FOR THE EMPEROR | Warhammer 40k: Space Marine

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As long as you don't let a bunch of turbo nerds drown you in lore that takes lifetimes to understand

Lads, I think we might have an image problem.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/Maraudershields7 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

The list of people the Imperium of Man discriminates against is very short.

  1. Heretics.
  2. Xenos
  3. Traitors
👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Halofunboy 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

Too bad the last Dawn of War was so bad that people think Relic is out of business (end of vid)

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/TAR4C 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

I love bajur

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Phoenix_Fire_ 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

Meh, honestly kinda unfunny, forced voices are just boring

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/accidentalfritata 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

That was ace.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/TAR4C 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2018 🗫︎ replies
i came here to do two things and two things only purge heretics and steal property and i already stole your property so let's do this face your heresy for the emperor welcome to the grim darkness of the future where fun isn't allowed happiness is banned peace doesn't exist and there's only war abandoned reason no only war in this war it's us versus them us being the imperium of man led by the almighty emperor himself there is no shelter for those who oppose the imperium of man and them being anybody that isn't us for the sake of simplicity we'll just call them zeno and what's the only thing defending us from them you might ask space marines ships vice versa genetically modified just like the vegetables at the grocery store only instead of staying ripe for long periods of time they're crafted by the emperor to purge heretics we're talking two hearts we're talking three lungs we're talking night vision we're talking eight foot tall 800 pound monsters that look like hulk hogan eight boogie2988 and covered himself in a steel suit of armor the size of a range rover we are the bringers of dead think of them as religion-fueled death machines hell-bent on exterminating any race that isn't human while also not being racist racist space marines aren't racist we love all races as long as they don't have green skin hey false god or you know belong to a different religion i don't know why anyone would call us racist i'm a black priest for emperor's sake even gods may die we don't hate any races except porks and eldar and dark eldar and necrons and tau because nobody likes dumbass weeaboo space communists but at least they aren't trying to eat us like the tyranids grossing over all that lore that you don't need to understand one such chapter of space marines are the ultra marines here if we're being honest ultra smurfs that are charged with exterminating the orcs on one of your manufacturing planets that are stealing your [ __ ] clever of the damn dogs how important is this [ __ ] that they're stealing you might ask strategic value absolute so i'm i'm guessing that's pretty important then strategic value absolutely that doesn't make things any clearer for the audience strategic value absolutely you occupy the role of captain titus a soft-spoken junior officer voiced by the legendary mark strong that's joined by an og sergeant and a turbo nerd subordinate named leandros that constantly hounds you about not following a [ __ ] rulebook called a codex is that wise captain the codex does not support this action shut the [ __ ] to up perfectly clear i beat the entire game once in its default state and had so much of a blast i beat it again immediately afterwards only with mods lbs so instead of playing as a calm and collected [ __ ] marine i played as a blood marine which if i'm being honest was a slightly different experience so if you're about to write this video off as heresy or confusing i understand i just grew up playing an rts called dawn of war and would rather play as a blood raven than an ultramarine smurf blueberry none of this is really important unless they're purging and also spoiler alert transitions are weird the orcs invading your planet and trying to steal your huge ass titan tank are a super diverse bunch ranging from puny little orc children that shouldn't even exist hey get back here don't run away from me why do you even exist all the way up to the orc boss grimskull himself who was basically shrek in his final form you're trying to steal my giants steal my loot i'll rip your guts right out of your throat equally as the verse of the weapons at your disposal to eradicate them with from a dinky bolt or pistol all the way to a heavy bolter because when it comes to orcs the caliber you're firing can never be too high i'm gonna need a heavy bolter for this heresy the quickest way to purge through scores of orcs melee getting up close and personal is not only the fastest way to cut through a horde of works with single double and triple hit combos but believe it or not it's how space marines heal yeah that's right these guys are so draconian they don't need to pick up health kits because the enemies are the health kits just crump some poor orc mash your stun key until an orange skull pops up and execute his ass for a speedy and convenient health boost your melee weapon of choice is a trade-off between speed and damage like the chain sword is agile and great for cutting things while you're also simultaneously already cutting things but it's less potent against heavy armor i am cutting things even though i was already cutting things on the other hand or rather with both hands the thunder hammer handles as awkwardly as a bus but it also hits like a bus running a stop sign in the school zone are you elon musk i'm about to send your ass into outer space and you've got a power axe in between those two extremes and i can't explain why but it feels like you're competing in a figure skating slash rhythmic gymnastics competition when you use it and i'm oddly okay with that if you want to get fancy you can melee three times and mash stun to curb stump multiple enemies and choke slam any [ __ ] still standing so it's safe to say that when it comes to this move the emperor most definitely does approve i said save so i think i stunned too hard i'm stuck in the terrain brother brother i am stuck in the terrain where's captain diamond is when you need him brother brother brother i am pinned here eventually you'll realize you can't just slice your way through the game chaos marines and their pedantic piece of [ __ ] leader meme rob that noise cannot defeat me and you'll need to start firing guns if you want to survive or more specifically bolters brothers if you call this thing an assault rifle i'm gonna break your arms because it may be used like an assault rifle only instead of firing a 2-2-3 the size of a crayon or a 308 the size of your finger it fires a 998 which should actually be a 75-cal according to the lore that's essentially like firing a self-propelled can of red bull that explodes after penetrating its target making it almost into an assault rifle rpg hybrid how many [ __ ] robots does this place have been invading on imperial mountains or amazon headquarters i should have never canceled my prime you have downward variance and upward variance like the volta pistol in case you've got something heavy in your hands and my personal favorite the stalker bolter which is the most satisfying sniper rifle i've ever had the privilege of using just like sesame street you ready and one and two and knock three not four five i'm really glad that all the orcs saw that are about to be burst because that was embarrassing if you absolutely positively have to expend as many rounds as possible the storm bolter does exist which is like a double-barreled lmg that's cool for the first five minutes that you use it the rate of fire of the storm perfection the accuracy of the storm yeah just put them anywhere that's remotely close to a target i don't really give a [ __ ] but better alternatives do exist because the game gives you four slots consisting of a primary secondary long range and [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] is way too easy i kept the standard bolter and stalker bolter throughout most of the game because sometimes one bolter just isn't enough to stop a horde of orcs trying to crump your ass into outer space i'm gonna need two bolters for this here but once i started fighting the forces of chaos i dropped the stalker for the last cannon or laze cannon aka the space marine spartan laser that was clearly superior because here's me killing a chaos marine with a bolter thank the emperor i was starting to think he was invincible there for a second and here's me doing the same deed with a last cannon slash lay's cannon by the emperor that's powerful for your heavy slot it's all about the vengeance launcher which fires sticky nades that you can personally detonate because who wants to launch rockets when you can launch vengeance a vengeance launcher that sounds promising even a flame bursting shotgun exists but all of these specialized weapons ripped through ammo at an incredible pace so honing your bolter skills is the way to go navigating the levels is obviously done by either running or rolling and don't ask me how the hell these characters roll in this much armor it's a long story but channeling your inner dark souls character to kite enemies or get to objectives faster is a significant portion of your playthrough it's even useful in boss fights because who needs to kill orcs when you can just roll out of the way and have orcs kill themselves on that note there are even these little mike wazowski looking dudes called squiggs that explode on impact and are arguably better at killing orcs than you are so this theme of orcs killing themselves is not a new phenomenon get in there get in there but as i was saying you won't always be running or rolling through the terrain because eventually you'll gain access to a jump pack which when combined with a thunderhammer is like an nba dunk contest mixed with super smash brothers outside of lebron five seconds left lebron leaps this jump pack also happens to be wonderful at getting you places in record time it's almost like using unbridled rage as a mode of transportation i [ __ ] love my community and now that you know what you're swinging shooting and zooming around with there's one thing that enhances everything and that's called fury if being a space marine wasn't already super soldier enough you can channel fury which builds up as you purge heretics and well deliver merciless justice upon the enemies of humanity that means your health surges that means you hit harder that means you turn 30 seconds of hacking and slashing into a 10 second nightmare for any enemies in your general vicinity punctuated with curve stomps that are extra earth trembling this fury becomes more and more powerful as the game goes on and there's even a marksman mode so if you ever wanted to enter a slow motion bullet time mode as a badass space marine here's your shot and the only aspect of the game that i love more than the combat movement and gear are the objectives i'm pretty sure every objective in the game is either three words or four words and that's the way it should be those guardsmen cannot survive that long we find a way to destroy the gun so you may be able to criticize some stretches of the game for being just running and rolling between on the lift does elevators know if repeatedly rolling or sprinting is faster i've been at this 200 years i still don't know hey look a lift but it focuses on what it's good at which is violent purging and eradicating any life form that doesn't look like you ah imma keep it real with you chief i would say sorry for hitting you so hard that the game glitch but i don't apologize to xenos the story isn't all that important seeing as the game only takes five to six hours to beat and the best character is orc warboss grimskull because he's the only character that doesn't put me to sleep with her monologuing ugh not that my second playthrough was any better because with all the mods i was running none of the story made any sense second lieutenant mira 203rd canadian regiment it is the bane blade you are in command i'm all that's left my lord that damn gun we don't have the numbers to make an assault and as you might have seen it's shooting down all our support vessels engaging warp spider ah a one spider but at least you get to hook up with some blood ravens to cleanse an entire bridge in the end sequence and given their history of kleptomania i'm shocked they didn't steal anything bippity hoppity where the [ __ ] is my property you're gonna hit the final boss fight with me roth who's obsessed with becoming ascended for reasons that i won't spoil but again this game is about the game play not about the story damn it i had something for this uh something something [Music] it's not about the plotting it's about the purging the end and that's about it but before i go i wanted to mention as of me recording this video right now it is seven dollars on steam this is in no way a sponsored video i'm pretty sure relic the guys that made it don't even exist anymore of course sega still exists but i don't think relic is around anymore so from an unbiased position if you have seven dollars on you that you're not gonna spend on your next meal i highly recommend that you pick it up as long as you don't let a bunch of turbo nerds drown you in lore that takes lifetimes to understand warhammer 40k is fascinating so again seven dollars totally worth it thanks very much for watching and be sure to tune in next time when we make fun of the salamanders [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll imagine you're still by my side lets me
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 8,648,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k space marine, warhammer 40k, warhammer, space marines, 40k, warhammer 40000, space marine, lore, 40k theories, 40000, warhammer 40k blood ravens, emperor, 40k explained, horus heresy, explained, 40k lore, dawn of war, dawn of war 2, dawn of war 3, fluff, orks, chaos, ultra marines, retribution, relic, rts, tyranids, eldar, great crusade, warhammer 40k lore, grim dark, xenos, tactical, rainbow six siege, heavy weapons, overview, guide, russian badger, warhammer lore, tau, heresy
Id: S2o-LmI3kiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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