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and will BAM we've got gunpowder it's happened it's 250 BC and the Russians have discovered gunpowder they didn't actually even have swords yet got to research ladies and gentlemen we're back it's civilization 6 Gathering Storm and I am of course the smithing Brit your favorite strangest and most teen living individual online it's an absolutely fantastic day whenever I get to return to civilization 6 and naturally today I'm doing so because a cheeky little exploit has been brought to my attention by a lovely friend called potato mug whiskey he's got some fantastic guides on how to choose the sieve system so I strongly recommend you give him a look is basically me but Irish but also not arty game or call me Kevin or any of the other Irish ones my knowledge kind of just ends there and I'm going to be demonstrating for all of you today ladies and gentlemen tastic exploit which effectively grants you free unlimited settlers and free unlimited workers yeah it's relatively broken and will destroy most of your games so if our further ado ladies and gentlemen let's dive in and show off this fantastic brand-new exploit which works in both single-player or multiplayer but I think people are still playing the multiplayer for this game oh my goodness people are playing the Red Death Battle Royale a total of four games running for the Red Death my goodness who knew fortnight in civics was actually a viable thing we're not going to be wondering about red def we're gonna be trying out a brand new exploit in single-player it works multiplayer but I mean I don't have any friends online at the bourbons know if they're all busy playing that you csgo operations or the new Star Wars games why can't we go back to a simpler times when Star Wars games just used to always be cash grabs and terrible simpler times Indies but nonetheless ladies and gentlemen make sure you sat back you're relaxed you have a nice warm cup of tea and hey if you're feeling especially fantastic today you might have even given a video like let's dive our way into a brand new civilization exploit video now for this exploit it doesn't actually make any difference really what civilization you pick some are of course probably slightly better than others when it comes to this now for the sake of getting this off as fast as possible I'm going to be picking Russia because they get some early faith points now basically what you want to do is we're going to be rushing the Pantheon as fast as possible in a standard game of sieve that means just having 25 faiths I do believe and then you kick start your first Pantheon anyway we're gonna be jumping into the game classic Prince difficulty BAM all of that jazzy stuff and whilst we probably won't be finishing the game I will simply be demonstrating just how ridiculously overpowered theoretically you can make yourself very early on Sean Bean narrating rusher into my ears is this what communism feels like BAM begin game we're in ladies and gentlemen that's right it's six a absolutely fantastic game in my opinion I think my favorite entry into the SIF franchise was probably civilization free although I haven't played in many years so I imagine my opinions have been completely ruined considering I actually recently went back and played SIF 4 and my memories of SIF or was that it was what are the most fantastical strategy games at the time and then I discovered actually it's just stacking doom stacks upon doom stacks at the code but it's terrible but hey you know everyone loves the game a little bit anyway which is going to be slamming down our first city right away well BAM st. Petersburg is founded it's our first city it's nothing fantastical jazzy but hey it's us and we're going to look after it now sadly we haven't exactly spawned in the best spot when it comes to actually farming our only faith points but don't worry ladies and gentlemen we'll do our best to try and find some now in order to get this off as best as possible you do want to try and be the first person to actually access the Pam fields that basically means you want to try again early faith production up as soon as possible oh my god I'm literally getting bombarded by two tourists for this game do you have no idea how many hundreds of hours I have in this of SIF six please leave me alone of course in your opening strategy for the game it probably involves building a scout and then a builder after it and then probably a settler you don't actually want to waste any production on a builder because you're going to be getting a very large amount of builders for free so it's actually not worth our time of course when it comes to your first policy just go for God King plus one faith and +1 gold it's quite useful mostly just because the +1 faith is actually going to allow us to get towards our first religion and of course now you can see we're at the stage of the game where the game wants me to actually make my first settler however as I am fully aware of what I'm going to be doing a never settle here is actually a bad idea I probably want to make myself a new warrior because I'm actually going to be needing something to defend me oh we gained a free build a unit great that's probably actually the least important thing to get at this the tide but fired Franken game I'll take it and just explained on some farms no problem game now the strategy we're also going to be doing is basically a surefire way of guaranteeing a golden age in the first part of the game and it's also most likely going to actually catch put you into a situation where your snowball is just much better than everyone else's you see in Civilization six the entire metro is mostly built around effectively a limitation of time and production so there's only so much you can do in one turn and you basically need to make sure that you make the right decision for every single turn else you've effectively wasted time in the future and will BAM we have located Scotland great it's it's in order to meet you pretty sure it's illegal for me to say that well met stranger a farewell no sadly even though we're Russia we haven't really found a good spot to whack down our first holy site but because of how fast we've managed to access it it looks like we should most definitely be able to get our Pantheon out before anyone else does please accept my peoples finest weeds and haggis hang on a second you're sending tweed and haggis once again this is a mighty insult my friend but honestly tweeds and haggis are pretty fun aren't they oh well yes there we go perfect we just accidentally stumbled upon a goodie hut and that gave us straightaway ten faith now that is perfect because that's not pushed us up to the twenty five faith point where we can now found ourselves our first Pantheon now if you're in a multiplayer game this is where things get tricky because there's no saving and going back if you mess this bit up but actually it's not too difficult you just need to get your timings right on your left hand in your right hand it's not too tricky if I'm honest and what you want to do if you're in single-player just in case you mess up simply drop down a safe game now ladies and gentlemen as always Civ six allows you to found a Pantheon Pantheon's are quite cool there's some pretty funky ones including dance of the Aurora holy sites get +1 faiths from adjacent tundra towers very nice if you're Russia because you're gonna spend most of your time in tundra tiles yeah there's a lot of good stuff +1 production from fishing boats is always nice +1 food and production from camps is great but the to which we're going to be messing about with today ladies and gentlemen our fertility rites and religious settlements you see there is a slight mismatch in the games coordination as we have to Pantheon's here which can both be exploited fertility when selected and founded as your Pantheon basically increased City grow for the rest of the game by 10% but also it spawns a builder in your capital if you have religious settlements however when chosen you gain a free settler in your capital and border expansion rates are 15% faster meaning your borders just keep going out and out and out and you can harvest more resources it's quite a nice little one to have although generally most to kind of stayed clear off due to other benefits you can get from getting some nice early production in but there's honestly nothing wrong with getting a free settler this early in the game the issue is by the time most players access their first Pantheon they're ready training their first settler but this is where we have a little bit of a strange interaction you see when I hit the found Pantheon button there's a tick and that tick basically goes ok Pantheon's been founded spawn the unit and then tick the box which says that the Pantheon has been secured and is in this city and as you can guess because there are effectively two separate ticks in process the tick of the spawning in the settler and then the tick of the founding of the Pantheon you are basically able to completely choose the system by undoing it what I mean by this ladies and gentlemen is if we were to press the found pantheon button and escape at roughly the same time you are able to effectively break the game but I mean don't just take my word for it why not take a glorious example ladies and gentlemen so let us found our pantheon in free to warn brick and as you'll notice BAM we have our Pantheon founded it says religion by pantheon when chosen you receive a settler in your capital and border expansion rate is 15% faster fantastic we founded our Pantheon oh look there's our settler but hang on a second why have we still got the Pantheon menu open oh dear well maybe we can just get a second settler from it free to warn ah they're settling number two but the menu is still open spiff why is the menu open spife that's right 2k its exploit time there's absolutely no way to counter this I know yes let's found a couple more Pantheon and get a few more settlers so I decided to stop it effectively but as you can see it is turn 19 of the game and Russia here has one two three four five six seven eight nine ten settlers so that means we can have eleven cities I mean honestly you're probably not gonna be looking at having that many cities that early on in the game now of course this isn't the most efficient way of doing things oh no no no there's a much more efficient way of setting up these cheese Pantheon's so BAM we're back at when the exploit just started now if you were looking quite closely you'll have noticed every time you found a Pantheon it actually costs you 25 faith points that's because you need 25 faith just to basically get up to the point where you can do the Pantheon this does however mean that every time we pull off this exploit we lose 25 faith points now that might sound actually pretty rough because theoretically by the end of this exploit we could actually be it like minus 600 faith points but you have to remember we're effectively getting a free settler 425 faith yeah I'm just saying buying a settler 425 faith is a great deal but by the time you can actually probably pull that off you're probably on about turn a hundred and fifty of this game so being able to buy settlers almost as early as about turn 15 I think you could probably pull this off is absolutely ridiculous nonetheless ladies and gentlemen let's see just how many perfect settlers we can get so I've spawned in 17 settlers actually more cities than I'll actually ever need but of course what goes great with a settler well it's of course a builder to go along with it to make sure the cities set up almost perfectly upon arrival so yes let's do that as well and well then we have nine builders to go along and help out our settlers we've created a bit of a mess graphically on the map but you know sir our intentions were good right let's send our first settler off to go settler City and then our second set look and go over here and ethnicity honestly doesn't particularly matter if all of these settlers get caught by barbarians because at the end of the day there's more settlers where that came from good god there's just so many setlist guard just scouting with a bunch of settlers I know I've got to lose a ton of them to all of these barbarians but honestly it doesn't particularly make much of a difference to me at the end of the day and of course were BAM turn 20 to our second city is founded honestly not the best time to found a second city could have probably done this much earlier in the game if you really wanted to but then again where's the fun in that now you might be wondering thinking that hey these settlers going to cost a lot of money no not really there's no upkeep actually at all so don't worry kind of go bankrupt or anything because there is this tactic just works . that isn't really a sense as to why it should work in fact everything should say that just having a bunch of cities should go quite heavily punished but this is actually sub six and for some reason it's not kind of like c 5 where the more cities you had the harder it was to control anyway bam we're gonna be settling our fourth city now it's turned 25 wha-bam if it would be gay got 50 cities settle dexter is looking like some fun spots over here as well for some cities and of course the game fix this is a suitable settle spot so why not i'm just whacking all these settlers down in really stupid positions which i know technically don't work but the game says this will be fine this is kind of also a surefire way of to guarantee a golden age for the sole reason that we currently have an era score of 43 yes they'll go our 5th city is down on turn 26 and of course it is moscow lovely choice washer at you know what let's make it a six city as well BAM we got to vert as well and the thing is because of this we're actually gonna start kind of nudging ahead in science as well you'll notice that our fantastic a only friend over here only has four science whereas we have 10 for the sole reason that we have such a ridiculously large population pool because each of these settlers you have to remember is one pop if you were to build this normal in one of your cities you lose a popper as we have them just floating around everywhere we're ever so slightly gaining some resources off of them you know i think there's a perfect second city to be found right here of course turn 26 and we have seven cities down this is actually more cities than i'd actually normally settle in an entire game normally i stick to about four or maybe five if i was pushing it but hey you know this is effectively sieve without any rules whatsoever and i don't think i've ever been in a situation where I can do political philosophies without any boost in just four turns I mean turn twenty eight within eleven culture per turn this is perfectly balanced oh dear God unruhe bam I can actually found my religion nice thirty turns in its religion time let's choose a spicy religion ah yes wiggly waves now I just need to come up with some kind of subtle way to indoctrinate people without them realizing something they don't force them to make me do something that I want them to do without actually being aware that they're doing it but they enjoy doing it nonetheless I've caught like and subscribe perfect of course when it comes to our religion we can pick a little anything but I strongly recommend BAM always do feed the world if you're Russia because if you're settling in tundra it's often quite tricky to find food to feed your people with don't worry your shrines and temples will just give food to your people it's great fun and of course don't forget cross-cultural dialogue it's fantastic plus one science for every five followers of this religion it's very spicy how it works as you basically just cheese her way into a science victory using religion we've discovered Mount Vesuvius what a perfect place to found a city next to oh you know what ma'am we got a great place to settle our city next to a active volcano go set the go we'll be fine say the citizens of Novgorod all mountains smoke a little right oh dear oh dear oh that's it he's not going to do well in the future I might say that this is actually probably one of our best settlements ever I mean look at this province look at this tile here plus five sides how its next like a geothermal vent and two mountains that's fantastic we can wet down a holy site here as well and that's like plus free and plus free oh this is just a great place to settle amazing locations to settle you know unscrewed it's way too early to get down one of these campuses but we're gonna do it anyway one of the issues which regularly occurs in see if sadly is that basically once someone gets a science kind of lead they don't actually lose in any regard after that you kind of want to be ahead on science to win on tourism you want to be ahead on science to an on culture you want to be ahead on science to win military to an extent everything depends on science and so a good player is kind of simultaneously balancing all of them and we enter the Classical era and of course we get to pick our actual government it's naturally let's just go for classical republic that looks great fun you know if we're gonna wake down plus one production in all cities just get that cheeky urban planning up and running considering we have so many cities starting out in our glorious Empire of course because we got our Golden Age and considering most a is only going to a normal age we're able to pick one super cool dedication you know BAM we're gonna cheese culture a bit by having plus one culture for each speciality district considering we're gonna be having a bunch of them why not so it's turned 34 and we have eleven cities so yeah we've averaged quite a high amount of cities per turn quite a ridiculous amount indeed we're currently rocking a nice stable 22 science and 24 culture I'm sure we actually met or built cities the to the same ability which some people can we'd be doing much better but I would say at the moment we're still doing ridiculously well take a blood this is amazing yeah I feel the game's kind of buggered it's turned 47 we're gaining about 50 science per turn horseback riding is a one research thing engineering to research currency one research I think we're gonna yeah we're just gonna steam ahead considering Scotland is on eight sites where they own 10 not too long ago how have they gone down Oh Scotland no well let's recruit our first great writer got no idea what they can do right home of right I think we've done it we've basically hit the point where we can just beeline brush away down the actual science portion of the technology tree and the AI is never going to actually be able to catch up so we research currency mathematics and then as soon as we get education down that's plus full science in basically all of our cities continue that on to astronomy and bam just I don't know could build a palace I mean it's at 1100 BC and apparently only going to take us knowing turns to work out how a gun works correctly okay right I see how this is how long is it gonna take us to learn how to fly 11 turns to get a biplane up and running nice oh and of course 19 turns for the giant def robot and 19 turns for a foam Oh nuclear device ok game yes indeed ladies and gentlemen it would appear that we have been stiff so to say my goodness there's so many fantastic spots around here and on this map for some brilliant science buildings or we have just cheesed this so much imagine it's turned 40 one of your game and you look over at your friend and you check the scoreboard and you like hand second why is he more than three times ahead of the next player and then you take a look at his stats and go okay he hasn't really got crazy military that's fine science hmm okay six times more than they explain old sure okay yeah it just doesn't make any sense does it something's got on here advice goodness is it not just majestic I absolutely love this game but my goodness these exploits are pretty bad you gotta fix this devs trust me oh my goodness there's a very real possibility we might be breaking the hundred science by turn a hundred and try and hit a hundred signs by turn 50 not sure if such big as possible but if it is my goodness this is most spicy indeed oh my goodness we're recruiting so many great scientists and great writers just because all of the other AIS and theoretically other players just aren't actually producing enough great person points to be able to actually compete I've got so many great writers and just absolutely nothing to do with them but one of the benefits of also having a high amount of faith but not particularly much to do of it is you can just buy an absolute metric ton of great people oh my goodness yet another great scientist we're literally getting a great scientist every five turns at this rate this is ridiculous I meant to do with all of them BAM Eureka for mathematics and one random technology you've got military tactics yes I'm pretty sure we've already researched mathematics oh dear sadly the games are not actually able to create great people which are actually able to match where I'm currently at in the game so it's created a little bit of a mess we did it oh my goodness we did it look at that it's turned 50 at the top right we have a hundred and thirteen sides for turn ladies and gentlemen this is the beautiful world which I've created one which effectively puts us in a situation where I'm pretty sure the AI can't win I think you'd have to do something quite impressive to actually lose this considering we take a look at the good old Georgian Empire over here down effectively 10 times less signs per turn than we are they have fundamentally absolutely no way of winning every single possible research in the technology tree for us is just one that's all it takes just one turn and wha-bam we've got it 11 turns now for nuclear fusion that's ridiculous we can have gunpowder and free turns and we've also basically broken the game considering our great person point production per turn we get about 10 great scientist points per turn Scotland is next on free so basically that means we poach all of the great scientists no matter what they just instantly become ours guess what that's right it's the Angkor Wat that one world wonder which absolutely no one builds because it provides plus one population in all current cities and plus one housing so basically it's gonna take twelve turns to produce but in turn give us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 population and 17 housing slots I don't know about you but that's a ridiculous amount of fantastic stuff indeed oh and naturally we can actually become a monarchy because why not this is actually absolutely stupid we've managed to get ourselves up to this is crazy absolutely crazy and we're close to getting a democracy actually so I don't think we should necessarily switch over just yet yeah you know let's become a theocracy why not that looks fun and well BAM we've got gunpowder it's happened it's 250 BC and the Russians have discovered gunpowder they didn't actually even have swords yet got to research the swordsman oh well that's why my goodness Oh BAM it's another great scientist of course it is Omar my friend come over here give me two random Tex exploration and boot ress seriously petrest you chose the tress that took one turn to research you haven't improved it at all if anything great scientists are useless now I've no need for them all oh well can't blame them I wasn't gonna start converting everyone else to our fantastic religion of like and subscribe that's right yes do it I've kind of accidentally created a situation where I'm going to be the only one with any great works of Arts because I'm also the only one recruiting great writers or great artists but it's the poor AI hasn't actually had a chance to do it but hey it's one ad now ladies and gentlemen should we build a guy with a gun I mean is there a need to we've got muscular and also archers and it's still a bit of a mess of Glory's Empire some of it is so far in the past and yet some of it is just so ridiculously modern and well BAM we have set the stage for the industrial era it's 50 ad but congratulations ladies and gentlemen whoa BAM we've entered the medieval era whilst we're also simultaneously entering into the industrial era don't question how it works but hey we've got a golden age' now oh no another great writer what about to do the wall there's just a horde of them oh my goodness thank goodness we've used one of them up but there's still like four great writers all waiting just have a go but there's physical you know where to cram them into we filled the entire city up with great works of writing oh dear oh dear it's a mega colossal eruption who could have guessed that Mel Vesuvius would have roped with a mega colossal eruption oh that's exciting poor poor Buenos Aires I'm sure they survived BAM this is the turn the angle what has been built Oh amazing oh we also did Manchu Picchu and because that way BAM all of our cities just immediately grew in size oh yes our population and empires just become a lot more powerful oh my goodness our expression of colonialism will define humanity's future in the industrial era that's right it's for 2080 and the Russians have discovered colonialism what have I done I've created art but at the same time something absolutely horrific okay ladies and gentlemen its BAM turned 69 very nice 169 signs per turn hundred and thirty-three coach per turn all of his majestic good stuff we have a ridiculous quantity of cities not even short our population is but I know it sir it's pretty high we're starting to have the more dominant religion as well which is quite tasty as that's a surefire way of getting more signs for us as well because of how I set up my sieve and this is also with a unoptimized civilization considering so many of the resources in my land haven't even been built upon yet there's farms and mines which could go down there just a just haven't been touched it's a bit of a mess but it's a beautiful mess and that's kind of what I work with what's humanity meant to have this power of exploitation probably not but it's a good love was recording this video have been sent about to emails from various different Russian video marketing companies asking me to do a rade shadow legends video Oh No thank you I know some people jokingly say hey have you considered just exploiting the game but no they don't actually offer that no red shadow legends video sponsorship actually wants you to play red shadow legends because of how bad the game is they just want you to talk about the game for like 45 to 60 seconds and they give you like literally the average person's yearly income just for talking about something 45 seconds it is stupid the amount of money red shadow legends is throwing around now you might be panicking because it's effectively won 200 ad and the Russians are Honda's already mining uranium out of the ground yeah it's a bit spooky I'm here it is ladies and gentlemen turn 92 nuclear fission is getting researched it's exciting I know and there we have it BAM we can now do the Manhattan Project sorry st. Petersburg stop building Oxford University I've got a better project for you the Manhattan Project it's gonna take 16 turns but um it's gonna be worth it oh dear George's decided to attack us for our low military score little did Georgia know I deliberately built the government building which allows me to buy military units using faith oh dear Georgia well you're about to discover what that means basically I can buy myself a tank that's right we now have a tank against your spearmen and heavy chariot was that is that actually that is actually a barbarian my goodness okay right let's buy ourselves a nother tank over here you know we'll buy naturalist water at it that'll be nice yeah let's get some naturalism going and what have we got to research next space race honestly I think we've completed the game at this point there's a not too much left of research it's exciting though whoa don't know we'll get very excited to go into Wars but this is quite a special case indeed did they steal Buenos Aires from me that's fine I can just slap that back almost instantly right I'm going to use my tank on this barbarian man go tech go Wow tank you take no damage that's ridiculous let's upgrade our male ape-man to infantry and tank go on a bit of a spree honestly we've got more targets than you could possibly dream for oh my goodness what is wrong with the AI why is it throwing units into it I understand that when you start producing the Manhattan Project the AI kind of panics and tries to attack you but come on you can't actually win here oh my goodness right am I gonna be able to take the city in one go minor victory using a tank against the city sure let's do this sorry Georgia you really chose a very poor time to attack oh yes right there we go BAM what our Tillery shot was all it needed to take down the walls go by infantry go this city is our glorious stuff indeed right on to the next one all right do we keep the city do we raise the city probably ought to burn it it's not like I'm gonna really do anything with it now I might as well keep it why not that'll be fun yes we're down 400 science per turn we've just crossed into the hundred mark so doing a little bit better than I was previously expecting civilization is very very balanced indeed and have you have been enjoying watching this why not consider giving the video a like it does absolutely massively help out the channel ladies and gentlemen oh my the city's ours wow it's really that easy go tank go oh yes Georgia is done for we've done it success well that was relatively easy keep city well we can't exactly raise it it's physically you don't to give it to you no I think this is enough ladies and gentlemen I think we've demonstrated just how ridiculously overpowered and exploited this is I mean it's turn 105 we're generating 400 signs but turn if we take a look at the tech tree this is where we are this is where all of the AI are around the Renaissance era discovering printing gunpowder banking mass production and the caravel whereas we are just about to finish off the Manhattan Project in one 480 ad just a couple of decades off to Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Empire and hey Chari was at its peak ladies and gentlemen this is where we find ourselves where the Russians are discovering the atom bomb it's very strange indeed but anyway if you have indeed enjoyed watching make sure to give to you like and do consider subscribing to be recommended some even stranger weirder exploits in video games as always I've been the Smith and Britt thank you very much for watching a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic beautiful sausages of a patreon who make all of these fantastic videos all the more possible you absolutely wonderful chappies and hey if you're sat there wondering what videos you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now it's been hand shows and by myself to be absolutely perfect just for you and only you anyway our siege and everyone again the next time have an absolute lovely day and goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,705,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, civilization 6, civ 6, perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, civ 6 perfectly balanced, civilization exploit, civilization, unlimited free settlers, free settler exploit, civ 6 glitch, video game exploit, strategy game exploit, funny, exploit, civ6, perfectly balanced, funny moments, rtgame, infinite money, money glitch, civ 6 guide, exploit guide, civilization science, civ nuke, civ 6 nuke, potatomcwhiskey, gathering storm
Id: Gzu504l33lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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