Civilization 6 is a "perfectly balanced game" - Religious Mali is BROKEN - Deity Religion Challenge

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hey spuddies potato mac whiskey here and welcome to let's play civilization 6 in gathering storm a completely well-balanced game that has absolutely no exploits now recently someone who I respect quite a bit has actually come in and played a game of Civilization six however I do have a few criticisms of the old spiffing Brit now those criticism may or may not extend to the fact that I am Irish and that he is British and of course that we are naturally born enemies but let us put that aside he played what I would consider is my game he came to my neighborhood and said things and did things that I felt were wrong and so today we're gonna be doing our very best to school the spiffing Brit in what is hopefully a polite and friendly way on about how the game should really be played now in the spirit of truly challenging him we're of course going to be following his footsteps and going for a religious victory but unlike using the kind of weak and funny civilization of England like I mean who really wants to play is the English Empire clearly only that's a spiffing Brit who wants to LARP as Queen Victoria would want to do so we're gonna be playing as Mansa Musa and we will of course be playing on DD difficulty some of you may have been clever enough to spot that he of course played on Prince which you know that's fair enough anyone could play on Prince and have a good time but if you want to play with the big boys biffing Brit you got to be playing on the hardest difficulty and just to make things a little bit harder we are gonna be playing with every single religious civilization that I could think of well not every single one that I could think of but a good spread of them who will make this even harder because it's very likely that they are gonna focus on a religion victory as well so we're gonna have a very hard time breaking through their religious pressure and also their unfathomable amounts of faith that they're gonna be making and throwing wave after wave of Apostles and missionaries at us in order to fight us back I think we'll have a very good time we are of course gonna be playing on Pangaea but a small map size standard city-states no shenanigan rehear everything is just as it should be and let's go ahead and get started ladies and gentleman we can start talking about Mansa Musa and his sick boy rich boy attitude here we are ladies and gentlemen spuds and duds this is our starting location now you might say that this is not a very good starting location and you would be right however we are Mansa Musa and we have some special benefits for living near the desert so what we're gonna do is move ourselves over into this delightful desert Isle and settle here next turn because as Mansa Musa we get extra food and faith for every adjacent desert and desert hill that fate will be used to make it so that we can get a very very early religion which anyone who has played deity knows that getting a religion on deity can be quite tricky but I have a very reliable and strong strategy that can get us a DD religion every single time without fail and there it is look at that beautiful +4 faith per turn and plus 4 food per turn resulting in a very rapid growth rate and a very rapid rate at which we will be able to get our Pantheon and we will of course be going for the desert faith Pantheon from our holy sites so that we can get even more faith and don't forget also once we build our syllabus will to get again twenty percent faith discount thanks to that beautiful beautiful district nine turns in and we already have our Pantheon and we're just about to clear up a barbarian income and we just have to quickly take a promotion on this guy and choose our Pantheon is we are playing mantle Musa and we are living in the desert of course we're gonna take desert folklore here so that we can get amazing amazing adjacency on our holy sites and what surprisingly the city-state of talent q Palenque pale pale and Quay the the blue science city stayed has found us and in fact we were the very first person that they found because we have plus one envoy with them which gives us an extra two sites in our capital which means that we can get astrology even faster and build our holy site even faster than we had planned yes a glorious day for the Malian Empire Matta Musa Mali alright that's who I'm playing yes of course not only have we unlocked the holy site which we will of course place look at that a +6 holy site 14 turns into the game and we have a +6 holy site ladies in general this is truly how you break the game of civilization six especially when you're playing on the highest difficulty because one of the things that we are gonna have to do is faith purchase our great prophet and that's quite expensive because if you remember there's a lot of seeds in this game that want to earn great profits so they're probably already building their own holy sites as well I wonder what secrets this tribal village will hold let us find out oh plus one envoy we could send that to Palicki Polanco Palin ku blue city state we'll send it to the perhaps we will save it for later oh my goodness we found Gaza gamma mu nu Gaza gamma mu goodness who knows how to spell that but or say it rather but we found a Gaza Graham whose special ability is to make land combats and support units 20% cheaper this was actually already featured in a spiffing Brit video where he showed you could essentially buy units for free since the really funny occurrence that we would actually find these guys in this game where I'm essentially calling out this British there's the finish Britt the British spiff oh goodness completely lost track of my ability to speak but now I do do of course please remember that I am of course doing this in a very friendly manner I'm I'm kind of lampooning him I'm making a bit of fun of him and mostly we're just having a good time because I really enjoy his videos and should definitely go check him out it looks like our main opponent this game Arabia who also seems to occupy a desert has come to greet us I will say it is an honor to meet you welcome to the Malian land stand yes of course kneel exchange information on where our capitals are they are all the way down here so we know exactly where we will need to go in order to take them on such a high adjacency bonus of course should be celebrated with a plus a3 eros core historic moment additionally I believe somebody may have built the great bath already and I'm imagining that very soon somebody is gonna build Stonehenge and the very first religion will be gone now do keep in mind in a 6 player game only four people can get a religion we just finished our holy site and the only way to realistically get a religion for us is to run holy site prayers in order to make sure that we are the very first or if not the first at least get a religion because if we don't get a religion they'll be caught a lot of egg in my face and British British spiff spiffing Brit Brits his viewers will laugh at me ok and I don't to be laughed at I am the safe guy this is my this is my domain thanks to us being the Mali we now have enough gold to purchase ourselves that builder and a builder we definitely want to purchase because there's all this delicious silver around that we can improve not only that but remember as Mali our mines actually do not produce production well they do later on in the game but they produce more gold and with more gold we can buy more stuff and more stuff we can make more things and with more things we can conquer the world together look at that absolute unit of a gold mine right there one production seven gold off of a single tile and don't forget we can actually afford to work there's because we're getting all that food and faith from settling near a desert oh yes look at those faith income look at this great person income we may very well be the first person to get a great profit this game although it is a very slow possibility because there's already one that's been taken by the Stonehenge never mind of course Arabia you may have some of my silver just make sure that you give me all of your delicious delicious gold we've also just managed to unlock the Tsukuba which has a wonderful + - adjacency bonus when placed near a holy site and lo and behold we have a holy site right here so we get a +5 commercial hub right off the bow isn't that beautiful of course we will want to finish our holy site prayers and continue to build up our secure because we need markets for extra trade routes in order to get more faith in gold and all those wonderful things that will allow us to truly break the game of civilization 6 goodness gracious I have been forward settled by Arabia and so now I will have to quickly get another city to block them off from going further towards me of course I also want to settle the desert perhaps we may be fine for another few turns we are of course wouldn't turn away from getting our great profit so hopefully nothing weird happens and nobody overtakes me but I'm pretty sure that we'll be able to get that great profit and make a religion that can stand the test of time how does how does this always happen to me do I have like some magical power that tells the AI to stand in the exact spot as though that is the most annoying like why would you stand on my holy side I need this thing move please you are in the way get out of my way oh I won't be able to found a religion that's turned because of this guy goodness a DA I must be trolling me this guy moves out of the way and then the Scout moves in to take over it lets the vigil on my holy site like which honestly at long last the scout and the warrior have decided that it is no longer worth their time to troll me and we can found our religion excellent let us get cracking now of most importance is to give our religion and an appropriate name and I believe the most perfect name that we could possibly give this is that T is only just okay we will of course be going for holy order which makes missionaries and apostles 30% cheaper to produce as well as shrines and temples providing food why would we take that belief you may ask well you'll see what's this a city that is completely surrounded by desert Isles on my goodness I'm making 12.5 faiths per turn let us settle the city and see what kind of faith I'm making afterwards oh my goodness 18.5 faith returned clearly this is not broken and civilization is a completely balanced game and Mali should not be modified or adjusted in any way by the developers and another +6 holy sight oh don't mind if I do what a perfectly placed position to put us a gooble later on what's that you say you can already buy certain things with faith but we're playing as the Mali which means that we can purchase markets with faith oh yes and then we can use our goal to purchase another trader which will give us more gold which will allow us to buy more settlers which will allow us to take over yes the entire world with our religion we've just finished unlocking state workforce which gives us access to the government Plaza as well as our very first governor title and we will of course be taking moksha to a point in the capital because he has the wonderful ability to give religious pressure 100% modifier now if you go don't know the holy site of your religion has a plus for outgoing pressure per turn so this brings it up to plus 8 which is an awful lot of pressure when you consider that there is not a lot of ways to actually get passive pressures so that's what makes moksha so very very good going for your religion game that allows you to get your religion spreading nice and early I appear to have found myself in a spot of bother um we'll be back with a message from our sponsor I don't I don't have a sponsor this is way too many barbarians what did you do civilization developers why would you do this to me just manage to finish our very first shrine and so now we can actually purchase ourselves a couple of missionaries to send off into the great expanse and perhaps convert some of our local friends I mean enemies I mean frenemies we're about to convert our very first city of Aradia and there it is and he does not look very happy bit up we're gonna tell him to stuff it because there's not really much he can do to stop us from spending our religion inside his territory and there we have it we have spread the true religion that tea is only just okay tea is like it's tea is tea it's tea man but it's like come on it's only it's only okay like it's it's just okay we don't come on you don't need to build an entire personality an entire brand around the idea that you love tea come on now that would be preposterous and silly let's also do the conversion of Cahokia we just need another little spread in here and there it is we've already converted to of Arabia cities of course we're gonna have to convert all the way cities because if we leave even one single city for Arabia he's going to keep cranking out all of the missionaries in the world with his 89 faiths per turn that is a ridiculous amount of faith ladies and gentlemen I don't even have to tell you that that is a ridiculous amount of faith for an enemy AI to have word 78 turns it's Gabe he's making more faith than there are turns in the game that is preposterous I'm ridiculous and it's very difficult to overcome this is why we don't play on deity kids if you want to have fun playing Civ do not play on deity I do not recommend it okay just play on Prince and have a good time this is painful it appears that arabia has decided i've been a very naughty boy what would i forward settled him and i'm starting to convert his cities now he has a very large army I do not I have two archers and a warrior so perhaps we might need to save a little bit of cash to be able to purchase an army but you know we could always just be really really greedy and maybe die that sounds like fun - Homs was once the cradle of Islam but now the faithful folks that are temples of tea is only just okay we have managed to convert the Arabian holy side of Islam and hopefully we can get a hold of the last few cities to eradicate the religion of Islam from the world oh that's kind of a bit of a spicy way to say that I might have to edit that out but I might also leave it in because it's kind of humorous to hear me talking about how spicy it is anyway look in a video game we've destroyed allow ok I've got some good news and I've got some bad news the good news is that Cairo is the only city left in the world because no other city is providing religious pressure to Cairo so it's the only city left in the world that actually follows Islam I guess you could technically say the guys are gamoo gamoo I still don't know how to pronounce the city's name the the militaristic city state is also following Islam but the they can't actually make like missionaries and stuff like that so it's inconsequential however there's a bit of a problem he managed to get apostles he has temples and apostles so I'm gonna have to like really really try quite hard in order to convert this city so that I can eliminate Islam and essentially take out 1/4 of the people who I'm going to need to fight in order to win this game another little cute and fun trick that you guys might be able to use in your games is to sell your excess diplomatic favor to the AI since we're not really using our diplomatic favor for anything may as well get some money out of it which will allow me to upgrade a crossbowmen or two in order to defend against this city state that has flipped in favor of my enemies yes we're having a little bit of trouble holding off the barbarian hordes although maybe that's a little bit inappropriate but Poland has a rather large army that I'm hoping they bring over as the India they have quite a large group of horse not horses right these are elephants they're swinging in with some elephants yeah so we might be able to hold off we do have a whole bunch of faith saved up but there's not really much point recruiting any apostles right now because I can't actually convert him while I'm at war thankfully the Polish heavy cavalry have arrived to bring relief to come be Salah and now we can start bringing the fight to Arabia hopefully clearing out some of these units and retaking Jen or my empire and wonderfully we managed to convert the city of Nadezhda burger mooo during war so we get plus 3 heiress Corp just quite a nice feather in our cap because you get extra era score if you can for the city while you're at war with them now thankfully the Polish heavy cavalry have swooped in here and brought down the city to a pretty reasonable health level oh I should in theory be able to get my heavy cavalry sherry it over here in position and take the city back oh no it doesn't have enough movement they were standing in the way that is very unfortunate I at least the city will be liberated I hope I think they will liberate it actually no I've never I'm going to be totally honest with you guys never been in this kind of position where the AI is actually helping me in a war this is uh this is a very there's a whole lot of firsts for me in this series and there we go they have taken gen and they did not liberate it but it will repel in three turns so that's hopefully gonna go in my favor and that does mean that we have beaten the military emergency and it is over so now we need to get peace with Saladin if we can he wants to take nine gold per turn nine gold per turn is a very reasonable amount of gold to demand especially since we can go back to trading with him and then start spamming out as many traders as possible now ladies and gentleman the day has come to finally start getting up we will of course the only recruiting in our capital because that's where we get the double promoted apostles but for now we shall move forward once we get these guys promoted this is one of my favorite promotions passeth Eliezer removes a 75% of the existing pressure from other religions how that works is if we go over here and check out homes for example you can see if I hover over here that they have 2247 pressure now take that number and multiply it by 0.25 and they'll be left what about 600 to 700 pressure once I convert this city with this apostle it's a very very powerful promotion and I'm very glad that I had an opportunity to get it it pairs really really well with translator you can eliminate all of the enemy pressure and then use a translator to boost your pressure no need for extra spreads I've got all the spreads I need I just need the strongest promotions promotion seller I need your strongest promotions [Laughter] one thing to keep in mind if not only are we gonna have to have the ability to eliminate pressure in the enemy cities having debaters is very important because if you can kill enemy religious units it's worth a lot of spread pressure so we're gonna go ahead and make sure to take up the debated promotion wherever we can even if there is a promotion that gives us lots of spreads debater is just that powerful when you're trying to go for a religion victory there you have it ladies and gentlemen GN have gone independent and it's so it should be relatively easy for it to flip back to me you can see by the symbol that's appearing on the city that it will in fact flip to me in a row in about ten turns we will have to deal with a couple of errant musket men causing me a little bit of an issue but that shouldn't be too much of a problem since we do have three crossbowmen to shoot them and I might even be able to take this city back which is some casual crossbowmen attacks and here we go the march of the Apostles has begun every single one of these apostles right here that I have just moved actually has the debated promotion so we're in a really good spot to get some serious damage done to Arabia's religion and these guys are gonna be serving us all throughout the massive crusade that will go across the entire continent I will set up one army to go down to the south and then I will set up a second army to go up through the north these will be religious armies the likes of which have never been seen on the face of civilization I actually completely forgot that we got 100 diplomatic favor from winning that military emergency so we're gonna go ahead and pop into tomorrow and say hello tomorrow i beliee you like diplomatic favor what's that you love diplomatic favor why why don't you just give me all of the gold that you've ever had hmm seems like I'm probably overpaying here 50 hmm perhaps 60 would do it looks like exactly 80 88 diplomatic favor won't give me all of our gold per turn that is 90 gold per turn I just picked up well technically 89 was the accurate number but ever 90 I would say is a good enough estimation we're currently making 200 the turn at 200 faith faith per turn so you will have no problem churning out religious you religious units and you can actually see that the very first ones are beginning to arrive and this is my press cela thiser we will completely eliminate the religion in here let's take a look at the numbers right up to 2,200 pressure I go ahead and use the religious conversion BAM all the pressure is gone and it now belongs to me thank you very much civilization 6 for giving me this perfectly balanced upgrade for my apostles what's that Oh happiness following Islam let me change that but it is now following t is only just okay the religion of T is only just a ok must and I say ok no it's only okay if it was a ok it would be better than okay right so it must only be okay T is only just okay that is the religion that we are spreading and my golly we should have Arabia converted in just a handful of turns there ii-era boys and girls were about to retake our city back a little bit earlier than it would flip independently it will however damage the city slightly but I think that is a worthy price to pay to get Jen back it will of course I lose my religion as well temporarily but in the long run we will be just perfectly fine and we've restored our Empire in fact it might have been worth it to consider settling a couple of extra cities up here just to get that little bit of extra faiths to squeeze out of our empire so that we can get even more religious units I've even started sending a couple of apostles up here to Poland although this will be a more of a sort of weak attack I'm really only sending them up here to get a bit of eros core cuz I would like to get a heroic age if at all possible once again folks we have completely converted Arabia to our religion with the exception of Cairo the last bastion of Islam will fall hopefully within the next couple of turns I'm hoping that he will attack me he does have a lot of religious combat spent boosts but I do have quite a few debaters hanging around that I'll be able to use to great success against his apostles the very first Indian city has fallen the belief that tea is only just okay the very first Arabian apostle is about to fall in battle oh it will feel so good to finally kill one of these and there it is we have killed an apostle converted all these cities we just have to finish off Cairo and then the world is our oyster oh and there it is I didn't think it was actually gonna convert it but I have perfectly eliminated Islam there are no more Islamic cities in the world wait all the nets in Russia is following Islam what of course there would be one city left to make me a liar however we have not completely eliminated the religion because we do need to kill off these apostles so they can't restore the religion and then once a single city is restored Arabia will be able to buy more religious units so we need to completely eradicate all of the units and then we can move on safe in the knowledge that Islam cannot come back and prevent us from winning the game if you are planning on having any any kind of religious combat make sure you bring along a nice guru to just top everyone else's help up as you go along it is a great way to make sure that you have enough health and enough combat stance to continue on fighting the good fight looks like we've got a bit of a religious three-way going on up here India Georgia and myself is that Georgia yeah that's Georgia so I'm just gonna step back at all actually Georgia why are you spreading Eastern Orthodoxy this is not your religion is it who is religion of this oh it doesn't belong to Georgia so my guess me and Georgia are now fighting over Poland because Poland never founded a religion I was wondering why Poland was okay with me spreading my religion to them I guess now we have the answer why and every time we spread we now have secured ourselves a golden age with around ten to twenty six turns not exactly a precise range I kind of feel like it's a little bit of a wide range of possibilities there but I guess it kind of serves the purpose of telling us roughly how long it will be until we we need to either get that nice heroic age that we've been looking for and when you're gonna use a guru Church make sure you position as many units around it as possible so that you can get the maximum amount of healing on your religious combat units there it is he just died he killed himself on my own units Oh wonderful the very last Islamic apostle that I know of in the world is dead and I can finally move on with my conquest of the world from a religious standpoint we're already making good progress up here in pole up we can convert it three cities and we're working on a fourth we've already converted all of Arabia now we just need to take out India make our way over take out Georgia and then fill in Russia with our delightful delightful religion it'll take it at a time but you know anything is possible when you're playing as the Mali Empire it's like easily one of the most broken civilizations in the game and by broken I mean they're kind of okay if you want to know what a satisfying guru charge expenditure looks like look no further hmm fully healed all of these apostles nevermind that these guys are not fully healed they were fully healed all of the apostles okay and there we go ladies and gentlemen Chennai has been once was the cradle of Hinduism but now the faithful flock to the temple of T's only just okay remember that T is only just okay with the conversion of Chennai were just about at the halfway mark of converting around India so I'm quite happy to say that India should be converted within the next ten turns it's got quite a large religious army over here and we are constantly buying new ones to send to the frontline I'm kind of distributing them between the North and the South the North needs a little bit more reinforcements over here Georgia is fighting particularly hard for Poland so I'm gonna need some apostles with some promotions that have benefits towards fighting in the north and I'd really really like to get Sue's remedy of yerevan away from whoever has it right now I think I did just take it away which would allow me to choose whatever promotion that I pleased and hopefully we can get that online before the end of the game and start really really making progress you might be wondering why are we building entertainment complexes and I'll explain it briefly in this particular game all we care about is how much faith we generate and if we get a surplus of amenities we will generate more faith you can see some of my cities actually don't have positive amenities and are even taking penalties you can see here we're losing 5% of the faith that this city could be generating because they don't have positive amenities we build a entertainment district and an entertainment square building the arena that's where the stalled sometimes I forget we build an arena bada-bing bada-boom sniffing pretty Runkle and we've got an extra 1.7 say faith per turn out of this city alongside the production and all the other things that a gives you benefits for if we take a quick peek at the empires learn some mode we've actually converted almost every single city that India owns that has a holy site which means India will not be able to produce any more religious units so as long as we keep all of the cities but holy sites converted we've effectively eliminated the religion of Hinduism as long as additionally we also make sure that he doesn't have any religious units hanging around to reconvert his cities but I think we are basically done with India now and we can set our sights on the path between Poland and Georgia and on to Russia and soon our armies will converge over here India still has a little bit of fight left in them they've got a couple of apostles over here trying to oppose me but of course we will find a way to make sure that they cannot oppose us hopefully using a debater and it looks like I did indeed find one and we should be able to fight these two guys off take over Calcutta and keep moving along die Ethan looks like we took out one of the very last apostles that India has the very last one is hiding inside this city which will probably be a little bit more work to make sure that we get the kill on but you know it should be able to work out perhaps I can bait them out with this guru another satisfying guru he'll BAM Arabia we've been over this dude he don't need to declare war on me you can't win oh god he has musket man he might be able to win Oh God why didn't I build walls and Jen what have I done what could I buy can I buy a unit oh god I have no goal I just spent my gold panic stations uh-oh and here lies the very last Indian apostle and with the death of that apostle India is now completely converted with the exception of Agra but I think that city is only one population I think I actually need to convert that city I am pretty sure I have eliminated now two of the religions of the game which is actually seven it was a 66% of the religions in the game considering you'd only have four religions in a six player game so we've only got to take on Eastern Orthodoxy next and that one should be a breeze if we can take out Georgia and we're already in the process of fighting Georgia there's quite a few Georgian you religious limits over here that we'll be fighting in the fog of war so I'm I'm pretty confident that we'll be able to pull this off in the next 25 to 40 turns now of course I do need iron to make my unique unit which would help me defend myself but Russia wants a 36 gold per turn for 10 iron perhaps we can talk Russia into an easier done sweeter deal Russia I would like one iron for you what is that you will get me set you want seven gold here you go Russia I will trade you that Russia I would like one more iron from you oh you won't give me it because you're a below 40 hello Gandhi I need nine you don't have enough turn it seems like my mean strategy has been foiled by the fact that everyone needs iron and doesn't have a surplus of it well there is a possible way to get iron really really cheap and you just basically offer one single piece of gold they'll accept that deal right now iron is a bit of a strategic commodity and I kind of regret not having enough iron to make a man too callow cavalry because that would have really helped against this form of Units I'm dealing with I guess I'm just gonna have to settle for purchasing crossbows to be able to defend myself with them we have just finished off researching Reformed Church which is going to bring us into the late game of our build the theocracy government has a lot of really nice effects the most important one is the +5 religious combat strength in theological combat and the plus 0.5 faith per citizen in cities with governors and the 15% discount on purchases with faith that is gonna make it even cheaper than it currently is to buy our religious units alongside the religious orders and simultaneous which will make us have even more religious combat strength and even more faith there we are I think this government will suit us very nicely conscription to save it with a goal in our units bastions to make our cities better defending extra faith from our holy sites and cities but to population or at least +3 adjacency bonus hint all of our holy sites have +3 adjacency bonus so we should see this number go up quite dramatically as well as a little bit of extra points towards getting on voice of they get more city-states a little bit more faith and some religious religious combat strength we are gonna see our faith economy jump up to nearly three hundred and eighty one faith per turn the closest AI in terms of that level of faith generation is actually Georgia who is our number one endgame raid boss that we have to take on now remember they have an 80 percent boost to their base faith per turn so that's why they just have so much but we're not doing too bad and we're not even done maximizing the amount of faith that we can get from our Empire oh no no no no no no ladies and gentlemen because we can even work more of these delicious delicious tiles there we have it I went through and slept through every city it turns out I was working basically every bit of faith that I could find I guess I was a little bit domed there but I would like to get up to around 500 per turn that's why I bought another settler to go ahead and settle up here maybe another holy site I don't select the plop one down here as well if I could get another holy site to get a little bit more extra faith I'd be quite happy with that outcome yikes they've almost retaken gen goddamnit am I gonna have to pull out a gen I think well let me be careful about how I phrase those kind of sentences I'm gonna have to retreat I cannot defend this city again but that's okay we'll get it back don't you worry I do need to get on my hands on iron though I'm pretty sure I can hold this city over here as long as I can get enough units into combat pilot positions to shoot these Montecarlo cavalry and I am pretty confident that gen Falls this turn and there it goes will probably take some pretty bad hit but I'm pretty sure that we can survive this as long as we play it carefully we do have loyalty pressure and we are gonna be getting a golden age very soon well I think we should be able to hold this off without too much difficulty I mean the musca men are making a problem in the fact that I don't have any iron is also a problem I mean I never even found any iron which you know sometimes that's just the way it is when you're playing Civ man you're like oh I've got this really great strategy I've really really powerful and it's like aren't you don't get nighter or iron so you don't get to make advanced units so you gotta try and defend with crappy units yes I'm starting to convert Georgia's cities the very first Georgian city has fallen to the religion of T is only just okay and this shall signal the very first stages of the final battle because Georgia is the last civilization with a religion that can actually compete with mine Russia doesn't have a religion and neither neither does Poland and in fact Poland only has one or two cities left which we probably don't have to worry about converting because really we just have to worry about converting Georgia and if we can get Georgia converted then we've got this game in the bag I've got another little army down here looking to sweep up into Georgia and then eventually come back down around to Russia and I'll show you off something really really cool that you can do to win your games even faster than standard what's not Georgia you have four people following your religion and Casspi I don't think so belongs to me now fellas oh it is so easy to convert when you know how to do it all you gotta do is make sure you get this promotion right here the proselytizer now unfortunately one downside is that tamara has realized the importance of yerevan and has crammed as many envoys in here as possible so I'm gonna try and see if I get my hands on a mani myself and see if I can maybe get puppeteer to double my amount of em boys in here cuz I am gonna struggle to take control of this oh yes and we exit from the Dark Age into a glorious glorious Golden Age what's that I get to choose a bonus why why don't I just take all of them do I want to take two arms I don't know if I want to take two arms I definitely would like to take reform the coinage so I can get better trade routes these other ones don't really matter so much I may as well take two arms so I get less grievances if I want to declare war although the other side of things I could just take these other two and they're kind of just better now I don't plan on selling any settler so I'll just take two arms now the downside is of course that Arabia also managed to get a golden age so my loyalty pressure against Jen is no longer really applicable however we should we should still be able to retake this city once we've managed of trade for some iron from one of these a is in fact Poland I believe should have some iron they're willing to trade I just need 10 good god and because it'll go below the critical number of 40 they won't give me it for a better price hmm after try and think of a better way to get this iron yes Russia has 63 iron whereas normally if I wanted to get 10 iron off him it would cost me 36 gold per turn but now I can finally show you the beautiful beautiful not quite an exploit but it is a little bit of an oversight I could just say Russia I would like 7 I would like to pay at 1 iron for 7 Gold what's that again I would like to make the same deal again Russia now this means that in a normal trade he would demand 36 gold per turn which is like an outrageous amount of gold it's like nearly a thousand gold over the course of 30 turns but if I just keep going back in and out I can just say hey could I get this gold for 7 or get this iron for 7 gold please and he'll make the trade it's one of my most favorite little I don't know if I would call it an exploit maybe it's just like X you know what we'll go with the word exploit I think it's a perfectly of a way to describe this the good news is now we'll be able to get our unique unit the Montecarlo cavalry thanks D doing this cheeky cheeky little exploit and when all that iron we're gonna go ahead and upgrade this heavy cavalry unit of the chariot up to the Montecarlo cavalry which we've been a kind of hold nod for this guy for a while he does protect trade routes from being plundered but more importantly he gets gold equal to a 100% of the unit's base strength when he kills something and this would be a better unit to try and take the city with and maybe fight off some of these Mamluks although we are a little bit weaker than him because of course on deity the AI gets a whole bunch of bonuses that makes them very difficult to fight if you're wondering how you can tell if a city is the holy site of a religion all you have to do is open up the religion lens map mode and look for the number four or eight if it's a forward or an eight that means you know you've found the holy site and what's this or the holy the capital of the religion what do you call it the holy city I keep forgetting my words here and all I gotta do is click this delicious button convert the entire city because I've got proselytizer mm-hmm and then I'll just make sure that it updates with a little bit of extra pressure look at that completely eradicated his holy city in a single turn oh joy oh joy oh joy it is my favorite thing to do to completely well troll the AI really by completely converting their cities in a single turn I don't think they really know how to deal with it to be honest tably c-- was once the cradle of Eastern Orthodoxy but now the faithful flock to the temples of T is only just okay and you can actually take a look and see how close we are to winning a religion victory we have four of the six civilizations that we need to convert in the game converted just need to make sure we get Russia and get our hands on Georgia and those are the last two people and we're pretty close to getting hold of Georgia already my apostles are starting to move in from the south as well there's only a few cities in here that we need to convert and in fact we all need to convert to more to have a majority of their cities I believe with which we just then have to take on Russia and Russia doesn't really have a you know reason to defend this religion so it should be a fairly straightforward win from here we may be 185 turns in but I still think it's worth it to get a relic at this point and Arabia has started to get really really aggressive but I have a relic now generating this extra faith and even a little bit of tourism not that that's really gonna have a huge impact on the game however it is a nice little thing to have as a bonus and we're gonna have to go ahead and take on Arabia Arabia is being a hyper-aggressive it's making my life quite difficult however the good news is that the city will flip in loyalty although it looks like he has a garrison in here now to along side some very nice a very nice governor that is making my life a little bit difficult however I think we could still win - one city as long as we can hold these guys off it might be a good time to maybe purchase a better unit unfortunately I just haven't been really able to unlock better units so I've been kinda just relying on crossbowmen to hopefully see me through I don't know whether that's gonna work out or not but you know the more crossbowmen we have the harder his life is gonna be trying to push into me so maybe it'll work out who knows I will say one thing however Poland being like very similar in color to my units has made it absolute hell to try and March my religious units through their entire territory since this is the only real safe route that I can take since Arabia is at war with me it has been very very difficult I will say this to tell the difference between my units and poland's units even though it might be a little bit obvious but you know you kind of see the red color and then it's like oh i don't know who is who like it one of the ways that didi tries to screw me as i try to win the game there we have it folks we have a 5 out of the 6 civilisations required to win the game we just need to clean up georgia so they can't get their religion back and then make our way down and see if we can finish off russia russia should be a fairly easy one because even some of these cities are starting to to get a lot of pressure from my religion you can see it's starting to stack up it's not a whole lot but it's a little bit that'll make my life just that much easier as we move onwards and we've already converted the very first russian city because we just killed a georgian apostle I was hanging out over here in the wrong neighborhood and we saw sent him on his way packing what for Tallyho and all that sort of British things that Smith might say Tallyho here you're about to witness the very last bastion of Eastern Orthodoxy fall to the belief that tea is only just ok and there we have it Georgia is now completely converted and barring the fact that they might have like an apostle running around in the fog of war somewhere they can never ever get their religion back so now the final task Russia now those of you may know it it's never a good idea to engage in a land war with Russia but we're not engaging in a land war with Russia we're engaging in a religion war with Russia and we shall complete it posthaste I noticed that Jen was actually losing loyalty and I decided to hasten that process by running some bread and circuses projects in Kobe salah annie annie which in fact made a turn independent and now it's causing them some big problems and the nice thing is it'll turn back to me in about ten turns but I plan to be done with this game before ten turns are out because we're gonna use a very very cheeky exploit that has been around since the launch of the game and that is where we convert a few of Russia cities and then essentially trade him my entire empire I'll show you that in a moment here we have what I suspect to be the very last George an apostle in the entire game and now there are none I think there may be one running around to the fog of war somewhere but I'm pretty confident that we've taken it out and now ladies and gentlemen boys and girls of all ages the moment you have been waiting for we have converted one two three four five Russian cities I have counted their cities and they have eleven that means we have just under half and we can do a very very cheeky exploit where I say hey Russia would you like to just own my entire empire what's that you would why how about I give you it as a gift and then we win the game thank you very much ladies and gentlemen what an easy game to exploit the spiffing brit has nothing on potato mac whiskey and as we all know the Irish and the British have been natural-born enemies for about a thousand years and I thought I would do my very best to show him up and I think we have succeeded in showing him how to truly break the game on deity difficulty all joking aside spiffing Britt is a great content creator I had a lot of fun watching him play save six however I do feel like it is my duty as the guy who plays civics on deity on YouTube to kind of show him up and try to beat him at his own game and play the game in not only a more broken way but also more hopefully interesting way from a gameplay gameplay standpoint I'll never ever stand up to spiffs commentary his commentary is on point and he does an amazing job putting his videos together and making them look great but there a full game is civilization six but arguably the most broken sieve in the game and beating it in the most broken way possible on a religion victory while trading away your own empire in order to win the game I love you all very very much and I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: PotatoMcWhiskey
Views: 396,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civilization 6, Civilization VI, Civ 6, Civ Vi, Civ 6 Religion Challenge, Civ 6 Deity Religion Challenge, Civ 6 is a perfectly balanced game, Civ 6 is broken, Civilization VI is broken, PotatoMcWhiskey, PotatoMcWhiskey Civ 6, PotatoMcWhiskey Civlization VI, Deity Religion Mali, Mali strategy Civ 6, Deity Religion gameplay, Deity Civ 6 Mali, Civ 6 Deity Religious victory, Civilization 6 is a perfectly balanced game, Civ 6 broken strategies, Civ 6 broken civs, Civ 6 Mali guide
Id: sxkr3bPy1g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 27sec (2427 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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