Galarian Slowking is Creepy! ...and The Crown Tundra Tree! | Gnoggin

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the crown tundra dlc comes out in like a day or two so let's dedicate a video to predicting some origin stuff before we have all the information just to see how right or wrong i can be this video is all about galarian sloking and it's stupid stupid face and hey quick announcement the day after the dlc comes out so this friday we're going to stream all of it just boom all in one go that'll be right here hope to see you there so galarian slowpoke and bro were actually somewhat important in the isle of armor and their origins were surprisingly deep and in the video where we talked about them we also predicted what could slow king kind of be based on uh because remember it was partially revealed but not entirely at that time and a decent amount of that prediction was actually somewhat accurate which makes me smile but uh one thing we couldn't possibly have predicted is how it looks slow bro i'm stuck in the shoulder oh no oh help me out slow bro well this is it this version gained some confidence and now wears a dark stylish cape in public and let me just say not just anyone can go around doing that now usually when a shelder bites down on a slowpoke's head it makes it a slow king the shelter's venom reaches slow king's brain which activates its mental almonds and makes it incredibly smart i've talked about this extensively here but in galar this shoulder latched down significantly further on the poor pokemon skull covering its eyes and replacing them with its own shoulder eyes i have special eyes and and by the way it's brought up all the time how is this a shelder well the short answer is it's not it's a pokemon that wound up being cut from the game before release it was named tarbon in the beta code named after a turban or more specifically the turbine snail but ultimately it didn't make the cut so for the slows they settled with calling it a shielder which led us to this beautiful scene sloppo oh slowpoke is beginning to evolve [Music] ah i guess its horns also leak this green goop that i'm assuming as poison or a sort of mix of spices and poison as a refresher the reason sheldor don't bite down onto slowpoke tails in the galar region is because slowpokes here have a unique diet of spicy plants which makes their tails spicy thus undesirable to the shelter but in the case of slow king it's mentioned on the official pokemon website that a shelter bite set off a reaction between the chemicals secreted by gallary and slowpoke's brain and the spices inside its body causing slowpoke to gain the poison type as it evolved into gelarian slow king the sheldor's intelligence also skyrocketed giving the shelder psychic powers that put other psychic type pokemon to shame uh wow metagross's four supercomputers fused into one zatu could just see into the future forever and alakazam is alakazam so putting them to shame is impressive slow king was already among the smartest of all pokemon and with the spices now playing a part in its body chemistry it's only smarter and funnily enough this is actually the opposite of reality a few big studies have found a potential link between eating a lot of spicy food and cognitive decline especially dementia however on the flip side eating a lot of spicy food may also increase how long you live more studies need to be done though to further confirm these findings but anyway galarian slow king gains a new affinity for magic and during battles these guys utter odd hexes and we can see this with its new signature move eerie spell spooky on top of dealing damage it reduces the victim's last move pp by three stages is that good i don't know give it time but in a double battle if you pair this with a pokemon that has the ability pressure you can make a pokemon burn five pp per turn have fun fighting against that combo galarian sloking also has a new ability called curious medicine when it enters the battlefield it resets all stat changes of your allied pokemon you hear that landorus try ruining my game with intimidation now i have an ice beam and this man you don't scare me anymore you bug bear so inspirationally now what does the poison type on top of a sort of warlock spooky hexing king of sorts come from well kings and monarchs are already quite british you know which is of course a requirement because every genuine pokemon is at least a little british but being as important as they were they were constantly at risk of assassination to the point where they have multiple people on hand to prevent this and of course more than simply guards famously many kings had royal food tasters who would eat any food served to the king before the king and if they died they would know the food or drink was poisoned before the king gets poisoned and even having a person stand in for royalty like this is still a practice today modern day royalty in places like the middle east have body doubles that look almost exactly like the person either through natural means or plastic surgery they show up at big events first so that if someone tries to kill them they just kill the poor soul that happens to look like them instead their nicknames are bullet catchers these constant attempts on their lives often make kings extremely paranoid well that and the royal inbreeding doesn't help much either but one famous example that could be an inspiration for smoking a bit is king mythera dates mithridates my thry dates vi specifically you see after his father was assassinated he became so scared of being killed that he took sub-lethal doses of poison every day until he gained immunity to them and the ironic thing is eventually he had local nobles rebel against him and rather than suffer through whatever torture they would have given him he attempted to kill himself with poison but failed because he was immune to it nemesis you cruel but creative goddess ultimately he died by a lot of stabbing now other inspiration for gloria and slokan could be vampires vampires as we know them today is very much thanks to the british empire the two main inspirations for modern vampires come from two irish books the first being carmilla a story about a lesbian vampire that came out a couple of years before dracula which then dracula is the main inspiration for most popular depictions of vampires these days many cultures already had things like vampires in them but these two books specified their powers and abilities and turned them into beings that are feared and or loved worldwide today because they're so dang sparkly we keep wearing life-sucking evil peeps with big castles and thief that stick out and who else has castles kings and this shelter on slow king's head or really all of the slow dude forms is acting as a leech surviving by sucking the life out of the slow guy they are quite literally vampiric in nature like leeches and this one on galarian sloking has seemingly taken it over completely it's like a little child friendly head crab plus the particular one on galarian sloking that has a lot more teeth sticking out of it but side note just like headcrabs which do this and take over the brains of their victims just like this shelter puppet kings are a thing kings who are for all intensive purposes are kings but they are all beholden to what a more powerful king possibly one that put them there tells them to do they are kings that are completely under puppety control sloking could then be a reference to modrid there are quite a few references to arthurian legend and galar already and in that legend mordred is depicted as morgan le fay's pawn and a user of magic as well all well fitting of galarian slow king but back to the vampires why do these stories come from ireland well that could be because of another inspiration for our gothic king hippo guy here is ever talk the bar tag the abbar attack the apartheid the apartheid google has no idea how to say it because it's just that creepy an ancient undead king that drank the blood of his peasants to gain magic and supernatural abilities he also was short potentially there's arguments about that his name is also the irish word for dwarf you see avertak was an ancient irish king that was to put likely a terrible terribly awful guy and he was also very jealous and believed his wife to be cheating on him possibly because of how short he was one night he crawled out of his window to catch his wife in the act but he fell to his death instead they found him the next morning thanked god he was finally dead and put him in the ground as quickly as they could and all moved on with their lives but then the next day avartak was alive and well and walked to all of his citizens doors with a wooden bowl collecting blood from them and he drinks it right in front of their faces the people now not willing to put up with him again especially with his new drinking problem asked another king to deal with him and he did people came and axed avartak and buried him again then the next day our dwarf wizard came back again with his wooden bowl demanding blood still they killed him again and he came back again the next day they went to a local saint because those are common enough in ireland he told them how to kill the living dead you must use a wooden sword made out of a you tree which is poisonous by the way to stab him directly in the heart and by the way this is possibly the inspiration for the whole stake through the heart thing with modern vampires and then after he's dead to put him in the ground head down cover him with ash wood branches and thorns and then put a large stone over the grave and he shall then rise no more ghost stories but legend has it this place that he was buried is real and it's right here it's this and to this day locals are rumored to have bad experiences involving this place supposedly people have tried to cut this tree down it grew from the thorns that they scattered about the grave but they tried cutting it down with a brand new chainsaw and not too deep into the tree the chainsaw broke and slapped the operator's hand spilling blood all over the stone and the stone absorbed it spooky but before we talk about trees and their importance in the mythology of ireland and scotland and possibly even the new dlc let's focus a bit more on glory and slow king and its connection to this avartac i mentioned his name means dwarf and irish and conveniently all of the slows are based on pygmy hippos a smaller breed of hippo and also his name alludes to him being a user of magic perfect for slow king since he uses magic now and also sloking's ability can be another cool reference if you like stretch a veil of over your vision uh when sloking enters the battlefield it resets all stat changes of an ally and lucky lookie every time people thought of artak was dead they moved on with their lives but then everything goes right back to normal when he wakes up as if he never really died in the first place so in pokemon it's like it's like you never really lowered their stats in the first place and all of this may also be a reason why golorian slow king's sheldor is purple and a lot pointier now purple is the color of mysticism and magic and hey iconic pointy wizards hats boom also purple's the color of royalty full circle now there's all sorts of things the tree in the crown tundra dlc could be pulling inspiration from but maybe one of them is tied to slow king's inspiration because of the tree over the dwarf wizard's grave but also there's something called fairy trees these fairy trees are usually hawthorne or ash trees and they usually are found out by themselves like in fields and often have stone circles around them they were made by we folk or fairies look another reference to short people but these trees were also seen as portals to the other world the world of the fae and other things these worlds were often depicted as underground which is why it gets the name underland or underworld which later inspired undertale and wonderland's actual name in the novels so this tree in the dlc may hold the key to something interesting i'm assuming it's how you get to the more extreme raid dens and tunnels that are all connected to this tree it would sort of explain why all of these dang legendaries are just here they aren't really here is a magical plane of existence maybe these underground tunnels are rapidly transporting you to other parts of the world underground of other regions where these legendaries reside functionally it'd be sort of similar to the ultra wormholes but magically inspired instead of sci-fi inspired so what if the golarian legendary birds aren't really variants of sorts but are ultra beasts of sorts they crawled through the tunnels and into this world from some parallel multiverse where they are the legendary birds rather than the ones we're aware of already maybe this is just how they look like in this parallel world that would explain why there are suddenly multiples of the legendary birds that is if you subscribe to that belief personally i think there are quite a few of most legendaries but that's this video up here not the current one do i guess i guess the current one is over now i think i've said everything yeah yeah i think that was everything i had to say about gloria and smoking so you let me know if i missed anything down below there's bounds to be more possible evidence involving warlocks and hexes but you can let me know about that down in the comments and until next time you never stop using your noggin [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 250,557
Rating: 4.9550719 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword and shield dlc, sword and shield expansion pass, pokemon sword and shield expansion pass, sword and shield dlc, the isle of armor, crown tundra, the crown tundra, galarian slowking, galarian slowpoke, galarian slowbro, galarian slowking explained, galarian slowking origins, galarian pokemon, galarian pokemon explained, galar region, gen 8 pokemon, names explain, crown tundra lore, crown tundra explained, crown tundra worth it
Id: 7SmZZG5mTGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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