock it, where they factory reset it, and then they sent the phone to Wal-Mart, or he took the phone to Wal-Mart to get money for it, and from the Wal-Mart trip, he got $50 for it, and then I had a random urge to call her phone and it was on, and it started ringing, and so I started calling everybody, and I was like, "Why is mom's phone ringing? We have called her multiple times and it's gone straight to voicemail. This is weird, why is it on? And then, that's apparently when Gregg County went and pinged the actual cell phone and got it. - So, on the day that the cell phone pinged, or the the day that the gentlemen found it, what day was that? - So, he said it was early October or so, the phone was pinged November 14th, or 15th, is when I finally called it and it pinged, it started ringing. - So, we have a six to seven day period of when your mom went missing to the cell phone being found. Can you tell me what the river conditions were right at this location at that time? I mean, was this dry ground? Do you know where the phone was found? - No, water was all the way up there. - It was very deep, my granny said the water was very far through here. So, I'm assuming it was somewhere between this pillar and that pillar that he found it. - Okay, and the reason why I ask this question is because if you know, your mom did something on her own or whether it was foul play, if a vehicle was brought in here at that time, and the way that this flows, depending on how quickly it was going, a car could still be moved down the river here. - Absolutely. - But, in looking at this, and the pillars, and where the car would have come in, with it being as deep and shallow as it is here before hitting the main part of the river, I'm just trying to visualize- - Where the phone was actually found, I think it was-- - Not the phone, but I'm thinking car. - The car, so I'm thinking the car has got pushed down river around this way at Donna's house. It got pushed into the river, into the main part of the river and has drifted. - Okay, so you believe that we're dealing with two different incidences. - Yes, I believe they got into an argument and either he, or she threw the phone out, on this overpass. - [Jared] Okay. - And, that's where now the phone was found. And then, at Donna's house down here, she said, two or three days after we actually reported our mother missing there were tire track marks that weren't there the day before. She walks her property almost every day. So, there wasn't tire track marks, she was working, and then she was cleaning up a bunch of brush, and stuff around her house, and then there was tire track marks leading down into the river. So, I think it's more of, he was just trying to get rid of something. - [Jared] Into the river? - Into the river. - So, she didn't have tire tracks just on the property, she actually has tire tracks into the river? - Going into the river. So, the phone was found here, but I believe the car was either pushed in down there. - I can follow your theory on this one, and her boyfriend reported that she actually went to work on the seventh? - Yes. - And, that he saw her that morning and that night? - Yes, so on the police report, he said that they kinda got into an argument, but she left for work the next morning, and then came home around 4:30 to get her medicine bag, 'cause she's type two diabetic, she also takes a list of medications, goes through all crazy stuff, that she left work, got off work and came home to grab her medicine, and then that's the last time he had seen her. But he had told my sister the day that we reported her missing, "Oh well we got into an argument on the night of the sixth and then she left and I assumed she was headed to you." - Okay, so he's told two different stories. - Yes, he's told us one story, but he's told the police another story. So, the police report has to go on what he said because he's the last person to see her alive. - Okay, is there a reason why, you reported this to the local authorities, have they not scanned the river here? What's going on with the local investigation? - So, they claim to have searched the river, but they wishy-wash back and forth of telling us information. They won't share anything. - They won't tell us how they've searched the river. They've told me ways that they have looked for her, but they haven't told me whether they've specifically done sonar, or if they just flew over with helicopters, or just walked along the bank. I don't know how they've searched the river, and I know that it would put our minds at ease to know that the river bottom has been looked at, and that we can rule that out as a possibility. - Well, let's go put a check mark on this one and get you answers one way or the other on this location. - Appreciate it. - All right, come on. (slow instrumental music) - Hey - Good morning. - Donna this is, they're called Adventures With a Purpose, but they obviously all have names. - Hi. - Nice to meet you, I'm Jared. - Hi, sorry to hold y'all up. - No problem. - Oh, it's cool, I'm sorry. I should have told you a timeframe yesterday. - I hardly ever stay here maybe, four times a year. At that time the bar was open, so I wasn't locking the gates. We're closed now due to COVID, and whatnot, but nobody, (chuckles) nobody comes up here to my house. If they do, by chance, I mean, I get a phone call right then from people around, you know, in the area saying, "Oh, you got a black truck in your driveway." Matter of fact, the day the Gregg County called me when they came to search. Somebody did even call me right then and said, "You know, there's a black truck is in the driveway Donna" You know, but nobody comes up here, right? Anyway so Gregg County called and wanted to know if they could search my property, I'm like, "My property?" He was like, "Yeah, have you heard about the missing lady, you know, from Wal-Mart?" And I'm like, "Well yeah, it's everywhere." And I said, "But, my property?", I was kinda shocked, and they said, "Well, we got a tip, and that it was somewhere by the river, and so I said, "Okay, yeah, sure, do whatever y'all need to." And, I turned around from Tyler and left to come straight back, and when I got here, of course there was like 50 people here and search teams and dive teams, and they were all down here standing on the river bank, and they said, "Well, we want you to come down here." And, I said, "No problem." and I walked down the river bank, and I know like every inch of this 10 acres, I mean, I'm constantly workin' it, and I walked down there, and I was like, "(gasps) What is that?" And I said, "A four-wheeler go down here or something?", I said, "That wasn't here." And they said, "Well, she drove a small car.", and I thought, "Oh, my Lord." Whoever they called in and got that tip from leading them to here, I believe is your answer, you know? - Yeah, 'cause I wanna back up, 'cause I was under the impression you were walking the property you just happened to notice it, and then you let somebody know and they did-- - Uh-Uh. - We don't know to what extent the search was from there. So, you found out about it 'cause they were already wanted here. - Yes. - Or they were here? - Yeah. But, they had come right around, right here beside this deck, and the tracks were, actually that kinda even looks like one, rolled straight, and so the tracks clearly went through the river. They went down, but nothing come back up. I mean, something went down this river bank. - And Gregg County was here for a reason, and then they were diving, and searching, but they never found anything. - Normally with the dive team, the way that they operate, and I'm not here to throw dive teams under the bus, but you know, we do things a little bit different. I'm guessing that their dive team, they had communication, they had 'em tethered off, they were only going out 50 feet or so at max, and they weren't doing a full sweep. So, that's why we're gonna jump in with sonar. - [Sam] Sonar's first. - But, also I think that, the reason why I think that you wouldn't be looking for a whole car is because the river has been low since then like low this summer, and you would have seen it. 'Cause the river up, summertime you can walk all the way down in the middle of it all the way down towards 42. - But, he has construction equipment enough to be able to like, squish the car before he put it in. - And, with the people in mind, or person in mind thinking of who might've done this, they've got shops, and they're very well knowledge, I'm just saying, I don't know, I mean, but something's on wheels. - Yeah, you do have clear tire tracks that came down. - Yeah, it could've just been axle or, you know what I mean? The tires on axle and something chopped down, and bungeed to it, or tied down to it or something, I don't know. - Well, we'll move the trailer up through here, in fact we'll just put the back of it right here if that's okay-- - Yeah - And, we'll just unload the trailer and I say, let's jump in. (dramatic instrumental music) (boat motor humming) - [Jared] This actually, has more of a float than I thought. So, if we do have a two to 12 minute float. Yeah but hold the drops in there. I mean, this is my prediction right here, by this log. (dramatic instrumental music) And, that right there blows my prediction. (dramatic instrumental music) To help explain sonar, if you guys have not been here before, this is down imaging. So, this is shooting from the top of the boat down, so anything black is the water. So, you'll see that, you know, we have a four, eight, 12, and so, right now we're at four feet deep, is hitting the top of this branch right here on this tree that's coming up. So, this one is a picture in time shooting downward, this is a picture in time shooting left and shooting right. So, we're shooting 75 feet to the right, which is shooting over bank, and then 75 feet to the left. Now, we're not in the center of the river anymore because we've already come down the river, and now we're heading back up and we want to take a different route coming back up, so we can drive a different view than we had before, just in case we missed anything. So, this one side imaging from the boat here, anything black is water column, and then you hit the bottom of the river and then you're casting right and you're casting left. Now, this one is live scope, so you can actually see fish, they'll be swimming by underwater. You see one, there's a fish swimming in there. Hey, so this is in real time, so like if you're watching MTV in real time. So, picture in time, real time. So far a lot of tree branches, and possibly what I think are alligators. - [Sam] That's fun. - Right there, right there, you see that? Throw me a magnet just for kicks. - [Sam] Where at? Side? - [Jared] You're right on top of it on this side. - [Sam] Okay, we're on it, whatever it is. (boat engine humming) - [Jared] Magnet - [Sam] It's a magnet. - Or you're in a tree. - Well, I just got off of it, I was able to pull off, so, right about here. - [Jared] Okay, let's tie it off. We think we're on metal. But, it's definitely been buried only about a foot and a half of it is exposed, whatever it is, it is square in shape, lines up with, you know, and then with the flood, the floods have come through in the last year, so we can't say for certain, but we're gonna put Sam in the water, and then we'll verify. (leaves rustling) (dramatic instrumental music) (water splashing) (dog barking) - It's just a rusty old box, not at all what we're looking for. - Dan, you wanna put your life jacket on-- - [Dan] Yeah. - Jump in the boat and then-- - [Dan] Go down to the bridge? (calm instrumental music) - So, right here is where Sam was at, Sam was here. So, now we're looking for something new, that Sam was not on. - Here I got something new, that I just picked up. (boat engine roars) - [Sam] Four feet in height over here. Right there, what is that? Does that not look like a wheel right there? - [Dan] Those look circular, yeah. - [Jared] Right here, right here, hey, right here. That's four feet in height, throw the magnet. - [Dan] I think that's just a tree though, it's hard to say. Tell me if you're sticking to anything, magnet or tree? - [Dan] It feels like a tree. - [Jared] Yeah, you might be right Metal? Or are you stuck in a branch? That's a branch here, you're pulling up branch, I can see that one. - [Dan] Yeah, it does feel it is. - [Jared] But, what's the right underneath of it though? Like you're pulling on a branch but there's something right underneath of it. Just pull that up again. (boat engine humming) - We don't know if it's, well, we're hitting some tree branches too, but it looks like it could be on top of something. So, it appears as though we have some more square shape right here, and it kinda looks like windows here, is what this looks like right here. - [Dan] Oh, yeah. - [Jared] See that? Now, we're not moving, so this picture and time is not gonna work because we're not rolling over it, but when we're with the live scope right over it. - [Dan] What if we tried 360 with that? - [Jared] Oh, good idea. Right now I'm just seeing trees. Okay, about there. - [Dan] This is what I was thinking of. - [Jared] Yeah, yep, that's definitely square. It looks like a window on there. So, the way that we read 360 is, so it goes around and again, this is taking a picture in time, so it's taking a picture in time that just happened here, and it's taking picture of time it just happened right here, and so, we're gonna get two readings as it goes around and refreshes. And so what we're looking at right here is our area of interest. It's not a tree, but we definitely have square shapes in there. (boat engine humming) - [Dan] Kinda looks like the bottom of the boat though. - [Jared] I am not sure what it is. If you look at it, that could also be windows, like look, that's a wheel there, a wheel there, and a mirror there, you see that? - [Dan] Yeah, true. - [Jared] So, let's put it in front of the boat now. I mean, I'm seeing a car right there. - [Dan] What is it's orientation? - [Jared] Upside down is what it looks like to me, wheels up, and this right back here is what Sam was on the first time, is that metal box right behind us. Let's now move out this direction. So, you just hold the rope, and I'll just spin us in that direction. Our line is on the trees right in front of it. So, then just come downstream, like, three or four feet, you'll run right into whatever it is we got eyes on. (suspenseful music) Oh, he's still down there. - That's not it. - [Jared] Well what is it? - It's like a long rectangle shape, and then there's like this piece of wood that goes across this way. - [Jared] Okay. - It looks like it's some kind of agriculture somethin' or other. - [Jared] Okay. - These tire tracks had to come from somewhere though. - [Jared] Yeah, it's not making sense to me. (dramatic instrumental music) - [Dan] So, how long is the river from where we started this morning to the bridge? - I'm gonna guess about a mile and a half, that's gonna be my guess. I think it's taken us, what about 30? Actually, I did a news thing at noon, right as soon as we left, so 37 minutes. We did our first interview here this morning. So, this significance of us being back here at the bridge is because the cell phone was found up here, and then initially we thought that the water was lot higher, but after talking to Donna, the water was actually only up to, you know, maybe like that first little plateau, like another five feet there, which means that this is absolutely a location that a car could be driven off into the river. So, that's why we're back down here, just to see if we can put the car and the phone together. I wouldn't put it any further down than, I mean, we're gonna hit this tower there, I wouldn't put it past that tower. (dramatic music) - [Dan] No cars by the bridge? - No cars by the bridge, now we gotta figure out how to get out of here, 'cause everything here is super muddy. So, right now I can, I mean, it scares me every time I say I am a hundred percent saying that we've cleared this area, right now I'm saying a 99.9% chance, that I have cleared this area, I'm very confident that we've done what we need to from Donna's place, down here to the bridge. - Okay. - So, we've now cleared two locations thoroughly. What I'm interested in next, what goes through my head is, where did she live? Where did she work? - Okay. - And from there, let's say that this is not foul play, let's say that she did go home the night of the sixth, let's say that her intention was to go to work on the seventh. - Okay. - So, I want to see what bodies of water are potential accident scenes between those two locations. - Yeah, absolutely. - Let's pull that up on the map next. Unless you have something that like, "Jared my gut is telling me we need to go here next." - No, not particularly, like her work is literally right down this, this road right here, but she was at her boyfriend's house, which is right around this corner over here, and my mother's house is actually right around here. It's all within like a 10 mile radius. - Okay, so 10 mile radius from everything, okay, do you believe that she made it home that night? Because they were seen at the McDonald's on surveillance. - Yes, down this road right here. And they come this way and go down this road to get to his house. - Okay. - And she was pretty much living with him at the time. And then he told my sister that he believes that she left from there to go back home which would have been this road or- - To your grandma's house? - To her house, my sister's house. - Oh, your mom didn't live with the boyfriend? - She was staying with him, but no, she owns a house. Right over here. - Okay. So where did she sleep at night? - with (bleep). - Okay, with the boyfriend? - Yes. - Okay. So that's what I wanted to take a look at then, is let's say that they did drop Grandma off, they did make it home. So, and you said that they take the same path every single time. - Yes. - So we know which way they went? Okay, so then I would say it let's just leave here. - Okay. - Let's not park right in front of the house. Let's not really make it known. So just take me past it or near it. - Okay. - And then let's start looking on the way we'll look at the bodies of water and then we'll look at how she would have gotten to work from there. Would it have been the same road? Coming back to get to work? - No. She probably would have took another back road Goforth Road, which we can take that road too. - Okay. So let's take those two routes then. Okay, sounds good. - Sounds good. Thank you. (gentle music) - So the significance of this one would have just that night coming home, but then if she went missing in here, then the boyfriend would've have been with her. Plus you have a fence, fence, fence. That's shallow. - [GPS] Your destination is on the right. - Yeah, somebody would have noticed- Fence, fence, fence, fence. There's a guardrail. Trees right behind it. All right, so ruling that one out. Now we have an aunt's house that's back here with a shop and a pond. But now we're talking about foul play. If you go with that route. So, right now I'd have to say if the detectives have something suspicious and they needed to get up on that front. So our next location is going to be this creek down here. That's not even- - [Sam] No, that's absolutely nothing. - I mean that's, I mean a quick magnet in there, right? Yeah, I mean, we can see right there. There's nothing there. You can actually see the bottom right there. - [Sam] Yeah. - Maybe if it's just right, but I mean, it would really have to drop off right there. - [Sam] Yeah, I mean you can look. You see the rocks. Rocks, rocks, I could see rocks. - [Jared] Yeah, but lets just for instance, some dumb reason, let's say that far side. All right, let's go down there just real quick. (water splashing) - [Sam] So now we cleared this location too? - Um, I think that our next move is- So let's do this. What I would like to do next then, is let's finish this shot on 31 towards Wal-Mart. - Okay. - We'll get off the exit. We'll make a left and then you can lead from there. - Okay. - Sound good? - Yeah. - Okay. (gentle music) There were no more bodies of water between her house that she was staying at with the boyfriend and her work over at Wal-Mart. So with that one, and the other, it was like two creeks? - [Sam] Yeah, really shallow. - Really shallow, couldn't get into. And then there was what looked like an actual lake or slough on Google Maps, however, when you drive up next to it, I mean, you're looking at maybe 18 inches deep, really swampy, a lot of mud lumps there's nothing for her to get in over there. And it was far enough off the road. So with that one, we've ruled that one out, as well. Where we're heading to right now, is we're actually heading to Lita's house, which is the house that mom acquired back in 2017 in a divorce. And this is the house that the girls actually grew up in. So, both Francis and Lita grew up in this home. So we're gonna head there and look for any bodies of water en route as we're heading over the Sabine River, on the way to Lita's house. (gentle music) I just went into this funeral home to ask them for permission. We're right next to a cemetery. So funeral home, cemetery over on FM 2206 and there is this pond right here called Cemetery Lake. Now he denied me access for the reason of they're owned by a corporation, they can't get in there in touch with the right people. And if they were able to, then we're going to be required to have X number of insurance and liability waivers and like everything under the sun. - [Sam] All the things. - I explained who we are, what we're doing, there was even somebody just in there that's burying a family member for the second time in three months who recognized you and me, which was, you know, one of those things. So we even had the credibility of a viewer letting them know who we are "Like hey, these guys are legit." - [Sam] Yeah. - But my understanding also, is that they didn't even let the Sheriff's Office onto this pond. Now that's my understanding. Now with this one, this cemetery is in question because this right here is actually called Dead Man's Curve. And it actually was at one point, Cemetery Lake had the nickname Dead Man's Pond, because a lot of people have actually missed this turn and ended up in this pond before. So this is not a, something that would be unrealistic for this pond right here. So right now it's seeing the question, we can't get onto it. (gentle music) - [GPS] Arrived. - So our conversation with the cemetery is I guess that's actually nicknamed Dead Man's Curve and Dead Man's Pond back in the day. And that's why they're redoing the road there because people have actually gone into the pond there. However, because it's owned by a corporation, they had said, "we're sorry, you cannot gain access to it." It almost sounds like they've denied the Sheriff's office access to it as well. But I'm not quite sure. Don't quote me on that one, nor is it confirmed. They said, if you want access we've got to go through all these legal hoops and you have to have like all this insurance. We're volunteer, we're out here on our own time, we just simply do not have the liability commercial insurance they're looking for. So right now we have a big question mark on that pond. We're now at your childhood home? - Yeah, this is where we grew up. - So in 2017 is when your mom got divorced and she ended up with the home? How much of her relationship did she share with the frustration that she had? And on the flip side of that, did she have any type of depression to where she would have been like, "I'm checking out I'm leaving my girls behind, I'm leaving mom behind." Do you know that type of history of how your mom has felt through the years? - My mom has always been a pretty happy person. She did get sad whenever the divorce was finalized with my dad, but Mark and I have been here for her and I don't believe she would have ever just run off. - She wouldn't have left these girls behind. - Never. - Nothing in this world would've made her do that. - She loved my grandmother. They saw each other very regularly until she started dating this man and he sort of slowly isolated her from all of us. As their relationship went forward, we started seeing her a bit less and less but when they would argue, she would always come here and usually he would come follow her here trying to get her back. And this time he did not. - [Jared] So, she disappeared and he did not come over like he normally does? - No. - So he didn't stalk her as I understand it. - Yes. - He would sit at Wal-Mart and wait for her to get off. If they were fighting, stuff like that, he was just weird. He'd be all over and then now she disappears- - [Jared] Zero concern. - And he hasn't spoken to any of us since the day we reported her missing. - Hasn't been involved in any kind of trying to search for her. - Reached out to any of us or- - Hasn't made any comment to the police department. Because they've told me we've been in contact with him and he still says I have no further statements. - And coming back to this, I just want to make sure that I ask the right questions and we rule all of this out. You guys, there's three things, you got one foul play, accident or she checked out. With her medication, besides the diabetes medication, what other medication was she on and does it have any side effects that would cause something, someone to do such a thing? - Not that I would think of. I know she was on like high cholesterol. - She had glaucoma, so she did eyedrops for her glaucoma. - There was nothing physiological. - But there was no like, yeah, there was no, she wasn't on anti-depressants or any of that. - [Jared] Okay. So then let's come back to the, I think that we've ruled out all accident locations from her home to Wal-Mart, to your house and to grandma's house, except for Dead Man's Curve and Cemetery Lake. So that one is still on the map. You also have the foul play, possible shop pond, behind aunt's house. The other thing that I would now like to take a look at is going down either the accident or checking out or foul play is are there any boat ramps in the area along the Sabrine River that's close to her? Something that she would know it was there any special spot that she would go and just kind of enjoy the water that we know of? - Not that I know of. - [Jared] Any public boat ramps along the river that we- - Yeah, the closest boat ramp, even besides the one that's right there, where we were at, which is a private property, is all the way in Gladewater. - Okay. - Yeah, or Lakeport, which is this other direction. - They're both 10 miles north or south of us. - And the people theorize, he was a pretty, pretty big in the fishing community. People knew him. - But now we're talking accomplice, as well. - Yes. - So I'm looking for something close enough that he can walk home to not raise suspicion. We've been able to gain access to the phone records and ping the location of where her phone was at. - I tried that and Sprint told me I would have to have a court subpoena to get the exact pings. They could, they gave me a list of text messages and what time and and it would say on there, like a general tower. - Was it moving around prior to it landing at the bridge? - It doesn't tell you where the phone was. It was just telling you where those text messages were coming from. - Where do we want to take this from here? And let me see if we can get some information for you as to the cell phone records, if there's a way around it. - [Mike] Hi there. - This is a strange one, in that her phone was found on the bank shortly after she went missing. And that her phone was active for two days after she went missing, from what we can tell. But where we're at on this one, the reason why we're calling you is a little bit of information as to what these girls can do to gain access to those phone records, to see if this phone was moving around for two days. And when it actually ended up on the bank that the magnet fishing guy found it. - [Mike] So, a couple of things that are probably happening on the law enforcement side is there's software that allows you to go in and extract all of the information from the phone. All of it is kind of a guess and depending on what the real condition was, you know, they may be only able to get certain parts of it especially if there's any part that was encrypted in the phone, which would be difficult. But the other thing that the law enforcement folks can do is they can get an investigative subpoena to follow all of the GPS locations and the cell sectors that that phone would have connected with as it moved around over the course of those couple of days. So if there was motion on the phone that would become interesting. If the phone was in one place that is equally interesting. The family may, with an attorney, be able to get this cell phone provider to provide them the same information but they really should be working with law enforcement to make sure that they're not somehow getting in the way of what the investigation may be doing. Which, you know oftentimes isn't moving as fast as family would like, but at least they would be collaborating with law enforcement who may say, Hey give us a little more time on the phone side of it or something like that. But those are the options they have at this point. I always enjoy tagging along with you. Let's let me know how we can help. - All right, sounds good. I'll give you a call later. Thank you, sir. - You fellas be safe. - The next thing we need to do is, are you familiar with Mike King from Profiling Evil? Okay. So that's who we were just on the phone with. So he's a detective out of Utah. He has a YouTube series, as well. And with that, he's really helped us from the GIS side of it and the mapping. We can start taking a look at the different locations and different routes that your mom would've taken. If we can gain access to the cell phone records he'll break them down and be like, all right. You know, he spoke with you X number of times a day, he texted you and he's gonna start piecing this together as to all of her communication, as well as the communication to his cell phone, as well. So we really need to get a hold of that cell phone. Here's what we need to do. And that's where I think we need to get you on his show sooner or later, so that we can all talk about what we did here today to help guide you in the right direction. And then, from that one, I think that's going to be our next steps. And as much as we can do today until we can get onto Dead Man's Curve pond and can we get onto aunt's property by chance? You know, we're gonna be back in September, October, but prior to that time, are there things that we can do to help you guys move this forward? Getting you on with Mike, Profiling Evil and for the viewers here, I don't know if that's happening before this video comes out or if it's going to happen after, regardless we'll make sure that the links and information is down below as to that one coming together. And from there, I wish I had more answers for you today. But we do have those answers as to your mom is not at Donna's, your mom is not at the bridge. - We certainly appreciate all y'all have done. - Oh yeah, for sure, it's more of a relief to actually do it ourselves. - It was very satisfying just to be able to ride along with you guys and just watch, and just see it happening. - Yes, you're welcome. - We're glad we could help you out. - Thank you very much. - Absolutely. - Thank you. - Yes, you're welcome. - Thank you so much. - Absolutely. On that, we do appreciate you being here for another episode, as we come into the homes for things that are very, very sensitive and allowing us to share your story with others. So that way you're also aware of what it is that we're capable of from the sonar side of it, to the diving side of it. And we really appreciate you being here today and a part of this. This is an open source investigation. So if you happen to know of anything, that just that one little puzzle piece that's gonna bring us out, bring us back. Is there a certain body of water that we should check? Do you happen to know the boyfriend? Have you heard stories on this? If you have, make sure that you get ahold of us via email is the best way, cause we do check that one all the time. And as we said before, AWP is not just the two of us, the three of us, AWP is all of us helping to solve these cold cases across the nation. Thank you for being here. If you haven't done so, please do subscribe and we'll see you on the next one. Bye, bye. (gentle music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 319,632
Rating: 4.9527278 out of 5
Keywords: Rosemary Rodriquez, Rosemary Rodriquez Missing, Rosemary, missing persons, missing persons cases, solved missing persons cases 2021, solved missing persons cases documentary, missing persons cases solved, scuba diving, river diving, dangerous diving, dangerous scuba, dangerous scuba diving, found car, found car in river, searching car, searching car in river, searching missing person in river, foul play, crime scene
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 31sec (2431 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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