TAKING OMAHA BEACH WITH A 1911 | Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond

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Another VR video? I love these ones

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/thingamabeb 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

His robo recall video inspired me to buy VR, and have thoroughly enjoyed it since.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/superhockeyboy 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
it's time for my masterpiece [Music] rattling boys i'm no pilot but i don't think that is very good hey there's no tyranny allowed on main street that ping never gets old if i get a hit marker from here i deserve a medal of honor apparently this v1 rocket is supposed to be fast but 1940s fast can't be that bad this is literally the most amount of fun i've ever had in a video game i feel like i'm dreaming right now if i was like things would have been different welcome to medal of honor above and beyond a game so fun it puts even amusement parks to shame that's why before the circus continues i gotta thank oculus for sponsoring this video everything and this video was captured on their oculus quest 2 a comfortable lightweight headset that allows you to play a variety of games standalone with no pc required and more demanding games like medal of honor with a single usb cable via oculus link and boy is that single cord ever worth it because firing a rocket launcher has never felt this real stop using the bazooka on infantry they said it's a waste of resources they said what terrible advice so i encourage you to check it out at the link in the description with that covered welcome to the oss the forerunner to the cia that specializes in sabotage behind enemy lines keep an eye on the lighthouse we're supposed to look for a signal okay well i guess this is not a stealth mission it works for me maybe a little light on the stealth part and a little heavy on the sabotage part but whatever sabotage is more fun anyway imagine liking stealth more than sabotage this post was made by torpedo gang is that a torpedo good luck patching that [ __ ] up blowing [ __ ] up isn't one-dimensional either because sometimes it's bombing a factory into dust flying in a b-29 atom bomb baby little atom bomb i want her in my we're not dropping an atom bomb still i'm excited you want me to find the factory from the map what am i a cartographer and here we go she's just the way i wanted to be a million times hotter than tnt and sometimes it's blowing apart a railway gun the size of an elementary school i'm convinced the entire western front was one with thermite and tnt it is the solution to every problem it is say answer to every question what's that you have a problem have you tried blowing it up either way it's by your hands this war is gonna be one for the allies because second place may be acceptable in a ski race hey hey get out of the way i'm a seasoned pass holder i have the right away second place in war unacceptable i mean no pressure but the future of the free world is on the line and america doesn't come to lose so anything but a massive dub is failure let's hope we win this war we're all you got that right sarge thankfully you're not alone with sarge a fellow american and ollie a friendly brit completing your oss trio we go where the lieutenant goes yes sir i have every confidence you're going to make me look like a genius for recruiting you are you sure about that not to mention all the french allies helping you out along the way and although i'm a little confused most of the time when i'm around them we'll take what we can get viva love resistance mademoiselle high ranking german worse he's french a collaborator why are you guys spitting inside english please yes i feel like we're missing some interesting discourse here we no how does she look so damn fashionable all the time like we're invading gestapo headquarters she still has time to put on all this this is my third time playing this level she reloads her thompson with such malicious intent look at and hell if this squad doesn't interest you then hit up real life humans in multiplayer so great hearing my buddies talk about how they would have ended the war twice as fast because they're quote built different sacrifices from the greatest generation to get criticized by a liberal arts degree over here surprisingly meat based teammates are great for experimentation like the tutorial showed us we can catch and throw grenades but can you catch rocket propelled grenades now hold your hands out nice and wide and smile of course you can defuse a bomb but can you defuse five bombs while five people are blasting tommy guns above your head if i shoot i wonder what happens if you shoot the explosion honestly honestly on the barrel it's all on the barrel the back side of the barrel the backside the truth is clue the game was rigged from the start but the real question is a winchester lever action deadlier than an mp40 clue skulker and i said no which made us team full auto and heavenly grouse and jello said yes which made them team lever action and it wasn't even close playing with anything but a fully automatic is a stupid idea unless it's a shotgun no they'll never actually what ball me and girls will carry with the lever action yo i don't think that's true no son i'm using the winnie oh where's your winnie now where's your winning now boy god why are you so dancing two rounds oh my god heavenly just styled on me i got winnie'd in half hey oh wow wow good shot i see your feet oh my god why are you such a dead eye shot every time bro oh my god all right i might have to stand up i would like to file a formal complaint with satan i had no idea that when he was this accurate and it one shot bodies me every time it makes contact oh my word heavenly can be looking in the complete opposite direction flip a 180 and dome me did i just get a box sound effect what was that yes you did and that was my winnie hitting sculpture in his face oh no no no that got you got your baby it feels so good however in the single player where i spent the majority of my time it was a monster it's so simple yet so satisfying to fire i accept no substitutes when i'm clearing a room oh god i thought i was gangsta bringing my mp40 when four other dudes in this room have an mp40 but just listen just just just just so incredibly satisfying to fire especially indoors prior to playing above and beyond i had no interest in the mp40 whatsoever but now i'd rate mag dumping it up there with a grand pink maybe not quite as satisfying as the pink but pretty damn close it's criminal how much you can spray this thing like there's so many mp40s all around and they reload so fast i don't care about mag dumping anyone for any reason it's so satisfying of course the garand itself is always an option if nine millimeters just ain't cutting it which is distances beyond 30 meters is usually the case in this game oh that's so good america upside of mag dumping with a garand you only have to hit him once and furthermore they really have all their bases covered like luger walter mg42 potato masher all the classics are present imagine using a piece of trash nine millimeter luger when you could be using a hand crafted nine millimeter p38 this post is made by walter gang i don't hear you laughing now i don't hear you laughing now it's not so fun being on this end of an mg-42 now is it nice nade by the way vibe check you have failed the vibe check this [ __ ] empty yeet [Music] does a trench gun work in a lobby i'm going to take that as a yes but the germans been complaining that this thing is op since the last world war like how have they not patched this yet whoever's in charge of patches [Music] a couple unexpected additions are here like i didn't think i'd be blasting a lever action in a world war ii shooter but you don't see me complaining i need your clothes your boots and your motorcycle man don't you know be hard to stop when i find that big uranium rod is a pencil a weapon a pencil is a weapon give me the helmet ah that kinda worked wow nailed him right in the face unexpected is also a terrific description of the campaign because you end up doing so many different things that i constantly found myself saying wow i can't believe i'm picking up trash in nazi germany this is weird hey i know that word meaning that means sprint i think don't worry i can translate i speak german vermont open up remember to use the machine gun on smaller targets they keep telling me to stop direct impacting human beings with tank shells and use machine gun instead but i just keep doing it i can't i'm not left-handed and i couldn't recite a single bible verse it's not john 3 16 so i feel like a fraud in this bell tower everybody ganks until the p-51 show up god bless america ain't that a hole in the boat i don't have a fear of open water but this is not exactly my ideal saturday morning god world war ii was cruel oh what your submarine sank and uh left you to drown in salt water here's some sharks [ __ ] don't worry buddy the snow will break your fall i guess it doesn't matter anymore hey stop that wilhelm scream all right [ __ ] god damn piece of [ __ ] cheers peralta to that even among all this unexpected variety nothing compares to good old omaha beach because in most world war ii shooters it's a little mundane but in vr it's unforgettable i ran it over and over and over again what if omaha beach just wasn't that dangerous like we get to the beach and it's just like a stroll across the state hey we give you 10 cents if i hit one of those bunker gunners i feel like i feel like if i aim right i this is an omaha beach unless you hear it once at least once hell yeah i mean it so many times that i even split my audio tracks and beat it to entry of the gladiators using only a 1911 i'm not kidding when i say this is probably the most unique video game experience i've ever had all right here we go that's one down this is still 1911 only i'm only using this recovery fire all right you are one heavy son of a [ __ ] you know that i just want a hit marker give me a hit marker for the love of god 45 only is basically just being joshua graham joshua bram just a weapon 45. just making sure he's dead shut up time to find out if the pen is mightier than the sword it is it is heat heat oh my god the distance no no no no no you can have that one back that's gotta be the most fun i've ever had in a video game no cap no lie on jaw god bless america and what better way to top things off than by rescuing a top rocket scientist and hitting the germans with their own v2 rockets don't worry about shooting my colleagues they're all nazi [ __ ] roger roger you got it doc i'm just gonna turn this on oh no oh no oh and it's gonna take off neat gas mask in the dark with a flashlight on an mp40 you came to the wrong zone rookie you came to the wrong zone rookie youtube take it easy i'm just gonna unload my 1911 whoops that's enough lieutenant [Music] bass's hands in the west partner he looks so done he looks so done i've never seen a man so done with the war in my life yoink don't need that [ __ ] anymore and here we go please get that off my plane i heard the pressure washers are kind of scary like they're a little dangerous oh my god it works i'm literally killing nazis with a water gun i'm gonna assume they're dead uh just for my own convenience in my own brain i'm gonna assume they're dead literally pressure washing fascists over it came here and we are out of here i'm pretty sure this is the end i think that's extremely creepy i'm sorry for writing and that's about it that's the entirety of world war ii i can't believe final shout out to oculus for sponsoring the video so if you want to learn more about the quest 2 or medal of honor i'll leave links down below and be sure to tune in next time when my double chin grows stronger [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 3,004,385
Rating: 4.9643216 out of 5
Keywords: medal of honor, medal of honor above and beyond, medal of honor vr, medal of honor above and beyond gameplay, medal of honor: above and beyond, medal of honor above and beyond vr, medal of honor vr gameplay, oculus studios, respawn entertainment, ww2 shooter, ww2, respawn, omaha beach, medal of honor gameplay, medal of honor vr quest 2, medal of honor vr trailer, mp40, thompson, m1 garand ping, m1 garand, medal of honor oculus quest 2, russian badger, medal of honor single player
Id: NUt-_eEv4B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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