"I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds" - Civ 6 Gandhi Nuke Challenge

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a spuddies potato make whiskey here and welcome to let's play civilization 6 as a Gandhi we're gonna be trying to nuke the entire world so that'll mean we'll have to rush a hard core for late-game science we're to be playing on deity on a tilted axis map with a low sea level and disaster intensity maximized I can't believe that we actually started on citrus this is an incredible tile we're obviously gonna settle in place and get that plus one food and immediate access to that luxury that we'll be able to sell to the AI when Gandhi will definitely want to get our hands on a religion so we may as well rush it I've been playing so much red debt that I'm kind of half expecting to get a nuke from this but I got State Workforce instead if only you could get nukes from tribal villages down this is actually really really good meeting her too so first is gonna get us to science in our capital which is huge because it means we get to unlock astrology sooner and basically every other tech in the game we're gonna unlock it sooner as well you know what I've actually just realized that we have like the perfect location to do a megacity industrial complex this game if you're not familiar with the mega city and does feel complex it looks a little bit like this if you do want to know how it works go ahead and check out the video that's linked in the card in the top right the usual sort of stuff plugin and god-king and survey just to make sure we get that pantheon nice and early and as well our scouts will get a nice boost of experience if they actually find something and they did brilliant we got an envoy I could actually get Sue's Rena T of her to serve right now and start generating diplomatic favor looks like we ran into Japan in the far north now Japan has ruined one of my games recently let's hope he doesn't do it this time nama Thals in this game is well how if I met every single one of these city-states first this is like never happens to me this is like the most insane start I've gotten in like a very long time second city poppin down to form a part of the mega city industrial complex unfortunately the free settler Pantheon is gone so I'm gonna have to go ahead and take river goddess here I'm not gonna get the benefit in Mumbai but I will get the extra to housing and amenities in my capital and pretty much every other city because I have plenty of room to throw down holy sites on rivers across my empire finally we managed to place down the third city in the mega city complex if you're wondering why we're doing this and you haven't seen the guide video basically each of these industrial zones gets +6 adjacency and the reason for that is because they're both adjacent to two aqueducts and adjacent to four districts industrial zone gets to production adjacency from the aqueducts and then another one for every two districts adjacent that's why I'm gonna try to surround this entire circle with districts so that I can get it up to plus seven adjacency which when you plug in the industrial zone card craftsmen will give you up to 14 production and then when we get into the mid-late game and we plug in a coal power plant will get another 14 production giving me a baseline production of 28 production from each and every single one of these industrial zones we're also gonna do something a little bit unorthodox we're actually gonna build a quarry here so that we can finish masonry which will allow us to harvest this stone and then by harvesting this stone we'll be able to place down this campus at a discount if you look in here in Calcutta you can see the holy site and the campus are both districts that should cost the same amount but because we're taking advantage of the district discount mechanic we're actually gonna be able to build the campus for 40% off so it only take 20 turns whoever I am planning on putting my campus right here because that is just a much better spot for one so now I can place down a campus for sixty production when it should cost nearly a hundred the big advantage of this means I can actually start chaining these bonuses together and now I can unlock the state workforce so I can place down my government plans ax at a discount as well time to found our religion we just got our great person and we are of course going to create Hinduism are you kidding me we are gonna be I am become death because our plan is to nuke the entire world back to the Stone Age we started in the ancient era and we're gonna send everyone back to the ancient era when we're done we're gonna be trying to grow really really really big populations because we already get bonus amenities and housing we're gonna take feed the world and then we're gonna go ahead and grab the Gurdwara x' this is gonna cover amenities housing and food all three things that we need to grow really really tall cities first completion of a campus that has a huge adjacency bonus nestled in the corner over here beautiful this is the beauty of the production discount mechanic I'm building a government Plaza in a single turn it's so damn powerful once you understand it and can learn how to use it you can literally skyrocket ahead in your games I will be making a guide video on how it works in the future so keep your eye out for that now that we've built enough districts we can get our second campus at a discount and it is a plus for campus as well which is incredibly good just to illustrate like the difference the discount makes if you look at this campus right here it's gonna take 22 turns and that's because I just built a new campus but you reset the discount whereas this commercial hub will take 13 turns it's almost like half price off these districts that's how insanely powerful this mechanic is once you master it listen I know this city right here is a terrible idea but it's where I want to settle okay what does settle inside the mountain because I gotta be able to put the most amazing campus that has ever existed right there amazing we just unlocked apprenticeships so we can start slapping down my industrial zones I've already got a +31 over here in Mumbai it'll take a little bit of time to build these up but once I have them it's gonna be incredible with the beauty of rushing and religion we have managed to grab ourselves a golden age with this particular golden age we're gonna go ahead and grab ourselves a monumentality basically what it boils down to we're not really planning on working on spreading our religion that much that's not a big deal to us we don't have that many specialty districts a pen brush and voices out and we don't have any commercial hubs or harbor so free enquiry isn't worth that what monumentality is gonna allow us to use our really good faith income to start settling a buncha cities and since we just finished picking up the ancestral Hall in Delhi in the government Plaza we'll also get a free builder with each city that we settle feudalism is a big milestone for us because now our builders have an extra to build charges which means every single city that I settle will give me a builder with five bill charges that's gonna be that's gonna be incredibly good for the development of my empire time for Calcutta to get its hands on with Industrial Zone there's only plus two for now but once I have this aqueduct repaired we'll be really popping off time for the final industrial zone in the mega city industrial complex to be placed down and we're gonna build it just yet the only thing left to pick up is getting ourselves a dam so that we can prevent this river from flooding and I kind of think I might be able to squeeze in two dams on this river I really hope I can't oh man look at this adjacency that we've got going in here plus six in each industrial zone I actually made a bit of a mistake when I made that guide video I said it's a minimum of plus five it's a minimum of plus six that means we're getting a twenty-four production total from this adjacency when we fully built these industrial zones just crazy absolutely brilliant we just unlocked guilds which is gonna give us access to the craftsman policy card which I think we're gonna swap out urban planning because the craftsman Karen's gonna give us way more production in our capital city now if I swing over to Delhi it's up to 46 production on turn 122 and we are getting 12 production from our industrial zone Calcutta on the other hand is getting 18 production that is ridiculous a plus 8 industrial zone and we haven't even got all the way up to industrialization we are only a few texts away so very soon we'll start pumping out to call power plants and start really kicking off in this central area these other sort of outer areas are just kind of slowly building up but this central area is where the big things are happening little bit worried about all these Japanese units running around my territory what do you plan on with those samurai I think it might be a good idea to come back and pick up a swordsman and the the crossbowmen here to be able to defend myself and let's get this let's get this swordsman moving up to defend - oh man is this tribal village worth getting this Scout killed you know what for the governor title it is I didn't even know that was what I was gonna get dude that's incredible oh poor little Scout listen you served us well okay you revealed most of the map and you got me a governor title that's a that's a good trait for a scout oh no we fell into a Dark Age Oh God well it's not gonna be that bad I do still have exits of the evangelists left so I might be able to get it back I don't know oh I'm as you can be Shang who is a great engineer that'll allow your cities to build one more district than the population limit normally allows it means even though I have almost all the districts I need in my capital I can get another one like the theater square right here I have 13 population in this city and I have one two three four five six specialty districts which is crazy I don't think I've ever had a city that literally built every single district in the game but now I want to do that thing I'm two districts away from getting almost everything the only thing I would maybe need is a harbor and a spaceport and a neighborhood what the hell else could I build in here well I guess he can't have both a water park I'm not gonna be able to get a canal well I can get every specialty district so I'll probably get an aerodrome as well I don't know why this tile is purple but it's just permanently purple righty-o so we just unlocked coal and I've only found like two tiles that I'll be able to grab this one over here and this one right here there is one right here but this is an enclosed mountain area there is no way for me to get in here like if I had a way to know that this was here I could have thrown down like a campus on it and I would have kept it but because we have now unlocked coal and industrialization we can start building these coal power plants that give me 14 production per turn look at that I'm gonna be upwards of 50 to 60 production in this city easily and it's not even finished growing we're not even working all the specialist tiles we could grow more and work more food this is just crazy we're getting six food from the holy site which is just an insane amount and I haven't even built the Gurdwara yet but if I could go up to eight in fact like I start purchasing these now if I want to keep growing the amazing thing about this Gurdwara is this food will allow me to work all three specialist slots in my industrial zones which means I'm not only getting eight food I'm getting nine production I know it looks weird but there's definitely a mind on this tile okay there's like I would a hundred percent know for a fact I put a mine on this tile and it's giving me one food and five production even if it's purple even it looks weird I just I really don't know what to say about it that's the plan anyway let's go ahead and keep converting all my cities now I have managed to re-establish my religion it cost me an awful lot of faith because Japan just keeps throwing apostles at me every single turn they're making like 200 what are the 300 faith per turn where's ya 227 faith per turn under whatever sized Empire they have up here like I want to point out I've been rushing holy sites in every city and I'm still only making like 117 per turn so Japan has just got so much faith this is what this is what I get for playing on TV man it's it's just hard but the good news is now that we have in toast realization we'll be able to make our way up towards chemistry and potentially rush our way towards combined arms or like in a normal science game we don't actually have to go all the way to rocketry we will want to go for airports and stuff like that to get a flight and things so we can teleport our armies around but we are only gonna need to go up to chemistry to get research labs and then the power arm through to get up to uranium into the Manhattan Project and all that sort of stuff so we're about half way I would say in terms of game time towards getting the nuclear train rolling of course that really totally depends on whether or not I actually hit nuclear or uranium strategic resources in my empire I really hope I do because this entire series would be a waste if I don't oh god please let me hit uranium it took me how long as time to evangelize my beliefs because I was fighting a pretty hardcore religious war with Japan but at long last we'll be able to plug in our third belief I take of course we're gonna be taking tithe here unfortunately all of the beliefs that we would have liked to have taken have been taken a long time ago so tithes will have to do it'll net me a little bit of gold now it looks like we're picking up fourteen point two gold per turn which is nothing to turn your nose up at one boy is going to get a plus fourteen coal power plant and it's only gonna take a six turns to build it that's gonna put this city up over 65 production maybe a little bit more if we can get the amenities higher that's ridiculous mantastic like I really do I really want you guys to appreciate how insanely good industrial zones are if you use this kind of strategy Adelie as well as it's getting this +14 coal power plant this city already has sixty production it's gonna go easily above eighty in the next few turns evangelizing our very final belief let's go ahead and grab scripture and since we're taking Scripture for the extra passive spread to try and fight back against this ridiculous amount of religious pressure that Japan's putting on me I should probably swing back and grab printing before I pick up steam power eighty one production we have eighty one production and turn 154 and this is just one of my cities so we just finished the coal power plant giving us plus twenty production and we have eighty one point four production look at this adjacency this is ridiculous and then we have Leonardo da Vinci as well so we're gonna get plus one culture from every single workshop which is basically plus one poetry from every city because we're planning on building a workshop in every city normally I would go for the Intelligence Agency but because they're playing India and we have a really strong faith in come I'm gonna grab the Grand Master's chapels so I can buy land units with faith and overpower people by purchasing land units with faith and then using all my production to build nuclear bombs after nuclear bombs after nuclear bombs and eventually turned the world into radioactive post-apocalyptic nightmare wait am i basically role-playing the creation of the red death scenario Mumbai I just finished it's called power plants as well which means I'm gonna be able to get my hands on the armory which is then gonna allow me to start building military engineers so I can use those military engineer charges to never have to build another dam or aqueduct using City production ever again and that means any cities that I settle from now on are gonna be accelerated to an insane level in terms of their growth and development look at that Delhi has built every single possible building that it can there's literally no more infrastructure I can build in Delhi at turn 165 because I haven't researched enough infrastructure and it's not like I'm not making enough science to unlock them fast enough I'm topsites of all the saves that I know right now and as far as I can tell I'm pretty close to top sights at the entire game that's this really I really hope that this is convincing you just how ridiculously powerful this construction zone or industrial zone thing can be so pretty much now that Delhi is fully built I could just spam out settlers builders traders boys units whatever I want I'm gonna spam out settlers because I think it's a lot of fun to have a joint empire that sprawls the entire map I'm gonna try and settle pretty much every open piece of land that I can find get my grubby little hands on and put a city on it and a cute little thing you can do with your military engineers if you want if you get them to work in pairs and they kind of kind of leapfrog each other and that way you can get two tiles towards the destination in a single turn and I want to get a railroad all the way down to Warren gaol if I can I want to get railroads across my entire empire that's why I'm just farming out these military engineers time for a heroic age oh I want some of these things actually you know what I could use the two arms as an excuse to go to war with Japan early but the whole point of it is to use nuclear bombs so go to war early doesn't really work for me it is only the industrial era we're not in a rush let's just go ahead take reform the coinage heartbeat the steam even Chinoy is getting in on the production now look at this 52 production in a city that's only 12 population has been settled pretty late and is basically only working food tiles and it's got 52 production this is the power not only maximizing growth as India but getting as many industrial zones for high adjacency as possible Jesus Christ look at Mysore it's up to 70 production as well that's ridiculous it's not have 9 population and it's not even working any tiles this is just the power of getting all your food from the holy site and getting all your production from the industrial zone plus 12 industrial zone adjacency plus 12 from the coal power plant plus 6 from the plaque factory 3 from the workshop and then another 9 from work and the specialist lots Jesus Christ I may as well get the Gurdwara here so we can keep growing another cheeky little trick you can do when you don't have a road and you have two military engineers is used the guy in front to build a railroad then this guy can walk through and he'll have enough movement left to build its second railroad and so that way you can kind of leapfrog them over each other at least across flatland it won't really work if you're running up against hills and stuff like that but it will sort of efficiently get them down here because I've only been building this railroad for a handful of turns and I'm already almost all the way down to Warren Gao which means any settlers I sent down this way are gonna have a much easier time making their way down here oh no an enemy spy pillaged my industrial zone in here and even so even what is this even when it destroyed I'm still getting like 70 production in here man look at these coal power plants plus 16 production in Majuro this city is gonna be on all the way up to like 6070 production when I'm done with it like if you're if you're not convinced at this point I really don't know what I can tell you that like this industrial zone strategy is just incredible the really cool thing about setting the city a cuttack is I'm gonna be able to build canal here and eventually I'll be able to settle another city here I get another canal going through here so I basically cut off the tip of this continent for a circumnavigating the globe it's not super useful but at least it's cool right I think it's cool anyway I'll also be able to throw down an aqueduct right there to the north and then I can put an industrial zone on this tile over here and this will be another really incredible industrial zone as well that'll boost me along and I can just use military engineers to build the aqueduct and down without any problems so I don't even have to invest a production here to get this city up and running just look how far this settler can walk thanks to the railroad that is an insane distance to cover in a single turn that's truly the value of railroads being able to get your people where they need to be as fast as possible and my military engineers made it just in time to Warangal since it just finished its industrial zone and we can start building the canal and start inserting all of the products from these guys into the canal to finish it as fast as possible Noyce we just did the religious emergency and got ourselves plus three arrow score and a relic I mean the relic isn't a huge deal but an extra for faith return isn't bad at all as well as a bit of error score I'm more than happy with that takeaway I wonder if we can attach a relic to the nuke when we fire it at someone look at this damn it was gonna take us 30 turns but now we can plug in this military engineer and this military engineer and now it's only gonna take us nine turns and I still have one military engineer Church left to completely finish it off in just two more turns I'm telling you boys this this strategy is actually pretty viable like I said I was pretty skeptical that this whole like Russian nukes thing could work but it's it's pretty effective oh my god my capital can't even throw down another district like should I just I really do think we should try to build one of everything that we can let's have a look around or any tiles that I could steal that would maybe be a good spot for an encampment you know what I'm gonna put the head camera up over here on the border with Japan I think that works out pretty well for me here we go look warren GAO dam finished but of being butter boom all done and now the industrial zone has given us a huge boost to its production I'm actually gonna quickly purchase another builder in here just get the rest of these mines online to get even more production out of this workshop while we build it up now we have neighborhoods available to us and I pretty sure we just unlocked food markets that's another six food in every single city if we build a neighborhood in it which means we'll be able to work even more of these specialist slots and have to work even less food to reach our maximum population in these cities like it's actually legitimately I think tall is way more viable than I ever gave it credit for I mean like I am super white as well but these are extremely tall and effective cities like my capital has over a hundred production per turn Jesus this is a bit of a go F yourself to Japan but this does mean my city get center gets for production per turn and I'll be able to slap down a nice industrial zone here once I get an aqueduct online so I guess this city is working pretty just fine for me although oh man I could put a yeah I'd you know what it's probably better to put a holy site there so yeah it's probably better I should not have put that industrial zone there whoops I mean we already have a plus sixteen food surplus in Calcutta and I'm gonna go ahead and purchase or build myself a food market which is gonna bring that up to a plus twenty-two or more depending on amenities food surplus which is ridiculous if the city is already 14 population and already you could build districts of two turns like this this is just I don't even know what to say this is I didn't I'm kind of speechless at how ridiculous this is and we haven't even got to the part where we're nuking people yet oh hell yes nice oh I managed to pick up tajmahal I actually kind of forgot about this I just threw it down in Chennai and I guess now I'm the owner this is very first wonder that I've built this game but it's mine now the nice thing too is hih Tusa has actually flipped independent because Nubia had captured them so I'm gonna try to swing down here and see if I can do a little bit of a liberation mission you know what I just love military engineers because you could just build these canals and dams and all this sort of stuff just so quickly if you use them correctly eleven turns on an aqueduct insert builder and then insert him again and there it's down to five turns and then we can just go straight back to work it on the industrial zone it's like I'm building two things at the same time and essentially transferring production from Mumbai to my other cities it's so incredibly powerful oh you know what I didn't think about I could use Charles Darwin to do a bit of exploring for me oh my god there's even more land for me to settle I need to get to work on settlers in the capital the second is food but I have so much other stuff oh no they killed my food my workshops god I even have a spy defending this is not enough to prevent this Jesus Oh Charles Darwin seems to have encountered a few friendly angry barbarian swordsmen I wonder if they will bring him into their tribe sweet so I get to liberate her - so get a hundred diplomatic favor and automatics who's raledi of them because I freed them from the clutches of Nubia and now I'm also gonna make sure that I don't get a friendship with Nubia so I can declare war on them if they try to take her - so again Oh amazing I'm gonna go ahead and grab myself James Watt now every city that has a factory gets +2 production that's a really nice boost it's a small amount in the ground scalar thing but across an entire empire that's a huge amount of production I want you guys to take a moment to appreciate that as it stands in Delhi I have built every single specialty district that's available to be now I haven't built the harbor and I haven't built the airdrome mainly because I didn't unlock the harbor I actually kind of completely forgot that I was supposed to unlock this probably would have been a good idea to unlock this a long time ago although by not unlocking it I did get myself some more district discounts so I guess it wasn't a terrible move but it was definitely not on purpose so I guess you can also say it was a terrible move it looks like I'm gonna have to cut my way through a lot of barbarians if I'm gonna want to get to the other side of the world and nuke everyone else because this is technically the North Pole and this is like another continent and there's just an entire island filled with barbarians who the adventures of Charles Darwin might have another chapter it looks like we found a sneaky little passage through here where the Bears can't get us at long last we found Sweden on the other hemisphere of this world we found a passage and I think what I'm gonna try to do is maybe settle a city in here so that I can kind of narrowly pull my units through here using railroads and stuff like that although we'll have to kind of think about how we're exactly gonna plan that we have a tunnel and we should be able to go through now to improve this coal which we actually kind of need it because we are running out of coal already we now have aircraft so we're gonna start researching and or rather building some aerodrums and popping out these guys so we have something that we can use to drop the nukes on Japan Nubia and Canada just in the nick of time we're gonna get this coal online to restore our coal power and amazingly this title is giving me five food seven production and three science per turn it might be a good idea to also pick up conservation here oh wait can I already do the coal thing here comes the Ruhr Valley that's gonna give us an extra 20% production in Mumbai the city is now up to seventy seven point five production per turn now it's nowhere near as go to the capital that's up as 95.5 production still 75 production per turn is pretty insane when you consider this city isn't even really working every tile that it could like if I were to take some of these tiles this city would be even crazier the true power of the industrial zone built is when you're well into the late game you can just purchase all three of the buildings that you need and instantaneously skyrocket a brand new city up to forty to fifty production I may or may not be still using Charles Darwin just to scout around over here so I know where to nuke now that we have computers it's time to go straight for uranium because it won't be a game of playing as Gandhi unless we nuke somebody yeah yeah I think it frigging is gonna it's gonna be what we need here to take care of all this this might just be the sneakiest tunnel that I have ever built it connects all the way over here into Canada's territory which is gonna give me a huge advantage of swinging down and taking his capital when he's not paying attention it looks like a poor little apostle here can't quite catch that Japanese apostle so I'm gonna go ahead and step this guy forward build a railroad on this tile just so I can attack this apostle and kill it that's right I built an entire railroad specifically just to murder this apostle that was bothering me don't ever mess with me if you're playing civilization 6 you gotta be vindictive or the air I won't learn its lesson well here we go looks like the world is starting to food we got 0.5 meters of flooding now I already have all of my lovely lovely sea defenses built up my flood barriers are all done essentially but the AI on the other hand they're gonna be very very vulnerable to losing a whole bunch of their tiles to this flooding because don't forget it's actually mainly me who's doing the flooding right I'm the one who's been pumping out probably like 95% of the oh god 95% of the total co2 on the and the entire world has been from me yeah that's a lot of co2 now if I was the rest of the world I would be a little bit worried about the fact that India is converting over to fascism I mean I know they've been really friendly up until this point but you would kind of be a little bit worried it's like hey you know these guys that we've been hanging out for a very long time they're they're building up their military and saying a lot of really dangerous stuff about war do you think we should do something about that nah it'll be fine it's not like they have nuclear weapons or anything yet oh man this card is actually crazy especially since I've built so many research labs military academies and coal power plants to culture and for gold from every single one of those buildings Wow yeah it makes it so that military academies give you a for production for gold and to culture that's that's pretty dumb do it actually that's gonna make me want to build some more of those so I can keep pumping our armies right now I'm building a few field cannon armies I've got my army stacked up and hanging around some airports and over here actually surprisingly I was just about to purchase the aerodrome here because once we unlocked the rapid deployment thing we'll be able to teleport our armies over onto these airports over here which will make conquering the sumerians the Swedish and everyone else that much easier yeah running a few Tech's away from nuclear bombs so I guess it's about time that we started working on building up an army in basically every city until now I've been just kind of building whatever because I'm so far ahead technologically that I'm basically able to do whatever I want Capital still over a hundred production Mumbai is getting up there now at 92 as is Calcutta over 100 production like really if we take a quick look at the city status and take a look at the yields like pretty much every city has like a ridiculous production line of a hundred eighty five to eighty seventy 70 78 to 80 80 70 60 75 50 75 70 50 50 40 45 then there's a few like weak ones that are only new settles that I haven't built up yet but like really I'm really really like I know I've cut out like five hours of footage here but I really want you guys to appreciate just how insane the amount of production you can get like I'm building military academies in four turns and those are 330 production each oh nice our very first bomber is deployed so we do have a delivery vessel for the nuclear bombs let's get this guy positioned over in Agra because I'm pretty sure we're gonna be nuking Osaka Swedish tank hanging out over in the tundra I wonder who they're at war with my looks like Sweden and France are going head-to-head although I actually can't tell who's who on the map are they the same color they're like Sweden's over here I guess France is like down here somewhere oh my god creo Farah where you're gonna be so obnoxious to get to Anouk Oh God it looks like newbie has decided to go to war with her to set again and I just cannot allow that so we're gonna go ahead and get the war started nice and early no I'm friends with her damn it when does this friendship run out in three turns okay hit to see got to survive three turns on your own and then I can help you out holy crap we're building an full Artillery Army in 11 turns I don't think I've ever seen them be built that quick in my entire life I discussed the show what you can do when you've got a hundred plus production in like multiple cities here we are ladies and gentlemen the moment we've all been waiting for we've been recording for about six to seven hours now and finally we have unlocked uranium alright looks like we only hit two copies of uranium but there's quite a few around I got to put some pins down so I know where to look to get more because we're gonna need more uranium than we currently have if we're gonna truly nuke the world no god dammit I'm sorry my friendship with newbie didn't run out fast enough now I have to probably declare a surprise war now let's get the denunciation going cuz war is about to break out I should probably clarify that the only city that I actually need to nuke is each civilizations capital so I could actually could have started getting the war going already but I figured it would be more fun if I waited until I had nuclear weapons I'm with fascist and then went like full hardcore into destroying the world oh yeah I'm already starting to flood some assume areas land look at all these poor tiles flooding thanks to all the co2 I'm pumping out on the one hand I feel kind of bad for you Sumeria on the other hand I feel great because it was me who did it to them oh hey her too so went independent again so I should be able to liberate it without too much hassle nuclear fission is finished let's go ahead and swing over to the capital of Delhi come all the way down and start doing the Manhattan Project you shouldn't take more than eight turns once we finish preparing the War Department alright have to said time to liberate you there we go my two second time lucky let's hope this time the two that can stay independent long enough to not be a problem Canada asked me for a friendship and I accidentally said yes I got to try and figure out a way to get out of this friendship as soon as possible because I had intended to go to war with them soon all right brilliant so we can finally declare a colonial war against Nubia which means we're gonna take half the usual grievances these poor nubian units never saw it coming I mean they're still running around with crossbows at this stage of the game you got a no that's not gonna turn out well for you now I'm kind of out of coal at this point so I probably will convert a couple of my factories over to oil power just so I can you know fuel myself a little bit easier that way it is gonna hurt my production output but more importantly it'll let me actually have some coal so I can build more railroads as I follow my army armies through enemy territory oh my god these bombers are ridiculous almost to shotting cities at this stage of the game I mean if you thought nukes were good enough we're going straight for Operation Ivy because we want to be able to make it build thermonuclear devices then their capitals all the way down here in Moreau and we do need to nuke that in order to fulfill the obligations that I set out with at the start of this game but we're also not naughty great hurry so I think we can take our time to upgrade our units and start bombing some of these nice units hanging around out here for example oh man infantry cores do so much damage Jesus well the nice thing is I even picked up a little bit more coal here which will help me out because I haven't been really really suffering with my inability to just get enough coal online it is the one drawback it going for the going for that industrial zone strategy you kind of drown the world and there's not really enough coal to fuel your entire empire so I mean it's not like it's a foolproof strategy there are downsides that you need to consider carefully I just don't particularly care about the world drowning nor do I care if I he'd like completely destroy the ecosystem so I'm more than happy to burn all the coal in existence I found some oil in the desert I'm kind of glad that America isn't in this game nice so I converted over to oil power and now I'm burning nine of it per turn for power not really I didn't really want to burn that much of it for power but I think it is a worthwhile thing to do because there's a lot more oil on the map than there is coal and I'm gonna have a lot of that oil online that I am gonna have of that coal especially if I can get this city settled up over here how many turns left we got on the nuclear project just three more and then we'll start being able to build nukes which is coincidentally gonna line up perfectly for Operation Ivy I think the world just kind of let me win the world's fair because like I'm building this giant army I'm building nukes like oh my god India's your nuclear weapons they're so impressive please don't use them on us I'm gonna use them on them I'm gonna use them on them all sorry Mexico City I had to you're in my way okay listen if you hadn't have sided with the Nubians I wouldn't have killed you it's it's that simple it's that straightforward alright if we just unlocked Operation Ivy and we have also just finished the Manhattan Project and before I get started on Operation Ivy I'm gonna want to start building some nuclear device I think I'm just gonna spam them out of my capital and then over time we'll start doing Operation Ivy I'll probably get that one in Calcutta what's the broadcast center is done we'll get to work on Operation Ivy I just need some nuclear bombs right now so I can actually finish off Nubia see you later Kawa well I didn't actually quite kill it damn it alright so the city of karwa is gonna become the city of kauai okay nice one everyone who watches or isn't the Japanese culture is gonna know what that one means you know what I actually had an even better idea for a name perfect excellent wonderful all right that's it I'm happy with keeping the city finally I got to settle another city let's rename this one oil platform one because that is your entire purpose is just to collect oil for me well I guess I might new be as capitalist door but it's not where I want to be just yet because I'm still waiting for this goddamn nuclear bomb to finish don't think another four turns I guess the only other thing I could do is get a war started with Japan at the same time and start working towards his capital oh that's kind of neat you can you can para drop SpecOps troopers wherever you want but in a certain range I also gotta spread my religion just for the sake of loyalty plus Italy pretty cool to see the entire world say I am become death the destroyer of worlds oh it looks like Japan got another city state to declare war me that's kind of scary actually you know I'm not scared at all because I'm literally about to finish a nuclear weapon and a couple of turns kind of way that something can be scary hey apparently i circumnavigated the world even though technically this is the North Pole and if I was to circumnavigate I'd have to go all this way but I touched both ends of the map so it gave me the arrow score anyway not that I needed it considering I have like a hundred extra points already this error to get my goals an agent hey I got my very first great artist as well amazing uh-oh I have eight extra trade routes that I could take advantage of oh my god I've actually never seen the AI ever in any of my games in all the time I've been playing Civ I have never seen an AI actually build a national park this is mind blowing I like how this trader is fortified inside this fort I mean it's not gonna stop me from pillaging him but I like that he was fortified in there and here we have it the moment we have all been waiting for the very first nuclear bomb is ready newbee is capital is wide open we shall click the WMD strike and then click on the capital and then hide the UI and bask in the glory of the most wonderful nuclear explosion that Gandhi ever did see oh that's just evil oh that city is gone thank you very much for your capital although I'm kind of worried that this tank might die due to the nuclear fallout whoops but that's it the very first capital has fallen and now we just need to take out this very last City over here in a blue small or whatever it's called I'm not sure how to pronounce that good old Charles Darwin sneaking around the corner here to get some scouting information on the Kree he's done a great job I don't think he really counts as a great scientist in this game he's more like a great spy or like a great scout that would be neat oh man that would be one hell of a mod if you like redid the entire great people screen to be specifically for like each individual unit class and fighting with spearmen for example gave you like anti cavalry great people points so you would have like build up points to get like a super anti cavalry unit oh my god that actually sounds like a really great mod get on it get on it save community we need that mod oh no my tank actually did die from the radiation poisoning yikes I got to be careful about that because that can hurt quite a lot all right atomic era Golden Age beautiful let's go ahead and grab ourselves two arms so that we can declare all the wars ever and take almost no grievances penalties newbie is final city falls I would have nuked it but I actually I'm kind of still trying to build up my stockpile of nukes I mean there's quite a few on the way that are getting pretty close to being finished and we almost have thermonuclear bombs as well alright so it looks like the entire world is pretty upset at me only Canada remains a friend although I can't imagine him staying that way for long honestly I'm quite surprised that France hasn't announced me yet it's probably just a matter of time airlifting units over to Java / I've got quite a few that I'm gonna be sending over there this turn I can move seven a turn so that's actually quite a healthy amount of an army that you could just teleport across the map it's too bad the game usually ends way before you ever get to use the airport but when it is useful that is really damn useful alright let's let's step this tank away a little bit although I need vision on the city it's time to drop the nuclear bomb on Japan I'm really sorry Japan I kind of feel bad about this you know what would history you know but I mean I got to do it oh look at that oh it's beautiful everything gets pillaged instantly oh look at the lovely green glow I mean technically I'm just giving them delicious green soap from the sky that hurts your skin thanks to the capital Japan appreciate it murderous green silk the solution to and cause of all of life's problems Oh neat axe I think I captured a wonder that gives me an extra policy slot yeah the potala palace cool I actually have room for a government or a diplomatic policy now oh no way I also capture the big band I was like wait a minute what do I have three policy slots wait a minute what do I have three policy slots what's going on here maybe one of my paw these went obsolete this turn or something oh no reason not to get more aluminum and oil because that means more aircraft for me that might be a good idea to plug in the war weariness cards as well oh I lost my third alternative this was a card that I definitely wanted though it's kind of hard to justify plugging it in over any of these things I mean I guess you could make the argument that we have a big enough army but that's really not that much gold I guess we can leave it out we just unlocked the giant death robot and I think it's time we started building some operation Ivy just finished as well perfectly timed I think two giant death robots is plenty we still want to have enough uranium to keep dropping bombs on people okay Yama belongs to me now and I actually inherited the Panama Canal although one section of the canal doesn't belong to me which is a bit weird but all right I'll take it all right let's get this party on the road I think I kind of need to use my nukes cuz they start to cost me a lot of money so let's drop it on get food this time we won't get rid of the UI I want to see this in all of its glory oh man all right let me just sweep in with a cavalry take it over in a single turn and uh yeah this city is mine now yokohama as well should be a pretty easy kill nice there we go and I've got my army in position to declare the war on Sumeria of course we will be going for the Golden Age war because we get 75% less grievances from declaring war on them my favorite part about rocket artillery is they have a base range of three and I have a supply convoy and a drone keeping these guys ready to move fast and have extra range so I'm able to hit them from all the way over here funny thing is even though I'm making like 72 great general points per turn I don't think I got a single great general this game I mean that's kind of funny in a hahahaha that's not funny at all why don't I have any great engineers work great you know whatever you call them Charles Darwin's got the right idea man he's just over here living in the wild smoking his tobacco having a great old time well the world of ropes in nuclear warfare the first Sumerian of earth Falls brilliant so now we have a true staging area to make some work of all of his other cities alright let's go ahead a nuclear bomb Shizuoka time - Wow see this city disappeared before our very eyes oh yes I like the glow man that's a nice beautiful radiating glow plus I mean I'm working on you know technically if I'm nuking everyone I'm technically a developer for the Red Death game-mode so if you enjoy that I mean technically you have to thank me for it I'm doing a service for the Civic community by turning the entire world into an irradiated wasteland alright this time Otsu will fall to me no problem now I gotta get to work on Nagano second Sumerian city falls without any trouble now we just gotta get to work on Hamas II did get some nuclear bombs going on over here although I've only got one in the tank so I kind of want to hold on to it now right now we're using fascism which has given me some huge production boost towards units I could take corporate libertarianism which would net me a huge amount of production as well as a huge amount of strategic resources I think I'm gonna stay with fascism for now for the war ribbon it's an extra production and when I start using up all this uranium and stuff like that then I'll go towards corporate libertarianism oh yeah I keep forgetting that I can like pillage stuff for science and money I should probably do that more alright Japan see you later thank you so much for the city of Nagano but the beer is up next on the chopping block of course they might not fall straight away it might take me a turn or two to get them fully squared away but actually if I can get all my aircraft and these two rocket Artie's in range it might be this turn oh my God look at this damage these guys do yeah we're just taking city every turn but a very tidy army I might add this god damn military engineer has just been spending his entire time poorly drawing Willie's in the snow oh man you can airlift giant death robots alright the first one is definitely heading over to some area then Kobe belongs to me I wonder if they have any catalog I'll they do there's the Kobe beef right there wait is it Kobe beef or Wagyu I can never remember I feel like Kobe Kobe is famous for something am I wrong I don't think I'm wrong I was really tempted to nuke Fukushima just for like the meme but I decided against it I don't think we need to nuke Russia Fukushima I think those people have been through enough see you later Japan good luck next time maybe I should have nuked him as a goodbye what have I done to the UI oh Jesus Karlstad is a pretty tough thing for my giant death robot now if I if I marry attack it I'll do like almost no damage if I ranged attack it almost ripped the city in half let's see how much damage can we do after we bomb the hell out of this city with our little jet bombers oh it's already looking great look at that one turn thank you so much karlstad for the free city oh I can liberate it oh that's so evil I'm not gonna do that that's we did that before ever do falls beneath my hammer so do I have a hammer I don't don't think I have a hammer I think I think I have like troops and stuff I kind of wish I had a hammer now but I guess I'll just have to make do with a Hamas II oh Jesus Christ kill me after that joke what is going on are we having a disco on these boats I didn't authorize that wait what it stopped hum start goodbye oh I can't quite reach the other cities that's unfortunate what this is gonna be a very tasty nuclear bomb on Hampstead Lagash is next on the nuclear bombing list I don't have a unit in range to take the city this turn that's fine we'll grab an extern man Charles was kicked out of his tobacco paradise now he's got to live in a boat forever at least until I declare war on the Cree I'm no longer friends with Canada which means I should start getting an army together to go take him on uh-oh it's a thermonuclear bomb it's got a radius of two oh Jesus oh my God look at that mushroom cloud Oh God did I say ready is a 2 I meant a radius of 3 I just took out 2 cities in one shot one shot two kills oh god they're capitalists so irradiated 20 turns oh my goodness I gotta wait for whole turns for a thermonuclear war to do that whatever I'll just drop to two regular nukes over here then I guess look at these nice little deer oh god what's that in the sky oh it's got a great orange glow to it and then a nice green afterglow beautiful Sweden goodbye to your capital it belongs to me now oh here it comes Oh the capital oh no oh man you hate to see it you hate to see a capital just get deleted Oh oh my god even the AI is doing the industrial zone strategy look at this they built two aqueducts and an industrial zone in the middle I feel like the AI watches my videos guys I'm kind of worried now the fall of the Sumerian capital has come to pass we now own Eric your UK more like my UK god I I actually feel dirty when I make a joke like that like it's just like I've done something wrong again like a crime against humanity you know how I know it's time to end my turn it's when the unit needs orders thing takes me over to Charles Darwin he's like the measure I've been using to count my turns wait a minute where where is this giant death robots coming from what wait does this mountain range connect all the way over to here oh my god this guy is teleporting from here to here oh god what have I done he's teleporting all the way down here sweet I guess that I guess that mountain tunnel really helped out in the end I was originally gonna try and do a sneak attack true here but this works equally as good I suppose now's as good a time as any to declare on Canada as well wait oh you can't do surprise war isn't kind of that goddamn it I have to denounce it first I have no idea where I'm getting all these policy slots from like I'm actually just confused at this point Helsingborg shall be mine thank you so much as shel Stockholm Sweden scabbit all has fallen and it belongs to me now and when I say it belongs to me in reality it belongs to the irradiated wasteland that it now sits inside of France II your time to fall have com basically everyone else is down except you and the Cree oh my god I've always wanted to nuke crossbowmen wait I don't have a thermonuclear bomb damn it it's gonna have to be a baby bomb listen these poor crossbowmen oh Jesus Christ oh there they go there they go are they're all gone Oh beautiful it's music to my ears and eyes you know what it's this nuke Paris like right there hell yeah this is new kiri again you know mate we've got these crossbowmen to kill right oh yes I love how the animation takes so long but everything like knows it's dead but I have to kind of sit there and wait for the mushroom cloud to complete oh look at that oh I'm not war with the Cree Charles Darwin he could go back to mr. Benko paradise yes at long last he's reunited with his hill forest tobacco tile oh that means about Warwick County the - and I used up my nukes I wanted to use a nuke on Canada damn it well I guess we're gonna have to shoot his city's down the old-fashioned way oh my god that city died so quick oh damn we just got Grace Hopper who is easily the most powerful great Admiral in the entire game she gives you two free technology straight-up no questions asked I guarantee you I'm gonna get like telecommunications and whatever I'm researching right now watch watch Oh see Stan's telecommunications I knew it I goddamn it I knew it oh wait no I was researching predictive systems never mind actually considering how weak Francis cities are I think nukes might have been a little bit of overkill I think just the old-fashioned you know drop co-player bombs on them and then run in for the murder works just fine I mean I guess I have to nuke their capital to meet the challenge right nuclear Gandhi is not playing around let me tell you oh man I can't pass up the opportunity to pillage three trade routes in a single turn how much gold that is nothing Samed finally samaria falls underneath my heel he is defeated out of the game thank you so much for playing goodbye technically speaking I only have two cities left to nuke I only have to nuke Ottawa whatever this thing is called in fact I could probably nuke it this turn like realistically yeah almost I'm so close I made a c-stand in a one tile Lake beautiful oh well actually look it's kind of cool in a lake I kind of wish I lived in a sea stead now I don't live near any lakes so I'd have to live near a lake first which isn't going to happen because I don't like the water like I'm not afraid to get into the water I just I just don't like the waters personality you know oh right I I kind of forgot to actually capture Paris whoops we we've got it now this is it this is the final capitol where is it where's my nuke all right WMD strike thermonuclear bomb right there proceed drop that goddamn thermonuclear war drops all the way down to 88 easy I guess technically I lied because there's actually Ottawa left that I need to take to I got to drop a thermonuclear bomb over here and then run my giant death robot and over oh I dropped it on the oil oh man my favorite thing ever is to get to cities I really wanted to get a three City hit but a two City hit will do by by decree thank you very much for your capital wait oh there we go okay I thought for a second he didn't have enough movement to capture the city and the very final City thank you so much Canada we managed to nuke every single capital in the game and win the game except for one I said I was nuking every goddamn capital and I am nuking every god damn capital oh it's so cinematic can I like rotate the screen to make it even more cinematic oh that's right we nuked our own capital we're gonna go from 189 production down to oh Jesus Christ what have I done to my cities we lost 40 production in that nuclear strike that's it from me I hope you guys enjoyed this nuclear Gandhi playthrough I love you all very much and I'll see you next time bye bye [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 567,417
Rating: 4.9014258 out of 5
Keywords: Civilization 6, Civilization VI, Civ 6, Civ Vi, Civ 6 is a perfectly balanced game, Civ 6 is broken, Civilization VI is broken, PotatoMcWhiskey, PotatoMcWhiskey Civ 6, PotatoMcWhiskey Civlization VI, Civilization 6 is a perfectly balanced game, Civ 6 broken strategies, Civ 6 India Guide, Civ 6 Gandhi guide, Civ 6 Nuke Only Challenge, Civ 6 Nuke the World, Civ 6 Nuke ONLY, Civ 6 Nuke vs thermonuclear, Civ 6 is broken india, Civ 6 tips, civ 6 gathering storm gandhi
Id: TFbYZC-746Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 23sec (3263 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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