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And the world rejoices

(Badgerfield returns today)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/GIVE_LEBEL 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
nah bro butter the elite skin he's playing this adolf drippler right now i don't know i'm not alive by you anymore my stg44 just jammed when you said that who's gonna win the power of the axis adolf dritler drippler or joseph stunton benito i wanna die i'm so glad that sector artillery just wiped me off the face of the earth thank god i'm dying welcome to battlefield v the game that really makes you feel like a marine in the pacific i swear to god if i get bombed by one more [ __ ] plane dawg oh god oh that's hilarious that is so hilarious don't get me wrong it's a shit-ass game so much of it is horribly flawed but we wanted to see for ourselves how bad it was and if we could squeeze some fun out of it no matter how much of a disaster it may be rising start [Music] so rest assured the whole video won't just be battlefield all right bearing people saying in chat yo badger i was inspired by you playing bf5 to fire up bf5 again after 15 minutes i stopped because i remembered it was battlefield 5. because for all of its faults there's plenty of fun if you haven't touched it in two years like sprinting at people with an anti-tank mine on a stick sign me the [ __ ] up oh right right i got him i got him yo you were closest to that oh my god about to get rid of that cavity no sir i'm getting rid of the cabbage oh [ __ ] and since you're gonna spend much of the game bleeding out of the ground waiting for a revive hey hey pick my ass up you [ __ ] use the mechanic please never why not check out the sponsor of today's video warpath the mobile game with so much world war ii action i can practically hear the grand pings from here we're talking immersive maps from the greatest battles in history like storming omaha beach on d-day to show those bunker campers what's good take down the bunkers before it's too late if you're not a morning person maybe iwo jima's more your style but you're going to want to take advantage of warpass high operability to make sure your guys don't walk into an ambush the detailed combat process can help you avoid this next time by reacting to feedback and making adjustments mid-battle to make sure your marines survive long enough to use the rope climb that's what i'm talking about it's not pay to win and the rts like operations let you upgrade your strategy by independently controlling units whether that's surrounding the enemy interspersing blocking their position or just flat out showing them what happens when you pick a fight with the allies on a snowman download warpath via the link below for free to support my channel snag yourself this free bonus and get in on the world war ii action thanks again for sponsoring this video kicking us off the assault class in battlefield 5 is just bananas because unlike previous games instead of getting a bazooka or dynamite you get a bazooka and dynamite for disintegrating both meat and metal based targets i'm gonna bazook a bomb oh i got another one two in a row baby oh i missed that one i missed the easiest one in the world i'm actual trash i'm actual water trash you are washed like a plate bro bro he's hanging bro [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh hello sir this is c4 let me introduce you oh [ __ ] that man disintegrated that man is no more run over and you're like hey i need the mouth come on one more fancy no pants solo plus access to the m1 garand for maxed out style points and killing potential which i like to combine with a 1911 to make it so goddamn american it should come with a side of grave heat eat that sucker keep my 45 boy yeah get out of the spawn [ __ ] oh you thought riley you thought just spam just spam it doesn't matter if the shots are on target it's a goran it'll hit that an active tank yo active volcano or no watch me charge this [ __ ] i'm going i'm going suicide route i'm going hot route hot rap oh my god i hit him in the jaw oh i stubbed my thumb i got a little reload easter egg see that i got grand them eight rounds of 30 odd sex in your quran eight rounds of 45 in your 1911 three rockets in your bazooka two sets of dynamite one frag grenade to throw and two more frag grenades to stick on the end of your garand because america america america your body ragdoll the japanese guy oh my god [ __ ] you [ __ ] you too i'm going by 1911. i want more i'm thirsty i'm thirsty wait am i out of oh i'm out of bazooka whoops nah give me give me give me give me 1911 double kill all right check out this nathro y'all eat that's cash money that's a potato stick right there that's a potato stick right there two give me a third give me a third i need the third for the kill streak give me four no i gotta reload four 4-4 there's four give me five give me five give me five i can't hit heads i can't hit that's i got five y'all double kill triple kill got him too oh god it's so many kills seems so much more dramatic when they die double kill oh i got a triple that triple spray with a garand and if being a one-man army just wasn't enough you can incinerate people with the back blast on your bazooka in case you're unfamiliar with rocket launchers as a home defense weapon when they're fired obviously a giant rocket comes out of the front to kill the burglar but there's also a back blast shock wave behind the weapon which could potentially turn your wife into tomato soup which is why you sometimes hear in movies back blast clear to make sure nobody's standing there in this case we're intentionally abusing back blasts to bm unsuspecting players for the sake of amusement just the fact that dice included this in the game is impressive attention to detail yo yo yo you ready you're ready how many shots do i have yes i got him i got it with the back flash that his body went flying you just whipped the fattest 180 and just blow somebody sky high yes i got another one i got another one in the barrels that's gross that tank's not going to see me [ __ ] him [ __ ] him doesn't exist doesn't it i think no matter your opinion of the game using the classics as a new player is guaranteed fun like garand 1911 setup stg44 luger setup that [ __ ] is just too iconic to pass up i'll put them down that's the rest of them yeah got him straightforward you want it's not gonna unheadshot you oh man that's disgusting now you have double spray please yeah the luger i can't see where you are but i'm going to do it oh sure will same goes for the trench gun it's just too iconic you can't have a gun in your game that the german government who used chemical weapons and flamethrowers by the way called so [ __ ] op and inhumane they wanted to ban irl and not expect me to use is this how many seconds i have to get back oh there's a dude right next to me that we had the same idea same idea same idea same idea same idea oh my god i need to reload that [ __ ] one uh give it no three four four wait wait i only have five i only have five shots dog tight tight tight tight got you homie got you homie oh my god i just dropped into dudes and did a barrel roll what the hell was that got him head shot way way way way way way way wait three three reloading i'm still on that ass turn around turn around there you go oh god just kidding crush just crush that dude's nuts in real time in real time chet oh his balls are destroyed oh i got a good flank i busted through if you can spawn on me please do one two nope three four oh we're in business fellas if we don't get top squad absolutely slaughtered [Laughter] oh man the revive mechanic is another big one and it's simultaneously hilarious yet tragic at the same time hilarious because you can just [ __ ] nail somebody in the head with a bazooka and as long as his buddy gives him a high five he is right back in the action watch his bazooka kill yes baby i got him right in the dome it was worth sticking it just so i could see it he's gonna get revived [ __ ] you get revived after you take a bazook around to the face it is okay my brother dog it looked like you tried to dab me up but you [ __ ] it up that was terrible you mean like you know when a white guy does it tragic because it's a feature that kills the core gameplay leader it's incredibly annoying to get shot then have to spend another 10 seconds waiting for a revod that's probably never gonna come because three of your dickbag teammates are ignoring you you can help me you can help me you [ __ ] all right fine which i think they could fix in so many ways how about allowing you to auto skip revive to get back into the action quicker how about allowing you to crawl 8 to 10 meters out of the inevitably dangerous location you died in so a revive isn't a death sentence for the guy picking you up don't pick up your buddy and if that wasn't bad enough once you're back at the spawn screen they don't allow you to spawn on teammates in combat where you're needed most and sometimes even when you do squeeze off a squat spawn they reject you back to the deployment screen anyways back up back up back up back back thank you thank you thank you i'm good oh [ __ ] it denied me wait wait wait wait wait wait even if you dodge all that nonsense by spawning back in deployment oftentimes those spawns are complete [ __ ] too being either way too far away from combat or in the enemy's crosshair how do you expect me to win here what [ __ ] what was that spawn what the f what what spawn did that dude get combined with many of the game modes just randomly shifting what's in bounds and out of bounds basically executing you in five seconds while you're running towards the objective oh we got the objectives gang [ __ ] oh my god wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait why why just running along and then all of a sudden you're deserting you piece of [ __ ] this game design is like so [ __ ] bad man did they ever [ __ ] up their gameplay luke like the gameplay itself is so fun then bam 20 to 30 seconds of revive [ __ ] and spawn [ __ ] where they waste your time and then babysit you so hard instead of letting you take your own risk it just ruins the whole flow of the experience and don't even get me started on the servers you know you should give them a break i'm pretty sure these things are designed to be half full but i'm done being a stupid baby whiner needed to be said because on the bright side of the game rush and breakthrough can be super fun game modes especially while abusing the type 2a or trenchco gotcha oh that jump shot i'm actually nuts i'm actually nuts i'm out of my way i'm nuts i'm nuts out of my way oh double kill one of you please do it to him do it to him now that [ __ ] gonna explode i'm watching it hey yo something came in the mail today oh my god yellow wow i didn't know that we're playing this game against some [ __ ] babies oh i can't it looks like the pistol that you get away with in california it's like an lmg but it's a pistol you see this is not a stock heavenly this is a brace which is why i'm allowed to have this 450 round box mag and interchangeable barrels in case something overheats mid-school i mean mid fire fight with a deer no no if you put a like a legit stock on it it turns the pistol into a rifle and a felony you see with this one screw i will turn a regular firearm into a felony and regardless of your opinion of the game holy [ __ ] did they ever go big with breakthrough in the pacific like 500 plus tickets on wake island or iwo jima this could have been some of the greatest battlefield ever played if they overhauled some core mechanics that hold the game back oh my god who what is that weave squad weave squad weave squad you know what makes me respect the soldiers of japan in the 1940s they didn't know what anime was the bible is just christian manga wow that's about it let's not bring that like zoink scoob maybe we shouldn't go to ned king thank god he came towards me thank you for doing that i'm gonna get on the objective this could be good this would be good follow me follow me follow me got him got him i'm on the side please spawn on me make tank dempsey proud raise the flag all the nuke oh here it comes here it comes here guys be careful oh that guy definitely died that guy is definitely gone we got him holy [ __ ] we did it for the grace in the fight okay okay okay we got it everyone hang back until the nuke drops okay it's coming it's coming let's see it please help me i'm behind you guys no no no no no no no no let's see let's see it come on oh [ __ ] oh i'm pushing this hill with no survival now you're ptsd i watched my [Laughter] do i hear another [ __ ] nuke coming yeah oh yeah push get on it get on and get on it what is my hashtag we're gonna get it we gotta get it get on the get off get on the flag get on the flag let's get on the flag get on the flight cactus cactus please wait wait wait wait over here i can't we got nuked again no that was so damn close i think we've lost it now yeah they're going to cap it they spawn too close to it forget about it you can't even see what's happening last man get on that [ __ ] hill damn that's so horribly balanced that's so horribly balanced dog if we could call in four nukes and not get that [ __ ] this [ __ ] is ambush [ __ ] that's stupid should have equipped chopper gunner capping things off i don't think that battlefield 5 flopped because of the whole women with prosthetic arms thing and people getting upset about realism personally i find those things pretty dumb yet hilarious and in no way game breaking japanese woman running around with a goran japanese woman with garand in world war ii in northern africa yeah all of these things just keep multiplying i think it was the lack of a fresh take on the gameplay of battlefield it's much too similar to previous titles in a world war ii skin the major changes they did make ruined their whole gameplay loop and they refuse to make meaningful improvements or fix it like a jaded burger king employee that doesn't care about being fired anymore go ahead and restart fire before legit you can't unfold the letters god why is this funny to me like why why why does that hit so hard you really [ __ ] douche i wish that ea would just shut up and give us battlefield bad company three already we don't need prone we don't need realism we don't need seriousness we need silliness and bad company back but i guess saying that nowadays makes me sound kind of insane why the hell is that so goddamn funny like [Laughter] just so stupid my sense of humor is just beyond saving if i don't stop watering the voice and scoot loud and that's about it i don't know how the hell battlefield 5 was that much fun but i guess it's that much fun [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] easy [Music] you
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 6,784,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: battlefield 5, battlefield 5 gameplay, battlefield v, battlefield 5 review, bf5, battlefield 5 multiplayer gameplay, battlefield 5 multiplayer, bfv, bf5 multiplayer gameplay, battlefield v gameplay, battlefield v multiplayer gameplay, bf5 multiplayer, battlefield 5 in 2020, battlefield 5 update, battlefield v trailer, battlefield 5 trailer, bf5 in 2020, battlefield v in 2020, battlefield v update, battlefield 2020, battlefield new, bf5 gameplay, battlefield update
Id: 2tn8hj4MhD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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