🐴🐴🐴Civilization 6 Horse Only is BROKEN - Mongolia Deity Domination Horse Only Challenge

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hey spuddies potato mac whiskey here and welcome to let's play civilization 6 gathering storm in the June update today we're playing Mongolia we're gonna be doing the horse only challenge now of course there are a couple of caveats I will allowed B be allowed to use for example warriors and Scouts and slingers and stuff in the early game but when it comes to actual offensive Wars I'm only a year allowed to use cavalry units this is of course to show off just how powerful cavalry can be in the hands of Genghis can he cause gets extra combat strength honest cavalry units and the chance to decapitate defeated cavalry units there's also a whole bunch of other bonuses that we'll talk about one of the time comes now we're gonna playing on DD with standard settings nothing changed just you know random leaders Pangea small map size all that jazz and sure let's go ahead and get going there's two really imports of getting as kinds abilities that make him incredibly incredibly deliciously overpowered and that is the plus three combat strenght and chance to capture defeated enemy cavalry class units and the or to bonus which means that he gets double combat strands from diplomatic visibility bonuses and he can get trading posts which also give him diplomatic visibility with a trade route immediately will be making great use of both of these in this game taking a look at our starting location I think this is pretty except but we have a Plains Hill to settle on as well as a mining resource which is pretty important because if we have a nearby neighbor we'll be able to put a mine on that resource and quickly get the boost for the wheel and start spamming out heavy chariots to quickly kill a close neighbor now if we don't have a close neighbor I'm probably gonna be doing a little bit more expanding and stuff like that but before we can make any decisions like that we're gonna go ahead and have to settle our city what I mean but a boomin there it is excellent now I'm gonna go ahead and work the Sheep because I like to grow first before I do anything like that and we will go ahead and grab ourselves a scout so that we can explore and see what the world has to offer us excellent looks like we found our very first tribal village as well as our very first city-state and I think yes I was the first person to meet Bandai Brunei which means I do get the plus for gold my capital which is a delightful little bonus as well as an extra envoy I could send that to Bondi brew now if I'm gonna go ahead and hold on to that in case I run into another city-state and I grab myself a second Scout I'm gonna go ahead and grab a second warrior in order to be able to defend myself and then we'll look into getting some settlers to be able to settle more cities and stuff like that I get an idea I'm not seeing any loyalty pressure or any like cities around here so I have a feeling that might be a little bit isolated so I don't think we'll be rushing the wheel but if I do find somebody nearby it we will be rushing the wheel and killing them with chariots we also might have run into Jerusalem first which means they get extra faith which means we're gonna be able to get ourselves a Pantheon without having to plug in the god-king card which is a big advantage because that means we can work a lot more production by using the urban planning card that's very nice very delicious and we're off to a great start already I'm not seeing any other players around here so I might just go ahead and swing in to grab early campuses because I'm seeing in here there's some really good potential for really powerful campuses in here I believe this is a plus 5 1 2 3 mountains and a geothermal event and this could be a plus 4 or plus 5 it all depends if there's a mountain on this tile or not I'm pretty sure this one is not a mountain because it looks like a desert hill but yeah this is upwards of plus 5 plus 10 and then plus this upward so plus 15 worth of campus here so we could get really really powerfully ahead in science this game and completely crush people with our cavalry unit hey we met our turd city safe this is Cahokia and we were not the first to meet them so I have a sneaking suspicion there might be another AI player in the general area I will go ahead and plug an envoy in here to get the extra gold because with this gold we'll be able to purchase a builder and get some expertise and improve our terrain which is pretty damn exciting I wonder what treasure is this tribal village will hold for us ah forty gold forty gold isn't bad because it doesn't mean we'll be able to buy that builder a little bit quicker which I'm pretty happy about oh and we can see the tell-tale sign of a little bit of an enemy players boarders I 99% sure this isn't a city state because it has a two color border where city-states have just a one color border I'm curious who it could be could maybe be Egypt by the coloration I just I'm not entirely sure yet we're gonna plug in discipline and urban planning so that we can produce more stuff and fight barbarians better not quite Cleopatra but John Curtin is a perfidy Asst opponent because he tends to get really really far ahead in terms of science and culture as well as being a difficult opponent to attack especially early when unit production costs are really low because when you attack him for ten turns he gets a 100 percent production bonus which means he can crank out units which makes him quite a difficult foe in the early game he is pretty far away from us so we're probably going to settle quite a few cities in order to be able to properly attack him but he's definitely on my radar as mine Public Enemy because John Curtin tends to be a big problem if he let him SimCity for a while hey we found the lycée Ford life your life George I don't know how to say it but that's pretty cool it's not a very particularly useful wonder for the kind of game we're going for because it gives naval units of promotion but it might be useful in terms of getting era score if I settle near it and I see that there is this nice mercury tile which could be a lot of fun to settle on in order to get that delicious delicious era score as well as just having an extra luxury that we can trade to the AI for gold we're off to a very good start here and I have pretty good confidence that we able to make something happen and we also ran into pollen kay hey I got so many comments in the last video trying to tell me how to pronounce this city-states name and I'm still not sure to be totally honest we actually ran it a candy as well that's very nice I'm gonna be able to maybe make friends with a lot of these oh oh we were not the first to meet candy but hopefully if we get to a few more envoys you'll be able to make friends with these guys and pull in a few extra resources using all this delicious delicious gold that we got from the mercantile city-states I believe they're called to be managed to get ourselves a builder here and we're gonna go ahead and see if we can improve these copper mine resources because they're gonna be a great source of production and gold in the early game in fact we have a really good gold start here I'm also working on clearing out a couple of barbed comps hey we got the knowledge of bronze working from a tribal village not really super useful because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get the bronze working boost from killing these barbarian comments and maybe a scout along the way but you know I'll take what I can get hey we cleared our very first barbarian encampment we got a promotion on this guy and a bunch of extra gold this is a really good gold star I've been finding a lot of success with the Scout into war you're into settler opener and then purchasing a builder it gives you like a good spread of everything you need in the year the game so this is something I've been a huge fan of my recent games go ahead and get this other copper online what secrets will this tribal village hold extra twenty fate that's a little bit unfortunate cuz I actually just got my Pantheon this turn anyway and I'm not sure what Pantheon will go for yet I don't really plan on doing anything religious so I'm gonna go ahead here and pick up a bonus settler from my Pantheon religious settlement it'll also mean that my border expansion is a little bit quicker which means it's gonna be easier to play stuff like encampments as well as have a little bit of a less emphasis on needing monuments and stuff like that to grow my borders this is a great delicious little Pantheon which is gonna give us a huge boost an extra settler this early I already have two settlers out on turn 23 that's an a crazy crazy strong start this may be one of the best starts I've ever had streamer look you know look at that absolute unis of a campus we're gonna pop it down right there will cost me 55 gold to buy that tile but it is 100% worth it to place such a good campus we will of course finish the monument first because we're almost finished it and then get to work on that campus we are gonna have an insane science game we're gonna be so far ahead technologically in terms of unit production and unit technology level that this game it's gotta be nuts this is gonna be like what are the easiest games I've ever played in my entire life settling near the lice if you already gives me plus 3 error score we actually have a lot of potential to get a golden age this game which is pretty damn nice I really hope that I can't pull that off just like I'm a really powerful to getting your game kick-started I might even be able to purchase a settler if I get a money mentality Golden Age which would be superb let's go ahead and settle right next to this volcano can be a bit of a dangerous thing to do but I think it's worth it because if I position a city here and a city here and City here I should be able to get all three or at least three of these cities plus five campuses around this geothermal fissure which is pretty damn incredible I'm really excited about the prospect that and I'm kind of almost tempted because I have so much gold income to maybe purchase out to this tile and just immediately start a campus in here yeah I think I really like that idea look at that we've already got plus to our five to plus five campuses on the go I'm returned thirty-one that's like insanity dude this is like one of the best starts I've ever had in my life I actually can't believe this I've never had a game like this I was I was expecting to rush chariots and murder people with the horse bonuses but I guess the game just like handed me one of the greatest science games that it's ever handed me in like ever oh man this is why I like playing Civ because sometimes it throws a game at you that you were just totally not prepared to play just discovered animal husbandry and we found horses in quite a few nice spots that I'll be able to grab up here with a few new cities we will of course be going back to settling settlers once we have finished Karakoram campus but I'm really really really excited as a potential to maybe pull off a horsemen push on Australia that could really catch them off guard and get them killed early because the sooner that we can kill Australia the better because again these are kind of the same thing it's like really dangerous if you leave them around for too long a plus 3 error score campus is so nice I also got some plus 2 error score from being the first settlement on North America we're only three eras score away from getting a golden age and I've got like 10 turns to get it I'm really not sure what I'll be able to pull off to do it but I'm kind of hoping that I can maybe if I could get over here to clear out this bar be a barbarian encampment ooh maybe I could purchase a warrior here to get this cleared out and that would give me the eros core that I need because it's in range in my city yes I think that's gonna work off I work out I think that's a really valuable use of my gold oh man this is like this is like one of the best starts I've ever been handed what the hell is going on this isn't the safe that I know aha we found patch of qdt cutie he is an absolute cutie he looks like he's down here in the south and yeah like as much as I wanted to do a chariot rush it kind of looks like this game has handed me a lot of room to expand so I'm gonna be spamming our settlers as fast as I can we're picking up early Empire here in a moment we're about one turn away from growing to get this boost because the +6 population is across all of your cities and once this population grows we'll have two three one which is six total pop mogul and plot this card in and then start settling like a madman oh no we found sathya the dreaded horse opponent this is actually probably the only sieve in the game that I'm really worried about that builds a big enough army to hold me off thankfully they're not gonna be the first person that I have to go after and they tend to struggle a little bit in keeping up on science and culture so I'm pretty satisfied that I should be able to win this game at least at the current situation oh we found the eyes of Sahara that's a pretty neat little natural wonder hopefully we can make use of that later on although maybe if we'll overcome one man builds a Petra that would be a really powerful Petra if you build one in here damn that's incredible that'll be like two food to production to gold on that tile hey we even found when it's Ares and we actually got the arrow score from meeting all these citizen doing the exploration and finding these natural wonders that we have a golden age so we don't really need to clear this bear up camp I'm still gonna do it because I invested in it unfortunate a scout did appear here to make my life just that little bit more difficult but you know what can you do this is the this is what you gotta live with sometimes let's go ahead and plug in colonization so that we can build settlers faster we also finished bronze working and we found iron art it's gonna be actually really important to get online because that's what we need to build nights and nights are incredibly powerful if you're playing as Mongolia we're also gonna need to get up some encampments soon as well as getting up the government Plaza I haven't quite unlocked the government Plaza but it's gonna be basically the next thing that I do unlock might build it over here in this city maybe set up for some adjacency and stuff like that yeah I think things are off to a really healthy start unfortunately I don't really have the help to take on this barbarian encampment right now but I would like to clear that out now getting this golden age actually presents us with a few difficult choices so for example we could take exodus of the evangelists because not many people are actually going for a religion this game so we could very easily get a religion with the +4 pretty great profit points however when you're going for any sort of domination game religions can actually be detrimental because if you don't have it if the city is not following your religion you actually get a negative penalty to loyalty which is obviously already a big problem and you're going for a domination game so there's no need to make your game harder for yourself an equally good argument could be made for monumentality to get more builders move them around easier make them cheaper to purchase and I do plan on purchasing more builders you know but I think right here in this specific game I think pen brush and voice here is gonna be the best use of my abilities because this is gonna help make up for the fact that I have a very weak early game culture relative to my sites this is gonna really really ease up on the disparity between how much sighs I'm gonna be generating over the next short while and how much culture I'm generating which will make it much easier to skyrocket up ahead of the AI and then beat them down from a position of strength this cheeky little scout did try to capture my settler but I managed to get him here in time to settle the city with no danger it's always a bit of a hairy situation to send your Scouts or your settlers unprotected or own escorted especially on multiplayer in DD but you know it's a worthwhile thing to pull off because it means you can free up your units to do other things like clearing barbarian encumbrance which has netted me a crazy amount of gold and arrow score so far this game I'm already up to like I I want to say that I've picked up at least 15 arrows core from clearing barbarian accountants with just like three early warriors it's so damn good let's go ahead and sell off our mercury that we settled on for a little bit of expert gold I think that's gonna be a huge part of our game right here we're already making like 20 gold per turn and we have built zero buildings that give us gold at this point the game that's like a crazy amount of gold to have I'm very happy about that and it's gonna mean that we'll be able to purchase a lot of really useful stuff in particular builders and things like that now again you could've made the argument that I should have gone for monumentality and all that sort of jobs that's fair you know but I think this is the right choice to be able to get ahead technologically and culturally in order beat down the AI we picked up by very first government form I'm gonna go ahead and grab classical Republic for now at least and I'll plug in all the usual suspects colonisation urban planning and LLL come alongside charismatic leader these are all the really really nice early game SimCity policy cards I like that I like to use when I have lots of space like this I'd say I could easily settle three more cities and then potentially up to seven to seven extra cities but three is easy and I might be able to squeeze in four more after that but we'll see how things go hey we found Mount Everest as well man I've finding all of the natural wonders in fact I don't think I've ever found three natural wonders so close to each other and so close to my starting position in a game before this is kind of crazy actually this entire game has just been not so far I don't know I feel like I feel like some of that four axis is like screwing with me and gave me like a seed that just does not ah the Mongol empires experiencing some technical difficulties in the form of barbarians oh why is why does this happen every game after the June update man man I feel like they dialed the barbarian meter up to 11 Jesus Christ no matter how many but like I went for the - warrior bill to hopefully prevent this from happening but I guess I'm gonna have to add another warrior sooner in to my build but you know man hope they don't pillage anything looks like we can get a pretty good trade deal here off patch akuti the QD looks like he'll give me six gold per turn or 420 horses and four of these probably nothing the best deal that we could pull off but extra gold is gold and I can always put that gold to use improving my empire looks like we found Rome in this game as well no Rome can be quite tough to deal with because he gets a lot of bonus culture from getting the free monuments when he settles the city but we might be able to take him out pretty easily because he doesn't tend to build a huge army like Sathya and John Curtin do in fact I might even go ahead and try to take out the Incas first because they tend to be like Sim City really hired and build lots of infrastructure and if they build a lot of infrastructure and I killed them I get to inherit all that infrastructure plus they've also spread their religion to me which is kind of interesting I'm not even sure what kind of religion this is but Confucianism it could be quite useful at least in the form of picking up some extra science from his holy sites that he's built oh man and I know plus three campus that's so good dude we're like popping off with campuses this would like if I was playing like any other save I would 100% be going for a science game but because I playing Mongolia I feel like I kind of have to show off the Horseman's stuff so you know man at this point these barbarians have been like completely running all over my empire they haven't pillaged anything yet but I'm gonna go ahead and grab myself a horseman to maybe see if I can help clear these out because these will be also used in our conquest later on I probably won't attack until I have courses but I still have quite a few cities left to settle I'm thinking I have right now about seven cities so I think I could cram in at least two more and then I would consider myself kind of done from a city standpoint and then we'll look into maybe attacking the Incas first because they look like they have the most open terrain which will be to our advantage using cavalry and stuff like that I am a little bit worried about the science running away of Australia but I think the Inca has a smaller army and they don't get any production bonuses on the defense so there'll be a little bit easier to kill so that's the current plan somehow I managed to grab the Seas vanity of Cahokia not really sure how that happened but I guess I'll take it just finished up the government Plaza and of course I'm gonna go ahead and pick up the warlords throne so that I can get an extra 20 percent production boost whenever I conquer a city across my entire empire which is so absurdly good I'm not really sure how this hasn't been nerfed yet here is our first horseman let's go ahead and whip out these Scouts it's time to finally take this barbarian encampment that's been causing me so much trouble for the last few turns and we're also gonna get art online which is great because that means it's gonna be able to transition into Knights pretty easily which they are a type of cavalry so while the role of this game is I'm not allowed engage in an offensive war with the units other than cavalry units and hopefully that'll make things a little bit more interesting thankfully Inka has made my decision really really easy to make because they forward settled me and I have a pretty good timing window here where I believe I'll be able to hit them with horsemen and then follow up with Knights and they won't really have a response to that I'm gonna go start unlocking Knights and caching and start preparing my military infrastructure that's mostly going to consist of getting or dews and stuff like that hey we found Norway as well I'm looking forward to killing them although they're really far away I might be hard to actually get over there to take them out it's a pretty big Pangea continent you I'm used to being crammed in between a whole bunch of sieve-like got plenty of space this room very atypical kind of game I think I might actually use this builder to chop out another settlers that'll appear maybe get access to that iron so I can build even more nights and kegs and all that sort of stuff and take out my enemies now there is a little bit of a downside here because I got a Golden Age it can be hard to get golden era or arrow score in a golden age slide I have hit a dark age here but I might be able to make use of some Dark Age policies to take advantage of my enemies I'm gonna go ahead and plug in free inquiry here because it's much easier to get these Eureka's than it is to get the inspirations so yeah we're probably gonna be building up an army I already have a couple of horsemen and I'm building up the or do and about to chop out a building my capital so I'll be able to get together and really take the fight to the Incas hopefully within the next ten or so turns it might take a little bit longer than that but I'm that's kind of like the window that I'm aiming for oh my god I can't believe I found a relic in a tribal village I mean it's a pretty late relic but I mean the extra little bit of faith is always nice so I can't really complain it's actually you know I very rarely do I actually find these relics oh that's so so incredibly cool so let me go ahead and demonstrate why the Mongolia is so goddamn powerful if I take a moment here and look at this my cavalry only has a plus 3 from my Mongol horde bonus right but if I sent them a trade route I'm gonna send it to a city in the back so that the Trading Post remains there for longer because if I put it say in one of these closer cities and then I kill that city I'll no longer have a trading post so I won't get the boost anymore but if I trade with say salsa here right I'll instantaneously get a trading post in there and what that does is a gift for Mongolia you get +1 diplomatic visibility and for Mongolia +1 diplomatic visibility is worth 12 Intel so I just got twelve combat strength from sending a trade route to to the Incas like this is absurd now I'm pretty sure when we declare war the trade route will be cancelled so we'll only get +6 but my god look at that that's insanity we're gonna want to try to unlock printing really really early here because this also gives you +1 level of diplomatic visibility and that might open up a window where we have more diplomatic invisibility than the other saves and so we get a big huge robust combat bonus against them well they're gonna be using spies to get to provide visibility it's whelmed so man this is like that is just crazy like that's like this is it this is the night now unlike to think when I actually unlock nights and I build a couple of them with my iron like crazy it's gonna be crazy here's our third plus five campus district oh my god man this is this like area is worth like 20 or 15 15 science plus one plus any other buildings I build in here this is like an absurd amount of science I like if you include the iron mine it's like plus 17 signs from just building campuses in this area and improving it my god I legitimately I've never seen an area for campuses this good now I've seen I've seen +6 campuses I've plaint seen plenty of Plus fours but I've never seen like three plus five campuses in the one spot just it's actually blowing my mind oh yes it's time to start building Knights and caches and start rolling over our enemies now cash eggs only cost horses so this is gonna be probably the last horseman I build I'm gonna transition over to building cache eggs and knights now I do need to unlock divine right because this is where I get a plus 50% production towards industrial and earlier heavy cavalry and light cavalry units because I'm pretty sure this card only applies to ancient and classical so I won't really get a boost at a military tradition I can't believe I picked this guy up this is incredible he gives twenty healing to every unit within one tile this is like a miniature great general that has an effect that I was like oh my god this is gonna make war so much easier I'll be able to heal my units of like I'd have rate that oh my that's crazy that's just insanity I've never ever got this guy usually the AI snaps him up and I'm just left with like the crappy great scientists but this is like the perfect great scientist to get for a war game the time has come to denounce Pachacuti the Qt because if we denounce him we'll be able to use the formal war which has a smaller penalties with regards to grievances and that's gonna make life a little bit easier to deal with the other players who but Mongolia could create the Kecak and who can possibly resist it exactly we just got our first Kesha and we've got three coursers and a night with more to follow we're building a few more along the and I'm pretty sure that this army should be able to roll over the Inka without too much trouble thanks to our deliciously and delightfully overpowered horse bonuses as well as the the trade route and diplomatic visibility bonuses that we are working on improving again almost got that printing technology that's a very nice swordsman you have right there ink it would be a shame if something were to happen to it yes unfortunately he did manage to get a swordsman to garrison the city which is gonna make my life a little bit more difficult but it shouldn't be too hard to bash this down but our horsemen always got more to come into the wings as well casually taking our very first city I'm gonna have to plug in victor here to make sure that we don't lose the loyalty but that's going pretty well so far I'm pretty sure once we once we get a little bit more progress take on Shan Shan Nikita Cara and we'll be just fine oh this is perfectly much a catcher oh this is perfect we managed to catch his crossbowmen out in the open and he'll be an easy kill for my beautiful cavalry looks like John Curtin has voted for a military emergency which is a little bit of a problem considering he does have units in the area and I'm pretty sure that Patrick QD researched printing which has made it so that I don't actually have a combat bonus against him anymore the good news is we can stay at war with John Curtin now because this I don't think this counts as him getting his plus 100% production I will have to build walls over here on some of my border cities though just to make sure that we do not get got by him captured ourselves a very nice chariot who will almost certainly instantaneously die but you know these are the prices you pay and the great thing is we can even fortify and heal in enemy terrain and they can't really do anything to hurt me I'm pretty sure I can survive anything that they could do to me I could probably a flip the cities this turn but this is an awful lot of Units I don't know where this army came from but I'm pretty sure this is the majority of his army and I'm quite glad that its catapults cuz catapults are basically useless against actual you know combat units they tend to just kind of ignore them and not shoot at them so I'm pretty happy about that fact I'm also managing to hold managing to hold the loyalty here thanks to the emergency which is a great help because now I don't have to actually worry about the loyalty in here I was bringing this warrior over we should be able to grind down their army and we do have reinforcements coming over the next few turns so yeah things are looking up thank you so much for the free settler oh yes I love it when the edge of handy miss Saddler on a silver platter oh it's a thing of beauty that's a very nice City you used to have Inca thank you so much for your contribution to the Mongolian Empire I'm gonna have to move a governor over here to keep this city from flipping and loyalty and then quickly kill another one but so far so good we just finished printing and now look at how much damage we do to this city with a single coarser he's just 53 combat strands against a 32-car master and city you almost like that's like that's almost like a quarter of that city's health in a single turn oh man I can't wait till we actually get spies and we can start like really getting really high diplomatic visibility you can get up to +12 combat strength as as the mongols with a +3 this is the next turn this city is just instantly dead how is the civilization allowed to be in the game I need it I need an explanation because there's no possible way that this is just normal how I could just roll over a civilization like this the Mongols are so fun this is DD difficulty and we're steam rolling dude that sure is a nice city you have there Inka it would be a shame if something were to happen to it what's that Mungo yeah it's like a million horsemen outside uh-oh oh god I love I just got so many bonuses we got the jebel barkal we got a holy site oh man feels good man are you having trouble with your economy just trade away this useless diplomatic favor for cash go straight from three gold per turn well more like three point nine goals per turn and then if we refresh it never up to thirty gold per turn a nice healthy amount which will give us plenty of time to build more commercial homes hey coop we met Grenada I'm gonna go ahead and give them an envoy because I do want to eventually make them my ally so that I can produce more units out of my income this is another really nice City that you have here Inca or don't mind if I take it from you not quite maybe next time we'll grab it mm-hmm god this this actually just feels like cheating uh-oh we actually have a pikemen over here it's gotta be a bit of a problem I'm sorry did I say that was gonna be a problem I met no problem at all monarchy one of my favorite government types because it has three military policy I have like the perfect set of policy cards for going for an aggressive game I can plug in the loyalty cards without any problem I can plug in amenity cards in any problem I can plug in the gold saving cards and the production be used to devote to towards the type of units I want to build plus I get that a nice campus adjacency boost making it so that I make really really nice science I'm actually top science in the game and I'm going for a domination game that's insane dude I think this I know I know there's a lot going on here with like the super-powerful cavalry but really this stuff over here this is what's carrying me it's like crazy how technologically advanced I'm gonna be this game a heroic age I'm gonna go ahead and take reform the coinage as well as monumentality and hick some trick ponies cuz I do have that settler I don't think exodus of the evangelists will do anything for me in this game unless all the religions still aren't gone no they're definitely gone now so yeah that's so good dude I can't believe we got a heroic age damn we have to pick three beliefs and now loyalty just really isn't going to be a problem we were having a little bit of a loyalty problem in here purely because we were in a dark age but no longer will that be an issue why thank you very much for building me to the delicious city of salsa however I can't actually capture this yet because I need to capture his capital first otherwise I'll lose that plus six intel on opponent's movements but I'm gonna keep this under siege and then move my interest over here let us begin the siege of Cusco we shall shoot it with the kicks first and then hit them with the Knights my courses are a little bit weak right now so I'm gonna hold off but I think we can do some pretty damn decent damage with these Knights and start getting this down and once this falls we'll be able to drop this city to one of my Scouts leveled up enough to actually get a name I'm going to name you yes we shall name him the honorary horse because he has lived long enough to be counted as a horse in my books here lies the Incan Empire never forgotten never remembered who were you and why should we care goodbye thank you so much for playing whose horse is this I'll see you next week and that's all she wrote for the Incas they are completely wiped out another testament to the overpowered Ness of the Mongolian horses I'm really not sure where I can see so much stuff over here looks like I took Sue's vanity Cahokia again I'm dealing with quite a bit of combat over here but I think we can begin pushing on Australia now that the Incas are gone I might split my armies in half go after city annexed although she has like a really big army that I'd have to grind through but she's like the closest person and I kind of do need to split my armies of in both direction so I think that's what we're gonna do now I am sending most of my army over to Australia I'm sending a small contingent over here to Sathya because I'm banking on the belief that city has built a lot of cavalry units and since Mongolia can capture cavalry units I'm hoping that along the way I can just retake those guys and then like repurpose them into my army so I'm hoping that that works out for me I'm not sure how it's gonna go we will eventually come back here and deal with them properly haha we got an extra four arrows core for succeeding and holding off that emergency which means I get 200 diplomatic favor not that I really have much use for it other than selling it because I'm literally draining it at like minus 8 per turn I'll see if maybe some of these guys have some money they want to give me I'll take 350 and 33 gold per turn off of Norway thank you very much and 150 and 37 off of Rome I probably won't get the full value of that but since I'm not gonna be able to use my diplomatic favor anyway I think that's a perfectly reasonable thing to do with it Australia wants peace oh how cute mr. genghis can i don't feel so good that's because i'm gonna trample you of my horses captured parts in one turn dude this is so broken time to start capturing Scythian horseman thank you very very much for the free horseman he's probably gonna kill it back but that's fine I expect the first few are gonna die before I can really get a few on my side but that's totally ok we will grab them all in the end yes we are turning his own army against him there's more horses than there was when I started with I just want to point out the city is almost dead just from keshia's shooting it with their bows and arrows god these units are so good look at that +12 from intel on opponents movements that is the power of diplomatic visibility when you're playing the mongos dude my face when I vote in favor of a military aid request that works against me Canberra more like an opera anyone know ok we'll we'll work on that one that's quite handy we managed to grab ourselves Isaac Newton who will not only build an University and a library in this district which does not have a library after the free library essentially we're also at the Free University and universities will provide more science which is pretty nice because I'm not too far off if I recall correctly actually grabbing education and being able to throw down those universities I think at this point I'm so far ahead technologically that I think they would be a waste of resources but it's always nice to have the option not sure if I can take to wumba this turn but I have look at that well the extra combat strength on mikesh eggs it's basically completely eliminating the advantage but the walls give the city I'm pretty sure I can take you this turn and there she blows very nice I am gonna need to get a governor in here think I'll pop Magnus right in there to hold down that loyalty but we're also making work on Sydney which is pretty damn good it shouldn't be long now I'll get to steal a build here to Sydney falls to the Horsemen of the Mongol Empire BAM thank you very much for the City of Sydney I think I'll be able to pull Victor over here now to make sure that my loyalty isn't too much of a problem I am Mac and managing to hold the loyalty without too much issue so I'm pretty happy about that we just have to finish off Brisbane Hobart and then Adelaide and then finally we can march our army on over to start taking out Rome right now I'm trading with Roman trying to be friends with him ok well I say friends I'm trying not to be total war I'm trying not to be engaged in the total war with Rome right now but it shouldn't be too long before we can get in over here and start messing him up especially since he actually doesn't have any walls in fact I could probably get my hands on like a handful of cavalry and start taking out Rome immediately I am trying to grind through Sophia's armies over here that's pretty much all I'm trying to accomplish right now at this point so that I can kind of just make my way through and cut down the number of troops they have but yeah I should definitely look into grabbing an army to take these guys on Brisbane the second-to-last of the Australian cities shall fall beneath the hooves of the Mongol Empire that's kind of fun to do that silly like announcer voice this Hobart left we're gonna take that out although we actually technically don't even need to finish this city off I could probably piece Australia out and then just go take out everyone else but for yeah you know what let's just peace Australia out we have this capital so I guess this will give me an opportunity to let some grievances Jane drain give me everything you own thank you very much I appreciate your contribution to the Mongol Empire you may live on as a little city-state I think I don't want to kill him because that would give me a huge amount of grievances with all the other players in the game which would make my life a little bit harder so if I don't do that if I leave him alive I get to you know keep going now I have access to the queerest seer upgrade so right now this night does 61 damage to this swordsman i upgrade it and it does 82 that's so broken dude oh my god the Mongols are strong yeah I just realized that Australia's nearly 700 grievances with me oh my god that is an insane amount of grievances I'm sure I'm sure you can get grievances higher than that we've been working on sit here for a little while now we've actually managed to cut her army down by about half and remember she's been building units all this time too she started off with about I'd say just under a thousand military stress and now she's down to about five hundred so I think it's around about the time that we can start pushing I've also been picking up some horsemen capture is here in the form of courses you can see these guys have like no bonuses that's because these are the ones that I actually picked up from fighting city units which is pretty damn cool that you can actually you one little cool thing that I actually wasn't really super aware of this game is that keshia's can actually capture cavalry from range which is kind of an interesting little mechanic I kind of wish that this had lined up nicely in terms of damage so I could actually show that to you because I can either just murder this but anyway look yes you can capture horseman and I'm pretty sure Kazakhs can do it too I will start just pecking away at this city taking little bites out of it now the time has come to strike on Rome we have our ridiculously overpowered delightfully delicious army over here I'll go ahead and get the war declared he also doesn't have walls in like the majority of his cities it don't really over here that he has walls and I have trading posts like all throughout his empire so if I would like one of my unit two can see I'm getting the plus twelve damage against the Romans which is insane it'll probably go down to a plus six until I can establish a spy on him but we're gonna go ahead and do a formal war on this guy he only has a hundred grievances so it should be a fairly straightforward endeavor in fact I'm pretty sure I can kill a city this turn with like a single horseman yes oh man god this is so overpowered one thing I'm gonna be doing with my spy is to grab a listening post over here in citius so that I can do even more damage than because that will give me diplomatic visibility and if I can get those spies leveled up it'll be even more diplomatic visibility I might skip on parking one in Rome because Rome is especially weak but I'll definitely Park one in Norway in order to make sure that I get really really nice combat bonuses against them the honorary Horseman has managed to survive hiding in this mountain range for like 40 turns or something I can't remember off the top of my head how many turns to spin but it feels like 40 turns but he's just he's just hiding in here being a little being a little scout they honorary horsemen maybe we can keep him alive oh is this like quickly take Kume to save the honorary horseman I feel like this is like a special agent rescue mission you know let's see if we can pull it off we got to get rid of that cross woman oh my god I one shot that City this is this is actually kind of silly now at this point like okay it was funny for a while but now it's just silly like really I'm one shotting every single city in the in the Roman Empire good golly there's just a line of horses stretching from the city I just took of qat all the way to alum leak oh god no they know booty hunter a horseman he's trying to kill up with this crossbow but we can't let him know we gotta save him save him we saved him okay I think we saved him need to get him out of there need to keep him alive oh if I upgrade him maybe he'll have a better chance of surviving yes the honorary horseman shall live to fight another day whoo I actually can't one-shot this city that's a first how about to shut it not a big deal bye-bye Ravenna thank you very much for contributing to the mongol empire i think i'll go ahead and grab viktor and stick them over in that works for me I only got a few more cities to take care of really I only need Rome like realistically but ideally you know you kinda want to grab them all this like Pokemon right you gotta catch them all these poor cities look one of my cavalry does 76 damage and look at this obliteration this is this is a walled city it's supposed to be hard to take it's like I mean I know it's like a really low combat strength because the AI hasn't upgraded its units but still this is like just absurd how quickly I'm able to just completely rush down all the cities in Rome like this is the same turn as I took Ravenna it's like wouldn't turn after queue May and wouldn't turn after metió Lannon this is like this is too much this is like unreasonably good all right whatever I feel like this could use some adjustments in the balance Department data yeah let's get here okay need to calm down with those kind of jokes these are some dad level jokes right here we just took another two cities Rome is next like I don't know like um is it me or are they just bad at the game come on AI pick it up come on pick yourself up off your feet and fight me off it's like it's part of it it's actually kind of just like less fun with the AI it's just real thing over man I mean it is um to be fair I worked really hard to get here and I got really really lucky this like I really want to emphasize how important these three campuses were for me winning the game it's it's the reason why I have two hundred signs right now it's the reason why I have like an outrageous technology lead I'm still not topsides because Australia was just like researching a bunch of cheap technologies but I'm like a handful of turns away from getting tanks and then potentially getting helicopters although I in order to get helicopters I will have to dip up for aluminum or aluminium depending on where you're from its aluminium right that's it alright I want you if you're watching this I want you to post in the comments which one you think it is is it aluminium or aluminum it's it's goddamn aluminium and you can't change my mind about it at this point Cynthia basically doesn't have an army anymore they're down to about 194 combats Fred so I can start being much more aggressive with my units although I will have to run into a a bit of a problem with this city having a really really really high amount of defense but it'll still fall relatively quick in fact am i taking it this turn okay we took our first a city and city I guess we can park Magnus in there to keep it nice and safe we're gonna go take chair to Melek and see if we can't clean out some more of these today ladies and gentlemen Rome fell beneath the hooves of the Mongol Empire very nice we just have to take out a couple of more cities on our way to Norway I was kind of hoping to get a spy up and running to send to Norway but I'm pretty sure actually we can just take our entire armies and throw them at their respective capitals unless the terrain over here is like really bad I'm pretty sure I can win in the next five turns just because of how broken these horses are I was really hoping to actually get use out of these lifting post things but it's actually just so strong that I don't need it which is kind of hilarious to me are you are you really telling me I just unlocked iron and oil rather or iron I just unlocked the iron 159 turns into the game forehead no I just don't locked oil and I only have two sources of oil like - I have one under this holy site and another one over here I own like 75% of the map can you not give me some extra oil so I can make some tanks what the hell game it's all over here and stuff like zero how is it how is this zero oil in my empire I mean I guess I can get a hold of this oil pretty easily but still it's the principle of the matter how did I hit like zero oil actually there's quite a good bit up here just north of my civilization like it made me maybe settle somewhere along here and grab that oil to make more tanks let's go ahead and declare war on Norway so that we can start to find a path to their capital because I'm pretty sure I'm like 99% sure we should be able to rush down their capitals and just completely wipe them out in a couple of turns just from crashing our units into the Capitals I'm pretty sure that that will work so let's go ahead and give it a try we have both the Scythian and the Norwegian capital surrounded and we're gonna start crashing our units into them to try and kill them as fast as possible I don't care if my units die all that matters is getting these capitals flipped and winning the game before it turned like 175 because that would be a pretty damn fast domination win in my books will Krum Cerf all this turn it's looking like it might actually fall and there it goes I'm just gonna go ahead and plug a governor in there I'll plug Liang in there and try to hold this and then I'll see if I can I've got a big swarm of horsemen right on their way to knit rows this one's gonna be a bit of a more tough a kill but we are only one city away from winning the game and I believe that this game is a true demonstration of just how ridiculously broken the Mongolian horse bonuses are like it's kind of silly like it's very very silly the world enters yet another golden age let's go ahead and grab preform the coin each so that we can keep our gold income nice and high cuz once this golden age goes away we are gonna be broken out of cash no it's gonna be a little bit of a problem we are working on it arose though so it's getting there we just need to do a little bit more damage it's gonna take us just a bit to make sure that we take this out I jokingly placed the pyramids early and one of the cities that I conquered and I actually finished it I can't believe I finished the pyramids I guess I get a free builder and all my builders they're better now in credible gameplay we built this is easily the fastest pyramids I've ever built in my life turn one six seven pyramids build guys right thank you guys so much for watching this was my guide on how to make the pyramids in 167 turns I hope you guys enjoyed this no I'm just kidding the immortal horse army of Mongolia stands at the gates of NIT arose the last bastion that could hold the world the tide of the horsemen back I know I kind of lost where I was going with that but basically we're gonna kill Norway we can actually know we have nationalism we can start combining units together I'm not really sure if I need to do that but it is something that I can do which is kind of exciting and cool I can make my unit stronger might be something worth doing for units that are maybe less fresh to make them stronger for when they rejoin the battle get the healthier units up into the fight and then combine them together right I know it seems like a reasonable thing to do oh man look I was so close to killing them this turn can you actually talk oh my god and you can you can attack from the water yes beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful I'm so happy with how this game went let's actually take a moment here I just look at how many units I killed this game look at this graph dude it's like just up and up and all the units like being killed in fact I'm curious what our units lost yeah you could tell like you could tell what I declare war on someone by how many units they lose that's brilliant I'm so happy that this went exactly how I was hoping Oh to be fair my original plan was to rush chariots and then trying to kill everyone but that didn't really work out because I just got so much room that I expanded a bunch and then I got these incredible campuses but you'll have to get a crazy tech lead and we basically just poop smashed the entire map and in the end I didn't even need to really like like conquer city I just kind of went I'll take this city grind your army down take your capital and then Norway I didn't even give Norway like the justice of taking their cities I'm just like nah that was run straight past and went for his capital like the ultimate disrespect that you could possibly give to another player anyway that's it from me I hope you guys have enjoyed this little episode of me playing some mongolia horses ROP or something I have no idea what I'm gonna call this series yet I'll know once I upload it but I love you all very much and I'll see you next time bye bye [Music]
Channel: PotatoMcWhiskey
Views: 338,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civilization 6, Civilization VI, Civ 6, Civ 6 Religion Challenge, Civ 6 is a perfectly balanced game, Civ 6 is broken, PotatoMcWhiskey, PotatoMcWhiskey Civ 6, Civilization 6 is a perfectly balanced game, Civ 6 broken strategies, Civ 6 Mongolia guide, Deity Civ 6 Mongolia, Deity Domination Mongolia, Civ 6 Deity Domination Challenge, Civ 6 Horse Only, Civilization 6 Horse Only Challenge, Horse Only Challenge, Horse Only Domination Challenge, Civilization 6 is broken
Id: XLdIzq1123E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 4sec (2764 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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