WHERE IS RANDY LEACH? (Part 3) TARGET LOCATED IN LAKE... (Missing Person Cold Case)

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- That's five feet tall. - [Sam] I don't know what that is. - Harold, Alberta, it's really good to be back in your home. We appreciate you having us back. We're back for a part three. This part is being here on day three of searching. With this story if you've not yet heard about the Leaches here. Their son went missing 32 years ago, Randy Leach, and we came, and we met them back in October, a few months ago. We now have seven or eight locations that we actually came in an extra day early, so we're gonna be here for two days working with you guys. - Okay, we appreciate it. - To see if we can find Randy. If you've not yet seen the first two episodes as well as the livestreams we've done, I'll leave the link in the description down below to all of those. Go check those out. Then come back here, and we don't really know where or what we're getting ourselves into today. We do know we have seven or eight locations. - All right. - Appreciate it. - Absolutely. One of those locations is a north of the farm, the pig farm. One of our viewers sent us an image that when you take it, and you scale it, if Randy were to have left the party that night, come around by the cemetery, come south of there, and barreling down, the road kinda splits, and there's a big ravine there. We just never know where this is. Is this an accident? Was it fowl play? Right now, we still have all of those as unanswered questions for us. - Oh yeah. - I'm gonna drive you all around. (laughing) And so with that, we need to follow up on every lead that's coming in that's not already been explored, and this one's gonna be a really easy- - One more. - Yeah, one more that we'll have those answers, and we'll be able to then tell the viewers we've already checked that one off the box. We checked this one off the box. - That's right. That's what we need. - And that's what we continue to do. We continue to check these off the box. We're gonna jump over to Stanley's, because he does have to get out of town soon. Stanley is, if you saw the caves that we were looking at in one of the previous episodes, Stanley also has a quarry upon up above the caves. There's been some speculation that we need to check this property as well. We're gonna go check that one first thing this morning. Then the pig farm, and then we also have in the news just a couple of days ago, and I'll leave a link down below on that one. You had not even heard about that one- - No. - until we mentioned it last night and this morning, but there were possible human remains that it's kinda been indicated that they're very old human remains that were found down at a lake that is just directly 30 minutes south of where the party was at. Those are gonna be our three main locations today. - Okay. - And then if we have more time, we do have another six or seven that Betty's put on the roster for us, and then if we don't hit them today, we're gonna hit them all tomorrow. - Okay. - Like I said, - Sounds good. We're gonna check one off at a time. - All right, thank you. - We're here for you. Call us if you need anything today. - Thank you. - You're welcome. We'll continue to, like I said, check those items off for you. - Okay, sounds good. - Thanks. - I wanna apologize to anybody who feels like our morning set up scene was a little rushed from what it normally is. A couple things are going on. One is, we got Ron Stanley. We're heading over to his property real quick. He's not available tomorrow. He's only available first thing this morning, and we wanted to bring you back into the story of the Leaches, and that's why I really invite you to go check out episode one and two if you hadn't already done so. We're around family now, and hey, here's the mission; We're going to work for the day, and thank you for breakfast. Let's go to work. Before that one, please accept my apology if any of you felt like I was rushed, because we kinda are. - [Sam] Looks like Ron's over there. - Yeah, let me go talk to Ron. I don't know if he's good with being on camera and that or not, so let me go do a quick chat with him. - [Sam] Yeah, see if he's- - Nice guy. No video on this one, and I talked to him about the way that the set up was 32 years ago. He said that really, there was a lock gate on the other portion of it that's kind of a hidden way to get into it. No video, 'cause he really doesn't want people seeing what he has here, but it was pretty much just a puddle back then. I don't know why we're still... And he has a bunch of heavy equipment that they've since cleaned out the entire pond, so I'm like, let's just scratch this off. He's like, "No, I'll come take a look at it." We're gonna go take a quick look. I'll report back in just a few moments. Sam, you're welcome to come with us. - The water there in the quarry, it's about 14 feet deep, and it's iced over, and the little bit that we could see is super clear, so we can't say that we searched it. We can say we're gonna put this on the back burner. It's definitely on the table, 'cause it hasn't been searched, but the guy who owns it, he's lived here for over 30 years, and as clear as that water is, he'd be able to see anything down there. Super clear. We're gonna put this one on the back burner, and check out another spot. (somber music) - Back at the pig farm, we did a little bit of a scanning in episode. Number one or two, I can't remember. (somber music) We're back with Betty. Daughter Elizabeth who's hiding. You can't hide from us Elizabeth. - Hi. - And Larry. - [Jared] Thank you for being out here with us again, especially on such a cold day. And the reason why we're back here Sam... (comical music) It's less windy up here. - Yeah. It's basically much better. - [Jared] Much nicer. - Holding up good? - We're okay. - [Jared] We're only getting started. Betty's in for the trip. - All right, let's do it. (Jared laughing) - Maybe I get up a little. (Jared laughing) Found a trail. Think we better take this. - Yeah, this one's a little bit better. Whoa! Whoa! Look at that patch. Be careful right there, Betty. You might fall. - [Sam] Yeah Betty, walk on the- - No, I wasn't gonna go there. - [Jared] Yeah, don't follow me there. - Yeah, this canoe might be what we're looking at. - [Jared] Yeah, the canoe. - It's about the same length of a vehicle. - [Jared] Yeah, and there's plenty of people that have been down here, but let me pull it up around. - [Sam] Yeah, let's pull up the image. - That would be that canoe was over there when the satellite image was taken, and now it's over there, and what we were looking at, it's right there. You can actually see what appears to be a car on there, which would be in the river right here, and with as much use as this gets, we just gotta verify it here. Just the way that it was hidden in the shadows, we're standing right on top of it right now. I'm kind of bummed. We're checking off the boxes like I said. - [Sam] Well, on to the next spot. - Yep. Sam, let's head down to the Gardner Lake. - [Sam] Gardner. - Gardner Lake is where we're gonna head to, and the reason for that one is because the, possible human remains. Right now, they're not even really human remains, but there seem to be a lot of activity around it. It was in the news on January 12th, 2020. Right now, today's the 14th, so two days ago. Body water, straight south of where we're at, about 30 minutes. Like I said, it's gonna be another box. We're either gonna check it off, or we're gonna find something. (somber music) Sam, we have a big problem here. I'm gonna rule this lake out. You made a great comment calling this lake the people live on it, "Fishing is religion." - [Sam] Oh yeah, just looking at the homes around here, all kinds of bass boats and fishing boats. - Yeah. - [Sam] There's lots of, everyone has a boat. If they're living on this lake or by this lake, there's an extremely high possibility that on their boat, they have a fish finder. Fish finders will find cars. - Let's head back up into Linwood, and there's a high low pond or something like that. - [Sam] They're talking about. - I've love to go hit that one. It sounds like we're gonna have a better chance over there. - [Sam] That sounds good. - All right. (somber music) - Rise Fall Pond, private property. We made it. I like this. Kind of a secluded little bit. It's not quite as windy. - It's kinda quieter. - [Jared] Yeah, well, we say that til we get out there. - [Sam] Yeah. - [Jared] All right, we'll have answers in 10 to 15 minutes, Larry. Highest concentration of fish I've ever seen, Larry, but no car in here. What's our next location we're heading to? (somber music) You find evidence already? - Lucky penny. - That was a lucky penny. The points that we're looking for here, Sam, is that a viewer sent us something they saw in the woods here, and the location that we're at, last time we searched Stranger Creek right here, but somebody did notice, one of the viewers, there might be something in the woods right down here, so we're gonna go check that out real quick. See where that green tree is at? Really the point of interest, or just left of that, about 30 feet in the woods there. 30 years ago, off the road. Let's say that maybe he fell asleep and off the road heading home. You just never know, Sam. You just never know. - [Sam] Definitely gotta look into it. - I think that what they were seeing, look at that. Just the way the big ploys of trees was. It's where the shadows came in from a Google Earth image. Definitely clears it. That's what it was. We appreciate your tips. Keep them coming. You can get a hold of Larry and Betty, or Alberta in, we have an email and some links down below in the description. We never know if it's gonna be the right tip or tricks. That's why we keep referring to this as open source investigations, because we have solved some of these cold cases because of a tip that's come in. Keep them coming. Don't stop. We are going to solve this one. (somber music) We're here at, how do you say this name? Sarcoxie? - Sarcoxie. - [Jared] Tar? - Sarcoxie. - [Jared] Sarcoxie. Okay, and so, some of the theories as to why we'd be at Sarcoxie Lake. - Well, back when we were in high school, I'd ask the other kids, why are we going all the way up to Lawrence to go swimming, or Topeka to go swimming? We have a lake right here. And they're like, "Nobody swims in there. "There's dead bodies in there." This was before Randy disappeared. - [Jared] That was before Randy. Okay. And I guess when you do a better introduction as to you Leanne, you were actually maybe the very last person that ever saw Randy at the party. - Yeah. Good chance. - [Jared] Okay. The wind's kicking up. We're running out of daylight, so Sam and I, we're gonna rush to get in the water here. The size of this lake, I think it's gonna take us probably an hour on this one for us to, we're gonna have to do two passes around the perimeter of it, and get this one cleared. That worked out good, Sam. - Yeah, so far so good. You ready? - [Jared] Get to pull apart on us. We'll just do a nice perimeter like we normally always start. For those of you who have not been here before, let me explain some of the sonar here, and the way that it actually works. Over here on the right hand side, the bottom, we're using what's referred to as a side scan. You see the black water column. That is the distance between the boat and the bottom. You'll see it's roughly four and a half feet right now, and then we're casting 75 feet to the right, and 75 feet to the left. Now, this upper one, you see the black water column. Everything from the top of the black to the bottom is right now reading four and a half feet. As you come across the right, anything that's black is nothing but water. And then this one over here is the new Garmin LiveScope, so we actually see what's coming up in real time, where as this is where we've already gone over. That kinda brings you up to speed. That's five feet tall. (mysterious music) - [Sam] That's about the right height. - That is the right height. We'll throw an anchor first, and then we'll throw a magnet. See if it's metal. If you can get a magnet on it, then we'll run a GoPro down the line right to where it's at. Right there. Drop it, drop it, drop it, drop it, drop it. - Gently pulling. - [Jared] Yeah, you're pulling us straight to it. I don't know what that is. It is three, it's like... We're right over the top of the, right now. Yeah, drop your magnet straight down. Don't hit your own anchor though, kay? (Jared laughing) Don't pull that up. I just saw your anchor. Oh, that was cool. Your anchor just hit the bottom, or your magnet just hit the bottom. - [Sam] Pitch around for it. - [Jared] I can see you bouncing. I can see you bouncing your magnet. Yeah, your anchor's directly on it. In fact, I can see your rope actually going straight to it. See that? I have a new computer over here with a GoPro on it. It'll go down 24 feet. We don't have to dive anymore for some of the shallower stuff. (mysterious music) You can see this is the bottom. (soft music) It can just be a pond grate. Yeah, deception. It's a grate. That's what that is. We're hooked into the grate. You're never getting your anchor off of there. Okay, so now, based on that, Sam, let's go do the last pass down the middle of the lake. - I'm really glad we had this that way we were able to CC so we know what it is. - [Jared] Yeah. - 100%. Saves so much time. Just got done giving it a real good search, and actually found a point of interest. Was about the size of a vehicle. We took the GoPro that's on a stick, and we ran it down a line. Kinda see what it was. Actually ended up being a metal grate. Other than the metal grate being there, there's nothing that would be that size or the size of a vehicle, so this pond is clear. - [Jared] Think that we're gonna wrap it up here today. - Yeah. - [Jared] Let's go talk to Harold and Alberta. Kinda give them an update, and then we're gonna do an interview with them this evening, as well as with Leanne. Hey you guys. - [Harold] Hey. - [Jared] Well Harold. - Yes. - [Jared] What a windy windy day today it was out there. - Well, it could've been worse. - With the day, we met up with you for a little bit during the day. I can't remember. Were you there when we finished that pond? Or you already took off? - I took off. - Okay. That pond had the most fish that we've ever seen in it before. - The Rise and Fall Pond? - Yeah, the Rise and Fall Pond. - Okay. - Nothing else was in there except for fish. We did make our way over to- - Sarcoxie. - I can't say that. I'm terrible with pronouncing things. We made our way over there, and it was a larger body of water, and we did cover the entire pond, so we know with 100% that there is no vehicle in there. We did locate something that we thought was a vehicle, and for a moment, we have some new equipment that not only can we see live what's down there as far as live sonar, but then we also have a new GoPro that's on a 24 foot pole, so we were able to latch onto the grate, position this, drop the pole down there with the camera so that way we didn't actually have to suit up, so we saved an hour to an hour and a half today. - Oh okay. - Being more efficient, and so we have that on camera showing exactly what it was under the water there. The other area that we cleared, we didn't do Gardner Lake because of the number of homes that were around it. We didn't cover that one. We're not taking it off the plate. We're just putting it on the back burner for now, because I believe that there is, it was never on the burner until yesterday. - Right, until the body- - Yeah, until the body. Where the body was located, we don't exactly know, but again, coming back to the number of homes that have always been around there, as well as 25 to 50 boats that live on the water, with sonar, I don't think there's a square inch of that lake that's not been covered by sonar. - Probably not. - Let's put that way down on the table on that one. What else did we end up covering? - You went and looked for that car, that photo that you sent. You guys walked down to look for that. - Yeah, so two different GPS locations that some viewers had sent us, so north of the pig farm on north of Mark's property. It ended up being a canoe. Is one of the items that people had questioned what it was, but next to the canoe in the image was what appeared to be the size of a car, and I, based on the Google image, it looked like it was more of a 55 foot ravine, so when we got there, and just the way the rope comes down, and then splits, and there was no real ravine. It was just the way the shadows were hitting up at the trees there. So, nothing- - So you mark that off. We marked that one off as well, and then we also marked off right by Stranger Creek off of 32? - 32. Is what it is. We marked that one off. That ended up being a great big tree brush pile is what showed up on Google images on that one. That's one, two, three, four locations we marked off today, that we were in the water on two locations, and then two that we, boots on the ground. - You looked up at the quarry. - [Woman] Oh, the quarry. - We checked that out around Stanley's property as well. Beautiful property. He asked that we didn't show anything on camera there, so we don't have any footage there. Again, that one, we don't believe so, but that's going to be a back burner with Gardner if we need to continue the search that we have so many other possibilities. We appreciate you being here, and being a part of this story, and a part of the open source investigation that's going on here, because a lot of the places that we checked today was because of people like you. You the viewers that said, "Hey, I may have seen "something on Google Earth," and we don't discredit any of those, but now when they come in, I can say, we've already checked that one. Where as before, we could not say that we checked that one. - Right. - Keep those tips coming, and if you ever heard of anything, please share those stories with us. The link is in the description down below to a website that, a Facebook page that you have going on ready for information. In addition to that, Harold and Alberta, and Betty, they have phone numbers down there as well. Not just to offer up your support, but if you have anything, or you wanna make it anonymous, they also have a mailing address as well that's in the description down below. Anything you can do. It's been 32 years. Let's get these two answers, and let's bring Randy home. Thanks for watching. We'll see you next time. Bye bye. - Thank you. (soft music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 397,461
Rating: 4.9477892 out of 5
Keywords: missing persons, missing persons cases, cold case, randy leach, randy leach missing, true crime, crime, missing car, vehicle underwater, truck underwater, scuba diving, mrleisek, adventures with purpose, cold case investigation, sonar, side scan sonar, missing persons case, interview, he was in my car, harold leach passing, rest in peace, where is randy leach
Id: TF80OKd0acE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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