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y'all got any more them rotaries yo grouse throw me everything you got I'm the slaughter these bastards welcome back to Washington DC this city where political parties don't matter anymore because laws don't exist and everybody's wrapped liberal Wow what noise was that by the way did you fart with your mouth no that's called once hooker monster kid so hard to slurp out and with the collapse of organized governments it's finally time for the most oppressed group of people on earth to rise up and take the rightful position of power what is up and I cannot stress this enough my gamers and what did we do with all this newfound power thrusts into the hands of a few division agents and 32 rotary grenade launchers you freedom-loving piece of [ __ ] for I continue yelling at an unreasonable and nearly unwatchable volume a quick thank you to Ubisoft for sponsoring this video and you can pick up the division 2 via the link below alright main objective of this whole crusade through DC m32 grenade launcher it was our one true desire and I don't feel the need to explain why but I will anyway what's the phrase yes there's nothing stronger than love except three - grenade launcher nothing stronger than love except an M 32 rotary grenade launcher yes like that chicken like the driver's side or the passenger side seat yeah there's nothing stronger than love except a 1032 rotary grenade launcher cos [ __ ] you at everyone near you know my favorite one is Paterson fire a warning shot sir this isn't him 32 grenade launcher I have potato potato just fire a Paterson unfortunately it wasn't immediately available to us because with a beta being a mix of early game and late game we were gonna have to play some intro missions to land god I want it so bad I just don't have access to it yet give me your m32 rotary grenade launcher you dumb bill from a broader perspective we not only wanted the m32 but all of the neato [ __ ] that was available in the end game because I loved the progression system but in the early games you have bare-bones equipment like a busted-ass easier aka Oh bro I got the strap keep it small easy horizontal yeah once you just oppose that to the end game and the sheer amount of radical attachments is you can slap on even your sidearm it's terrific yet terrifying how do you have that many attachments on a camel I got the extended mag I got the suppressor I got the laser sight I got the top ACOG I got a quad rail key mod hyper fire I can fry an egg on that [ __ ] thankfully we have plenty of tools available to help us purge through the patties the first of which a high tech phenom and Fairford that almost vamps flama if you don't get the Camelot sir what the [ __ ] is wrong with you you can't do wield Camelot shoes I would totally want to do that BBQ me son Oh Oh God your mortal flames cannot hurt me I mean technically it's a chemical launcher and you ignite said chemicals to purge heretics and flame but come on you got the idea and I don't know how to say launch in German ich weiß nice yes that are what I'm looking for my god the inferno in here don't disturb them we gotta we gotta hurry up you ready yep okay go Oh God oh those pipes oh it hit the barrel see that's what I'm looking for a hit that dude and he got a whole lot of 762 in the face before he burn to death yo check out my chem launcher shoot the gas shoot the gas yeah so in the early stages fire was the ultimate time-saver like is the VIP you're rescuing being lazy and taking too long to get up Elinor I got some bad news it's about to get real hot in here Elinor Oh diplomat launcher was the natural solution and it got even better once you realize that you could wombo-combo it with the other launcher types by foaming bad guys in place before you purge them in flames perfect timing oh there it is baby [Applause] it wasn't the only useful tool that I could use to inflict maximum pain on the enemy because the sniper turret also deadly admittedly a little tricky to deploy when you're so used to hitting up your cat launcher until the sniper turret your desktop yeah yeah oh [ __ ] is everything will fire bedroom poked your head up you know you know oh there that's how you do it sorry it took me a second to figure it out okay so I so like I see somebody right and then I target them rcxd watch me get it an angry boy oh babe oh there it is yo deed that's how it's done oh I finally figured out how to do it this makes so much sense now however once I did get a grasp of the mechanics it was like having my very own robotic Lee Harvey Oswald ready to go at a moment's notice right so this is I'm gonna throw that joint right there you should stop completely I'm and fire and rats okay good body alright alright let me hit that that girl all the way can I hit her across the way no way no oh my god I can she's so far away it's the Eye of Sauron check this joint out right now alright so I hold that right there sniped Snipes there you go boom boom baby and all what help Oh be the triple take yeah oh my god that turret is so good so plenty of toys to make running the gauntlet of early missions a breeze but that's where things between grouse and I diverged because I upgraded my character with extra armor plates which can be swapped out in a neato way for renewed protection I got a sappy plate and cover me cover me cover me cover me sappy plate wall grouse was just upgrading his character to be a horror that always smashed that ma [ __ ] loot all button and is the definition of over encumbered why do I always see you hitting loot all on everything cuz I just steal [ __ ] you're gonna get you're gonna get you're gonna get to a point where you're too heavy Asia you're too heavy you need to lose some weight garance he starts like picking out sappy plates he gets rid of all of his water half of his having cheese balls and energy drinks and whey protein it was bad I let's go listen here buddy just because I have to use my slots for that should be used for my plates for additional food storage I got happy with turkey thigh in here you're thinking Oh what if I get shot how I protect myself well I'm protecting myself against hunger in the field you ever think of that one agent you realize that your only Kevlar plate on your chest right that you're taking out right now listen buddy I was in Fallujah I need these cheese balls I do four tours in the sandbox you shut your mouth somebody questions you on it why are you taking out your sappy plate can you eat Kevlar No can you eat cheese ball yes reencounter try to carb up and after I gave grouse an expert lesson on tear gas I'm just gonna sit in the tear gas cuz I don't feel like moving to a new location I'm good I'm good here the American protesters Kevin Lee NiCad swooped in to join the squad in our journey to endgame and there was one rule and one rule only when they arrived and we please have a video without [ __ ] food in it for the love of God no I don't need to make this episode about food again and one please when you bring [ __ ] up like that can you provide some context and all my viewers just to say I just watched your video what the hell is mumbo sauce sauce is the blood of DC and I'm pretty sure this glass simple to prove I'm gonna reload and check another mag let's see we managed to make it to the end game which apparently takes 30 to 40 hours in the retail game and with the sheer amount of customization available grouse look like a billion dollar super soldier after one loading screen you know I got the rails on me I got the Picatinny things you shouldn't be that excited about Picatinny rail have you ever seen a hyper fire trigger no you breathe on that [ __ ] it fires dude it's it's like a bobby pin but you can rapidly fire on this [ __ ] it's gigantic nah this is what I got what because [ __ ] you and your extended family more importantly though we finally had access to the specializations which meant survivalist grouse on an explosive crossbow and sharpshooter ecash on an armor cracking Magnum oh I made my sons on the way dawn nail them with what's your chronic with my crossbow with a controller from for tomorrow's bucket catch me I was wondering - OH oh my god keep hitting him really actual lasers was ever shooting him and of course on demolitionists in my hands on m32 rotary grenade launcher which i can only describe is the solution to your problem no matter what that problem may be okay you ready Wow what I forgot about though is how amazing the reload is because obviously I've used it before but I didn't remember how cash this reload animation is so nice I hit the wrong button you know maybe you shouldn't have the grenade launcher you know maybe I didn't ask for your opinion grass I feel like every reload animation in the game should be this fancy because who cares about tactical effectiveness when you can flex with aesthetics no no no no no no you have the irons on a pistol and you interlock two of them and you see you bracket you rack and both the same time and hopefully you don't shoot yourself and both of your like if you goof that one up you are definitely going you open both of your forearms but it looks so sick but no matter how simple or fancy your reload you're gonna need some heavy weaponry to take down the endgame baddies because I'm not sure if they were tweaked since the last time that I played them but the black tusk dwarfed the skill level of the hyenas like try to imagine your average hyena whose dude pulls up to two division age with a Glock 18 this is my town and then it still he gets a laid out okay buddy sure whatever you say then contrast' that with the average black tusk that will curb stomp you in a submission and DoubleTap your ass without hesitation or mercy that they got on the end oh my god he just busted my [ __ ] I was not a v.a.t.s in please help me he's gonna curb stop my [ __ ] if you don't help me oh my god he just double tap me double tap me in the ribs so if you like to get to tapped in the ribs by super soldiers just like me don't forget that you can hit up the division too via the link below and that is about it I would like to thank you so very much for watching one final thank you self for sponsoring this video and be sure to tune in next time when I remind you that a sappy play can also be used as a dinner plate you know what now that I think about that that's kind of depressing like I imagine a marine somewhere has probably done that before and that's even worse the more that I think about it because Kevlar blocks bullets and surface for food dinner plate surface or food but that whole blocking bullets part not too hot there chief wouldn't want to stick one of those in your plate carrier [Music] [Music]
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 4,012,079
Rating: 4.9589977 out of 5
Keywords: the division 2, the division 2 gameplay, division 2, the division, division 2 gameplay, the division 2 dark zone, gameplay, dark zone, tom clancy’s the division 2, xbox one, ubisoft, division, xb1, pve, ubisoft games, rainbow six siege, rainbow six, r6s, the division 2 trailer, tom clancy, release date, dz, multiplayer, the division 2 full game, campaign, full game, pc game, the division sequel, the division update, pvp, pc, the division 2 beta, dark zones, therussianbadger, badger, dlc
Id: 9uu0DMKWSpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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