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Bing you were on a roll in this video. Such a good blend of straddling the line and impeccable timing. It's always a treat to hear you on the stream or in a video

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/_not_katie_ 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Here it is, the warframe video

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/memester230 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Grouse was talking mad shit about skillet

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MetaFelix18 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I watched it a while ago. It's hilarious

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Close2Cool 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

the bigger iron. i want that gun

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Gamer2070 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
you think we lost vietnam because we didn't announce the raid in chess [Laughter] that actually hurts myself no no no no no beer what is happening he has a smart pistol for a mouth he don't miss this is the classic i'm tilted but impressed yeah take my rights yet welcome back to warface the action-packed nanosuit having first-person shooter that really brings the positivity out of us if i get into your toyota and you're playing [ __ ] skillet i'm pulling the e-brake game once i had bro shut the [ __ ] up before i get into what happened thank you to warface for sponsoring this video you can join the 86 million registered players for free on pc ps4 xbox one and nintendo switch via the link below which i recommend you do for a number of reasons get the crap rave going oh my god and if you're a brand new player i already have two other videos that cover the classes and basics via tactically nuking mars and getting radiation poisoning at chernobyl hell we even stormed normandy with finger guns in the last video five check oh my god mars chernobyl normandy is quite the list to live up to so the next logical arena had to be japan there's no new being involved this time but emptying an island nation with a bass boosted boombox is equally memorable i told you to play cardi not cardi b yo but for all of this to make sense let's back up a little everything started with a blackwood update featuring a spec ops mission that we were flat out unprepared for is that a landmine but at least i got to explore some of the 400 plus weapons that i'd never used before and the goofy ones are always pistols like you've seen the big iron but you ain't seen the bigger iron you've seen the long boy but you ain't seen the kel-tec longer boy this is mickey's favorite gun the bigger iron yes the big iron like that one was pretty neat big guy this thing is so [ __ ] stupid i'm kind of done with this gun now this is basically just the world's longest pistol watch his reload chat in the pistol grip and he smacks that [ __ ] shut wow i'm convinced california gamers will argue an rpg is technically a pistol because it has a pistol grip but it was perfect to dick around with while we ran the gauntlet of every spec os mission to find our favorite starting with the fiery towers at black shark not to get political but what the [ __ ] is dirt it's called salt it's the ultimate thing for stopping bullets and i'm waiting i'm waiting for lockheed martin or some defense contractor to come up with like a dirt vest that's literally just dirt thank god i have a big die you son of a [ __ ] see the [ __ ] weird thing oh bro they're so wack like teeth are wet [ __ ] do you all know why i have a list because you dumb as [ __ ] mentally is this disney world the new fast pass for disney world send you straight to the icu um florida people in florida be like son fragile infrastructure whoa hey no i'll revive you i'll revive you i can't oh [ __ ] that tower's gone oh no oh god oh oh god oh [ __ ] that is the greatest mvp screen i've ever seen followed by an intermission to bully twitch chat about their fast food interests you drive up to the window you get your burger you drive away you open up the burger and there's two top buns they give you a goddamn burgoy there's no burgers there's no burger they gave you nothing it's a lit molotov cocktail you never knew everyone died thanks where's my acog oh [ __ ] deadly virus aight i'm about to elbow drop these peanuts that's how it's done yeah that's the maneuver then it was on to egypt i wouldn't exactly call it a bizarre adventure but i did dump rounds on the theater plate as a primary weapon oh my god this is a whole ass dinner plate in the combat get this [ __ ] off me get this paper [ __ ] off me i wonder if i knew that that's our decided to make a gun with a dinner plate on it because they weren't actually using them for much health that's where you gonna end up you keep shooting me in my ass [ __ ] you're just sitting there all bummed out oh my god why did you just see him superman he just superman that rope thank you skulker for gifting a tier one sub to patriot act gaming thank you yeah take my rights yet you [ __ ] actually needed armor to get that done yet another intermission featuring the most boomer [ __ ] ever like linking the wrong meme because i have alzheimer's heavenly using the weather channel app and making fun of large hazardous machinery oh [ __ ] that's the wrong one chad shut the [ __ ] up i accidentally it's the wrong picture i just linked the wrong picture that's an accident where is the talking stick shut shut the shut the [ __ ] up you don't have the talking stick jupiter reaches peak brightness tonight in the southern eastern sky the [ __ ] does that have to do with anything weather channel that's not whether that's space stay in your world tell me when it's going to rain and shut the [ __ ] up that's all i want to hear it's funny because in the modern warfare campaign whenever you're next to a bradley it just [ __ ] explodes literally four separate missions like push up with the bradley you get like 10 feet and it just gets rpg to me damn bro i penned bradley armor with a [ __ ] pop-tart hell we even ran normandy again just to appease twitch chat's never-ending tantrum to do it live i'm 100 convinced that that's how i'm gonna die i'm gonna accidentally join into a group picture and then figure out that group picture is not a group picture it's a firing squad and die why are we all blindfolded for this picture bro i don't understand why we got so many photographers damn these dslr cameras looking kind of like in fours right now what do you mean he said stand by and wait for the flash picture day be hidden different someone breaks into my house i don't want to make all of us death i'm not going to fire like a 50 ae indoors why not because yeah sure i killed a home invader but my entire family and my dog are all deaf like great heard a noise from my neighbor's house so i sent an anti-material around through my wall and through their wall i was trying to take a sitting screenshot plenty of screenshots get in the [ __ ] landing craft i like the sitting one they're funny and the [ __ ] landing oh god my eyes are like a snake what the hell oh man least armor me running dodge builds but it was obvious at this point that nothing was gonna top sunrise i mean walking at a snail's pace with a bass boosted boombox to emp the opposition this [ __ ] was made for us oh you are not juggling the [ __ ] green light box taken box drop this boy walking you may have been walking but this [ __ ] was no cakewalk i mean number one you've got seds that can slap your [ __ ] across the map who possessed oh no oh no oh nice mickey that was a god oh that was not a good one [ __ ] i'm wrong oh my god i'm out of here in your son damn simultaneously number two you've got chat bullying you for unironically liking video games stop liking the game that i like i like it because other people don't april what's your favorite game that depends what's your least favorite game dude what's your favorite game nothing [ __ ] you favorite you enjoy game we were even fighting the paranoia that some of our squad mates could have been cake which is why i ran zero armor to bleed a little and prove i wasn't boston cream pie i'm gonna cut you open to see if you're actually [ __ ] cake right now oh i got spoilers bro vanilla damn he's caked up i'm a hundred percent sure this man is cake out of the way hold up how do you know you're not a kid why do all of you look at me so skeptically because i'm the one that's made of me i mean have you cut into yourself recently has anyone here bled within the last couple of days y'all might be cakey if i eat bite into a chicken sandwich and it's a cake i'm sending you to god scariest of all the final boss at the end who i can only describe as a flame dozer that ignores armor and is surrounded by cheese and shield users pain is mandatory oh he's down slide slide oh [ __ ] no he recovered he recovered the reason that he's scary is he has true damage he goes straight to your health he ignores armor because it's fire hey let me touch your central nervous system dog oh he's still alive by the way he's so hot come to me oh what the [ __ ] [ __ ] you guys oh you set my ass on fire [ __ ] round three fight oh my god yeah good one everybody's sad i like clues scratching the back of his head like what it happened was on top of that you can't even beat it on the normal difficulty you just witnessed until every squad member has beaten it on easy so he ran it once more with bing which was a mistake you guys think the u.n is gonna announce that prop blocking is a workflow all right i [ __ ] hate being so good heavenly hated that so much he has to collect his thoughts like jokes and memes are so dumb now they're so dumb yet you still find a way to make them somewhat funny i don't like rdm [ __ ] anything from gary's mom but no they call me katrina because my drip is stupendous they call me katrina because the government is not coming we have nothing to fear but fema itself [Laughter] chat might be a little bit too young for that actually we just wanted to invade japan with the boys you stopped selling for loco because they allowed you to respect all your points in the show no no no no i have never looked at them that way my world view just cracked the [ __ ] open [Laughter] you're gonna immediately burn to death mickey i can tell i lived see the tats give me a massive buff that allow me to mvp everywhere why am i not looking in the same direction as everybody else because you're default normie man and you have no brain cells like you said and we finally beat it the next day on normal by spamming adrenaline med kits and body blocking with the boombox carrier and again normal difficulty in warface is basically ultra violence and doom so i'd be impressed if i were you yeah what if i just pocket you cause i'm using the adrenaline med kit this is going to keep you hyped up the entire way let's go let's go i don't think you haven't lost any health yet you just have to heal me faster than the bullets well yeah i ain't moving i ain't moving hold your ass yes the adrenaline meditation totally works i'm just gonna stick it still i'm just gonna adrenaline you the whole way the adrenaline stick works because it works okay he's super low one shot and hit him i'm gonna get him i'm gonna get him yeah yeah yeah yeah and that's about it i guess in a couple of days i'm gonna be able to cut somebody with this widow's peak don't forget that you can play warface for free be the link below we had a [ __ ] ton of fun with it and be sure to tune in next time when what are we gonna do next time mars japan chernobyl normandy what are we gonna do next we're gonna launch the eiffel tower to the moon like a [ __ ] dart at a dartboard [Music] let me show you [Music] i want to be there don't you just get tired of being pretty all the time you
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 3,833,340
Rating: 4.9608879 out of 5
Keywords: warface, crysis nanosuit, crysis, nanosuit, crytek, warface switch, warface 2020, warface gameplay, new crysis, warface pc, warface game, warface gameplay pc, free to play, warface free to play, warface gameplay pc max settings, free to play games, warface pc gameplay, best free to play games, rainbow six siege, first person shooting, warface gameplay pc online, warface pc max settings, normandy, gameplay, funny moments, pc gameplay, free to play 2020, cryengine, pc gaming, badger
Id: OYUUr1fKj4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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