MURDERED?.. William Brian McKenzie (Missing Person Cold Case)

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- Murder cases, we don't normally take on, but this case of William Brian McKenzie Jr, who went missing back in September, 2019, is just a little bit different. We're also looking for his 2006 Jeep Liberty that went missing at the same time. Now with this one we have, Brian left his work, from Denny's, at 4:30 PM. Drove over to his friend Sean's house. And by 5:30 PM, he was never seen of again. His cell phone also went dead after 6:30 PM that night. So really we have a two hour window of what happened to Brian. Now the thing of this is, is that over at Sean's house a gentleman by the name of Keenan was there, who we believe happens to be the murderer. Now the reason why we suspect this is, and the reason why we're taking the case on, is because Keenan is actually in jail, awaiting trial. And there's no chance of him ever getting out. The reason for it is because he actually shot four people. And the reason why I think that he shot the two afterwards is because they knew what happened to Brian. And I think they were going to rat him out. So in today's episode, we're gonna be meeting up with Brian's mom, Francis. We're also gonna be heading over to the Jackson Police Department, as they have some information that they would like to share with us over there. So this is one episode you are not gonna wanna miss. (gentle music) Starting out in Jackson, we're gonna be meeting up with the chief, as well as the local Tennessee dive team, volunteer dive team. I'm not quite sure their actual position role. We did have to cut cameras inside because there was a lot of information that was shared with us that is just not yet out to the general public. So with that one, we do have to hold that to our chest. But here's what I can share with you. We have a couple of locations of interest today. The first one today is the pig farm that is not too far from Sean's house. This is a property that's private, that we've not yet been able to get onto. Local law enforcement has not been able to get onto. And with that one, one of the officers is going to make their way up there right now to see if we can get permission while we're actually here in the area today. While he's doing that, we're gonna head over to Highway 45. With this one it's a pond of interest that the divers have not yet been able to get into because a few days after Sean went missing they had a drone up in the air as they were doing some aerial searches and they saw some tracks going into the water. However, there were no tracks coming out of the water. So today we're gonna go ahead and cover that pond. Next area of interest after that is gonna be Westover Road Quarry, where another local dive team has actually been in there at the boat ramp. And most dive teams, they don't have the sonar equipment that we do. So what they did is they did a sweep out, roughly 120 feet out. So they did a good scan of that one, but the rest of the quarry has not yet been searched. So that's why we're gonna head over there because it's a deeper quarry and we don't know what's in there. Our final location of the day is going to be Lake Graham. With this one, this is actually the first location that I woulda gone to if I was coming into this fresh without all the other information we already have. Part of the reason is you actually have a road that goes right down the middle of the lake, separating the lake on two sides, as well as two boat ramps there that are perfect for disposal. At the south ramp, the local dive team has been in there. We've also had, Jacob has been over there as well doing some sonar work. As many of you know, we don't always go based upon what other people are already done. We like to put our own eyes on it. With this one, we definitely wanna get over there ourselves and check it out. We have a lot of searching to do today. It's gonna take us late into the night. So let's jump in the RV and get this day going. (gentle music) The pond's a little bit bigger than it looked like on the map. On the map, Sam. - [Charles] Way bigger than it looked like it was. - [Jared] Sam it was like this big on the map. - Yeah, but now it's actually this big in reality. - [Jared] Well I mean, the thing is, we don't have to check all of it. We have to check this side, down and back. - Yeah. - Nothing over there. Let's go to work. - All right. (gentle music) - [Jared] So tell me about the, some of the, you were using drone footage, or you guys were using aerial shots of what you guys were talking about? - We were using drone footage. - [Jared] Okay, and so tracks into the water, nothing coming out. Like if they would've backed up and then gone back forward does that appear to be that's what it was? Or strictly straight in the water? - Straight in the water. Now how far will this scan? - [Jared] So I'm shooting a seven. Okay yeah, so people that are new to what it is that we're doing, right now we're shooting 75 feet to the left right now, and 75 feet to the right. Anything that you see right here that's the black water column, that is the water depth from the boat down to the bottom. So seven feet, seven feet is what this is. This is down imaging here. And with the down imaging again, this is water column, and then this is the bottom of the lake here. Well Charles, we have good news, we have bad news. Good news is there's no vehicle. Bad news is, there's no vehicle. This one is completely clear. Let's go see if we have permission for that pig farm. - We do not. - [Jared] No, are you serious? - I'm dead serious. They just came up and said. - They think that we're Russians. - They said they were an older couple, they think that we're Russian spies, and they're not believing that we're legit. - [Jared] No, no. You, they think that we're Russian spies? - Or something. Yeah, serious. - They're gonna check with their kids tomorrow. - They have to check with their kids to make sure it's okay. - Oh, I'm really bummed about that. Throw it in the trailer and we'll move down there and, what it's about 15, 20 minutes from here? - Yeah, probably, something like that. It's all right in this area. - Well, I gotta say this might be a perfect spot. I think they're all perfect spots, but. When you have a road that goes straight in. In fact, it even looked like people have gotten in here before and kind of gotten stuck. But other locations through here as well. - [Jared] Yeah, but how deep is it? - That's what we gotta wait and see. - Yeah, we don't know the depth. But then you also have the businesses on the other side that are also in question as to whether that vehicle has gone in from over there as well. - We were hopeful about this place earlier. And we we did dive this location here, like I said. So we dove about 120 feet out from bank to bank. And cleared everything in there for about 120 feet, so. (gentle music) - [Jared] Well I mean, look on the life scope how big the fish are. Just swimming around here. - Big ones huh? - [Jared] Live, yeah. Oh, and there's fish everywhere there. You guys should be catching all day long and there's a ton of fish right there. - Where's that? - All over right there. They're everywhere. All right, so we completely cleared this side of the pond and the lake. We have these buildings over here. But really, this one is completely fenced, the buildings there. So it's kinda just gonna be sections that we'll wanna check along the way. And then we'll make sure that we check out far enough, like probably 100 feet is what we'll end up doing. 14 feet here, and then it's going to drop off again. We get out there it's gonna be like 30 to 40 feet over there. Man, ton of fish though. I mean just fish everywhere, Sam. - I wanna see. - Yeah. You have to look at this. - Can I look at it? - Yeah, look. Look at that board. Look at the live one. - [Sam] Oh my goodness! Look at that, look at that, look at that. That's totally fishes. There's fish, fish, fish. - [Jared] They're big too, look. Those are like 24 inches. - [Sam] Fish, fish, fish, fish, fish. - [Jared] That's the place to fish, Sam. - Right there. Well we haven't gone grocery shopping in a while, maybe we should drop the pole. - That's right. I would really think that after all these years that there would've been a car or two. - Oh yeah, totally. - Off the edge here. Low voltage alarm. That means we should put our gas motor on. It means you might be reeling us back also. (alarm beeping) Hey Mike! - [Sam] Hey Mike! - Do you guys still have my other battery? - Gotta make sure everything's checked. - [Man] So Jared's just out there on a little... - [Man] Yeah he's gonna go do a little pattern right in here. - Our battery was dying and so we had to switch it out. So now he's, it's all charged up and running strong. So what is your heart telling you as far as where Brian is? - My heart tells me that he's right here. - Somewhere around here? - No, just standing right next to me. Just being with me in spirit because I've came to that determination that my son is... Because of the person that I know he was with last, that he's not walking around anywhere. Do I believe that he's here in this lake right here? I've searched around this whole place right here. I didn't see a backpack or anything thrown off. No, I don't feel that he would be in there. Or my jeep in there. I'm hoping that something gives soon. It's been over a year of constant search, and hoping that we find something that would pertain to him. - Hi Francis. - Hello. - How are you? - I'm okay. - Good. - I had a little setback back there, but that... - Well that's understandable. - I brushed it off and I'm okay. - We have really only two areas of interest left. One is it sounds like it's the north side of Lake Graham Has been sonared like three different times. I've not done it though. And Eric has not done it. Eric says 100% he's put his stamp and his name on that south side. He says, there is no Jeep there. And so for us to, or Eric to say, it's done, that's who I can trust 100% because it's scary if we say it's done and then something is found afterwards, it's on us. But the north side, we understand that it has been sonared three different times. One with an ROV and one by TWRA. But we've not done it, Eric has not done that. So I would love to go there right now. It's gonna be dark by the time we're done. But we can say that we've cleared it. The other area of interest is this pig farm. I don't know if you've heard about the pig farm - Yes, I actually was searching it. 'Cause we did get permission to search that area. But when I was in the middle of searching and going through where I was going through, we were asked to leave by the homeowner, or the owner, which was the mother that didn't know the son had already gave us permission. So she was unaware of it, so she freaked out. And she was like, get off my land. But I think that there was a lack of communication between her and her son, that he probably should've let her know that we were gonna be there. And I think that it wasn't a fact of her being a ugly witch, it was my son didn't communicate with me, now I look like a bad person because I shooed you guys away. And it's gonna keep her angry because she knows that she was upset with us. And probably... - Well, even the chief went over there and she thought maybe there's a Russian spy or something. So he, even after showing credentials they still called the sheriff to verify that he really was a real police chief here. So yeah, so we understand that. I mean they're older and they just have the concern, they're old school. So that's not a problem. But where we're at on the pig farm is is that they are, it sounds like they are going to have permission. It sounds like it might be Friday or Saturday before they can get permission. We're already gonna be done on that one, but Eric has all the proper equipment. The dive team, we trust that they're gonna get in there and do it properly. So right now let's head over to back over to Lake Graham before it gets dark. I mean, it's gonna be dark by the time we're done. - It's actually pretty cold right now. - Yeah, just a little bit. I can agree with you. The south side of it has been searched extensively. And with that, I really trust Eric in his search, in his skills because they've not only have the underwater ROV with the sonar, but they also have the proper site scan and down imaging equipment. And they were able to also find what appeared to be a truck on that south side, by the other ramp. Where when we had another dive team that was part of AWP, they were over there as well, and they found the exact same structure. So we know without a shadow of a doubt, people that we trust have cleared that. But what we don't have is we don't know the actual individuals involved that did do this north side with Eric and his team. They didn't have the proper equipment to get onto this north side here. So with that one, that's why we're here. We're gonna put our seal of approval on it and clear it. It's our last location of the day. - [Sam] Breaky, breaky. - [Jared] Why don't you show them what you broke when you were putting the boat in. - What I broke, what we broke, Sam broke it. - I'll take credit. - Sam broke it. - Yes, we broke it. So now we don't have down imaging for tonight. But, the good news is is that the side imaging is running off my 360 pod right now. So as a result, we're gonna be able to finish out what we need to do right now. - [Sam] Should be mindful of those guys. - I mean, the chief said that with this lake they're actually 30 feet deep, is what he said. That they just cut off the tops of them because whoever donated this lake wanted to make sure that it was always a fishing lake and never a water skiing, boating lake. So that is the purpose behind all of it. - [Sam] That's why they cut these trees the way they did. Not as windy over here. - We should just stay over here. It feels so good over here. - [Sam] (laughing) Way better. - So if could turn and kind of guide us through, I see some sticks there and I'm gonna try to... - Not hit the sticks? - Not hit the sticks and go right through the middle there. - [Sam] Gonna try to thread it? - [Jared] What do we call it? - Threading the needle. - Oh yeah. Thread the needle, that's the word I was looking for. - [Sam] All right, here we go, thread the needle. Pretty good, Jared. (gentle music) - I'd got on the phone with our sonar team because first I was unsure of how much they covered on this north end of the lake, because I was on the part of that south end. But when I contacted them they told me that they sonared everything on this side of the bridge, everything on that side of the bridge. And they said they spent eight hours up on on this north end sonaring so I don't know if that changes the approach and what you wanna do or not, or keep doing what you're doing. - [Jared] We're already done, yeah, I've already cleared it. - Okay. - Yeah, based upon the one and only, if it's intentional, this is really your only intentional spot on the north side. We did check everything along the entire levee here. If it was accidental, and for some reason he flipped over the railing and nobody noticed it. So that's been completely cleared as well. So I'm gonna say that at this point we've cleared everything that we can in the area for what we have permission for, for what you've not yet searched. Mike's been in the area searching with another team of ours as well. And it sounds like we're kind of just down to the pig farm as to if he's in the area. We have nothing else. - And hopefully we should know about that tomorrow, or Friday at the latest. - I really appreciate the service that you guys have done. And let me just kind of touch on that real quick. You play a big role within the community. The chief was saying, we just don't have these resources. So a little bit more about your organization. - Yeah so, the West Tennessee Dive Team was established about 10 years ago. And it was due to that fact that that dive teams and that type of equipment is so hard to come by. It's expensive, it's hard to keep, maintain and keep the divers active. - And so with this, I mean you guys have gone the 501C3 route, you guys are non-profit, you rely on donations yourselves as well. - Yeah, correct. - Oftentimes you take this out of your own pocket as well. - Yeah, absolutely. I mean the expense to each member is a lot of times great. - Our viewers incredible, so may want to donate to you. So, being that you're a nonprofit and you're out here doing good for the world as well. I'll drop a link in the description down below to your website, is on here? - We don't have a website, we've got a Facebook page, West Tennessee Dive Team. - Do anything you can to help them out. We're gonna go talk to Francis and wrap this up here. - Appreciate it. - Take care, guys. - [Francis] I feel like I'm at the dentist. - We're not at the dentist, we're still lakeside here. It is well after dark now. In speaking with Eric, and speaking with the chief, we were with them for an hour and a half before we even hit the water. I mean, the thorough search that they've done throughout the community, looking for the possible bodies of water. I have to say I have confidence in where they've currently looked. As we were just talking with Eric, he says, we had three or four different locations. You came in and you just nailed them all within a couple of hours, where their equipment would have taken them, because they would've had to get in the water, several months before they would finish. We were able to quickly get those answers for them, as well as for you, as to where Brian is not currently. The pig farm is still in question. So Eric and the chief, they're getting permission on that one, sounds like they'll have that cleared and they'll be over there on Friday or Saturday. So things aren't over as far as the water search, on that one. And there's, I kind of wanna touch on some of the questions that the chief has. It sounds like there was a connection over in Louisville. It sounds like there was a connection in California. That there's a, we have the Keenan part of this. There's so many things and so many questions that until Brian is found, the unfortunate and the sad thing about this is as a mother, you just don't have those answers. And the world is here tonight. I mean, they're watching. And right now, we're going to jump on a live stream. So if you'd like to go ahead and check that out we have that link up here if you're on YouTube. If you're checking this out anywhere else, the link is in the description for that livestream that we did tonight. Let's do this then. We're gonna go ahead and close out where we're at tonight. And like I said, please join us on the live in the link in the description below. So thanks for being here tonight. We'll see you next time, bye. (gentle music)
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 1,387,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cold case, cold case files, cold case investigation, cold case investigation documentary, 911 call, missing persons, adventures with purpose, car crash, car wreck, missing jeep, brian mckenzie missing, william brian mckenzie missing, searching for brain mckenzie
Id: i-RrQmKRGJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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